tv News Al Jazeera June 18, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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... this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour. these are our top stories. iraq's army said it held off a rebel attack on the bcountry's biggest oil refinery. the president says the fightback has gun. >> abdullah abdullah wants to stop the vote count as of claims of fraud. ukraine's president proposes a ceasefire for his troops in the
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east so pro-russia separatists can lay down their weapons. it could leave a bitter taste. we will tell you about a threat to the banana crop worldwide. iraq's prime minister is insisting government forces have regained the initiative against rebels who have swept through the north of the country. nouri al-malaki said the unrising has been contained. sunni fighters have been attacking on a new front. the latest target in the northern city of biji. on tuesday's rebels attacked 60 kilometers north of the capitol. since last week, they have also taken control of mosul and tikrit. a general says his army has
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regained control of a very important refinery. >> we have rebelled an attack to tack the beji refinery for personnel action weapons, equipment and ammunition. the refinery is under the full control of our croups. we can talk live to our correspondent, imran khan. a confusing picture but the prime minister made his weekly television address within the last couple of hours. >> his speech was critical of the islamic state of iraq saying they had taken advantage of the political situation here in iraq to sew discord amongst the people. he said everybody was surprised when mosul fell. he is careful in his choice of
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words. the speech lacked any kind of plan. most would have been watching his speech looking for some signs of what the government was actually planning to do he screatused countries like saudi arabia for supporting the isil. but let's look at what else he said. >> tells goes against national interests and creates sectarianism and allows criminal gangs to prevail. what happened in mosul is part of a conspiracy. now we are trying to done the deterioration. the iraqi people are being mobilized and taking up arms against these gangs. >> imran, one other point, there are reports of iraqis having killed a foreign national in particular a saudi. this could complicate matters
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somewhat. we are hering it people blaming saudi arabia for the current predicament, the current crisis that iraq is in. also, just earlier before they said about this they said they hit a number of cars belonging to saudi. before this crisis began has criticized saudi arabia for medaling in the affairs of iraq and the saudis fought back saying prime minister malaki is a sectarian person, hasn't reached out to the sunni community. there is a lot of toing and froing. but we are seeing a battle that's beginning, one of words between prime minister nouri al-malaki who the prime minister said is backed by the saudis.
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you have those now this is the battlefield, certainly for words but perhaps even the physical battle as well. >> imran live in baghdad for us. thank you very much. the afghan presidential candidate ab ddullah abdullah i calling for the vote counting to be suspended because of fraud. he says he has no confidence in the vote. he it marks the first democratic transfer of power. the final results aren't due until july the 22nd. >> the counting process should be stopped immediately. there is no way that the counting should continue in the absence of our monitors. >> that's one. in regards to the legitimacy, all that we are asking for is the legitimacy of the process. regardless of who has more votes, who has less votes, that's not the immediate concern for us. >> presidential candidate
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abdullah abdullah in a live press conference calling for the vote counting to be stopped. he said he has no confid events in the election commission here and he has no choice but to stop cooperation with t he has pulled his observers out of the offices and he says counting has to be stopped. he has been calling on a senior election process to step down. he said it has been rigged against him and that the numbers, those turnout numbers that the election commission came out with after that second round of voting on saturday were exaggerated, including the numbers in the rural areas. now, this, we are waiting to hear what the election commission has to say, but this could throw into doubt the presidential election whole process here we were expecting results in late july and a new president was supposed to be inaugurated in early august. >> ukraine's president is once again proposing a unilateral ceasefire by his troops in order for pro-russia separatists to lay down weapons. this follows a phone
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conversation with the russian president in which a potential cease fire was discussed. we can go live now to the eastern city of donetsk and al jazeera's kim vinnell. tell us more about the plan, whatport poroshenko was discussing with vladimir putin. >> well, speaking in kiev, president poroshenko said a unilateral ceasefire would begin shortly. he didn't elaborate on whether that might be in the coming hours or in the coming days. but he did say that this will be the first part of a 14 point peace plan. it's not clear right now what, if any, prerequisites there will be before the ceasefire will begin. president poroshenko said on monday he wanted the border with russia to be in ukrainian control, complete ukrainian control room before any ceasefire would begin and just in the past half hour, a spokesperson for the government's anti-terrorism operation has come out and said he would like the positions of separatists in terms of their
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willingness to go through any sort of peaceful negotiation, he would like that to be defined before a ceasefire is put in place. separatists so far are dismissing this idea of a ceasefire but president poroshenko appears very convinced that this will work. here is what he had to say. >> i can say that the period of ceasefire will be short. we expect illegal armed groups will then immediately disarm. order will be reached including joint patrolling against criminals who are destabilizing the situation in the east. the main point of the plan is closure of the state border. without that, there is a high risk criminals will use the ceasefire for their proffers. . >> a new report points to the increasing mil militarization. >> it parents a grim picture indeed. it talks about there being a climate of insecurity and fear
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in the east. and that's certainly what i have seen here, sort of developing over the past few weeks. it also talks about there being increasing evidence of instances of abductions, detentions, torture, and killing. it also talks about there being an escalation in the sense of its no longer just sort of civil servants or public figures being targeted but that increasingly, civilians who are known to have pro-ukrainian views are being targeted talked specifically about separatists gaining access to lists of activists who are pro-ukrainian when they took over straight administration buildings. it talks about the situation in crimea which, of course, is annexed by russia, talks about there that crimeaans' rights are being infringed. it sheds light saying the report blooefdz peace and reconciliation is possible in the east. >> kim, thank you. rescuers are searching for dozens of indian easians after a boat capsized off of the western coast in the strait of malaka.
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bodies of five people have been brought to shore in panting. people including women and children were on the wooden boat when it sank. now, it's thought they were migrants traveling home to indonesia from malaysia. japan's parliament has criminalized the possession of child pornography after years of pressure to pass a law. the country's popular comics and animations known for sexually explicit images don't fall under the ban. harry fawset has more. >> saturday afternoon in tokyo at a scene that's depressingly easy to find, dressed up children promoting school girl clubs where massages and more are for sale, all within meters of police. japan has a reputation for perm missiveness when it comes to an exploitation. child abuse images were only
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outlawed 15 years ago and enforcement was difficult because possessing child pornography was perfectly legal until now. >> i think this is a very big step forward for japan, but now, we are in 2014. and if you look at other countries, they passed this law a long time ago. we are the one with the last name nation to pass this law. >> the new law bans possession of images of actual child abuse but it doesn't prevent the widespread publication of highly sexualized pictures of young girls, be they real or drawn. manga and anime are littered with sexual violence against young children. most of what we filmed secretly in this shot is too extreme to be broadcast. the sorts of images that horrify the manga master, but he is part of an industry-wide campaign against any move to outlaw them. >> i do want the artists and
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readers to reprimand themselves but the law should not be playing that role. if there is a law, it's going to spread its net so widely and have large effect did. there are those artists who tackle darker things. it will affect them all. >> he was adopted and abused by a stranger when she was 6. she has interviewed and written about pedophiles. she believes allowing men a fantasy world can prevent them from acting on their impulses. >> what is common among those who actually committed a crime is they were isolated and psychologically cornered and desperate. they were alone in their dilution and then crossed the line. >> some child protection cam paperers take the opposite view, that the normalization of such images can make it easier for a man to take it further in real life. while he fights any plans to protect his arts, he tells his juniors not to draw anything they wouldn't want to show to
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their own children. harry fawsett. al jazeera. >> lots more, turkey hands a life sentence to former president and an ex-air force commander. we will tell you why. plus forced into under-agedsex, we speak to a teenager regaining the childhood stolen from her. in sport,wold world cup host brazil took on mexico. it turned out to be a struggle for one of the tournament favorites. now, a syrian army helicopter has fired at people in a refugee camp. 12 people have reportedly been killed. most of those were apparently children. now, these are all people who had fled the violence in nearby parts of dora province according to a monitoring group. the syrian observatory for human
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rights said seven people were also wounded. we can speak to tower co correspondent who is live in neighboring beirut and at this ref jopling e example is very, very close to the jordanian border. >> because they are still in syria, they refer to them as displaced. most of them are from the dora province. it had seen intense fighting in the past few months, especially in the past few weeks. the rebels had been able to advance in that area, and the government had been trying to push them back in the past few weeks. >> that's why we have seen many people fleeing their homes in that province and going as close as possible to the border area. it's still very hard for them to go across the border and many want to become ref jopling ease. they stayed inside syria hoping they would be able to go back to their homes when the fighting ends. but as you can see, some of them pay with a price because their children are killed. seven of these nine people who
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were killed were children, including a girl who was four years old. >> these are people who even if they wanted to cross the border, possibly couldn't, because the jordanians, of course, have had enough and they have shut the border effectively, haven't they, to most refugees in syria? >> yes but you will see more refugees trickling through the border. many times you can see refugees from inside jordan going back to syria because the life of a ref jopling e is not something that these people aspire to. many times, they are even surprised by the extent of the misery they face. there is no proper healthcare. there is not even enough food. not only in jordan but even here in leba no n. these people have been living in miserable conditions for the past three years. mary of them left their homes thinking they would be back in a few months, and this crisis has been going on for three years. yesterday, we were here meeting with more refugees. >> was with many of them, they said we didn't know it was going to go on for this long. >> rula amin, in beirut.
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thank you. after 10 months behind bars in egypt, al jazeera journalist abdullah al shamy has been released from prison. he was on a hunger strike for nearly five months. he used his first moments of freedom to call for the release of his colleagues who have been in jail until cairo for 172 days now. mariana hond has the details. >> screams of jubilation at the intrapings to a kcairo police station as friends, family and other journalists welcomed the release. for 10 months, he was held in prison without charge. for all of that time, he maintained he had done nothing wrong. >> i have won, and everybody who is a freedom fighter, either a julyist or anyone doing his work credibly and with honesty has won because this is -- this
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experience has saved my life. i am not the person i have been anymore. i am now more determined than before to carry on with this struggle, not just because of me. because for every one to be able to do their job freely. >> the change in his physical appearance was dramatic. compared with when he was detained in august, while reporting on protests following the removal of mohammed morsi. five months into his dead detention, he went on hunger strike just days after the video was brevity he said he was placed in solitary confinement and force if he had. he insisted he would not stop his protest until he was freed. as his health declined, his family pleaded for his freedom. on monday, a court ordered his release saying there were no legal grounds to keep him in prison. a statement, he said it was a
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relief rather than a cause for celebration. he had been through a terrible ordeal. there are still three al jazeera journalists behind bars in egypt. correspondent peter greste, producer mohammed and mohammed fatmy have been in jail for six months. >> they are falsely accused of supporting the outlawed miss lum brotherhood. access rejects all charges. the egyptian prosecution is asking for the maximum jail terms. the individualict in their case is due on monday. but they say elshamy's release has lifted their spirits. speaking from a hospital as he received treatment for a shoulder injury, he said we are very confident we are going to be next. elshamy says the fight is not over. >> will only happen when all detained journalists are released. it's been a long journey to freedom for elshamy, but now his voice will join the corus of protests as al jazeera continues to call for the immediate release of its staff still
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behind bars. two leaders of turkey's military coup of 1980 have been handed life sentences. kenan everan was president for nine years after the takeover. turkey's government amended the constitution in 2010 so the help would no longer be immune from prosecution. now, live from istanbul, what kind of message is the government trying to send with this verdict? >> martin, what this means and the message it sends is that the military will still be held accountable here in turkey. over the last five years, hundreds of military officers have been arrested, tried, found guilty and jailed for connections to coup plots or attempts, at least to destabilize the country. you have in turkey a military that since the founding of the
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modern turkish state back in 1923, a military that has seen itself as the defenders of the secular nature, the secular turkish republic. since 2002, when the ruling party came to power, they have made a determined effort to clip the military's wings and sort of solidify civilian rule in this country martin. >> what kind of effect is this having on the military? >> well, you know, there are demoralized elements, it's fair to say, within the military because of this crackdown on their influence. but it's also turning the tu turkish military into essentially a defender of the country rather than a defender of the regime. so so the turkish military like the militaries of other nato member countries. so what you are extremely unlikely to see repeated here in turkey is the sort of military intervention for comparison that you have seen in egypt, martin. >> live for us in istanbul. also life for us right here
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in doha is stef. she's got the weather. tornado season happens every year. what's special about this one? >> well, this one is a little bit later than we normally expect. i have also got some pretty good pictures as well. everybody loves a picture of a tornado just so long as it's not causing any damage. they are incredible things with so much power. this was taken in nebraska. it's one of the storms that we saw a couple of days ago now. you can see the power of this. you can actually see through the tornado, but remember, there is nothing actually in the middle. it's just area. it's wind going around really quickly. the reason it gets obscured is the debris. this is newly formed and picking up debris. this was one in nebraska. the reason we have them at this time of year which as martin said is a little bit later than normal. it's due to the fact it was so cold over north america for such a long time. now we have the heat from the southwest. it really is very, very warm. washington, d.c. today, we are expecting to get to 36 degrees
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and that's 97 in fahrenheit but towards the west, over the rockies, you can see the darker colors here really, it's quite cold for this time of year and when you have the contrast of the cold air and the warm air, that's when you have the clash of temperatures and the very destructive weather. over the past few days, we have seen that storm system and it's been edging its way eastward. it's been with us over parts of canada. the weather doesn't stop on that border. we have seen a lot of tornados over the border in the southern parts of ontario. this is the kind of damage we have seen there, martin. >> stef, thanks for that. those amazing pictures. let's go to malawi where community leaders are calling for an end to the decades old tradition of child marriages and under-age sex. a quarter of all girls are married before their 18th birthday and many forced to have sex sex at six. speaking to one victim in tiolo
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town. >> she is 14 years old and this is not her little sister. it's a 2-year-old daughter. the young mother is a victim of a cultural practice that encourages young girls to have sex early in some parts of malawi. it's a rite of package where girls transition into adulthood. >> girls who are about 6 to 7 years, they were taken for initiation where they were initiated. so when they were initiated there, they were told they were supposed to be cleansed, which means they have to sleep with any adult person. >> means that now, she has passed the initiation. >> she is back in school, but she has fallen behind. she should be in secondary school. not primary but she is determined to catch up. >> when i had my baby, i was
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ashamed. i am happy to be back in school. >> changing old customs isn't easy. government officials don't know how many gills are affected. the dropout rate in rural schools is high. >> sometimes, when a girl gets pregnant, she is immediately expelled from school. teachers and some of the parents think she will be a bad influence on the girls. the insult and humiliation can get so bad young mothers feel unwanted and abandoned. >> not all initiation practices encourage premarital or under-age sex. there are laws to protect girls. some community workers feel more can be done. >> the government has done a lot as far as policy crafting is concerned. but there is very little happening on the ground. as far as i am complementation is concerned. >> they have /* he has tried to vince her to go back to school. s they tell her dreams don't have
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to end because she got pregnant so young. the u.n. is calling on countries to step up their fight against the destructive banana diseases threatening the $8 billion global industry. now, it's a fungus, and it's known as panama disease eating through hectors of banana crops in asia, africa and the middle east. one of the worst affected areas is in the southern philippines as jamila alendoga reports. >> worries keep growing by the day. banana production in his plantation has slowed down drastically. panama disease which infeaths the banana tree and can spread easily has impacted his prouchlts now, he says he cannot even afford to pay his workers. >> translator: it's really hard for us to recover when we plant, it takes at least 10 months before we can get to harvest. so the recovery would be like starting all over again.
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>> almost half of his plantation has already been destroyed. he says the disease first started with one tree and then spread quickly leaving the soil severely damaged as well. the philippines is one of the world's top producers of bananas. banana plantations cover more than 50,000 hectares of farm land in the region of mindonaw. it has mostly affected small time growers who are now deep in debt, unable to pay back their loans. the banana industry is one of the country's top revenue earners. it is also ranked the second among the top international producers of bananas after ecuador. producers here are having problems meeting the growing demand abroad for higher quality bananas and producers say what they now need is support. >> what the government can do to help, especially the department of agriculture, is to teach these growers how to respond to
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standard operating procedures on how to really cut the disease out. >> translator: why have you not given us advice, training, or materials to make the growers aware of how to control it? the government said they have, but it never reached us. we should have been given those directly because we are the openers. >> the land his family has for generations is now baylor usable. almost every week, a hechter gets infested and with it, he says, his chance for a better life gets wiped out. jamala elendog a. n, southern philippines. >> don't miss the second part our look at the throat the global banana supply. >> that's on thursday. we will be meeting authorities who are trying to engineer a banana that can resist panama disease. . still to come, chinats tough message to vietnam as a top
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diplomat visits hanoi in the first high-level talks over an off-shore territorial dispute, plus the latest from the world of technology. online shopping company, amazon plans to enter the market with smart phones. coming up in sports, rousing words of inspiration for the chile football team ahead of their game with spain.
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the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. h again. iraq's prime minister invisits government forces have regained the initiative against rebels
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who swept through the north of the country. he also said the uprising is a conspiracy. afghan presidential candidate abdullah ab d am /* abdullah demanded a halt to vote counting, saying he has no confidence in the election organizers. a run-off vote was held on saturday. ukraine's president has proposed a unilateral ceasefire by his troops in order for pro-russian separatists to lay down their weapons. this follows a phone conversation with the russian president in which a potential ceasefire was discussed let's go back to the top story of the day. of course, the ongoing crisis in iraq, one battle front is the oil-rich province of kirkuk. now, kurd tissue troops managed to hold off fighters from the islamic state of iraq in the lavant trying to get into kirkuk. the kurds took control after
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iraqi stations stationed there deserted their posts last thursday. thousands of people ahave been heading to the kurdish region to try to get away from the violence in other parts of the country. hoda hamid reports. >> reporter: it's not difficult to spot them these days. waiting for permission to get into the kurdish region. with the widening conflict, more and more people are heading north. these are the newest rivals, straight from tel afar, the latest to fall into the hands of "the sun"ni rebels. this is not their fight. >> we left because of the fighting. i don't want to stay here. i am trying to reach my daughter in kirkuk. they aren't allowing you us to get through this checkpoint. they tell us to go through another way. but where? >> it's a question many of these the displayed iraqis ask as it
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appears kurdish authorities are overwhelmed by the daily i hope flux when you travel throughout this region, you can't help but notice the amount of people on the move, trying to come in from all directions. now, the reason they come here is, of course, for safety but also because this is the only place in the entire country where there is no sectarianism. >> we reached the outskirts in the east. again, the long waits and exhausted faces. they are mostly sunnis, from tikrit and beyond. this group arrived from samaara. they had to go through iraqi army positions and through the sunni rebel ones. >> we don't know what will happen. we are living the moment not knowing what tomorrow will bring. people want to live. the roads are blocked everywhere. if you make it out, you cannot return home anymore. people are sleeping on the floor. please find us a solution. >> the spread of fighters from
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the isil and sunni rebels along the kurdish border is the most serious threat to the region since the u.s.-led invasion in 2003. security is a big concern. kurdib authorities admit they need to impose restrictions. >> we have to take security procedures for the displaced people. we want to help on a humanitarian level but we need to control their entry. we have to protect our area. these men were granted a renewable one-week permit. not every way makes it in. >> we have been here since 6:00 a.m. but they won't let us in. they didn't give us any hope. they told us to leave. >> abul mohammed did not want to go to a transit camp. he preferred to return to his home, back in mosul, despite all of the risks. >> hamid, al jazeera in the kurdish region of iraq. >> so, how much of an
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opportunity, then, is this crisis proving for the kurds who have long been in dispute baghdad over territory? well, they have already run -- they already run their own autonomous region. >> that's in iraq, in the north of iraq. many people there want them to declare outright independence. now, they have been able to expand their influence into k k kirkuk where iraqi security forces are nor to be seen. this is an area that is a major oil field and could provide vital revenue for the kurds. the kurdish energy minister says they have already linked up the kirkuk field with the pipeline to turkey. falla mustafa is the acting min sister of iraq's kurdish region and he said the blame lies squarely well prime minister malaki. >> he would have avoided these problems had there been a proper approach from the federal
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government. there has been no relationship, proper relationship between them and baghdad since the beginning of this year when the federal government cut the budget of the region and stopped the payment of the civil servants. it's not just for baghdad to call on us to respond. the party army without the americans, we would not be able to do anything. second, we have to sit down together to see what needs to be done because this is not only al military situation because this situation has come to being as a result of failure in the political process, failure to include the sunnis in the decision making and in the government. >> we can talk to rebwa fatah, direct director of middle east consultant services and a writer. it sounds very much as though the inter communal strife genie
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has been let out of the bottle. >> yes. let us not for gets the under serious threat. we already held that elements within isis declare that kurdistan is one. i believe the kurdish region and let us not forget that there could be human disaster if, for example, kirkuk is in the hands of isis. it will create about a million ref jopling ease. where these ref jopling ease will go. >> how reluctantly, if at all, are the forces of the kurdish regional government, how reluctantly are they getting involved in this wider conflict that is sweeping across iraq? >> they have no option. what are the other options? the communities, the kurdish
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communities inside the kurdistan region and our side of the kurdistan region which is called disputed territories. >> but kirkuk is under the control on should be under the control of baghdad. shouldn't it? >> kirkuk is an iraqi city. that's correct. of course it has an you influence. the election always could win in the kirkuk region and the population is highest. not only kurds but athey expect to be protected. they had to interfere because the closer isis is getting to the kurdish region, the more fear they can create. we have seen the fears that isis can, you know, impact. >> they say, dr. fata -- there will be problems. >> they say, dr. fatah, every
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crisis presents an opportunity. are you saying the kurdish regional government doesn't sense a moment of opportunity in terms of furthering it's claim to kirkuk? >> it may be speculation. i can't really say. it may be an element, too. but i think that the threat is bigger than the opportunity because isis is not stopping anywhere. it's advancing forward and north. i mean the place is like parts of kirkuk, parts of mosul is getting very, very cross to the gates of the kurd istan region. i don't really know what are the other optionsistan region. i don't really know what are the other options the international community is not interfering. the iraqi army dissolved overnight. there are no other forces to protect themselves and the region and the permanent force
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are under great pressure from the kurdish community, from the kurdish people and, also, from the other communities like outside of the kurdistan region to be protected. we are hearing the news that many members of tareas outside kurdistan region already state if the army is not going to protect them, they are going to evacuate. where do they evacuate? they are not going to into the isis region. they need to evacuate into kurdistan. let's not forget it's a small region. how many more refugees like kurdistan can take? >> rebwar fatah, thank you china's foreign minister said it's diplomats said it's the *- ricksa the top level meeting since china moved an oil rig into disputed waters last month.
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from beijing, adrienne brown. >> china and vietnam's often violent mayor time dispute has gone on for seven weeks. vessels from both countries have been harassing and ramming one another. a few days ago, al jazeera saw some of that high-seize brinksmanship firsthand from on board a vietnamese coast guard ship. the most serious clashes have occurred close to a giant oil rig drilling near to a cluster of islands claimed by both countries in the south china sea. but onland, the picture was more hopeful on wednesday. china despite gets top diplomat to hanoi for talks, the first positive sign that the two countries want to repair the rupture in relations. beyond the smiemz and hand shakes, though, they had little of substance to say. >> on this trip as appointed by our secentral commit i will discuss the two countries'
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relations and current issues in the south china sea. >> the vietnamese foreign minister, ham bin min said his country wanted to resolve a complicated situation and develop healthy and stable relations. >> vietnam is probably winning the propaganda war but it's military is no match for china's and the country is also vietnam's biggest trading partner. and it's that economic reality driving the diplomacy but an early breakthrough is unling, warn experts. >> maybe they will agree to pull back and the vietnamese will agree to make some positive overtours about kind chinese easy action. you we are not going to see a long term, viable solution to the dispute. >> the talks also focus on beijing's demands for compensation following the anti-china riots in vietnam which began shortly after the deployment of the oil rig. chinese factories were destroyed or badly damaged, forces the
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evacuation of hundreds of workers. >> the most urgent thing now is for vietnam to stop obstructing chinese operations, stop exaggerating disagreements and to properly deal with the aftermath of rebate serious violence such as vandalism, burning and looting. >> given the economic dependence on china, many analysts agree that vietnam's best strategy would be to recognize china's sovereign knee return for a deal to jointly develop the vast gas and oil deposits that are believed to lie beneath these waters. >> adrienne brown, arizona. >> cambodia is blaming thailand's new military ruling for sparking the sudden exodus of cambodian migrant workers. more than 120,000 have fled across the border. just last week, the army announced a crackdown on those working illegally in the country. veronica pedros is along the
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thai-cambodian border. >> business but not quite as usual. there ied hardly anyone shopping. store holders are mostly cambodian. some have worked here for years. they told us trade is so slow because of a combination of the recent coup and the migrant worker situation. >> the thai army shut them out. it's been happening further inside the country. i don't know if it's true. i just got the news from around here. >> more than 120,000 of the 400,000 cambodian workers in thailand have overwhelmed this crossing in the past week. although the ruling military has denied there is any policy in place to crack down on foreign workers even if they are undocumented. they took us here to show us how they are looking after the departed migrants. >> at the crossing, itself, there is still traffic coming in to the country. day laborers are an essential
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part of the thai economy which is at risk of going in to recession. >> it's seasonal work, tendi thailand's crops. rapes are coming. this sugar kane field needs fert like and protection from pests. agriculture is one of the maple sectors of the thai economy that depends on migrant labor. in this field alone, more than half of the laborers have left. >> sugar cane only needs a few months to grow. so, if they can't finish the work needed now, the farmer will likely face losses. >> i think the government has to inform us clearly if they have decided to have these workers registered. they can assure they can return to work and the thai employers can rest assured that there is a good solution. >> i think if my friends get the proper documents, they will come back here to work again. >> there are more than 3 million
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foreign workers in thailand, but the system's been abused and what's happened here has exposed what some have called a culture of an exploitation. veronica pedrosa, al jazeera, sakao province, tie land. >> still to come here on the newshour, in support, can defending chal pin spain get the world cup campaign back on track? we will get the expert opinion from a former spanish international. e news, go deepee
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>> the mobile phone market may have someone else enter. online shopping giant amazon is rumored to launch a new device. 250 million customers around the world, amazon is it a ready-made marketed for a new hand held devices but the iphone and samsung devices are the established heavyweights. if the seattle based etailor want to compete with them, analysts say it better be slick. >> and avoid has a stronghold on this market. apple is, you know, doing very well in terms of the high end with the iphone. amazon is coming in really as a late entrant. >> todd bin with says this rollout has been years in the making. this teasing promotional video hints at a device with features not seen before. >> how does it do that? >> invitees received a copy of
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geoff bezo's favorite chirp's book with its a note about different being better. many tech analysts say the company isn't necessarily interested in challenging apple or samsung for device extremacy or refc packet share but giving customers a direct handheld link so they can shop for groceries, consumer goods and more on amazon sdmrfrp amazon doesn't so much want the smart phone in your pocket. it wants its hand in your wallet. it wants to be able to reach out and say, it is going to be extremely easy for you to buy cop tent if us, for you to stream movies, stream music and this device is one more way for you to do that. >> amazon's geoff bezos is expected to host the rollout later this morning. alan shaufller, al jazeera, seattle. >> time for the sports news. here is farrah. >> thank you. day 6 hosts brazil in action for the second time against a team that has troubled them in the past.
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mexico. in group, belgium and russia face korea. richard nickelson reports. >> algeria came into the match against the bell januarys having not scored a goal in the world cup since 1986. they ended that 24 minutes into their match when they were awarded a penalty. midfielder faguli picking himself up and scoring to make it 1-nil to al year i can't. the red drvl devils had to wait five minuting in the substitute came on to equalize, saw bell jam heading in, in the 17th minute. it was completed 10 minutes later to make it to-1 to belgium. >> south korea held russia to a 1-all draw in the other match. the koreans scored first with igor somehow miss handling the shot into his own net in the
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68th minute. but luckily for him, compatriot equalized a few minutes later. final score 1-1. the hosts were fresh off a 3-1 win over croatia in their opening match. and a step toward the knockout phase. t the nemexican side stopped braz from scoring. achoa pulling off a series of fine saves to keep his side in the game. >> all three points in injury time. a shot blocked by cesar. nil-nil. richard nickelson, al jazeera. >> effectively a must-win match for spain on wednesday following their 5-1 defeat to the netherlands in their opening game. spain faced chile and their second group b match knowing another defeat would almost certainly see the world cup holders knocked out of the turnament. the coach has promised to change his line-up.
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spain still have some hope. they lost their opening match at the last world cup four years ago but still went on to become champions. >> translator: it's very true that we are very hurt. we are in a situation with great responsibility, but we have been given one more chance to continue in the world cup, which is what we want. with that responsibility, we want to find a solution to continue. let's hope that the players respond well and bounce back well from a result which was very hard for us. >> for more on this, we are joined by spain international michelle velgad on: i want to start off by asking you: what led to spep's defeat against the netherlands' pretty humiliating 5-1 score line? >> if the we look to the score, it can look hugh milating. i don't think it was like that. so mary reasons, but there is a turning point during the game. and i think we took control for us. we led the game with a 1-nil.
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we had a chance to score with the keeper. that was the turning point. after that chance, netherlands scored the second. and they got, um, to the ha with that result. i think, you know, it was the moment where we lost the game. after that second half, it was counterattack after counterattack. we must improve a lot of things. i don't think netherlands were that good, you know, to beat us 5-1. and we were not that bad, you know, to lose it 5-1 as well. >> do you think there will be any changes to the leip-up? >> definitely. you know, the coach, the manager, i am him really well. he announced, you know, there would be changes for this game. even the formation is going to be different. he is thinking about playing with a full-1. and at least i can see changes in the leip-up, especially in the middle of the park.
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i think in there, a little bit more hard working. and a little bit more pace up front. i think they must come on, um, to play this game against chile. >> you played and do you think you he is the best spanish goalkeeper in your opinion? >> definitely he is the pest. i assumed he couldn't play so many games this year with real madrid but he is the captain of spep. he has been a key factor, you know, for this team, you know, to win everything. you know, they have won in these last six years. so now is the moment that everybody in spain an especially the manager must back him. i think it's a setback for him. i know he made a big mistake, you know, for one goal of the netherlands, but he is the most important prayer in the room. all of the players need him. the coach and the manager need him. this is the manage where he has, you know, to have the backing
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for everybody. >> all right. and predictions? >> i predict we are going to win 3-1 tonight. so you know, we bounce back. >> all right. great to get your thoughts. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> meanwhile, chile started out with a win over australia in their opening world cup match. the south american country is using one of the most infamous but inspiring episodes from its recent history in an effort to inspire their team. al jazeera's lucia newman reports. ♪ >> four years ago, 33 trapped miners made chile's national catch cry world famous. now, they are doing it again in a campaign ad to support their football team. >> in this place, we were trapped for 70 days. the earth had swallowed us. we knew that outside, there were millions of chileans who
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believed in us. >> that's why we are taking this dirt to brazil to where our team is based, to fill them with hope and courage and to show the world that for chileans, nothing is impossible. spain, holland, we aren't afraid of the group of death because we have looked death in the face and come out victorious. . >> it's that determination that brought tens of thousands of chileans here to support their team and to show they aren't intimidated by the scald group of death. the luck of the draw that's pitted chile against two of the toughest. >> chile has a great team, but it's the underdog, the sinnederella compared to the main rivals, spain and holland. >> that's why all of these people, thousands of them have crossed the andes mountains because they think it local make the difference. >> we can do it with the
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strength of our. >> fans here scoff at suggestions that chile is the sinnederella of the group. >> no game ends after midnight, which means that sinnederella can become a prip ses. remember, brazil's technical director, phillip howe says he is nervous about playing chile. don't under estimate us. . >> on copa cabap a beach, a unique breed of street magicians work up the fans although they need no encouragement. >> translator: we have saved money. we took time off from work and for the kids to miss school to give our team courage. >> day and night, they wave their flag and cry a chant that almost everyone no matter from what country now knows by heart.
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christie a newman, al jazeera, rio de janiero. >> on we need, cameroon and croatia will try to get first positive incident on the board. a knee injury looks to have ruled out camaroon captain. >> join us in our update on the air in just under two hours from now. former sfrap footballer freddie ukane will provide analysis. more sports olbermann including a special brazil 2014 website. there is a live blog as well as plenty of reports from brazil and around the world. >> that's all of your sport for, for you. marin back to you. >> thank you very much indeed. there is lots more to come here at al jazeera. kamal will be here to take you through the next half hour with
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>> i think that at sixteen it's a little too early to write him off for life. >> should they be locked away for good? >> he had a tough upbringing but he still had to have known right from wrong. a prime suspect in the benghazi attack in the custody, why did it take so long. the latest on the presidential election. president obama takes a step to save the pacific ocean. how much of a difference will it make. the coke brothers amass huge political power. parties.
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