tv News Al Jazeera June 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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solely as an armed force on behalf of the shiite, and if it is framed in that fashion, then that probably worsens the situation, and the prospects for government formation that would actually be constructive over the long terming. i think iran has heard from us. we have indicated that it is important for them to avoided steps that might encouraging the splits that might lead to civil war. and the one thing that i think has to be emphasized we have deep differences with iran. with a host of issues,
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obviously, what has happened in syria, in part, is a result of iran coming in hot and heavy on one side. and iran obviously should consider the fact that if it is -- if it's view of the region is slowly through sectarian frames they can find themselves fighting in a whole lot of places. over the long term either. i suspect there are folks that recognize that. an iraq chaos is not in their interests. but old habits die hard, and we will have to see whether they can take what i think would be a more promising path thank you very much, everybody.
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>> listening to the president of the united states, outlining what the white house will will do. saying this the quite will not choose sides between the conflict in the country, saying that iraqi leaders mulled step up and do what needs tock done, saying there will be 300 troops on the ground, but saying that lit be support and intelligence gathering only, not what would be considered boots on the ground, saying that he would not engage in a war of words in regards to what should done. it began early today, by the way it is 2:02 eastern time. that war of words beginning much earlier, when senator mccain took the the floor of the senate, really attacking the president. what has the quite of america done? today we see on the front
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page, u.s.c.'s risk in iraqi air strikes. the president telling reporters it is important to take a wait and see report, pointing out that 4,500 lives were lost. after those comments we heard there house speaker john boehner this is what he had to say? >> until we know what the overall strategy is, we don't know what could be effective. there's not one pierce to this. so i am hope that have the president will outline a strategy for dealing not only with iraq, but the spread of violence. >> and as always throughout this conflict, we have a team of recorders that are
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covering the situation. your thoughts oen what the president had to say today. >> as you pointed out, he ink cysted again, there will be no american combat boots on the ground, but did say that the u.s. is establishing a counter terrorism partnership that will require some additional funds from congress, which he expects to get, and that partnership will send in up to 300 advisers to support and train iraqis in resisting the enemy whose are facing them. significantly too, he was asked about syria and with hen had second thoughts. he asserted his original point of view, which is the u.s. who could not identify who on the ground was able to with stand the onslaught, which was receiving assistance from iran, and that that was still the case. the president saying with
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this fluidity of terrorist that are developing, it's going to be a very complicated job to know exactly who to target and what to do. standing by his basic decision, is that it is a national security interest of america. that is his primary focus. very interesting news conference today. >> also the president talking about the vietnam war phrase, saying those 300 boots on the ground, those 300 u.s. soldiers that will be there in iraq are there to protect the embassy. in baghdad, and also to make sure there is no u.s. loss of life really going out of his way to point out to all of the critics that this is not an expanding u.s. war and that he believes it is up to the iraqi people to solve the problem. >> true, dell. definitely, the primary focus is is protecting
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the american interest and american citizens. the extremist pangs of those forces. lit be interesting to see what kind of reaction he gets. especially those who have been criticizing foreign policy. those who have said that president obama is responsible, in part because he refused to work out a deal with al mallky. so keep american troops in iraq, past 2011. that the president still saying that he couldn't do it because he would not provide any kind of immunity, and he didn't want to see the situation where they would end up in an iraqi court. because of defensive actions where u.s. troops are stations.
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>> again, 2:06 east coast time. talking about what the u.s. will or will not do in iraq. american combat troops are not going to be fighting in iraq again. we do not have the ability to simply solve this problem by send inning tens of thousands of troops and committing the kinds of one treasure that has already been expended. ultimately, this is something that has to be involved by the iraqis. >> again, our thanks to randall pinkston, our white house correspondent, we will bring you any new developments, coming out of washington as those developments occur. meanwhile, the conflict ranges on. including a crucial battle over the country's largest oil refinery.
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however, the sunni led rebels surrounding it, that refinery supplying most of the fuel that is used in the country. al jazeera is in baghdad now with the latest on that. >> government forces are in full control of the country's biggest refinery in the town of beijing north of baghdad. they say they have killed dozens of fighters from the islamic state along with oh sunni rebels. sources in the town also confirmed that the fighters with drew. now it remains shut, and there is severe shortage of fuel and cooking oil. further north in the town, the government say the they are making gains. they have controlled at least three areas, however, rebel sources there demi the reports and they say they are in full control of the town
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which lies in the northwestern part of iraq. in another development, prime minister has ordered to pay over $500 per month, for volunteers who join the iraqi army. >> and our team coverage continues now with a story of the people, the fighting in iraq, leaving thousands of people trying to find safe haven, among those that got out of mosul, a group of christians. they are christians, one of the most ancient communities of iraq. and they feel vulnerable and abandoned. >> we received indirect messages from the people who occupy mosul that they have nothing to do with us, and not to feel threatened. what us can it mean? we don't know, what will happen next. we don't know. the syrian example is not promise anything good.
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prefer to remain anonymous in fear of retaliation. it relies on mosul for basic necessities and what happens there is a direct impact here. and during sneeze hot summer days. >> where is the world take us out of here, we don't want to live here any more, every day we have to change location, what is the solution? it is from this area, the kurdish forces stepped in, but the presence of the rebels just a few kilometers away from here is worrying everything. >> the fears are common among the many villages and towns of all sects
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and ethnicities that straddled the border between the kurdish region and the rest of iraq. 1,000-kilometers long, and was securitied by a joint kurdish force, formed ahead of the u.s. pull out in 2010. >> iraqi army is only present on the last 50-kilometers. the sunni rebels have taken their positions all along the line. an formed force that works along security forces to protect this town and its churches. >> you know everyone here. we saw maybe 100 people, we are 1500 strong and we have to protect our homes. >> the men admit they could not fend off any outside attack. half of the community has already fled. al jazeera. >> and when we come back, we will get you caught up on the day's other top stories including the search for the missing teenagers, the three in
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israel, that has led to fighting bean centrallies and the pal tin januaries. januaries palestinians. the latest from capitol hill is straight ahead on hill is straight ahead on al jazeera america. the performance review. hill is straight ahead on al jazeera america. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due.
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and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business.
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>> the winner will succeed eric kanter who says he will step down after losing last week's primary in virginia. lisa stark is standing by live, and lisa, why is this election today so important to the tea party. >> well, the tea party wants to gain ahold, a foothold, within the leadership. they feel they don't have it now that they are not being listened to, and hope nag will change after today's vote. they are voting on two different positions today. most likely, one is the house majority leader, as you said that position will be vacant, because eric can't her be eric can't her be leaving that position.
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so the establishment candidate really has the edge. this is kevin mccarthy, the republican from california, he is easily expected to win that majority leadership position. although he is being charged by a tea party candidate. really it is just waving the flag saying hey, we are not happy, so the real battle, that is the whip position, they help gather on the votes and see what can pass the house, two conserves running in that, and martin -- both of those considered from the conservative wing of the party, but there's also an establishment, candidate. so the tea party is hoping to get that third position. make changes and perhaps make things problematic for the leadership of the republican party. >> as you know, there is always the question how is this playin playing in i year rah? >> it does seem like
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inside baseball, but these positions are important. they help set the house agenda, they determine what bills will be going forward. what bills will be heard. how much the republicans if at all are going to cooperate. and not necessarily to the old phrase that all politics are local. is there concerned that this latest round is selected they may be casting their own dye. >> well, clearly, in fact, all of the republicans have said who are running that they have indicated that they will help all their members make sure that they are really paying attention back home. kanter admitted that he had failed to do that, and that was thing that cost him the election. one thing to remember, who ever is elected
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today, they are short timers. they will take over about the end of july, and they will be out of these positions when this congress is over. they will have to run again in january. lisa stark for us. we are also watching the supreme court. all eyes on the high court as the justices are expecting to hand down rulings on several major cases. some of the key issues will be on key issues. which have been so controversial as of late. usually the sessions continue until late june, so lisa pulling double duty keeping an eye on everything that is happening in congress, and also nearby in the supreme court. also, president obama awarding the medal of honor today to a marine corp. rail for his service in afghanistan, kyle carpenter is being recognized facebook conspicuous gallantry for his role in operations.
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what can you tell us. >> this is an amazing story of bravery. corporal williams put himself between a fellow marine and a grenade. and he suffered grievous injuries. loss of a third of his lower jaw, and fragment injuries to his arms and legs thanks to the quick and efficient work of the medical coreman who was there with him that today, and other marines, his life was saved and he was rush today a hospital and eventually to the walter reed medical center now in maryland where he has recuperated and today we he will be receiving the medal of honor. he is from now wood mississippi, he studied at the university of south carolina and he has since retired of the
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marines and preparations are now being made for the sen foye, which is occurring a bit late today because of importance announcements that president obama had to make about iraq. in which the president is talking about the possibility of sending troops into combat in another foreign country, while at the same time thanking those troop whose have already defended this nation, telling reporter as short while ago, that it is his number one responsibility, he believes as commander in chief, not only to protect american citizens abroad, but also to think long and hard before placing any u.s. soldiers in the way of harm. the other fact to point
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out, is he speaking now? >> no, he is not. i just saw him pop up on the screen. the corporal is the 8th living soldier and marine to receive the medal of honor from service in afghanistan and iraq. it is the nation's highest military honor, and an indication of the bravery that so many of those soldiers and marines and airman demonstrated in their service to their country. carrying out the duties and also taking care of their fellow soldiers. >> randall pinkston for us, standing by live, again, we continue to watch the developments in washington. now, we are watching awaiting the award ceremony to happen. first we want to get you caught up on what is happening in afghanistan. attacking a nato outpost there, dozens of trucks were destroyed. officials say the attack happens at a compound, which has been so contentious, more than 30 trucks and other supplied
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were destroyed. nato, of course, using those to resupply the troops. and in pakistan, tens of thousands of people who willive in the north are now leaving their homes, they are trying to avoided a military campaign there. the army targeting government fighters in north. more where many of the deplay redirect examination now heading. >> they left on foot but no one arrives. trying to reach safety. the military says lit continue it's operation until the last fighter is flushed out. in his seven children, they have sought refuge in this school, and angry at the lack of preparation. >> there's no food. the government didn't make any plans. we have been suffering for months, our houses are being bombed innocent people are dying, we have nothing. >> almost everything we spoke to who came to the
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town, shares the sentimentses. some have also come to the adjoining after going through multiple check points and searches. tribal areas and authorities say they are making arrangements for those being displaced. >> hundreds of trucks were allowed to go in. and those who came out say the government's claim of providing free transportation were just that. as many have already sought shelter with relatives. but it isn't convincing those being made homeless. we would have gone with them, they should have come to us before sending jets to bomb us. >> the military says it has killed more than 200 fighters. media has not been given access to the area. and those coming out say thousand whose cannot afford transport, including the elderly, the sick, and the
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wounded, remain trapped in the taliban and the army. al jazeera. on the north border. >> and two israel now, where the israeli army search for those three missing teenagers now leading to new violence in the west bank. our story from gaza. >> . >> but a movement that forms part of the government which israel seals oit to destroy. >> this march the palestinian youth here was organized by hammers. as a show of unity, for the members that have been arrested by the occupied west bank, now there are politicians here, that say that unless the community does more, then the future of the unity government is in serious jeopardy. >> parent of the essential for three teenagers have annoyed members of that unity government. but they seem power less to do anything about it.
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>> to be honest, i don't know what their mind is, i can't even tell whether their mind -- as a unity government and after that i hope -- we with have the election. >> condemned the disappearance, of the missing settlers and is called for restraint, among the factions. but the israeli government says the words must be evaluated according to authorities efforts to find the teenagers. it says the real test is the dismantling of the reconciliation agreement. so such aggression on the gaza, and other in order to stop the process. >> they neither denied nor claimed responsibility, but it says it can only take what it describes
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australes aggression for so long. >> on wednesday night, two rockets were launched from gaza into israel, there were no casualties no one claimed responsibility. israel responded with air strikes against hamas and the armed group islamic training grounds. no one was hurt. >> gaza is braking itself for a possible escalation. there are fears of flashover tajes for israel close it is border again, as it did last week. but there are no visible signs of tension, on the streets. after years of failed peace talks the international community has told israel to give a chance to palestinian reconciliation between hamas. it's been just over two weeks since the unity government was formed, as they rally support in gaza, and israel continues the arrests in the occupied west bank, palestinian unity and any future break through in peace talks seems as remote as ever. al jazeera, gaza. >> and again, we are
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>> president obama attends a meeting of the minds with congressional leaders on iraq. what military options are on the table? also, a new poll spells bad news for the president. u.s. is not sendinghe troops in for combat. after a meeting with the national security council the president's announcement coming after new yorkry asked the u.s. military for help against the sunni led rebellion. saying they wanted the president to order air strikes against those rebels. and we are awaiting the president right now who is award. for his service in afghanistan.
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>> as lue see yeah reports mrs. plenty to do, even if you don't have tickets to the game. >> it is an invasion, world cup fans outnumbers brazilians. where on this day defending world cup champions spain were facing each other. >> there is so much going on, i have never been anywhere quite so international, where you have so many different nation all over the world. >> down the street, we join a group watching the australian netherlands match. it's a critical hour. >> we will win, it is too old.
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unfortunately, their good luck charm wasn't enough to keep them in the tournament. from nigeria to japan -- >> as promised we want to take you the white house, with the medal of honor ceremony is about to begin, they are playing right now, hail to the chief, which is a symbol that the president has just entered the room. if you would, please pray with me. almighty god, we pause at the beginning of this event, to ask fur your presence in this place. allow your spirit to move among all of us gathered here, that as we give honor to one who demonstrated the virtues of which this nation was founded, we would be reminded again of your grace, that has allowed this country it's
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freedoms that so many like corporal kyle carpenter have sacrificed to defend. god, we would ask that you would hear our gratitude for molding corporal carpenter's character, through the love of his gracious family, and the support of his countless friends and mentors. know of our deep appreciation for this marines faithfulness. that when faced that day of self-preservation or self-sacrifice, he responded with valor to safeguard the live of his friend nick eufrasio. and courage, is draped around the corporal's neck. ening circle him with the depth of your steadfast love. sanity fighter his thoughts so that as he carries the weight of h honor, he will be enabled and emboldened to speak on behalf of and
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encouraging those whose untold sacrifices and humble service, need his firm and compassionate voice. we lift up in prayer all those that remain. to the family, marines sailors soldiers airman and coast guardsman who have given their lives in service to this country. bestowe your wisdom on those that lead this nation, and shape it's endefs. may all f us as americans yield ourselves to your devine guidance, and follow the example of these our heros. who loved country more than self. and mercy more than life. god bless america. amen. >> thank you, everybody, please be seated. on behalf of me shell and
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myself. man, you see. >> you today, corporal william kyle carpenter, should not be alive today. hand grenades are one of the most awful weapons of war. they only weigh about a pound, but they are packed with tnt. when it detonates it's fragments shoot out in every direction. even at a distance, that spray of shrapnel can inflict devastating injuries. up close, it is almost certain death. but we are here because this man, this united states marine. faced down that terrible explosive power, that
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unforgiving force, with his own body. willingly, and deliberately. to protect a fellow marine. when that grenade exploded his body took the brunt of the blast. his injured were with called catastrophic. it seems as if he was going to die. while being treated he went into cardiac arrest and three times he flat lined. three times doctors brought him back. along with his parents they call kyle's survival our miracle, we thank god they do. because with that singular act. you not only saved your brother in arms you displayed a heroism in the bring of an eye.
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that is inspired for generations. a valor worthy of our highest declaration, the medal of honor. now, kyle and i have met before, during his long recovery. at walter reid, he and some of our other wounded warriors came to celebrate the world series champion st. louis cardinals. some of you may be aware, i am a white sox fan. kyle likes the braves. so it is a tough day for both of us. but after the ceremony, michelle and i had the chance to meet kyle. and at the time he was still undergoing surgeries. but he was up and he was walking. and he was working his way toward being independent again. towards the man you see here today. and kyle, the main message we want to say is welcome back, so proud to have you here.
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>> we just spent time with kyle and his wonderful family. and anybody who has had a chance to get to know this young man, knows you are not going to get a better example what you want in american or marine. >> these days he is also at the university of south carolina. just a normal college student. he says cheer thing ever the gamecocks. you notice that kyle doesn't hide his scars. he is proud of them. and the service that they represent.
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i am just quoting him, he says the girls like them. so he is working an angle on this thing. i wasn't sure what i was supposed to say that in front of mom, but there's a quote there. in addition to our guests i want to welcome the people that made him the man that he is. kyle's lovely mom, robin. and his brothers price and payton. one of whom is going to be joining kyle as the south carolina. another gamecock, and we have one that will be here. >> that served with him in afghanistan, and through his recovery. and i also want to welcome the members of the medal of honor society that the ranks they join today.
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kyle and his fellow marines is that i ordered to afghanistan early in my presidency. their mission was to drive the taliban out of the strong holds. protect the afghan people and give them a chance to get his communities. pushing their way across open fields. weathering their heavy packs. >> . >> patriot 47 fighter. some of the men who were by their bulks gearing up for another day, some were heating up their mr exes, some were in makeshift of centers. a simple mud building, planning the day's
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patrols. up on the roof, behind a circle of sandbags to marines manned their posts. kyle, and lance corporal nicholas franzio. seeking cover, kyle and nikolaied down low on their backs behind those sandbags. and then the grenade landed. with a thud. it's pin already pulled it was about to explode, and kyle has no memory of what happened next, but what we do know, is that there on that roof top, hen't just with a fellow marine, he was with his best friend. kyle and nick had met in training. in afghanistan, they patrolled together day and night. friendship porched in fire. kyle says, about nick, he was my point man. when the grenade landed other marines looks up
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and saw it happen. kyle tried to stand, he lunged forward toward that grenade, and then disappeared into the blast. keep in mind at the time, kyle was just 21. but in that instance, he fulfilled those words of scripture, greater love hath no man than this, the man lay down his life for his friends. they found kyle laying face down, directly over the blast area. his helmet was riddled with holes his gear was melted. part of his kevlar vest was blown away. one of the doctor whose treated him late err said kyle was literally wounded from the top of his head to his feet. and for a moment, kyle was still conscious. his eyes were open but he couldn't see. kyle remembers everything went white. and yet even then his thoughts were not of
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himself. one of the 345 rene whose was there remembers how kyle kept asking one question, and that was whether nick was okay. and then as kyle's strength drained away, he sensed the end was coming. so according to kyle's memories my last thought was to make peace with god. i asked for his forgiveness, trying to make the best and most of my last few seconds here on earth. medal of honor is presented for gallantry on the battlefield. but today we also recognize kyle carpenter for his valor since. in the hard fight for recovery. eventually kyle woke up. after five weeks in a coma. i want you to consider what kyle has endured just to stand here today, more than 2 1/2 years in the hospital. grueling rehabilitation.
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brain surgery to remove shrapnel from his head. nearly 40 surgeries to repair a collapsed lung, a shattered right arm, broken in more than 30 places. multiple skin grafts. he has a new prosthetic eye, new jaw, new teeth, and one held of a smile. and kyle is the fist to give credit elsewhere. his doctors he says put me back together well. today is also a reminder, that in past wars somebody with injured as severe of kyle's probably wouldn't have survived. so many of our wounded warriors are alive, not just because of a remarkable advances in technology, but primarily because of extraordinary dedication and skill of our military and our v.a. medical professionals. so we need to keep doing everything we can in our power to give our wounded warriors and those who
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treat them, the support that they need, and i think this is a wonderful opportunity to ask doctors deborah malone, and lauren greer, and the rest of the medical team who are here to please stand, i see their amazing work every time i visit, ba these that, every time i visit walter reed, it is rare where you have a job where you know you are doing god's work every day, and they do an incredible job. thank you for the mir =s you work. now kyle says he will wear this medal for all that serve, and those that didn't make it back, and for those who struggle still.
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so today we also honor two member members of his team. kyle's friends, lance corporal timothy m jackson. and lance corporal dakota of greenwood louisiana. our thoughts are also with the marine he saved that day. i had an opportunity to meet him nearly two years after that blast. nick also suffered greivis wounds. as a result of traumatic brain injury, he couldn't speak for more than a year. he also endured multiple surgeries. today, his recovery continues. he lives at home with his family in plymouth, massachusets where he is watching this ceremony. so nick, on behalf of all of us, we hon your sacrifice as well. and just as kyle was there for you, our nation will be there for you and your family as you grow
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strongner the years ahead. if any of our wounded warriors seek an example, let me amend that. if any american seeks a model of the strength, and resilience that define us as a people, including this newest 9/11 generation. i want you to consider kyle. he skis, he snowboards he has jumped from a plane with a parachute. he trudged lu a six-mile mud run, completed the marine corps marathon. an advocate. he is thinking about majoring in psychology, so he can use his own experiences to help others.
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and by the way, he is only 24 years old. and says i am just getting started. nourse, kyle is a shining example of what our nation needs to encouraging. to keep our country strong. and we can all learn from kyle's example. as we prepare for the reading of the citation, i would like to close with his own word as message i think for every american. it took a life changing event to get me to truly appreciate the precious and amazing life i have been blessed with. please take it from me, enjoy every day to the fullest, don't take life too seriously, always try to make it count, appreciate the small and similar things. be kind and help others. let the ones you love always know you love them. and when things get hard, trust there's a bigger plan and that you will be stronger for it.
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pretty good message. should not be alive today, but the fact that mes gives us reason to trust, that there is indeed a bigger plan. god bless all who serve. and protect the precious and amazing life that we are blessed with. may god continue to bless and keep you strong, the ice of america. semper fie. [applause] the president of the united states, in the name of the congress, takes pleasure in presenting the medal of honor to. the united states marine corps. for conspicuous gallantry, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, while
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serving as an automatic rifleman, with company f, second battalion, 9th marines, regimental compound team one, first division forward, first marine forward. in support of operation enduring freedom, on 21 november, 2010. lance corporal carpenter was a member of a platoon coalition force, comprised of two marine rifle squads, partners with a national army squad. the platoon that established patrol base two days earlier in a small village, in order to disrupt enemy activity and provide security for the local afghan population. lance corporate carpenter, and a fellow marine, were manning a roof top position on the perimeter patrol base dakota, when the enemy initiate add daylight attack with hand grenades one of which landed inside their position. without hesitation, and with complete disregard for his own safety, lance corporal carpenter moved
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towards the grenade, in an attempt to shield his fellow marine from the deadly blast. when the grenade debt named his body absorbed the brunt of the blast, severely wounding him, but saving the life of his fellow marine. by his courage, and unwaiverring devotion, in the face of almost certain death, he reflected great credit upon himself, and upheld the highest tradition of the marine corps and the quite naval service. [applause]
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and there you have the presentation of the medal of honor. the president pointing out that he is now the pride of gilbert south carolina, population 600, a few fewer than that, as many of those from gilbert making the trek to the white house. we have been watching this today in amazement, at what he went through five weeks the president pointing out. 2 1/2 years in the hospital, 40 separate surgeries we are going to take a break and be right back.
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what has been a cloudy at day. not the type of weather you expect to see two days to go. >> summer. now a contentious spring. >> right into summer. the temperatures climbed into the 90's, really muggy day today and the humidity still around. although the severe weather coming out of the dakotas. still potential for wind and hail damage.
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very muggy air. this is the area with severe weather. it is now pushing into minnesota, down through iowa. missouri and parts of kansas. lit continue to move slowly to the northeast. and starting to move. the severe weather today, over iowa and there be pushing up to the great lakes. takes the warm air with it, gets it cooler, drier, and calmer. out ahead of it, showers and storms again. tornado reports, not 24 individual storms but one storm will cause a number of reports.
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the reports issues from the storm prediction center, severe weather is south of missouri, wind and hail, if primary threats for these storms. we will continue to monitor this as it starts to work it's way east. to the south of that front, the temperatures continue to climb, into the 90's. that's where it feels like summer. >> the summer will come out, tomorrow. >> dave warren, thank you very much. well, finally, at least for now, thieves in northern california stealing patrol bases of the sequoias. rob reynolds has our story from redwood national park. park rangers are approaching a crime scene. the victim, an extremely elderly long terms are of this area was attacked in the dead of night. his assailanted mutilated the victim with a chain saw. this is the victim of the attack, a towering
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ancient redwood tree. what we have behind sus an old growth redwood tree, a tree that is probably 700, or 1,000 years old. >> the chain saw wielding thieves were after these, redwood burials. lumps that grow on the sides of the trees. >> burrell is a type of wood that's valued by woodworkers. >> each piece can fetch up to $1,000. burrell bandits have defaced dozens of trees so far, and more crime scenes likely remain undiscovered. >> every time we discover one of these it is shocking. >> the road to redwood national park is lined with shops selling carvings, bowls and slabs cut from burrell. shop owner says he never buyed illegally cut wood. >> my opinion of them is they need to knock it off, because it is hurting my business in the long run. >> two alleged burl bandits have been arrested so far. >> we were able to match
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burls to one of our sites to a gift shop. >> one man has been convicted of felony theft, and vandalism, and faces jail time. so the attitude of reverence towards these trees and the first settlers came to this area, in the 19th century, they saw the redwoods not as irreplaceable wonders but as lumber. so down they come. some of the world's biggest taller trees. >> this film celebrating redwood logging. by the 1960's, 95% of old redwoods were gone. in light of that sad history, today's burl bandits hurt more than trees. >> when you come into a place like this, that can be described as cathedral
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like, and you see this kind of desecration, it hurts the soul. >> this tree rangers say will likely survive. they are counting on public awareness to foil future burl bandits. >> the first mission manned by men, may be sooner than you think, in an interview the space expounder thinks he can get people to the red planet in ten to 12 years. california based company just unveil add spacecraft that he hoped will carry astronauts to the international space station, since nasa dropped it's own program, space ex-already handled cargo deliveries. we want with to leave you with images of william kyle carpenter who is now part of a select group of eight, eight medal of honor winners. five weeks in a coma, 2 1/2 years in the hospital, 40 surgeries and artificial eye and a rebuilt jaw. he is now the private gilbert, south carolina,
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>> how many gun charges do you have in your history? >> two. >> two. and selling heroine. >> yes sir. i have no excuse for it aside from i was being stupid. trying to make money. >> whenever i see something that has happened in the news, my first reaction is to say please god don't let this person have been someone that we released on parole. >> did you fight with a nine-month pregnant ex-girlfriend? >> all i did was just- i did
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