tv News Al Jazeera June 20, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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thank you for joining us, and have a great weekend. >> hello everybody and welcomet. i'm david shuster, john siegenthaler has the night off. the obama administration is hoping to discourage families from crossing the border. cease fire. ukraine's president has ordered his soldiers to put down their weapons. at least for now. russian soldiers are not pulling back. hundreds of military advisors are about to arrive as
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pressure grows in baghdad for a change in leadership. anger is building in the palestinian authority. search for israeli teenagers becomes more aggressive. guns around the world. keeping legal weapons out of the wrong hands. we begin tonight with a growing crisis along the u.s.-mexican border. according to the department of homeland security over the past eight months the number of unaccompanied children that have tried illegally to enter the united states has riz ton over 60,000. the white house will stem up the detention and deimportantation
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of illegal immigrants. how does the obama administration intend to have it carried out? mike viqueria. >> you will immediately be turned back if you try cross into this country illegally. there is no process, not so from central america and that is what the administration is trying to discourage today. you mentioned joe biden in quawt adequatgawtmal. guatemala. no amnesty for families in this country or unaccompanied minors. josh earnest is the principal deputy spokesperson for the white house. he said this just a few moments ago at the podium. >> what we are trying to do is address the problem at its root. some of that is afternoon
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informational campaign. and countering this intentional misinformation campaign that's being propagated by criminal syndicates. >> meanwhile the federal government is struggling to handle many of these children and families who have been apprehended at the border. 150 individuals arriving at an army base fort sill oklahoma, and san antonio, texas and southern california. also the homeland security secretary jay johnson was on the border in texas addressing the situation, david. >> what is the white house trying to do to tackle some of this? >> they are sending millions to the region. repatriate many of those apprehended and also try to get some of the youth that are in these countries off the track,
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criminal track. these are countries that are racked by economic deprivation, violence and plerd. the funding includes -- murder. the funding includes $40 million to fund youth programs in guatemala and 18.5 million for youth outreach centers in honduras. to handle this sudden influx and do something about what is an emerging humanitarian crisis on america's borders. >> mike viqueria, thanks as always. now to ukraine where tonight that country's president has ordered a cease fire. petro poroshenko told his forces to halt all military operations against pro-russian separatists for seven days. but so far russia's kremlin is not signing on. paul brennan has the story. >> the president's cease fire
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gives these separatist force he a choice -- forces a choice to cease fire or be. >> firing from camps. how can that be a cease fire? >> they are reasonably relaxed. this is valentin. he is going to save the last bullets for himself to make sure he isn't captured by the ukrainian forces. also rejected the president's proposals. >> he makes a lot of statements of different kinds but he does nothing. he has already talked about his peace plans. he has made statements about providing humanitarian corridors but what we saw after today were buses with women and children under fire.
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>> reporter: but the ukrainian army also has a significant plan b if the cease fire fails. on friday, ukrainian heavy ar artillery brought up howitzers. the president outlined his program at a speech in the military camp. >> i'm giving an order to all military units to all national guard units police units border guard and territorial defense units to cease fire. we hope very much that this order will be heard and understood by all who are holding weapons and i hope this historic chance to restore peace will be heeded. >> instead of supporting the president's promotion on friday night the kremlin was quoted as saying this is not a peace offer
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but an ultimat ultimatum. more than 100 cars queued at the ukrainian russian border on friday with families fleeing the danger zone. the promise of a cease fire is not enough to keep them leaving. more likely a comprehensive peace will have to persuade them to come back. paul brennan, erin ukraine. >> secretary of state john kerry will head to are iraq. in the worldwide diplomatic situation, earlier today one of the most powerfu powerful clerid ayatollah ali al sistani.
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north of baghdad claimed the lives of almost 36 people. most were shia leaders, in one attack a truck loaded with explosives rammed a building filled with soldiers and not far away antigovernment forces targeted a convoy carrying new army recruits. the increased violence is having a profound effect on the lives of many iraqis and you can see the impact in places you might not expect like the baghdad book market. iraqis tend to gather that on fridays so al jazeera's jane arath went there as well. >> reporter: this is the friday book market. here you can find textbooks, children's books, poetry. it's part of a culture iraqis hold dear. he has a library of 2,000 books but in these troubled times they
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don't hold any answer he. >> believe me i'm an iraqi. i don't know what happened. iran, saudi arabia, i don't know. >> reporter: with his son in the u.s. he plans to join him there, in tennessee. the street is a heart of traditional iraqi culture. abdul sells a drink made of dried lemons. he saw a revolution but not a lot to show for it. >> translator: i'm 75 years old and i have nothing. i'm not a government employee, i spent my life as a laborer and i will die as a laborer. >> usually more crowded. a lot of people stay home, waiting for a looming battle of baghdad. this is a nation of survivors, they survived three wars and three decades and a civil war. the street itself was blown up in a car bomb and then rebuilt.
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but the threats facing iraq now are so complex, a lot of people don't know how the country will survive this crisis intact. people here used to blame the united states. most still believe the u.s. settle the stage -- set the stage for this by toppling saddam hussein. but a decade later they also blame their own politicians. >> the politicians have failed us and our own have failed us. >> with cities falling to rebel fighters, some want to set up an islamic state. many feel there is no space left for them. scientist and writer, she says these days she's confused and afraid. >> i will not lie. i'm even thinking to leave the country. for a woman like me who is educated, which has her own freedom and i like -- i love my freedom. >> here on the street for a
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while people can forget about the threat of war. but with the region in turmoil they're not sure how long this street will be an as oasis of culture. >> jane, that was a terrific piece. as you went around and talked to people at the baghdad book market were there any calls from the leading cleric to form a unity government? ask there much optimism that can happen? >> reporter: there isn't a huge amount of optimism, david. mostly because people here have seen what has happened with their political leaders over the past few years. these are people who, for the most part, can't even stand to be in the same room together. they're pairmt airns who -- parliamentarians who don't show up to parliament. the ayatollah is one who retains enormous popularity and
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reverence. when he does speak it carries huge weight. he puts pressure on prime minister nouri al maliki. if maliki can't handle putting together a unity government it might be time for a change. that will be welcomed by a lot of iraqis but also greeted with some fear as well. >> and jane, what about the fears that the united states is going to essentially continue to stay out and not provide the kind of combat troops or air strikes that the maliki government has requested? what's been the reaction to that position from the obama administration? >> well, here's the problem. this is not something that can be solved by air strikes. and it can't be solved by 300 military advisors or special forces troops. although they will make a huge difference in being able to provide intelligence and actually do better targeting. because really one of the problems is, the iraqi army is a very blunt instrument. we have seen it in fallujah
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where they have gone in and swept up entire villages of sunni men and put them in jail. that's what has fueled the absolute rage, in which the i.s.i.l. can come in and take entire cities. so people here are welcoming some focused u.s. military help but they are not thinking by any means that it's going to be a solution to just the horrendous enormous challenges that this all has -- that has been created over the past week. david. >> al jazeera's jane arath, in baghdad. great reporting, thank you. professor at rutgers center for middle eastern studies. professor, your reaction to what we heard from jane both in terms of the cleric and i would say the pessimism that so many iraqis are feeling now. >> the cleric is very flurnl and when he calls -- influential and
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when he calls people listen. they were calling about writing the constitution, when he says iraqis only can write the constitution, that's it, it was over. the discussion about having an advisor, from nyu or the u.s., it was over. his words were held very closely. people are pessimistic because it came as a surprise. nobody expected that easily that the iraqi army in the north could be crumbled down in a few days. and they have been marketed as this is a national very solid well-trained army and it will defend the country. and here in a few days it's gone. what happened? the iraqi people are asking, and there are no request question -- there are no good answers in fact. that's why the people are pessimistic at the moment. >> regarding the power and influence that you mentioned of ali sistani, isn't it still
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improbable that that's actually going to happen in the next couple of weeks? >> i think his style of government is a lone player. he puts most of the rule in his hand. he's in charge of many of the sovereign ministers as we say. however the pressure is enormous, especially from the obama administration. they're telling him this crisis cannot be solved militarily. you have to listen. there are many sunnies who want to be included. he alienated them. i wand to remind the listeners that in 2007, in fact the one who defeated the islamic state in iraq was the sunnies. the alliance with sunni tribal leaders which was called sawad
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or awakening. now it's time again to address the sunni grievances and there are many, many grievances and that is the only solution. >> can those grievances be addressed with maliki in power? >> well, i was listening to the foreign minister of france when he said it could include him if there is a unity government and not necessarily. and barzani also calling for that and many other world leaders however would maliki heed all these calls? i think he has to, if he wants to save iraq. but if he wants to save himself, his power then he's leading the country to a disaster. >> professor abdul hameed saim. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> the difficulty it can have in already tense region.
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an attack killed three soldiers. u.s. forces in the area have largely shifted from combat to training missions but they still face attacks from insurgents who are trying to derail afghanistan's western-backed government. up next: guns around the world, how do so many guns get into the hands of the mentally ill? we'll take a look. and in brazil, world cup crack down. some observers now call it excessive.
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>> tonight we are wrapping up our special series, guns around the world, as we've seen all week the united states is far from the only country that has endured a national reckoning after a massacre by a deranged killer. other countries have gone on to change their gun laws. the united states has not. that has been a source of frustration for president obama. >> a lot of people will say, you know, there is a mental health problem, it's not a gun problem. the united states does not have a monopoly on crazy people.
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>> so what have other countries done about the deadly interconnection of mental illness and firearms and what can people do here? paul beban last more. >> stop this violence, we don't have to live like this! >> after logs his son in the rampage in santa barbara in may, richard martinez lent his voice to the lit any over gun violence. >> too many have died. we should say to ourselves, not one more! >> reporter: in the advantage majority of other western industrialized countries, the outcry has been not only to improve mental health care but to tighten gun laws for everyone. consider these two cases. both involving mentally disturbed gunmen. >> the enormity of the evil act that was perpetrated at the
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school. >> scotland, 1996. the killing of 16 schoolchildren and their teacher spurs a radical overhaul of british gun laws. including a ban on almost all private firearms. since then, the united kingdom gun homicide rate has steadily declined. australia, 1996. 35 people killed and 21 wounded in the tourist town of port ar arthur. just ten days later, the government announces a badge on semi automatic weapons and a massive buy-back program. lawmakers say it worked, gun deaths plummeted and mass shootings stopped completely. >> we had one in the decade beforehand, we didn't have any in the decade afterwards. we have also seen big falls in gun homicides and gun suicide too. >> but in the u.s. after shootings in virginia tech,
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aurora, colorado, newtown connect, gun laws have largely remained unchanged. and while everyone agrees, the laws neat improvements, most say the access to guns. sort by country, mental illness and weapon. and as you scroll through the decades, you see more and more red, almost entirely in the u.s., red means an automatic or semi automatic weapon. >> in your ambition is to -- if your ambition is to kill a whole bunch of people, very difficult to do with a knife but for a mentally disturbed person to do with a semi automatic weapon. >> most are not violent and mass shootings are extremely well but guns are plentiful and easy to get.
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>> these young people who suddenly become violent in response to some humiliation or whatever can easily go in and smile you know to a gun dealer and they have no record, the gun dealer does his little perfunctory check and they can get a gun. >> that's exactly what elliot rodger did, buying three guns in less than two months. >> it is a tragedy that so many american lives are cut short by gun violence. i think the path forward needs to involve a recognition that the dirty harry concept is just that. not someone defending themselves against an aggressor but is a depressed middle-aged person taking their lives, spousal violence going wrong, a saturday night violence settled with
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shooting rather than fists. >> one criminologist i spoke to, said look, mentally ill people would require stems so far as a country we seem simply unwilling to take. abolishing the second amendment would be the first step. private concerns don't trump public good. short of that david he says mass shootings may be the price we have to pay for being such a free society. >> an austrailian buy back would cost billions and not going to happen soon. are there steps to keep the mentally ill from getting they're hands on weapons? >> there is. you can go to pharmacy to pharmacy trying to buy vicodin, for example, you won't be allowed to make those purchases. but if you go to gun store and gun store and pass a background check, you can buy numerous
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guns. those steps have not been taken. >> another issue suicide by gun is the most prevalent way carried out. >> so often overlooked. 60% of gun deaths are suicide. getting guns out of the house would lower that number. david, the most likely person to kill you with a gun is you. >> paul beban, appreciate it. be sure to tune into the al jazeera original series, "the system." whether children convicted of murder should be given life in prison without the possibility of parole. 9 eastern, 6:00 pacific on al jazeera. jeffrey sinclair was dropped two grades from brigadier general to lieutenant colonel. sinclair admitted to a three year long extra marital relationship with a junior
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officer. highlhighly impairing to the ard to him. the army says his demotion is punishment for inappropriate conduct with women under his command. he's forced to retire and will lose some of his pension benefits. a republican house today used the a spending bill to, lawmakers approved a $570 billion bill but included a provision that would halt future transfers. a show of defiance over the swap of prisoners in guantanamo for bowe bergdahl. cutting back on government spying. the measure now heads tot democratic-led senate. -- to the democratic-led senate. up next, iraq under maliki. who are his potential
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door to door, huge military operation aimed at finding three israeli teenage erd assumed to be kidnapped. world cup protests far away from the stadiums. man and mammoth. this is an important day for the ancient artwork that proves both walked the earth at the same time. >> the days may be numbered, new more inclusive iraqi government, one that is not likely to include prime minister al maliki. jonathan betz is here with a look at the potential challengers. >> david, a lot of names are thrown around. all are familiar faces in iraqi
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politics. one is this man ahmed chelabi, also holds a degree from myth. very controversial. the u.s. has a love-hate relationship with him. because he was one of the sources before the war that said iraq had weapons of mass destruction. which turned out to be false. he then became part of iraq's government and is accused of embezzling u.s. aid. then abdul abdul mahi. in 2006, he failed by just one vote to become iraq's prime minister. he became vice president and was considered to be a moderate who worked well with kurds. he stepped down after four years angry over what he called a dysfunctional government. ayal al awi, he actually barely survivedden an ax attack in the
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late '70s. likely an assassination attempt by saddam hussein. then became iraq's first prime minister. some iraqis have called him saddam without the mustache. some say he personally shot insurgents in the head with a gun. but he denies it. he may make a come back. it is unclear if any of these men will have enough support to actually topple maliki. >> jonathan, thank you. answers maybe found in the mosques. friday prayers bracing for a possible attack on the capitol. more now from al jazeera's imran khan. >> he knows how sensitive the situation in iraq is. friday at the mosque he says he understands why some of the
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sunni worshipers are concerned about what the future can hold. he says the cran ca koran will e only guide. >> translator: my sermon will help all groups whether they are muslim or nonmuslim. >> reporter: his words offer spiritual guidance but still worshipers are worried. >> getting to speak is very difficult. whether it's the spiel i.s.i.l. or indeed prime minister nouri al maliki. as the mosque empties of people, some want to speaker. >> translator: if you asked me if i was afraid of revolutionaries brf they took over mosul, i would say yes. but after, no, i'm not afraid.
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the revolutionaries are bringing dignity to mosul. i'm not afraid of the revolution ris now. revolutionaries now. >> as iraq's war continues, sectarian tension is also continuing. mosques like these will play an important role in helping to defuse it. imran khan, al jazeera, baghdad. blaming government rebels for another deadly attack. a car bomb killed at least 34 people and injured more than 50 others. the syrian news agency says the vehicle was loaded with nearly 3 tons of explosives. the blast destroyed several homes and buildings in the village. there was a fresh appeal for international action in syria today. from u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon.
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>> in a conflict where the international community stopped counting the death toll long ago. the same action, that took dozens of lives, u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon believes some in the international community have lost interest in pursuing peace talks. in an unusually frank speech he gave his reaction to the indifference of many countries including members of the security council. >> i'm here to express my anger. and disappointment. at the cold calculation that seems to be taking hold, that little can be done except to arm the parties. and watch the conflict rage. >> in homs province, air strikes by assad's province, ban ki-moon
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made this call: >> i urge the security council to impose an arms embargo, if divisions in the council continues to prevent such a step, i urge country to do so individually. >> reporter: the secretary-general has also wherein a new report to the security council about the country. says 10.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. syria's conflict is far spreading beyond its borders but its efforts to get an arms embargo already seem doomed. russia's ambassador to the u.n. says russia won't be changing its policy. james bays, al jazeera, united nations. the search for israeli teens has entered if secon the second.
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the effort to find information about the boys or locate them turned into clashes that turned deadly. jane ferguson has more. >> reporter: it is one of the biggest israeli military operations in the occupied west bank in recent years. hundreds of palestinians have been arrested and ove over 1,000 homes searched. his devastated mother attended the funeral on friday. several other palestinians were critically injured. three israeli teenagers went missing near an illegal settlement on thursday. triggering a huge search operation. the palestinian prime minister says it's a requirement.
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>> we began making international calls with official rights groups of lifting the siege of not only hebron but the whole region. >> israel says hamas abducted the three teenagers. move was heavily criticized by israel which considers hamas to be a terrorist organization. the recent raids have been focused on hamas members. >> they're using this as a pretext, basically, they don't want hamas in this unity government, backing the unity government. >> reporter: but the israelis are adamant that hamas in the occupied west bank is a threat that needs to be crushed. >> concurrently, we are acting against hamas machine. hamas is a prult terrorist organization that -- brutal terrorist organization, that targets men women and children.
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acting against hamas we are protecting our people from this real terrorist threat. >> beyond the violent and political fallout, there have been no break throughs for the missing three israelis. that search will continue in an atmosphere of tremendous tension and finger-pointing. jane ferguson, al jazeera, ram h mramala, the occupied west bank. >> you call for the sanity of israeli society. what did you mean by that? >> i marine this has but a really big strain on israeli society. it's caused on the one hand for the society to be unified and worried about these kids or teenagers but it's also given rise and what i'm saying in the column is i'm suspecting that in the future it will sort of exacerbate a feeling of
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insularity and isolation and intolerance that has permeated israeli society for the past decade i think. >> if that intolerance continues the ratchet higher how do you see that playing out in terms of the conflict? >> i'm talking in my column more about things that have to do with inside israel not so much towards the outside world or even towards the palestinians. i think israel already has a problematic attitude towards palestine and vice versa. there are manifestations of extremism on the right, which i think are worrying. so is it's more an internal thing that i'm talking about. >> there have been mast protests against the israeli of israelis, are there grievances -- >> you mean the palestinian pro-protests? >> yes. >> look, this is a adversarially
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relationship. there is an occupation, a military occupation. most of the people in the west bank don't want the occupation. so naturally once this operation has been going on for a few days and thousands i think or maybe at least hundreds of houses have been raided, there's a lot of tension. and i think both hamas and other elements in the west bank have an interest in seeing that there is opposition to israeli troops. so it is a natural outgrowth of the situation. and i suspect the longer this will go on we may see even more widespread demonstrations. >> how has the operation been viewed by your readers? the members of the israeli public? >> well, the israeli public is unified for the time being behind the operation. they support the search not only for the three kidnapped teenagers but more so the government has made no secret of its intention to use this also as an opportunity to strike at
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haz-maha masshamas, that might t the longer this operation goes on. if there are casualties and so on i think you'll see some of this unified position start to unrafnl buunravel. >> it's been building and simmering. is it only a matter of time where the netanyahu government could say okay, now we can use this sentiment to execute what we have been feeling about hamas all along? >> there is no doubt and nobody is making a secret of it that the army and security forces were primed to strike out at hamas and yes this presented them with a pretext to carry out. and also don't forget there's this whole political battle going on in which israel felt
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itself isolated internationally, especially vis-a-vis the united states, which agreed to go on working with the unity government. there are three actually targets for this operation right now, to find the missing teenagers, to have a security strike, a physical strike against hamas but also, to try unravel the coalition between fattah and are palestinian president mahmoud abbas and i think that might happen. >> thanks for coming in we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the united states has lost more than 400 military drones in major crashes worldwide, according to the washington post. the report blames mechanical break downed human error and foul weather for the accidents. as the faa is drafting regulations on what is expected to be expanded use of commercial
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drones. let's head to washington, d.c, joie chen is standing by to tell us about "america tonight" at the top of the hour. hi joie. >> good evening david. tonight in our program, a look at be a largely unseen are population, the immigrants. butan, gross national happiness. gnh, so why would so many leave their country for the challenges of refugee life here and house do the tragedies of a fractured home land follow them to a new life? we'll hear from "america tonight" correspondent michael okwu. please join us then. >> the intensity of the world cup games is building. two teams which were undefeated, including a powerhouse confrontation between italy and
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costa riek ah. costa rica. >> complicatefor us to have any chance of progressing. but to be in uruguay, and get a goal scold by brian barees, whatever happens in their final group game against england, means england is already eliminated. there is no way they can go through. it puts the pressure on italy and uruguay. it is whether cost costa rica cn win. concacaf region, is very proud
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of what's being achieved. mexico are in a good position in group a and of course you look at the united states who has got the game against porsche cal, they started with a win and with christian renaldo, will fannity their chances to win. david. >> now a week into the games, those crowns have gone from thousands to hundreds or maybe even dozens. even sow some demonstrations have turned violence with police using tear gas and rubber bullets. are al jazeera' al jazeera's gal alesandro has more. >> a weekend of the world cup and the protests have been much smaller than predicted but the response has not. here police swiftly break up the
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small crowd and things get ugly very fast. this man pepper sprayed after being restrained. in rio de janeiro the same day, an antiworld cup demonstration takes a turn for the worse after police haul a man away before dispersing a man from the crowd. a few days later, another anti-world cup protest of no more than 25 people many dressed as clowns, banging on cans, several hundred police stood guard. so far none of the protests have come anywhere near stadiums. but that didn't stop the police from detaining more than 150 people since this tournament began. the right to protest is guaranteed, as long as it doesn't interfere with the world cup matches. they also say they have a zero
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tolerance policy towards an arc is from the group called black box that ahas been known to intentionally provoke police. they are seen here launching petro bombs@police. the peaceful demonstrators are not being detained. strict criminal laws to justify a crack downed. >> the criminal organizations law there is a law in brazil that aims to fight international organized crime. so it's definitely not from the context of protest and it's a way to intimidate and criminalize peaceful protests that are on the police. >> that is a claim that government senately rejects. but if protests can continue, even small ones, they'll likely
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>> good evening, i'm mobltion kevin corriveau. this is representative of what we're seeing across many parts of minnesota, south dakota, nebraska, flooding going on we have seen areas that have seen record breaking amounts of rain. just for the day, just for the week, as well as minneapolis has seen a yearly record being broken so far. unfortunately i'm going to show new just a few minutes we are looking at more rain coming into the forecast. take a look at, thunderstorms right here, in some of the worst flooding over the last couple of days. flood warnings are in effect of course. mostly on the river areas. as you can see, the red river, the big sioux river as well as the mississippi river. what's going to happen is a lot of the water will be making its way down the rivers so these floodwaters will make their way towards the south. a little bit lighter rain in the
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area, sunday unfortunately we're going oget a lot more rain and that's also going to transition into monday as well. we expect to see five to civil x inches of rain. southeast, it is going to be a scorcher this weekend. atlanta is 84°. tomorrow the high temperature going up to 92° there. when you factor in the humidity that we're expected to see across the region take a look at the heat indices. we expect to see it tomorrow at about 2:00 p.m, 104° in orlando, savannah about 104, houston, 105. you really want to stay inside, air conditioning. keep hydrated. check on the elderly, do not take the pets outside. the news is right after this. this.
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>> historically, marijuana delirious and police officers have been at odds with each other. allen schauffler reports from seattle. >> how many different cameras do you have there? >> we have hundreds. >> jake ryan, guarding the goods. using everything he learned in 17 years of law enforcement including undercover work with the royal canadian mounted police. >> my whole career was
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investigating. including cannabis. >> now he is protecting a marijuana producer by the canadian government. ryan solutio slugs -- slugz offs a traitor. >> law enforcement career as a natural fit for bloom industry. >> we had a two-month period where former dea agent from the u.s. was driving around british columbia touring cannabis grows to find the best he could find. >> patrick mowen is that former dea agent. for more than a decade busting drug rings was his job. >> it's going to be more complicated because they created
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it. >> as an attorney, he works for the venture capital firm, beyond till ray. he says he feels a responsibility. >> to stand up this industry and make sure that it's compliant, transparent, professional, well run. because really, it's a mainstream product that's sought out by mainstream americans. >> but the concept of pot as mainstream is hardly universal in law enforcement. >> i would never maim a jump. i would never make a jump for any amount of money. >> tom gorman has fought the drug trade at various level of law enforcement for 40 years. currently running a law enforcement office out of denver. >> now just like that you can turn on it, why would you do that? i don't know. >> both mowen and ryan are,
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expecting more pot suppliers being pot facilitators. i'm al jazeera. >> coming up at 11, eight eastern, another viral video from the pop band okay go. they explain the magic behind their optical illusions. help wanted. why restaurants in new orleans are struggling to find workers. 150 years ago, a discovery changed the way the world looked at the origin of man. at the center of it all a prehistoric mammoth tusk. now scientists are aclaiming the discovery. simon mcgregor wood explains. >> scientists gathered to commemorate it, an actor plays the part of edward late, the
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eminent paleontologist. shards of mammoth tusks. a drawing made by human hand of a mammoth. it was a stunning revelation because it proved that man and mammoth had walked the earth at the same time. destroying contemporary theory. >> it's not a weapon, it's not a tool. it's an object maybe for decoration, for religious reason, we don't know. it's not an object for a specific function. it's like a painting by a famous painter or something. it's really an object made by an artist. >> what happened here is one of those rare moments when science chanced upon a key that unlocked so much of our understanding about early human development. it was a triumph. it proved beyond doubt that hoe
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mow of -- homosai homosapiens wh older than previously thought. >> the whole world only 6,000 years old, it revolutionized our study of evolution. >> thousands and thousands of years ago before criefs arrived that changed -- christ arrived, that changed the outlook and the church eventually adopted it but it took a long time. >> building a detailed picture of early human life. the tusk will star in a special exhibit to celebrate lartet's discovery. showed our distant ancestors were not only much older than we thought but were capable of symbolic expression, of art, of interpreting the world around them. they were in every sense truly
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