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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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velshi. thanks for joining us. us. are. >> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. atackled. shoppers targeted in another deadly attack. a country already haunted by killings and kidnappings. tonight our special report on nigeria. defiance. iraq's prime minister rejects another unity government. a major case involving police searching your cell phone. >> support. the u.n. calls for justice for
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al jazeera journalists jailed in egypt. one speaks from behind bars. and a detention center housing immigrants. and we begin with a deadly attack in nigeria today. 21 people killed in an explosion at a shopping mall in the capital city of abuja. 52 tbeem people were -- people were injured. no one has claimed responsibility yet. it is a long series of attack all awl blamed on the armed group boko haram. yvonne ngede is in abuja.
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>> many windows blown out. witnesses told us they saw body parts scattered around the entrance of the mall which took the worst of the force of the blast. and many cars parked of parked outside were destroyed. >> i lost and why because i came to photocopy for 10 lira. this driver is not supposed to take mere here but i forced here. and these children he is going to school. he is wanting to take care of his children. how are they going to take care of the children. >> reporter: emergency came to rescue the injured and the dead. as bomb squads combed the area for more devices. at the scene, police said it was
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too early to say who or what coughed the explosion. >> you cannot see we just recorded an unfortunate bomb blast here. for now we can't tell you much. we can tell you the nature or perhaps the kind of explosion that was used. >> reporter: no group has claimed responsibility for bombing but it does look like the group boko haram might be behind it. they blew up this bus station in abuja killing over 75 people. days later they struck again killing dozens. in this video released in april, the group's leader promises to attack the capitol again and again. the group wants a strict form of islamic law imposed throughout the cub and has -- country and has been behind many attacks
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around the country. these kinds of attacks are difficult to stop. an investigation has been launched into the cause of the explosion and security beefed up across the capitol. yvonne ndege, abuja, nigeria. a new series of kidnappings in nigeria. 60 young women reportedly abducted near borno state again. the government says there will be a full investigation. witnesses say boko haram is behind these kidnappings as well. a deeper look. the killings, the kidnappings, the more than 200 school girls missing for two months. what can be done? it's coming up 8:30 eastern time. dozens of u.s. special
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informs are working with iraqi security forces on the ground, more americans are arriving soon. but in brussels, secretary of state john kerry warned about outside interference. he said a military response by other countries would make the sectarian tension worse. >> succeeding in this fight is going to require rakes to come come -- iraqis to coming together finally in order to form an inclusive government . >> but today, iraq's prime minister appears to be digging in. >> translator: the call for forming a national unity government as they like to call it is simply an attempt by some in the opposition to launch a coup against our political process. in order to destroy it. >> as a possible political solution is debated some rebels are predicting baghdad will fall in less than a month. jane arath is in baghdad with more on this story, jane.
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>> well john, the prime minister's office is saying that the prime minister, mr. maliki is not actually rejecting a coalition government or a unity government. he is working very hard to form a government, in fact. we know that from political sources. basically because he wants to keep his job. but what he is rejecting is something called a salvation government which would be kind of an imposed committee that would very well sideline him. so there are frantic efforts going on john to form a new government by the deadline by tuesday. we'll see how those go. and certainly, militarily, here in baghdad, i spoke a short while ago to one of the interior ministry spokesmen who says they have beefed up the security here. they believe they're firmly in control and in fact i was wandering through streets in one of the neighborhoods. and it was packed with people saying they weren't worried at all. it's a very strange situation here john. >> all right so jane, the first
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advisors have started working in iraq. what is their plan? >> reporter: well, they're sitting up a joint command center basically because that is one of the biggest needs here. what's happened to security forces over the last four years is that there is basically no coordination. they operate independently of each other and sometimes, at cross-purposes to each other. the americans will also be working very closely with special forces. that is perhaps there unit of iraqi security forces that retains the training that it got from americans, that americans work very closely with. an they're going to be leading that fight. they'll also be providing on the american side, intelligence help, intelligence analysts, help with targeting and they hope that will make the difference to stem the tide of i.s.i.l. fighters. >> jane let me ask you this. we've been reporting almost
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every day that rebels are getting closer to baghdad, today there are reports they're in baghdad suburbs. what is your sense what's going to happen in the coming days and the security there in baghdad? >> reporter: i think we have to remember, this is a huge city. 8 million people. so when we're talking about fighting in the suburbs, on a normal day, there are maybe a dozen car bombs in baghdad. there is very often clashes on the western outskirts of the city. and in what they call the baghdad belt which circles the city. it's when al qaeda, when al qaeda was around, has traditionally moved in from the desert when there are operations here. there is scattered fighting an clashes but baghdad itself remains secure. there are people out in the shops. there are people going to restaurants. there are certainly larger number of security forces and more security measures in place.
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but that fighting hasn't yet reached here. it is -- the i.s.i.l. does seem to be occupied in taking more territory outside the capitol. john. >> jane arath, in baghdad, thanks very much. joining us to talk about this is lawrence korb, now a senior fellow at the center for american progress. larry, welcome, thank you. >> nice to be with you. >> can i just get your general reaction to what you've seen over the last couple of days in iraq? >> well, i think what you've seen is basically secretary kerry trying to say, at some point, if you want to prevail in this, keep iraq together, you're going to have to reach out form a unity government. i think what you see maliki say today i'm not going to do it now because they had an election in april and in the process of
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forming a new government. i think it's going to be a combination of where he does form one, but it doesn't look like he's getting rid of the government that he has. what you've seen is the sunnis, some of whom fought with us back in 2006-2007, not being very happy with the way maliki has treated the sunnis. and so they're partnering with i.s.i.s, or at least not resisting them. and you see the military part of the forces fall apart because maliki, you couldn't expect the sunnis who don't particularly like maliki to do the fighting up in places like mosul. there. >> so as long as i can remember and as long as the u.s. has been involved in iraq we've been talking about these divisions. how likely do you think that there can be a unity government? >> well, i think that's really
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up to the iraqis. you may remember in 2006 then senator biden, now vice president biden proposed you know a federal system. my guess is the best outcome you're going to have a loose country where you'll have the sunnis, the shie shies and shi e kurds all running the autobiography government. but if they don't have a eunt government that's not going to happen. >> is it possible this country will break apart into three pieces at least? >> i mean basically again the question is, how much does it break apart. we haven't even talked about what's happening in syria. because i.s.i.s. now has basically destroyed the border or you know made the border between syria and iraq not exist anymore. and of course today you had the
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syrians bombing i.s.i.s, the assad government. you've gone iranians and the syrian assad government basically having the same position we do. so it's going to take a while to sort this out. >> how does the u.s. military work with the iraq military? >> i think basically as jane said, basically they're going to share intelligence, they're going to work with their special forces which is the one unit that probably will be effective. and i think at some point if in fact the intelligence is good enough this and i.s.i.s. should be foolish enough to march in large columns towards baghdad or something they can call in air strikes. remember that we have an aircraft carrier in the region. we're already flying reconnaissance flights over if nothing else, that can provide the intelligence that our people can give to the iraqis to help them defend baghdad.
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>> lawrence korb, it's good to have you on the program. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> there was a significant and unanimous decision from the u.s. supreme court today. the justices ruled 9 to zero that police cannot search the cell phones of people they arrest without a search warrant. roxana saberi has that story. >> john, the justices pointed out that smartphones like this can hold vast quantities of personal information and searching them would violate people's right to privacy without a a want. civil rights organizations are praising this decision, but the justice department ints pos out that police -- points out that police organizations needs to search. >> now the supreme court says there's one thing they can't search: your cell phone because they hold much more personal information. justice john roberts wrote in a unanimous ruling, modern cell phones are not just another
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technological convenience. with all they contain and reveal they hold for many americans the privacy of life. what police must do searching a cell phone is accordingly simple. get a warrant. many privacy advocates are applauding the decision. >> technology is becoming so much more advanced. if a police officer getz ahold of your phone and they find out what's in there, that is -- they can access so much of your personal life that has nothing to do with the possible criminal case. >> the ruling has possible are importance for journalists. the supreme court's ruling is hugely significant. he says journalists in particular are at risk. they not only carry their lives in their cell phones and laptops
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they carry the stuff of ordinary journalism. >> the justices recognized that prieives concerns way. prieives has t privacy has to bn priority. >> will affect law enforcement's ability to fight crime but the justices said the right to privacy comes at a cost. they say police can still search cell phones in certain cases. for instance, if someone is texting someone to possibly set off a bomb. roxana saberi, al jazeera. >> in a 6-3 decision the justices said the internet startup company areo violates copyright law. captures broadcast signals with antennas then charges subscribers a fee to watch them on phones, tablets and tvs.
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the cable and satellite companies. at the united nations reporters from around the world showed their support today for the three al jazeera journalists jailed in egypt. monday a court sentenced peter greste and mohamed fahmy to seven years and baher mohamed to ten years in prison. james bays has the latest. >> reporter: this was a meeting john organized by the u.n. correspondents association. the idea was to bring together u.n. officials, journalists and diplomats to try to see what we can do to try and get the al jazeera journalists freed after 179 days now being held in egypt. i can tell you representatives from some 17 countries, at least 17 countries attended this event. there were eight members of the u.n. security council represented. and surprisingly, the egyptians also sent diplomats including their deputy ambassador at the meeting. he was challenged by al jazeera
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representatives. >> but ambassador if you're so independent from your judiciary why don't you criticize what is blatantly a -- you know april outrageous sentence -- an outrageous sentence. >> you qualify that as outrageous but for me i'm a technocrat. i'm a professional diplomat. so by way of the constitution i cannot entertain the liberty to comment on a verdict issued by the judiciary, because the judiciary in my country is totally independent as it is in too many countries. >> if u.n. correspondents association has sent a letter to the egyptian mission at the united nations protesting the continued imprisonment of our journalists. there also is pressure on the u.n. itself and secretary-general be ban ki-moon. it is possible that he may meet
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president sisi at that summit. if he does i'm told john he will raise the al jazeera journalists. >> that's james bays reporting. up next our series on the border. an undocumented immigrant allegation inhumane treatment from the customers center. today's explosion the latest in a string of attacks. our in depth look at who's behind the violence and why no one has stopped it.
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>> after weeks of concern about housing undocumented children on the u.s. mexican border, firsthand look at an arizona border facility today. the tour of the nogales facility came a day after jay johnson testified about the surge of undocumented children across the border. arrived in the u.s. from mexico and from central america. >> it is not safe to send your child on the over 1,000 mile journey into mexico, into south texas, if you're a parent considering doing this. daca is not available for your can child. comprehensive immigration reform, the earned path for citizenship is not available for your child. it is a dangerous dangerous journey. we hear the stories firsthand in
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there. >> immigration facilities are often the first stop. conditions can be inhuman and in our series on the border we meet one immigrant who is suing over her treatment at customs centers in texas. florida tash ah -- natasha guinane has her story. >> in february 2013. >> translator: i thought i was going odie. i was desperate. very desperate. i needed help and no one would help me. >> the 26-year-old undocumented immigrant is afraid to show her face on camera but she wants people to be held accountable so she's suing customs and border protection or cvp. >> my life is not the same because i have horrendous memories. i didn't deserve to go through this. >> she said she wore these blood stained clothes for two weeks
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after agents wouldn't provide feminine hygiene products. are it was so cold in the cells her lips cracked and she had to huddle with others to stay warm. she has diabetes, depression, and wasn't able to access her medication, authorities denied her proper medication even when she passed out. she said agents threatened her with imprisonments. three immigrants rights organizations say she echo their stories. >> honestly, i hear so many of these stories, we treat our animals better. >> we have repeatedly asked cvp to address allegations at detention facilities. a spokesman would only direct us
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to, these comments saying the complaints will be investigated. >> i'm demonstrated my commitment to not only those types of investigations and the transparency, but let me make a really significant point. in my multiple trips with the border patrol agents, i've watched them do absolutely heroic efforts. >> a cvp agent who didn't want to be named said the holding cells are kept at 70 to 75°. sanitary products are provided upon request. there is no bedding because the goal is to move immigrants out within 12 to 18 hours. but with the crisis, that amight not be possible. maria says cvp fails to enforce its own policies. >> there is a culture of impunity. >> they don't have a right to
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treat people this way. someone has to put a stop to this situation. >> maria is now seeking asylum and hoping to bring her ten-year-old daughter to the u.s. natasha guinane al jazeera, new york. detroit's situation is so desperate some people want the united nations to step in. tanya moseley reports. >> nestled in between an empty lot and a gutted house is the home of wilamina. >> only occupied houses on the block. three houses. >> three houses with leskt and running water until -- >> no water. >> harper's service was shut off. >> filled this up with water. >> that means no running water in a home where she's raising two grandchildren on a small monthly pension. >> i work for the city of
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detroit. they've cut my pension, taken my health insurance. >> shutting off the water in detroit has become a huge operation. more than 90,000 customers are behind in their payments by two months or more. that's 40% of all customers in detroit. the city says it can't afford to keep operating without getting paid. >> we're trying to eliminate our bad debt as much as we can and we've got an incredible amount of bad debt frankly that drives the rate increases in this city. >> of the 90,000 delinquent notices that were sent to homes in april alone, 14,000 of them were returned because no one was living there. >> greg enoos says, that's all the more reason every penny counts. the city has to provide a service even with the $118 million in outstanding bills. >> we have electricity cost, chemical costs that go up. we have pipes underneath this city that are over 100 years
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old. we have to pay to repair and maintain those pipes. >> but going to the united nations for help. >> we don't want free water, we want to pay for our water but we want to be fair about it. >> what's fair? >> what's fair, some people can afford a lincoln, others can afford a cadillac, and others can afford a chefl. we want water programs that are designed for the different incomes that are here. >> i hope it's not 24 hours. >> harper borrowed the $300 needed to get her water back and she says she understands the city needs its money to continue its services. but many like harp he believe that access to water is a human right. >> it's hot and muggy and how can you do without water in this heat? >> even if they can't afford it. tanya moseley, al jazeera,
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detroit. >> coming up. nigeria, a country in fear. bombings and attacks, why won't the government do anything about it. and boko haram one of the threats to women around the world.
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>> new outrage in nigeria. a shopping mall bombed in the capitol city. was it the work of boko haram? the armed group holding hundreds of school girls? >> we are boko haram. >> new violence on the rise in an oil-rich nation threatening the global economy. what will it take to stop the attacks? >> we are asking you to help us please. >> our special report: nigeria, a nation in fear. >> this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. nigeria is facing a crisis that so far seems too big for it to handle. in the next half hour we will explore the growing threat from boko haram and the fear the group is striking into the lives of nigerians. a blast at abuja, the blast
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occurred just as people were gathering to watch the world cup. 52 people killed. many others injured. >> i forced him. i begged him to took me here and this is the end. >> one suspect has been arrested. no one has claimed responsibility but today's attack is the next in a series of armed incidents all blamed on the group boko haram. no doubt that boko haram is behind the attacks. >> it's an escalation of the attacks launched by boko haram since the beginning of this year and i remember very well, they have threatened to attack abuja before, remember the bus station bombing and the subsequent one, they said they will attack abuja and have sleeper sells in abuja,
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security forces warning abuja that shopping markets and other busy places could be the targets. by the time security forces deploy to an area they move to another area and attack it. so it's becoming more and more difficult for the security forces to tackle this head on because actually at the moment it looks like they are overstretched. >> for several weeks the nigeria military were focused to finding the school girls. more than 270 are still head by boko haram. they were taken by chabak back in april. reporting 90 more abductions in magdugary, the regional capitol of borno state. andrew simmons is there. >> beyond this checkpoint, the roads out of madugary where boko haram have a big presence. it was one of the commanders
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from this state run joint task force to report another mass kidnapping. he was posted 60 kilometers into the zone, an inquiry is underway, but there needs to be checks on the accuracy of eyewitness reports. here in the state capitol's displaced people center, where the food queues are getting bigger, no one is surprised about these reports. there is unrest, anxiety, fear. the immediate needs of these people are obviously. food, shelter, safety. but what they also want is some assurances for the future. where will they go next? who will look out for their security and who stands accountable for all that's gone wrong? this woman, husband was rounded up with others and shot dead.
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then his killers came to burn her house down. she says the nigerian army were nearby. >> if they had come, then they would be happy. they should have saved him because they are the ones who are supposed to protect us. >> mousa is from a neighboring village. he believes the government and the army have been negligent. >> we are innocent. when we report an attack, they rarely come. when they do come, they shoot aimlessly. morning, noon and night, that's how work teams are. >> there is a growing hostility not just towards boko haram but also the army and politicians. what the people want more than anything else is to go back to their old way of life. but for now, there is no
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prospect of normality returning. andrew simmons, al jazeera, nigeria. >> last month, emanuel returned from a three week fact finding mission to northern nigeria. he was able to speak with several boko haram victims. emanuel welcome. what did you learn on your trip? >> well, actually i just returned from nigeria last week. i've been back twice since that initial trip. and what i found most shocking is the fact that we talk to some of the girls who escaped from boko haram's abduction. and they haven't been interviewed by local security agencies. or even by the multinational task force that has come in to help. so we are stunned. we think that eight weeks after their abduction, the intelligence forces should have gotten to these girls and interviewed them by now.
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so there's a lack of -- >> how would you rate the performance of nigeria so far? >> well, you know, i would like to give them an e for effort. but even that is a struggle. because every time that there's an attack, that is a failure of security. and we have lost over a thousand people, a thousand lives in the eight weeks since the girls have been abducted. >> you know this is the part that -- >> most. >> i'm sorry to interrupt but this is the part that many people not just in the united states but around the world simply can't understand. how do a thousand people -- how do these people just disappear, or how are all these people killed and no one seiz see it, there's no sign of where they went? >> well, it's particularly disturbing because what boko haram is doing is wiping out entire villages and communities. and as you probably saw in the news, sometimes they are there for hours. and sometimes they're there for days. and there's not an adequate
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response from the military. >> right the people there, right, who see this happen? >> yes. now one of the things boko haram does, they shoot down or they blow up telecommunications mass so it's difficult for people to phone or call out. there's no 9/11 to call in nernlg, that's parity of the problem. the killings are way more than we realize. more people are being killed this first six months than the whole of last year. >> is it also about fear, people just afraid to say anything? >> well, at this point you know, people are no longer afraid to say anything. and they actually are saying listen if you can't protect us give us the arms to protect ourselves. i heard this from several people in abuja last week. and that is a cause for concern. because they feel that the state is no longer able to protect them. and they want to take the law into their hands. >> what -- you traveled to meet
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with victims of boko haram in cameroon and northeast nigeria. what's life like for them? >> well, here is the really bad part. in the camps in cameroon, they had not been fed by the u.n. for 49 days. and so yesterday, i got a call, there are people who are stuck you know in the forest, being attacked by snakes and all sorts of things. and i said to them well why don't you flee to cameroon so you're safe there? and they say well the folks in cameroon are starving. so if the terrorists don't get you, the snakes get you. if the snakes don't get you, you starve in the camps in cameroon. it's a really terrible humanitarian situation and the u.n. and the u.s. and the nigeria government are not doing enough to provide relief and assistance to the victims of this travesty. >> emanuel ndege, it's good to have you on the program.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. >> when the nigeria girls were first kidnapped, people around the world expressed their outrage. but in the two months since that incident the violence just gets worse. jonathan betz has more. jonathan. >> this all began april 14th where nearly 300 school girls were taken from their dorms in northern nigeria. some escaped but the following days brought confusion, denial and he retraction he from the -- retractions from the 99 government. mowmichelle obama tweets out the famous photo. then boko haram releases video of the missing girls, the first time we're seeing them and reportedly offers to swap them for prisoners but the government
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refuses to negotiate. violence breaks out again. may 21st, killing 27 people, followed by two days of violence, 20 gunmen kill people in the market. reports of more kidnappings, up to 90 more people taken most of them young girls, although details are still a little murky. today, the bad car bombing at a shopping mall in the country's capitol. but still many days later still no sign of the missing girls. john. >> jonathan thank you. wreaking havoc in africa's most populace country. randall pinkston has the story. >> for more than five years boko
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haram has had random destruction of property. >> we are boko haram. >> declared war on christians saying his group wants to establish islam ick law in nigeria. they say he's a terrorist and put a $7 million reward on his head. shakau took over after the death of mohamed youssef. hiv juan cole says boko haram does not have widespread appeal. >> boko haram is a fringe movement, it is a terrorist group which has assassinated learned men, terrorized communities, and it is a small group relatively speaking but it casts a large shadow. >> reporter: mass killings and the kidnapping of school girls
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are the most recent events on a series of bold attacks on civilians and government forces. wealthy is centered in the south where christians are the majority. boko haram is based in the poverty stricken north which is mostly muslim. in 2010 boko haram engineered a prison break which freed almost 700 inmates. the following year it launched a suicide attack on the united nations building in abuja. accused of murdering 65 school boys. in april, blew up a bus station that killed nearly 100 people. historian are. >> the biggest issue is credibility. boko haram preyed on the
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sensibilities of nigerians. obviously it's lost that reputation since then but the problem is, the nigerian government did not manage to step up and fill that void. >> most of boko haram' boko hars believe educated women are threat to male authority. randall pinkston, al jazeera. >> coming up next, the problem is not just nigeria. a look at the threats many women around the world face every day. and oil. nigeria's a big oil producer and yet so many of the people there are poorer than ever.
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>> an al jazeera special report.
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nigeria a nation in fear. >> days after school girls disappears nobody seemed to know where they were. there were reports of girls sold into marriage and being used as sex slaves. >> a few weeks after the kidnapping the protests were growing and the pressure was on to find the young nigerian school girls. teenagers whose only crime was trying to get an education. just after the kidnappings at
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amnesty international headquarters, they feared violence, including sexual violence. >> i'm very concerned about their safety, very concerned about the nearly 300 girls that have been missing. >> reporter: another group women for women international has been on the ground in nigeria and seven other countries working to empower women. those who they help are rattled even though they're not in the area where the girls were taken. vice president of the women for women says it was an emotional time when the kidnappings first came to light. >> devastation and frustration as you can imagine for all people in nigeria. it's incredibly frustrating to see that this is happening and not being able to move quickly and do something themselves. >> reporter: the kidnapping of so many young women at the same time from the same place brought international condemnation. >> i really hope that this
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unfortunate incident and what's happening now can really continue to open people's eyes to what women are facing around the world every day. to the violence against women and girls that is all too common. >> reporter: a study released last year by the world health organization said that 30% of women worldwide have experienced abuse by their partner or sexual abuse by someone other than their partner. the w.h.o. called this abuse a problem of epic proportion he. in the early 1990s after the systematic rapes of thousands of women in bosnia, such violence became an official war crime, a crime against humanity. >> we have seen people taken to the international court because of their perpetration of sexual violence. 40 years ago that would not have been imaginable.
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>> reporter: that's a start. but to end sexual violence against women require education economic opportunity and raising the status of women. no easy task in many countries. lisa stark, al jazeera, washington. >> if the sight of hundreds of girls in the hands of kidnappers isn't enough to force the world to deal with boko haram what is? the u.s. has sent some help but others say the international community should do much more. jonathan betz is back with that part of the country. >> john it's hard to believe that it's been 72 days since those girls have disappeared. and the under secretary of the u.n. tells me she's concerned about the ki the kidnap of these girl. >> the fact that we have these girls but the fact that it continues. i've lost count of the number of girls and women that we've actually lost and this is why this has to be a story that concerns not just the nigerians,
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the whole region the whole world because you don't know how far this is going to spread. so everybody's at risk. the education of girls in nigeria has taken a big knock. right now, nigeria has the highest number of girls out of school. 60 pert in the north. so -- 60% in the north. so that clearly has given us a lot of setback and a lot of investment by the government and support partners had been going on an pushing for education there and right now we're sort of in a limbo as far as education is concerned and safety and trauma. >> reports now of possibly 90 more children taken from different villages in nigeria. what needs to top this from happening, why aren't children being protected? >> we actually need greater protection and more voices that are carrying the story that are
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highlighting the fact that the situation is actually getting worse. we have a -- right now also supported the creation of a peace network of women on the ground, because they have really stayed the course. they have continued almost on a daily basis to take action and to advocate for both visibility of the issue and the support of the parent. and we would like to support them. so that we could keep their voices loud and keep the story alive. >> i know there is a lot of focus on the nigerian government but can the u.n. not also do more to stop and solve these crimes? >> it is a security operation. someone has got to find a way of going to rescue and bring the girls back. and the u.n. obviously cannot just do that by itself. it needs to do that in a coordinated way and in collaboration with the government. this is something that the u.n. has been trying to do but it's weird that thus far we have not
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been able to have the break through that we all sort of looking to -- looking for. >> why can we not reach that break through? does the nigerian government not need or want the cooperation? >> i have been informed that this is complex. can you not just stun the area and risk death of the people that you are trying to rescue. so there's delicate negotiations. i don't know. i would imagine you would need to have, but so far we obviously just don't have the results that we need. we don't have the results that we need. we don't know what is happening to the girls. we just fear you know what is happening to them. >> so what is the biggest weakness in the nigerian government that is stopping them from being able to prevent these attacks? >> i mean ultimately the security of the people ask a responsible of a government. i think the deployment of greater capacity to do this and to do it in a sustained way, but
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also i guess the citizens who i fear now probably must be you know gripped with fear is also important because i guess we also need a lot of intelligence and participation by ordinary citizens of the community and solidarity amongst the people defenseless as they may be. >> we mention the global campaign that came out after the identification of this situation. >> that is what worries us most and that is why we are urging those people who supported the campaign not to demobilize themselves. we cannot stop the campaign no. such time as we have had a break through and our support for the peace network of women is in part an effort to bolster the campaign and to make sure that through the peace network we are able to keep the story alive
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both locally in nigeria, in the region but also globally. >> how do you convince people that progress is being made and that stuff is happening in trying to find these girls? >> you know, it's hard to do that. because myself i cannot say for sure. because you know i have evidence that at best reknow we have no option but continue. we cannot disengage. >> frustrating for her and others to keep up the pressure when there is frankly so little progress. there are mixed opinions as to who is settling for that. it's clear that bring back our girls campaign is failing. >> jonathan betz, thank you. inequality in nigeria is some of the most extreme in the world. the country is plagued by poverty and corruption. roxana saberi has that story. >> sch2014 was supposed to be te year to celebrate, nigeria
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recently overtook south africa as the area's biggest economy. doubts about whether the money actually reaches the nigerian people. the nigerian government recently acknowledged more than $10 billion in oil revenue is missing. nigeria ising ranked one of the most corrupt companies on earth, according to transparency international. corruption is widespread, especially in the northeast, boko haram. there 70% of the people live on less than $1 a day. compared to the southern part of the country where the oil is located. >> the authorities strategically need to realize, if nigeria is
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becoming a number one nation, that is what they have to face. >> roxana saberi, al jazeera. >> in tonight's first person report we hear from photojoint ed kashi. he spent many years in why documenting the country. >> nigeria became one of the top 10 oil producers in the world. at the beginning of oil and gas in nigeria, nigeria was a poor country at that point. and quite undeveloped. so oil was you know a very new commodity that brought in tremendous wealth. but with it brought you know real problems for the people. what's happening in the niger delta is a classic case what
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i've seen throughout the world, where oil and gas is produced except maybe in the gulf states, the arab gulf states, in that it creates tremendous wealth for the companies and for the politicians and business people who are involved in the trade. but for the local people, on the ground, and quite often for the environment, it ravages them. there are many ways in which oil has had a negative impact on the people of the niger delta. for instance they were traditionally frishermen -- fishermen, subsistence farmers or fishermen. the area has been taken up by the oil works or the land has been polluted. lesser people with fewer opportunities in the traditional sense of how they survived and how they made a living but the oil industry has not created a lot of jobs for the local people. they're living on basically $1 a
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day. the average niger deltan. while they may be sitting on land that is producing billions of dollars of wealth on a yearly basis, they're receiving no benefits from that. on average, there's an oil spill every day. they're not of the size of the bp gulf spill in the gulf of mexico, let's say but this is a constant problem. you have fracture that is not only -- infrastructure that is not only 50 years old but in a place of quite inhospitable. the oil industry hit on number of levels. first the degradation of the land. another impact on the people is that there's been very little infrastructure development. so for instance, schools, the electric -- the electricity grid, they're terribly lacking in that region. to look at a situation like the niger delta and say oh, that's
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their problem, because the reality is, the united states takes almost half of all of nigeria's oil and gas. so we have to realize that we are connected to these issues. we cannot turn a blind eye and say oh, that's someone else's problem. that we are explicit in these stories. -- complicit in these stories. >> that's ed kashi. freeze frame. nigeria is moving to the next round of the world cup and player ahmed moussa is celebrating. nigeria actually lost today's game against algeria but they will be part of the round of 16. we'll see you at 11, 8 eastern, the system is next.
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venezuela divided on al jazeera america >> my grandma was watching the news and that's how we actually found out about it. they didn't even ask for the money, they just shot him. it destroyed his chest. he was already dead when the police got there. and then to find out it was kids 15 years old. i was just so mad.