tv News Al Jazeera June 10, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> i'm not afraid of death, i'm afraid that living under tyranny. >> the exclusive aljazeera interview with one of the las vegas shooters before he went on a deadly rampage. >> demanding accountability for the veterans affairs scandal, a new out did it reveals 100,000 vets have endured long waits for health care. >> family members of the deadly south korea ferry accident
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scuffle with court officers as a trial for crew members accused of abandoning ship gets under. >> i college student athletes fight for their rights. they want to be compensated for the use of their names and images and are taking the this. caa to court to make it happen. >> welcome to aljazeera. we begin with breaking news out of afghanistan. >> u.s. defense officials confirmed five nato soldiers killed there are american special forces. it happened in the southern part of the country while coalition and afghan troops were conduct ago security operation ahead of this weekend said presidential runoff election. >> it appears the americans may have been killed by friendly fire when a coalition aircraft may have released a strike on their passion. 35 nato soldiers have been killed so far this year in afghanistan. >> most combat troops will be pulling out of there, but a small contingent of u.s. forces may stay in the country.
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good morning, i'm stephanie sy. >> i'm john henry smith. our other top story, that deadly las vegas shooting. we are learning more about jared and amanda miller. >> they were involved with white supremacists and expressed anti-government and anti law enforcement views in the past. aljazeera recently reported on the standoff with cliveen bundy and he was there. >> they were object the ranch during the standoff with the u.s. government. a bundy son said they were kicked off the ranch because their anti-government views were too radical. we hear from miller in his own words. >> las vegas authorities have not released an official motive for the shootings that left two
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police officers and a bystander dead, but new videos of accused cop killer jerad miller may offer insight. >> our rights of being oppressed by the government time and time again. >> the nevada rancher clashed with federal agents over a forced roundup of his cattle on public land. miller explained his stance in an volunteer intro with aljazeera correspondent. >> the abuses of police have just grown out of control with no repercussions. >> he was no stranger to applies particularly in indiana where he had a criminal report. he posted video to say you tube under the web name u.s.a. true pay the treat. he recounts when police arrested him in 2013. >> one of them came and stood right here in this hallway, right where i'm standing now with an assault rifle, while another one illegally detained
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my wife there in the living room, would not let her leave the house. police officers then came up my stairs here without a warrant, by the way. >> miller's apparent anger turned to tears as he posted a message for his wife just before heading to jail. >> i just want you to know i love you so much and i hope you will come to visit me in jail. >> he never expressed remorse in this video even though convicted of a crime. a year later on the bundy ranch, he called out government as the real criminal. >> a lot of these criminals we have running around in our country, they're really not criminals. all right? they just refused to follow their laws. you know what i'm saying? so how are those people any different than the criminals in our government that refuse to follow the laws that are set for them? >> before the shootings, he wrote on facebook it's the dawn of a new day, may all of our sacrifices be worth it.
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eyewitnesses say they heard the millers shout this is a revolution before opening fire. when police caught up with the couple, amanda shot and killed her husband, then took her own life. >> hundreds gathered in front of las vegas pizza parlor where the officers were shot and created a makeshift memorial. many in the crowd were still trying to make sense of the shooting. >> it's hard to describe something so evil to these innocent kids. there's an officer, a daddy not coming home anymore, and so it's just an emotional time for all of us. >> officers back in salvo were gunned down while having lunch. wilcox was killed at a nearby wal-mart. >> the taliban is taking responsibility for another take in pakistan. two gun men on a motorcycle opened fire today on an airport
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security training facility in karachi near an airport that came under fire in a bloody battle monday. the u.s. is offering to help pakistan investigate. taliban stormed the airport, leaving 29 people dead. the group says it was in retaliation for american drone strikes and is threatening more attacks. negotiations between the taliban and the pakistani government have been at an impasse since february. >> congress on monday holding a rare nighttime session to address the veterans affairs scandal. lawmakers demand broader accountability to the concealment of patient care delays at v.a. hospitals. they say the investigation should also target managers blow top level executives. until now, those executives have been the main focus of the probation. before the hearing, the v.a. released its own audit into the allegations. more than 121,000 veterans across the country are experiencing long wait times for
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v.a. health care. nearly 60,000 of those are waiting 90 days or more for their first points. the v.a. says it is eliminating its 14 day scheduling goal for appointments after finding it is "unattainable." >> it's the latest in reports that have seen the v.a. secretary eric shinseki lose his job and engulfed the v.a. the worst cases of wait times around the country at v.a. facilities, new patient primary care, the worst, honolulu, hawaii, 145 days. specialist care, the longest wait time there, texas, 145 days. in mental health, the wait time there durham north carolina having the longest, 104 days, a rare monday hearing here in the house of representatives. monday evening making it even more rare. a number of conclusions coming out of this hearing, first of
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all, the 14 day period which was expected to see veterans the appointment time, the outside being 14 days, that has proven to be unrealistic. these facilities are overwhelmed and provided the incentive for facilities and factors to cook the book and fudge the numbers. antiquated computer systems whereby the points are taken and kept track of. they've got to be completely overhauled. what a deputy assistant secretary of the v.a. called integrity issues, people flat out lying to washington and their superiors. that gentlemen had this to say before the committee at the outset of the hearing. >> i apologize to our veterans, their families, and their loved once. members of congress, veteran service organizations, our employees and the american people. >> the number of interim steps are being taken in the short term to look at the problems, try to do something about the problems at the v.a., but everyone here and at the v.a.
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expects that this is going to be a long time to really fix what's wrong there. additional staff is being hired, both medical and administrative. suspending performance awards, which again turned out to be an intensive for people to cook the books. reached out to individuals who have been on the wait list who were unable to see the doctor starting with 1700 at the phoenix facility, making sure their medical needs be taken care of, and what's got to be done in the short term is finding a new secretary, after eric shinseki offered his resignation, accepted by president obama. >> mike viqueira reporting on the hill. aljazeera has continuing coverage of the veterans affairs scandal. in half an hour, a former v.a. staffer talks about what it would take to change the democratic's culture and fix its bureaucratic problems. >> today the senate armed services committee will hold a closed briefing on the prisoner
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swap that led to the release of p.o.w. bowe bergdahl. during a similar briefing, the white house revealed 90 members of the obama administration knew in advance about the swap. house returns blasting the administration for the way it handled the prisoner exchange. >> i'm concerned with the administration telling 80 or 90 people within the administration and not one member of congress. >> i didn't get a good answer why five members of the taliban were traded and why that was a good deal. >> the military concluded that bergdahl abandoned his post. there will be an investigation. >> boko haram gunman kidnapped 20 more women in nigeria. it happened near a town where the armed group abducted more
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than 200 school girls back in april. witnesses say thee young women who tried to stop thursday's kidnapping were taken, as well. the nigerian government has not commented on the incident. it is under international criticism for failing to control boko haram. >> amnesty is granted for several prisoners detained during the syrian civil war. bashar al assad commuted some death sentences and reduced jail terms for many offenses. state t.v. did not specify if it would apply to opposition supporters and their relatives still held. the move comes after assad's reelection for a third term of seven years. that is being dismissed as propaganda. >> the second largest city in iraq is in danger of falling to a heavily armed militia. government stormed headquarters there forcing iraqi police and military force to say abandon
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their posts. a prison was torched, allowing hundreds of inmates to run free. we are live in baghdad. are these militants now in control of mosul? >> well certainly according to local sources, they are in control of at least 75% of the city. they began their attack at the prison where they started a firefight with the security force there is. they managed to free at least 2,400 prisoners. many of those prisoners would have been fighters. it's unclear whether those prisoners have joined isil. there are 1300 fighters that went into mosul into the center of town, took over the provisional government building. the governor was inside and managed to escape. they managed to take over the banks, two television stations and so far what we're hearing is
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the iraqi army simply disappeared. the speaker of the house disappeared. he's one of the most senior politicians here in iraq. he said this was a deluxe of duty by the iraqi army that they simply dissipated in the face of this isil challenge. we expect to hear from the prime minister within the next hour to react to events going on in mosul and the province as a whole. he's been very quiet over the last 72 hours and we've seen a number of very bold attacks from isil fighters. it remains to be seen what he has to say, but he needs to send a strong message and show people he's willing to tackle these fighters, because people are losing confidence in the fact that they are able to come into cities, big cities, now mosul. >> the federal government is trying to figure out what to do with hundreds of children who enter this country illegally and
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alone. for now, the young migrants are held as a warehouse in arizona. we have more from nogales, arizona, where they are living. >> for the first time, we are hearing firsthand accounts of what it is like inside the warehouse that is holding 1100 undocumented children and teens. the minors began arriving from texas friday. a state official told me that customs and border protection here in nogales was only informed of the operation to move the minors here on thursday. again, they began arriving on friday, so very little time for authorities to prepare. that being said, those that toured the facility on monday said that the children are receiving adequate care. there's add get staffing to take care of them. they are being fed. there was catering services. they said that there have been phones that have been set up so these children, these teens can try to find a parent or relative, someone living in the united states. i did have a chance monday afternoon to speak with the mayor of nogales and a state
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senator after they toured the facility. >> i was able to talk to some of the children and i asked them how they felt. they said they felt really good. two little girls told me that they were very sad, and i asked why they were sad and they told me that they missed their parents. >> these kids, a lot of them are just refugees and this may be the best treated refugees in the world, but it's just sad that they have to be refugees and separated from their families. >> this facility is only supposed to hold the children and the teens for up to 72 hours, and what i'm told is happening is they are processing the minors in groups of 300. 300 come in, they process 300 out. they are sending those that have been processed to longer state facilities in texas, in oak on the ground, and in california. the state senator that i spoke with earlier on monday said this process, this operation is expected to last through
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september. >> jennifer london reporting from know dallas, arizona. >> undocumented children will now have to go to the back of the series have a line when they turned 21. that's the decision from a divided supreme court ruling 5-4. justice sided with the obama administration saying the majority of migrant children no longer qualify once they become duties. the case was sparked by an immigrant and her 18-year-old son who waited years for a visa. once the boy turned 21, he no longer qualified as a child and had to wait more years for a visa. >> most americans favor a pathway to citizenship for undocumented living in the country. they should be allowed citizenship if they meet certain requirements. 17% would report green cards but not citizenship. 19% say undocumented immigrants should be deported.
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>> a federal judge is refusing a state request to stop same sex weddings in wisconsin. hundreds of gay couples rushed to tie the knot after the judge deemed the ban unconstitutional. more than half of wisconsin state counties began issuing licenses ahead of an expected hold on the judge's ruling. same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and the district of columbia. >> torrential rains causing severe flooding in southern brazil. >> ebony deon is here with that and some flooding risk in the automatic, as well. >> we're dealing with heavy rain across parts of the deep south. the flooding in brazil, we have seen days of rain and the flooding has really stuck around over the last week or so and impacted host cities for the world cup. we'll continue to watch this area very closely over the next couple of days. we are not expecting to see that much relief across southern areas as we get into at least the next 24 hours, because more
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showers are expected. just up to the west, north of argentina, this is the area we've been watching that heavy rainfall and some towns have been cut off thanks to the mud slides washing out roadways and that has limited rescue efforts in some locations. here across the u.s., the rain has continued to come down into louisiana, mississippi and we have a very slow moving storm system. this is the system that we've tracked across colorado into texas and it's dumped a lot of rain. just within the last 24 hours, we saw a half inch, upwards to over two inches and this bully to the north of jackson, mississippi. picking up two inches for more. we'll see more of that as the heavy rain enters in from the western portion of the state. today we're dealing with the threat of flash flooding in the green areas, extending into alabama. we are dealing with a continued risk of severe weather. it looks like today's threat
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will be heavy rain, strong winds, as well as hail. >> caught on video, a sexual assault at the inauguration of egypt's president. >> coming together today to end sexual violence in regions in conflict. >> student athletes are suing for a piece of the multi-billion dollars industry built on their names and images. how they made their case during day one of testimony of a potentially game changing trial. [ explosion ] [ cheering ] >> rowing 2400 miles across the pacific ocean, athletes putting themselves for the test. it's not for the prize money. why they say they do it. >> $136 billion is the annual cost for an issue millions of american families face. r
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is the annual cost of autism related care. the figure was released monday on a new study by the journal of the american association pediatrics. >> it estimates the lifetime cost of being diagnosed is $2.4 million per family. that estimate is at the high end and reserved for people who are diagnosed with severe intellectual disabilities. >> most of the cost come from medical care, home health care, special education and after school care. >> 9% is due to wages care givers give up to an autistic family member. >> ukraine is facing a massive tax fraud scandal. hundreds of companies conspired to bilk the government out of $11 billion since 2011. some of them were phantom firms that never existed. officials say legit businesses secretly returned money in cash
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which reduced the real company's tax liability. the shell companies received a cut of the money to complete the scam. >> g.m.a. mary barra will face the shareholders today, likely to be grilled about the millions of recalls due to flawed ignition switches. the automakers announced its plans to consolidate lawsuits by families of accident victims. g.m. said it has created a compensation fund and will begin accepting claims in august. >> in just a moment, tackling the problem of sexual violence in countries at war. >> first, a look at temperatures across the nation. >> we are going to see a cool down in the upper midwest thanks to a front moving through. humidity levels on the rice. 59 in chicago, but to the southwest, already starting off the day with 87 in las vegas. we expect another triple digit
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afternoon, up to 104, so well above average by eight to 10 degrees. we will see heat building across the southwest as we go through the day and phoenix up to 109. >> another toasty summer day. ebony dionne, thank you so much. >> more than a half dozen men have been arrested following the brazen sexual assault of a woman at the inauguration of egypt's new president. police have taken seven men into custody after a 19-year-old student was stripped and beaten in cairos tahrir square. video of the attack was posted on line and circulated around social media sites. some of the suspects are as young as 16. they're linking the men to several cases of sexual harassment that need but have not specifically said they were responsible for the assault on the young woman in the video. >> actress angelina jolie will host a summit on ending sexual violence in conflict zones. representatives of 140 countries
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are expected to attend the summit in london. the british government said this is the largest gathering of its kind ever to address sexual violence. what can we expect this week? >> there will be four days of talks. the british government would like to achieve some accept answer of the idea that sexual violence doesn't necessarily have to accompany conflict. we've seen in recent years when we think about events in syria, in the eastern congo, in somalia, in bosnia, there has been that terrible linkage, sexual violence or rape on a mass scale during conflict. peacekeepers can be trained, there are ways in which survivors can receive counseling, ways in which legal systems can be strengthened. >> that leads me to my other
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question, which is one of the host aims is to increase prosecutions for rape in conflict zones. what are they doing to advance that goal and are the key stake holders there? >> well, there are 140 governments here, so that's good news. there will be talk about training investigators, there will be talk about some sort of harm nication of legal norms. i'll give you an example. a civil activist from syria is saying that in many cases, sexual crimes are not explicitly linked, not explicitly named as such, not criminalized. if there was some sort of standardization, you would see higher levels of prosecution. bosnia, the united nations believe that perhaps as many 50,000 women were raped during the bosnian civil war 20 years
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ago. there have been less than 100 successful prosecutions for rape, despite that number. >> such a long way to go on this issue. barnaby, thank you. >> the fallout continues in south korea. several crew members appear in court to face charges in south korea's deadly ferry accident. >> why the families of the victims got into a confrontation outside the courtroom. >> a veteransor insider talks about the culture in the v.a. system and what he believes could be done to help fix the widespread problem. >> the political controversy that led a miss universe contestant to surrender her crown. her crown.
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california to hawaii. why they're pushing themselves with this feat of endurance. >> the museum battle in one u.s. city where school kids may end up losing big. >> first a look at hour top stories. police say the couple who killed three people in las vegas including two police officers were white supremacists. they took part enclaven bundy's standoff with the government over grazing rights. >> five american soldiers have been killed in afghanistan. the special forces were killed by friendly fire when a coalition aircraft accidentally unleashed and air strike on their position. the soldiers were conducting a security operation ahead of afghanistan's presidential runoff election this weekend. >> the senate armed services committee is holding a closed briefing today on p.o.w. bowe bergdahl. they'll discuss why a prisoner swap happened without congress being alerted first. >> the captain of the south
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korean ferry are going on trial today. some shouted murderer, as the defends were led in. the trial comes at a time when emotions are still very raw in the country. >> this is the image that for his countrymen has come to define the captain. he is clamor to go safety in his underwear as his ship rolled slowly into the sea, killing 300 people. many were school children, repeatedly told by the crew to stay put in their cabins. this father wants more than anything a full explanation for his daughter's death. he also admits to a need for vengeance in the form of heavy sentences for captain and crew. >> when you saw the footage of the kids waiting for rescue, we could do nothing but weep. if someone had gone in and just shouted get out, they would have
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survived. the captain committed an unpardonable crime. >> he goes on trial with members of his crew. four of them face charges of homicide. less than a week after the sinking, south korea's president called the crew's actions akin to murder. that's raised concerns over the potential fairness of the trial, along with questions over the unusual use of murder charges in such a case. >> there's no commonly held belief that people should be allowed to escape justice because of a lax legal system. that's why the prosecution charged them with homicide. >> there is more to the sinking than the actions of its crew. prosecutors here in its home port are investigating the behavior of the company that owned it. they found numerous safety breaches on the sister ship and believe overloading of cargo and a lack of ballast water are the likeliest causes of the
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disaster. this man was a crew member and said dangerous overloading was common practice. he's baffled by the actions of his friend, the captain of the ship. >> i don't know what he was thinking web says. before this, he didn't strike me as that kind of person. i trusted and followed him. i can hardly understand. on tuesday in this courtroom, the captain and his crew mates begin the process of answering for those actions in a trial experts say can last anywhere from one month to six months. >> if quit, the captain and three of the crew members could face the death penalty, something that south korea hasn't seen in 20 years. >> the trucker accused of causing the deadly accident that critically injured comedian tracy morgan admits he was driving on no sleep. the driver said he had been awake for more than 24 hours when he rear ended the limo bus. that's a criminal violation of
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new jersey state allow. wal-mart believes roper was operating within the federal limitations. one of morgan's comedy writers james mcnair died at the scene. >> a california man pleaded not guilty. he is charged with kidnapping, rape and looked acts on a minor. he eventually married the young woman he kidnapped and they had a child together. prosecutors say he preyed on the young girl. some neighbors came out to show their support for garcia, saying he and the and would victim seemed to be a happy couple. bail is set at $100 million. he faces 19 years in prison if convicted. >> north carolina and virginia officials reached an agreement for the coal ash clean up, saying duke energy will pay any reasonable cost associated with the spill at its plant. duke signed a similar agreement with the e.p.a. last month. the company says it's already
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spent $15 million to contain the spill. the february 2 disaster coated over 70 miles of the river with gray sludge. >> libya's supreme court ordered the prime minister to step down, calling his election unconstitutional. he says he will respect the court's decision. the ruling throws libya's political future into limbo yet again while militia's fight to take control. can you tell us the reasoning first behind the supreme court's recent decision? >> testify knee, it has to do with how he was elected with the number of quotas and acting parliament. the session was called to an end. those who support him say it didn't end, more people arrived, voted and did he manage to get the quota. this is why we've had the standoff here.
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when it comes to libya, it was a very civilized day. everyone accepted the court's decision and decided to abide by the rule of law. that is a positive step. >> does that mean he'll to have step down? is this the last word? >> he has now stepped down at prime minister. today the gnc are convening, waiting for more members to arrive to see the next step. they could try to vote him in. again, he needs 120 votes, but the gnc is very divided. it will be difficult for him to get that. probably more likely they will leave the caretaker prime minister in charge. >> all of this politics is happening at fighting intensifies in libya. remind us who is fighting threw there and what's at stake.
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>> it's a very complicated situation. you have militias here at the end of the day, most on the government payroll, but when it comes to the end of the day answer only themselves. the general has launched a war on terrorists, extremist groups specifically in the east. this is something that has been on going in a sort of random way. he targets bases, but occasionally there hasn't been an all out operation. the situation hasn't that changed the reality on the ground there. he hasn't made headway against these groups. then of course the separate militias that support the different groups here, clashing. i have to say in the last few weeks, it's been relatively quiet especially here in the captain obviously tripoli. >> steph, thank you. >> primaries are held in five states today, but most eyes will be focused on two southeastern states, south carolina and virginia.
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senator lindsey graham looks to avoid a run off between six tea party candidates. he has 49% of the vote. he only needs 50% to avoid a runoff. house leader eric con tore faces the vote in virginia verge. maine, north dakota and nevada are also holding primaries today. >> last week, chris christie made appearances in tennessee and new mexico. this week, he'll stop in pennsylvania, appear on the tonight show and attend mitt romney's gop fundraiser in utah. next week, he'll be in washington, d.c., courting christian conservatives in the faith and freedom coalition. it's his first national tour since the so-called bridge gate scandal damaged his stock as a republican presidential candidate. >> more than 120,000 veterans are experiencing long wait times for v.a. facilities according to
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an internal audit. that's more than 57,000 veterans who have been waiting 90 days or more. nearly 64,000 additional veterans requested appointments over the last 10 years that have never been scheduled. on monday, the house committee on veterans affairs heard testimony from government watchdog agencies to determine who is to blame. richard allen smith is a retired army sergeant and veteran of the war in afghanistan, also a member of digital communications staff of veterans affairs. there smith, thanks for being with us, first of all. based on your experiences with the v.a., are you surprised by any of the findings of the various investigations and audits so far. >> i'm not terribly surprised. one thing to keep in mind and keep this in perspective is this number, the v.a. system is the system that had the largest health care network, representing 1% of those enrollees. that's still too many.
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there is a bureaucracy problem, a cultural problem that needs to be addressed. >> it's a relatively small number, but still thousands of veterans. what should people be more disturbed by, the fact that veterans are waiting to long to get doctor's payments or the audit found 13% of schedulers at the v.a. falsified appointment dates to make it look like the vets had been seen sooner? i think it's the falsification. this is a relatively small number. i'm sure that doesn't help the people that are actually affected to hear that, but when we have a problem with falsifying records due to goals that may or may not have been wise, that's really important to address that so we don't see the problem spread in the future. >> one suggestion by this audit is that the 14 day wait time was unrealistic. does scrapping that make it anymore likely that veterans are going to get great medical care
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and see doctors earlier? >> i think in the near term, yes. we do need a goal in the long term to get through this log of folks that have been waiting for a long time. i think general shinseki acknowledged before he resigned is that he made a mistake of assuming integrity. when you're in a military organization and assume a mission, you complete the mission or let your superiors know that you need more. what we've seen is that wasn't happening in v.a. the staff at the medical centers were given a mission of 14 days, and when it was something they couldn't reach instead of saying we need more doctors and nurses to get it done, started to cook the books instead. >> part of it was the bonuses offered to meet those goals. the root is the growing number of aging veterans that need medical care and not enough medical staff, including doctors. is enough being done to address that? >> i don't think there is. i think the senate bill in play now is a good way to address that. it's important that a lot of the
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folks that have been grandstanding about this issue, also the same folks that blocked the legislation earlier this year that would have hired more medical staff and provided money for more medical centers to alleviate the problem. >> what specific folks are you talking about? >> chairman miller for one, sort of been out front grandstanding and not being helpful. this isn't a partisan thing. on the democratic side, congressman filner when he was on the committee was just as bad as congressman miller. >> what you worked at veterans affairs, how did people get ahead and how can the culture be changed? >> from the time that i worked there, what i saw was there was generally a section of people, a group of people who had been there for a long time that seemed to still be stuck in the old way of doing things, which often seemed to me from my perspective of making things look good instead of good. when general shinseki came in,
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he brought in a recruitment of folks to try to reform problems and make solutions. when we could communicate those ideas to higher appointees that, you know, we could do those things and we showed results, but oftentimes, those communicating those ideas didn't get to the top because they went through that level of folks that had been there for a while. that's what concerns me. if you are at a level now where you're ready in a career to be appointed a hospital director, you were there at the time when you got ahead by making things look right. that's not universal, there are lots of directors that have got onboard and are reformed minded, but we need to address those that are not there yet. >> we sure appreciate your perspective this morning, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> stephanie, i don't know what your watch says, but mine says it's that time every morning for headlines making news around the world. we're going to start in thailand. that countries miss universe has
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given up her title. the bangkok post reports that the 22-year-old beauty queen resigned over comments she made on social media, critical of supporters that ousted the thai prime minister and said on facebook that they should all be executed. she was just crowned about a month ago. she has been in thailand which has been in political turmoil. >> she credit sides the pro government protestors, which got her into trouble. >> a facebook faux pas today, the social media company accidentally released the version of a new app it's working on. the app is called sling shot and there have been murmurings about this. it's to challenge that app snap chat that a lot of kids use. sling shot appeared briefly in the app store and only available to users in some country, but folks were able to get a preview of it. it was taken off pretty quickly
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after that. there are rumors that it is going to launch on the 10th. we'll see if that happen. it might have been a problem with the date system in the app that pushed it on line before it was supposed to. >> the way they pulled it back, they ought to call it boom range. >> a daunting rescue of a man inside a cave. it's an incredible story. can you imagine being stuck that deeply? >> one kilometer below the surface. there are 200 people working to save this cave explorer. there was a rock fall basically. it is believed that he is pretty badly injured, so when they do start to lift him out, they may have to do it horizontally the entire way. a team has reached him, but it's going to take time to climb out of germany's deepest cave. >> student athletes in court for what could be a game-changing lawsuit. >> the compensation they say
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they deserve for their part in a multi-billion dollar industry. >> i have spent tries what i thought i could get away with, and about three times what i originally had in the bank, so i am completely flat broke right now. >> putting their money and their strength on the line. an intense competition to row across a vast ocean. >> he's rich in experience. >> other discovery of the day focuses on the human face. why men may have a stronger jaw line than women. >> looking live at madison square gardens where the rangers lost their third straight game in the stanley cup finals. the highlights for the los angeles kings, next. gs, next.
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the human face didn't always look like it does today. researchers say our faces have evolved from fighting. evidence suggest that men's jaws changed shape to minimize damage from physical altercations once our ancient an as he is stores learned to throw a punch. they were more likely to get into the prehistoric equivalent of a bar fight. the hand allowed the formation of a fist, turning it into an effective weapon for fighting. >> now we know. >> what began as a dispute over a video game has become a landmark class action lawsuit involving student athletes. opening arguments in the o'bannon lawsuit began in oakland, california. the suit claims college athletes should be paid for the use of their names and faces and video games and other products. a former sports agent and manager of the sports department
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at new york university joins us. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> explain what is going on and what both sides want. >> two very quick elements to the case. ed o'bannon played for a national championship team. years after he graduated, he found his image and likeness showing up wearing a ucla jersey playing left-handed in a video game. he challenged the entire ability of the ncaa to maintain amateurism in college sports. it began about video games, moved into ins r. licensing and now whether the ncaa conspired to keep athlete compensation at zero. >> why should fans care about this? >> we don't know what the fruit of this will be. we don't know what college sports will look like when this case is decided when it goes against the ncaa. what i suspect would be some form of professionalization of college sports that allows
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athletes to make more money and receive licensing revenue and a split away from the schools. >> colleges generate big dollars, cbs and turner are going to pay out $700 million a year for the ncaa hoops tournament over four years, is the ncaa afraid of paying players as an opening to pandora's box. >> there's a little bit that have. they never south to change it with the reality of today. players are going to college and are part of this large money making machine. >> the ncaa agreed to a pretrial settlement of a similar lawsuit filed by a nebraska football player, settling for $20 million. how likely is it that a similar settlement will happen here? >> it's a bench trial. it could be a settlement, there could be a settlement at almost
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any molt. sometimes at a bench trial, you can settle even up to after closing arguments before the judge makes the order. the plaintiff received settlements along the way, $20 million from the keller case, their actually interested in the injunction part that will topple the system. they may go the distance here. >> it seems a key argument is well, we are providing athletes with this valuable education, but you've seen recently especially from athletes from the university of north carolina, examples where that's say we were shuttled toward majors that didn't require us to go to class or really do anything to get our degrees. how damaging could those revelations be to the ncaa in this case? >> they are harmful and a reason we have the situation. everybody is looking for a college education and that's certainly a valuable asset. everybody who pace for it with pretax dollars certainly thinks so. if you're not getting one, then
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there is a fair exchange. >> thanks so much for your time. >> my pleasure. >> six time olympic gold medalist amy van dyke has severed here spine. the former swimmer is recovering from surgery after injured friday in scottsdale, arizona. police say her atv hit a curb and went down an embankment. she told emergency workers she couldn't move her toes or feel anything touching her legs. she starred in the 1996 atlanta olympics, winning four gold medals in the games. >> the new york rangers would have to fight heavy odds to come back. the los angeles kings blanked the rangers at madison square gardens, winning 3-0, 1 victory away from a sweep and their second stanley cup championship in three years. the toronto maple leafs are the only team to come back from a 3-0 deficit to win the cup way
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back in 1942. >> let's get a look at the wet weather across the u.s. ebony deon is back. >> we're watching a couple of fronts move across the country. our next front cooled things off, bringing rain. this storm across the deep south is keeping things fairly unsettled. in mississippi, flash flooding will continue to be a risk through the day. >> a group of athletes has started a 2400-mile journey across the pacific ocean in rowboats. it's a grueling test of physical and mental endurance, traveling from california to hawaii. rob reynolds reports on the great pacific race. >> they are off on what may be one of the most grueling sports events ever in vented. it's the great pacific race, with competitors from around the world rowing from california to
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hawaii, a distance of nearly 3,900 kilometers. you heard that right. they're rowing, the whole way. no sales, no motors, just muscles. >> this is the canadian crew, practicing before the race began. >> the great pacific race is the first-ever human powered race across the pacific. we have 13 crews representing 10 different countries. it's going to take between one and three months. it's tough, hard, brutal, but brilliant. >> unlike many other sporting events, there are no big corporate sponsors ready to spin athletic sweat into gold. some of the racers put up their own money for boats and equipment. matt is a 33-year-old part time actor and self proclaimed adrenaline junkie. >> i have spent about twice what i had thought i could get away with, and about three times what i originally had in the bank, so
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i am completely flat broke right now. >> as british competitor susanna cast points out, there's no prize money, either. >> people keep driving past and asking that's the prize money, honor and glory? there's not much else. >> race organizers say safety is their top priority. each vessel has satellite phones to call for help if they run into talk about. >> at a time when many sports have become multi-billion dollar spectacles of mass entertainment, the great pacific race reminds us that some athlete adventurers compete not for money or fame, but to compete for themselves and love of the sport. >> rowers are fundraising for charities for autism research to fighting ocean pollution. of all the dangers that lay ahead from storms to sharks to sheer physical and mental exhaustion, matt worries most
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about what's behind him. >> the thing i fear the most is butt pain. i'm really concerned about how my butt's going to fare. >> there won't be mid ocean viewing but they can be tracked on line. >> you can track the competitors on line at >> police now say the couple who killed three people in las vegas were white supremacists. the pair took part in cliven bundy's stand out of with the government. >> internal audit finds more than 121,000 veterans across the country are experiencing long wait times for v.a. health care. ahead in our next hour, president obama announcing his plan to help ease the burden for student loan borers. we'll take a closer look at whether it will be enough to put a dent in the debt they owe.
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a new suit, getting those who have been left paralyzed the ability to walk once again. that scientific break through captured by our citizen journalists around the world. >> we'll be back with more aljazeera america in two minutes. real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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>> on techknow. we're heading to cutting edge cal tech campus >> here's a look at just a few of the students shaping the future of science >> see the latest research, discoveries and breakthroughs inside some of the worlds most advanced labs. >> how do you scale somethig you learned from a jelly fish?
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>> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity. this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see. techknow. we're here in the vortex. only on al jazeera america. >> veterans affairs officials admitting on capitol hill the department has an integrity issue. a new audit reveals more than 100,000 veterans have faced long waits for health care. >> if you disarm our population, you're making it easy for another country to come in here and invade us, all right, so therefore, it is an act of treason. >> an aljazeera exclusive, an interview with one of the las vegas shooters before they went on a deadly wham page.
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it's new proof of his anti-government views. >> the taliban taking responsibility for a new round of violence following a bloody battle at the country's international airport. >> president obama comes to the rescue after a basketball champion takes an unexpected trip during a celebration at the white house. >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm stephanie sy. >> i'm john henry smith. congress holding a nighttime session to address the veterans affairs scandal, demanding broader accountability. they say the investigation should also target managers below top level executives. >> until now, those executives have been the main focus of any probes. a few hours before the hearing, the v.a. released its own audit into allegations. the numbers show just how long veterans have to wait for medical care. >> more than 57,000 veterans have been waiting three months for appointments.
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others have not even a doctor at all. those are problems highlighted in an audit by the v.a., confirming last month's report showing a systemic break down way beyond the phoenix facility where the scandal was born. >> american veterans deserve better. it is irresponsible, indefensible and unacceptable. i apologize to our veterans, their families and their loved ones. >> that apology on capitol hill came last night during a veterans afar committee hearing. patient schedulers manipulated wait times in 76% of v.a. facilities to make them appear shorter than they were. more than 10% of those schedulers say they were shown how to manipulate those wait times by supervisors. also in the audit, scrapping a 14 day scheduling goal set by the agency to see vets.
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it was called unreal stack and a possible motive to adjust wait times to receive bonuses. all of those bonus us have been suspended. 69 v.a. facilities are being investigated for falsifying records. officials say criminal charges could be coming. >> when sufficient credible evidence is identified supporting a potential violation of criminal law, we are coordinating our efforts with the department of justice. >> some on capitol hill, including 20 senators want the f.b.i. to step in now. >> they are not only scheduling delays, but secret lifts, falsification, there may be crimes involved. >> wait forego care, hiring medical staff and still searching for a new leader, after secretary shinseki resigned. the v.a. estimates it will need $300 million to accelerate medical care for veterans who have been wait forego appointments.
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>> the second largest city in iraq maybe in dang are of fogg to gunman who stormed government headquarters, forcing iraqi police and military to abandon their post. a prison was torched, allowing hundreds of inmates to run free. moments ago, iraq's prime minister made an announcement on state television. >> we are live in baghdad. the prime minister spoke. what did he say? >> he set out a number of measures to deal with this cries situation as he's calling it. he put the army on maximum alert. he's reconvened an emergency session of parliament, asking them to declare a state of emergency. he's asked the u.n. and european union to come in and help and to start talks with them. he's also asked for other nations to come in and help and for that to read america and the
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u.k., now nobody here wants u.s. troops back on the ground here, but he does want support, material support from the u.s. government, support he says hasn't been quick enough to arrive, and he's been very critical of the u.s., saying they've been dragging their feet and that's allowed groups like the islamic state of iraq to mount attacks like this, very brazen and very bold one in mosul. he's asked tribal leaders to get involved in the fight to raise militias in places where the iraqi army can't get to quick enough and take the fights to iraq. very tough language from the prime minister. >> are these men now in control of mosul? >> they control 75% of the city. they mounted an attack on the prison where they released 2,400 prisoners. some of them would have been
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isil fighters. they then went inside the city, took over the government building, two television stations, banks and streets. the iraqi army were unable to cope. one of the senior politicians said the iraqi army performed a deluxe of duty. they control 75% of the city. >> >> five nato military members were killed in afghanistan. there are reports they may have been killed when a coalition aircraft accidentally fired on their position. 36 nato soldiers have been killed so far this year in
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afghanistan. most international combat troops will be pulling out of there by the end of the year, but a small contingent of u.s. forces may stay in the country. >> in neighboring pakistan, the taliban is taking responsibility for another attack. two gun men on a motorcycle opened fire on an airport security training facility in karachi near an international airport that came under fire in a bloody battle on monday. the u.s. is offering to help pakistan investigate. taliban fighters disguised as security forces stormed the airport, leaving at least 29 dead. the group says it was in retaliation for american drone strikes, and threatens more attacks. negotiations between the taliban and the pakistani government have been at an impasse since february. >> we're learning more about jerad and amanda miller, accused of killing two las vegas police officers as well as a bystander. >> the millers were involved with white supremacists and he
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canpressioned anti establishment views in the past. we have exclusive video that shows those views on display. erica pitzi joins us now. these videos may help explain why they did this. >> the video was shot in april when our correspondent interviewed jerad miller. they were volunteering as militia members to help cliven bundy in a standoff with the u.s. government. the couple was kicked off the ranch because their views were too radical. >> las vegas authorities have not released an official motive for the shootings that left two police officers and a bystander dead, but new videos of accused cop killer miller may offer insight. >> our rights are being violated by the federal government time and time again. >> flaunting anti-government views, the millers volunteered at militia members to help cliven bundy, the nevada rancher who clashed with federal agents
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over a forced roundup of his cattle on federal land. while on the large, miller explained his stance in an interview. >> the abuses of police have just grown out of control with no repercussions. >> he was no stranger to police particularly in indiana where he had a criminal record. he posted videos to you tube under the web name usa true pay the treat. in one, he recounts when police arrested him. >> one of them came and stood right here in this hallway, right where i'm standing now with an assault rifle, while another one illegally detained my wife there in the living room, would not let her leave the house. police officers then came up my stairs here without a warrant, by the way. >> miller's apparent anger turned to tears as he posted a message for his wife just before heading to jail.
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>> i love you so much. i hope that you will come and visit me in jail. >> miller never expressed remorse in this video, even though convicted of a crime. a year later while on the bundy ranch, he called out government as the real criminal. >> you know, a lot of these criminals we have running around our country, they're really not criminals. all right? they just refused to follow their laws. you know what i'm saying? so how are those people any different than the criminals in our government that refuse to follow the laws that are set for them? >> the day before the shootings, he wrote on facebook it's the dawn of a new day, may all of our sacrifices be worth it. eyewitnesses heard the millers shout "this is a revolution" before they opened fire. >> hundreds gathered in front of the las vegas pizza parlor where the officers were shot, creating a makeshift memorial for the slain metro officers as well as a civilian. many in the crowd were still
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trying to make sense of the shooting. >> it's hard to describe something so evil to these innocent kids and tell them that there's an officer, there's a daddy not coming home anymore so it's just an emotional time for all of us. >> officers back in salvo were gunned down while having lunch at cici's pizza. >> packing is a necessity while traveling, but packing heat is another issue. more passengers are attempting to take guns on airplanes. the agency said it found 892 guns in carry on bags at security check points, up 19% from last year when the total was 750 guns. last wednesday, the t.s.a. said screeners found a record 18 guns, beating the previous record of 13 guns last may. 80% of the guns found are loaded. >> today the senate armed services committee will meet
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behind closed doors to discuss the trade with the taliban that set bowe bergdahl free. the white house is facing criticism following monday's briefing from the obama administration. >> house republicans emerged from a hearing with key white house advices sounding more frustrated than before it began. after learning just how many people knew about the deal to free sergeant bowe bergdahl in exchange for five taliban leaders before congress. >> i'm concerned with the administration telling 80 or 90 people within the administration and not one member of congress. >> i didn't get any good answer as to why five high ranking taliban were traded and why that was a good deal. >> at least one democratic is rising to the administration's defense. >> should we bring him home, should we not bring him home? no, we bring home everyone. >> now recovering at a military
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hospital in germany, sergeant bergdahl said he was kept in a tiny metal cage after trying to escape. allegations bergdahl may be a deserter for walking off his post five years ago have some demanding a military inquiry. >> there will be a time and place for an investigation. >> some call the prisoner exchange the wrong thing to do. >> tomorrow, defense secretary chuck hagel testifies on capitol hill about the bergdahl swap. >> undocumented children will have to go to the back of the visa line when they turn 21. that's the decision from a divided supreme court ruling 5-4. justs sided with the obama administration saying the majority of migrant children no longer qualify when they become
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duties. >> a new poll finds most appearance favor a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. illegally. 62% of americans say those immigrants should be allowed citizenship if they meet certain requirements. 17% would support green cards but not citizenship while another 19% say undocumented immigrants should be dough ported. >> boko haram gunman kidnapped 20 more women in nigeria. it happened near a town where the armed group abducted more than 200 school girls in april. witnesses say three young men who tried to stop thursday's kidnapping were taken, as well. the nigerian government has not commented on the latest incident. it's been under increasing international criticism for failing to control boko haram. >> there is outrage in egypt today over a mass sexual assault caught on camera.
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egyptian police arrested seven men they believe attacked a woman during inaugural celebrations for the countries new president, shaky video of one assault went viral. >> this video posted on social media appears to show a woman naked, with blood covering parts of her body. police struggled to escort her out of cairo's tahrir square and tens of thousands of egyptians celebrate the inauguration of their new president. the video has created a stir. along with this slip posted on social media sites, it shows a correspondent for a private t.v. network reportle from tahrir square. she tells and anchor woman, you must report that there are isolated cases of sexual harassment. as she speaks, an anchor is heard laughing and saying so what, they are having fun, all the people are having fun. the anchor later posted on her
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facebook page, i was commented on the people's joy, not the harassment. by the numbers, sexual harassment is a phenomenon in egypt. >> many egyptians just don't want to accept that this is a very pervasive problem and they think that it's an aanomaly, an unusual case, but in fact the numbers are showing that it's becoming more and more prevalent. >> many incidents have taken place in tahrir square during rallies during the arab spring and today. >> you have women on the streets publicly protesting and participating in celebrations like this weekend when al sisi was elected. there are more opportunities for these men to act. >> some men are joining women in egypt to fight sexual assaults. volunteers with the imprint movement roam the streets to stop sexual harassment.
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>> whatever happens in those assaults, it harms society as a whole. it's not only women. it's not a woman's thing. >> egypt demanded laws on sexual harassment to make it punishable by up to five years in prison. some activists are worried those laws won't be enforced. >> authorities are examining a dozen videos from security cameras and by standers at the inauguration celebrations as they investigate reports of other school assaults. >> the captain and crew of the south screen ferry that sank in april are going on trial today. they came face-to-face with parents of some of the young victims on that ferry. many of those relatives shouted murderer as the defendants were led into court. 11 crew members including the captain have pleaded not guilty in the case. the captain and three others face the most serious charge of homicide through willful negligence if convicted. they can face the death penalty, so south korea hasn't seen in 20 years. 290 people, many students died when the ferry sank.
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>> a u.s. security firm says a second chinese military unit has been carrying out cyber attacks on foreign companies. a new report from crowd strike claim the people's liberation army has been operating a cyber crimes unit out of shanghai. this latest allegation follows the justice democratic's allegation last month accusing five members of the chinese military of hacking american companies. the new report calls china's international computer espionage campaign massive and unrelenting. >> kiev says it has reached a mutual understanding with moscow on a plan proposed by poroshenko to end the violence in eastern ukraine. there's been no comment from russia. two days of talks have given momentum to an emerging peace process. germany's foreign minister said there appears to be a faint light at the end of the tunnel in ukraine. >> the slow moving storm system that's caused problems in parts of the u.s. is start to go push this way, east. >> for more, let's bring in
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meteorologist ebony deon. >> it is going to continue to keep things unsettled the next couple of days, so the umbrellas are going to come in handy. this morning, catching a little bit of a break from the rain at times, those clouds are very low, hanging overhead. we do have dense fog bringing visibilities down in new york city to a little over a mile. that's start to go lift just a bit, but you will need the extra time getting out this morning and really as we get into late this evening and tonight, as well. we're going to do so more of the same. lots of major in place. you can see the thick cloud suffer overhead. scattered rain showers throughout the day, we're dealing with a stalled out frontal boundary. the storm lists to the north and pushes to the north and east. that's going to keep that rain in our area for the next few days. definitely unsettled weather conditions across much of the east. here's the storm system now, still rotating and spinning across the central plains. it will continue to push offer to the east. we are dealing with the threat of severe weather in advance.
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heavy rainfall, strong gusty winds and possibility of hail, now isolated tornadoes can't be ruled out. we'll have to watch from kentucky south to the gulf coast, that includes jackson, mississippi to memphis. we are dealing with the heavy rainfall, a line of storms pushing into western mississippi where we've seen quite a bit of rain. around the delta, we set a record, picking up more than two-inches. today we could see an additional one to three. >> syrian president bashar al assad making an offer of amnesty to citizens, why some people will be spared punishment for their crimes and others will not. >> l.a. clippers owner donald sterling putting the brakes on the sale of his team again. why he says the deal is a no-go. >> a set of whales making a rare appearance in the waters off the coast of california. that and other videos captured
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>>ed wind and rain pummeling the city in germany. officials were forced to close roads, cancel flights and shut public transportation due to the strength of the storm system. >> ateam of scientists showing or a robotic body suit capable of helping a paralyzed person walk again. this is the testing phase. it will make its official debut during the opening ceremony of the world cup, where a paralyzed person will use it to make the first kick. >> special visitors making a rare appearance in the waters off california. catch ago mother and a calf pilot whale swimming in the pacific ocean mashes the first
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siting of this species in this area in 18 years. >> making sure more than a million child refugees from syria can still get an education, just ahead. >> syria's president is granting amnesty for prisoners detained there. bashar al assad reduced jail terms for many sentences. state t.v. did not specify whether the amnesty will testify toe tens of thousands of opposition supporters and their relatives still held. >> the move comes less than a week after assad's reelection for a third term of seven years. >> three mill refugees have fled the civil war in syria, seeking shelter in neighboring countries. 456 are children. most haven't been to school in years. nick schiffron found one school giving new hope to young refugees and their teacher. >> even in a school that might seem foreign, you can find a
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game that's familiar. there's a universality to being a child and understanding of musical chairs. a love of drawing, and an attraction to butterflies, where memorizing a tune before really understanding it. ♪ >> look closer and know these students are syrian, these children are refugees, who fled to an unfamiliar country. >> 400,000 in lebanon alone are out of school, many have not attended school for two to three years. we are at risk of losing an entire generation. >> he draws what he remembers from when life was good when he had a house. >> what do you think about your home here? >> it's a tent web says, because of safety concerns, their teacher must say anonymous. >> when you arrived here, what was the condition of these kids? >> some of them have even seen their fathers killed in front of them, so when they arrived, they were always afraid. >> the school is this tent and
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that little guy is one of 250 people who live here. the refugee crisis is growing. in the last year, the settlement tripled in size. >> lebanon doesn't allow formal refugee camps. what you have instead of informal settlements. this one in particular is right by the side of a main road. what you have is now a thousand of these across the country and each one, the conditions are crude. >> with no running water, sewage runs along the edges, the toilets are portable. this classroom is something save the children calls a safety zone. the school is a sanctuary. >> they are talking to me. their situation has really improved. >> by day, the tent's a classroom, by night a home. the family who lives here has given part away so the kids can go to school. the daughter of that refugee family is the teacher. >> what did you see in syria? how are you when you first arrived?
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>> we arrived here, we had no home, no job, nothing. my husband was with me, but then he returned to syria. >> that's her son playing next to her. his father never returned. just as it has for the children, the school has healed her. >> when my husband died, i didn't want to see anyone. i isolated myself, but then i started teaching. when you see people who have suffered like you, you feel your problems are becoming smaller. >> a refugee helping save other refugees to ultimately save herself. nick schiffron, aljazeera, lebanon. >> a recent united nations survey found 80% of young syrian refugees in lebanon are not in school. >> mercury around the country is trending upward. we'll look at temperatures across the country today. >> we will continue to bake across the southwest, where triple digit numbers have really been with us over the last week in las vegas.
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we've had a week and one day straight of temperatures in the triple digits. right now we're starting at 88 degrees in phoenix. we are feeling milder around chicago, denver in the low 50's. through the day, we'll feel the warmth build across the deep south. there's plenty of moisture around. hot and sticky conditions from houston to atlanta where highs will climb into the mid and upper 80's. in the northeast, upper 70's and low 80s. back to you. >> president obama unveiling his plan to ease the burden of student loans. more than $1 trillion in outstanding college loan debt. we'll ask a man who help students plan and pay for college whether the president's plan will put a dent that in debt. >> a gunman scaling roofs in los angeles, sending local homes and schools into lockdown and putting police in high alert. a domestic dispute escalated into a city wide chase.
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>> transit workers in brazil calling an end to the strike ahead of the world cup. why they could be back on the picket line just for the start of the tournament. >> a look now at our images of the day, elephants in thailand getting into the spirit for the world cup, the playful pachyderms showing ball handling skills. each elephant is sporting a paint job to represent the different country taking part in the soccer tournament.
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>> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. >> the world cup set to kick off thursday. after months of delays, brazil racing the clock to make sure everything is ready. >> an embarrassing moment at the white house. the you con women's basketball player who had her slip up caught by cameras. >> oops. >> just when you thought the
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donald sterling saga ended, the embattled los angeles clippers owner decided to renew his fighting. he says he no longer supports his team sale. instead, he will pursue a $100,000 lawsuit. he alleges the lawsuit goes against his constitutional rights. his wife negotiated the sale last week. >> the supreme court says california is responsible for disabled inmates who are in county jails. the court declined to consider an appeal on a 2012 decision which ruled state prison officials failed to properly monitor and protect former inmates. those inmates mostly low level offenders were sent to county jails instead of prisons for parole violations. the supreme court denial highlights tension between california state and federal courts on prison overcrowding. >> a new justice department
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report describes the l.a. county jail system as noise, unsanitary and infested with vermin. firms in washington are also concerned about the way mentally ill inmates are being treated there. >> for 12 years, the department of justice has monitored the treatment of mentally ill inmates in a los angeles county jail. in its latest report, the department of justice fines that the system continues to vital prisoners' constitutional rights. the report says the county of los angeles fails to provide sufficient suicide prevention practices to protect inmates from self harm. the report is sharply critical of supervision. of 15 inmates in the past 30 months, the department of justice believes some of the deaths may have been preventable with proper suicide practices. the los angeles county sheriffs office released a statement saying it was disappointed that the report fails to fully recognize the additional progress made over the last year and a half to improve mental health services.
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los angeles houses 19,000 inmates, making it the nation's largest jail system. the department of justice credits jail officials with making progress in some areas, but is proposing court enforceable agreements to address remaining deficiencies. aljazeera. >> the armed suspect in a high speed freeway chase and standoff in north hollywood was facing criminal charges when he fled officers. the suspect identified as 41 years old nolan perez held off police for more than four hours, spotted carrying an assault rifle hopping from rooftop to rooftop. he has been charged with making criminal threats and stalking his exgirlfriend. the chase began when he was caught outside an exgirlfriend's house. the standoff caused several schools in the area to go on lockdown. >> a federal judge is refusing wisconsin's request to stop same sex weddings.
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couples rushed to tie the knot when the ban was ruled unconstitutional. more than half of wisconsin's counties are issuing licenses. same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and the district of columbia. >> new jersey governor chris christie maybe reviving talk of a 2000 tin white house bid, making appearances in tennessee and new mexico. this week, he's making a examtain stop in pennsylvania, appearing on the tonight show and attending mitt romney's fundraiser in utah. next week, he'll court christian conservatives in the faith and freedom coalition. it's his first national tour since the bridge gate scandal. >> president obama is offering additional debt relief to millions of college graduates, signing an executive order monday making more graduates eligible for the caps on the payment they make, asking congress to take up measures that would allow students to refinance their loans. >> we're going to make it clear
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that these companies are in the business of helping students, not just collecting payments. they owe young people the customer service and support and financial flexibility that they deserve. >> president obama says the rising costs higher education have left america's middle class feeling trapped. here to discuss the economics of college and what the president's executive order means for those dealing with debt is mark, the senior vice president and publisher of advicer', an educational website aimed at helping students plan and pay for college. he joins us from las vegas, nevada this morning, thanks for joining us on aljazeera. according to the white house, 71% ever good we get leave school in debt, 71% drop out before getting a degree and the average debt per student is nearly $30,000. how much of a dent will this executive order make in debt for college grads? >> it will make the loans easier
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to remay for students who are struggling with their student loans, students who graduated with more debt than their annual income. it shifts borers from the base replacement plan to pay as your payments are 130 lower. >> we're going to delve into more detail. the cost of college keeps going up and the president wants reform. >> as long as college costs keep soaring, we can't keep throwing money at the problem. we're going to have to initiate reforms from the colleges themselves. states have to invest more in higher identification. >> the reason often cited for the high cost of tuition these days with states cutting subsidies. is this the new norm? >> this is a trend that's been going on for the last four decades. there's a feast or famine cycle in public college tuition, where
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during a recession and for a few years afterwards, the states cut their appropriations, forcing the public colleges to raise tuitions. >> from 2005-2012, tuition costs have increased by 35% while the average salary for a person under 30 with a bachelor's degree has actually dropped 2.2%. i'm doing the math here and wondering how can a young adult come out ahead in this equation? >> well, the problem is the debt at graduation is increasing while the incomes have been flat to declining. what's needed is an increase in the grants so that the grants will keep pace with paces in college costs as to the current trend which is to cut them on a per student base. >> you're talking about grants, but the president is talking about loans, which means that students have to pay back those loans with interest. where are the grants? >> well, the pell grant for
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example has been relatively flat for the last five years. a couple of those years have increased at the inflation rate but several of those years, it didn't increase at all. the increase in the pell grant over this 10 year period from 2010 to 2020 is relatively anemic. >> with all of that said, if i'm a perspective college student, i'm thinking is college still worth it. all the statistics and data i've seen have said that it is still worth it, but is this discouraging perspective college students from even trying to get a degree? >> it's probably causing some students who were thinking about a college education to not go or to shift enrollment to lower cost colleges. low income students are increasingly priced out of a college education. on average, the lifetime earnings for someone with a college degree are about double those of some with just high school diploma, so it's still
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worthwhile on average, but that's an average. some people borrow more and earn less after graduation, and that's where the problem lies. you need to keep your debt in synch with your income. >> thanks for joining us this morning, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> one of the world's largest combat thick cathedrals is not in france or england, it's in new york city near columbia university. as jonathan betz reports, there are new plans to build a pair of 14 story apartment buildings that would tower over the cathedral. >> it is one of the largest religious spaces in the united states and one of the most visited in new york city. the unfinished episcopal
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cathedral's size is incredible. >> not only used as a house of worship, but an art gallery and community space, as well. >> i think it's gorgeous. i love the stain glass windows. it's very majestic. >> maintaining the cathedral comes at a cost. the diocese leased out land to real estate developers. the plan is to build 214 story towers that will hold apartments, generating $2 million a year for the church. the preservationist argue the plan is not in keeping with the architecture. it will block views of the buttresses and stained glass windows. >> it is a classical, very historical piece of work, versus a new piece of metal. >> i don't like that idea of kind of going new and old. >> one architect has a plan to protect the views and main
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satisfactory both the church and preservationists. >> steven burn's idea is to build a tower that rises along the north, a plan he says will complement the original design and give the developer more units to rent. the dean says they've considered that before. >> mr. burns isn't coming up with a new idea. we vetted that idea years ago. we were told and we believed that this is not the best idea. >> with construction underway, the likelihood of any alternate plan being adopted at this stage is slim. >> we're not going to see the loss of st. john the di vein. we're going to be seeing really the did he say creation in my judgment of its siding with this building, which to me is going to be like parking an ocean liner next to the cathedral. >> the real did he say creation
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would be to turn your back and say it's a beautiful believe, it's too bad it's going to fall apart and eventually, it will be closed. that would be did he say creation. >> most visitors we spoke with just want to know that st. john the divine cathedral have a future, a move both sides agree this housing development will assure. >> north carolina and virginia reached an agreement for the coal ash cleanup in the dan river. both states say duke energy will pay any reasonable cost associated with the spill at its plant. duke signed a similar agreement with the e.p.a. last month. it has spent $15 million to contain the spill. the february 2 disaster coated 70 miles of the river with gray sludge. >> mary barra will face shareholders, being grilled about the millions of recalls for flaw the ignition switches. the automakers announced plans to consolidate lawsuits by
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families of accident victims. g.m. has created a compensation fund and will begin accepting claims in august. >> go daddy is going public again. the company sells domain names to websites, but it may be better known for racy commercials starring danica patrick. it's in the final stages of preparing for it's i.p.o. it tried going public in 2006, but the deal never materialized. go daddy reported more than $1 billion in revenue last year, but the site is still losing money. it reported a nearly $200 million loss for 2013. >> there's a battle raging between the city of north miami and a museum located there. museum officials want it to move because they are being neglected by the city which is hampering its ability to grow, as the city firefighters to keep the museum, the young evident residents would be impacted by the move. >> the student artist behind the work in this gallery draw inspiration in and out of the
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classroom. these life sized puppets took shape after a field trip to the museum of contemporary art. it's five blocks away. >> how i could create my art and how it could be better just like theirs. >> the elementary is a museum magnate school, using the resources of local museums, including art, cultural artifacts and photographs to engage students. the vision is to macon temporary art accessible especially to underserved populations. the principal said her students fit that mission. if it moves, the principal says it will be harder and more expensive for kids to get to the museum. >> it would definitely be a loss for students and their parents. >> i would feel sad, because then i wouldn't see all of the galleries and the art easily. >> i won't be able to get ideas
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the way i'm used to. >> in the 18 years it has been in north miami, it has become emeshed in the community. admission is free to residents. the museum also offers a free after school program and a summer camp to teens, as well as monthly jazz concerts. the board of directors said the city has not responded with adequate support. that's why it wants to personal with the bass museum of art, 13 miles away in the more of a fluent city of miami beach. a spokeswoman said the city of north miami's continued neglect of the building and lack of support has impacted our ability to sustain and grow the services we provide. >> that's stunning, there are no emails going back and forth to city hall pointing out problems. the first time we learned they had issues with our being a landlord was when they filed a lawsuit. >> now the museum, the city and even the collectors who donated art are embroiled in a lawsuit.
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back at the school, the kids will talk about this book they published last year, inspired by a visit to the museum. the story's theme. >> being nice can be better than being mad. >> something they might want officials to consider in the battle over the future of the museum. aljazeera, north miami. >> both sides have been ordered to participate in mediation scheduled for june 16. >> it's finally here, are you ready for the world cup? >> i am, but that's the big question facing brazil as it races against the clock to put the finishing touches on the games. >> we'll take a closer look at whether those challenges will prove to be too much to pull off a successful tournament. eads - .
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osprey in massachusetts. if you look really closely there, in the middle of the screen, you can see the little baby osprey there. osprey are a variety of hawk and well known for their keen eyesight and ability to grab fish out of the water. right before we came back from the break, there was a second osprey. go and get fish for the little babies there. >> transit workers in brazil have put their strike on hold days before the country hosts the world cup. subway employees clashed with police in sao paulo, raising fears that the protest could overshadow thursday's opening match. >> no agreement, but the strike is suspended at least for a day. that was a surprise decision by metro union members after nearly four hours of closed door talks with the government broke down with no agreement. they nevertheless said they'll go back to work for now and meet
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again on wednesday, one day before the world cup kickoff in the city to decide their next course of action. >> the day started ominously enough, several hundred mostly youth protestors burned rubbish, blocking a major avenue in a predawn protest. it's been tense at times, police locking the doors of the gates of the station to prevent a revolt. later, riot police moved in to break up the crowd. sixty picketing metro workers were fired after the strike was ruled illegal by a court. the union wants them all to get their jobs back before they say they'll permanently end the strike. it's been a sticking point in negotiations. >> we may have been talking to the government for more than two months, but they have not been negotiating with us. now they are criminalizing our movement. >> at mid-day, more protests at more than 1,000 activists from a homeless workers movement
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marched in the center to show support for the metro workers. local officials are confident that if the metro workers decide to strike again, it won't threaten the world cup games in the city. >> the federal, state and city government is ready to offer a big event that will go on as planned. for any issue that can come up, we have contingency plan, not just for the metro. >> the metro workers strike seems to have been the catalyst for all these two protestors in sao paulo. the big question now is is this the beginning of the end of these protests or will they continue for the world cup. >> for now it's over, but the threat of another strike still looming. aljazeera, sao paulo. >> preparations for the 2014 world cup have been marred by construction delays and massive cost overruns. much like the runup to the sochi olympic game, security is taking center stage.
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157,000 brazilian troops and police will be deployed to maintain order. drones and surveillance equipment will be used in that reward. brad brooks joins us, bureau chief with the associated press in brazil. good morning to you, sir. a recent poll reveals the majority of brazilians are against hosting the world cup, because it takes money away from schools, health care and public services. 39% say it will hurt brazil's images around the world. what is behind this public anger at hosting the world cup? >> well, the anger's really centered on the corruption that brazilian's inherently know exist in the brazilian system. the world cup is sort of the straw that broke the cam em's back to be honest. the $11.5 billion being spent is
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relatively small for the seventh largest economy in the world, but brazilians see it as just symbolic of corruption elsewhere in the country, where there's the education system, the hospitals, the roads, brazilians pay a lot of money in taxes and get very little in return. that's basically what it boils down to. >> but in soccer mad brazil, do you think if brazil winds up winning all of that will be forgotten? >> i don't think it will be forgotten. i think there will be a temporary truce, without question, as to the brazilian national side, if the team starts winning, gets on a roll, you'll see people get behind the world cup more than now. there's definitely a flat feeling now. there's no denying that. there's nothing like winning to jack up the excitement in brazil. >> talking about the security, about 157,000 troops and police are expected to be deployed along with helicopters and drones. are fears of this violence
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justified or overblown? >> nobody is going to say fears are overblown. brazilians are preparing as best they can. they have a very long and porous border and foreign that diplomats here in brazil say that's what they worry about, that brazil doesn't really have strong control over its borders. that said, brazil does not have a history of terrorist attacks. that's a point that brazilian leaders emphasized when they won the world cup and also the olympics. they're doing everything they can. they're going to lolled the streets with soldiers. there are navy ships off the coast of rio de janeiro right now. you can see them from the beach. they are out in force and will do everything they can to halt any big scale violence. the real danger are the muggings, the robberies, those
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sorts of crimes. that's the real danger, in my opinion. >> brad brooks, bureau chief with the associated press in brazil. thank you so much. >> goldman sachs has done number crunching and statistically say that brazil is most likely to win the world cup at this point. >> let's get a look at where the wet weather will be across the u.s. today. >> we have moisture in place across the south, pushing into the east he were u.s. this is an area that we will need to have the umbrellas out, new york city to miami where scattered storms are expected. here is a look at our counter clockwise spin in the atmosphere, the slow moving storm system that brought a line of storms through texas. we have storms along the gulf coast of texas to the west of houston. that line has weakened, but packs a punch as far as the heavy rainfall. we will continue to deem with the flash flooding. here is an area that we will see
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up to five inches of rain, an additional three inches in spots. >> bracing for that, thank you. >> the new york rangers have to defy big odd to say come back from a 3-0 deficit in the stanley cup finals. los angeles kings blanked the rangers at madison square gardens, which you are taking a look at now. the kings are one victory away from a sweep and their second stanley cup championship in three years. the toronto maple leafs are the only team to come back from a three-game deficit to win the cup back in 1942. >> a little slip up during a white house dance contest. this is what happens after president obama held a dance off with former uconn star stephanie. she did slip while trying to get back on the podium after boogying with the commander-in-chief. see, this is what happens. the huskies won the ncaa
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championship. i don't think she slips up much on the court. >> we slip up all the time, you just got to keep it rolling, stephanie. good job. >> thanks for joining us this morning on aljazeera america. >> ahead in just two minutes, the latest on the fresh violence in pakistan and iraq this morning. is morning.
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