tv News Al Jazeera June 24, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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are racist >> discrimination is wrong >> 99 percent of those arrested in drug free school zones... we're not near a school at all! >> are they working? >> this time i'm gonna fight it. >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america this is al jazerra america, live from new york city. i am tony harris with a look at today's top stories. one of iraq's top leaders warns that fighters closing in on baghdad have already created a new reality and a new iraq. as the first military advisers from the u.s. arrive. new reports that dozens more villagers have been kidnapped in nigeria in the same area where more than 200 girls were abducted. and egypt's president refusing to interfere with judicial verdicts despite an international outcry over al jazerra journalists being sentenced to years in prison. ♪
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♪ the pentagon confirmed today that the first u.s. military advisers are on the ground in iraq. this comes as secretary of state john kerry meets with nato foreign ministers to discuss the challenges facing that country. kerry flew to brussels after meeting with kurdish leaders in northern iraq. >> as everybody knows, this is a very critical time for iraq as a whole. and the government formation challenge is the central challenge that we face in recent days the security cooperation between the forces here in the kurdish area have been really critical to helping to draw a line with respect to isil.
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>> that meeting took place as iraqi soldiers battled with fight presser islamic state in the iraq, levant just west the baghdad. mike, what is the mission for the military 5 advisers now on e ground in iraq. >> reporter: 40 of the threat hundred that the press spoke about when he deployed them last week have now arrived in country. and their mission to is he's the readiness and cohesiveness of the iraqi army i. obviously that cohesiveness is said to be in fairly bad shape. with the iraqi military a bunkings their posts and leaving armorments in the field. james kerby is the spokesman at the pentagon and spoke to what these individuals would be doing inside iraq. >> the seems will begin their assessments immediately and provide their findings through the chain of commands within the next two to three weeks, we continues to fly rue own missions over iraq, to the tune of 30 to 35 flights per day to
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help us gain better insight about the security situation on the ground. >> reporter: part of the mission to examine what is happening on the ground. best and most efficient way to introduce the remaining 260 of those 300 advisers. remember, just 40 in country today, tony. >> why is it so important to involve the kurds, i have an idea, but i want to hear it from you, mike. >> reporter: tony, you probably have a better idea than i do. but as you know, the kurds dominate northern iraq, there was some talk from nothing short of joe biden, back in 2008 and the presidential campaign you recall, he thought perhaps iraq should be split in to three parts with the kurds dominating the north. as it stands right now. they have a semi autonomous region in the north. as you pointed out, the secretary of state kerry visited the provincial capital there. but the kurds have taken the very sensitive city and central iraq or close to their border of the kurdish area of iraq in kirkuk, they are removed now
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from their president who says there is a new reality within iraq. speaking of the possibility of having now a fully autonomous kurdish state. the administration now still officially against any partitioning of iraq, tony. >> all right, mike viqueira for us. mike, appreciate it. thank you. we are learning more about how americans feel about president obama's handling of the situation in iraq. a new abc news washington post poll find 42% of those surveyed approve of thousand the president handled the situation. 52% disapprove. 65% oppose sending u.s. troops to iran, but americans are split on the potential use of air strikes. 45% support the idea, 46% oppose it. the islamic state of iraq and the levant continues to make big gains across iraq, besides making military grains, the rebels are also winning over people in the areas they have ceased. al jazerra's imran kahn has more. >> reporter: this is northwestern iraq.
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these pictures taken on monday show the rebels are running the affairs of the town. by providing services the rebels are hoping to get local people to couldn't and consolidate their hold. >> translator: praise to god everything is normal now in terms of social life and security. things are much better now in comparison to how they used to be under the control of those tyrants. >> reporter: he is a political analyst who says the rebels are acting in a tactical manner. >> translator: it did surprise people in the high commands. they were surprised by the speed of the attack and also by the civic services and management of the to understand the isil provided. >> reporter: but it's not just about providing services, another key tactic is taking over border posts. now they have taken over border posts on the borders with jordan and with syria. and that is key for them. from syria, it allows them to bring in reinforcements back in to iraq, also the military
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equipment that they have captured. things like humvee armored cars and howitzers, they are able to take those from iraq back in to syria. on the jordanian side, you can see there is little traffic which suggests the rebels have control of the crossing. >> translator: the army is retreating from the border, the border point and the whole situation sun stable. >> reporter: what has surprised many here in iraq is not just the speed in which the rebels have taken over towns, but the strategic thinking that's come with it. military analysts say that the rebels are using the experience that they have gained in syria and iraq to their advantage. and that is why they are proving to be a formidably enemy to iraq security forces. imran kahn, al jazerra, baghdad. the isil may be the richest rebel group in the world right now with a $2 billion war chest if you can believe it. it use that his money to funds tax, pay fighters, purchase weapons and buy the loyalty of people in the areas it seizes patricia joins us with more on
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how isil earned its money. since entering the civil war in syria last year, that's real where i this story begins, isn't in. >> that's right. it has believe today amass a $2 billion war chest. that's honest mat though. >> that's amazing. >> but financially speaking isil is a sophisticated organization with a multi-pillared funding strategy spanning black market activity to private donors. iraqi troops fighting for control of baquoba 60 miles north of baghdad trying to send the relentless onslaught of isil a sunni insurgent group some believe to be the richest in the world. >> given all the advances that isil or isil have made i think their accounts have grown subthanly above ansubstantiallyr group. >> reporter: like the plunger of mosul's central bank, netting the group an estimated $425 million.
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other spoils include captured oil fields in syria and last week the surrounding of iraq's main domestic refinery. energy assets that offer a sustainable source of revenue through mark narcotic sales. thank to its capture of two more key iraqi border crossings over the week end. >> it gives them the opportunity to impede trade or access to people and goods in other services that their adversaries need. >> reporter: isil also extorts money at checkpoints and tax on his its local residents in its areas of control. isil and sunni insurgents have benefited from donations in doubt sa*ud i can't rape i can't, qatar, could you quiet and united arab emirates who want to check shia iran's influence. >> they think they are in some sort of game against the iranians interest her it going tiranians and they are going to
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do anything they can to keep them out that's what they do supporting iraq and syria. >> reporter: the united states has pressured gulf country to his crack down on private funders of ey isil. a task some think will be even harder now that they are in iraq. >> with the latest advances i think you will see an increase in fund from individual donors in the gulf. the reason for that is simple. winners attract money and people. >> kidnapping for ransom has also been a revenue generate today isil. but it's real coup has been the capture of the keyboarder crossings in iraq. there are not a lot of roads in and out of iraq and you can't drive an 18 wheeler through the sand. so tony, whoever controls the border crossings controls very critical main supply routes. >> talking about generating dollars, revenue for this effort. i understand that there is a pretty huge trade and passports, can you tell me more about that? >> there is a trade in passport according to tom sander son who
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was provide he's from csil he spends a lot of time on the ground there. the key thing is not with passports is not so much the revenue generating but fighters that come in give their money to isi life. by it gives them access to passports to visa friendly west. >> think about that for a second. patricia, thank you. a passenger plai plane as it attacked as it landed in pakistan. the government opened fire. a crew member and female passenger were injured. the plane had 178 people on board. it was arriving from saudi arabia. the attack follows a major taliban assault on an airport in scratcearlier this month. month. the president of ukraine says he may revoke the ceasefire, after a helicopter was shot down killing nine
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service members. meanwhile, vladimir putin called for the ceasefire to be extended and talks between the government and the rebels to begin. egypt's president says i he will not interfere with the courts who impressed three al jazerra journalists. they were convicted yesterday on accusations that they helped the outlawed muslim brotherhood. as erica wood reports for us now, the case has raye raised concerns about the fairness of egypt's judicial system. >> reporter: if the world already had little faith in egypt's judicial system, this verdict cemented those opinions. >> reporter: the sentence of seven and 10 years in prison for al jazerra's journalists, was a culmination of five months of trial. a trial which international governments, observers and journalists agree followed little sense or reason.
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there are no jury trials no egypt. only judges can hear evidence in a court. rights groups say that leaves the judicial system open to subjectivty. so if the court fails to provide justice, can the government intervene? according toy jim law a pardon can be granted by the president, but not until all legal proceedings, including appeals, have been wound up. but comments by the president sisi tuesday says there is no chance of him stepping in. >> translator: we will not interfere in judiciary matters. it is an exalted jew dish air, no one interferes in state institutions nothing comments or talks about state institutions. >> reporter: egypt's courts have long suffered from a lack of resourcing and a crippling backlog of cases he has made
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assurances we would work to uphold human rights, but so far little sign of it. the crack down on supporters of deposed president mohammed morrisey and his mum limb brotherhood party is indisputable. in the past year thousands have been arrested and convicted. last year a mass court hearing confirmed the death sentences of 183 people, including muslim brotherhood chief. amnesty international said it was the latest example by egypt's judiciary to crush decent. and even though who are not supporters of the muslim brotherhood have also fallen victim to the crock down, one of egypt's most famous pro-democracy activists was sentenced to 15 years in prison last month no protesting. so with little will from inside the country by the government or the judicial system to offer fair trials, those caught in egypt's legal web may have to
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rely on pressure coming from outside and the international community. erica wood al jazerra. the verdict against the al jazerra journalists has sparked international outrage, members of other news organizations paused today to show their solidarity. barnaby phillips has more now from lon gone. >> reporter: at the headquarters of one of the world afternoons most famous broadcasters, an uncharacteristic moment of silence in solidarity with the al jazerra team in egypt. >> the egyptian authorities are not just robbing three innocent men of their freedom, they are intimidating journalists and i think hitting free speech. >> reporter: they are sending a letter to the egyptian president asking him to inte intervene. many bbc journalists protests because they know peter greste who worked for this organization for years. but the bbc believes there is a wider principle at stake. that the verdict in that cairo
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courtroom was an attack on the freedom of the press. this was how the news bulletin ended on channel 4, a leading independent station in the you feel k. and this is how al jazerra journalists marked this day in our borrows around the world. in baghdad. in peter greste's base nigh robe and i in our doha headquarters. but how much impact will all of this have in egypt? where state controlled media says foreigners should not interfere with their country's legal process. >> there is a crack down on freedom of expression in the country that is being cheered on by large swaths of the public. that is the most dangerous thing because the authorities feel that they can get way with it because they have a fair degree of popular backing do this. that's what marks is out against mubarak, at least his policies against freedom of expression were widely reviled. these policies now are the same but have popular backing and that is the most worrying thing. >> reporter: al jazerra and other journalists will carry on
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protesting, international condemnation is likely to grow. but so far, there is no sign that the egyptian authorities are prepared to back down, barnaby phillips, al jazerra. the new york times printed an editorial today criticizing the obama administration's response to yesterday's convictions the paper wrote, quoting now. secretary of john kerry called them a disturan being setback to egypt's conviction, while the white house urged mr. sisi to pardon the journalists and others given political sentences in little years but there was little talk on cutting back on aid and little reason to believe that mr. sisi would seriously reevaluate the judicial process. federal investigators said that pilot error and confusion tour blame for last year's deadly airlines crash at the san francisco international airport. the national transportation safety released its final report on the crash, it happened today. it says the complexity of the auto throttle and issues with pilot training contributed to the crash that killed three
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people. the agency says the plane was too low and too slow when it tried to land. house president john boehner accused the president of not doing justify to help get to the bottom problems a at the irs. >> his own remarks he said that he would fully couldn't. he and his administration. not only have they not fully cooperated they haven't done a damn thing to help us get to the truth of what really happened. >> okay. so congress is investigating why the irs gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying to tax exempt status. lawmakers wants to know what happened to e-mails sent by a former official at the center of that investigation. the irs says the e-mail were lost when a computer crashed. the secretary of homeland security is warning parents in central america not to send their kids nor to try to cross the u.s. mexico border alone. john terret has more on today's home lan secured at this committee hearing, john. >> this is an extraordinary situation. >> it is. we have children now doing a thousand or more miles journey
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coming to the southern borders trying to get in. these are not children who are a couple of months shy of being adults. >> these are kids. >> they are children who are very, very young, of their cuddly cute age where you want to protect them and look after them. and they are coming here on their own. today the story turned to the congress for the very first time. the secretary of homeland security answers questions in a house committee, take a look. home slant security secretary jay johnson says when thousands of children turn up alone on the southern 3w0rder it's a humanitarian crisis as much as a border security one. >> we are talking about large numbers of children. without their parents who have arrived at our border hungry, thirsty, exhausted, scared, and vulnerable. >> reporter: children, some as young as five, many of them preteen, making their way from countries like ga without mall act el salvador and honduras have tried to enter the the u.s. in record numbers, more than 50,000 unaccompanied kids picked up by border agents so far this year.
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>> the prints medical reason they are leaving their countries is the conditions in those countries, they are really bad. it has to be really bad for a parents to want to part company with his or her own seven-year-old. >> reporter: nine economy accompanied by gang violence are pressuring the kids to come north. al jazerra film the these kids in defense only last week. but republicans don't buy it. bad economies and violence are nothing new. >> to say that's the reason that we suddenly have 10s of thousands of children almost entirely coming from guatemala, honduras and el salvador and illegally entering the united states is simply not true. i think that humanitarian crisis with the laid directly at the feet of president obama as a result of his policy in 2012. >> reporter: the president's did he fevered action for childhood arrivals program that allows certain young immigrants to be shielded from detour take as
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long as they arrive before june 2007. seeing these republican attacks coming, the administration attempted to get out ahead of things last week announcing faster detour take for those apprehended, new detention facilities for children and families, more immigration judges to be sent to the border areas to process cases. nonetheless, in the hearing room, the realization that the thousands of children who have already crossed the line are in reality unlikely to be sent back. >> we are dealing with children and we get it. but we ought not be leaving the american people with the false impression that somehow the system is going to work and is actually going to lead to removals. once those children are here, they are staying here. >> and tony, when men are picked up crossing the southern border the agents sends them back. when mother as preach with their children if they are picked up, they tend to be let go in to the country to where their nearest relatives are. those mothers, so the story
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goes, started a rumor back down the chain that they somehow had a permit to stay here, and that if you believe it, is another reason why so many are coming and now apparently young children unaccompanied or coming with mules who bring them and they then have to pay toss mules in order to come here. so young children as wrung as five, six, seven, whatever, owing money before they even get here. >> clarify this for me, it is central american mothers who are thought to have started these rumors? >> that's the rumor. >> really? central american mothers started this. >> and the numbers have increased exponentially in just two years. it was around 24 no 30,000 people coming last year, young people. this year 52,000 already and it's only june. >> you can tell by my tony am a little suspicious of that. john terret for us, appreciate it. good to see you. coming up on al jazerra america, a look at today's key primaries, plus congressman charles rangal supporters come up with a rap song to boost his champagne. that is next in power politics
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can we look at these numbers here, there we go. wall street taken today by concerns about the situation in iraq. that has to do with oil and the north, the south, southern oil fields aren't threatened at this point but there are issues in the north of the country that's for sure. the dow lost 119 points nasdaq. s. and p500. also with losses today. in power politics it's primary elections. one of the year's biggest battles between the tea party and republican establishment will finally get settled. david is here with more. >> primary voters are going to the polls today in colorado, new york, maryland, new york, oklahoma, utah and mississippi, it's in mississippi where thad cochran is facing the race of his life. cochran is 76 years old and is seeking a seventh senate term but his tea party challenger chris mcdaniel has ron a
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feisty campaign. he has a history after sexist language as a radio talk show host so cochran is trying to highlight that at the end. meet chris mcdaniel. >> it's so interesting to see this woman basically using her [beep], her breast to his run for office. >> that's chris mcdaniel. >> hey, hot mama, you are a fine looking young thing. >> that's chris mcdaniel. >> a goop supporting mcdaniel is leveraging a cochran equip about growing up doing indecent things with animals. the group has turned that remark in to a radio ad. watch this. >> mississippi senior senator thad cochran said just last week that growing up it was fun to do. >> i'll kind of indecent things with animal. [ baa. [. >> tell thad cochran you are no foreman mall and not going to taking on the receiving end of his so-called fun any longer. >> what is going on? >> amazing, national democrats are hoping for a mcdaniel win. they believe former congressman travis childers would stand a great chance of beating mcdaniel in the general
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election in november. in new york today the big focus is on 84 year old charlie rangel, a cloud hangs over him because of an ethics se censurea few years ago and facing a primary election today with a challenger he barely we feeted in 2012. >> if we just stay the facts who do you think is the best? >> that's one rangel video we have another one in just a moment. in maryland today's primary will likely decide that state's next governor. the favorite to win the heated democratic prime is lieutenant governor anthony brown. he's facing off lieutenant general dug, this has been the most expensive primary in maryland history. the candidates together over the past year spent 17 1/2 million dollars. and presidential politics, new jersey governor chris christie is now facing another round of
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headlines that could make potential 2016 donors and activists even more nervous about the investigations around him. securities and exchange commission is now reportedly examining christy's potential misuse of funds for the port authority of new york and new jersey. christy's office remains under investigate by a federal cross prosecutor over the lane clover user last year at the george washington bridge. finally, back to charlie rangel. in harlem his supporters have come up with a rap song to try to boost his candidacy is we pick it up as they rap about rangel's youth. on. ♪ he know what it means to be poor ♪ ♪ don't leave it at the store. support ♪ ♪ go and vote noun don't leave it is a thought. come on show your support ♪ ♪ vote for rangel ♪ charlie, charlie, charlie range. >> feed for the rangel. charlie, charlie, charlie rangel. you know it, god bless them for that he creativity.
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that's today's power politics. >> good stuff, david, thank you as always. shake it off, tony. coming up on al jazerra america, more than 200 kidnapped nigerian girls still not found and now word of more villagers abducted. we'll take you there for the latest. plus argentina has fall then to recession and some residents say they shouldn't have to payback a billion dollars debt to united states.
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reports of another mass abduction from the same ring none nigeria where 200 girls were taken more than two months ago now. 91 villagers were allegedly taken from towns in the country's north over a period of three days no. word on who took them but witnesses said gunmen kidnapped that in borno state. andrew is live with the latest
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for us. andrew, didn't the first reports of these kidnapping actually come in late last week? >> reporter: well, that's one area of speculation, and speculation is a word that's very rife in these reports. initially, we were hearing that the -- there was a series of abductions in this area which is about 30-kilometers from the school where more than 200 school girls were abducted from more than two months ago. but the report suggests that these abductions were over three days, exactly when is unclear. the latest report suggests that it was at the end of last week going in to the weekend. >> reporter: and that these abductions took place over the three days and they involved nearly 90 people was the report. 60 of whom were young women.
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these were not school children apparently, but may have been some young children involved. now, what we are hearing from the authorities is absolutely nothing really. they are not confirming or denying what's been alleged by a civilian joint protection force personnel in the area. one in particular who is a commander. effectively an official vigilante paid by the state. >> so this is a militia group of sorts that's providing the information. has there been a claim of responsibility from boko haram? >> reporter: therno, there havet but boca ham rah is slow to make claims. there has also been a lot of fighting in this area and we are now hearing confirmation from official source that his a lot of boko haram fighters were
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killed in the knew let pats district on saturday. now whether these two were i want linked is unclear. the real problem is, that this zone, we can't access it to independently verify any of these claims. and also the infrastructure is so broken down that word getting out by cell phone, by witnesses, is quite rare, so the military are warning off journalists and it is dangerous there and a large risk of kidnapping and also of counterattack and attack by nigerian military and the insurgents think so a difficult picture. >> let me dive in to the idea of secure any it the area. give us a sense and i think you were alluding to in your last response, how insecure the area feels to you. you say it's an active military zone. how difficult is it for you to get in and out and to do your work?
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>> reporter: this is thick bush land. the area is thought to be, according to the nigerian military, where the school girls are being held. not particularly across the board tore cameroon which is suggested by some. it is an area that is hostile because there have been frequent ambushs by the insurgents, and also the military have engaged on a number over indications with the insurgents, so there is additionally a problem in that the nigerian government evidently don't want the media near, for obvious reasons, if there are any form of negotiations going on, any sort of trading. so it is a very difficult picture and also it isn't unusual for abductions to take place in this area with insurgents taking women away and also using them as wives, selling them on. this has happened in the past. the media have report odd it.
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there has been no official comment either way from the authorities. >> all right, andrew, an due is live for us in northeastern nigeria. thank you, andrew. joining me now with more on this is aiyegbeni the publisher and founder of sahara it's good to see you sir. >> thank you very much. >> what is the latest that you are hearing about the new abductions? >> well, it's unclear what has happened. what we hear is that about three days ago from the villagers and vigilantes in the area that there are a lot of attacks by boko haram militants and it's been over 60 abductions. they came back took more people from about four villages. we are not hearing anything from the military -- >> why is that? why do you think that is? >> well, the military has a ban on -- [inaudible] a large spot of land for boko haram they are inning willing to engage them.
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>> they have venture erred wide swaths of what, the northeast of the country? >> absolutely. >> borno state? >> born owe state. boko haram is charge of a large swath of land already. >> you are talking about an on top mays ring none. >> almost three states of the u.s. the size of virginia. >> the size of individual stpheurpblg. >> yes. >> that's in control of the boko haram control? >> absolutely. this is what we have been saying for a long time on our website we have been engaging with the shoulders on the front, and they are saying, look, we are incapable and unable to engage these guys. boko haram forces grew in the last three years from about maybe 1,500 to 10,000 as we speak. and you can understand why they are capable of keeping 300 stkpwhreurls can i ask you a question, we have been tracking where the money is think doing from in iraq for isil. do you know where the money is coming from to support boko haram? have you done any reporting on this. >> yes.
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mostly they engage in bank robberies. almost no banks in the region. >> sure. >> but they have now taken over huge territory in the area enough for them to make money from taxes. they are also engaging in kidnapping, and as we mentioned, i mentioned in one of the interviews here they kidnap a french tourist in cameroon. and got over $4 million from just that one exercise alone. several individuals have been kidnapped who pay ransom and don't tell anybody just to avoid the publicity that will bring more attention to them. so box uh-huh ram is living large in their own territory and making money. >> right. >> and they have an economy and military. they have their own educational system. they have a very powerful media as you can tell. what has happened in the last one month they have changed tactics of how they engage with the public. we haven't see any new videos for almost three months.
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>> why that in. >> because the u.s. advisers are tracking them, using drones tracking them. main they that's why they went underground and have unliked their midlevel commanders to get in the villages and stealing food stuffs and blowing up a lot of bridges and destroyed the integration between nigeria and about -- >> this is a real mess. this is a real mess in the north east of the country. you are describing a situation where boko haram is essentially running that region of the country and the military in nigeria is essentially powerless to do anything about it at this point. so what about the girls? what about the girls? >> well, you know, the girls are somewhere in between the four countries that i mentioned to you, come ron, chad, nigeria. i don't know where they are at right now. some of them have probably already died of stress already. >> will you keep us posted on this? the publisher and founder of sahara >> sabbath salute i. you can keep checking on our website we provide regular updates. >> appreciate it.
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thanks for your time. a sudanese woman freed from death row on monday as been rearrested. her lawyer says she and her family were taken in nba to custody today at the khartoum airport. she was first sentenced to death she was released from prison yesterday. argentina is struggle to go paid off their creditors. the u.s. supreme court ruled argentina must clear its debts from a default immediately. it's a blow to its already weakened economy which has officially slid back to in recession, as daniel reports, some argentinians argue they should not be responsible for part debts. >> reporter: here is argentina they call them vulture funds. the u.s. hedge funds won a longstanding battle in the us earlier this month that compels argentine rah to pay what they owe them.
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$1.5 billion accrued when the country default odd debts of $100 billion in 2001. >> translator: make no mistake, like i said on monday, we want to pay 100 percent of our kate tours. the 92% who restructured in 2005 and 2010 and those who didn't join us. >> reporter: they firstly said they wouldn't bow to a what she called extortion then they would negotiation. but some here say that that would be wrong. the debt taken out during military rule in the 1970s and 1980s is illegal. >> it's because the government doesn't believe it's illegal. and the few that do believe it's illegal say that even if it's illegal we still have to pay because that's the way it worlds works 67 the historian is continuing investigations started by his father, and backed by an argentine court
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ruling in 2000. >> translator: what argentina needs is an 5ud it's of her debt. what it should legally be paying and what is not legal. it should question the conditions of the contracts, prosecute the public officials who signed these decrees and have a complete overhaul. >> reporter: he has been contracted as an advise or by the president of h ecuador. they believe the consequences of developing debt in countrys around the world are not if illegal, then i morallal. it's the battle of the small and week against the mighty. is argentina the victim of these done by the previous government years ago or a broughtal and unfore giving international banking system? perhaps it's a little bit of both. while the government tried toe tackle the conundrum other countries in a similar position await the on you come with interest. daniel, al jazerra, buenes
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aires. a federal court convicted i former news of the world editor and acquitted another over a massive phone hacking scandal. rebecca brooks was found not guilty after being charged with conspiracy and bribery, she was she was editor and chief of a now defunct tab roid and a rising star within rupert murdoch's em tire. andy coleson was convicted of hack phoned of the british royalty and celebrities. in libya hundreds are fleeing of country by rogue fighting armed groups. accused turkey and qatar of sponsoring so-called tear off ts in eastern libya he has launched militias defying the government's call to disarm and hand over territory. they threw people out of the airport today and plan to evacuate others as soon as possible. ray setback for the government's no fly list. maria has that store and i other headlines making news across america. >> a federal judge in oregon says the process surrounding the
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government's no fly list is unconstitutional. 13 muslim americans with no fly status filed a suit. judge anna brown says they have no meaningful way of contesting the government's decision banning them from flights. she said the government needs to create a a new contrary allowing people on the no fly list to challenge that status. in indiana a reported tornado tore through the area near indianapolis, damaging several homes. power lines were down and trees were uprooted. there are no reports of injuries, the tornado warnings had expired but there is still a flash flood warning in effect for the area. in new york, bernie mad off's former accountant pleaded guilty to conspiracy and falsifying records. paul made a plea deal with the government. he will cooperate on further investigations in to the ponsy scheme that sent madoff to jail. he is the fifth person to be convicted or plead guilty in connection with the fraud
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uncovered in 2000 a. a texas woman is alive this morning thanks to the quick actions of a police officer. the officer got a call about a woman sitting on some railroad tracks when he arrived on the scene, he heard the traina preaching and saw the crossing arm coming down, he raced to the tracks and pulled the woman to safety. she was taken to a local hospital to get checked out. tony. and will he stay in miami? lebron james becomes an nba free agent next week, that's because he says he decided on an early termination option in his contract with the miami heat. he could restructure ideal with the heat or this could be the start of the decision part two. remember the decision. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. it was a mess. >> what do you think will happen? >> i think he's going restructure the deal and stay in miami. although, some of the -- i guess we can't do sports here. >> we'll leave that for michael
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eaves. >> exactly. thank you. a new research shows that we store more than our contacts and photos on our cell phones. every time we touch our phones we transfer unique bacteria called mike robes fro mike rober hands, six out of seven people have access to a srel encarnacion cell phone. university of oregon looked at 7,007,000 microbes commonly foun a person's hand, 82% are also found on their phoned, here is more on what the new research could actually mean. >> reach person's cell phone has more in beyond with hi common wr than anybody else in the room. i have them on my body that don't show up on your body and your phone has that signal that is personalized to you. >> reporter: the discovery opens up the potential to use mobile phones as bacterial and environmental censorses this could include real time screening of the smart phones of
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health care workers and hospital visitors rather than the people themselves. >> in the foreseeable future, we might have some sort of device, say, in a hospital. where a nurse or doctor can put their cell phone down and in a matter of minutes know if they are at risk of taking dangerous path generals home or in the beginning defendant to bring them in to the hospital. >> reporter: there is also growth in person healt personald fitness technology. the possibility of adding personal analysis in to the phones could greatly enhance us, even allowing authorities to track the spread of disease in a population or giving the owner of a cell phone an alert when he or she have been exposed to harmful microbes or environmental threats. al jazerra. and coming up, 50 years after the civil rights act, we will look at what has happened during freedom.
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venezuela divided on al jazeera america 50 years ago the civil rights act was signed in to law. ending generations of legalized discrimination. well, today congressional leaders commemorated the historic event. ♪ >> senate and house leaders posthumously awarded marlin luther king, jr. and core red a scott king with congressional gold medals. also a new home for african american archive of oral history videos, the history makers collection will be at the library of congress, it includes thousands of hours. roxana joins us with more on this. >> tony the direction includes
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visit crows of wel crowsvideos , but also less known figures, they talk about their hopes, dreams and, accomplishments the goal is to give a better more detailed picture of the black experience in america. >> the history makers an archive of 5,000 african americans who made a difference. >> capturing the legacy of after ken americans is the idea driving the history makers project. >> it was a hard time. i had to go to school hungry and come back home hungry. >> it features i wan interviewse the late isaac hayes opening up about his childhood. >> we moved a lot of places. at one time i was homeless, i had to sleep in parked cars in the garage. >> julianna richardson founded the project at her kitchen table in 1999. since then, the collection has exploded. it now has more than 9,000 hours of video interviews with 2600 african americans.
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averaging three to six hours long. the collection also includes documents and photos like these. almost a third of the subjects like author and actress my a angelou, have passed away since they were interviews. >> my grandmother's voice was best. i would write to her, month month, please sing, my grandmother would put on her spec tick -lz and say vice ter, go "o" you know mama can't sing. >> some were captured before they were better known. barack obama spoke when he was just a young state senator in illinois. >> my mother was something who really i think empathized so deeply or identified so greatly with the civil rights movement that that was almost our civil religion. >> the library of congress says it hopes the stories of these struggles and successes will educate and create a more complete record of america's history. >> and if i left her alone and i didn't bother her she would si
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sing. ♪ i shall not, i al not be moved ♪ i shall not, i shall not be moved ♪ ♪ just like a tree that's planted by the water ♪ ♪ oh, i shall not be moved >> i loved it. >> the library i have congress plans to open the exhibit this fall. you can also find the clips online the the founder julianna still hopes to interview oprah winfrey and spike lee, we hope to her from her at 6:00. oh, really. boy, i am looking forward to that. rooks an, appreciate it. thank you. coming up on al jazerra, iran's government with an ominous response to a campaign showing women without their head scarfs.
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real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. >> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america iranian hard liners released a new video this week in response to a worldwide campaign
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featuring women without their had i jabs. maria is back with that store. >> i tony, you are probably seen the campaign started by an iranian journalist in london. it's called myself-y freedom. it shows iranian women without their had i jab, they told me that she has been astounded by the response once of women are taking part of it she has also received a through death threats and insulting e-mails because of it. yesterday iranian hard liners posted the follow on youtube warning little girls about the campaign, take a look. ♪ ♪ >> so the video shows a little girl in and her brother running through the woods, they approach a dark, scary house, inside sits the woman behind the freedom
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campaign. and you see the back of her head at the computer. >> really? >> yeah, i know, it's kind of -- it's a scary video here. and she has these pictures of all the women who have taken part in the campaign. now, this isn't the first attempt to go up against the freedom campaign, hard liners held a protest last month asking for the government to enforce islamic dress code. as for this video, she thinks it's hilarious. in fact, she wrote me an e-mail with the words hah after. and goes on to say, look, this campaign is obviously touching a raw nerve. she says deciding what you want to whatter is a form of freedom of speech. in a way the response from the hard liners gives her campaign all the more attention. >> and next eye i didn' iraniane able to post videoses singing the happy song. oh, i am soar, the iranian hard liners have already ruled that out. >> they have. >> thank you. two of the world's biggest soccer powerhouses i am just
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going to talk through the animation if that's okay with everybody. are out of the world cup right now. we are talking about england and italy. headed home. costa rica, and uruguay, big wins and those big wins really capturing all the headlines but there is also the bite seen around the world from uruguay's luis suarez. gabriel is with us from sal paolo. gabe, tell us what happened? what did suarez do this time? and what's been reaction so far? >> well, we all remember of course the famous bite my mike tyson against evander holyfield. that's essentially what we have in the world couple of you mentioned luis suarez biting the shoulder of an italian player towards the end of the match. it would have been an immediate red card, tony, but for one thing, the referee missed it. so, you know, but the cameras caught it.
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suarez bit his shoulder. and then after the game, the italian player actually showed the bite marks on his shoulder. so there seems to be a lot of evidence of it. it's the talk of the tournament right now. that's what everyone is talking about. big win for uruguay, but it was marred by that really no other way to put it, kind of an ugly scene there. and suarez has done this before. actually, just a couple of year old ago he was kicked out of 10 games of the english premier league. he plays for liverpool, for biting a player in a game there. so suarez has a nickname unofficial nickname as being the cannibal and i guess you can kind of see why now. >> so, okay, if the officials see it during the course of the match, it's an immediate red card they didn't see it so he gets to finish the match. what now? what can fifa do? what might fifa do? >> well, this is really important, because fifa technically they can review the tape and they can decide to
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punish suarez for this action. and but we don't know what fifa is going to do. if they will do that or not. we got a release from fifa a few minutes ago they are saying we are reviewing everything we haven't made a descension yet. this is huge in fifa kicks suarez out of the tournament which they could do, maybe, he is their star player. suarez is for uruguay football what lebron james is for the miami heat. he is the star player. so if fifa decides to take some action against him, it's huge going in to the knockout stage for uruguay. so a lot of pressure fifa now and the disciplinary committee of fifa to really make a ruling on what are they going to do about this. >> and the italians are out. what's the mood among the italian fans? another big club out. >> reporter: awful, to put in one word. the italians are just devastated the coach from italy and the italian football federation president, both resigned right
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