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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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a quarter of a billion pain-killer convictions were killed. a lawsuit to kick an increaselingly deadly addiction. extreme science - finding stark realities of change while braving deadly risks former new jersey governor and e.p.a. head christine todd whitman on where the g.o.p. is getting into trouble. who decides what you eat. how food trends get started. hello, i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". here is more on what it ahead.
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>> a multi-million lawsuit against five big companies. >> they say it created addicts. >> we are not saying that the pain-killers shouldn't be advertising. >> they have a moral obligation to educate the consume are. >> america will build the future, a future that is cleaner, more prosperous and full of jobs. >> there's fall out from the rules to deal with change. this proposal will cut carbon emissions by 30%. >> we'll handicap ourselves. >> democrats call this move a job killer. >> climate change is about melting glaciers and polar bears - it's a mistake. >> climate can change more quickly than we imagined. >> doesn't it terrify you? >> yes. in 2010, 254 million
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painkiller prescriptions were filled in the u.s. - enough to medicate every american adult around the clock for a month. the f.d.a. took action to limit preparations. but the numbers show the use of opioid pain-killers soared, leading to a growing population of addicts and numbers of prescription drug overdoses. >> two countsies in chicago are suing companies allege they lied to improve sales, duping doctors and patients into believing the pills are safer than they are. joining us from orange california is an attorney. he says that they violated californian laws against false advertising, creating a public nuisance. it seeks damages for the toll that prescriptions are take on
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citizens. your main focus is opioids. your complaint alleges that five of the world's largest drug companies campaigned in a campaign of deception. you say that they knew the pain-killers were as addictive as heroin, but they market the drugs beyond the approved use, which was for severe chronic cancer pain. >> yes, that's right. the f.d.a. actually did approve of the drugs for such treatment as severe cancer or palliative care, meaning end of life care, that sort of thing. but that gives these companies a narrow manned in terms of the market. what they have down is gone on a major campaign to deceive doctors and apparent alike into believing that these drugs are less harmful than they are. for example, they claim that
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they are rarely addictive, which is not true. they are addictive all the time. how widely are they misused. the complaint says 87% of painkiller prescriptions are for symptoms that doctors considered inappropriate for pain treatment. aren't they for short-term pain following a surgical procedure or broken bone - in those cases, a few pills to deal with a issue? >> i think the major issue is using or prescribing the drugs over a longer term for chronic pain. that's the issue. with respect to the other kinds of pain that we are talking about, like post prattive pain and that sort of thing, what we want to do is make sure that these drug companies are, you know, clear, that they come clean with what these drugs are, so that nobody takes them without their eyes opened, so
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that they know they are addictive if used over time. some of the drugs, oxicontin are period. >> as you said, they are doing some really intense marketing with these beautiful pamphlets that say it's fine to take open yoids and arguing that they are rarely addictive. that is not the case. >> correct, correct. >> what you are saying is right. they are even marketing these drugs for the kinds of things that people take ibe approachen for. the sales of over the counter drugs are going down so people cap take the stronger opioids. that they are marketing to senior citizens, saying it will help with back pain and things like that. people could use for extended
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periods of time, and that is a big concern. you think overprescription is leading to abuse, but it's creating on illicit market for the pills, and in cases where people got addicted, it's lead to increased heroin use because people turn to heroin when they can't get the pain pills cheaper. >> that is right. heroin is - i don't know, it's like a quarter the price of most of these open yoids. what is happened is people become addicted and they have to continue using the drugs. as a matter of fact the drugs have another atry beaut that the companies don't give them a lot of credit for, which is that the more time you use the drug, the more it takes to get the same they area puttic effect. so people are turning to heroin right and left.
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we have overdose deaths, prescription overdoth deaths and orange county every day and heroin overdose deaths in a similar pattern. it's really an epidemic here. >> i saw a pamphlet going into the issue of how much more they needed and it downplays it saying it's not that often and only small increases over time. but the reality is, as i said earlier, sales quadrupled between 1999 and 2010, correlating to overdoses which you talked about in that same period. those quadrupled nationwide. thousands overtoesing on the drugs every year. >> that's right. like i say, it's a huge epidemic and it's downplayed by the companies. it's more than downplayed. it's ludicrous the way they are advertising them, and the addictive nature of the drug causes them to need more and
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more drugs which, of course, contributes to the prove its of the pharmaceutical companies. >> we attempted comment from all five. the only one that issued a statement is jap sen saying: how do you expect this to develop. i know you and chicago, which followed your lawsuit use consumer application laws as the basis or legal arguments. that was successful against the tobacco industry. >> who we'll do is proceed towards a trial and start - we filed the complaint. we'll go through the discovery process and move towards trial. certainly i expect, and i think we all expect a very prolific defense. in other words, big companies
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like these defend with major lawforms, and so we expect there to be a lot of litigation. in the end we'll make an impact here, and change the conduct of these companies so that they will tell the truth about these drugs to the patients and the doctors, and correct some of the wrongdoing. >> it's an enormous market, more than $11 billion in sales. appreciate you joining us on the show. hope you keep us updated on where this goes. >> thank you. >> you don't want to be on the side that said "i had a chance and i didn't do anything." that's a powerful cry that you hear from conservationists about climate change. the show-time series "years of living dangerously" investigated the real-world impacts and separate fact from for example. in the season finale our next guest journeyed 20,000 feet up in the chilean andes with a
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revelation. >> climate can change more quickly than we imagined. >> everybody believed, including me that the climate system operate solely. we saw changes. many degrees farenheit operating less than one year, staying at the level for hundreds of years. change was born, and the system can change quickly. >> what are we talking about - disaster moving quickly? >> for some parts, yes. >> really. doesn't it terrify you? >> yes. >> a correspondent for the show, an executive vice president and senior scientist for climate change international. the season finale " years of living dangerously" is coming up. this is the episode. you go up 20,000 feet, a volcano in the chilean and yes, and the report is to drill into the ice
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that's been there for thousands of years. by doing that, pulling up ice from below, doing. >> the past, you can see how human activity, pollution, affected the ice. >> both human and natural activities affected the atmosphere. air. you get the ice going out. same thing, you drill down, collect the little bubbles of air and they are like a time capsule into the past. the deeper you go, the further back in time you go. >> what story does it tell? >> it tells you what the temperature was like. what paul's work does, is he studies wind. it tells you what kind of composition of the atmosphere, how much rain fall was in the wind. whether it was blowing from the ocean. atmospheric conditions like pollution, natural volcanos. it's an interesting piece.
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everyone thinks about temperature and sometimes people think about precipitation. he studies wind and the conclusion is if the wind shifts, it's game over. >> why? >> because a small shift in wind can dramatically affect local weather patterns and climate pat respects. we saw this last year when the jet stream shifted and you had the cold weather. it sat over new york, and the same think happened in europe. that's the kind of phenomena he's talking about. >> in the past this happened where there has been massive changes in temperature in as little as a year. >> absolutely. >> is there anything we can do. is there anything we are doing to change the winds? >> the key thing is we know climate changed in the past. there's no disputing climate changed in the past. you can study that. humans are adding a new element into it that is driving it.
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and the warriors were doing it fast, really fast. the piece we need to get out of the equation is how much we are contributing to climate change. >> that's the question. >> we can't stop volcanos from blowing up. we can stop our emissions and impact on climate change. >> this climb was really incredible, as you look at the episode. challenging. >> the show is called years of living dangerously. i lived a dangerous two weeks. who knew climate scientists did that thing. >> jones. >> he is, the jones of the climate change, he goes to the end of the earth to collect the information. i didn't realise you could almost cabinet killed. >> and a bump of people didn't make t. >> they lived. four people didn't make it to the top. one had to get evacuated out. a person broke their shoulder.
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another kicked in the head. there were big boulders coming down the mountain. >> the whole thing seems like skins fiction. the way they are drilling into the ice. it's fascinating. >> 20,000 feet. when you go up, i can barely breathe. working. >> another part of the episode didn't involve you, but michael c hall from dexter fame, and he went to bangladesh. there may be no other place in the world where it's so obvious that changes dash whether it's climate, the rising of the sea, whatever caused that, created an ongoing catastrophe. much land that was farmable, where people lived, is gone. this is one of the most densely populated places. if the waters keep rising, who knows what can happen. >> 17% of bangladesh is likely
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to go underwater. it's already suffering the impacts. and there are people living almost in every square inch of the country. it's a flat country. a small sea-level rise floods large amounts of land. he's looking at the conflict. it's in a geopolitically hot zone. >> there's news from the e.p.a. changes in the u.s. to reduce 30% of emissions by 2030 from power plants. a step in the right direction. it's a good step, important step, it's not enough. we have to think about how we increase efirm sis and nature-based adaptation. how do we use nature to buffer us from storms, see level rise, replanting trees. all of that will be important to package. >> having gone through the episodes of the show, are you
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more or less optimistic about what is happening to the doing. >> it's not a question of more or less optimism. i came way from the show knowing that real people are feeling the impacts of climate change. it's not an issue for the future. it's an issue for us now, today. >> now, today, approximately be a - part of that somehow will be obama. >> i have not seen that segment. it's one. first sit-down indepth interviews that president obama has done on climate change. i'm eager to watch it. >> again, the season fin alley of years of living dangerous premiers on showtime. >> coming up, republicans and
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climate change. >> al jazeera america's presents the system with joe burlinger observing a crime >> a shocking number of these eyewitnesses get it wrong >> how much would you remember? >> dark complected... medium height... you described most of the majority of the men in america >> sometimes witnesses get it right >> when you have an eyewitness to say i saw him do it, that is the best evidence. >> and sometimes sometimes they don't >> no one is listening to us... george is innocent... >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america real reporting that brings you the world. >> this is a pretty dangerous trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> more reporters. >> they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> this is where the typhoon came ashore. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. >> al jazeera, nairobi. >> on the turkey-syria border. >> venezuela. >> beijing. >> kabul. >> hong kong. >> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the
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world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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the so-called war op coal has -- on coal has taken place. some democrats joined republicans including mitch mcconnell saying that proposals
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are a disaster. >> this is the single worst blow to kentucky's economy in modern times. nothing else each comes close to what this regulation will do to compete. as midterm elections and the 2016 presidential race looms large, a former republican administration of the environmental protection session ace is determined to -- agency is determined to get her party to get real, and has choice words for women and those behind the presidential nomination. joining us is a woman who everybody issed in the cabinet of george w. bush as the administrator of the environmental protection agency and is the co-chair of the republican leadership council supporting socially tolerant candidates and the author of "new york times" "it's my party
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too." she's the president of the whitman strategy group of management consulting and strategic planning firm in new york. you have a lot going on. >> i have to keep busy. >> you do. great to see you. thanks for being here. >> let's start with climate change. president obama putting out the rules to cut power plant emissions 30% by 2030. there's a big uproar where people are concerned that this will hurt jobs. what's your rehabilitation. >> we have to look at it from a different perspective. is climate change a real issue, which i believe it is. what is that costing us in deaths and children in as mow and add up the costs. what can we do? will it have an impact on the coal-producing states. yes, of course, are the things we can do. that. >> yes.
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>> look at nuclear power. if you want a base power that releases no form of greenhouse gases whilst producing power and it's been shown as reliable and safe, that creates a number of jobs, very, very well-paying jobs, as well as more jobs and investment in the other forms of green energy. we have to look at more of the total picture, even texas, for instance, which is heavily coal dependent has - they are saying that they object to the rule, but say "but we have a big investment when we see a potential for this to grow the economy, wind and solar. >> you have to look at the whole thing. and the tradeoff. >> i think it's five nuclear reactors under construction now in the united states. >> right. >> is there a likelihood, given phuocy schema, three mile island, that there'll be the
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political will to move nuclear forward at a speed we need to environment? >> nuclear is about 90% of our energy reach, 70% of clean energy. there are five new construction and one a t v.a. restart of a facility, the jobs they bring are enormous and they are about 19 left in the - offer at the nuclear regulatory commission. what affected it was not fukushima dye eeshy, but has been the boom in shale oil. >> that is cheeper. >> cheaper for the moment. interestingly enough during the winter with the polar vortex we saw natural gas presses spiking. it's been an up and down thing, which is a reason you want to say look, there's no magic bullet here. you shouldn't rule out nuclear, because it takes a small i am
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not of iranian to produce power. it's the least expensive form of power which have. >> critical of the g.o.p. is saying that they are not focussing on the environment. if you look at the numbers, most americans are not paying attention, it's the 19th important issue among 20 that we look at. it's only 14% of republicans that look at it as a significant issue. how do you change that because if that is the case. sure, you are going to have republican candidates that want to play to the base. >> i can understand where they are coming from. the problem is people don't relate to change , it's too big and fast. they relate to weather. that has a direct impact. what you see now more and more is people saying - starting to make the connection going on. we are having ever increasing severe storms and they are getting severe. we are having more droughts, more flood, something happened
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that we have not seen before. it's coming at us quickly. people are saying "gee, maybe we can slow this down." if you look past and back over the history of the environmental protection agency since it started in 1970. from 1980 to 2007, our g.d.p. grew nicely. we were able to - while we increased the population, we increased the energy use. we reduced the amount of pollutants that we put into the air. >> you think we can balance environmental application. >> we can do it. >> why do you think it's so hard. you have written about this, to find a middle ground. it seems silly at this point with all the science to demust the fact that human activity has effect on the environment. you write that the high per volley has meant there has been outlandish descriptions that has come true.
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>> everything now is looked at through a partisan prison, it's not how do i solve the problem, it's how do i get another percentage on the relocate, not how do we solve the problem. you can't talk about immigration, and you can't talk about seouling the budget -- solving the budget deficit. no one comes up with plenty of solutions. there are plenty coming up there. the senate and the house come up with programs, they can't get traction. you run into that partisan political roadblock. >> since you go there let's talk politics. you have been reversed to as a rhino or republican in name only. you are concerned physically but not socially. >> you started to say that the g.o.p. was going too far to the right as far back as the m.e.r.s. -- back as the first
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few years of the sent year. more rhinos are winning elections, except on tuesday we may see a very ugly race in mississippi, where the tea party challenger may beat the incumbent, cochrane. do you think the struggle for the identity of the g.o.p. will go on. centerist. >> i'm afraid it will continue. i say that because i've seen in races where organizations like the tea party. let me step back. the tea party when it was formed, to the extent that it was formed at all was focussed on the economy, on the deficit, on spending. i was 100% in tune with them on those orbs. it mored into -- issues. it morphed into saying in order to solve the fiscal issues, we'll sign contracts that say we will never ever do anything, which totally hamstrings you in solving the problems that we face.
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so i see that, but we have seen the tea party itself being captured by the more extreme elements within it. i have seen them time and again when they lose on election saying that's because we weren't conservative enough. when yes win an election they need to be more conservative. >> another interesting race was primary. >> cast rating pigs. >> i know about that. >> she referred to that in her ads. you see someone in an ecollect tick group. >> you have sarah palin. marco rubio somewhere in the middle. you have mitt romney supporting her as an established republican. together. >> if we understand there are different horses for different courses. the kind of issues that you run and the positions you take in new jersey and new hampshire are different than in
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arizona. that's fine. there's nothing wrong with that as long as you have a core set of principles. for the republicans it's about the economy and spending and balancing budgets, strong defense security and concern for the environment. we didn't define what it moons to be a republican. all the social issues. we have started to say you are with us 100% or not at all. totally contrary to what ronald reagan's approach was. and we define where you have to be on every issue. my husband and i have been married 40 years, we are not on fine. >> we seem to have more women candidates, you seem to have some success. i want to talk to you about that, but we are running out of time. i want to bring up the 2016 elections, you supported chris
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christie, you endorsed him for governor the new jersey, supported his campaign, you are a chris christie supporter and head of the e.p.a. under george w. bush, have lopping-standing -- long-standing ties to the bush family and you said if jed bush and chris christie ran, it would be awkward, very awkward. what do you think will happen, will chris christie run. >> i don't know. >> what will you do. >> i don't know that either one will run. we'll wait and see. the speculation, it's hopeless to speculate. let's wait and see will either one or neither of them run. i don't know. when i said it would be awkward. the question was closed will it be awkward for those part of the bush administration and i said yes, because those part of the administration, stayed with it and have long-standing relations with the family, it's tough to walk away. jed was popular, and chris christie is a popular governor in new jersey. >> what will you do?
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>> wait and see. >> i won't pin you down. one. >> a pleasure to have you here. thank you. we'll be back with more of >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america al jazeera america gives you the total news experience anytime, anywhere. more on every screen. digital, mobile, social. visit follow @ajam on twitter. and like aljazeera america on
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there's more to finical news than the ups and downs of the dow. for instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month? have you thought about how climate change can effect your grocery bill? could rare minerals in china effect your cell phone bill? or, how a hospital in texas could drive up your health care premium. i'll make the connections from the news to your money real. the spending power of children was recently measured at more than a trillion dollars. that's right, kids. our nest guest is trying to
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ensure that some of that money will be spent for good, engaging children on issues critical for their future. a hip hop artist is doing it through green rocks, to educate youth on health, environmental and social issues. "mission g rock" features an 11-year-old and friends saving a planet from pollution. >> battle the disconcerting, disrespectful and disconbubulating moderate. join us as you meet the most loveable squeezable, snugable, huggable, bad areasable 11-year-old this side of the international date line. you won't want to miss a second of our acks-packed gain. your future depend upon it. mission g-rock. who would have thought russell simmonds will be a video game hoggual.
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"usa today" named him one of the top 25 influential people, he revolutionized music and koult our, founder of death jam, launching ll cool jay, run dmc, public boys, the list goes on and on. he influenced national policy and has a new back "success through stillness - meditation made simple." russell simmonds, great to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> video games are a great way to reach out to kids. they are outlines on the gadgets. what do you hope to accomplish? >> it's educational about the environment and take many shapes as it goes through other forms of media. the first game entered number one on the nine to 11 chart and on the kids chart it achieved status. it's an ongoing status to approach the game, and we'll build up different elements of
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different places to go with it. the characters are great, more ethnic than usual. video games don't have a lot. and it's a chance to educate without being preachy. >> that's what you are trying to do, have them have fun. >> that's right. >> but learn. >> that's right. it. >> we have a major music component. i don't think the music industry is intreg deprated in the gaming industry. we do a lot of that. the music company and the every week. we'll download the record to play with the game. it will be fun and other hit records will be available. >> that's something you focussed on about how important music can be to a kids education. >> absolutely. >> music is good for stillness. we need people to practice and proosht art. and appreciating art - in music, especially, in
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all the scripture and spiritual practices, music brings you to stillness, and that is basically where happiness resides. people are drawn outside of the core. where music and art brings you to the cause. i just believe in it wholeheartedly, and i like the expression of the ads. that's what it is, music, poetry, comki, artistic expression. the dug tall company is -- digital company is tied to this. >> you look at the amount of things involved. it's difficult to believe you have a time for half, much less all of it. >> that book, you go to chicago. i'll give ron emanuel to teach quiet time in schools. i have all the ranch in the world because as you must know there's tremendous research about brain functionality and kids focussing and functioning
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and having relationships with the world that quiet time has been a tremendous asset and the scientists say it, it's not just all the profits and religions and teachers, it's the scientists telling us that we need to meditate. >> you wrote in the book about it. how did it help you? >> i meditate for 20 years. my name is rush. you do good work in the perhaps. the more you expound on present moments, the greater your realship with the world and level of happiness. the idea of meditating twice a day for everyone is worth it to slow down. when you slow down and operate from a still mind, meeting nothing attracts everything. the neediness of the world is the sauce of suffering. the stillness is the cause of happiness, we want to give people a chance.
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thousands meditated and talked about it. it's not in the school systems. wherever we have it, it's a tremendous success story. i want to spread that. kid. >> i meditate with my kids. >> is it easy for you to get the kid to do it? that's my question - how do you get a 13-year-old boy to sit and meditate. i don't know if my 14-year-old would do it. >> my daughter started attate, the other at 10. one is 14, one is 11. they meditate before school. there's so many schools around the country where we have success with kids and quiet time. you sit, preach the mantra, before you know it the kid is out, going deep into meditation. adults may have trouble. kids are good. good at meditating. you have you learn, it will change your life. i gave oprah, dege , and other -- ellen degeneres, and
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other people - it changed their lives and they spread the word. it's an important tool. making poetry and comedy and art successful is good. making art is a great accomplishment. >> you add vo kated that, and the importance in schools. in tv schools they spend money on arts. kids do better in maths and social studies. are you disappointed at where the music industry has gone over the past 30 years. >> if 60 kids cap be shot in a weekend in chicago, and doesn't make the news feed, an artist can talk about it. sad realities can be reflected through poetry. and the truth. people don't like sexual content, thinking it sexual, racist homophobic. the
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racists are not as racists areas that are parents. i don't feel that a poet should be stiffled. they say things you don't like, you think "oh, my god how can they say this." a man thinks about sex every 11 seconds. >> i know it's been argued. okay, 20 seconds. >> why can't an artist sipping about it? his job is to express what is on the mind of people. >> there's a question of whether it goes too far. >> they all say that. it's not always administratorifying, it's stating the reality. it glorifies the violence. they say in their world that happens. sorry if you don't live in a neighbour hood they live in, i'm glad they reach you. they say f to police. dialogue had to start between
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community and the police, it wasn't stop and frisk, tv lay the kids on the ground in compton and figure out what was in their pockets. >> you spoke out about that and a lot of other things, drugs, over incarceration of african-american youth, gun violence - so many issues that you have been out in front of. what is going to be your main . >> my main focus. >> is it there a main focus? >> if my celebrity is valuable to envans or support an effort -- to enhance or support a change, you may know 40 million animals born into bad press is not what was meant. out the grain in the water and oil - do i look sick. i'm 56.
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i don't feel sick. i feel okay. i don't eat animal 15 years. i don't think it's necessary to poison ourselves. you see the report op beef. 30% of your protein came from beef protein, that would be a fixed amount of carr sinno fence - it would be like 20 cigarettes a day. >> there's so many conflicting reports. cancer. >> many billions of dollars went to altering those results. people like to believe that if they ate meet. >> a lot of conflicting reports on diet. you go that route. you are involve in everything. good to see you. >> my pleasure. >> russell and his book is on sale. the game is available for download. "consider this" will be back. >> i find it immoral to destroy
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>> weekday mornings on al jazeera america >> we do have breaking news
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this morning... >> start your day with in depth coverage from around the world. first hand reporting from across the country and real news keeping you up to date. the big stories of the day, from around the world... >> these people need help, this is were the worst of the attack took place... >> and throughout the morning, get a global perspective on the news... >> the life of doha... >> this is the international news hour... >> an informed look on the night's events, a smarter start to your day. mornings on al jazeera america today's data dive examines a dying trend in high school year books. these days fewer schools are having votes to decide who is likely to succeed, least likely to succeed or most popular. the journalism association says two decades ago 75% of school
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year books included the titles. this plummeted to 25% now. the reasons vary. in our litigious society there are legal concerns by some that feel labels like worst reputation or most likely to have a conversation with himself could hurt student's prospects in the future of the the positive labels can be an issuement the "wall street journal" reported on a study saying being named most likely to subseed turned out to be a burden. a study found those voted likely to succeed earnt 12% more than their peers by the time they were in their mid 20s. some proved how accurate labels can be. sandra bullock is a loved actress and selected mostlikely to brighten your day. angelina jolie is voted best dressed and still has those honours.
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on the other hand negatives may not mean much. buzzfeed reported tom cruise was voted least like i had to succeed. he's a huge success. sylvester stawell own was voted most likely to end up in an electric chair. then there's robin williams named funniest and least likely to succeed. his classmates were halve right. we'll be back with more of "consider this".
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>> this, is what we do. >> al jazeera america.
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have you wondered why we choose it eat what we do? have you eaten more cupcakes in the last decade than in the rest of your life or did you drink a kale smoothy because someone swore it tasted good and was good for you. do you like bacon? if you aped yes to any of those you may have fallen victim to a food trend. how do the food fads get started and who decides what food will be the next big thing. david sax joins us, and is the floor of "taste makers - why we are crazy for cake makers but fed up with fond u." let's talk about cupcakes. i remember having a cupcake.
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i never would have imagined stores that only sold cup kacks. your book begins with a sex in the city bakely. cupcakes were featured on the show. you credit or blame "sex in the city" for setting off the cupcake trend calling it the first identifiable trend of the 21st century. i live in miami. there are two cupcake only stores within a mile of my house, because of a tv show? >> i think it was a trieffective 21st century phenomenon. "sex in the city" was the beat of the butter cream wings that kicked off the hur gain. you had two powerful factors that came in. one was september 11th. this was a time when minister were turning to comfort food generally as a trend. fried chicken, macaroni and chose.
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gourmet grilled cheese sand whips. the cupcake was perfect. what could be more comforting, bringing you back to a happy memory than the thing that gave you the great amount of joy. it coincided with the rise of food blogs and facebook and 2002er. so that when someone opened a cupcake bakery, when people started a group of cupcake lovers, or when someone decided to share a recipe. now they were doing it with the rest of the world. quickly you saw the cupcake phenomenon grow from a local phenomenon in new york to several that came out of the bakery, to a national phenomenon, to cities all over the united states, and now to something that is in every city in the world. did you know their are cupcakery stores devoted to cupcakes in lahore pakistan, and par a guy.
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in some of the most unexpected places on earth, where they don't have apple stores, but have cupcakes . lots of social trends that factor into something that you said in the case of the cupcake. who are mostly the people who determine how these trends begin. who are, to use the title of your book, the taste makers. >> well, i think trends almost always start with entrepreneurs. they could be chefs, farmer, people who are starting a new packaged food business - maybe a line of cookies or crackers or packaged drinks. they tend to be smoked. it's rare that it's big business, large food chains and restaurant chains that are doing that, starting trend because they tend to be risk adverse. it's the silicon valley model. you have people who have an idea and say let's make, you know, new interesting cupcakes or
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let's take a doug nut and combine it. then there's another level of taste makers who take the friends which might be small local fads, things that are regenerating press and attention, and bring them to a wider audience, they inflate market. >> a lot of it is trickle down, starting from celebrities, a famous chef, someone who has an appearance on the sprinternet, the media. you bring up an example of bacon, in that case it was bottom up. >> yes, it can happen the other way. it's rare. the bacon trend was interesting. the pork industry in the late 1990s, and early 2000 pushed the consumes of bacon to burger king and wendy's and denning, because
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the low-fat diet trend of 1980, and '90s hurt the pork belly prices that pig producers begged them to do something. they developed a pre-cooked round bakion to be put on burgers and sandwiches that were easier and cheaper than the restaurants cooling them. if you cook bake job, it's ceezy and messy. the burgers and sandwiches kicked off a trend which went the other way, and it went into high end restaurants with cooks using bacon, and people putting bakons into desserts, taking it into iceceement. there's bacon lip administrators, and a bacon coffin, looking lying it's made out of bacon, i believe the company that made it sold three or four. someone is buried in bacon. >> you mentioned it could have consequences that are not always
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good, that antioxidants could be worth millions. and doubts about whether they help us. >> most health trends are benign if not beneficial. they introduce us to tastes, flavours, culture and ideas. health and diet trend have an edge to them. a couple of years ago, to sum up what you said, there was a product called 7-up. they have many favors, berry flifs. this is a regular can of 7-up, just a lot of fat and sugar water basically with a bit of fruit juice in it. because, you know, those were dark fruits and antioxidants give fruits pigments, they thought they could called it antioxidant. people were probably pieing the product and drinking it feeling that it will make them healthier because dr oz said it was good or i read that antioxidants will help with cancer or heart
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attacks or weight loss. and the line between beneficial health ingredient or health trend and smaik oil is -- snake i will is thin. food companies walk over it too often. a lot of caution. >> it led to a lot of dietary choices and restrictions that made modern eating complicated. it's really fascinating about how these videoed trend start and end. again, the book is test-makers. david sax. great to have you with us. >> the show may be over, the conversation conditions on the website. - or facebook or google+. you can also find us on twitter. see you next time. >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. >> entire media culture is driven by something that's very very fast... >> there has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill
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1:00 am
>> mogul russell simons is a man of vision. >> you can't fail until you quit. >> music, fashion, social action, the def jam founder is a pervasive cultural influence and a strong advocate for justice. >> the war on drugs has done more to detroit the fabric of the black community than anything that we can think of. not the effects of jim crow and the effects of slavery, it's the war on drugs. >> he's also a practicing yogi, who values daily medication. it's the subjects of his latest book, success through still ,. >> i want to be enlightened. >> i caught up with my friend russell simons at a recording stood know in yo