tv America Tonight Al Jazeera June 16, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> how different countries decide... >> their father had a gun... their grandfather had a gun... >> who has the right to bear arms? 5 days: guns around the world a primetime news special series all next week only on al jazeera america >> tonight an "america tonight" special report. iraq in turmoil. a widening crisis led by vicious rebels rapidly takes over a huge part of the country. cities and towns have been taken over on the road to baghdad. >> the distance to baghdad is only about one hour. >> could u.s. forces be pulled
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into the fight? >> boots on the ground quick enough to change what's happening in iraq. >> and could our best partner in the battle to save iraq, be iran? ahead in the next hour, an in depth look at iraq in turmoil. good evening and welcome to our "america tonight" special report, iraq in turmoil. i'm joie chen. the rapid unraffling of anything like -- unraveling of anything, weighing its options, the white house, including some kind of partnership with iran. so far, the u.s. is sending 275 troops to protect its embassy and staff in baghdad. a fourth u.s. naval warship is on its way to the persian gulf carrying aircraft and more than
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500 marines. the administration is considering air strikes as sunni rebels primarily the i.s.i.l. fighters fight on the ground. "america tonight"'s sheila macvicar. >> claiming to show strikes on rebel positions in the the just captured town of tal afar. sweeping across iraq taking city after city. today, tal afar in the north. more fighting in samara and more fighting neither baghdad. the grim specter of sectarian fighting. i.s.i.l. claimed to have executed more than 1500 shiez. members of iraq's army claims it cannot be verified. groups of military, appearing to
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be terrified. men who were herded off apparently to their death. overnight, refugee camps have sprung up, l civilians desperate to get out of the path of the surnts. >> when the surntwhen the insuro the area we heard the accents. we had no more ammunition. and so we came here. >> the latest al jazeera pictures of mosul today, just days after being taken by the rebels. the city is reported to be calmer, people are asked to go back to work. i.s.i.l. and its affiliates are apparently ready to settle in
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for the long haul and take charge. >> ofor the last 24 to 48 hours we find it's more them, more them, establishing courts, appointing the emir in the area. i think longer they are left alone the more entrenched they become. >> i.s.i.l. fighters looted the central bank, stealing about the equivalent to of $400 million u.s. ransom for hostages. organization is now estimated to be the wealthiest armed rebel group in the world. with more than $1 billion in assets wealthier even than taliban. bun answering the call to arms -- but answering the call to arms, tens of millions of iraqi men, led by the leader grand ayatollah l al sistani.
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yet another spark that could lead to an all out sectarian civil war. iraq's prime minister nouri al-maliki has also called for volunteers. >> all iraqi people raise our volunteer, we will advance to all space to crush our enemies. >> reporter: but maliki is also shia and accused of pushing aside sunni population. payments succeeded in buying sunni support to being defeat i.s.i.l. when it was known as al qaeda in iraq. sheila macvicar. iraq. >> with us from baghdad this hour, we want to know first omar how close these insurgent forces
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have come to the capitol city. >> reporter: well, according to rebel forces they are in different parts of the sala hadin province, north of baghdad, there are small towns and villages in that province. some of those villages were controlled by the i.s.i.l. fighters along with the other sunni rebels and the distance to the capitol baghdad is only about one hour drive. and that's why the government was very keen to send reenforcements to the capitol baghdad, they call it the belt of baghdad and the commander in chief the prime minister nouri al-maliki ordered his firsts to make sure the capitol is secure and safe. >> omar about the security then of the citizens in baghdad do you have the sense of anxiety growing there? >> yes. we do. people here are very scared. you can see checkpoints in the streets which led to massive
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traffic jams, people are annoyed of those traffic jams, and they do understand the need for it. because i've been speaking to several people. they do understand that rebels could really come to the capitol, baghdad. that scarce them. people are staying in their homes -- scares them. people are staying in their homes they buy food, they buy fuel. baghdad is the capitol of course. there is also the green zone in the capitol. the green zone is the home to the iraqi government the prime minister and also to the u.s. embassy and other diplomats. so the capitol is vital both for the government and of course for advancing rebels. >> omar our correspondent sheila macvicar is with us as well. >> omar, the call by the ayatollah, to join the army to go ant fight, is that interpreted as a sectarian call
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to arms? or a national call to arms? are sunnis joining along with shia in order to try odefeat i.s.i.l? >> well, grand ey ayatollah is l the greatest, are his word will be followed by thousands if not millions. the number now stands at tens of thousands of people. the religious authority in nejef, north of baghdad, where the grand ayatollah som is base, says this is not a call, hope this is not leading to a civil war. they are calling on all iraqis to volunteer and join the government forces to stop the advancement of the rebel forces. however when you speak to the
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other sects, the sunni community say well this is interpreted perhaps as a sectarian calm because not -- call because not a lot of sunnies will answer that call and join the volunteer call to join the iraqi security forces. >> we have seen tens of thousands of volunteers rushing off, being given new uniforms. is there any structure in place to give them training, to give them weapons, to actually equip them for a battle, against a very battle haireddenned -- artenned and insurgent force? >> that was the concern raised by many people. there was a leading shia figure, his name faisil, he led one of the militias in the country. the fact that the grand
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ayatollah made that call and tens of thousands of people answered it makes it very urgent for the government to train those people, to train those volunteers to give them basic training and uniform and weapons because they are going to fight rebels from the islamic state of iraq and the levant. those are really toughened fighters. they've been fighting in syria, they've been fighting in iraq for years, when the islamic forces were in the cunt, and in afghanistan. so this religious figure was worried that we couldn't throw these young people to meet their fate because they will need some sort of proper training at the least, he says. >> and omar, last thought here. you mentioned the sense that people were trying oprepare for worst. they are in baghdad but also, we hear that there are many, many thousands of people who are trying to seek shelter elsewhere.
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displaced persons within the country. can you talk a bit about that? >> yes, basically who can afford leaving the country they are probably packing their bags now. i have been speaking to well-off families. they went to their villas in neighbor is countries because they are rich. however, the problem for the poor people, they cannot go anywhere. when you speak to them, they say this is our fate, we will die here. and this is really worrying and perhaps gives you a sense of how desperate people are. because they say we have nowhere else to go. now, in other parts of the country, where the fighting is really fierce, for instance in the city of samara, on the outskirts of that city, there are rebels, the islamic state of iraq and the levant backed with other sunni fighters and the government is building up its force he. people there are fleeing --
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forces. people there are fleeing to the kurdish region. that region it's called here the iraqi kurdistan has been facing an influx of refugees not only from samara but from other cities, like tikrit which is also under control of the i.s.i.l. and iraq's largest city in the north. and now kurdish authorities are really struggling to cope with the growing numbers. >> al jazeera correspondent omar al sallah, thanks for being with us, also with us tonight are "america tonight" respondent sheila macvicar. thanks. tough conversation at the warehouse and a question about what happened three years ago. whether iraq was ready.
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>> tech know, every saturday go where science meets humanity. >> this is some of the best driving i've every done, even though i can't see. >> tech know. >> we're here in the vortex. only on al jazeera america. >> and welcome back now to a special edition of "america tonight." iraq in turmoil. as al jazeera's omar al sallah just told us, the rebels are believed to be just an hour outside of baghdad and the united states is scrambling to protect the americans in the capitol. understanding the gravity of the situation, the president just hours ago sent a letter to
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congress detailing the steps he's taking to secure the embassy. mike viqueria, explain what the letter means? >> the president sent the letter under the war act, 275 million tri personnel will be sent, more personnel into iraq. and we learned from the defense department in conjunction with that announcement joie that about 100 will be used to secure air fields, if it's necessary to evacuate american personnel, not just embassy personnel but there are thousands of american contractors in country as well, and to secure the sprawling u.s. embassy in baghdad. we also learned the united states has had brief, as it was described by a state department official, talks, there to talk about iran's nuclear program, while on the margins, they had informal discussions. they are emphasizing, obviously
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a very sensitive point, that they're not going to make deals with iran about iraq's future over the heads of the iraqi people as it was phrased. john kerry gave an interview to yahoo news, saying look, this is a complex are situation. he detailed the sunni, shia, spilling over into the border into iraq. the possibility that the united states will use air strikes to give the al-maliki government some breathing room. let's listen to john kerry. >> it's not whole answer but it may well be one of the option he that are important to be able to stem the tide and stop the movement of people who are moving around in open convoys and trucks and terrorizing people. i mean when you have people murdering is, assassinating in these mass massacres, you have
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to stop that, you do from the air or otherwise, americans obviously feel very powerfully about not putting booths back on the ground in iraq so we'll consider what option he are available to us. >> we've heard from president obama and secretary kerry and every official on down. they want to see efforts at reconciliation between that shia led government and sunnies across iraq, joy. >> "americ"america tonight"'s we house correspondent mike viqueria, thanks very much. even then questioned whether the mission had made the country more secure after americans withdrew from iraq. here is his segment from 2011 report. >> even though the deadline for u.s. troop wrawm from iraq is six months -- withdrawal from iraq is six months away, the u.s. is turning over the facility to the iraqis, the
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troops are moving to the larger bases where the plan is for them to return home later this year. >> our primary goal as far as i'm concerned from my position is basically responsibly closing these bases down. >> reporter: with violence on the rise, many rakes question whether the security forces are ready to fill the void. >> are they ready, i think they're ready. are they necessarily look forward to it, maybe not. >> after an exhaustive investigation, al jazeera has found gaping holes in national security. if asked whether they were prepared to defend iraq against external forces after u.s. pulls out. >> translator: we're more concerned with the sifnlg front. those are issues i can't answer without providing the necessary requirements. >> aal jazeera's josh rushing with us also, "america tonight"'s sheila macvicar. the difference between that moment and today, you saw some
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foreshadowing even at the time that things could go awry. >> certainly. talking to the troops, are they ready? to a man everybody would say l absolutely not. us staying here years more might not make them any more ready than they are today. i think a lot of people were frustrated with the system and begins in baghdad, the whole problem. the sectarian divide and the government and as long as each of those keep serving their own purpose rather than a national yeund purpose, the all that may not provide them with the military they need. >> you saw that take place. >> that's true. >> not very successfully. >> it certainly left questions i would say that. there was a period around 2007 where the u.s. began to train the trainers. i went with them and what i saw was nothing less than really disturbing. on the u.s. side of the fence where there are say about 18 to 20 u.s. guys, they had very nice
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quarters, they were well taken care of but as soon as you clos into the iraqi -- cross into the iraqi army side of the base, it was a different story. they were cold, they didn't have blankets, in fact i noticed how young the soldiers were, i asked to see their i.d. cards and they were 14, 15 years old. i turned to the commanders and asked them how can you train these young sisters and they said -- youngsters and they said this is way they do it here. >> there is no reason why in the post-saddam era you could not have replicated that. he has done, made these specific choices whether it's withdrawing funding from sunni tribesmen, a big part of u.s. strategy, this earlier iteration, al qaeda in iraq, was to pay off the tribes men with bags and bags of u.s.
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cash. it worked. it helped to basically deny the insurgents shelter, food, and everything they needed to succeed. by taking away that financial support from the tribes men basically, nouri al maliki has himself opened the gates. >> as we look ahead, what can be done? >> well, it becomes a multifaceted problem. it is not as simple as my enemy is my friend. discussing this earlier, if the u.s. does try fight i.s.i.l. in iraq, does that align them with iran and even assad? assad is fighting the same group in syria. the u.s. is not comfortable but at the same time the u.s. isn't comfortable seeing this group terrorizing iraq as it has in the past week. >> the u.s. has made clear, all options are on the table. including iran, partnering with iran? >> they're walking that back about and again as josh had
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said: the optics of partnering some kind of military operation with tehran, when tehran is assad's biggest supporter and supporter of hezbollah, can u.s. do air cover and drone strikes? yes, if you can find targets perhaps. >> what is the u.s. military possibility, is it possible u.s. could put boots on the ground? what support could be offered? >> no, they couldn't put boots on the ground fast enough to get the right kind of soldiers in the right place in time. what they could do, they could start air strikes almost meelgd. they have air bases in almost every country surroundin surrou. in kuwait, the largest air base
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is in qatar. far better place to do that. >> partner with iran, despite the problems, we can help you here but not over there? >> i can see the argument of at least committing drones to that. there would be little political blow-back, of committing drones south highway 1 towards baghdad. that said, if the drones are out ahead of iraqi troops on the ground in somewhere like samarra, does that look like you're working with them, coordinated through some sort of middle man. >> the question is what does i.s.i.l. and its affiliated groups want? i.s.i.l. is work with former supporters of saddam hussein, with former iraqi military people who were dismissed by the u.s. after the invasion of iraq. how many different agendas are
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there here? does i.s.i.l. really want to take on what is essentially a shia city in baghdad? do they want to just consolidate the territory they have? are there others cooperating with i.s.i.l. that do have other objectives that would seek to overthrow the government of nouri al-maliki in baghdad? how does that become possible or probable? >> it's much easier to take a place than hold a place. can they run the city of mosul, can they get the trash picked up on monday? a lot of people will say no. but if they are working with former members of the baath appeared party, it becomes a different equation. >> they have bags of cash. boosting their funding to over $1 billion and salaries are paid in cash by i.s.i.l.
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>> very convincing, smrv sheila macvicar as well as josh rushing. thanks very much for coming in. >> ahead on this special report, iraq in turmoil. what led to this crisis? what the u.s. role should be now and whether iraq can be saved. >> ...and gun laws... >> after those laws came in, there have been no more mass shootings... >> how different countries decide... >> their father had a gun... their grandfather had a gun... >> who has the right to bear arms? 5 days: guns around the world a primetime news special series all next week only on al jazeera america
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>> and now, we continue our "america tonight" special report, iraq in turmoil, a growing tension in baghdad, as sunni fighters led chiefly by i.s.i.l. continue their push towards the capitol. after taking control of mosul, the group has marched almost 200 miles in just days. some are leaving baghdad fearing the worst, while others are taking their chances and staying put. >> 63 years old and retired. he has eight grandchildren. he says the security crisis in iraq caused by the sunni rebellion makes him nervous. >> translator: psychological conditions are very bad. we watch the news all the time and hear lot of rumors.
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fighters progress and retreat. i don't know what to do. we feel trapped. we worry about the arbitrary rests, displacements, we don't know what our fate will be. >> reporter: a quick look around on the streets and not all shops were open. a sign, perhaps, of people's anxiety. but there were no immediate signs of increased security and the government is assuring people, life in many parts of baghdad appears to be normal but there is fear. many people here are worried that this crisis could renew sectarian violence. and this marketplace in the carada district shoppers were getting on with their daily lives. the violence in the rest of the country has increased the prices of food. some items more than doubled. many people here say they are not scared by the threats made by members of the radical group the islamic state of iraq and the levant. while others worry about the performance of government forces.
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>> translator: this is not the first time there are provinces fallen under i.s.i.l. nobody knew about it. the new problem is there is a betrayal of the force he and officers. betrayal could lead to the collapse of the state. >> others disagreed. >> translator: i don't think i.s.i.l. will come to baghdad. it's impossible. they don't have this ability or power and their forces are strong. >> reporter: hopes and fears aside, iraq is facing its biggest crisis since u.s. forces withdrew in 2011. cries thais could lead to a civil war -- crisis that could lead to a civil war. >> what could be getting worse? we're joined by peter mansour,
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given your experience sir, i got to believe this has to be a tremendously frustrating situation for anyone involved in the u.s. military. now the i.s.i.l. just an hour's drive away from baghdad what is going to happen here? >> well, i don't think that i.s.i.l. will take baghdad. it's a huge city, seven million people. it has tens of thousands of shiite militiamen on the streets and it has plenty of iraqi army force he with more motivation to fight for baghdad than they did for mosul or places up north. i don't think i.s.i.l. will make it and i think what they'll do is consolidate the gains they made in the sunni triangle. >> do you think they'll fall into deep are division? >> it depends on what happens politically. if the raisk elites can come up with a -- iraqi elves can come up with a are coalition government, i think the sunni
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separatists will turn pretty quickly on the jihadists in their mis. divisive figure, being nouri al-maliki and move into three are separate entities. >> former u.n. ambassador to iraq joining us with his perspective as well. given your experience, can you talk about what you see happening next? is it possible to tamp down these divisions and move forward with a unified iraq? >> i think it is. i agree with what much of what colonel mansour said. if you can get to a leader who has credibility as an interlock interlockatur. he has not only been confronting
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the sunni but the kurds. he has lost credibility with both groups. if the political elite in baghdad can find a leader who can credibly make proposals but then deliver on those promise he unlike the current prime minister, then there's a hope but my belief is the only hope for iraq surviving. >> but mr. maliki moving out of position. >> i don't mean to suggest he's the only reason we've reached this point. i think the entire iraqi political class bears this responsibility barring none. however, the question is not how we got here but how do we get out of this existential threat. the arab part of iraq will not break neatly into two pieces but could result in a somalia like situation.
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>> colonel, to return to you, if we look back to the effectiveness of the surge itself, is there a way to establish a u.s. presence again here that will lead to some way, some replication to calm things down at this point? >> if you have an iraqi government in baghdad worth supporting, a government of national unity then i think it is possible for that government to ink a status of force he agreement with the united states and to bring back -- forces agreement with the united states, intelligence capability and then the sunnis, along with the shia and kurds can eject i.s.i.l. from the territory that they've gained. it would be much, much easier to do this if there's a political agreement ahead than it would be if you are going to defeat them militarily absent the political agreement. >> there is so much to watch here. i'm so sorry we have to break it off. are thank you both of inform
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>> and welcome back to "america tonight"'s special coverage, iraq in turmoil. a year ago, mosul was a city of 2 million people, now fleeing in fear, afraid they'll be attacked as rebels take control. a battles between sunnies and shias but rawks of all iraqis of all faiths are caught in the middle. >> with the collapse of the iraqi army and police in northern iraq, towns and villages in this monday industry industry -- monastery are now protected by kurdish forces. >> and i'm very worried about the regions, especially about the presence of christians in the region because i think the message we are getting
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directlily and indirectly we are not part of the arrangements of the future of this area. and therefore, our people are leaving, and that look at iraq, we are in iraq now. less than one-third of the rakes remain iiraqis remain in the co. since 2003, two-thirds have left. >> noicianormally filled with ps and monks. these are the ninnevah plains, next to the city of mosul, other religious minorities, and shia kurds. now control much of this tariff tri. released from school, children ooshes this territory. >> parents watch news from what has become a battle front.
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all along here in the mountains, there there are caves where early christians came for safety. but mosul is less than 20 miles from here. and even in these thick stone walls a lot of families feel the danger is closing in. dozens of families who fled mosul while they're staying here in rooms normally occupied by monks and pilgrims. nadia is one of them. her husband was shot dead in mosul four years ago, in a wave of violence. >> he came up and shot him with four bullets, one in the head. my son carried his body into a taxi. he died while they were passing the church. >> her youngest daughter is engaged to an iraqi in sweden. nadia plans to go back to mosul so she doesn't lose her job.
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noshein order to apply for a aam she would need to leave the country and she doesn't want to do that. he goes back and forth to the city and says things are quiet there. >> for the people it's very hard to stay outside their homes. we were putting them up in schools. and other people's houses. >> reporter: when martin finishes his studies for priest hood next year he will be sent to mosul. he was there for an hour before we spoke and he said the biggest fear isn't al qaeda or i.s.i.l, it's air strikes. >> i have seen everything. in mosul it's okay, yes, but the future we didn't know what will happen. maybe those people they will immigrate again, because if they hit mosul, by army, by iraqi army, that will be a very
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difficult situation. >> reporter: some people here say this is like waiting for is war to start in 2003 but worse. for a miracle just a chance to live in peace and safety. >> al jazeera's jane arrat joins us now. things are okay in mosul, but are there people who have taken refuge in this facility? do they think they're going to be there for long term, weeks, months? >> well, depends on where they can go. as you know a lot of people have emigrated, christians and other minorities. but there's really a limited capacity these days for countries who want to take them. a lot of people i was speaking with are end upping in schools and churches and monasteries, they want to go home as soon as possible. the thing is what they're really
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afraid of when you talk to them is not so much the taking over of mosul but the prospects of government strikes on mosul. that has them truly terrified. one of the things about northern iraq at the moment is, it feels very much like war and people are starting to pappic a little bit as you get near mosul and the ninnevah plains. some staining put, they might go back any day when it looks safer. >> you spoke right there with christians. do they see themselves caught in a religious fight, religious war as it were, they are being displaced by that or do they see it differently? >> this is a traumatized country and people have real legitimate reasons to be traumatized. but because there are such small numbers now christians have undergone three waves particularly in mosul of
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targeted killings and kidnappings. so they have vivid memories of that. this time around is very interesting. the people who have taken charge i.s.i.l. and baathists, one priest said he went back to check in mosul to check on his church and was asked by one military man to pray for him. they were told not to be afraid. their clear message is, we came to take down the government. we now have an islamic state. but we're not going to kill anyone. they may be doing what appear to be brutal acts but they are killing government forces and government people and not so much the people themselves. if that distinction matters to
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anyone. probe doesn't but they are making an effort to portray themselves as not the old al qaeda. >> you see the movement of displaced persons, are some of them coming back? >> some are coming back extraordinarily enough. when you drive down the ninnevah plaings, you see long lines of cars still trying come in. there are people othat have jammed their pickup trucks with mattresses and all of their belongings and a lot of them are pleading with kurdish officials to be let in. the kurdish are really worried about their region and they're only letting in people who have sponsors here. at the same time, people are going back, they don't want to stay in refugee camps and a lot of them have decided it's safe to go back. mostly paws they fled in terror, thinking it was the al qaeda they knew and then found out through going back temporarily or through friends and relatives
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that this brarp, i.s.i.l. and other groups in charge are actually makin making way to kep things safe and it's a different dynamic. >> al jazeera's jane arrat, thanks so much. tens of thousands are seeking refuge as a violent power struggle unfolds all around them. more than 50,000 rakes have left tal afar. hoda al hoomi reports. >> it's a harsh reality, facing a life of uncertainty. stuck in a checkpoint between mosul and tal afar. she was in hospital when mosul fell to sunni rebels. when everyone around her fled, she had to follow.
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>> translator: there was no one to help. i'm here with my children. i never imagined i would end up like this but without this camp we would have nothing. >> the rapid fall of mosul created a swift mass exodus. but more people are on the move as the sunni rebellion spreads throughout iraq. the u.n. says it's just the beginning. >> it's been really dramatic, how events have unfolded. at all kinds of levels. particularly the humanitarian level. there's some displacement now happening in dialla and people are crossing into suli manir province and we'll probably see some in the south go towards baghdad. we are very much at the tip of the iceberg. >> but when they first left none of the people here realized the scale of the crisis.
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this camp is growing by the day simply because a lot of people have run out of cash. many of those who are staying here actually for the second time displaced, they come from other parts of iraq and in the past years they moved through mosul for safety. that's what happened to abdalla. he never thought he had to find a new shelter for his family of eight. >> i first imagine. >> we moved from tal afar to mosul where there was still some security. then we had to come here. i had about $200, we spent it all on hotels don't have anything left and are forced to come here. >> reporter: this man's story is even more telling about what iraqis have gone through in the aftermath of the u.s. led invasion. he's too embarrassed to show his aface. >> i have four children. 90 my children are all over the place and i'm here. >> reporter: the road to the
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kurdish region is shill joked with exhausted refugees. people continue to see mosul and its surroundings as the sunni militia consolidate their power. many wonder if they will ever go home again. >> we'll end our special report this hour away from iraq but on a different sort of crisis. the fate of our al jazeera colleagues and our hope that egypt will free a.j. staff. there is a very firm resolve. we'll report after the break. break. >> this, is what we do.
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>> finally tonight, after nearly a year behind bars in egypt's notorious tora are prison. al jazeera joint abdullah al-shami could be freed in a matter of hours. he has been on hunger strike for nearly five months. three other al jazeera joirnts are in prison for doing their jobs and we continue to call for their release. >> as long as he's bin in prison labz labz has bee abdullah al-sn clear. >> i've been dean detained for
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266 days without any charge. and without committing any crime. >> he was taken into custody last august while reporting for our sister channel al jazeera arabic and it has been brutal. over the months we have seen his transmission. a strong 26 -- trmpletion. transformation, a 26-year-old who was committed to his hunger strike. he vomited and passed out after attempting to break his fast. if anything happened to him, the egyptian government would be to blame. >> they accept the responsibility of that. >> al shami is one of hundreds arrested, many journalists and
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activists, among them. correspondent peter greste and producers mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed, have all been in prison for six months. in court appearances they have maintained their innocence and outrage. >> we have been treated as if we are are rap rapists or murderer. this is unbelievable. >> the journalist is accused of spreading false news. the brotherhood has been declared a terrorist group. al jazeera rejects all charges as al shami has. the journalists have done their
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jobs. >> the treatment of these journalist a violation of press freedom. during their final court appearance on sunday, defense lawyers said, this is not a trial for these defendants alone. but a trial of all journalists. >> you have to be optimistic because we have to maintain hope and if we lose hope there's nothing to hold onto. >> greste had only been in egypt for three weeks, when he was detained. filling in for others when they were on holiday. he says the charges against him are fabricated and he has pointed to the absurdity of the case against him. the prosecution's evidence, a music video and a report from an animal hospital. canadian mohamed fahmy arrested alongside greste had only been on the job for three months although he has worked for many other agencies. last mom, the canadian
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journalist association honored greste. >> a decision is expected next week. that's it for us here on "america tonight." looking ahead to tomorrow's program, a fall from grace at one of the nation's best known christian universities. revelations of sexual assault and a stunning response. correspondent sarah hoye brings us an exclusive report, into the investigation now underway. thanks for joining us for "america tonight"'s special report, iraq in turmoil. good night. we'll have more on "america tonight," tomorrow. night," tomorrow. >> pass paz paz paz cl
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>> we have to move out of here right now >> i think we have a problem... >> we have to get out of here... >> they're telling that they they don't wanna show what's really going on... >> mr. drumfield, i'd like to speak to you for a minute... >> this is where columbia's war continues... >> ...still occupied... >> police have arrived... you see the blast scars from a bomb that went off...
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cl hundreds of u.s. troops will deploy to iraq as horrific pictures show the brutality of islamic insurgents. our report and analysis the former u.n. security council president is a wanted man in venezuela. they don't have him, we do in new york. why are thousands of central american children crossing the border and hoping to get caught. holwo
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