tv News Al Jazeera June 12, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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they already have two major cities now relate fighters in iraq say baghdad is next. the government scrambles to take control. ♪ ♪ you are watching al jazerra live from doha with the latest developments from iraq. the fighting has triggered a huge exodus, hundreds of thousands have left their homes in fear. football fever in brazil. we are just hours away from the world cup kickoff. we will be live in rio.
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and could science fix become fast. we report on japan's multi million dollars business in billing killer robots. we begin in iraq where the parliament has failed to approve a state of emergency. iraqi military forces are struggling to combat fighters from the islamic state of iraq in the levant. imran kahn has been following the events in the iraqi capitol and sends us this report. >> sorry about that, we seem to have lost the sound on that package there, we'll bring it to you when we can. let's go to so mar, he's live for us in baghdad. you fill us in, omar, on the
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status of the fighting. we hear it's happening in several parts of the country. >> reporter: yes, well, we spoke to a number of sources, let me start with according to forces fighters from the iraq and the los angeles fant are taking their positions in the northeastern and northwestern of samarra. and they are trying to advance to the city government forces. reinforcements rather came from baghdad and entered samarra from the south part. there is no fighting yet. it could be very soon. now, according to the senior commander in samarra, brigadier general there, said the situation in samarra is calm and the security forces including the iraqi army is protecting the borders of samarra. he also said that land and air
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force that belongs, of course, to the iraqi army are striking the isil fighters in tikrit as well. so according to him, the government forces are making some advancements. and finally, iraqi state television said that special forces iraqi special forces, the elite unit, if you will, are being dispatched to mosul trying to root out what they call terrorists from the city. >> and i believe, as you can imagine, that people are pretty frightened in the capital where the isil say that they are marching to. people have told you that they are starting to stockpile food and things. >> reporter: yes. absolutely. i had a few chats with people over the phone in person and i overheard people speaking to themselves, they are stockpiling, buying extra food and fuel. they basically don't know what
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will happen. what's happening in the last few days caught everyone by surprise. and it showed them how big of a blow it is to the iraqi government and the iraqi security forces in general. and, of course, when you put in things in to context on the second largest city, mosul, for security forces there melted down and you have isil fighters controlling the city, it's a reason for people to really worry. the other worry is that what i felt -- remember, this country has a brutal sectarian strive in the last few years, mainly from 2005, from 2006. now i am sensing the same fear that there could be renewed sectarian strive. remember, isil considers itself sunni, so therefore their motto is that we are backing you, the sunni community against the shia led government. so if that fear is really strong among the people here and they are basically scared things could really turn nasty.
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>> let's leave it there, omar, we have managed to resuscitate that story from imran kahn in baghdad. here is his report. >> reporter: god is great he chants. this is is an isil. fighter claiming victory in at thatikrit. their same are to establish an iraqi state in syria after fighting an effective military campaign in nearly a third of the country, one of his leaders now has had i eyes on baghdad. >> translator: march toward baghdad, the heart of islamic. where we have to settle an old score. once and for all. and march onwards. get ready for that moment, for the big fight. >> reporter: isil fighters have made unprecedented gains, but the story of the day here in baghdad is one of politics. prime minister nouri al-maliki wanted a state of emergency law passed, he didn't get that after members of the house didn't turn up for the extraordinary emergency session that had been scheduled.
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that's left him furious. and many in his party wondering what to do next. meanwhile in, mosul, thousands still flee assayed agencies struggle to cope with the influx of desperate people n other parts of mosul there is no iraqi army presence, kurdish fighters remain on the border with the kurdish ringing checking cars and helping those that have fled. so far mo cull remains quotas isil fighters and the people to open shops and go back to work. the iraqi army have now reacted to allegations that his there fled their positions from mosul. >> we want to say that these locations are sovereign iraqi locations and there aren't any orders to any units or brigade to his withdraw. the orders are clear it's to remain in these locations and fight these terrorists without let up. >> reporter: but anger is rising in iraq at isil. here in the mainly shia south in the cease of basra, young men queue up to join the army. they say they want to fight isil and its associated forces. with such chaos across northern
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iraq, decisions have to be made. decision that his may well see young men like these fight. imran kahn, al jazerra, baghdad. the united nations security council is due to discuss in a closed session the unfolding turmoil in iraq. our diplomatic editor james bays is at the u.n. headquarters in new york, joins me now. what can we expect, james? >> reporter: that meeting has started, jane, going on behind closed doors. start of the meeting is a briefing by the u.n.'s man in iraq nikolai, he's given the ambassadors via video link the latest information on the ground from inside iraq. i have spoken to a anybody of diplomats about the current situation, some of the information we are getting here in new york, and i know this is conflicted some of it by what we are hearing from the ground. but diplomats telling me that the iraqi government now seems to be saying that it believes that the oil refinery, the largest oil refinery in iraq has
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been secured. i know there are different reports coming from the ground in iraq on that. we are also hearing from diplomats, that in samarra, north of baghdad, iraqi commandos are gathering, the suggestion that perhaps there is going to be some sort of fight back by the iraqi forces and that they are gathering in samarra for that fight back. not many comments going in to the security council meeting other than from the president of the security council, that's a rotate thing. one month each country, this month it is the russians the russian ambassador is providing over the meeting. as went in he said russia was deeply concerned by the situation but pointedly, he said it had its roots in 2003 and the u.s. invasion of iraq, obviously if you remember back something that russia deep la deeply oppo. >> will there be talk about military action and, if so, what sort of action?
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>> reporter: i think they will be talking about possible military option buzz i think that everything i am hearing from diplomats they will be concluded there is nothing thein' can do and no military operation will be authorized by the u.n. that's because iraq can if it wants to invite other country to his hope other a bilateral basis. which countries, i think turkey, iran and the u.s. i understand from diplomatic sources that certainly the iranians have been talking to iraqis. turks have been talking about possible cooperation. i don't think that necessarily means the force of the revolutionary guards going in to iraq at this stage or turkish commandos going in it to iraq but certainly they are discussing ways that they can help, particularly sharing intelligence. brings us, of course, to the u.s. back in 2007, 170,000 u.s. soldiers at their peak in iraq, and they relied on the iraqi forces on the ground, which have fallen away in this offensive by
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isil, but also on air power. and i think what the iraqis would like, what i a am hearing from diplomats, is some return of air power for now, possibly u.s. drones, possibly other combat, helicopters and aircraft, it's a request i believe the pentagon and the white house are considering but certainly haven't said yes at this stage, jane. >> all right, james, let us foe if you hear anything coming out of that meeting. thanks, james. some breaking news coming from ukraine, kiev says russia is sending tanks and military vehicles in to the ukraine's east. interior minister says they have been sent to help anti-government fighters. neave barker joins us live from eastern ukraine what, do we make of these claims coming from ukraine's interior ministry? >> reporter: that's right the interior minister made a public statement a short while ago in which he said a convoy had made
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its way from russia in to separatist-held parts of eastern ukraine. in that convoy were three tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery. they reached eastern ukraine, using the base there, a border patrol base that's now currently in separatist control. and they made their way to the town there. it has seen a real increase in separatist activity in the last few days and one they ar theoryt this convoy was brought there to shore up separatist defenses in the town. according to the interior ministry a bat is now underway between ukrainian forces and the separatists there, a part of the convoy is thought to have been destroyed. there is no indication of who was behind the arrival of this convoy, no insignia on any of the vehicles that arrived there. we do know that the tanks involved were it. it.
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-72 tanks, they have been made in the ukraine in the 1970s but no longer used by ukrainian forces one theory is they may have been tanks captured in crimea, several months ago, brought in to russia and then across the border, that's according to the inter facts the russian news exactly. what does all the of this mean? the indication clearly is a message to the ukrainian government. the new authorities in kiev that the separatists have heavy weaponry on their side and are willing to counter the ongoing anti-terrorist operation. >> we also understand that the russian and ukrainian presidents have been speaking by phone. any idea what they have been discussing? >> reporter: well, earlier this week russia and ukraine said that they had reached a state of mutual understanding. there have been a series of very brief meetings between the russians and the ukraine in recent days starting with the all-important first ice breaker
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meeting between petro poroshenko ukraine's new president and president vladimir putin last weekend. those meetings have continued on a ministerial level. largely under the organization for security cooperation in europe and under pressure from the european union. according to the german foreign minister, there is light at the end of the it up, although a statement coming out today made by angela merkel the german chancellor suggested that ukraine cannot be friends with the european union until they forge vetter relations with russia. so the pressure is on ukraine to work out how to bring an end to this ongoing violence. no indication, though, of how that is going to happen, though. there have been some hints. petro pour thank owe earlier on this week suggested opening up a humanitarian corridor to help civilians trapped in cities like not far from here being currently bombarded by the ukrainian arm toy allow them to leave safer destinations but
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that hasn't yet materialized still many more questions being asked by both sides of the conflict. the indication is that more talks, more intensive dialogue is needed if there is any role progress. >> all right, thank you for that. some lively news now in the coming hours, fever a's world cup will finally get underway in brazil. it's the biggest and costliest tournament in sports history. lelucia newman joins us live frm ray street party. looking a bid subdued now but i suspect that will change soon. >> reporter: yes. absolutely. in fact, we just got away from the noise here part on otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear me, there is a lot of enthus enthusd compassion for the world cup. doesn't matter how old you are. even the animals are getting in to the swing of things. everybody is dressed in the colors of the brazilian flag as you can see there will be a
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samba dance, the one that won this year's carnival. a lot of excitement. there have been some protests, though, jane, 300 people protested against the world cup, the cost of the world cup and a lot of impositions they say that fifa, the inter 2345gsal internl association has impose odd the country. also clashes between police and protest nurse sao paulo where the inaugural game will begin in less than four hours time. they used pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the group. but here in this area at least which where for the last 36 years people have gathered to watch the game outdoors is going to be a huge television screen out here so people can see it, and they just -- and afterwards followed by a big, big party, jane. so people here with a lot of anticipation and excitement about the beginning of the world cup. >> okay, good luck to them, thank you. as she mentioned, there have been protests. riot police in the brazilian city of sao paulo used tear gas to break up a protest against
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government spending on the world cup. protesters have tried to block a road leading to the stadium where the opening ceremony will take place. security forces moved in after demonstrators refused to leave. more protests are planned in other cities. and in rio, workers at two airports have declared a partial 24 hour strike calling for higher pay. rio's international airport is expected to be one of the country's busiest during the tournament. the walk out also affects the airport that provides vital links to sao paulo. that's where the opening match is about to be played. still ahead, we'll be mingling with the fans, more fans as excitement builds in brazil's biggest city. plus on the trail of south korea's most wanted man, police step up the search for the bill january air connected to april's ferry disaster. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ you are watching al jazerra. reminder of our top stories. iran's president says his government will fight what he calls terrorism in neighboring iraq. iraq is struggle to go bad fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant. the group pushed government forces out of two cities, including mosul and tikrit. ukraine has accused russia of sending tanks over its border east of the regional capital donetsk. kiev's interior minute city says they have been sent to help
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anti-government fighters. riot police and protesters have fought in the brazilian city of sao paulo. just hours before the tpaorld world cup kicks off. brazil will face-off against croatia in opening match. fans have already start today gather any stayed numb in sao paulo ahead of the game. a fourth woman has been found hang from the tree in the northern i understand january state. the family of the 19 year old says she was raped. three others were found in similar circumstances in the last two weeks. here is more from new delhi. >> reporter: very little information coming out of the area where this latest case has happened. local authorities remaining quite tight lipped there about the nature of the investigation, in to potentially what the crime was and who may be responsible. good reason for that, a great deal of sensitively there at the moment given events of recent weeks. one of the key cases that perhaps heightened the attention on these most recent ones is the
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case of the girls, the two girls who were allegedly raped and then found hanging from a tree. that case is being transferred to the central bureau of investigation in india, quite a significant move on part of the authorities who are trying it make sure that dispel any concerns on the part of the affected families and communities of corruption or influence of officials. these incidents have raised again the debate about security and rape and how it's being handled socially and across legal platforms in india. police in south korea are still searching for the billionaire, he's believed to be the owner of the officer that i sank in april killing more than 300 people. police suspect he may be hiding in a church compound and are searching the area for a second day. harry faucet has more from seoul. >> reporter: it was another huge show of force in the hunt for soutsouth korea's most wanted m. nearly 4,000 police gathered for a second day searching this
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sprawling complex for him or those that may know where he is. although most ways in and out were guarded to the hilt. we found one unmanned by police allowing our camera to get inside the singular world of the he van gel cap baptists church compound. complete with abandons subway cars for dormitories. and hundreds of angry church members. on wednesday, one was arrested for obstructing the police, five on suspicion of traveling to the south to aid him in hiding. >> translator: what is to be achieved through this investigation? other than detaining five people who went to collect plants. the search is going on for a second day, but we doubt anything will come of it. >> reporter: he is or was the leader of the salvation secretary. thsect. the precursor to the church. but he's also a businessman believe go ahead to be the real owner through families and
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companies of the ferry killing more than 300 people. his continued-y indication of a nationwide manhunt involving 50,000 place and a half mad reward is becoming more embarrassing for authorities every day. earlier this week the president said it didn't make sense that he still had not been caught. they were widening the scope of the operation, the local council sending in builders, standards inspectors to check no infringement. after all the searching they want to find more than simple building infractions at the end of it all. there had been talk of potentially finding two alleged female masterminds of his escape, a mother kim and a mother shin. but if they were here, it seems they too, have vanished just like him. marry faucet, al jazerra. a cairo court has ruled that the detained journalist will stay in jail. the criminal court extended his imprisonment for another 45
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days, his lawyer had requested his immediate release on medical grounds. he has been held without charge since last august. and has been on a hunger strike for more than four months. he insists he won't break his fast until he is released. al jazerra continues to demand the release of its other journalists detained in egypt. three al jazerra staff falsely accused of supporting the outlawed muslim brotherhood have now been held to 166 days. on thursday, egyptian prosecutors demanded the maximum penalty for them. they want seven years jail for peter, and 15 years for the other two. japan is a country often associated with high end electronics but when it comes to the development of robots its leaders are worried that it's falling behind. the government is launching a new project for funds rebot designs for military use, steve chow takes a closer look. >> reporter: in a factory space borrowed from a friend, he tests out one of his creations.
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15 years ago he left his job as an engineer to chase him dream of building fighte fighter bots. it's been a lonely uphill battle. >> translator: my problem not enough money and resources. you need money to build bigger robots. to buy parts. i work within this limitations. and try to make progress. >> reporter: his large. >> translator: and mini size inventions have won awards the world over. wowing crowds with their martial arts moves, he says his designs could be much more advanced. he looks to places like the u.s. for hundreds of millions of dollars in defense funding have allowed company to his build weapons of the future. including developing humanoid soldiers. fearing it's losing the new arms race in robotics, japan's government is stepping in.
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>> it's very [inaudible] for us. >> reporter: she is charged with creating a program called impact which she says will fund inventors making robots for military use. >> it's a competition. and not only within japan, but around the world you are seeking for new ideas. and we like to be in the front place in this game. >> reporter: the idea of humanoids waging wars around the world used to be the stuff of science fix. fiction, but experts a technology is advance owing quickly such a scenario is a very real possibility. hollywood has long entertained with tails of intelligent killer machines. but today, real like drones operate in conflict zones with some able to attack targets without human control. the u.n. last month began to debate whether to ban killer bots. rights groups of urging nations including japan to do so.
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>> if robots or the killer rebotts make decisions, truly independent from human beings, who to kill, when to kill, how to kill, and then if those robots kill civilians, how are you going make those robots accountable? >> reporter: he is now work under these robots says he's against war and builds his machine to his entertain crowds. but he adds, with the arms race in robotics having begun, he doubts whether any one or any nation can afford not to get involved regardless of the dangers to humanity. steve chow, al jazerra, japan. let's return now to brazil where fans have been gathering at a stadium in sao paulo, you can see them streaming in now ahead of the opening world cup match between brazil and croatia. gabriel elizondo has been meeting the fans and end us this report. >> reporter: the world cup stadium here in the city of sao paulo is about 25-kilometers outside the city center.
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so it's expected that the vast majority of the more than 61,000 fans coming to watch the opening match here, will arrive via train or metro. and this is the main metro station here at the stadium. it's already being decorated and in the spirit of the world cup. this is the official world cup match ball, fans are already gathering to get a glimpse of it. just outside the stadium, you can see how much last-minute work is still being done. we have seen construction crews still sort of polishing the stadium. getting some last-minute things on the outside ready. now, critics and pessimists point to scenes like this as what they say are signs of poor planning by the government and that brazil is really rushing to get ready for this. sure, they are, but the government says these are just minor last-minute adjustments and the government says as soon as the first ball is kicked, there will be so much excitement here in sao paulo, that none of this other stuff will really matter. that the stadium ultimately will
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be ready to host the matches. 57,000, that's how many army soldiers will be deployed all over the country providing security for this world cup. they'll be providing a -- guarding everything from hotel to his airports to stadiums here at the stadium in sao paulo, there are already several hundred troops inside right now, doing a final security lock down. here it is inside the stadium this is where the eyes of the football world will be tuned to thursday afternoon local time when brazil kicks off against croatia and opens this 2014 world cup. they are putting on the final touches on the pitch down below me there. this will be 61,000 people packed arena here. outside the stadium we are starting to see excitement build, tourists from around the world starting to show up. as well as some fans kicking balls, sort of exchanging pleasant industries, really getting in to the brazil football spirit here finally
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seven years after brazil was awarded this world cup. we are know just hours away from kickoff. and you can feel the excitement building from here, can't you? just three and a half hours to go before the first match between brazil and croatia. we are all over it. thanks very much for watching. you are this. today reframing the elitist reputation of fine art. how career eight minds are disrupting the tip klee exclusive scene through virtual galleries and art on the go. plus she's been called the artist of our time, we speak with illustrator molly crab apple about how her art intersection with some of the most dangerous people in the world. and later, from underground performances to viral sensations, spoken word artists breakdown how poetry is making a major comeback.
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