tv News Al Jazeera June 23, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> a fears batsle between pakistani police and his supporters. >> taking on the mob, pope francis excommunicates the mafia, throwing mobsters out of the church, is he putting catholic lives at risk? >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. >> secretary of state john kerry landing in baghdad for a surprise visit with al-malaki. >> he is calling on iraqi officials to form a more inclusive government. he is expected to stop in brussels to discuss the situation in iraq with nato foreign ministers. >> four certifies have been taken over. the latest city giving taxes jordan, and opening up supply lines from syria. two others have fallen, fighters
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getting closer to another city, as well, where the iraqi fores are trying to protect a dam that is essential to electricity. >> what can secretary of state john kerry expect to achieve? >> the secretary is in the middle east, there to discuss local and international politics as they pertain to eye rook right now. essentially, he is carrying out the words of president obama last week, when he called for action to stop isil and urging the iraqi people to organize an administration that will represent all of them, not just one particular sect. >> the iraqi military released videos of gains against isil from the skies above mosul and on the ground north of baghdad. diplomacy has been on display with secretary of state john kerry in the middle east trying to quell the cries in iraq.
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before a surprise landing in baghdad this morning, he was in egypt, his first stop a bid to shore support for a more inclusive administration by iraqi's shiite government led by prime minister al-malaki. >> if they want to be they can choose leadership to represent all of iraq, a unity government to bring people together and focus on isil. >> secretary kerry will look to meet with all political factions, shiite, sunni's and kurds. whether that includes asking prime minister al-malaki to step down, president obama said that is not up to the u.s. >> it is ultimately up to the iraqi leadership to try to pull the politics of the country back together again. >> isil's containment will be on the agenda. the secretary's in iraq as its military struggles to contain an enemy that's overrun its forces and continues to capture town
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after town, including a border post with syria. they now have an unobstructed supply line to and from syria where fellow members are fighting government forces. the u.s. is watching those developments from the air with round the clock surveillance, just as 300 military advices are set to begin training and better equipping iraqi forces. some in iraq's government say the u.s. is not doing enough. >> we have an agreement with the americans after they left, which i signed it, whenever the new iraqi democratic government is threatened, america is ready to help. >> that's the iraqi foreign minister. a quick reminder because of the emphasis on resourcedding the iraqi government. they had elections recently. they currently have a lame duck government, while they organize themselves. the last time they tried to do
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it, it took nine months. that's why the emphasis is trying to get the iraqis to come up with an administration that represents all of them, not justify the shiites. >> iran's supreme leader opposes u.s. intervention in iraq, saying iraq keys can put an end to the violence in their country by themselves. he accuses the u.s. of trying to niche late sectarian differences in iraq to regain control of the country. he claims the conflict in iraq is not a sectarian batting, but rather a fight between those who support u.s. interests and those who want an independent iraq. in 25 minutes, a live report and more analysis of kerry's visit. paul bremer, the top civilian administrator in the early days of the iraq war tells aljazeera what he thinks america's biggest mistake was. >> the u.s. is releasing military aid to egypt, that news
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coming as secretary of state john kerry meets with al sisi. that aid had been frozen since mohamed morsi was ousted last summer. state department officials say funds were sent about 10 days ago, after getting the go ahead from congress, u.s. promising 10 apache attack helicopters to help the new government. >> a cairo finding all three aljazeera journalists guilty, sentenced to prison for possession of ammunition. they are accused of supporting the ousted muslim brother hood. >> it is up to the egyptian justice system to do its job. i did my best to put it to the president that as an australian journalist, peter gresta would have simply been reporting on the events that he saw before
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him. he certainly would have had no interest in promoting the muslim brotherhood, he simply would have been providing his view as with what he thought was the story of the day, because that's what australian journalists do. >> other aljazeera journalist being tried, sentenced to 10 years in prison in absentia. what type of action is the australian government planning? >> in the initial stages, we have heard pretty soon after the verdict was handed down, a few minutes after, that decision was delivered in the courtroom in cairo. we heard from the australian foreign minister julie bishop delivering a strongly worded statement. she really did appear quite
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shaken at the start of her address to the media and to the rest of the community interests in what she had to say. she was asked whether there could be some sort of immediate action taken by this government perhaps in the form of recalling or sending the egyptian ambassador to australia back to cairo. she said that they had to really tread very carefully when it comes to things like that, because this is very much potentially an ongoing case, raising the possibility that there could be an appeal taking place. she did say that the government would take this to the very highest level in the egyptian government, hoping that the president can bring about some sort of intervention, as she called it, in this case, perhaps talking about some sort of pardon that should be brought down from the president's office. >> aside from officials at the top, what has been the reaction in australia among the people there, peter greste of course
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being an australian citizen? >> well, i think in the early stages of his detention, alongside his colleague, there probably wasn't as much reaction suddenly expect but that ramped up the closer to the verdict delivered just a short time ago, the media coverage ramped up. there was a live broadcast happening on the evening news shows on the evening of the verdict being delivered here. certainly, that coverage did increase. again, the australian prime minister, tony abbot as you just heard, he has been criticized as well, a lot for his lack of public pressure being put on the egyptian government. we don't know what was done behind the scenes with the australian government. he was criticized for not taking a tougher stand publicly. we did see that increase the closer we got to the verdict. i think australians really are
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reacting this evening, monday evening local time with dismay at this verdict handed down to one of the nationals. >> as is the situation here in our newsroom, a punch in the gut. thank you very much. >> aljazeera rejects all charges against our colleagues. in a statement, the managing director said: we'll have reaction from the executive director of human rights watch coming up in the next hour. >> israeli war planes bombing nine military target to be hit in retaliation for a cross border attack that killed an israel teen. still unclear, whether the syrian military or rebels carried out that attack. bombings from the syrian war have now started to spill over.
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israeli officials say they will not tolerate any attempt to breach israel's sovereignty and will act in order to safeguard the civilians of israel. tensions rising over recent abductions, palestinians trying to convince the united nations to stop israeli raised in the west bank. they are searching for three boys that went missing more than a week ago now. 360 palestinians have been arrested during raised. at least four have been killed. israel says hamas is responsible for those kidnappings. >> allegations of election fraud are gaining steam in having a. one of the presidential candidates says he has proof. abdullah abdullah's campaign team released audio tape hearing the top election officials ordering the top ballot boxing using code words. >> the election commission here in kabul is trying to verify
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whether this tape is what the party says it is, that it illustrates that the top official of the electoral secretary, that's the organization that handles the logistics around the election was trying to order the stuffing of bat lots in favor of dr. abdullah's opponent. this is not the first allegation of corruption. there have been more than 2500 complaints to the electoral complaints commission. dr. abdullah does not want to follow the commission anymore, he does not trust the commission. he had asked for the voting to be counted. president karzai asked for the u.n. to mediate. the u.n. said this is an afghan process. it is watching, wants transparency, but this is a very serious set back. it would mean the first peaceful transition of power in afghanistan's modern history, all right this has thrown a wrench in the works.
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over the weekend, we were supposed to see preliminary election results. they have been delayed. we're not sure what this will mean for the whole election counting schedule. a new president was supposed to be inaugurated in the beginning of august. >> jennifer glasse reporting from kabul. >> sergeant bowe bergdahl is out of a texas hospital today. the army said he will be receiving out patient care as part of what they're calling his reintegration process, including being exposed to more people and social interactions. he was captured in 2009 by the taliban. he was freed earlier this month in exchange for five guantanamo detainees. the army investigating his disappearance. >> aar gent on the run after shooting fellow soldiers is captured, taken into custody this morning after he tried to kill himself. he'd oh been on the loose since saturday after opening fire near the north korean border. he fired on troops chasing him, injury ago platoon leader.
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>> pakistan's capital city is tense after clashes erupted just a few hours ago. crowds gathered at islamabads airport to welcome a prominent anti government cleric flying in from canada, but things quickly turned violent, forcing the plane to be diverted to lahore. he plans to lead a peaceful revolt. he led massive protests there last year. >> 10 members of boko haram have been killed by the nigerian forces. fighters raided villages torching homes and forcing residents to flee. the men went on a shooting rampage for six straight hours. that incident happened close to where 200 school girls were abducted. the government is under
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increasing international pressure to find the girls and reign in boko haram. >> a memorial for students killed in the oregon school shooting. they gathered to remember the 14-year-old on sunday. hoffman was killed when a classmate entered the locker room and shot him. a soccer ball sat on the casket and fellow students wore jerseys at the service. >> we're going to celebrate his life together. that's what we're going to do this day. we're going to do it by remembering him and we're going to do it by celebrating him. >> the shooter, 15-year-old jared paget brought two guns, ammunition and a large knife to school on the day of the shooting. he later killed himself. >> in new mexico, crews are gaining the upper hand against a wildfire that has charred 1400 acres. the lake fire has been burning for more than a week near arizona and new mexico in the mountains. the blaze is 60% contained.
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investigators believe that fire he was set on purpose. >> texas is under a severe thunderstorm watch. >> meteorologist ebony dionne here with the flooding that is already creating a problem there. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> we're going to see another round of heavy rainfall moving across the southern plains states today, leading to the threat of flooding again today. we are looking back over the last 24 hours. we have seen just about two thirds of an inch in the dallas/fort worth area. that is at the official reporting station. in waco, we had four inches of rainfall, plus in this area and that caused flooding, roads to be covered and water. it's going to be very difficult getting through this area again as more heavy storms move through that area. as you head out this morning, you do have that severe thunderstorm watch in effect as thunderstorms continue to roll down through oklahoma across northern areas of texas. unfortunately, we're going to be dealing with more scenes like that. be extra careful and don't cross
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any roads covered in water. right now, the heaviest rain falling along the line of storms going out, giving way to gusty winds and downpours around oklahoma city where we do have a flash flood warning in effect. keep that in mind. upper midwest, we catch a bit of a break, but a number of flood warnings from minneapolis into iowa and missouri where we are going to see drier conditions today but we still have a frontal boundary making its way off to the east and in advance of that, lots of warm, moist air in place, not really expecting wide severe weather, but we could see stronger storms around thinking and points southward. >> and you're sure this is summer. >> it's definitely summer. >> a reported piece deal between the government and rebels at a palestinian refugee lamp. >> millions of reef gees in lebanon, thousands of newborns lost in the daily struggle
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without birth certificates or a country to call home. >> police fire rubber bullets and tear gas at rioters in kosovo, the ethnic strife behind the classes. >> the injury sandusky child pause case had devastating consequences. >> today's big number is $5 billion. >> the big tech buyout that could be finalized today is the subject of today's big number.
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>> oracle is on the verge of a very big deal. >> today's big number is $5 billion, that's how much the hardware and software company could pay for micro systems. >> they are expected to seem the deal today. micro systems mostly sells cash registers. they do generate more than a billion dollars a year in revenue. >> oracle happen snapping up tech companies. it has spent over $50 billion to
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acquire 100 companies. >> it's not the first time they have tried to buy the company. six years ago, a similar deal fell through. >> a ceasefire in effect at a camp. images including this one went viral earlier this year, showing an endless sea of people lining up to receive food from the u.n. in a thousand people have been blocked off, eating boiled grass and dirt in desperation. human rights groups say more than 100 people have starved to death there. >> a new human rights watch reports said armed groups in syria are recruiting children. kids as young as 10 are taking part in that countries on going civil war. boys join the armed grooms, some lured with the promise of education, others used for suicide missions. the new report is based on interviews with 25 former and current child soldiers who
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talked to the group's researchers. >> lebanon home to more than 3 million syrian refugees, many there since the civil war began three years ago. one challenge is getting documentation for newborns. parents can't pay for it. >> this baby is half an hour old. three months before she was born, her father was killed fighting in syria. the excitement that accompanies the birth of a new baby is absent for her family. her mother, a syrian refugee, lies in her hospital bed alone, no family to support her. she is overwhelmed. one more mouth to feed, she already has six other children. getting a birth certificate for the baby is not on her mother's priority list. >> another syrian refugee holds his new son for the first time.
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he is his 11th child. his new home, a tent shared with his parents and 10 siblings. they fled to lebanon a year ago and he has been unemployed since then. when will he get a birth certificate? >> not now. when with every the money to do it, i may have to sell some of the food donated to us to be able to do it. every step requires money that i don't have. >> the u.n. says there are already at least 24,000 newborn syrians in lebanon and they are trying to encourage parents to register them officially with the lebanese authorities and the syrian embassy. this new baby girl has not been named yet. her grandmother says they don't even know how to get her a birth certificate. she understands it's problematic, but the future is bleak anyway, she says. >> it all depends on what will happen in syria.
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we can't even enroll our children at schools. >> every day, the number of syrian children with no birth certificate is increasing. her daughter is almost 1-year-old. she, too has no birth certificate. he knows it means he can't travel with her back to syria, but he has no money to pay the fees and transportation to do it. >> if i have the money, the pediatrician is my priority, not a birth certificate. she's sick and i can't take her to the doctor. >> the lack of money is not the only reason. many of these refugees are families of rebels and activists and they fear going to the syrian embassy in beirut to register the newborns. many more refugees have fled the war in syria and crossed into lebanon illegally cross the mountain, so they lack the necessary documents to register their new babies. although a birth certificate may
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be a basic right, for thousands of syrian refugees, it's overshadowed by the daily struggle to survive. aljazeera, lebanon. >> as a parent, it hits you right in the gut. >> talk about the most vulnerable population in that conflict. >> how many of them are there? 9 million fleeing their homes since the war began. >> let's look at temperatures across the nation today. >> we turn to ebony dionne. tough turn, but the temperatures might be a little better. >> for some. you mentioned the summer like feel with the storms around, that's very typical, but we are expecting a cooldown by the middle of the week in parts of the midwest, where today we are going to see temperatures well into the 80's. indianapolis will hit 87, mid 80's chicago, low 80's minneapolis. we have a cold front on the move and typically we don't see our temperatures coming down that much. wednesday, 79. thursday 74 for an afternoon
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high. typically, we top out in the mid-80's. today we expect the heat will continue to build across the southeast, low 90's around houston. it will be a hot and sticky day around much of the southeast. >> ebony, thank you. >> as we mentioned at the top of the broadcast, secretary of state john kerry meeting with iraqi officials in baghdad today. >> a bush administration official is weighing in on the situation. >> i will continues to and i believe that the iraqis are better off today. we'll see how the situation develops, than they were under sadaam. >> what paul bremer said was a mistake by the obama administration. plus we'll have a live report from the ground. >> the uproar in kiev, causing chaos and violence now spilling out into the streets. >> wanted an oscar? you don't need the talent, just the cold, hard cash. it's a story making headlines around the world.
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>> you're looking live in the famous arch in new york city's washington square park this monday morning. the park honoring the first u.s. president, george washington. a short while ago, there was a dog in the fountain that captivated the crew for quite some time. good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. >> a live report from iraq, plus top bush administration's criticism of the handle of iraq. >> the pope taking on the mafia, banning members from the church. some say that could put the pope and other catholics at risk. >> the supreme court will be ruling on cases this week. >> a south koreanar gent accused of killing his fellow soldiers now in custody. 22-year-old man was captured sunday after a newtout with army officials. he is accused of killing five soldiers and wounding seven others in a military outpost near the north korean bored jeer at least 10 syrian soldiers died
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during israel air strikes, retaliation for a cross border attack that killed an israel teenager and injured two others. they will not tolerate israeli's attempt to breach solidarity. >> john kerry is meeting with top iraqis officials. what are we hearing about his meeting with the iraqi foreign minister al-malaki? >> we haven't heard anything yet. he went straight to the office
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of foreign minister al-malaki. it's not difficult to imagine what the conversation was about. certainly the secretary of state would have put pressure on the iraqi prime minister to try to form a government as soon as possible. the elections were about two months ago. al-malaki and his party got a majority, but not enough to form a government. since then, they haven't been able to bring about this coalition. that will probably be one of the main points of conversation and then the second obviously the role of these 300 advisors that should be coming soon to help iraqi forces get out of this cries and get back into shape. >> of course you're referring to those u.s. troops that are going there as advisers. meanwhile, many rack keys are heading where you are, in the kurdistan eveningen, seeking ref refuge from the fighting.
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>> since it's a huge in flux of the kurdish people, we don't have the daily numbers as at the beginning of the cries. whoever has to leave home especially the parts isil has swept through, comes here to the kurdish north, because it's the only place with no as he can tarianism. it's a huge challenge, causing security concerns for the kurdish authorities here and the local forces, because they want to make sure that among these refugees, you also don't have people who would like to come and bring the sectarian war to this part of the country. >> you are also where you stand about 60 miles away from mosul, taken by isil fighters last week. are there concerns that they could be heading your way? >> well, there are concerns, even though at the moment, there's been a standoff. you know, we've been down that road and you do see the last kurdish forces sort of
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checkpoint and in the background, you do see these isil fighters. the border is very long. it's about a thousand kilometers long from syria all the way to iran. there are three flash points where fighters fighting isil, but that hasn't spread along the border. there is an understanding or at least that's what kurdish authorities seem to think is that at the moment, the main focus of these fighters is really baghdad and overthrowing the government of prime minister malaki. that's what they state publicly every day. forces and the authorities here feel safer at the moment, but they are concerned about these flash points and there are concerns about what the future could hold for this region. >> reporting from iraq, thank you. >> that rapid progress made by sunni fighters focusing attention on the iraqi national army. some trace the problems back to the u.s. led invasion of iraq in
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2003. paul bremer is the former head of the occupation authority in iraq. bremer has been talking to aljazeera about the current crisis. >> may, 2003, paul bremer is appointed to lead iraq's first post sadaam administration. he ruled by executive order, and his first two edicts have hat lasting consequences, the first banned the ruling baath party, the second disbanded the entire iraqi army. anyone involved were out of work at a stroke. as the new army struggles to contain the latest rebellion, he defends those decisions, pinning the blame on today's political leadership. >> the army that was then built by the american -- with american training was an effective army, defeating al-qaeda in iraq by the end of 2008 or 2009. the next question is why did it
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collapse in mows sell and tikrit. the answer largely goes to the fact that as part of his efforts to create a more authoritarian government, al-malaki after our troops left in 2011 basically started purging many of those trained officers, even down to the battalion level in the iraqi army. he did the same thing with the iraqi intelligence service, which we had built up also starting in 2003 and 2004. >> ladies and gentlemen, we got him. >> the high points of bream meres 14 month leadership was the capture of sadaam hussein, convicted by a tribunal of mass murder and hanged. bremer insists that iraq is still a better place now than it was pre2003. >> i'm not here to make the case for al-malaki. i am simply saying despite his flaws, he is no sadaam hussein.
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iraq was stable, but it was basically a terror house. i will continues to and believe that the iraqis are better off today. we'll see how the situation develops, than they were under sadaam. >> after leaving iraq, bremer won presidential praise, but also criticism over the way billions of dollars of iraqi and u.s. money were spent in the aftermath of the invasion. he still thinks the u.s. shouldn't have pulled out. >> i think the withdrawal was a mistake. i said so at the time and unfortunately in this case, i was right. what happened was al-malaki took it as a signal of disinterest by america and giving him a freer range to establish a much more authoritarian sectarian government. the iraqi army is proving itself
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unable to cope under rebel attack on so many fronts. aljazeera. >> jill walsh is a research associate with m.i.t. security studies program. he joins us this morning. jim, good morning. secretary kerry now in baghdad. how difficult will it be for him to convince al-malaki to create that more inclusive government that so many are talking about. >> i think it's going to be very difficult. first of all, malaki has had eight years to do that. he hasn't done it yet. now we're in the middle of a crisis, and it seems to me what he's doing now politically is taking advantage of that crisis to try to hold power. he has not had an inclusive government. he's played the sectarian card and now since early june, to have doubles down on that. he is making this a shia defense issue, rather than talking about holding iraq together. i think it's going to be very difficult. mostly, leaders don't like to give up power.
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i think that will be true in this case. >> former leaders, paul bremer saying that he believes it is a mistake, that the u.s. sent a signal to al-malaki to do what he wanted to do. is he right or are we talking about revisionist history here? >> i agree with bremer in his criticism of malaki, saying that he systematically changed the composition of the army intelligence services. i've got to be honest with you, dell. maybe because it's early in the morning. i've had my fill of exbush officials coming in and criticizing what's going on here. >> on that note, i want to go back to what we're going to talk about right now. we have been here before with regards to iraq. there was the u.s. led war, followed by the landslide victory for barack obama to get out. now, as we stand on the precipice of doing something over again, either one side or the other, is there a third option that needs to be explored that isn't dropping bombs or diplomacy. >> if there's any option that
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can be explored, it should be explored, whether talk to the kurds or iranians. there aren't good choices. this has the long and feel of fiddling while rome burns. they haven't put together a government and haven't had a quorum and have lost control of the border with jordan and syria, so i'm skeptical here, and to paul bream meres point, what are we supposed to do, stay there forever and govern iraq ourselves? that's not what team signed up for. >> if you're john kerry and on the ground and everybody agrees al-malaki is the problem, is there anybody who believes that if he steps down, isil is going to give up the territory they've gained? >> it's about personality and policy. it doesn't matter who replaces al-malaki if he can be persuaded to leave if they continue the
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same policies. whoever gets up can't get up in a press conference and say we're all together like last week. they have to lead by action, bring the kurds and sunnis who still support them, probably dwindling by the day and take action to say give them power, leadership positions and take action like they think someone is going to change. the policy has to change. meanwhile, the clock is ticking. >> jim, thank you very much. >> stay with aljazeera for the continuing situation on the crisis in iraq. coming up, what the crisis in iraq means for refugees worried about returning home. >> russian president vladimir putin is calling for compromise in ukraine. sunday, he expressed support for ukraine's ceasefire declaration in its battle against pro-russian separatists. he says any compromise agreement must guarantee the rights of russian speaking residents of eastern ukraine. he said those people must feel
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an integral part of their own country. those words from putin come as russian begins large scale military exercises. nato says russia has been moving troops back to the ukrainian border. >> angry protest is what you just saw in the ukrainian capitol of kiev on sunday. a russian bank was stoned, along with a rally outside an orthodox christian church. >> clashes erupting in kosovo. ethnic albanians there in the streets, angry at ethnic serbians, saying they have blocked the main bridge, throwing rocks and setting police cars on fire, police responding in turn with tear gas and rubber bullets. at least 13 officers and 10 civilians were injured. that road block put up nearly three years ago to prevent ethnic integration.
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>> it has been 15 years since a mine ban treaty was signed to help rid the world of land mines. 44 million explosives have been destroyed since 1999. the clean up effort is far from over. >> her foot was shattered by a land mine, her aunt killed. now she is an activist. ground up peanuts will be the base of tonight's meal. she struggles to find paid work and needs help. >> if the government gives us subsidies, that would be good, but food would be gone too quickly. it would be great to have help entering the job market so i can provide for myself. >> the immediate help the government is giving in is mine detection. it uses rats. 15 years ago, mozambique helped
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launch the effort and is almost rid of land mines. >> it is a success story, but the ban may only be considered 100% successful when all 35 of the remaining countries that haven't signed up do so and all the anti personnel land mines are destroyed. those that haven't sign include russia, china and the u.s. >> 20,000 people a year were being killed or injured by land mines and other unexploded ordinance. that's down to about 900. the international community of the red cross said the stigma attached to land mines may eventually shame receipt maining countries into joining the ban. >> there's virtually no or little use of anti personnel mines today, virtually no production or transfer, even by
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those states that cited the convention. it's time to bring these countries into the fold. >> people that suffer around the world, although great progress has been made, 15 years after the ban, the work is still far from over. aljazeera, mozambique. >> despite not signing the treaty, the u.s. has spent more than $2 billion to help clear mines and help victims. coming up in our next hour, we'll talk liv live in mozambiqe about the week long anti personnel mine ban extension. >> the long awaited report into the jerry sandusky case to be released today. it took plea years to convict him for abusing 10 boys. the attorney general wants to know why. the report find investigators waited to charge him because they didn't want to risk acquittal. the study finding there was no evidence that politics
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influenced that investigation. >> let's look at other headlines around the world. there is a new documentary out revealing adolf hitler was a tax dodges billionaire, owing close to $3 million in back taxes from schemes, among them copyrighting his image on a stamp and forcing married couples to buy a copy of mein kamp. >> he believed nobody ever owed the government anything. >> lawyers have been given the thumbs up to scan social media sites to keep tabs on citizen's called for jury duty in addition to those already selected. the american bar association is saying as part of their investigation into potential jurors, they can look at their social media sites. i wonder if this is a way to now get out of jury duty, post something on twitter to show
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you're biased. >> i hate juries, the judicial system and you're out. >> to own an oscar, dish out some dough. a rare 1942 as scar belonging to director joseph c. wright will be auctioned off today. michael jackson bought one and also steven speilberg bought one. >> you can only buy ones before 1950. anything after, the academy can buy it for a dollar. >> because they don't want them out there on the auction block like we are seeing today. >> the pope excommunicates the mafia. >> some say it could bring violence against the pope and other catholics. >> a wild game for team u.s.a.
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gave them a bad reputation, only 13 people have died from shark attacks. >> up next, the pope takes on the mafia. >> first, a look at wet, soggy weather once again across the "u.s.a. today." >> it looks like finally parts of the midwest that have been dealing with flooding all weekend long are catching a break from additional rain. across the middle of the country, we are watching this frontal boundary. it's a slow mover, but the focal point today. the storms are blossoming across oklahoma into northern texas into dallas/fort worth where we do now have a severe thunderstorm warning, heavy rainfall, strong damaging winds are expected. back to you. >> the pope taking on the man this weekend. pope francis revocation to the mafia as the adore reaction of evil.
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we are joined now. the hope called search leaders, saying they should excommunicate any known mafiosos. >> in an area organized crime runs rampant. the pope's message is cause for celebration. he said those who in their lives follow this path of evil are not in communion with god and are excommunicated. >> earlier this year, a mob hit killed a 3-year-old boy and his grandfather, both shot to death, their bodies burned in a car. francis visited the family still mourning their loss, then targeted the mobsters who hurt children, saying hell awaits you if you continue on this road.
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>> the pope's speech does not specifically excommunicate any one mobster. theology professor said the church must do that on an individual basis. >> what he's done is opened the door, i think for catholic priests and bishops to go after the mobsters that they know are already there in their congregation. >> some wonder if the pope's words will make a difference. in some area, they drive the economy, impacting the entire italian economy. >> they do 26 billion a year in the drug trade alone, three or 4% of the italian economy. can the pope take that group down? i don't think that's going to happen in the short run. so many of these organizations seem to depend on the legitimacy they get from not being condemned or prosecuted. may be there's a crack in the armor here. >> this is the strongest stance
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the pope has taken against the mob in the past 20 years. now back in 1993, pope john powell ii used a softer touch warning the sicilian mafia would one day face the justice of god. the home of the pope was bombed. >> joining us to discuss the pope's statements rewarding the faff i can't is father luke sweeney from the archdiocese of new york. this is the first time the pope has used the term excommunication. why is that significant? >> pope francis has certainly used some trank language with the faff i can't and mob and is doing it to show that this is an evil, something that people can't compromise with.
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that's why he's coming out with such strong language. >> is this tantamount to a declaration of war against this syndicate and does the church expose itself now to retaliation which happened in the 1990's when pope john paul denounced the sicilian mafia? >> we have to see the context the pope mentioned this in and he was talks about a great feast of add ooh dooration of god. he was saying when we adore god, we are oriented towards god, but if our focus is greed, if our focus is injustice, we adore evil.
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>> our holy father always seems to take us off guard with his unscripted comments. i think what he always is doing is connecting with people on the human level. when we draw closer to god, we end up drawing closer to people who are made in the image and likeness of god. by using worst like excommunication, he's trying to wake us up and make sure that we really confront what is wrong and change it in our society. >> is it more than a symbolic or some would say superficial statement? how much weight will pope francis's statements carry amongst priests where the mafia operates, since there has been collusion between priests and criminal in these areas? >> what's the biggest weapon the mob has for them, and isn't that fear and what the church is about, what pope francis is about is love. love casts out fear. he is able to really rally people to what is true, to what
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is good and to cast out that fear by his example, by his words, even knowing that this might put a target on his back. >> father luke sweeney from the archdiocese of new york, joining us from pittsburgh this morning, father, thank you. >> safe to say roller coaster match between u.s.a. and portugal. two goals late in the second half. thirty seconds left, portugal ends the match in a 2-2 draw, the u.s. going on to face the dreaded german team. if the americans lose against germany, they still are likely to make it to the elimination round, but with portugal and ghana playing on thursday, as well, there could be a shakeup. if portugal and ghana tie, the u.s. definitely goes on, but, and this is the big one, if
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ghana wins, it comes down to who scores the most points in their match, the u.s. organ in a. if portugal wins, there is a bit of a stretch, because they would have to score five points to knock out team u.s.a. >> what a mess. >> here what is we're following at this hour, secretary of state john kerry is in baghdad, spending the day meeting with iraqi officials, including prime minister al-malaki. egypt has sentenced several aljazeera journalists to seven to 10 years in prison. they are falsely accused of conspiring with the muslim brotherhood. >> a report on the jerry sandusky case will be released today, expected to detail why it took so long to bring charges against the former penn state assistant coach. >> ahead, the clock is ticking for the supreme court to hand down major decisions before their current session wraps up. how their rulings could affect you. >> it's a party in brazil for the world cup, and no team's
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>> now inroducing, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. a global perspective wherever you are. the major headlines in context. mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for suvivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now
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>> secretary of state john kerry makes a visit to iraq to press leaders on being inclusive as rebels gain control of two key border crossings and four more cities. >> prison sentence, an egyptian court handing down a guilty verdict to three aljazeera journalists, all accused of conspiring with the muslim brother hood. >> so often has the world failed
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to see us or south to erase us. >> marking a milestone, welcoming a transgender priest to deliver the word of god to his congregation. >> coming up short in the quest for a world record. ouch. new video release showing one rally car driver's attempt to make it into the record books. >> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm stephanie sy. >> i'm del walters. secretary of state john kerry landed in baghdad for a surprise meeting with the prime minister. >> secretary kerry is calling on a more inclusive government as soon any forces take over more territory. >> isil fighters controlling two border crossings after taking four more cities. >> sunni fighters have access to jordan, while a supply line is opened from syria. two others have also fallen. >> they are getting thrower to a
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dam that is a major source of electricity. >> we are in washington, d.c. what can secretary kerry hope to achieve today with a surprise visit to baghdad. >> i think you have to see this in the wider context in the words of president obama from last week, which he is presently repeating in television interviews he gave on friday, playing out morning, that is that he sent secretary kerry over to the middle east to try to open discussion with allies about how to stop isil and prevent it from becoming an organization that creates a terrorist safe haven in iraq. also, to urge the iraqis to form an administration in baghdad that he is representative of all of them. to do that, he's gone to egypt. he went threw on sunday, had discussions with the new president of the country, then he flew to jordan to have
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discussions there, now the surprise visit to baghdad, which is going to take the day as he meets with all the political representatives there, sunni, shia and the kurds. then he moves to brussels to talk with nato allies to discuss local and international politics as they pertain to iraq right now. air strikes, was, though thought unlikely are still on the table, according to the president. >> what message is kerry bring to go prime minister al-malaki? >> well, you have to remember that the iraqi government is a lame duck government after the recent elections. it takes them a long time under the system set up by the united states to pull together the coalition. last time, in fact, it took them nine months to do it. so, what you have to remember is that the previous government was weighted in support of the shias and secretary kerry with guidance from president obama is
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pointing out that with a what the united states wants is for the administration when it finally comes together to have all the strands of iraqi politics pulled together, so that it represents all of the iraqi people. here's how secretary kerry puts it: >> if they want, they have an opportunity to choose leadership that could represent all of iraq, a unity government that brings people together and focus on isil. >> secretary kerry, as for asking prime minister malaki to stand down directly, we are told he will not be asking him to do that, preferring instead to refer to the iraqi people. >> coming up at 8:30, we'll go to iraq for more on john kerry's arrival there today and the challenge of civilians fleeing the violence are facing. >> the release of $575 million in military aid to egypt. >> the news came as secretary of state john kerry met with the newly elected president, al
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sisi. that aid had been frozen since the former president mohamed morsi was ousted last summer. state department officials say funds were sent 10 days ago after getting the go ahead from congress. the u.s. has promised 10 apache attack helicopters to the new egyptian administration. >> a court in egypt finding three journalists guilty. just a short while ago, two sentenced to seven years in jail, the third sentenced to three more years for reported possession of ammunition. they are accused of supporting the ousted muslim brotherhood. aljazeera has rejected all of these charges. our diplomatic editor, we understand that the u.n. has come out with a statement concerning today's verdict. >> we are getting quite a lot of diplomatic reaction. we have a statement from the high commissioner of human rights: we are shocked by these verdicts and extremely heavy
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jail sentences handed down. the statement says to remind egypt that it signed article 19 of the international covenant, a binding treaty from 1982. it's not a crime to carry a camera to try to report various points about events. it's not a crime to criticize the authorities or interview people who hold unpopular views. elsewhere in the diplomatic world, other developments, the u.k. government is calling in the egyptian ambassador to protest this verdict, the same as going on in the netherlands in the hague, the egyptian ambassador's being called in. that's because both the u.k. and nettenetherlands have citizens t were tried in abstention. >> strong statements from australia concerning the
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sentencing of their citizen. >> peter is an australian. we have reaction, this is what the foreign minister had to say. >> peter gresta is a well respected journalist. he was in egypt to report on the political situation. he was not there to support the muslim brotherhood. we respect the outcome of the recent elections in egypt, and we will now initiate contact at the highest levels in the new egyptian government. >> all eyes will now be on the u.s. secretary of state john kerry. he's in baghdad. he was in cairo yesterday. the timing for the u.s. authorities doesn't look good. they gave aid and one day later, this great blow to press
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freedom. >> this is one of many freedom of the press violations in egypt. coming up in 25 minutes, we will talk to the executive director of human rights watch about the trial of our colleagues and what will be the next step in their fight for freedom. >> sergeant bowe bergdahl, the former prisoner of war is out of a texas hospital. the army says bergdahl will be receiving out patient care as part of his reintegration process, that includes being exposed to more people and social interactions. he was captured in 2009 by the taliban, freed earlier this month in exchange for five guantanamo bay detainees. >> a south korean sergeant on the run after shooting fellow soldiers now captured. officials say the 22-year-old was taken into custody after he tried to kill himself. he had been on the loose since saturday, when he allegedly opened fire at a military outpost near the border with north korea. we have more on the manhunt. >> after more than a 24 hour
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standoff, it ended in dramatic fashion. this man, a 22-year-old serving his national service two months away from discharge turned his rifle on himself, shot himself in the torso. that was when soldiers moved in, put him into a military am ambulance and started taking him to hospital. he is now in a hospital down the coast. the same hospital at which some of the soldiers that he shot and injured are still being treated. that shooting tack place saturday night at an outpost south of the d.m.z., very close to the demilitarized zone between south and north korea, five fellow soldiers killed, seven injured in that immediate attack, and then he was on the run, overnight and into the next day, shooting another soldier at a check point and it was at that point he was surrounded and the effort to try to get him to come quietly had begun.
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they have been talking to him since this morning. he spoke to his father on the telephone, having requested to speak to his family. his father and older brother were taken to the scene to speak to him directly. it was thought they were right there at the time he turned the gun on himself and tried to commit suicide. >> reporting from south korea. >> the pilot of the missing malaysia plane has been named the prime suspect. detectives base findings on his lack of future social commitments, unlike his crew members. investigators discovered the captain platted a route to a remote island in the indian ocean. it was deleted, but later recovered by computer efforts. >> a ceasefire is now said to be in effect at a refugee camp in syria. rebel troops have agreed at the camp. this went viral earlier this year, showing people lining up to receive food from the u.n. 18,000 people living inside the
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camp have been blocked off, eating boiled grass and dirt in desperation. human rights groups say more than 100 people have starved to death. >> tensions in israel are rising over recent abductions. palestinians are now trying to convince the united nations to stop israeli military raised in the west bang. forces are searching for three boys who went missing three weeks ago. sixty palestinians have been arrested, at least four killed during the raised. israel said hamas is responsible for kidnapping the kids. >> an israeli war planes bombed syria this morning, at least 10 syrian soldiers killed. the air strikes are retaliation for a cross border attack that killed an israeli teenager. two others were injured. still unclear whether the syrian military or rebels carried out the attack. bombings have started to spill over. israel officials say they will not tolerate any attempt to breach israeli's sovereignty and will act in accord to safeguard
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citizens. >> clashes in kosovo, ethnic albanians are angry ethnic certains blocked their main bridge. protestors throwing rocks and setting a number of police cars on fire, police responding with tear gas and rubber bullets. officers and civilians were injured. that road block was put up in an effort to protect ethnic integration. >> rigs president vladimir putin is calling for a compromise in ukraine, expressing support for the ceasefire. he says any compromise agreement must guarantee the rights have russian speaking residents of eastern ukraine. his comments come as he and ukraine's new president paid tribute to those last in the soviet union invasion by the nazis. today's message of peace especially struck a nerve. >> the nazi invasion of the soviet union on june 22, 1941
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would claim 5 million soviet and german lives in the first six months alone. commemorating those losses is of special significance. more than 1.3 million were ukrainian, not forgotten by the country says modern leaders. 73 years on, peace remains elusive. >> unfortunately, these days, the issue of war has again become a reality in ukraine. the smell, the stench of war is in the air today. that's why the day before yesterday, during my visit to slovyansk, i made a decision to give peace a chance. >> in moscow, the russian leader laid a wreath at the too many of the unknown soldier. modern day events in eastern ukraine dominated the narrative. president putin's support for the peace plan is critical to
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its success, if only a qualified endorsement has been given. substancive negotiations are needed. >> the fact that president poroshenko announces truce is an important element of the settlement. one of the most important elements. it would be impossible to come to terms on anything without it. russia will support these intentions, but the most important thing is a political process. >> in ukraine, separatists hard land, 1,000 people attended a rally in donetsk. >> speaker after speaker is deliver remembrance of world war ii. there are parallels being drawn to the current situation, on going here in eastern ukraine. >> i speak to everyone on both sides. >> it was kiev who opened this wound again, the wound which is still bleeding because our parents and grandparents still
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remember it. >> then, historical grief was overtaken by contemporary bitterness. groups of separatist militia arrived, some teenagers signed up to go to war. the irony could scarcely be more glaring. aljazeera, donetsk. >> hague said russia must be in doubt -- in no doubt that tougher sanctions will follow unless it backs the ukrainian peace plan and stops interfering in ukraine. >> there has been a memorial service held for a student killed in an oregon school. eemilio hoffman, a soccer player was killed when a classmate entered a locker room and shot
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him. the shooter killed himself later. >> the long awaited report into the jerry sandusky case is expected to be released today. it took three years to convict the penn state assistant football coach for sexually abusing 10 boys. the current attorney general wanted tony. the report found investigators waited to charge sandusky because they didn't want to risk acquittal. the study found there is no evidence politics influenced the investigation. >> in new mexico, crews are gaining the upper hand against the lake fire burning now for more than a week in the mountains near arizona and new mexico. it is 60% contained. investigators believe that fire was set on purpose. >> the severe weather producing heavy rains and flooding in the south causing more problems today. for more, we turn to ebony dionne. >> already a stormy start into oklahoma, as well as texas, the rain coming down heavily this
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morning. we've already picked up between one and two inches around oklahoma city, just within an hour. a lot of heavy rain continuing to move a little bit further south and east and right along this line, bowing out into dallas/fort worth, where we do now have a thunderstorm warning in effect. along with the heavy downpours, expect strong, gusty winds to last through this morning. we'll catch a break today. good news around minneapolis, a dry day filled with sunshine. warn ins remain in place along the mississippi into missouri. although we are not expecting more rain around minneapolis, we expect more showers further sawedward. it will eventually push offer to the east. it's a slow mover. we have a few showers around chicago and still have a lot of moisture in place. we are going to watch this area for storms mainly scattered here. once down into oklahoma around arkansas, a better chance of
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severe storms. we could see more strong to severe storms along denver. the frontal boundary from the great lakes to the plains. it looks like one more dry day across the northeast as high pressure is still holding on. that front really moves in, bringing rain into our area by wednesday. >> summer storm season, thank you. >> the clock is ticking for the supreme court as the justice face the deadline for the session. we'll talk about the major decisions they have to hand down, including one that will affect how you watch t.v. >> back behind bars, how police in canada recaptured three inmates who had broken out of prison. >> it's ok. ok. ok. ok. >> who? an unwelcome visitor giving one man a real hoot at his home. >> is that real? if i told you that a free ten-second test
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from citizen journalists around the world. a strong storm in china causing the streets to flood. the water is presenting real challenges for drivers. >> a doctor in houston coming back home from a business trip found a group of burglars leaving. he chased them in the car, recording all of it. the chase lasted several minutes before the suspects turned around and drove right into the doctor's car before flying into a ditch. the police were able to arrest two of the three alleged burglars. >> one man walking into a standoff with that, an owl in his kitchen. he decided to film his interaction, the bird sitting calmly on the window before he uses a swiffer to escort him out of his home. >> he looked like a deer in headlights, that owl. >> up next, the major decisions
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the supreme court faces as they get ready to wrap up their term. >> first, the u.s. border patrol scrapped a plan to move hundreds of undocumented immigrant children. federal authorities say some 300 unaccompanied kids will not be flown from texas to california. the flights have been put on hold. the border patrol spokesman calls the situation very fluid. the move is in response to central americans crossing the border hope to go stay in the u.s. 50,000 unaccompanied kids have inundated the u.s. mexican border this year. >> police in arkansas lost a manhunt for escaped prisoners. the prisoner may be armed. timothy buffington escaped. he was convicted of killing his wife in 1999. officials are on high alert. >> in canada, three prisoners who escaped via a helicopter are
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back behind bars. they were discovered hiding in an upscale condo. they are trying to find out who helped them escape. they are convicted of drug trafficking and murder. >> rulings will have implications on religious beliefs, the president's appointment powers and the way you watch t.v. we look at the supreme court cases. >> the supreme court has left the toughest decisions until the end of its term. >> it's kind of natural that it would go down to the wire for these big high profile decisions. >> the hobby lobby cases, name for the national chain of hobby and craft stores. owned by families with strong religious beliefs do not want to be forced to offer coverage for contra septemberives under the affordable care act. they claim they are protected just as churches and religious
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non-profits. a ruling in the company's favor could lead to a slippery slope. >> what if you don't believe in vaccinations or blood transfusions? can your employer refuse to provide those, as well, and i think there's a concern depending an what the court rules, it could open up and really he viscerate some of the provisions of the affordable care act. >> we are done. >> [ applause ] >> recess appointments, the court must decide if president obama over stepped his constitutional authority filling positions on the national labor relations board without senate confirmation. >> this is not necessarily an ideological issue, presidents over the years, whether democratic or republican, have made these resist points. >> environmental regulation, industry groups say the e.p.a. went too far changing the threshold for greenhouse gas emissions in the clean air act. the justice will decide whether
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the federal government can require permits for industries that spew pollutants that cause climate change. it is up to other federal powers to regulate emission plants. >> a massachusetts law that created buffer zones around abortion clinics is being challenged, saying it invites right to free speech. >> it seems unlikely after the oral argument that the massachusetts law as it stands is going to survive. >> finally, one of the most unusual cases this year is over aereo, a start up giving customers a dime sized antenna allowing them to view broadcast t.v. on their mobile devices for a monthly fee. >> the companies who filed the lawsuit against it are saying this is a massive violation of the copyright laws, which prohibit public transmission of
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television programs without paying for it. >> a lot of business to be done. >> the high court will finish the term with half the cases decided unanimously. >> lets look at temperatures across it is nation today. >> no shortage of heat across the southwest, phoenix 106. low triple digits in las vegas.
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>> you are about 60 miles from mosul. is there a threat that isil forces could soon be heading your way? >> there is concern among occurred issue authorities here. it is 60 miles an and along the border between the kurdish region and rest of iraq, you see the forces separated by the isil fighters from sometimes as little as half a mile. so certainly a huge concern and also because there have been skirmishes and three flash points along with this very,
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very long border, mainly towards the province, but the forces here are on high alert. >> stranded in a camp with his children and grandchildren, he is desperately worried about his future. >> where can i go? i'm taking care of all of them and this kid is disabled. back home, he'd die. i left my house. i left everything in the middle of the night. >> people here fled, for them a matter of life and death. >> they think we're infidels because we're shia. my wife is in baghdad and i am stuck here. there's no way i can go by road. it's dangerous.
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>> the division along sectarian lines is difficult to escape. most who made it to safety, lay low, preferring to keep to themselves. mistrust is running high. >> differences are showing. the people that come to us are afraid of each other. when they come here, they're forced to live together. they have no choice. >> >> several families live in this school. they all fled the same district. staying together helps them feel safe. they're wary of visitors. >> it's difficult to have anyone speak to you on camera. when one accepts, everybody else wants to make sure that he says the right thing, not to put anyone here in danger. >> they discuss among each other the risks involved in speaking out these days, but they have a story to tell. they feel forgotten by their government in baghdad.
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>> isil didn't harm anyone at first, but gradually, their true colors began to show. each day, someone goes missing and the longer it lasts, the worst it's going to get. >> unless the occurred issue government controls mosul, there's no way we go back. our only hope is kyrgystan. >> iraq is being torn apart by the day. many say it's broken beyond rare and they fear they'll never enjoy again the home and life they want had. >> iraqis know this plate too well. they also know sectarian war too well. probably they thought it would never take such a dramatic turn to the worst, but this time, it's really very differ to solve this crisis, simply because you have these three blocks emerging. a lot of people will tell that you iraq is already divided,
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just a matter of legality at this stage. a lot of these displaced people are here in the north, yes safe now, but they don't know if they will ever return to their homes, lives to anything they knew before. >> so many people displaced by this crisis. >> no easy answers at all. >> aljazeera continues to condemn those guilty verdicts in egypt for our three colleagues, our three journalists. two sentenced to seven years in prison, a third to 10. six other aljazeera staff being tried in absentia have been sentenced to 10 years. we have more. >> a guilty verdict nearly six months in the making, the alleged crime, doing their job at journalists. the three journalists have been sentenced to seven years behind bars. one was given an additional
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three years for spent cartridges found on him. there were angry reaction from the journalists. and disbelief from the families. >> now that the judge came to their decision, i'll be very interested to hear his reasons for giving that verdict. it doesn't make any sense. >> it's clearly a corrupt and fraudulent verdict. the case is politically motivated and everything is wrong with it. >> the response from the australian government was swift. >> this kind of verdict does nothing to support egypt's claim to be on a trend toward democracy. the australian government urges the new government of egypt to reflect on what message is being sent to the world about the situation in egypt. >> six aljazeera journalists
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have been tried in absentia and sentenced to 10 years in prison, accused of spreading false news and aiding the muslim brotherhood, wimp the government has designated a terrorist organization. a journalist was released after spending 307 days in prison without being charged. the public persecutor ordered his release. he had been on a hunger strike since january. the trial of aljazeera journalists have caused a global outcry. the newly elected president of egypt al sisi has promised to tackle the countries many issues, including free speech. the verdict today sends a clear message to both local and international media that raising
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serious questions about it is freedom of the media. >> joining us is kevin roth, executive director of human rights watch. your reaction to the fact that john kerry was just there. >> i was frankly pretty appalled by secretary kerry's remarks yesterday. he was completely spinning positive, basically predicted the restoration of u.s. military aid to egypt, saying they'll work out these human rights issues. >> $550 million in aid given to egypt and they didn't work out these human rights. >> no. kerry wasn't speaking in his own voice. he said congress has concerns about this military aid going forward, but we'd like to see a normalization of relations as soon as possible. he should have waited for an actual change in conduct before predicting that presidential sisi was going to fix anything
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in the future. >> is it too far for military action? there would be the traditional condemnation coming from washington. >> a lot of this aid still remains to be sent. there is still a lot that washington could do. there's a tendency on the part of egyptian government to say this is the independent judiciary acting. they may not have had any evidence and they may be convicting journalists for being journalists, but what can we do, this is an independent judge. >> they are react to go hysteria that general and now presidential sisi has been at the heart of portraying them. hysteria coupled with new laws basically make it criminal for a
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journalist to say anything that al sisi sees as interfering with the state. >> what should journalists do. if you cannot cover a conflict, if you can't cover both sides of a story, if you cannot cover the truth, what role is there in egypt for unism going forward. >> journalists have to be creative. it's not possible to cover egypt without wide receiver the muslim brotherhood. >> but you're going to get locked up. >> you have to do reporting from outside, to talk to the muslim bother hood by phone, email, maybe short visits, but do as much reporting as you can with journalists from outside. it's going to take creativity. it's wrong to buy so the al sisi view of the world that this political party supported by a third of the people, it cannot be covered that way.
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>> how well chilling will this be to trouble spots where people might be seeing the signal egyptians are sending? >> this is a terrible precedent. if you're a journalist doing your job, spoke to an opposition that the government doesn't like, that you could be in jeopardy. that's why the western reaction to this outrage is so important. if the u.s. returns to, at usual. it will suggest that this is a precedent that can stand and conserve as really a marker for other governments. if on the other hand -- >> should the president speak or the secretary of state? >> something like this and frankly, it's not just the aljazeera, these outrages. we should raise that this case gets attention, they're journalists, but at the same time, just a couple of days ago, we had 183 people sentenced to death in one mass style. just today, there were 238 muslim brotherhood supporters sentenced from one year to life for just being supporters of the
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muslim brotherhood. this is a pattern of outrage and i think it requires a presidential statement, not simply john kerry. >> thank you for being with us this morning. >> a new human rights watch report says armed groups in syria are recruiting children in battle. the report says kids as young as 10 are taking part in the civil war. boys join the armed groups, some lured with the promise of education, others used for suicide missions. the new report is based on interviews with 25 former and current child soldiers who talked to the group's researchers. >> nigerias military said it killed 10 members of boko haram, saying they gained the upper hand in parties of borno state.
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the incident happened close to the area 200 school girls were abduct in april. the government is under pressure to find those girls and reign in boko haram. >> >> crowds gathered in islamabad to welcome a cleric flying in from canada. things turned violent, forcing the plane to be diverted. the religious leader plans to peaceful revolt against the pakistan gee minister. >> in the struggle for lbgt rights over the years, some believe tea has been an afterthought. >> 18 states voted to protect transgender rights. a medicare ban hob lifted.
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we have word of another milestone. >> this milestone happened sunday on the national cathedral in washington, d.c. the chaplain stepped into the pulpit and into history. >> this would be a huge moment, like hearing martin luther king preach. >> an openly transgander preach approached sunday from the pulpit at the national cathedral. the reverend transitioned 13 years ago, and says he knows transgender's life can be hard. >> so many in the lbgtq community, particularly in the transgender community have at one point or another found our receivers in situations of intense oppression. >> the church voted to allow the ordination of transgender people. his historic sermon sunday was
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the latest positive transgender out reach. >> so many, we have been failed to be seen, they have stared at us or south to erase us. >> as part of the celebration of lbgt pride month, the first openly gay episcopal witc bishop performed. >> two worshipers disagreed on the importance of this moment. >> i think he was trying to say from the national cathedral has lbgt people are important, that the rights of transpeople are important and this being gay pride month, it's really important that the nation's religious organizations get behind that. >> this bang non-denominational
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church sort of limits the impact it can have. >> i am grateful and proud to be in a church that is now leading to this charge. >> he is currently one of seven transgender preachers in the church. >> a historic and stunning location. >> a habitat one organization will get a hand to keep them for future generations. >> one rally car driver's jump. .
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>> nail biter roller coaster match, call it what you want, team u.s.a. squared off against portugal. with just 30 seconds left, portugal scores, ending the match in oh 2-2 draw, the u.s. now facing germany thursday, but even if the americans lose against germany, they're still likely to make it into the elimination round. with portugal and ghana playing thursday, as well, there could be a shakeup. if portugal and ghana tie, the u.s. moves on. if ghana wins, it comes down to who scores the most points in the match. portugal would have to score five to knock out team u.s.a. there will be a test on this straight ahead. >> the mathematics of it. welcome to al jazeera america. the efforts being made to protect some of the world's historic structures.
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let's keep with the word cup action. netherlands versus chile, the teams looking to take home the tree pee, both with two wins. we caught up with eager dutch fans in sao paulo. >> a dutch football paradise, colored in orange. stay in hotels? not here, not for these fans. at this park, more than 500 self proclaimed crazy fans have set up their brazil based world cup base camp. >> it's just fun spending the night outside. >> nobody knows who will be crowned champions of this world cup. in the game of having fun, it's hard to dispute that the dutch are taking an early lead. >> it's called the orange dive,
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traditionally done january 1 in holland. i said why are you doing it now? the response was well, it's brazil, it's the world cup. >> it's a tradition and now we do it in brazil. it's a lot of fun. >> young and old, more than 5,000 dump fans are in brazil to cheer on their national team that has come so close, runners up three teams, but never been crowned world cup champions. already, it's been a good tournament for these fans. at the campsite, they're lakeside, soaking up the south american sun, recharging batteries for game time. the sun sets, and wouldn't you know it, it leaves and orange glow off the water. aljazeera, sao paulo. >> the netherlands play chile
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today. >> wouldn't you love it if they did that in golf? michelle li wins. she nearly lost her ball in the 16th hole and bounced back with a bird deon the 17th and went on to par to take home the championship. >> that win's been long in coming. let's look now where the wet weather will be happening today. >> we have a frontal boundary from the great lakes down into the southern plains. that will be the focal point for showers and storms today. already a good deal of rain has fallen across oklahoma and texas within a short period of time, just about an inch to two inches near oklahoma city. we are still seeing rain push off to the east around
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dallas/fort worth. we had severe thunderstorm warnings in place, since expired in that area. you can expect heavy rain with strong gusty winds. upper midwest, we'll enjoy a dry day around minneapolis, but stronger storms can't be ruled out further south across iowa into missouri. scattered activity across the southeast, it will be another hot and steamy day. do expect heavy downpours around georgia. >> the results are in as delegates from around the world met in qatar, gathered to recognize some of the world's most special places with the gold to preserve them. we report on an honor thousands of years in the making. >> celebration to the 38t 38th session of the world heritage committee. delegates from around the world were there when their
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nomination. the area is made up of permanent march lands and plains making it rich for plants and animals, home to some of the world says most endangered large ma'am malls. >> it is unique in that it is an inland delta and ends inland and doesn't go into the sea. not only that, it's also home to the largest population of elephants in africa, which is 200,000 in botswana. >> listing helps preserve the area and its animals. in order to be recommended, the mining authority had to agree not to issue anymore licenses for work in the area. earlier in the day, there were happy scenes when it got the world heritage listed site. it was approved by the committee. trade from the site to asia helps the spread of budhism.
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ar jen teen i can't, bolivia, chyle, ecuador and peru were included. >> only a road that you can see on the map, but actually because of the location of most of these roads in highly elevated places, many run about 4,000, 5,000 years and still used by local communities. >> it took experts from the six countries more than 10 years to prepare the nomination for the site. that time pales in comparison when it comes to preserving it for future generations. >> we are coming to the end of the listings for this to know presence. landscapes of natural beauty are heights, as well as historic buildings that continue to amaze people hundreds of years after they were built.
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aljazeera, doha. >> there are now more than 1,000 cultural and natural treasures on the list. >> beautiful images coming out of that. >> unseen footage shows pro skier and rally driver's crash as he tried and failed to make the world's largest long car jump. the record attempt was filmed from multiple angles, trying to make it a 360-foot jump in a modified minivan. he lost control during the landing and crashed hard. lucky, the car took the brunt of the damage and we can report in this case it was not the driver. >> risks of the job. >> tomorrow morning, on aljazeera america, once listed at one of the most vulnerable species, there is a resurgence of the great white shark. >> we are going to take a deeper look at the rising population and how the comeback is helping the ocean's eco system. thanks for joining us. >> ahead in two minutes, a
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report out of sudan, a court ordered the release of a woman sentenced to death for converting to christianity. >> secretary of state john kerry is expected to hold a presser in iraq in 30 minutes. >> stay with us for the very latest news. we'll see you back here tomorrow morning starting at 7:00. consider this. the news of the day plus so much more. answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> it seems like they can't agree to anything in washington no matter what.
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>> hello there, you're watching the news hour live from our headquarters in doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes guilty verdict the egyptian court sentence the three al jazeera prisoners years to prison. >> we're deeply dismayed by the fact that a sentence has been imposed, and we're appalled by the severity of it. >> australia's
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