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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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>> hundreds of days in detention. >> al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. >> thousands calling for their freedom. >> it's a clear violation of their human rights. >> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. >> another round of dip lope lil see in iraq for secretary of state john kerry. >> journalism is not a crime. he is an award winning journalist, not a criminal. >> prison time for doing their jobs, reaction from around the
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world as our colleagues are convicted in an egyptian court in a blow to freedom of the press. >> she thinks god thinks that she isn't as useful or have the talent. >> excommunicated from the mormon church. why a prominent member of the community has been kicked out. >> a currently in violence on the streets of a major american city. desperate times calling for desperate measures to keep teens out of trouble. are curfews the answer? good morning and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm stephanie sy. >> i'm del walters. the news in iraq is growing more dire. >> more than a thousand were killed, civilians died in executions and bombings. >> secretary of state john kerry is extending his diplomatic tour of iraq for a second straight day as isil unleashed an assault on military forces. >> they attacked a police convoy transfatherring inmates near the
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shia city, killing 71 prisoners and five police officers. last week, the group killed 44 inmates inside a prison north of baghdad. >> kerry arrived in the occurred issue region of iraq to meet with leaders there. they long accused the government of being authoritarian. he urged baghdad to form a government that would include all. can anything be done to stop isil from advancing? >> it's an excellent question. they seem to be gaining ground by the day with little to stop them with the iraqi army largely in disarray. the malaki government has asked the u.s. for some air strikes. president obama has been very reluctant to do that without some sort of political solution on the ground, and that is what secretary of state john kerry continues to push for. >> another day in iraq for secretary of state john kerry, this time in the kurdish region
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urging leaders not to withdraw from the political process in baghdad. >> the government formation challenge is the central challenge that we face. >> urging the kurds to participate in an iraqi government with styes and sunnis is no easy task. the kurds, who took control of oil rich kirkuk after iraqi troops surrendered stand to make more in oil revenues than any budget baghdad could ever provide. the secretary of state john kerry met with al-malaki and with a top shiite cleric and sunni head of iraq's parliament. those efforts led to a promise to honor the required time table for forming a new government in iraq. >> prime minister malaki affirmed his commitment to july 1 as the date when the representatives will convene and when they must choose a speaker
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and then a president and then the prime minister. >> meanwhile, iraq's minister was taking the fight once again to isil from the air. conflicting reports about just who controls iraq's biggest oil refinery, it's still unclear, but its defense ministry through this video said it targeted isil fighters, killing a number of militants and destroying their vehicles. those gains have been blunted by isil's rapid advance to the west of the country where the group extended control to nearly all of iraq's border with syria. >> they pose a mortal threat not only to iraq, but to the region. >> that includes american ally jordan, as one of its border crossings has now fallen, too. >> secretary kerry will meet with gulf allies and others,
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some of the gulf states to talk about the crisis in iraq. the first of u.s. military advisors arriving in iraq to assess the situation on the ground, so quickly moving situation there in iraq, and not looking very good at the moment. >> lisa, thank you very much. >> let's go to iraq where secretary of state kerry arrived. what can i tell us about this meeting between kerry and the kurdish president today? >> they had the meeting this morning. we did hear remarks of the secretary of state as he left. the main topic of conversation was political reconciliation, considering the strained relations between here and baghdad. he talked about the role of the only forces in iraq who are able to put up a fight in front of this sort of swift spread of the
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isil. >> the kurdish security forces are the force. what role do the occurred i have been play in the wider conflict that we're talking about here? >> at the moment, they tried to secure the border between the kurdish region and the rest of iraq and they have stepped into kirkuk. they are accused of trying to take advantage of the cries. they say the forces and security pulled out and we are the only once who can fille vacuum and stop the spread of the isil fight jeers what can you tell us about the relationship between the kurds and prime minister al-malaki? >> well, they have been strained
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at best for several reasons. they want a constitutional right to hold a referendum. that would have actually sealed the deal on the so-called disputed territories, including kirkuk. the second issue was that the kurds have kept away from this sunni, shiite sectarian divide, building the area and also doing oil deals independent from baghdad and that has angered prime minister al-malaki a lot. the position is kurds is you guys want to continue fighting, we have been talking about political reconciliation, the prime minister is not bringing it about, we have to guess on with our future here. >> a lot of forces at odds there. reporting from iraq, thank you. stay with aljazeera for the latest. coming up, a live report from baghdad, plus a look at how the
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turmoil impacts america's national security. >> there is breaking news come out of nigeria, witnesses saying that members of boko haram abducted 60 young women and 30 young boys from villages in the northeastern part of that country. those abductions reportedly took place standards. four villagers said to be killed in these attacks. the military widely criticized following the abduct of school girls in april. boko haram is demanding the exchange of members for hostages here. >> the international uproar over our aljazeera colleagues sentenced in an egyptian court yesterday. >> al sisi saying he would not interfere with the judicial process despite a global outcry.
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>> there are protests today. >> at 44 4:41 eastern standard time, condemnation resonated through the world. aljazeera stood in solidarity to protest the verdict. >> this is the sound of silence around the world. from aljazeera headquarters in doha to nairobi, a moment of union tee in protest of the verdict that sentenced these three journalist to say prison for up to 10 years. the reaction after an egyptian court on monday was far from silent, especially the family of the accused. >> my god! >> peter greftes' parents spoke out. >> he is on a award winning journalist, not a criminal. >> they were found guilty of
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charges for supporting the muslim brotherhood. the fight to free the journalists is not over. c.e.o. of aljazeera america. >> we are determined to make sure that our journalists will be freed and the whole world is standing behind us. >> that includes the united states. >> it's a chilling and draconian sentence, and, you know, it's deeply disturbing to see in the midst of egypt's transition. >> britain. >> egypt has taken a major step in the wrong direction with this decision. >> and australia. >> what we want to do is talk calmly and patiently and reasonably to the egyptian government. >> some fellow journalists believe the verdict was politically motivated in hopes of having a chilling effect on the freedom of press. michael golden of the new york times. >> in the short term, it does silence the press to some degree in egypt. it makes the press outside of
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egypt more vociferous and stronger and you'll see this story ricocheting around the world now. >> aljazeera english reporter unleashed her reaction as one of the journalists convicted in abshe didn't is that and sentenced to 10 years in prison. >> egypt brought in a new constitution only a few months ago where it very much put freedom of the press, speech and assembly in the center of that constitution. they are saying they're on a roadmap to democracy. they hair railed this as a pillar of democracy. that pillar is in ruins. >> many hope that through appeals, maybe the verdict will be thrown out, but others have been hoping for pardons here, but of course as we heard just this morning, presidential sisi seeing he will not interfere with the judicial process. >> the timing is curious, given the fact that secretary of state john kerry was just there. >> for the past six months, it had been put on hold.
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this is $1.3 billion in aid money that had been going to egypt since the 1970's, since the peace treaty with israeli. this is pretty interesting timing here and a potential issue for the state department to really take a look at. >> a lot of people are talking about how this looks for the u.s. government. thank you. >> among those talking about how it looks, journalists from around the world, this time from the bbc showing support. this morning, staffers held a silent vigil outside their offices in london. >> many bbc journalists took part in this protest. they personally know and respect the work and integrity of peter, who worked for this organization for many years. bbc management, i believe, think that there is a wider principle at stake, that that verdict in a cairo courtroom is an attack on journalism, itself, on free
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speech and intended to affect other journalists reporting on affairs in the months and years to come. this organization and other organizations will be sending a letter to presidency al sisi calling on him to intervene. this story is playing across television and british newspapers over the last 24 hours. >> coming up in five minutes, the director of reporters without borders is going to weigh in on the verdict and restrictions placed on the media in egypt. >> the supreme court reigned in some of the government's power to tighten emission standards but preserved ability to regulate greenhouse gases. it can regular great most source, but new or expanded power plants are off limits. industry leaders were concerned the obama administration would continue to expand emission
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rules, filtering down to schools, small businesses and shopping malls. >> a new climate study says the u.s. may loose $662,100,000,000,000 in coastal property by 2050. the report alleges rising sea levels are to blame. the studies say climate change will affect industrial output and create higher health costs. >> flooding seems to be a major concern this week. >> let's bring in meteorologist anymore mitch for a look at what areas are at risk. >> you think of the flooding as when it's raining, getting heavy rain. sometimes it can happen after the fact. that's what we have going on in minnesota. you look at the border of minnesota and wisconsin, those are places where as all those tributaries flow in, then the major rivers get higher. some of them haven't crested. this is a look at some of that
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situation out there, places like still water, which bounds into wisconsin. the lift bridge there has actually been shut down. the island in the twin cities, that's that bridge i was talking about, all that water is pressing under it, so you're having to take a different route between the two states, the island having the same problems in minneapolis and that's one of our concerns today. the heaviest rain has moved off, as that frontal boundary moved along. it's trekking into the northeast, where we're going to see a soggy go of it. here's the broad picture, although a little bit of this as we get into the southern plains, but the bigger outs of all of this is going to be in ohio, right around the great lakes and eventually into the northeast. we've got a nice juicy flow off the gulf providing a lot of moisture to interact with that front. parts of ohio under flood risks and as this moves over the next couple of days, easily places
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that could see two to four-inches. back to you guys. >> where do you think she was? out hiking. >> nice. >> egypt's new presidential sisi said he will not interfere with the judicial process. >> we're going to talk about when it means for our enjoyed colleagues in egypt. we're going to talk to an expert about what happens when these men appeal their sentences. >> has team u.s.a. been set up to fail at the world cup? hear what their coach had to say about that. >> her family had to fight for a life-saving lung operation. now a young girl is speaking out about the struggle that is changing the entire transplant pros. >> 24.7 million is today's big number. >> it's not dollars, it's viewers, a record setting event. we'll tell you about it after the break.
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the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90.
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comcast business built for business. >> there is no sound, a symbolic
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moment of silence just hours ago, all of us protesting the court rulings that sent a team of our colleagues to prison. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. egypt's new president said he will not interfere with judicial rulings. two journalists were given seven years behind bar, 10 years for another, all accused of aiding the muslim brotherhood, charges they and aljazeera have always vehemently denied. >> this is a crime against all the media, against the freedom of press. this is really a dangerous situation in my mind to the freedom of the press. >> that is aljazeera america's interim c.e.o. speaking last night on pbs. earlier this morning, newly elected president said egyptian authorities would respect the independence of the judiciary
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"even if others do not understand this." i want to bring in the u.s. director of reporters without borders. she joins us from washington, d.c. this morning. thanks for being with us. what's your reaction to yesterday said verdict? were you surprised? >> of course as reporters without borders we were extremely shocked by he's outrageous sentences and clearly against very well known, very experienced journalists are a clear sign that the egyptian regime is becoming more and more totalitarian. >> they are expected to file an appeal. there was speculation that presidential sisi might pardon them, although he came out today and said he will not interfere in judicial rulings. how much hope do you and your organization now have that our journalists will be freed? >> so they will be freed and they have to be freed as soon as
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possible. we know that the families already expressed that they will ask for an appeal and yes in parallel, presidential sisi has the power isn't to release them. that's why it is so crucial now, now more than ever, that the international community keep up the pressure, and i'm thinking from the journalists, from the pressure from the journalists, citizens and also coming from the allies of the new government. >> sounds like you still have hope. you're group ranked egypt 159th out of 180 countries in your press freedom index. i just want to take a look at this map. you have determined that egypt presents a difficult situation right now for the press. how much has press freedom been repressed sips the revolution in tahrir square that led to
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mubarak's ouster? >> we have observed that since the fall of president mubarak, all the regimes have tried to repress the media and to control the information, but clearly, we have seen that the respect of press freedom has declined since last july. 65 journalists have been arrested, but also six have been killed, mostly covering pro morsi demonstrations. clearly, even if egypt adopted a new constitution this year which guarantees media freedom, independence of the media, we're just seeing that the new regime is just pursuing a policy to silence all the media who refuse to relay the government propaganda. >> and not just international
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journalists, domestic journalists, as well. we will have more worldwide reaction coming up in the next hour. >> >> 24.7 million viewers is today's big number. it is definitely a big one for the world cup. >> 24.7 million people in the u.s. watched sunday's matchup between the adjustment and portugal ending in a tie. that is a record for an american soccer game. >> the previous high $17.9 million for the 1999 women's world cup final. that barfs the basketball and baseball championships. >> it draws 15.5 million per game, the world series 14.9 million. >> american football still rules the ratings, 12 million people watched the seahawks beat the broncos. that was the most watched t.v.
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program in history. it has been one exciting word cup so far. >> if those t.v. rating and social media hits are an indication, all eyes are glued to brazil. >> i want to go back to the big number for a moment. that nearly 25 million viewership is almost a significant undercount. it doesn't count all the people watching at watch parties. there were plenty of those and plenty of action on monday. >> day 12 of the world cup saw former champ spain go out with a flourish and it saw a game where the netherlands won, chile lost, but in the end, both teams made it to the round of 16, but there were two marquee monday matchups, one featuring host country brass still in their match against cameroon. it was so anticipated that 2 million brazilians got the day
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off to watch. the second was mexico and their fans playing croatia. both the brazilian and mexican fan bases were confident and rightfully so. brazil rose two goals from star forward to eliminate cameroon 4-1 and advance to the round of 16. mexico won their game 3-1 to move on to their sixth straight round of 16, leading to raucous celebrations in los angeles. the highway patrol had a close on and off ramps as revelers disrupted traffic. police made four arrests. it was quieter in sao paulo as they practiced for their showdown thursday with germany, a game they must at least tie to
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guarantee themselves a spot in the round of 16. it was a quiet day until u.s. coach accused tournament organizers of favoring thursday's opponent. >> they played amazon in locations where they don't have to travel much, everything was done for the big favorites, who go and move on. >> here's one example of what he is talking about. the u.s. has had to travel 8900 miles so far to play its games across brazil. germany on the other hand has had a travel just 3700 miles on its world cup quest. four games on the schedule today. i'll delve into the record breaking impact the world cup is having across all media. >> my son-in-law's german, my daughter had a decision to make between father and husband.
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>> i think that's no contest, go u.s.a. >> you think. >> who's paying the bill? who's going to buy the better christmas gift. that would be you. >> no, it won't be. >> let's get a look at temperatures across the nation today. >> let's check in right now with our meteorologist nicole mitchell to update us on all things temperature. >> del just said he was not buying the better chris mat gift. he admitted it, if you didn't catch that. >> a lot of 70's up and down the eastern half of the country, cooler into the mountains, 50's out here. it's been warm, even into the northern tier of the country. we are in minneapolis, 80. we mentioned that front causing areas of rain. that will cool things down, nudge things cooler as we get into the day on wednesday, but still a lot of hot air out there. back to you. >> nicole mitchell, thank you. >> that sunni rebellion surging city by city. >> how the iraqi government is
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responding and what it all means for national security. we'll have a live report on the ground from baghdad. >> i did not say i would provide you emails that disappeared if you have a magical way for me to do that, i'd be happy to know about it. >> outraged republicans, the i.r.s. and a batch of lost emails creating a rift in congress. >> also stories making headlines around the world.
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>> outside new york city, central park, this is right outside the plaza hotel. >> ahead in this half hour, the mormon excommunicated for fighting for women's rules in the church. >> a city imposing the strictest curfew anywhere in the nation and will it really cut down on
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crime. >> we will in the next hour talk about sharks. a 16-foot great white goes after a fisherman's bait, what a rise in their numbers means for the environment. >> let's get a look at today's top stories, aljazeera holding silent vigils to protest the sentences handed down to our colleagues in egypt. in london, they showed support. al sisi said he will not interfere with the court's decision. >> we are following breaking news out of nigeria, boko haram abducted 60 young women and 30 young boys from villages. four villagers were said to be killed in the attack. nigerian security forces deny the reports. boko haram asked the government to release its imprisoned members in exchange for hostages. >> secretary of state john kerry is in iraq for a second day. he's meeting with leaders from
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the occurred issue region. the trip follows monday's meeting in baghdad. he said the government needs an inclusive government to ward off isil's mounting threat. >> lebanon's capitol on high alert, a bomb exploding close to a mill father checkpoint at midnight in the southern suburbs of beirut. the blast was heard across the city. the suicide bomber and a police officer were killed. at least 20 people were injured. many of the victims were watching the world cup at a cafe nearby when the attack took place. there has been a rice insect tarian tensions linked to the conflicts in syria and iraq. >> a group behind the disappearance of three teenage settlers in the west bank, the palestinian administration isn't just under pressure in israel. there is growing anger among thousands of government
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employees. they haven't been paid in months. >> one hospital has survived insurmountable difficulties, conflict, lack of funds and israeli's blockade of borders. the new palestinian government is more than partly to blame for their hardship today. this hospital struggles to meet needs of the patients, but now the new unity government is failing the needs. they haven't received a full salary for nine months and received nothing since the end of march. >> attending to an elderly woman suffering dehydration, she is close to losing consciousness. he treats up to 50 people a day. he has three children under five and a wife to support. >> i don't have money. it's having a bad psychological effect on me and my relationship in my family. i'm always agitated. i prefer to leave my family
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alone. i come to work in a bad mood, because i don't have my wages. >> the palestinian unity government is under a month old, but already israel is demanding the president end his partnership with hamas, blaming hamas for the disappearance of three in the west bank. it has arrested hundreds of palestinians in its search for the young men. israel has also accused the u.n. special envoy for the middle east peace process of trying to funnel $20 million for hamas from qatar. it's an accusation he staunchly denies. >> israeli is trying all of its effort to block the transfer of the money, so the political situation, in my opinion, poisoned the whole deal with reward to finding an acceptable solution to the hamas influence in government. >> it's not just medical workers who are angry. thousands of people in the health and education sectors, as well as members of the security forces also haven't been paid.
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this man continues without salary to treat people who depend on him for their lives. pressure is mounting on the new palestinian government to survive. charles stafford, august, garza. >> earlier this month, an employee's union forced all banks in the gaza strip to shut down for more than a week. they were protesting the decision to pay only fatah employees and not hamas workers. >> isil is advancing in iraq, overrunning iraqi cities and on the brink of toppling the shia-led government, taking three major border posts. in addition to topping city after city, what is the government response? >> they are definitely
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scrambling. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry came here to discuss what is it the u.s. with more advanced technology and fire power can do to help president basically the strategy seems to be to stop the flow of isil fighters coming from syria. they've essentially erased that border between syria and iraq by taking control of border crossings. sometime in the near future, we are likely to see air strikes targeting fighters in the desert and their supply lines. al-malaki is under pressure to come up with a new government to deal with this crisis. they're not exactly at the door of baghdad and the government doesn't appear to be in danger of being toppled, but certainly gains in the north and west of the country are a real concern. >> as you know, jane, the fracturing that we're seeing in iraq is not just among extremists, sunnis and shias, it has to do with the kurds.
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secretary of state john kerry is hope to go broker a dialogue between the kurds and baghdad. >> he met with the kurdish president. there are bit are relations there. one of the things that's been turned jump side down is essentially that the kurds now are in a much better position to bargain over what they want in this country. that's because when isil fighters advanced and moved into iraq's second biggest city, the iraqi security forces, the army and the police essentially laid down their weapons, rolled over and walked away. kurdish forces are really the most disciplined, the most effective security force still here, so they've stepped into the breach in many places and the u.s. and iraq are relying on
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them. >> jane, thank you. >> mike lyes is a retired army major. let's layout what we are seeing on the ground. is it areligious war and why should the u.s. get involved? >> it's not religion yet. isil was formed from the syrian civil war. we could have been giving them weapons early two years ago. they've moved into iraq -- >> which would justify the decision not to arm the free syrian army at that time, because those woulden weapons we would be fighting against. >> that's right and they would be carrying them into iraq. they combine with the sunni's and militia not happy with the malaki government. >> it has been widery reported that al-malaki is not going anywhere.
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the kurds are saying they're going to do what they're going to do. is john kerry going to accomplish anything in baghdad? >> he sent the message, we know that as a minimum. he has not brought any allies with him. he can now wash his hands and say i have done what i could. malaki didn't change, so you got what you got. >> when we talk about national security in iraq, what are we really talking about? >> it's a spillover that could take place, the borders could keep changing, lebanon and israel threatened. >> isil fighters carrying weapons, who's weapons are those? >> that's ours, some that we've given to the iraqi security forces. there was something about them being a check point army. i don't understand that. they've got to do more than monitor check points. >> moving forward in iraq, what
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should the united states do, what should it not do? >> special forces on the ground are going to monitor the situation, gain on that particulars to what is happening, report that back, hopefully provide a psychological advantage. >> what happens when one of those soldiers, they are guys with guns in u.s. uniforms, what happens when one gets killed. >> boots on the ground in harm's way, the strategy could possibly change. they could send more advisers. that's one option the president laid out, as well. >> thank you for being with us. >> ukrainian government forces accuse pro-russian separatists of firing on military check points despite agreeing to a ceasefire. no sustained fighting or casualties are reported. monday, separatists said they would honor the ceasefire put in place. it has the backing of vladimir putin. he spoke with president obama
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yesterday. the president warned him that russia would face new sanctions if it doesn't stop the flow of weapons into eastern on you crane. >> the trial is underway for the captain and 14 crew members of the south korean ferry that sank in air. the captain and three senior crew members facing possible death sentences. two others have been charged with an donning ship, carrying a maximum sentence of life in prison. nine crew members are accused of negligence. today dive teams recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 293. 11 passengers, mostly teenagers are still missing. >> the f.b.i. cracking down on child sex trafficking, putting nearly 300 alleged pitches behind bar in more than 100 cities from tampa to los angeles. 168 children were rescued, many of them not even reported missing. >> collectively, we must acknowledge and care for all children, particularly those who have suffered difficulties and
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feel alone in the world. they come from all our communities, yet they are invisible, except to the pimps. >> operation cross country is part of the in sense lost national initiative, founded in 2003. since then, the f.b.i. has saved more than 3400 child sex victims. >> today, the i.r.s. commissioner expected to receive yet another grilling on capitol hill. the commissioner testified about lost emails. yesterday, testimony saw testy exchanges betwee with lawmakerso wanted to know how the evidence candace appear. >> two years of emails have been destroyed and some republicans think that was no accident. >> how can you possibly have people at the i.r.s. committing crimes and they're not being held accountable. the emails were to and from low is lerner who headed the office that determined whether groups
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eking tax exempt status are too political. some groups faced extra scrutiny. lawmakers believe the emails accounted explain why. the i.r.s. chief told congress he learned in april that her hard drive was destroyed after her computer crashed and backup tapes were recycled. >> why did you wait so long? >> we were going to wait until we produced all of her emails -- >> hey, hey, hey, you can't give us all her emails. you lost them. >> the i.r.s. blamed budget cuts. >> it's not unusual for computers to fail, especially at i.r.s. >> democrats defends the i.r.s., noting tens of thousands of emails were submitted. >> they sow this was not intentional, this was not a conspiracy. >> much of the hearing was tense. >> i asked a question. >> answer i answered it. i did not say i would provide you emails that disappeared. if you have a magical way for me to do that, i would be happy to know about it.
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>> i don't think i've seen a display of this kind of disrespect in all the time i've been here in congress. >> the committee will hear from white house counsel who used to be counsel at the i.r.s. >> veterans patients at risk, years of troubling patterns of deficit patient care. they are investigating more than 50 cases brought by whistle blowers, finding some v.a. hospitals operated ghost clinics where vets were sent for care but no doctors assigned to see them. >> it's the last chance for tea party to win a seat in the senate. they've come up short in north carolina and south carolina. tea party leaders allege cochran
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is illegally courting black democratic voters. there are four state primaries taking place today. in new york, fighting to keep alive a 44 year political career. leaders in the house and senate will mark the 50th anniversary of the passing of the civil rights act during a ceremony this afternoon after 114 days of deliberations and fill busters, the senate signed off on the bill on june 19, 1964. it was of course signed by president lyndon johnson, less than two weeks later. today's ceremony includes a presentation of a congressional gold medal to honor martin luther king, jr. and his wife, coretta scott king. >> an attorney that founded the group that called for nation of women in the church is now excommunicated, a panel making the decision monday that followed a disciplinary hearing for kate telly. in a letter, the church bishop said her actions threatened to erode the faith of others.
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she hopes the decision will illustrate gender inequality in the mormon church. >> is it that god thinks that she isn't any good or isn't useful or doesn't have the talent? >> according to church officials, her membership could be reconsidered if she stops performing actions that undermine the church. >> let's look at other headlines making news around the world. in italy, a so called century old murder mystery may have been solved following a massive mob crackdown. italian police arrested 95 suspected mafia members, one of whom was caught boasting about his great uncle's murder of an nypd detective. he was found shot during a mission to sicily to collect evidence concerning the mafia. >> has he an interesting history, the first italian american to be the head of nypd homicide agency.
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there are schools in long island named after him. he's a big deal in new york. >> bragging that they shot him. >> let's look at this. imagine having your confidential medical reports stolen, then put up for sale. according to the international business times, that is what has happened to seven time formula one world champion michael schumaker. he suffered a head injury in a ski accident in december and awoke from a drug induced coma after several weeks. his management team made the announcement monday morning that anyone purchasing or publishing information from the record could face criminal charges. the records have been offered at $70,000. >> take a look at this. a man embarking on a 10,000-mile journey just to go to his bank, robert lewis traveled from australia to settle a matter in hong kong over his bank account. the bank said they are the
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world's local bank, local in this case being 10,000 miles. >> apparently had lived in hong kong formerly and not cleared everything up with his bank. >> violence on the streets of a major american city reaching critical mass. >> police are turning to a time honored technique that is controversial. could curfews be the answer to a surge in teen violence? >> 21st century technology to a centuries old tradition. >> it's not just a buzz kill anymore. pesticides decimating the honey bee population having a devastation on the rest of mother nature is our discovery of the day.
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talk to al jazeera, saturday, 5 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> it's not just bees winds out
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by pesticides. >> it turns out birds, butterflies, fish and worms are being harmed. the chemicals have been blamed for the collapse of the honey bee population. there's clear evidence of other harm to pollinated pest controllers, having a major impact on the eco system. >> bees are hit the hardest, but worms are suffering nearly the same losses and could be just as crucial because they enrich the soil. advocates are calling for increased regulation to curb the use of pesticides. >> up next, we hear from the worms. >> can a city wide curfew curb crime? >> nicole mitchell is back. >> we've got weather the worms would like in a few places, wet weather moving through. as we continue through the midsection of the country, there's been a frontal boundary with flooding concerns where
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rivers are still not reaching press as everything pours in. thunderstorm complex as we get into west texas, but the core is through the great lakes today, ohio today and then all this heavy rain spreads into the northeast tomorrow. it's going to be a couple of days before this front moves through. back to you guys. >> children will soon have a better chance of getting a lung transplant. last year, a federal judge ordered and organ plans network to add the child a the adult waiting list. that was against the network policies, now they permanently allowed children to be added to the list. she had a big message for other families. >> they should give the same things i did, just push through it. >> it feels really good to have made an impact. >> she did. that resolution passing by a
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38-1 vote after two transplants, sarah now finally breathing on her own. doctors say this issue affects 20 children in the u.s. each and every year. >> baltimore, maryland will soon have one of the strictest curfews in the country to combat a growing problem with youth violence. young people 14-16 must be off the streets by 10:00 p.m. on school nights, 11:00 p.m. on the weekends. the under 14 crowds must be in before 9:00 p.m. if they vital the curfew, they'll be brought to a recreational facility and the parents or guardians could be fined or asked to undergo counseling. a former sure representative from new jersey joins us. a criminal defense attorney joins us to discuss this really important issue, which a lot of cities considering increasing curfews.
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mr. schwartz, you don't like this. >> it's not that i don't like it. i think it's unconstitutional, violating the most basic freedom, the freedom of children and youth to move around at night. it's discriminatory against children that are doing good things at night, music, basketball, art. that's all happening at night, and you're creating this law that has an overwhelming effect on innocent projects like that. >> the court hasn't always viewed civil liberties for childrens same at adults. >> i support the fact that we need safe communities. we need to reduce the amount of violence against the juveniles in our communities and the violence committed by the youth of our communities. >> is this the right way to do it, though. >> it's part and should be part of a comprehensive plan. you mentioned baltimore is bringing them to recreation at centers. that's only the tip of the iceberg of what they need to do. they need to have a multi-layered comprehensive
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safety net to ensure that youth are diverted from idle time and some of the pressures that occur in our inner cities. >> that sounds great, but when it comes to enforcing a curfew, people say it becomes profiling, it becomes a version of stop and frisk, it becomes police officers becoming babysitters. >> we call that intelligence led policing. you find, put your resources where needed the most. if there's a pro litsch reaction of crime in a particular area, you address that type of crime in an intelligent way, using data, statistics while trying to be as respectful as possible to the constitutional rights. >> the problem is it has a disproportionate affect on the african-american community, on minorities. clearly those communities are the ones feeling the brunt of this type of policy. also, there's that statistical correlation between this type of curfew and a drop in crime. the statistics are through the map. there's no correlation
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whatsoever. you're taking away the freedom and the right of children to be free in this society, and there are better ways and i agree with you, there should be more diversion programs, more programs where children are doing art, theater and music and basketball at night. i agree with you on that pick point that we have to have a comprehensive plan, and use this as an opportunity for law enforcement to make a positive impact on the youth. there's an opportunity here to use police athletic leagues and other organizations to reach out to the youth, bring them into the fold, show them a different way of conducting them receivers in the inner cities. >> you both agree something needs to be done. they have one of the highest homicide rates in baltimore in the country. thank you. >> a classic painting has been
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auctioned off, painting hundreds of versions of the flowers famous in his garden. one of the paintings from 1906 was sold in london for $54 million. last month, another of monet's sold for $57 million. >> donkeys going digital, herdsman armed with 21s 21st century technology, carrying solar panels generating enough electricity to use a computer and get the latest update on the weather or they can watch aljazeera america. secretary of state john kerry is meeting with kurdish leaders as sunni leaders fight across iraq. >> egypt's presidential sisi saying he will not interfere with judicial rulings in
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response to international outrage of the sentencing of our colleagues, those aljazeera journalists. >> a mormon woman excommunicated from the mormon church for pushing women to be leaders. >> al jazeera america presents the system with joe berlinger >> new york city has stop and frisk >> some say these laws help serve and protect... >> we created the atmosphere that the policeman's the bad guy... >> others say these tactics are racist >> discrimination is wrong >> 99 percent of those arrested in drug free school zones... we're not near a school at all! >> are they working? >> this time i'm gonna fight it. >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america
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real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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>> nigeria's government and military have been widely criticized for their response to the abductions of more than 270 school girls kidnapped in april. we have more from nigeria. >> vigilante commander in the
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town confirmed that three villages have been attacked by insurgents and that a total of at least 90 people, most young people but i adhere, the information is now that they were not all children, there were around 60 females and at least 30 males, but not in any way is this similar to the kidnapping raid on a school, this is not a raid on a school. what we're hearing now is that these abductions were made over a three day period, thursday, friday and saturday, so this is injury unlike the last attack, but massively disturbing at a time of great tension here in these northern nigerian
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villages, which are quite a concern. this escalates the situation, it would appear. if it's true that boko haram and that all of these people have been abducted over a three day period. >> the crisis in iraq, secretary of state john kerry extends his stay trying to broker a diplomatic solution to the on going crisis there. >> he arrived to meet with regional leaders. the kurds long accused the shia led government of being authoritarian. kerry told baghdad officials the country needs an inclusive government to ward off isil'smo. lisa stark joins us from washington this morning. why is this region so important and what is secretary of state john kerry hoping to accomplish? >> the kurds are working to secure their own borders. they're in a very oil rich part of iraq. really, their participation in any sort of a unity government
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is critical. secretary kerry knows that. he made this unannounced second visit to meet with the leaders in the kurdish region of iraq and urging them to stay with the process, to stay with the unity government. here's secretary kerry. >> the government formation challenge is the central challenge that we face. in recent days, the security cooperation between the forces here in the kurdish area are really critical to helping to draw a line with respect to isil. >> this could be a hard sell to get the kurds to remain loyal with the government, to remain with the malaki government. they have seen the government as quite authoritarian, freezing out the kurds and sunnis. secretary kerry really is
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working to try to get those sides together, but it's going to be very difficult. the kurdish leader has said that iraq is falling apart and it may be time for the kurds to decide their own future independently. a lot of moving parts in iraq and the secretary again trying to meet with all sides to get this unity government put in place. >> kerry has also said that isil's advance is a threat to american interests in the region. besides sending special forces acting as military advisers, is the u.s. proposing anything else right now? >> the u.s. is running reconnaissance flights, looking for intelligence information to be gathered, both manned and unmanned. the president has talked about military air strikes, something the military government requested. it's unclear when or if those will happen. if the situation worsens, it's
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more likely that the u.s. may take some action from the sky. >> lisa, thank you. >> our coverage continues in baghdad this morning. jane, we heard from secretary kerry this morning, reiterate that go need for a more inclues i have government. are there signs that al-malaki is going to cooperate? >> well, the prime minister here knows that he has to cooperate. this is basically his last chance. he's looking for a third term. he's still got some party, but there are a lot of people who would like to see him go. unless he actually is able to forge alliances with sunnis, as well as the kurds who have become not the best of friends in the past years, he really doesn't stand a chance, so yes, he is definitely getting that message. >> what about the situation on the ground in baghdad? isil said to be moving even closer to the city itself. is the government doing anything different to combat this
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offensive? >> it's clearly fortified defenses in baghdad. soldiers have been called back from leave. you can see more security in the city. oddly, the fight is far outside the perimeters of the capital. there have been far fewer car bombs here and suicide car bombs than normal, because the site i go concentrating with a relatively small number of highly effective isil fighters out in the country side. they've taken the syrian border essentially and they're sweeping down from there. when you talk to government officials here, they say baghdad is in no dang are and the forces are far from baghdad. they are counting on the possibility of u.s. air strikes launched from the gulf on border areas near the syrian border and they believe that will help baghdad, as well. >> jane, thank you very much. >> coming up at 8:30, we'll be
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on the ground for more of what year seeing here, secretary kerry's meeting with kurdish leaders. >> for the verdict heard around the world. this morning, egyptian presidential sisi said he will not interfere with the court decision that sentenced journalists up to 10 years. >> you have reaction now. al sisi's refusal to interfere comes at an interesting time. >> secretary kerry just agreed to reinstate the $1.3 billion in aid that the united states has been giving to egypt since the 1970's when it signed the piece treaty with israel. this was kerry yesterday reacting to the egyptian court verdict. >> it's a chilling and draconian sentence, and it's deeply disturbing to see in the midst of egypt's transition.
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>> now that al sisi is refusing to interfere, pardons are off the table, presenting a problem for the state department, which we'll hear more about later today. protests continue around the world. this morning at 4:41 eastern standard time, the very moment the journalists came down yesterday, convicting the group for supporting the muslim brotherhood, for an entire minute, journalists stood in solidarity. one journalist convicted in abstention, she unleashed her personal reaction to the verdict. >> egypt brought in a new constitution only a few months ago where it very much put freedom of the press, peach and assembly in the center of that. they're the ones saying they're on the roadmap to democracy. their the ones that herald's this as a pillar of democracy.
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frankly right now, that pillar is in ruins. >> she and other journalists believe the verdict will initially have a chilling effect on freedom of the press particularly in egypt. some say it will make the press outside of egypt much stronger. aljazeera rejects all charges against our colleagues and demands their immediate release. >> as we have been doing for months. >> journalists from around the world, including the bbc now lending support to our colleagues held and continuing to be held in egypt. they held a vigil in london. >> many bbc journalists personally know and respect the work and integrity of peter grefta who worked for this organization for many years. bbc management think there's a wider principle at stake, that that verdict is an attack on journalism itself, attack on
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free speech and intended to intimidate other journalists who may want to report from egypt on affairs for the months and years to come. the head of bbc news said this organization and other british organizations will be sending a letter to presidential sisi calling on him to intervane. the story has played high across the british need i can't, across commercial television, across british newspapers over the last 24 hours. >> that's a report from london. we're going to be joined by our colleague tony harris to discuss the sentencing of the three journalists. he's going to talk about his time working in doha with all three men. >> we move to another crisis we've followed in ukraine. russia's president vladimir putin asked his parliament to revoke the right of military intervention in that country. we are in donetsk in eastern
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ukraine. we're hearing that the ukrainian president poroshenko is responding to the announcement. what does the announcement mean and what is poroshenko saying? >> first, what the announcement means is that president putin feels that the law that he passed back in march effectively giving him legislative power to intervene in crimea, that's what he was doing in march is no longer necessary when he talked about eastern ukraine. it appears that the russians belief that military intervention in an official way is not going to be the tactic that they're going to use when they're talking about what their approach is to the crisis that's ongoing here in eastern ukraine. the reaction of president poroshenko, the newly elected president is positive. he said it's the first practical step russia has taken toward deescalating this crisis. there are many different ways to cook an egg. just because president putin
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revoked this law does not mean he's drawing back from his intense interests in this particular part of the world. >> meanwhile, separatist leaders said they would honor a temporary ceasefire, but there are reports of firing on check points in the east. what mar con you tell us? >> it's always been quite a tendative ceasefire. it was announced by the army last friday and then monday night, the separatists decided to join with a ceasefire of their own. they're running in parallel to each other. they're not strictly agreed between two parties and there have been flare ups, there are also going to be flare ups. there is not oles 100% discipline. that's the reality here on the ground in eastern ukraine. >> lebanon's capitol on high alert, a bomb exploding close to a military checkpoint in the southern suburbs of beirut. that blast heard across the
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city. the bomber and police officer were killed, 20 injured. many victims were watching a word cup event at a cafe nearby when the attack took place. there has been a rice of sectarian tensions in lebanon linked to syria and iraq. >> the government can unleash deadly drone strikes on americans abroad. the document was justified to use killing an american man in yemen. it is likely to further debate on drones. >> he was killed in 2011, the obama administration saying he was an al-qaeda leader planning attacks against the u.s. >> we have chosen the path of war. in order to defend our receivers from your oppression. >> the targeted killing sparked controversy, because he was a u.s. citizen. critics say his constitutional right to due process was violated, but the justice department memo argues we do not
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believe that his u.s. citizenship poses constitutional limitations that would preclude lethal actions by the military. lethal force is acceptable when high government officials determined that a capture operation overseas is indiazable and the targeted person pose a threat to u.s. persons and interests. human rights advocates said the u.s. drone program distorts the law. >> the u.s. government is applying novel constitutional tests to limit killing authority. >> thousands of people have been killed, including by standers. the american public needs to know more about who is being killed and why. >> that is information that the government should disclose. we will continue fighting for it. >> david barren wrote the
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report. >> the u.s. calls the release of the memo an important step in the public debate over drones. >> today, the i.r.s. commissioner expected to be in for another grilling on capitol hill. lawmakers say the department targeted conservative groups. yesterday's hearing ended in a testy exchange. they want to know how some of the evidence just disappeared. >> why did you wait so long? >> we were going to wait until we produced all of her emails. >> you can't give us all her emails, you done lost some, so don't give me that statement. >> the i.r.s. admitted it lost low is lerner's emails after her computer hard drive crashed. >> a new report criticizing the veterans affairs democratic for putting patients at risk. in a letter to president obama, the office of special counsel found years of troubling patterns of deficient patience care, and says they're investigating more than 50 cases brought by whistle blowers.
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the report also found v.a. facilities operated ghost clinics where vets were sent for care, but no doctors ever assigned to see them. >> mother nature drenching parts of the u.s. today over the past few days and she is not letting up. >> meteorologist nicole mitchell is back. nicole, what have you got for us. >> some places where the rain moved out, you are still dealing with flooding areas. as the ground saturates and it flows into the littler rivers, it eventually flows to the bigger rivers. it's through the great lakes where we have the core of our rain and another disturbance into the south and central plains, so places like west texas getting rain this morning. it has for the most pardon cleared. minnesota and iowa getting a break in the action after all of that rain. this is where even though dry right now, we are still seeing flood concerns. you can see these areas highlighted in green. the st. croix and mississippi
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rivers, all that moisture is flowing into that and haven't crested yet. we'll see the core of the heavy rain today into indiana, ohio as the frontal boundary moves along. you can pick out this area and then it moves farther to the east wednesday and thursday. the frontal boundary, slight risk into parts of the four corners region for a strong storm. we're bog to look for the flood concern, already up because of the heavy rain this morning in ohio, seeing it there. here's how it all comes in. today into tomorrow, into the east coast, this places easily getting two to four inches. there's always a couple of places that get more than that, so keep the umbrella handy. >> i saw a guy yesterday who had moss on the north side of his suit. >> that was you. we were trying not to say anything. >> a group of elderly citizens in china squaring off against
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the government. >> reporting from beijing on a feisty group of pensioners taking on the government over a broken promise to provide homes. >> the world cup smashing records on t.v. and on the web. how many people are tuning in and logging on to catch world cup fever. >> a sea lion invading the personal space of a in the in t. that story and more from around the world.
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the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business.
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>> they're saying we don't want police or military, the rally cry for world cup protestors in brazil. the march intended to show outrage at the cost of staging the world cup. >> the calm after the storm, this twister, a fully formed funnel cloud touching down
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12 miles out of romania. no significant damage reported out of that. >> eskimo kisses at the equator. charlie was swimming near a colony of see lions when this youngster swam up. >> what a street for that snorkeler. >> up next, the pro at the times in china by elderly citizens over apartments they refuse to leave. >> in china, hundreds of suspects arrest, holding 380 people, beijing saying they are religious extremists with ties to overseas is lack i have the groups. many were given the death penalty top security forces seizing tons of explosive materials and devices along with other terrorism propaganda. >> in china, a group of elderly protestors rising up against the
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government, defying a demand to evacuate apartments they say is rightfully theirs. leaders promised new homes in he cainexchange for their land, tht never happened. >> motor in their 70's and now daring to stand up to their government. they're blockading the entrance to an apartment block on land they once farmed. the local government promised them new flats if they moved out. that was 20 years ago, and they are still waiting. >> if they keep treating us like this, how can the people trust the government? how can the people trust the communist party? >> what happened outside beijing is being repeated across china where land requisitions have become the biggest source of unrest. these are some of the oldest protestors. they feel angry and let down by their government. the fact they're prepared to
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speak out to the foreign media is a measure of their desperation. >> this woman is not afraid of being arrested. she's lived alone in temporary accommodation since her husband died six years ago. >> he never got to spend his retirement in a new home. she worries she won't either. >> the government kept telling him to wait, saying one day you will move into the new apartment, so i waited and waited. i am almost 80 years old now. >> she points to an apartment on the 11th floor that she took over without permission last month. that was after the developer began selling flats to outsiders. >> other protestors have also taken matters into their own hands. in response, the electricity and water have been cut. >> a producer for aljazeera ensures that she didn't have to walk up the 11 flights again.
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she insists this flat is rightfully hers. not even a confrontation with police has detoured her. >> i told the police that i won't believe unless you kill me. this is my house. if you force me to leave, i will jump from this window. >> the local government has so far refused to answer questions about when or if the former villages will ever receive the homes promised them. >> aljazeera, beijing. >> it's actually a familiar story over there. according to the chinese government, 20% of beijing's, more than 2 million people are 60 years or old jeer let's get a look at temperatures we night expect across the country today with nicole mitchell. >> some really warm temperatures into the midsection of the country, minneapolis running 68. you might have run the air conditioner all night long. shchanges in store.
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as we get into the rest of the day today, 80's for the eastern half of the country. a little cooler into the northwest, 71 in seattle. i was saying the midwest is warm. we have a front coming through. overnight tonight into tomorrow, more temperatures in the 50's, more comfortable sleeping weather and temperatures nudge down tomorrow into the 70's for the northern tier of the country. still a lot of heat in the south, memphis at 91 degrees and there's plenty of gulf moisture ahead of this, not only fueling the rain, but making it sticky where you're not getting the rain. >> law enforcement busting up a child sex trafficking ring. the revelation that was made about more than 150 children rescued in the operation. >> go pro is set to go in for its big close up. whether this booming camera company has what it takes to capture investment money. >> the sand on the beach, the surge in the number of great
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whites in the waters off u.s. costes and whether they are a threat to us. >> the fight to free our aljazeera colleagues sentenced to prison in egypt. tony harris will talk about his time working with some of them. >> our images of the day, oracle colleagues held in egypt, verdicts read inside an egyptian courtroom, all of them sentenced to at least seven years in prison. the you seations they supported the muslim brotherhood are accusations that aljazeera has denied from day one.
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>> good morning. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm he stephanie sy. ahead, world cup fever spreading around the world. why a life behind bars is not keeping prisoners from cheering on their team. >> one of the greatest predators
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making a comeback. we'll dive into what is behind the surge in the number of great white sharks. >> we begin in iraq where isil continues to advance, overrunning cities and said to be on the brink of toppling the government. >> secretary of state john kerry arrives to meet with kurdish leaders, that trip following the meeting in baghdad. kerry said the country needs an inclusive government if it plans on moving forward to ward off isil's mounting threat. >> we are in iraq where kerry has been meeting with kurdish leaders this morning. good morning to you. kerry has been calling for unity in iraq. was the kurdish president onboard when he met with secretary of state john kerry today? >> it is a tough sell for the secretary of state. simply because there is no love lost between the kurdish leadership and prime minister
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al-malaki. at the moment, actually, just before he seeks a third term, he was clear saying he should step down. we heard that just a few days ago. there's blame going towards baghdad, specifically on the fact that the government in baghdad according to the kurds has not been inclusive and they have no trust that will happen in the future. this issue of forming a national unity government has been going on since 2007, ever since the u.s. carried out its troop surge, which calmed the situation down for a little while. >> this latest cries in iraq has brought the kurdish situation to the fore. kurds have long desired their own state, parts of turkey, as well as parts of iraq. a lot of people wondered if these developments have led to a recurrence of the kurdish
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movement in this. >> it has. a lot of kurds say what are we getting out of this country? all we're getting is now a threat at our doorstep. this is a reality that happened over the past few weeks, all of a sudden this article 140 of the constitution that was calling for a referendum over disputed territories and mainly kirkuk and its oil fields, once the iraqi military pulled out, the kurdish force moved into secure those areas. now they are on the borders of this kurdish region that wants to seek some sort which independence. weaver heard rumbling about it within the kurdish leadership. i think at this particular stage, it will be a very difficult step. >> that could have regional implications if it goes further. reporting from iraq, thank you. >> our colleagues, the egyptian president saying this morning he
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will not interfere with the sentences that were handed down to our colleagues monday in cairo. the prison terms sparked international outrage. >> the world heard their screams of injustice. this was the moment journalists in egypt learned the cost of just doing their jobs. for this correspondent, seven years in prison. producer, seven years, this producer, 10 years, three more for having a used bullet in his pact. charge of spreading false news and aiding the muslim brotherhood, there was no evidence of that presented in this courtroom. that didn't stop the judge, who pronounced them guilty. their heartbreak clear, even through a cage. >> my god! my god! >> oh! >> for their families, pure panic and disbelief. >> if they have found any evidence, how many years they could give him? for nothing, they give him seven
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years? >> the world saw and leaders quickly condemned it. >> we call on the egyptian government to pardon these individuals or commute their sentences so they can be released immediately. >> around the table, we're concerned about the sentences pronounced this morning. >> we're seeing a suffocation of flee dom of expression and clearly this is very bad for the individuals, but for egypt, also. >> condemnation, but a question of consequences. the obama administration had previously cut military aid to the egyptian military after mohamed morsi was deposed. within the last two weeks, u.s. officials gave them $572 million. they held back about $70 million and that could go to egypt. >> along with apache
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helicopters, the u.s. has been brief. >> it's up to them to take action, whether there are consequence to say that is something we would take a look at. we have a strategic relationship that pulls back and forth and we will see what happens. >> we will see what happens in cairo, washington and around the globe. the world is watching. >> an aljazeera reporter who worked with muhammed in kay row last year has nothing but praise for his work. >> i'm a correspondent working for aljazeera english. i first met muhammed. we worked together in cairo. he made a lasting impression on me, because he was everything you wanted to be in a journalist, energetic, always
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engaged. he was always relentlessly professional. he was calm under the pressure of deadline. he was alwayshe right questions, wanting to find out more about the stories we were covering. he was a good person to have on your team. these were stressful days, dangerous days and he was the right person who have with you. one of the most amazing things about him was despite the fact that he was egyptian and we were covering these tumult with us events on the streets of his capitol, in his country, i never really knew what he felt about what was happening. he certainly never revealed his political views to me and i thought that was an outstanding side to his commitment to journalist, balance and impartiality and i will always be grateful for everything he did for me and help he gave me in those days we worked together in cairo.
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i fervently hope that this terrible ordeal is nearly at its end. we all want to see him back where he belongs, back with his family and generally back doing what he is so good at, being a journalist. i'd love to see him again. i would love to work with him again. >> that's what these guys did. one of our colleagues in new york worked with peter greste. he had chops pi remember watching him at the nairobi mall seen in kenya. they were shooting down the street. he stood there stoically and talked about what was going on. >> in april of 2011, i get there at the end of what i saul egypt one, the fall of mubarak and libya start to go kick off and peter comes onboard shortly after i arrive, maybe may or june of 2011.
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he's based in africa and to your point, he is terrific. for me, i'm learning. i'm an american journalist, an anchor and presenter and learning from everyone that i'm working with and one of the people that i'm learning from, right, is peter. his knowledge of africa, his track record so solid, so to see him in this situation is shocking. i spent time with my colleagues yesterday, the newsroom was shocked by what happened. i was quite in shock. >> news rooms, governments, husbands, wives, nobody can tell us what to do -- >> no, no, look, you hear this from time to time, because our operation is funded by the qatari government. as someone who worked for cnn for a number of years and other others in the states, i never felt any kind of pressure to tow
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a line in any direction or another ever. that's a spears claim. >> aljazeera america distinguished itself winning awards. then secretary of state hillary clinton praised aljazeera america for coverage. >> is there a larger political issue at play? >> i know that there are issues. the elephant in the room and our colleagues talked about it last night is that independent journalists have been in every one of the hearings in this trial, every one of the sessions of the trial and they've looked at the evidence that's been presented and it's been so specious. it's video from a hard drive, from peter's hard drive of him
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with his family, it's video -- >> in his hotel room on his laptop. >> and that weapons charges, a shell casing. >> a shell casing. the idea that you -- independent journalists have then said what is this really about, is this something beyond, is it political. muhammed stands up in the dock and says this is a political trial, a sham trial. i think there was a government to government exchange. there's no doubt about the fact that initially, there was strong support of the muslim brother hood from the qatari government, but that was the government elected by the people. that's what they will tell you. >> of course we are all owned by the qatari government, but operate editorallily completely -- >> this channel and a.j. funded by the qatari government. >> while we talk about journalists, as well, we're talking about people.
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very tough on the families, as well. >> the trial is underway for the captain and 14 crew members of the south screen ferry that sank in april. the captain and three senior crew members face possible death sentences if convicted on homicide charges. two others are charged with abandoning ship, carrying a maximum sentence of life in prison. nine are accused of negligence. today, dive teams recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 293. 11 passengers are still missing. >> operation cross country putting nearly 300 alleged pitches behind bars in more than 100 cities across the nation from tampa to los angeles. 168 children were rescued, many of them weren't reported missing. >> collectively, we must acknowledge and care for all children, particularly those who have suffered difficulties and feel alone in the world. they come from all hour communities, yet they are
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invisible, except to the pitches. >> operation cross country is part of the in sense lost national initiative founded back in 2003. the f.b.i. has saved more than 3400 child sex victims. >> residents in detroit are asking the united nations to intervene after losing access to the city's water supply. the department of water and sewage shut the tops off for people more than two months behind owing more than $250. the city raised prices to off set the democratic's growing debt. >> we're not insensitive to the fact that detroit is a poor city, a lot of folks can't pay their bills, but at the same time, we have an infrastructure that's aging. we have some of our pipes over 100 years old, and we feel we have the best drinking water in the world, and in order to do that, it's a rising cost some rate. we have to pay to make that happen, and it's just not -- it's something that we have to
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pay so other folks have to pay it, as well. >> here's why they're looking at the u.n. community activists say the community is dying residents a basic human right. the department of water and sewage denies the charge. >> there's a small company about to get a very big close up, go pro set to go public on thursday. the company could be valid at $3 billion. the cameras produce amazing images. investors want to know if that's enough a create a thriving business. the company has come a long way since very humble beginnings. >> the lift almost hit me in the head. >> whether it's surfer kelly slater capturing the view from inside a wave for a commercial, dolphins swimming underwater, or a pelican learning to fly, go pro cameras have taken people inside an persons, or inside small places, like the time we used one to tell a story inside a taxi cab. forbes lists founder nick
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woodman's net worth at $1.3 billion. it's a long way from where he started in 2004 after his first company failed and he lost $4 million of investor's money. after that loss, he went surfing. >> the irony was that in planning this trip around australia and indonesia, i actually came up with the idea for my business, which was a camera i could surf with and then the trip ended up being an r&d trip. >> he used his mother's sewing machine to make the first prototype. by last year, the company had a past. observers say one challenge will be to expand sales to average consumers. >> the company depends on the extreme sports market to drive sales. >> analysts say while the company gets plenty of exposure
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through uploading videos, one question will be how can you make money from that content. >> they put a camera on the beak of a bird. go pro reported a nearly 8% decline in revenue the first quarter. the revenue or all of 2013 was up 87%. >> it's hard to believe, but we're already at day 13 of the 2014 word cup. >> to say interest around the world has been high is an understate. we turn now to john henry smith. >> i'm sure you remember 1994, a very fine year, maybe you don't. before this word cup, the most watched soccer event in u.s. history was the 1994 women's world cup championship game with 17.9 million viewers. sunday's u.s.a. versus portugal men's match eclippedded that number, 24.7 million americans
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tuned in to watch those two teams tie at two. that number does not account for people who watched in large group settings like watch parties. that is impressive with the sound, even more so with other televised sporting events. that 25 million viewer number is higher than for the last nba finals and last world series, higher by 10 million viewers each. the superbowl viewer number is well over both of them at 112 million. >> we move to social media. the u.s.-portugal match donated 8 million tweets. facebook generated 459 million posts, likes and comments. that's more than the 185 million interactions about the superbowl, 120 million about the sochi olympics and 25.5 million
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combined. a chance to guarantee themselves advancing to the round of 16. this game starts at 12 noon eastern time. i predict ratings might go up while productivity in the workplace goes down. >> not in this shop. we will be glued to our computer veins doing our due diligence. >> as always. >> back to that mexico game, fans rejoice as the 3-1 victory means their team is solidly making it into the next round. fores son inmates in mexico city, the win was a respite from life behind bars. >> the joy and freedom of watching your team door and win a match, hundreds of hardened criminals were granted permission to watch their beloved national squad take on and beat croatia.
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the man on the drums, a convicted killer who's watched every mexico match in this year's cup. >> just because we're in prison doesn't mean we stop start supporting the team. >> for most of the match, the game was scoreless. close calls thrilled and frustrated the prisoners. mexico began to dominate with a succession of three goals. >> the national team were thrilled with the victory, and for diversity to break up prison life. >> it's a great distraction for us to be able to share this with our friends and support mexico. >> while prisoners were rushed to their cells, thousands celebrated mexico city's mainland mark, the angel of independence. mexico is a pious country.
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next up, mexico's biggest challenge, the netherlands, who have won all three matches. fans are buoyant they've beaten expectations to make it this far. >> we have an unimaginable moment of happiness. this is the best gift our national team could have given us. >> the power of football to unite and briefly let them have a taste of freedom. >> you can watch mexico's next match up monday, june 29 at 1:00 eastern. >> you get to drink and watch the game. >> even behind bars. >> going to need a bigger boat. >> yes, a real life jaws encounter on the cape. we'll tell you where this shark was spotted and we'll talk about
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great whites making a come back. >> this is not part of dr. evil's plan, solar panels onboard giving herdsman something we take for granted. with joe berlinger >> new york city has stop and frisk >> some say these laws help serve and protect... >> we created the atmosphere that the policeman's the bad guy... >> others say these tactics are racist >> discrimination is wrong >> 99 percent of those arrested in drug free school zones... we're not near a school at all! >> are they working? >> this time i'm gonna fight it. >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america series
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venezuela divided on al jazeera america >> a live look on this tuesday morning at the grand army plaza in new york city at central park south and fifth avenue in front of the plaza hotel. another nice day. >> it is beautiful. welcome to al jazeera america. let's talk about something a lot of people are talking about, jaws coming to new jersey, a real life encounter with a great white shark off of new jersey. it circled the boat, then reared up, took the chum bag and tried to take a bite out of one of the
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boat's engines. that is in new jersey. as we reported yesterday in our discovery of the day, there's been a resurgence of great whites, according to two new studies. one says that between 3,000 and 5,000 are swimming off the east coast of the u.s. the study saying that there are 2,000 sharks swimming off the coast of central california out west, but there have been only been 649 confirmed sitings of great whites between 1800 and 2010. the lead author of the west coast study co wrote the east coast study and is the director of the florida program for shark research. your studies show the numbers of up, and a lot of people are wandering right now why. >> it's the result of two particular initiatives, the marine mammal protection act, protecting seals and see lions and of course some protection measures given to the white
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shark, which prohibits them being landed, so the combination of actually trying to reduce the mortality on the sharks while giving them more food. >> we're reducing the mortality of the sharks, but are we increasing the chances of mortality for the humans? we showed video of a shark attack in new jersey. how concerned should humans be concerned by the way, because we are after all, part of the eco system, too. >> of course that wasn't really an attack off new jersey, it was simply a white shark bite ago piece of bait, if you will. >> if that bag of bait was attached to an arm. we would be reporting this somewhat differently. >> one hopes that people won't go in the water with bait attached to their arms, too. if you have more sharks in the water, you'll have more chance of. >>er action with human. the same thing goes if you dress the number of humans in the water. the human population continues
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to increase and an increase in utilization of water. in combination, of those two together, we can expect for incidents with white sharks. as long as we put more people in the water, we'll have more attacks each year. >> we said we're going to need a bigger boat, taking us back to jaws, 1972. were people just freaked out by what they saw that summer affecting the numbers. >> a reduction in their pray animals that see lions, also there were commercial fisheries, as well as sport fisheries directed at white sharks. every red blooded american male wanted to catch one and get his picture taken on the dock. a combination of fishing pressure and loss of pray animals resulted in a great decline. >> we learned don't hold on to the bag of chum.
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thank you very much. >> good to be with you. >> let's get a look now as where the wet weather will be across the u.s. today. nicole mitchell is here. what do you think, a beach day anywhere? >> it depends where you are. you might be rethinking that beach day at this point in time, places like california, sunshine, a lovely beach day. not as great into the northeast, especially into the day tomorrow. we've got a system moving into the great lakes is where we're seeing heavier rain. still a lot of flood concerns along rivers as that mainly is saturating the rivers as it moves downstream. what we'll see as this front moves along, a slight chance for severe risk, but a widespread green area that we can see the thunderstorms. you can see the flow in from the gulf of mexico. over the next couple of days, significant rain, great lakes today, northeast tomorrow, it is going to be a soggy beach go.
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>> have you ever dived for sharks? >> i have. >> on to another animal. donkeys going digital, herdsmen going to the field armed with 21 century technology, donkeys carrying solar panels, generating electricity to use lap tops and get the latest updates on weather. a solar pack can also charge cell phones. >> no comment by the donkey. >> seems like there might be more efficient ways to charge a cell phone out there, but anyway, to really on aljazeera america, bracing for the next shop wave in washington, crucial primaries, including one that could see another water shed moment for the tea party. >> until then, thank you for joining us this morning on
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aljazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. >> more outrage on the silencing of tree dom of the press in egypt. go out and have a great day. real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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thi >> hello, you are watching the news hour. we are live in our headquartered in doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than 200 school girls still missing in nigeria, now we hear of another 91 young people having been abducted. egypt's president says he won't interfere with the jail sentences given to al jazeera journalists despite international outrage. the media campaign to free them