tv News Al Jazeera June 8, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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saudi arabia had its share of musical chairs where leading princes died and were replaced. all with the interest of maintaining this dynasty in place. something similar is at work in egypt as well, where abdul fatah al-sisi, in spite of riding on the wave of popular support is not simply his own man. he is also somebody who represents a - an establishment military complex that has huge political and economic trucks and we have seen that in 2011. the military sacrificed hosni mubarak for their greater interest. >> i'll put a pause on the conversation. do stand by for us. senior lecturer from kings college in london. let's go back to the constitutional court in egypt, where you are watching the swearing in ceremony for
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president-elect abdul fatah al-sisi, and let's lisp in. >> translation: high in the sky and moving around us, looking at us and this position. it's been given by them, these blood of the egyptians. those people, who have died for egypt to live, and us to live in older - to witness together that day, this day. the supreme constitutional court is witnessing today an eternal day where we will be witnessing
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the inauguration ceremony of president abdul fatah al-sisi, go enjoy this, the support of the majority of the people, the people of egypt who have chosen abdul fatah al-sisi president to egypt. we are now in a whole under the name of the late dr alward murr who said in one of his writings about the constitutional principles, he said if the revolution cannot go with the principles and values of the constitution, according and within constitutional firm frameworks, and if not
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representing in its methodology the unity according to the power that has been gained and if not representing the expectations of the people, then we shouldn't follow and we shouldn't obey and we have the right to get rid of the power, this power has to be there and the revolution is a living symbol that can represent what has been said by the doctor. the january 25th revolution has taken the pillars of the then
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regime and to shake it fully and to remove it but the onners of this revolution have a stake in the square and left the square because of the differences and so on between them and before achieving the goals of the january 25th revolution which was hijacked by an organization. an organization that hit this january 25th revolution. they have hit the revolution and they have hit the whole nation and the 30th of june revolution was
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not the sort of manoeuvre or emotions, just emotions motions and it was not a military coup. as some has said or have said. it was a revolution of the people who who are totally upset because of the injustice and the unfairness and they are totally out of the patience and this particular dangerous error - dangerous period where the nation is about to collapse. and where the nation is about to be destructed because the nation has been hit by the fire of the
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rift and the threat of the enemies, and that moment us moment the egyptian army have listened to the egyptian people, and listened to the aspirations and the pains and the leader of the army, the commander of the army and his staff - officers and soldiers - were all one. together with the people. both army and the people were there at that moment to get rid of all tyranny regimes. this is exactly what is meant on 30 june. today and - we are receiving the
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chief of justice ali mansour, chairman of the supreme constitutional court to his chair and seat in the judge's panel where he's spent most of his years. adly mansour is quite respected and appreciated by the egyptian. adly mansour, who is quite respected in the full meaning of the word. this fair judge, adly mansour, that we in the supreme constitutional court missed for around a year. we miss you adly mansour, and we miss your participation here, and you were gich their mission,
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their historic mission. it's historic mission at a very difficult period of time to be entitled to leave the country at a time where the soup ream constitutional court was in dire need of services and support, but the need are the nation are bigger. and you were after that responsibility. i don't want to talk about this, and i don't want to be in trouble when we talk about their distinguished colleague and novel friend of all of us here at the supreme constitutional court. mr president, you are the rev clugsry soldier, the --
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revolutionary soldier, the sun of egypt. you have prepared to be within the hanks of egyptians, with the egyptians supporting them when they ask you to help them. and despite all the threats, despite all the decisive choice, but you have made in order to save egypt, and you have made a lot of things in order to protect the people of egypt. and the people of egypt are grateful to you and they have supported you and they have put their trust in you with their free will, with their independent will, in a way that
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is great. the egyptians hope that you will go with them because they trust you, you represent the hope for a lot of egyptians, for a better future, for a better tomorrow, for creating a more free democratic with dignity future to the egyptians, with more justice, with more security and more affair. may a lot almighty keep and observe egypt and protect egypt from all the conspire assies and the almighty saves egypt from tyranny, almighty is the all supporter.
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now it's my pleasure to introduce to you the first deputy chairman - he says vice president - and he says it augers well. the first chairman, the deputy first chairman of the supreme constitutional court in the name of allah. a verse from the holy koran, a law will help you and the law will forgive you and the law will give you all support and will lead you to the right path and will help you to achieve the victory. this is the meaning of the holy haves of the koran -- verse of the koran. the general assembly
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of the supreme constitutional council is convening being a place for democracy and law in historic moment where we are here together within the framework of the the ceremony and the swearing in of the president after obtaining the support of the egyptians in three elections in order to take the power and to continue the hard work and to continue the path of adly mansour chairman of the supreme constitutional court and the interim president. who was also trusted by the egyptians to run the country for around a year, during which adly mansour, with the help and support of the law almighty, and
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with his clear cut vision and opinions, and commitment and wisdom in the face of problems to take the country to the safe area. we salute the great people of egypt who sacrificed a lot. who sacrifices blood on his she is, a lot of martyrs and victims and who has created this moment where we are here altogether because the people is the hero. in the name of the general assembly of the supreme constitutional court, i tell you, mr president. that we congratulate you for the trust put in you by the egyptian
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people, and you deserve such a trust, such a support because you have been selected and elected by the egyptian people. it's a struggle for the creation of a free nation that lives in dignity and we ask the presidency to achieve all the goals, where the people will be also taking part with you in ga gaining better coals for the future, and a better tomorrow for the hopes of egyptians. we need to serve the supreme constitutional court - they are quite happy. members of the court are quite happy to welcome back chief justice adly mansour to his home, if you could say, and to take his seat after a long year
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away from the supreme constitutional court, in order to play a role with his colleagues in achieving justice and protecting the constitution of the country. and it's quite fair here to stay that all egyptians are grateful and thankful because what you have done. and now according to the item 144 of the constitution, i invite president abdul fatah al-sisi to swear in in the general assembly of the supreme constitutional court. . >> translation: in the name of the allah almighty i swear to serve the regime and respect the
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constitution and the law, and to look after the interests of the people fully, and to save guard the independence of the nation and its territorial integrity. [ clapping ]. >> translation:. >> translation: and there you have it, you have been watching the inauguration ceremony of abdul fatah al-sisi who is now officially egypt's president. president abdul fatah al-sisi - he won the may presidential election in may. he won by a landslide at 96.9%. now taking his place among many
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other egyptian generals, former generals, who have gone on to become egyptian leaders. this, of course, is all happening at the constitutional court in cairo. and right next it him there, about to shake his hand, i believe, is adly mansour, egypt's interim president. who had been in place since the former president mohamed mursi was deposed in july last year. now this, of course, is taking place. this ceremony is taking place in cairo while in the north-east, in the north-east of cairo we can show you now a different picture, however. these are hundreds of
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pro-mohamed mursi supporters who have turned out in the town of el shakir to show support for the deposed president mohamed mursi. let's bring in now our analyst carol kirsten, a senior lecturer in the study of the islam, and the muslim world, at kings college, london. carol, thank you for standing by. there we see the polarized egypt, don't we, and the one hand in cairo we are seeing abdul fatah al-sisi being sworn in. he's now the president of egypt and on the other hand, north-east of cairo in a little town where we have thousands of people who have gathered to show their support for the deposed president. he's coming into a very polarized egypt at the moment, isn't he? >> yes. that is, indeed, the immediate challenge that abdul fatah al-sisi will be facing.
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obviously in spite of the crackdown over the past year, it does not mean that support for the organization and its political arm has evaporated. of course, today's inauguration is symbolic in the sense that it closes a chapter of a difficult and turbulent year in egypt's history. there'll be a great interest in abdul fatah al-sisi to look forward, rather than backwards. it was interesting to here the judge presiding offer the proceedings, talking the swipe at the muslim brotherhood, blaming it for jeopardizing and endangering the integrity of the nation and giving a vindication for the military investigation by stressing and digging in the debate, whether it was a cue day tar or not. it places a heavy burden on abdul fatah al-sisi to deliver now on this image of him as an
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indispensable saviour of the nation. it will make it hard for him to take on that role, given the fact that, indeed, apparently within the sprim regime, and -- interim regime and the new incoming administration there's an unease about what transpired over the past year. >> indeed. there were poetic words used during the inaugurating ceremony. the presiding judge called him a revolutionary soldier and a son of egypt. he is seen as the saviour of egypt. can he save egypt and bridge the political secular religious divide? >> that is going to be the big question, of course. egypt is polarised. there are people in favour of the abdul fatah al-sisi, and people who think there's gross injustice down to the muslim brotherhood. that makes, of course, the middle field of the average
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egyptian and a large segment of the people so much behind the regime change of 2011, but this apparently second thoughts and grave doubts over the fact that it was a muslim brotherhood politician who became the first democratically elected president in 2012, and whether he is able to swing that huge segment in the middle of egyptian society decisively to his side. that is something we'll have to watch carefully over the coming month. >> indeed. carol may have won the presidency, but parliamentary elections are expected to be held a little later this year as well. how do you think that will play out? how do you think that will impact on his presidency? >> that's going be an interesting spectacle to watch. obviously the muslim brotherhood and its supporters, and its political arm, the freedom and
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justice party will not take part in that event which takes out a large segment of the egyptian population out of the equation. we heard earlier in the report na indeed there has been a strategic alliance formed with the sala feed block in the egyptian political arena, which quickly troped mohamed mursi and was very much looking at his own political interest and cosying up to the interim government. what i can't see is that the religious voice within the new constellation very much is one associated with the salafi party and whether a conservative politician like abdul fatah al-sisi presents himself as a man of the people. that means there'll be a traditionalist muslim, which is the general outlook of muslim egyptians. it's able to make a deal when it
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comes to concrete policy making. that will be an important question to watch. >> we are talking about the political divide. let's move on to freedom of expression in egypt. ever since the overthrow of mohamed mursi, anyone opposed to the coup or even to mohamed mursi has been arrested, gaoled and some colleagues are facing detention in cairo. do you see the crackdown continuing under president abdul fatah al-sisi? >> i think it depends very much how secure abdul fatah al-sisi feels in his position. obviously aside from the muslim brotherhood, the other important victim of last year's event is, indeed, the freedom of expression and by extension the freedom of thought. this was constantly vindicated on the basis that there was
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greater national security interests at stake and freedom of expression, and other elements of the democratic process would have to take a back seat in view of the acute dangers that egypt allegedly was facing. but that is, indeed, something that depends, i think, very much on how secure abdul fatah al-sisi feels in his presidency, and to what extent he indeed manages a sufficiently confident support base through the parliamentary elections in the cores of this year. another issue is, of course, the signal crackdowns on the press in particular, when foreign journalists are involved, is going to create on the international scene, so my assumption is in contrast to the crackdown on the muslim brotherhood. the treatment of the the press will have to be handled much more delicately now that the dye has been cast and abdul fatah
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al-sisi is the president, and he'll have to reach out to the international community to enhance his legitimacy, and establish international credibility as well. >> the international community reached out to him as the u.s. and u.k. government said they look forward to working with president abdul fatah al-sisi. how, though, do you see their relations developing with this former military general who effectively orchestrated a coup against on elected leader? >> yes, that was, of course, the difficulty, the government in london andless respect fauffed in how to respond to the situation. almost a year further now. they have given in to the status quo and in a sense they face a deja vu. in the sense, as abdul fatah al-sisi mentioned further is easier representative of
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structural institutional interests of a military establishment that has basically called the shots in egypt. washington and london, i think, feel that it can be business as usual, although there will be a certain cosmetic changes made. on the other hand, also abdul fatah al-sisi is, of course, constrained by the fact that his economy is in a bad shape, and i think there'll be some tough negotiations being made in terms of supporting him, rendering military but more economic support to egypt, and something will be expected in return of abdul fatah al-sisi as well. >> indeed, of course, the economy is very, very important subject in egypt. you mentioned a little earlier there is a need for economic reforms. something i read, too, was part of the problem with egypt's economy are the fuel subsidies, if these subsidies are taken
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away, he's not going to be a popular man then, is he? >> no, i think that is going to be an issue that - that he has to senior very carefully. this has caused problems in much earlier tech kates, even wh when when - when -- -- decades, where state subsidies on basic commodities were taken away. this led to what they called riots, that is something that has not changed. structurally the economic situation in egypt has not moved on that much. i think inequality within egyptian society has deprogrown there's a segment that has benefited from economic liberalization and some have grown ex-orbitantly rich, including elements within the muslim brotherhood.
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