tv News Al Jazeera June 10, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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authorities in iraq lose their battle against a rebel group in the northern city of mosul. ♪ ♪ the fighting there and in the surrounding region has sent people running for their lives, i am lauren taylor, this is al jazerra. also coming up. anger and anguish relatives of those who died in south korea's fairfairferry disaster accuse te captain and crew of member. wiping out one of the world's most devastating diseases. a reprieve for now but a
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fresh strike could threaten the world company. hello, fighters from the islamic state of iraq have seized the northern part of a province in iraq, the area's largest city mosul is sending residents fleeing the fighting. al jazerra immaterial ran cannes ikahnis there and sent this rep. >> reporter: in the early hours of ties fighters from the islamic state of iraq mounted one of the boldest attacks on mosul in the country's north. 1300 fighters besieged the city and took over at least 75% of it according to local sources. iraq's army and police forces also abandoned their posts. they freed 2,300 prisoners and then the provincial government building was taken over quickly followed by two tv stations and
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some banks. a few hours later the iraqi prime minister called for. >> we call upon the parliament to declare state of emergency. >> reporter: he also put the arm on maximum alert and called for tribal militias to protect sits and take the fight. he also called for the international community to help. it won't be easy to get as many politicians have vocally criticized the handling of the crisis early on tuesday, the speaker of the house iraq's army remember partly to blame. >> translator: when battles intense identified the iraqi forces abandoned their weapons and the commanders fled leaving behind weapons and armored vehicles. their positions were easy pray for terrorists, even the pair port, planes have fallen in addition to weapons cashes. also prisons were stormed and
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criminals set free. >> imran kahn is live for us now. a dangerous situation developing. give us the latest on the fighting and so on. >> reporter: the fighting still continues. what we have heard in the last hour is for the first time u.s.-made f-16s have been use ed by the iraqi arm toy hit targets inside mosul. that is the first time they have used such high-tech weaponry against isil fighters in mosul and the surrounding province. the prime minister has put the army and the security forces on maximum alert and he's asking for this state of emergency. but i have to say, a lot of people here are worried about the state of emergency. they say it's the first step towards a dictatorship. it's because of all of the sweeping powers that the prime himster will be given, if the stay of emergency is past, it's got a lot of people concerned. many people are wondering if it's just the first step. however, you are seeing a reszczerbiak suhr gent of isil.
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they are taking over places lie mosul this is a city of 2 million people. they did it last week as well. they kidnapped -- sorry held hostage the university students in a province there as welling. dedesperate situations require desperate measures. the prime minister is saying give me the power and let me deal with it as best i can. >> there is a suggestion that people are being told to arm themselves and fight back. is that likely to happen? >> reporter: well, it's already happening. what we are seeing is a number of militias being formed on the outskirts of mosul people that have been given weapons from the army, had weapons from peeve conflicts are getting ready to go in what the prime himster said is before the army can get there, let's defend our cities. malicioumilitias in iraq don't e
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accept reputation asthma liciouss in libya. they are not seen as a destabilizing influence they are controlled by political groups who are trying to become a political party. you can liken that militia group, pretty in touch hezbollah in lebanon in which case almost government sanction this, certainly a very powerful group. not talking rag tag brigades, we are talking structure that have command and control. however, this is a problem with all of this because the iraqi army right now are being massively criticized. the prime minister's media spokesman said very publicly, they have deserted, any deserters that will be caught -- will be caught, will be treated as did certificators. a lot of people are asking the question. what i are we going for militias when we already have an army. >> thank you for bringing us latest.
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the men ex-escaped after forced shot at them in pakistan. two days ago the airport was the scene of an all-night siege. the pakistani taliban has claimed responsibility for both attacks. flights have now resumed. this is an update on the situation. >> reporter: even though the local media was reporting a fresh attack o on karachi airpo, the security air forces were quick to say it was not an attack but a fighting incidents in which unidentified gunmen opened fire on an airport security post. now the security forces saying that the airport was now clear, a search operation was underway in the area on the periphery of the airport and that the airport was not safe. all flights have, indeed, resumed in to karachi airport and the situation was now normal. and pakistan's military has resumed air strikes targeting the taliban in the northwestern tribal region. at least 15 suspected rebel fighters were killed early on
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tuesday in a valley where nine hide outs were destroyed. five nato soldiers have been killed in southern afghanistan in an incidents apparently involving friendly fir fire. they said the troops died on monday. most of the troops operating in the area are from the u.s.: the israeli parliament has elected a new president. he is from the ruling right wing party. the veteran nationalist politician is a successor of the jewish movement. he will become israel's 10th president which is largely eye ceremonial role. israeli journalist and associate on the council of foreign relations he has more on the background of the president. >> his previous big job was [inaudible] anything else previous government. and he turned out to be far more loyal to the democratic principles and democracy than his own party and own coalition
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and blocked some of the more egregious anti-democratic legislation that the allies were pushing for it. not least protecting [inaudible] is really [inaudible] when the parliament wanted to sanction her for taking part in the [inaudible] on top of that. he made a disparaging comment about [inaudible]'s wife and appointments in the office and from that moment on it was apparently war. the u.s. and iran are holding a second day of discussions over teheran's nuke lag program. negotiators are meeting face-to-face in switzerland. iran's deputy foreign minister is resuming the negotiations that began on monday. full talks set to resume on june 16th and let's hope the comprehensive deal will be reached four days after that. in november last year iran struck an interim deal in limit its uranium enrichment program. crew members from the sunk end ferry have been called animals and murderers during a hostile start to their trial.
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the cursing came from angry and emotional relatives of more than 300 passengers who are dead or missing after the tragedy. hairharry faucet reports. >> reporter: what would be a day of high emotion began in the same way outside. relatives without courtroom tickets scuffled with officials as they tried to gain access. and this was the man they had come to see with their own eyes, the captain, one of 15 members of the ferry's crew who made their way through another entrance. all are accused of negligence and breaking maritime law. four of them, including the captain lee, are also charged with murder for abandoning the ship to its fate after passengers were told to stay in their cabins. >> translator: if they don't get the death sentence, then they will be walking our streets in this country again. that's very wrong. they don't have a right to do that. >> reporter: cameras remember only allowed in for the only moments of the trial just afterwards when the relatives saw the crew they were shouting
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animals, murderers. but there was also an stunt for the defense to make its initial points. the lawyer saying the captain had done all that he could to right the ship and it was only when he realized all hope was lost that he was the last member of the bridge to make his way to safety. the large of homicide is unusual in a case like this, and combined with the president's assertion days after the disaster that the crew's actions were akin to murder, has ledsome to query the potential for fairness in this trial. there was a reminder those in court are far from the only accused. the president called on police for redouble their efforts to a arrest the businessman and religious lead air used of being the real owner of the ferry company. it's a actions and allegedly overloading the officer and i those of the governments and regulators will also be key in providing the financial answers to this strategy. for the coming weeks the focus will be on the answers given by the captain and crew inside the courtroom. harry faucet, al jazerra, south
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korea. human rights advocates in malaysia are urging the government to investigate the deaths the suspect in police custody. eight have died including two in just the last at the point days, some parents say their sons were murdered while a human rights group says abuse by officers orin adequate prisoner health checks could be to blame. the latest deaths according to police were caused by breathing problems. ma larry devastates populations in third world countries and its mosquitoes that carry and spread it. researchers in london are now using gender and science to get rid of the disease once and for all. an explanation. >> reporter: malaria causes immense suffering in some of the world's poorest places accounting for one in five child deaths in after chasm the malaria parasite is carried by certain mosquito species and it's only the females which bite and spread the di disease. now scientists at london's immaterial peer kwrerimperial cd
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a way of modifying them so only males are bread. they have inserted them in cages like this. in four of the five cages the population had actually been wiped out within six generations because of the lack of females. the scientists inserted mosquitoes with an enzyme that cuts the dna of the female "x" chrome zone during sperm production and the offspring was almost exclusively male. >> it was quite amazing this time actually, that i saw the actual progeny and i saw basically no female emergeing from that. it's really satisfying. >> reporter: if the technique can be repeated outside the laboratory i, the entire ma mala carrying mosquitoes could be irradicated. now drug resistent pai parasited motorcycle toes are raising.
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rates have 442% but malaria still kills more than 600,000 people a year. the situation is worst in africa when 90% of malaria deaths happen. most of them are children younger than five. so this technology could bring huge benefits to hugh fans, but. >> there are thousands of mosquito species and only a handful transmit malaria. and about the ecological impact i want to say that [inaudible] predict that probably never completely irradicate the pop lake, but you will crash the population size to a point that you block transmission of malaria. >> reporter: this is just one promising area of research. the world could soon have its first malaria vaccine after strong trial results, but this new technique could be cheaper and more effective way of fighting the disease. al jazerra, london. coming up on al jazerra, the
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continue her shall zip at this holmes measures being used outside an up stale london apartment building. and why this textbook is causing such a stir in venezuela schools. the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a
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performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. we have some breaking news to report out of oregon. there are reports of a shooting at a high school just outside portland in the town of troutdale. you can see a map here it's about 15 miles, about 20 minutes drive east of portland, oregon. the sheriff has said it's an active scene at this high school. it's caldron understand high cah school. there are reports a student
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called his mother to say that he was in lock down, this is a greating story so details are stretchy. you can see that sheriffs deputies have arrived. we understand that there are 60 sheriffs and police deputies unit on the scenes as well as swat teams, this is a live picture. wail continue the following the shooting in a high school in troutdale, oregon here on al jazerra america. ♪ ♪ i am lauren taylor wit witha reminder of the headlines on al jazerra. fighters have ceased a province in iraq. the area's largest city, mosul is among territory taken by members of the group known as isil. there has been another attack by gunmen in karachi just near the
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airport which came under siege two days ago. pakistani taliban opened fire at a security post. israeli parliament has elected ruben as the new president. the veteran nationist takes on the real in july. becoming israel's 10th president. some news coming in just now to us from the united states where there are reports of a high school shooting in the western state of oregon. emergency crews have surround the high school in troutdale. including armed police. witnesses posting on social media have described hearing gunshots. and the suspect or a suspect is still on the run and there is no information yet on any casualties. more on the story, of course, as we get it. egypt's new president has ordered a crack down on sexual harassment after a string of alleged assaults during his inauguration ceremony. seven men were arrested after sunday's swearing in accused of
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assaulting a 19-year-old student several other women reported attacks. el sisi wants a new law created making section resul sexual asse by up to five years in prison. al jazerra's reporters have been held for 164 days. on thursday egyptian prosecutors demanded maximum penalties, seven years jail for peter agreesster and 15 for the other two. al jazerra rejects all the allegations against its staff. the lawyer for another detained al jazerra journalist has requested his immediate release on medical grounds. he has been held without charge since august last year. and has been on hunger strike for more than four months. nigerian local media say up to 30 women have been taken and boko haram are expected to be their kidnappers, local sources say gunmen abducted them from a
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settlement. boko haram kidnapped more than 200 school girls from the same region this april. a village elder say the number of women taken could be a as high as 40 and aged between 15 and 40 years old. they have given no official declaration of the kidnapping. it's part of a voluntary disarmament exercise that began last week. some of the rebel leaders are want today alleged involvement in the rwandan genocide. katherine sawyer reports. >> reporter: after 20 years, some of the most notorious rebels in eastern democratic rememberepublic of congo send ed their weapons in a ceremony led by the southern africa development community. this is a faction of the group. democratic forces for the lick raise of rwanda. they are accused of serious human rights abuses, murder,
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rape, abduction. the use the child soldiers. some of the leaders are want booed i the rwandan government for their alleged involvement in the 1994 genocide. >> for those members who have been involved in genocide, they have to be brought to [inaudible] >> reporter: many refugees who need here for years under the protection, also say they are ready to go home. fdlr leaders are being very cautious, presenting few [inaudible] and more civilians saying they want political negotiation with his rwanda. in that ceremony only 83 fighters showed up and 284 of their dependents, also the main leaders and commanders are yet to be publicly seen. >> translator: if they say there are those among under the circumstances that did the genocide we need to sit dune and talk. so that we can get a solution.
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♪ >> reporter: but it will be much simpler for congolese fighters in the group. many will end up in camps for demobilized rebels such as that one. here roughly 500 homegrown rebels who laid down their weapons wait to be integrated in to the army or sent home. he joined the rebel group 10 years ago. after the murder of her children. but she is tired of fighting now. >> translator: we fight but there is not a solution. it's better to serve the country. and make an honest living. >> reporter: close to 5,000 rebels have surrendered their weapons since last year. but many more remain in the jungle. and in villages far way from government protection, knowing they have doubts, how difficult it is to stabilize this troubled rinregion. met the spikes are being installed outside a luxury
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apartment building in london to prevent homeless people sleeping there. it started a huge row and comes at a time in homelessness in the city is on the rise, simon mcgregor wood aren't. >> reporter: they were spotted by a passerby a few days arc he posted the pictures on twitter and the story spiraled as did the outrage. this is a private building, in an area that has been smartened up and where two bedroom apartments cost around $1.5 million. it's not that unusual. some have compared the spikes to the ones used to stop pigeons sitting on buildings. in this case, though, human beings are the target. >> it's not the way to treat it. it's ridiculous, petty and bad public advertise, it's a p.r. disaster for the people in the building. >> the spikes sort of much people on and prevent people surviving essentially. so, yeah, i think it's pretty shocking and abysmal. >> reporter: this had become a popular spot for the homeless, it's setback from the road, sheltershelters from elements, e
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these spikes aren't sharp they are enough to prevent anyone from sleeping here. it seems the residents of this building at least don't want the nuisance of homelessness on their doorstep. homelessness is on the rise in london in the first three months of 2014, over 2,000 people slept on the streets of the capital. a 75% increase in the last three years. in england, 53,000 people are now registered as homeless. 21% rise since 2010. >> being homeless is a pretty tough experience. homeless people die on average 30 years younger than the general population. they are 13 times more likely to be the victim of violence. so, yes, it's really tough. but i think actually the response to this story has been really encouraging because members of the public have been coming forward and saying, actually, this isn't the way that we should treat people. >> reporter: in london, the toxic combination of inflated rental prices and the i can short supply is creating housing problems. it's made worst on cuts in
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spending particularly on housing benefits it's make it impossible to get the long-term homeless off the streets and rebuildings their lives, their situations are often compounded by problems with drugs and alcohol. in some places it seems people would rather just move on the problem on than deal with its causes. simon mcgregor wood, al jazerra, london. hollywood actress and angelina gee low and british second william haige are promising to take action against sexual violence in conflicts across the world. home 1200 people from 150 nations are attending the summit in london. jolie and haige have been end -- been working to end rape. millions of school children in venezuela have been given a new history book to read. critics including teachers and parents say the textbook is nothing more than propaganda to glorify late president hugo chaff shchavez.
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>> reporter: there aren't many differences in what's taught at private and public schools in venezuela, and now one textbook series looks set to bring them even closer. in 2011, the government distributed the collection. 42 million textbooks celebrating 200 years of independence. late president hugo chavez and his policies feature in most subjects like math, social science and history. they promote the benefits. government's social programs, rather than private sector industries. >> translator: in some cases the government has used the books as prop began apropaganda. for example in a math problem there are references to the government's feeding programs which are part of his political plans. >> reporter: opposition parties, politicians and rallies are down played and sometimes mocked in illustrations. the textbooks are widely read because they are free. it's estimated that they'll reach 6 million students at 80% of the country's public schools. as president of the parents'
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association, leila is using the media to share her concerns. >> translator: the law states schools should be free from partisan campaigning the collection is being used as an instrument for the government like a brochure. you cannot use the world of educational book as advertising. >> reporter: the minister says he has received di demands for changes from the books from many groups and he has promised new additions will be released in september. but no one outside the government knows exactly what the changes will be. rodriguez rejects accusations of indoctrination and attacks those who set some of the textbooks on fire earlier this year. >> translator: burning books is one of the saddest forms of pro test. if you have different ideas, let's discuss it. but burning the ideas is fascism. there is an out break of fascism sponsored by the far right who want to warm the venezuelan government. >> reporter: the government
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prefers to highlight the increase in the number of children attending school under chavez's rule. but the backlash over the collection is growing. as critics fight for control over their children's education. cath turner, al jazerra, caracas. ♪ ♪ giant footballs have popped up on a popular beach in rio de janeiro marked with restless crosses the footballs were installed on cope cabana beach in protest of the money brazil is spend on this world cup. a threat of a trans support strike still hangs over the city where the football begins on thursday. workers have returned to work but could bring the city to a standstill again if the demands aren't met. >> reporter: no agreement but the strike is suspended at least for a day.
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that was a surprise decision by metro members after four hours of talks broke down with the government after no agreement. they nevertheless said they would go back to work for now and meet on wednesday one day before the world cup kickoff in a city to decide their next course of action. the day started ominously enough. several hundred, mostly youth protesters burned rubbish, blocking a major avenue in a predawn protest. it's been tense at times, police locking the doors of the gates of the station to prevent a revolt. later, riot police moved in to break up the crowd. 60 picketing metro workers were fired after the strike was ruled illegal by a court. the union wants them all to get their jobs back before they say they'll permanently end the strike. it's been a sticking point in negotiations. >> translator: we may have been talking to the government for more than two months, but they have not been negotiating with us. and now they are criminalizing
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our movement. >> reporter: at midday, more frosts as more than 1,000 activists from a homeless workers movement marched in the city center to also show support for the metro workers. local officials are confident that if the metro workers decide to strike again, it won't threaten the world cup games in the city. >> translator: the federal, state and, city government is ready to offer a big event that will go on as planned. for any issue that can come up, we have a contingency plan. not just for the metro. >> reporter: the metro worker strike seems to have been the catalyst for all the new protests here in sao paulo. the big question now is this the beginning of the end of the protests or will they continue through the world cup. for now it's over but the threat of another strike still looming. gabriel elizondo, al jazerra, sao paulo. quick update on reports of a high school shoot in this u.s. state of oregon. it's now understood that the
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suggestion spect isuspect is dee situation is stable. you can catch up all the time on our website and watch us by clicking on the watch live icon. hi, i am lisa fletcher and you are this. today reframing the elitist reputation of fine art. how career eight minds are disrupting the tip klee exclusive scene through virtual galleries and art on the go. plus she's been called the artist of our time, we speak with illustrator molly crab apple about how her art intersection with some of the most dangerous people in the world. and later, from underground performances to viral sensations, spoken word artists breakdown how poetry is making a major comeback.
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