tv News Al Jazeera June 11, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity. this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see. techknow. we're here in the vortex. only on al jazeera america. >> this is al jazeera america. i'm tony harris live with your top stories. >> eric cantor steps down after becoming the first majority leader ever to lose his seat. thou thenow they look for his replacement, and defense secretary chuck hagel grilled by lawmakers over the military trade over bowe bergdahl.
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>> house majority leader eric cantor announced an hour and a half ago that he's stepping down from his majority post. a stunning defeat at the hands of a tea party backed economic professor. thethe republicans will choose his successor next week. i said it three or four times now, an unprecedented loss. we heard from cantor about 90 minutes or so ago. what did he have to say? >> reporter: first of all he thanked his constituents for their support for his term of service for the past 13 and a half years. he was elected in 2001. he refused to speculate as to the reasons of his defeat.
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he said he would leave that up to the analysis. he would resign his post effective july 31st. none of the analysts saw this coming. it was a shock. here is a seven-term congressman with a well-funded war chest, $5 million. he goes down in defeat to an unknown college professor who spent $120,000 to win the primary election. the first time in history that sit "a" sitting majority leader of any party has gone down in defeat in a primary. >> there is a little hyperbole to it. this is strictly for the tea party. does the republican party have a full on civil war going on within the party itself. >> that would not be this layperson's assessment. first place, the tea party did not spend a lot of money on this
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election. there's an old saying, i attribute it to tip o'neill, all politics are local. whatever defeated eric cantor had to do more with local politics rather than major move by the tea party in this election. you had a candidate that the winner cantor not paying enough attention to his district. he refused to oh criticize the tea party. >> remember what the acronym means, taxed enough already. all of us republicans believe in that. when the tea party first came out in 2009 i believe it was largely in reaction to the tremendous overeach on the part of the obama administration, stimulus, dodd frank, attempt at
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cap and trade in the house and the country rose up and said enough is enough. >> you did not hear eric cantor blaming the tea party, blaming them. he said it was not the tea party that won the election for david brat, but the fact that eric cantor had lost the support of his constituents. >> we heard eric cantor talking about compromise and working with the left, the democrats getting things done. but we did not see much of that with the house, and working with its democratic colleagues in the house or with this president. what is the shape of bipartisanship moving forward from this point? >> well, we have seen the shape of bipartisanship being non-existence. keep in mind that he came in office in 2008 when president
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obama was elected the first time saying it was their mission not to support any of his initiatives, and they've caved through. they have been faithful to their word. we spoke to thomasman wh thomas mann who said there was no bipartisanship before, and there is going to be going forward. this was just a nail of defeat the issue before us. >> the battle of the tea party wing of the g.o.p. and the g.o.p. establishment is about to play out in the race for house majority leader. boy, this should be interesting. david shuster joins us with a look at the main contenders he here. >> reporter: it's important. if you want your bill or legislation in an election year to get some attention you have to hope that the majority leaders representing your interests, that's why this really matters. today eric cantor threw his support behind one of his
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closest friends in congress majority whip kevin mccarthy. mccarthy and cantor came in at the same time and sing from the same hymn book on policy and politics. mccarthy has wide support, however congress than pete sessions from texas has begun calling members to drum up support for a bid. sessions more conservative than sessions and potential tea party favorite in this tea party race is congressman jed hinserdling. he said in a statement to reporter he is considering the race prayerfully. steve scalese, he has told leagues he also intends to run. mccarthy would seem to be the favorite, but if the tea party
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and their supporters, people on talk radio, decided to wage war on the establishment of the republicans in the house leadership ranks, watch, this may become a civil war, it could get ugly and slows down everything even more. >> dave brat. everyone is trying to figure out who dave brat is today. >> reporter: a lot of people have never heard of him outside of richmond. he's 49-year-old old, catholic and originally from michigan. he was given the mic nickname giant killer. he was outspent 50-s but he made up for it by a pitch perfect voice that pit conservatives against the washington establishment. >> dollars do not vote. you do.
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american valley values and virtues, an. >> brats relentless comments about budget and inter generational theft. he is married with two children and worked as an economics proffer. he worked at a top advisory board that passed two governor economic issues. brat earned his bachelor's degree and then got a masters with divinity princeton theological university. not the same as princeton. he mass made local television and radio appearances.
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he's not exactly an unknown. he'll take on jack trammel, trammel is also a professor at the school. he teaches sociology. both professor get very high marks from their students. >> we could talk about this not having a wide profile nationally, but there are several conservative who is were following closely. >> reporter: laura ingram, a radio host, and mark levine another popular radio host, they both gave a ton of air time in terms of appearances and talking about the race. again, two radio shows that have extreme penetration in the richmond, virginia, area. when you add to that news
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organizations like brett bart tee party favorite, with that dave brat wastable overcome the spending gap because of the free media he got from talk radio. >> the country knows who dave brat is today, that's for sure. you're back later. david shuster. we'll dig in deeper what this could mean for the republican party as a whole and the congress' ability to compromise, yeah, that is a funny word. in other news iraq's government appears to be on its heels trying to repeal attacks from the islamic state of iraq. 23 people have been killed. the army is trying to keep control. isil fighters began the
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defensive, and it has controlled of anbar province, which it has held for six months now. >> reporter: one of the biggest refineries burn. they mounted the attack early tuesday morning quickly overrunning security force there is, but the takeover did not last long. iraq's fourth armor division and iraqi police took back control hours later. isil also mounted attacks in kirkuk. prime minister nourial magazine can i used hinourial maliki. >> we will continue to fight against them with the help of the people of mosul.
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al-qaeda and isil don't have the numbers to control the city. they don't have the power to confront the iraqi forces. >> reporter: but o on the outskirts of mosul people continue to flee. the vast majority have waded through the tigress river and ai arrived in kurdish region. the kurdish region already have 250,000 syrian refugees and will struggle to care for more. many officials are angry over what the army did. this shows the moment iraq's army fled from mosul. steps are now under way to get it back using tribal militias.
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>> we've used practical steps to bring back a new system to mobilize people and try to win back mosul. our aim is to get rid of isil and the terrorist groups. we know how enemy is terrorism. we're also meeting with international humanitarian organizations to ease the burden on those displaced people. >> reporter: alwhether the state of emergency is declared or not iraq is in a state of crisis. al jazeera, baghdad. >> n.a.t.o. ambassador has held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in iraq. their focus is on the capitol of turkey diplomats. isil fighters have attacked.
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>> certainly we're very concerned. what he's doing in iraq, and what he has been doing in syria means that these countries are not going to go back the how they were before. these countries are now faced. it's the nature of that change that will really worry the west. what should the policy response be? had you had it be to get involved and put bits of egg shell back together again or keep strategic and watching and wait to make sure that they don't make mistakes. i think local engagement there is bound to be a mistake. >> when you say local engagement, what do you mean? >> boots on the ground. >> well, that's not going to happen. >> no, that's not going to happen. >> and you think that would an mistake. >> oh, i do. now giving weapons could be a
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mistake in those weapons end up in the hands of isil. the best policy is to talk at a strategic level to try to understand that there is a common danger here, facing it together and doing whatever they can to stop the war in syria and things in iraq as much as possible. that requires they're per saiding iran, saudi arabia and other regional powers to come together. not an easy task. >> let's go to jj green. he joins us from washington. good to see you. the big question here is how dangerous is isil. do you see this as a kind of al-qaeda 2.0? >> reporter: by those standards i would say it's more like a 3 or 4. they make al-qaeda look like a minor league organization. when you look at what this
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organization is capable of, basically when they overran mosul, they robbed the central banks on something of the order of $400 million. they did it with 1300 forces. those forces came with a reputation and grudge and iraqi security ran. they also have a reputation even when people are giving up or when people are surrendering to them they will still behead them or shoot them or kill them. they are very feared in parts of the world there. they don't necessarily care what people think about them. >> does iraq have enough, i'm talking about military assets, police, enough to shut down an isil advance to baghdad? >> reporter: well, what you're talking about, tony s will and skill.
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do they have the will politically to do it. nouri al-maliki has had a problem getting the state of emergency declared. there is skepticism in the rest of the political establishment. that's a problem for them coming together to fight this common enemy. once they do come together do they have the skill to deal with them. the people that i've spoken to in the counter terrorism world are doubtful of that. in part you saw what happened when troops and forces were faced with them yesterday. they turn and ran. do they have the skill to do that. i've been told by the pentagon that they're organizing and engaging in counter terrorism training for iraq and iraq's forces to help them get this done. whether or not it's going to be in time, and when it will help them zeal with this organization is still an open question. >> why is isil apparently thriving right now even after
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splitting from al-qaeda? >> reporter: what you're looking at is the reincarnation of al-qaeda in iraq, and i've been told even your previous guest, richard barrett, who is a grate mind in counter terrorism, people were fed up with what was going on in iraq once again and so they're turning to isil for a solution to this. it's the wrong solution in terms of their brutality and goals. this group has risen to power because it has shown al-qaeda central the door. they're saying, we're going to do what we want to do. it's an independent, strong organization at this point. it is a fearless organization. that's part of the reason why they're continuing to rise in power. but it's going to have--they're going to come with a lot of consequences for iraqis if they do embrace this organization. >> jj green joining us from
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washington. thank you. >> reporter: sure, tony. >> defense secretary chuck hagel answers questions before la lawmakers on the bowe bergdahl swap. >> reporter: the decision to swap bowe bergdahl came together very quickly. so quickly that they didn't know where it would take place until an hour before it happened. >> reporter: defense secretary chuck hagel strongly defended the decision to exchange taliban members for bowe bergdahl. >> i would never sign any document, agree to any decision
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that did i not feel that was not in the best interest of this country. nor would the president of the united states. >> reporter: hagel said that the administration had to move fast to free bergdahl who was believed to be in poor mental and physical health. the qatari government warned that the risk to bergdahl's safety were growing. >> we believe this exchange was our last best opportunity to free him. >> reporter: lawmakers, specifically republicans, blasted the deal. >> negotiating with terrorists. it reverses long-stand u.s. policy and could incentivize other terrorist organizations including al-qaeda to increase thorough use of kidnappings of u.s. personnel. >> reporter: both democrats and republicans were angry that five
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taliban members were released from guantanamo without the 30-day notice as required by law. >> if the president can violate the law and say no, in this case we're not going to give you the n it undermines the oversight process that we have. >> hagel reminded the community that america leaves no soldiers behind, but this soldiers has been accused of being a deserter. hagel said there will be an investigation into whether bergdahl left his post in afghanistan, but he and some committee members denounce the character assassination. >> i really fear for his return to this country with the kind of rhetoric being spewed in this very room. >> there is no word when bergdahl will be brought back. >> are you trying to tell me that he's being held in germany because of his medical
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condition? >> congressman i hope you're not implying anything other than that. >> i'm asking you to any the question. >> i'll get to the answer. i don't like the implication. >> answer it, answer it. >> our medical professionals won't release him until he's ready. >> reporter: and bergdahl should be judged by the facts not hearsay or innuendo. and there was a question about the five taliban who were released, whether they could be a threat to the future. the intelligence analysis was that they would pose no threat to the u.s. but that there are no certainties. >> the government has been passed a bill to build 2 26 va clinics across the united
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states. and under the proposed law vet who is have waited more than 14 days will be able to see a local doctor. they will compare a senate version before one is put up f for a vote. an internal audit shows thousands of veterans had long wait times for medical care. eric cantor stepping down means big business loses a big ally. what this means for business owners.
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>> eric cantor will go down in history as the first majority leader to lose his leadership position after an election. last night's election to be more specific. ali velshi joins us. let's forget politics for a second here. what are the possible economic implications of cantor's defeat? >> reporter: well, it's confusion. i've been speaking to economists
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today who say they're not sure what to make about it. >> republicans do not share some of the basic economic principles held by people like eric cantor or moderate republican. some people call him more right wing. for instance, what do you do about immigration reform? what do you do with respect to minimum wage? this becomes confusing when it comes to a midterm election. what do republicans think. there some think there should be a minimum wage. but it shouldn't be much higher. others think there should be zero minimum wage. and in immigration there are some in the tea party where they don't want any immigration laws. they don't want anybody coming
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in, they don't want amnesty, they don't want exceptions made. >> representative cantor was an ally of big business. >> yes. >> how is big business reacting to this defeat? >> i ant to remind everybody pig business was very quick to fund the tea party. the koch procedures were involved in this. the claim per of commerce, the united states. i describe it as giving someone a match, fuel and then annoyed that they burned the place down. big piss is struggling a little pit. these are not people who ant to compromise. they took us into a government shutdown. there are concerns. this right now. he don't know will this is a few instances of flaring up of the tea party or this is going to breathe real energy into the movement again. >> ali. tee up the rest of the show tonight at 7:00. >> we're talking about the eve of the world cup in brazil. we're taking a hard look at has happened to that country's
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economy in the last several years. brazil as the darling of the world. now they are thrive worldwide are protest notice streets, and they're probably going to grow less than the united states in the coming years. i'm going to look at brazil's economy and what's changed. >> ali velshi coming up right here on al jazeera america. >> thanks. >> more on the fallout of eric cantor's primary loss and what it will mean for compromise. and ali velshi mentioned the world cup tomorrow. it kicks off but not without problems. we go to rio de janeiro where preparations are happening amidst protests and strikes.
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july 31st. it comes after cantor's stunning loss. house republicans will chews his susser next week. cantor said he'll continue to fight for the principles that he believes in. >> while i will not be a ballot on november i will be a champion for those across the nation who are dedicated to preserving liberty and providing opportunity. truly what divides republicans pales in comparison as to what divides us as conservatives from the left and their democratic party. >> i love this. david shuster is back with us along with michael shure, al jazeera's political contributor. love it. let's chop this up. michael shure let's start with you. were you surprised by last night's primary in virginia? >> i think anybody would be surprised that this happened. there are things that if you look back you could have maybe foretold that the it's an open
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primary. a lot of democrats did come out to vote even though a lot of people didn't vote. that may have had a factor that a lot of people aren't talking about today. >> were there some warning signs that this could happen? >> i think the only thing that people saw were the listeners of laura ingraham's radio show who has a huge audience. she said i have never seen anything like it, and i felt we were on to something with all the attention that was given to david brat. >> what is the take away. i hear people trying to string out lessons, extrapolate what it means for the tea party moving forward. what does this mean? >> it depends on how you dig into this. the result of the election is very different and should be separated from the result in congress and what this means for the leadership of the house. as you alluded to, this has
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never happened before. the speaker of the house in the general election was never defeated. nobody in this position in a primary was defeated since this position was put in in the late 1800s. you have to look at what the republicans can do. pete sessions of texas and kevin mccarthy of california said they're going to run for the leadership. that's part of the john boehner wing. that's what just voted out in the september 11th district. i think a lot of it will have to see how that caucus, the majority caucus in the house behaves in light of what happened. >> do we have--first to david and then to you, michael, do we have a full fledge civil war within the public party at this moment as we sit here right now. >> i think we do and we don't. to the extent of the civil war, the establishment has been winning it. lindsey graham, mcconnell, the establishment republicans have had a string of victims against
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well-funded tea party figures. but in this race there was a lot of going on under the radar. there harass a lot of anger against cantor for not spending time there. cantor is much more aligned in taking a position o for immigration reform. and the talk radio voices were going after eric cantor, and that was the perfect storm. >> what do we have in this party, david? >> reporter: i think david is right. what you have to look at with the republicans is how do they react to this legislatively. they set the legislation for the party for the house. that was cantor's job. now this is an issue that is being divided. they're labeling democrats as being for amnesty. lindsey graham did win last night. it was overshadowed by what
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happened with cantor, but it happened with six candidates who were vying for the vote. there is disfaction for the people in the republican party who the republicans deem as going off the reservation. and that is trouble when you're trying to get legislation that will help the party nationally. it may not resonate this year, but in 2016 if they don't get something by then on immigration it will damage them. >> what about democrats? how should they take the defeat last night. should he be jumping for joy? should he recalibrate? what do you think? >> it's still a pretty heavily republican district, but democrats have to be kicking themselves as this guy jack trammel ran un' posed for the seat. if my friend michael shure is going to roll out the dukes of hazard reference, i have to roll out one, alan trammel is like the shortstop for the tigers who
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led them to the world series. people think he's not a strong candidate but now has an opportunity. look, you have this guy dave brat. he refused to take a position on the minimum wage and he is an economic professor. his students wouldn't get away with that. >> last words. >> again, it's true. the democrats couldn't have foretold this, and now they have 10% advantage due to the republicans and you're going to see a lot of money, a lot of donations to the jack trammel campaign. >> david shuster and michael shur. >> a pair of shoes, you can't beat it here. coast to coast. >> and don't even try. thank you, gentlemen, thank you. brazil and croatia kick off the world cup in sao paulo. soccer fans are descending on brazil but many residents are not happy with the nation
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hosting the world 2077, and subway workers are threatening to walk off the job unless the city agrees to their demands. good to see you, we're hours away from the kick off. take a moment and describe the mood there on the ground. >> reporter: mm-hmm, hello tony, the mood is extremely mixed there, there are thousands of people from all over the world who are here to attend the world cup, and of course they're very excited. but many, many brazilians, although this is one of the world if not the world's most soccer-crazy country are very angry. they're upset about the cost of holding this world cup, the waste and corruption involved in all this. while they will be cheering their team, it will be croatia against brazil, and they're hoping that brazil will win. they are not as cheerful and happy as they have been in previous years. we're not seeing houses decorated with flags and streamers as we usually see in
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brazil. even when the cup is not being held in this country, tony. >> lucia, one more for you, in flavel las were raid: what are the police doing to address the security concerns in those neighborhoods? >> reporter: it's interesting. it was to make sure that the criminal element of the flavellas would not come down. but it turns out it's not the people who live up in the hills but the protesters who come out. a huge fanfest will be held tomorrow early in the morning to late at night. >> thank you. good to see you. tribal leaders agreed to form a traditional government in the next few months.
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the deal would ends months of fighting. fighting rebels for territory. the conflict has led to ethnic violence, thousands have been killed and many have been forc ed to flee their homes. in egypt the new president has visited a woman who was attacked by a mob during inauguration celebrations. he promised to combat egypt's serious sexual attack problem. and in paris taxi drivers are protesting the mobile app uber that allows to call mobile cars with a finger swipe. convenient for passengers but it's killing the cab business. >> reporter: the traffic is slow in paris in the best of times.
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never mind when taxis are deliberately clogging up the roads. this is french fury vented by cab drivers, and not for the first time here. they have the smart phone app uber, the new kid on the block in their sights. >> it's organized robbery, really. they are their own bosses. they don't declare their revenues. they work 24/7, the government should address this. >> reporter: this is about a battle between tradition and technology. tradition states you want a ride. you physically get up. you stand outside and you wait. you flag down a would be. sometimes that's really easy. sometimes it's not. technology says you stay where you are. let your smart phone sort this out for you, which is where ub er's app comes in. it locate you and sends a car to pick you up. the driver has an app. this uses gps to look up the distance and contemplate the cost of the journey but it's not
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hard wired into the car. this is just basically software on a mobile phone, which brings up the question, can this be classed at a meter? uber said no. taxi drivers say yes. it will be what the judge says that will settle this up. because in london where the language is different and the sentiment the same, this is going all the way to the high court. >> we believe that uber is an illegal app. >> this is a row o. german drivers are incensed, too, claiming uber is ruining their livelihoods. >> you have an industry that is extremely regulated, it has not really faced competition. today companies like uber are bringing resources to a city. >> reporter: uber's journey began in san francisco, but it has.
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traveled around the world since. last week it's worth $18 billion thanks for buy in by the likes of google and goldman sachs. as it's profits grow so does its notoriety. this is a company with global ambitions and protests or not no intention of putting the brakes on. al jazeera, paris. >> new details on the teenager who open fired at an oregon high school. we have that and other headlines across america. ines? >> reporter: the police say the shooter obtained the guns from his home. the 15-year-old had an assault rival, handgun and several ammunitions. the shooter was found dead. new details about sunday's police shooting in las vegas. the police say jared miller was
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killed by shots fired by police officers, not his wife amanda. the husband and wife killed two police officers and a bystander. the police are still investigating the motive. contractors from blackwater are accused of killing 14 iraqi civilians and wounding 18 others in 2007. the trial was initially dismissed. prosecutors say that was a mistake. another former black water worker has already pleaded guilty in the case. black water is one of the companies contracted by the u.s. government to manage its conflict in iraq and afghanistan. you probably heard of tennessee whiskey. a firm wants to turn over the definition of the liquor. they want it to be aged in oak barrels, but some say that the use of oak barrels could threaten production in the future.
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what do you do when you're stuck in the las vegas airport overnight? >> what do you do? >> meteorologist: you create a music video. [ "all by myself" ] >> that dude has a great voice, come on. >> reporter: he does. that's richard dunne who turned a boring night in the airport by lip-syncing to celine dion's "all by myself." he said he got funny looks from the cleaners. >> so that was is he lea celine dion, thanks. >> reporter: thanks. >> military members are using an app to ease the transition. >> they are studying hard for
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the transition from military life to civilian life. something they both admit is intimidating. i'm scared because i know this way of life. >> i'm a father of two. i have two kids, so it's not just me. >> getting out of the military is not as simple as saying i quit. the pentagon now requires service members to start planning a year add. it's essential so they can get veteran benefits, and it's often a bewildering process that involves tedious paperwork and a week of classes. >> each of these classrooms have 50 people in them with computers and wireless internet. >> reporter: robin baker runs the transition program here, a new approach to a changing military mission. requires classes such as financial planning, benefits, job hunting and more.
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this base will send 8,000 soldiers and airmen into civilian life this year. nationwide 300,000 will leave as the u.s. armed forces shrink. before soldiers here get out they have to go through a 256-step process. >> turning in your equipment. you're trying to get house to go sign off on things. you're trying to get your unity to sign off on paperwork saying you've turned things in. >> reporter: maybe this can help. a mobile application to help service members first navigate the complicated exit process and then put veteran's resources at their finger tips. >> when you push that button based on my location now food, shelter, cash, hot lines. >> reporter: michael schindler runs one of the companies that hopes to minimize the process.
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he said it needs to be updated for the modern soldier. >> they text more than they talk. they view things on their mobile platform, what systems do we have available that are catering to this generation? >> reporter: a generation in uniform look for new ways to face the future. >> anything that could help. i'm all for it. >> reporter: robin baker said anything like that proposed app would be a welcome tool. they hope to see an user-friendly solution rolled out to all army installations by next year. alan schauffler, al jazeera america seattle. >> miners who cross the border alone are now facing tough conditions in makeshift detention centers, and that is making diplomats furious. we'll hear from them next. - al.
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>> hundreds of children are now being held at facility in nogales, arizona, and that move has upset officials. jennifer, what are children using to cross into the country. >> reporter: they're crossing into the u.s. illegally from the mexican border, but the truth is their journey to the states begin thousands of miles earlier when they left their homeland in central america. the number of minors who have been detained has increased by 92%.
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>> reporter: when you see children and teens wearing camouflage backpacks, you know it means one thing. they're crossing the board with only what is on their back and in their packs. most under the age of 17 are making the crossing. they're fleeing gang violence. the number of those crossing peak this weekend, buses carrying hundreds of children arrive daily at this makeshift detention center turning immigration enforcement into a humanitarian crisis and diplomats from the three countries are angry. >> they have no, it's not the
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place for a child. >> he spent the better part of seven hours meeting with children held inside. leaked photos show children corralled behind chain linked fences sleeping on thin mattresses. >> you have children all over the place. they are on the floor. they thin mattresses that they told me they were going to order 2,000 mattresses they were still waiting. they didn't have clothing for the children to wear, they have not been able to use the showers. there are very few who have been able to take a shower. >> reporter: the general from el salvador visited. >> these are not appropriate conditions for minors. we're seeing a real lack of high jeans. the young people are not getting the best conditions for a good night sleep. they complain they've gone up to
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six days without bathing. >> reporter: the question why large number of minors are flooding the u.s. now is the question. >> i know honduras pretty well, and look our neighbors we're facing challenges for the last few years. the numbers are there. they don't lie, but why the reason they're coming now? i don't know. >> reporter: for now the children are caught between two countries. the one they so desperately wanted to leave and the united states, which is struggle to go care for them children range in age from 5 to 17. tony, the complaints ledge they have been abused, mistreated under the care of u.s. border and protection. u.s. customs and border
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protection. the complaint dates from march to may 2014. we're not talking about the children being held in this facility in nogales, again this complaint is from march to may 2014. >> got it. jennifer for us in arizona. the cafe in new orleans that is dedicated to giving teenagers a second chance. how they're doing it, and then it's real money with ali velshi.
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so many money stories sound complicated. but don't worry. i'm here to take the fear out of finance. every night on my show i break down confusing financial speak and make it real. >> i got to tell but this restaurant in new orleans that is serving up second chances. giving at-risk teens culinary skills, budgeting, effective communication and lessons on building self-esteem. >> how are you doing. >> once homeless and no job,
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mikhail johnson found himself on a dangerous path. >> getting in trouble. >> he spotted someone wit wearing the shirt with reconcile cafe. i sad are they hiring? he said it was for troubled youth. i jumped at the chance. >> it's more than a go-to stop for southern food. it's best known for those who cook and serve it those who struggle with extreme poverty, homelessness or run in with the law. >> to make sure that we plant a seed for change. >> in a city with such a vast hospitality.
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>> we greet the customer, take the order. deliver it. that's similar to life. if you make a misstep along the way, your guest is not going to be happy. >> before walking i in the cafe, participants spend weeks learning it all. >> what were you doing out on the streets before. >> i learn my attitude. working with. working with other people. >> the pay off is a paid inter internship. it's help more that had 1,000 young adults find hospitality jobs.
6:59 pm
mikhail finished the prom and landed a job in a restaurant and now has his own apartment. he trains those new to the program. >> for me, i look at things a whole different way. i look at it in a positive situation. >> with help from personality chef emeril legacy, they have expanded. helping those who are hungry for success. >> how about this, nasa has captured a pair of soh flairs. the blast--did you see that? the flairs burst the radiation.
7:00 pm
>> a look at the world cup, a look at the redeemer statute in rio. . >> knocked up by a right hook he never saw coming. majority eric cantor beaten by a candidate on a shoestring budget. also america at the forefront on the worldwide fracking revolution. i'll look at where that leaves opec as the oil powerhouse. plus a toast to urban whiskey. a revival bringing jobs, revenue and tourists. i'm ali velshi
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