tv News Al Jazeera June 24, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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up. news networks fall silent to al jazerra's journalists as egypt's president stands by their imprisonment. ♪ ♪ a family of peter greste speak of their devastation but say they won't give up hope. this is the al jazerra news hour live from london. also coming up in the next 60 minutes, reports of another mass kidnapping in nigeria. two months after boko haram object ducted more than 200 school girls. nine dead after a ukrainian helicopter is shot down in the east of the country.
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i'll have all the latest from the world cup this tuesday. including is uruguay's luis suarez up to his old tricks again? as his side takes on italy in their crucial final group match. they have been behind bars now for nearly six months and 24 hours after three al jazerra journalists were jailed in egypt, a striking show of solidarity around the world with other journal assists coming together to call for the release of peter greste, mohamed far me and baja mohamed. all accused of aiding a terrorist organization. the first comment from the egyptian president who said he wouldn't interfere in the court's decision to sentence the three journalists and that's despite widespread condemnation of the verdict outside the egypt. in brisbane, peter's parents
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have spoken about vowing to fight for the freedom of his son and his two colleagues. fahmy's brother said he still hopes they will be released. a message by staff and other broadcasters to. outside the bbc head quarters in london fellow journal i haves took part in a one-minute silence but the egyptian president appears to be standing firm. >> translator: i call the minister of justice and i told him one thing, we will not interfere in judicial matters because the egyptian judiciary is an independent and exalted judiciary. no one interferes with the affairs of state i want tuneses, no one comments or talks about state i want tuneses. if we desire state institutions we must accept court rulings and not comment on them even if others don't understand the rulings. around the world al jazerra has been joined in voice by other broadcasters calling to the release of our staff in egypt. here is barnaby phillips.
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>> reporter: at the headquarters one of the world's most famous broadcast every, an uncharacteristic moment of silence and on dare at this with the al jazerra team in egypt. >> the egyptians authorities are not just robbing three innocent men of their freedom. they are intimidating journalists and inhibiting free speech. >> reporter: the bbc and other british news organizations are sending a letter to the egyptian president asking him to intervene. many bbc journal assists pro testified because they know and respect peter greste who worked for this organization for years. but the bbc believes that there is a wider principle at stake. that the verdict in that cairo courtroom was an attack on the freedom of the president. this is how the news bullpen end odd champion 4 a leading independent station in the u.k. this is how al jazerra journalists marked this day in our borrows around the world.
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in baghdad, in peter greste's base nigh robe and i in our doha headquarters. but how much impact will all of this have in egypt, where state controlled media says foreigners should not interfere with their country's legal process? >> there is a crack down on freedom of expression in the country that is being cheered on by large swaths of the public. that is the most dangerous thing because the authorities feel that they can get way with it because they have a fair degree of popular backing for this. and that is what marks it up against mubarak, at least his policies against freedom he is presence were widely reviled. these policies are the same but now they have backing. >> reporter: international condemnation is like to grow, but so far there is no sign that the egyptian authorities are prepared to back down. barnaby phillips, al jazerra. well, now we can speak to the bbc's chief international
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correspondent lee, thank you for joining us here on al jazerra. and also thank you for all the work that the bbc has done in trying to really get the word out. why do you think that journalists around the world have felt so strongly about this case? >> i think we feel very strongly about this case for two reasons, one is it's personal. peter greste and mohamed familiar mfahmy.especially petee worked international limb they are known across the world. they have friends and colleagues who know them personally. wso we are personally very upset and it's laughable that they would be doing anything else but journalist, not just journalism but very good journalism. secondly as you heard the head. bbc news just saying today it's an act against all of us. because it's intimidation, it's trying to stop all of us from doing our job, from trying to tell the truth about stories, from going to where the stories are. and this is the fear that this
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is not just three journalists and not just those three, there are many other journalists also on trial in egypt and have also been convicted. it's the free umph up freed u ps also on trial. >> do you know of other journalists that are now scared to report from egypt? >> it's a terrible thing if it is. because we are supposed to report without fear or favor to use the phrase. but i am sure in the minds of journalists, when they go to interview the muslim brotherhood as they must because it is part of the story, they must think about what has happened. who would have expected that these journalists would have been behind bars for nearly six months. and now seven years. >> the power of twitter and all of this has been incredible. you tweeted about it and it had 3 million impressions. so that was the reach of your tweet. but i guess as journalists we know how easy it is for a story to get a lot of attention and then disappear, how do you think that journalists can try to keep the story in the headlines?
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>> i think it was very important for journalists to stand and literally stand in solidarity with our colleagues in cairo. look at this backdrop. look at these people with their mouths taped. people have done this, i myself have done it from kabul, my colleagues have done it from everywhere. there is an absolutely extraordinary show of global solidarity. we all feelin' tink till that thifeelfeelin' stink till thatte have to change the situation and, perhaps it's not not the tweets and the tape on the mouth that will change it, it sends a message. that will be done through diplomatic channels he have we have seen tony abbott the prime minister of australia. david cameron the prime himster, canadian government, mohamed fahmy is canadian-egyptian, they sent a statement. many might have wanted more. they make public statements and behind the scenes, there have also been interventions. from egypt there has been a very
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strong push back in public we assume in private that this cannot be seen as they cannot intervene in the judiciary. the judiciary is independent, we heard that from president sisi today. i think it will take its time. egypt feels very strongly and there is public support for this trial. there is also very official, officially they have been very much standing by the government, standing by the court system. but we hope that overtime that this will be looked at again and it is not in any way contempt of court. everything that these journalists do, we all do. some of my own reports were used as evidence in the court files. it's absolutely ludicrous that this is anything but journalism. >> the bbc's chief international correspondent, thank you so much for sharing your views with us. now nigerian security forces are investigating the possible mass abduction of 60 more school girls from the country's north. the latest abductions are
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reported to have taken place in bore know state. witnesses say gunmen seized the girls and at least 31 boys from have a questions. that'village. nigeria's government has been criticized for not doing enough to free them. fighters from the armed group boko haram were responsible to that object ducks. andrew simons is live in northeast nigeria for us, andrew, how much do we know about this. what sort of confirmation have we have? >> reporter: it's an incredibly remote area and a security zone in which the military is trying to take on boko haram. it's dangerous and the government is banning journalists from travel to go this area right now. what we have heard is that a civilian joint task force which is effectively a paid state-run vigilante group, the commander
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of that rune it's said he saw a number of gunmen, armed gunmen, armed men wearing fatigues, progressively going to villages over a period of three days which was thursday, friday, and saturday. and taking, abducting well, and young men. now, these well, some of them are young girls, some of them may well be school girls, but this is nothing like about 30-kilometer as way from this spot where it's said to have happened. it was a different case entirely. but we are having difficulty getting confirmation because the man says the commander says, he reported it to the military on the spot, the ministry of defense say this we need to speak to the state here, the state say that the security matter they can't comment and the police say they have not received a formal report. now, it may seem extraordinary, but in nigeria, this sort of thing has happened in the past. there have been abductions in
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this area. women taken away. and no official announcement made in the media or by the government and the military. >> certainly a confusing situation, people are pointing the finger towards boko haram. bocboko haram kidnapped 200 schl girls in april. what reason would they have to kidnap another 60, assuming that they have? >> reporter: i mean, that's right, on that point it's now day 71 since that kidnapping and very little progress has been made. 276 girls taken more than two months ago. now 219 still remain missing. as far as any connection of what advantage it might be for boko haram, if it is indeed true, then this would be an escalation, trying to put more pressure on the government, either for possibly for more concessions and possibly amnesty, which is entirely unclear what the latest policy of the government is, but up until now, it has been such that
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it would not negotiate, it would not actually give way and give amnesty the president itself said. but hard to game, but definitely there are signs of an escalation of activity of boko haram. it's never been more deadly. it's never been more proactive. and undoubtedly, even though they are not making any claim of responsibility, it's quite likely that they did carry out recent attacks that have not been claimed, but they are all the hallmarks of their sort of action against civilians in this part of northern nigeria. >> andrew simons live in northeast nigeria. andrew, thank you. for more not story we are joined in the stood we do by nigh year nigeria analyst antho. we heard we don't know for sure into certainly a lot of people suspect, why do you think boca ham rah would keep on kidnapping
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school girls. >> i was speaking today with security force forces in nigerie view is that there has been significant cooperation with neighboring states. the feeling with nigeria was they were fighting with boko haram with one hand behind their back, they would assume the militants to the boarder and they had safe half then cameroon and other neighboring states. they feel since a conference of regional states in pair as a month ago there has been a much her significant mere serious approach particularly by cameroon that has moved army ube toyota thunits and pushing themn to nigeria. in a sense what they are saying that part of function of one success in the regional jigsaw has been at least temporarily to increase in security in border areas around borno and other states in the northeast of nigeria and that perhaps may explain some increase in i violence. >> it's now been months since the kidnapping of the 200 school
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girls, yet we are not seeing decisive action from the government or arm. >> i i am not sure what decisive action they mate take. >> they have not found the girls first of all. >> my understanding that the army chief said they are aware of where the girls are, the increasing cooperation with the u.s., with britain, with international powers has given them in nigeria access to surveillance and satellite imagery that they didn't have before. i think they are confidents where the girls are and how many groups they are in but are reluctant because of past experience to abduct a -- >> because boko haram might kill the girls. >> in the past that is what has happened. the priority for government officials i have spoken to is the safety to the girls and they prefer that over a swift outcome even if it's a prolong process to wear down and rule out nothing. even the official i spoke with earlier said there are still back channels open discussions
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between intermediaries working with government and boko haram looking at a variety of issues. the problem is the level of international attention that has focused on this issue in recent weeks has highlighted the level of atrocities that some people in boko haram have been able to get away with in recent months, burning children alive. rape and murder. and i think that what they perhaps are looking for and perhaps around next month might be a pretext for it, is to see if there might be some way of looking at some of the people held in detention in government who perhaps are not connected to acts of violence but perhaps do have connection to his boko haram that might perhaps allow both sides to back away from this issue? >> you just briefly. did you get the defense that a lot of these actions by boko haram are getting more publicity or do you get the sense as the group is getting stronger? >> well, i think that that i guess depends on who you are speaking to. i think that the feeling in government is that the resort to act of terror on soft targets is
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an indication of perhaps some of the gains that the security forces have made in capturing here reports of capturing reports of senior command that's perhaps this has isolated the leadership of boko haram made them more or less reluctant to back off some of these more terror-based attacks and actually what we are seeing is a pressuring up against boko haram pushing them in to a corner and that, of course, is a difficult situation. >> anthony goldman nigh year i a analyst, thank you so much. still more to come on this al jazerra news hour, including the u.s. secretary of state calls for a more ins clues i have government of iraq as the june death toll exceeds 1,000. a new type of alert scientists in the u.s. could soon be monitoring our health through mobile phones. and in sport the ivory coast side hopes to go down in history as they prepare to face greece in a group "c" clash. ♪
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♪ let's go to ukraine now where a military helicopter has been shot down in the country's troubled east. it was reported by brought down bicep test fire. this comes just a day after pro-russian separatists announced a ceasefire. for more on that paul brennan is live for us in do donetsk. so far it doesn't seem like much-a ceasefire, does it? >> reporter: no, it doesn't. the official word from the operational spokesperson for the ukrainian army this evening is that this mi8 helicopter was downed by a rocket launcher of some description on a mountain. it's a television tower on top that have mountain which both the army and the separatists have fought over quite bitterly over the last several weeks. it's a strategically important place. and it seems, according to the official army version of events, that this helicopter had delivered some monitoring
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equipment to that area, with the expectation that it was going to be use today monitor the ceasefire and make sure that nothing broke the sear ceasefire, while it was taking off, though, it seems it was hit from a rocket fire from a rocket launcher and all nine people on board were killed. six soldiers and three crewmen. now, there have been flare ups, let's be anist about it, there have been exchange of small arms fire, some ill discipline, but a major event like this, smacked more of a major provocation and a lack of discipline and it really calls in to question the separatists desire for a ceasefire as was only agreed less than 24 hours ago here in donetsk. >> do you think that the -- is there a ceasefire now, would you say? >> reporter: i think there is a ceasefire in name. but the problem is it's not being properly observed on the ground. the hope that you can get
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observers in, we know the monitoring group the osce is keen have his observers in here. but two of their teams are being held captive, hospital anyone effect by some separatist groups in the east, further east from here in luhansk, they are having problems operating if nobody in independence can actually properly verify that the ceasefire staking place and if it's broken, who has broken it? attaching blame to the situati situation. it's very difficult to have a ceasefire that actually means anything. >> paul brennan live for us in donetsk, paul, thank you. the u.n. says a thousand people have been killed so far this month. they have been seeking safety in refugees camps including this one in the autonomous kurdish region. many iraqis have been volunteering to join the army urge odd by the country's
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highest religious authority for shias over 2,000 volunteers have registered with recruitment center for fight rebel groups. and the u.s. secretary of state has held talks in northern iraq where he has renewed calls for an inning close you have government. john kerry is vowing to give iraqi security forces intense support. >> the government formation challenge is the central challenge that we face n recent days the security cooperation between the forces here in the kurdish area have been really critical to helping to draw a line with respect to isil and also to provide some support to the iraqi security forces. >> imran kahn joins us live now from baghdad. so imran what, reaction has there been so far to john kerry's message?
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>> reporter: well, there has been one of disappointment from many people across the political spectrum. and also amongst ordinary iraqis, the message is that iraq needs to form a government. needs to form a government quickly and it needs to be a unified government. it has been seen by some as medaling in the internal affairs, political affairs of the country. what iraqis wanted and what many politicians wanted was concrete help for the government in battling the islamic state of iraq and the levant and the other fighters. now, this was a two-day trip to the region. interestingly, he didn't actually spend the night in iraq, he left, spent the night in jordan and arrived in the iraqi kurdish territories on tuesday morning, gave exactly the same message there as well. now, whilst all of this was going "o" the i says lamb i can state of iraq and the levant have made more gains. there have been fierce clashes in the northwest of the country where at least 26 people have
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dies but it's who the just about the military and the armed fight that's going okay it's about taking over towns and using the civilian administration to try to win "real money" win over the local population there, that's a tactic that isil and the sunni rubbles are using. let's look at exactly what that means now. this is northwestern iraq. these picks show the rebels are running the affairs of town, by providing services the rebels are hoping to get local people to couldn't and consolidate their hold. >> translator: praise to god everything is normal now in terms of social life and security. things are much better now in comparison to how they used to be under the control of those tyrants. >> reporter: a political analyst says the rebels are acting in a tactical manner. >> translator: it did surprise people in the high command, they were surprised by the speed of the attack. and also by the civic services
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and management of the towns, the isil provided. >> reporter: but it's not just about providing services, another key tactic is taking over border posts. now they have taken over border post on his the borders where jordan and with syria. and that's key for them. from syria it allows them to bring in reinforcements back in to iraq, also the military equipment that they have captured, things like humvee armored cars and howitzers, they are able to take those from iraq back in to syria. on the jordanian side, you can see there is little traffic which suggests the rebels have control of the crossing. >> translator: the army is retreating from the border, the border point and the whole situation sun stable. >> reporter: what has surprised many here in iraq is not just the speed in which the rebels have taken over towns but the strategic thinking that's come with it. military analysts say that the rebels are using the experience that they have gained in syria and iraq to their advantage. and that's why they are proving
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to be a formidably enemy to iraq's security forces. so you see there the tactics that the islamic state of iraq and levant and the other sunni rebels are using, but there is also a media war going on between all sides now. the oil refinery, iraq's biggest is at the send center of this ma war. we keep hearing it's eighth third control of the government. that's what the government keeps saying. and the rebels keep saying that we are in charge. we are actually in charge of the refinery. now, independent observers as much as they can be in all of this have suggested that it is the rebels that are in charge but they have a tenuous hold. so expect more of this claim and counterclaim as this crisis goes on. >> imran kahn live for us in baghdad. imran, thank you. a sudanese woman has been rearrested just hours after being freed from prison. she was seized while trying to board a plane in khartoum.
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she was sentence today death last month for convert to go christianity from islam. the case triggered outrage among human rights groups before a court ordered her release on monday. unverified social media video shows children being rescued from rubble in syria after what activists say was an a tabling by government forces. the air attack hit at least two suburbs in the city of aleppo which is syria's largest city. meanwhile, rebel fighters in homs say that they shot down a government air force plane on tuesday. the british prime minister has apologized publicly for people inning a former newspaper editor who has been convicted of illegally hacking phones. andy served as david cameron's media chief after leaching the now defunct tabloid the news of the world. fellow editor rebecca brooks was acquitted after a trial that lasted nearly eight months. simon mcgregor wood has more.
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>> reporter: the phone hacking scandal destroyed careers and a famous british newspaper. to say nothing of the pain caused to its victims. and according to many, it has further undermined public faith in journalism. phone hacking involved only a small section of the press. but obviously the news of the world, somehow the lunatics managed to be put in charge of the asylum and it became an industrial scale electronic fishing expedition. >> reporter: members of the royal family, celebrities, evening the innocent victims of crime, everyone was fair game. once the full scale of the scandal emerged, driven by public outrage, the politicians were forced to establish an official inquiry in to how best to control the excesses of the press. it recommended new self regulation backed by law. an element so far rejected by prime minister david cameron. then there was the apparent coziness between those in power
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and those tasked withholding them accountable. andy coleson became david cameron's president adviser, rebecca brooks a regular in his social circle and tony blair's she had an editor and mime minister ever be so shy. >> i take full responsibility for employ andy i did so under undertakings he gave me and they were not the case. i always said if they turned out to be wrong, i would make a full and frank apology. and i do that today. i am extremely sorry that i employed him. it was the wrong decision. i am very clear about that. >> reporter: what of the relationship between the journalists and police? why this were they initially so reluctant to investigate phone hacking when the first case emerged? anything to do with their close relationship with journalists and some newspapers? the public have drawn their own conclusions. the aftermath of this case might at least lead to a greater degree of separation between journalists, politicians and the police. this episode was always bound to
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seek calls for tighter restrictions on the press from some, warnings of knee jerk over reaction from others. but defenders of the freedom of the press remind us that bad though this episode undoubtedly was, it was uncovered not by the police, not by parliament, but by journalists working for another newspaper. simon mcgregor wood, al jazerra, london. still lots more to come here on al jazerra, including a family's pain. peter greste's parents speak out against his sentence. also coming up, the u.k. bans a stimulant popular in africa, but could the move hurt those who grow it? and in sport, world number one rafael nadal makes amends for last year's first round wimbledon exit.
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>> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business.
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over three al jazerra journal ii journalists. they were convicted of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. allegations which al jazerra denies, gunmen are thought to have kidnapped 91ville injured in nort91 villagers innorth eas. john kerry's plea comes as the u.n. released a report saying over tha a thousand people haven killed in iraq this month alone. let's go back to the top story of the jailing of al jazerra staff in egypt. the parents of peter greste have spoken of the heart ache at the vert. they said they were devastated, shocked and dismayed at the decision, a report now from business bon. businesbrisbane. >> reporter: the family members were shocked. >> reporter: it had been just hours since the verdict was handed down in a cairo court.
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>> this family is certainly determined to battle on. journalism is not a crime. or you should all be behind behind bars, it's as simple as that. this man, our son peter, is an award-winning journalist. he's not a criminal. he's not a criminal. >> this will be a hard time for him but i know that he will get through it. and mike and andrew are going in today, they'll support him and he will be okay. i can imagine that he's as shocked as we are. and absolutely. [ audio difficulties ] he'll get through that and be
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fine. >> reporter: speaking to al jazerra afterwards, they were still coming to terms with the decision, but spoke of their determination to continue the fight. >> we just can't see it. and think there is nothing happening over there. peter is actually in jail in a small cell. and now he's been cast as a criminal. and that's really difficult. >> for doing his job. >> for doing his job. >> for merely doing his job. >> reporter: the fate of peter greste huh is been a dig story in australia for months but the is fair test sentence has propelled it no a new level. mixed in with the dismay there is sure to be a lot of anger. but everyone involved is being very careful about what they say. like others the australian prime minister expressed his concern but in a clear attempt to avoid making the situation worse didn't criticize the egyptian government.
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>> we are obviously shocked, dismayed, really bewildered by the decision of the court in egypt. of course we respect the legitimacy of the egyptian government. of course we appreciate the rights of the egyptian justice system to make its decisions, yes, we understand the meat of the egyptian -- need egyptian government to maintain order and crack down on extremism including the muslim brotherhood, but, but, it is important that there be due process. the government says it will for their egyptian counterparts to intervene in peter greste afternoons case. as for an appeal his parents say they will consider their options in the days address. thousands of palestinian government employees haven't been paid for months. they are blaming the new unity government for failing to find a solution to their financial problems. charles stratford reports now from gaza.
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>> reporter: the hospital is survived seemingly insurmountable difficulties for years. conflict, lack of funds, and it reeling's blockade of gaza's borders. but staff here say the new palestinian government is more than partly to blame for their hardship today. this hospital struggles to meet the needs of the patients that come here anyway, but now it seems that the new unity government is failing to meet the needs of the people that work here. they haven't received a full salary for nine months, and they have received nothing since the end of march. abdul karima tends to an elderly woman who has been admitted suffering severe dehydration, she's close to loosen consciousness, he trees up to 50 people a day. he has three children under five, and a wife to support. >> translator: i don't have money. it's having a bad psychological affect on me and my relation some nigh family. i am always educated, i prefer to leave my family at least. i come to work in a bad mood because i don't have my wages. >> reporter: the palestinian unity government is under a
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month old but already israel is demanding president mahmoud abbas end his partnership with hamas. it blames hamas for the defense appearance of three israeli settlers in the occupied west bank. and has arrested hundreds of palestinians in its search for the young men. israel has also accused the u.n. special envoy to the middle east peace process robert for trying to funnel $20 million for hamas from qatar. it's an accusation that he staunchly denies. >> israel is trying all it's efforts to block the transfers of the money. so the political situation in my opinion poisoned the whole deal with regard to finding an acceptable solution to the hamas employees in gaza. >> reporter: it's not just medical workers like these who are angry, thousands of people in the health and education sectors as well as members of the security forces also haven't been paid. abdul kareem continues without salary to treat people who depend on him for their lives.
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it seems pressure is also mounting on the new palestinian government to survive. charles stratford, al jazerra, gaza. a group of elderly protesters in china are defying a government order to leave a block of apartments that they took over last month. now, the building stands on farmland that once belonged to them. the government had promised them new homes in exchange for their lands but that never happened. al jazerra's adrian brown reports now from beijing. >> reporter: they are unlikely rebel rousers. most are in their 70s. and now daring to stand up to their government. they are blockading the entrance to an apartment block on lands they once farmed. the local government promised them new flats if they moved out, that was 20 years ago, and they are still waiting. >> translator: if they keep treating us like this, how can the people trust the government? how can the people trust the
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communist party? >> reporter: what happened to this village outside beijing is being repeated across china. where land requisitions have become the biggest source of unrest. but these are perhaps some of the oldest protesters. they feel angry and let down by their government. the fact that they are prepared to speak out to the foreign media is a measure of their desperation. she says she's not afraid of being arrested, she's lived alone in temporary accommodation since her husband died six years ago. >> translator: he never got to spend his retirement in a new home. and she worries she won't eith either. >> translator: the government kept telling me to wait. they said one day you will move in not new apartment so i waited and waited. i am almost 80 years old now. >> reporter: song points to an appointment on the 11th floor, that she took over without permission last month.
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that was after the developer began selling flats to outsiders. other protesters have also taken matters in to their own hands, in response the electricity and water have been cut. a producer for al jazerra insures that song didn't have to walk up the 11 flights again. she insists this flat is rightfully hers. not even a confrontation with police has deterred her. >> translator: i told the police i won't leave unless you kill me. this is my house. if you force me to leave i will jump from this window. >> reporter: the local government has so far refused to answer questions about when or if the former villagers will ever receive the homes promised them. adrian brown, al jazerra, beijing. british police can now arrest anyone who choose khat.
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it's a plant which is used as a stimulant and now it's been legal in the you feel k. until now. lawrence lee reports on how the somali community in london is being hit by the ban. >> reporter: this is the last ever legal shipment of khat to arrive in the u.k. fresh off the plane in kenya and members of london's somali community want to stock up. usually it sales for around $100 a box, the ban means it's been selling for two and a half times that. the police arrived to remind people come tuesday, even chewing on khat let alone trading it, will be a criminal offense. evidently many here still find that bewildering and unfair. the police say tell tray too apply the law gently, at least to begin with. >> it's very softly softly approach at the moment. everything we will do will be proportionate. that's why i am down here now just advising pimas of tomorrow it will be illegal. we won't b be arresting people o begin with we'll be warning them
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much as we do with canopies. >> reporter: the criminalization is argue odd a mixture of health and social grounds that overuse is bad for you and makes you inert. in banning it, the british government we want against the advice of medical officers whose opinion is a source, still campaigners against khat say they are delighted. >> with regards to we don't drink alcohol, we chew khat. you know, i can understand where they are coming from, but i think nobody wants to become a khat addict. for the long-term it's for their own benefit. >> reporter: the other argument is that khat funds terrorism in somalia. yet in both kenya and london people told us that that was both insultin insulting and ill. >> does anybody here look like they can fans el shabob? everybody is fighting to just be themselves. >> radicals are now happy because they want everybody to turn to the mosque. >> reporter: yeah. >> they don't want people chewing khat and staying in the
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streets and doing their business. they don't want that. >> reporter: so even though the authorities suggest that khat might be funding terrorism, in fact, you think that they've got it upside down. >> upside down. >> reporter: it's the other way warned. >> it's the other way around. >> reporter: despite el shabob's opposition to this natural drug london's khat straighters say the ban force theplz to leave london and return to so >> the there are no jobs here now we have nothing else left so we have to go back. >> reporter: so the likelihood is that khat use will be now driven underground, what's always been seen as a socially acceptable traditional for london somalis is now a criminal offense. lawrence lee, al jazerra, london. new research has found our mobile phones carry a unique collection of nick robes that reflect their owners. this information could be used to monitor our health and even track the spread of disease. al jazerra's terrick basically
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has more. >> reporter: according to the united nations 6 out of 7 people on the planet have access to a mobile phone. many of these devices are regularly warn or carried by a single person. in a bag or in their pocket. and they are frequently touched by that person's hands, that's why researchers in the u.s. state of oregon decided to look whether a unique selects of thousands of naturally occurring mike robe that his populate our skin are also present on the phones. they looked at 7,000 different mike robes commonly found on people's hands and found 82% of them were also present on their phones. >> each person's cell phone has more in common with him or her than with anyone else in the room, right? so my cell phone has some of the very unique bacteria that i have in and on my body and that don't show up necessarily in your body, in your phone has that same signal that is personalized to you. >> reporter: the discovery opens up the potential to use mobile
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phones as bacterial and environmental censors. this could include real time screening of the smart phones of health care workers and hospital visitors tha rather than the pee they want selves. >> in the for foreseeable future might have a device say in a hospital where a nurse or doctor at the end of the day can put their cell phone down, and in a matter of a few minutes they'll know whether there is a good risk of taking dangerous path generals oust hospital thome their families, or in the beginning of the day, bringing something in to the hospital. >> let's open up the exercise app to see how it works. >> reporter: there is also growing interest in personal health and fitness technology. the researchers say the possibility of adding percentage microbe analysis in to the phones could greatly enhance this. even allowing authorities to track the spread of disease in a population while giving the owner of a cell phone an alert when he or she have been exposition today harmful mike robes or environmental threats.
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♪ thanks very much, barbara. four-time winners italy are out of the world cup, they were beaten 1-0 by uruguay. most of the talks around uruguay's luis suarez after appeared to bite italian defender george georg giorgio. going in to the group "d" clash uruguay need aid win to make it the 76 teen, pirlo had this early effort say but that was one of the few chances in a tight affair which boiled over when italy's. [ audio difficulties ]
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together, i think they have a chance. and the whole team i think is going to give their best performance. >> well, a monday mexico qualified for the last 16, their 3-1 win over croatia was watched by hundreds of prison inmates in mexico city. their team success was a relate welcome respite from life behind bars. adam reigning reports. >> reporter: the joy and freed freedom. hundreds of mexico city's most ardent criminals remember granted permission their beloved national squad take on and beat croatia. the man on the drums a convicted killer who has watch every mexico match in this year's world cup. >> just because we are in prison doesn't mean we are going stop supporting our national team. on the contemporary, we are in good spirits so that the team can do well. >> reporter: for most of the match the game was scoreless, close calls thrilled and frustrated the prisoners. but in the 72nd minute, mexico
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began to dominate with the suction session of three goals. >> reporter: of course these prisoners and fans of mexico's national team were thrilled at the victory. but just as important as the result was the whatness for a little bit of diversity to break up the boredom of prison life. >> it's a great chris tax to beo be able to share with "the stream" with our friends and support mexico. >> reporter: while prisoners were rushed to their cells, thousands celebrated mexico city's mainland mark the angel of independence. mexico say pius country and at least today the football gods have answered the country's prayers. next up for mexico, their biggest challenge so far. the netherlands who have won all three matches. but for now, fans are bouyant, they have beaten expectations to make it this far. >> our boys gave us an unmanageable moment of happiness, this is the best gift our national team could have
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given us. >> reporter: the power of football to unite and if only briefly let people have a taste of freedom. adam rainy, al jazerra, mexico city. rah way from the world cup examine to wimbledon, world number one rafael nadal had to come from a set down to reach the second round on tuesday. after going out in the first round last year. nadal could have thought his match against martin of slovakia was going the same way after losing the first set. but the 2-time champion took the next sets 6-3. he advance to his the next round. roger federer put in a domineering performance to secure his place in round two, the swiss crushed him 6-1 circumstance-3. as he's going for his eighth wimbledon tight. that's all your sport for now, back do barbara in london. raul, thank you very much for that. this is it for this news hour, remember that you can get the
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