tv News Al Jazeera July 1, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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beginning >> experiencing it has changed me completely >> follow the journey as six americans face the immigration debate up close and personal. >> it's heartbreaking... >> i'm the enemy... >> i'm really pissed off... >> all of these people shouldn't be dead... >> it's insane... >> the borderland marathon only at al jazeera america >> this is aljazeera america, live from new york city. with a look at the top stories. israel vows hamas will pay for the kills of three teenagers kidnapped in the west bank. georgia's new law allowing guns in churches and bars. >> and the u.s.a team is kicking off against belgium in a game that sends one team home.
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>> israeli prime minister netanyahu is saying that the hamas will pay for the killings of three teenagers. their bodies were found yesterday. this israeli army is saying rockets were launched today. nick is in gaza for us and walk us through this somber and emotional day in israel. >> yeah, absolutely, somber and emotional, at the same time, all of the things you mentioned the vows of revenge, the rockets are flying from gaza to israel and the strikes from israel to gaza and it is a precarious point and the last few hours and for israel especially this is about grief, on what they called a day of national mourning. >> in three separate funerals
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for three teenage boys in death ewe nated a nation. this is a small country that rallies throughout a crisis and murder of three israeli is bringing a nation of grief. 16-year-old grandparent's immigrated to new york and he was a u.s. citizen and 16-year-old was the family's only son. >> all kidnappers and murders try to weaken us. >> o both sides have launch add attacks. palestine fighters are launching rockets and responding with threats of their own. >> if israel wants a war the price they are going to pay is
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greater than the previous wars. >> in response, israel's increased the bombings and three dozen israeli strikes shaken gaza. this is one of the sites of the israeli air strikes and it has been nine hours, it destroyed the structure which was mettle and ripped the tree in half and created a huge crater right here which is filled in with dirt. so far the sides are striking empty areas thanks to an agreement between israel and hamas. each party reacts to the other side in accordance of the nature of the attack launched. israel must decide whether and how to escalate. netanyahu suggests he.
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>> if we need to we are going to expand the battle. if they think they are achieving anything with terrorist, they'll find the opposite results. >> they have the support that national grief is turning to anger. that anger seems to have poured out to the streets and a large group of israeli's and chanting and right wings are clashed with the police and some of them storming the mcdonald's. and the security cabinet is meeting and every one here and across the region is looking if they come con a consensus tonight and how they'll respond. >> israel doesn't want a war in gaza and tell us what you are learing. >> that might be surprising. you saw a rocket attack in the
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evening yesterday and preceded by eight or nine, and launched 36 israeli strikes in the gaza, a very large number last night but according to the senior military officials, they have no desire to escalate gaza and that is a quote from the military official, they are just responding to the strikes and sending a message to hamas. but the military official is saying and the prime minister is they are only escalating in the strikes continue. >> nick, thank you. >> there where you say a funeral today for a palestine man that was found shot and killed by the military forces. the israeli army said that the
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man that was trying to throw a grenade. >> iraq's parliament met today but the immediating ended early after the law lakers failed to come to an agreement on new leaders this is coming as the iraq is coming to deal with a consensus. starting with the new statement of the new islamic state. it reads here and we are quoting we call on the clericses and scholars and doctors and engineers and military personnel and fighters to join the muslim umma. is anyone talking or reacting to the message? >> well, tony, i think clearly that the security officials are reacting to it. he calls to suicide bombers,
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that is a large and effective component of the islamic state that he's fighting with. now, as we know, the vast, vast majority of muslims in iraq and elsewhere would completely reject every part of his call. but what we are talking about real is a group of people potential recruits, including in iraq and other places and disinfected young men that are dispair and actually have some, the message could hold appeal for them, those are the kind of people and those are the potential fighters at risk and that is who the message is aimed at. that is the worry here. >> let's do this, i want everyone to get the entire flavor of the message. we'll put that up again here...
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jane, next question, how iraq, i want an update on the fighting and how the fighting is progressing today? >> well, the iraqi government is saying cher holding the line and making progress. they are not a great gauge of developments really in terms of what's happening at this very moment. a lot is propaganda, as you would expect. what appears to be happening with the help of u.s. intelligence and the surveillance and the command operations center that the americans set up here they are able to figure out what they should be targeting. today we are hearing the choppers in the air and the iraqi announced they have brought in used russian fighter
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jets it bought in such a rush. so they are using the air assets to actually target the training camps and supply lines and more efforts are coming further down the road. >> a last question for you, what happened during the parliament session today? >> well, that was a pretty firey session. it started off nicely. they sang the anthem. they pledged the oath of allegiance in air big and kurdish and took a break and they didn't come back. in the main division is who gets to be the prime minister. they are not agreeing on that and no progress was made today.
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they are sitting down in closed meetings in a number of places and hammering that out and they are taking another shot at it and behind the scenes, tony. >> thank you, jane. a political impasse is coming as president obama is ending more troops to iraq to protect citizens and property. mike, what can you tell us about the addition of the u.s. troops, everyone is more and more concerned. >> the bhous and the secretary of state and all referring to what is happening in iraq as a threat to the future of that country and if what we are seeing on the outside looking thin is indicating that the threat is growing. the united states announced and the president sending a letter to congress that another one hundred individuals are going boo into baghdad and other areas to protect meshes at the embassy
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and elsewhere. this on top of 275 individuals that went into iraq in june. the white house and pentagon is looking at the situation and deciding they have to beef up the forces. this assist an isis according to the pentagon is putting pressure on bad dah from the north and west and calling the situation fluid and evaluating and on this as we heard the beginnings of the parliament session and president obama and other officials are saying there is no time to wait, you have got to come together and form a government before the united states is coming with you with the aid. josh is the president's spokesman and this is how he
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described the u.s. policy. >> we need the leadership of a that country to put the interest of the country first, not to fall back into old habits that high light sectarian divisions and seek to rise above the divisions and place the interest of the country first and ensures that the nation is united as they confront a grave threat posed by isis. >> all this on the day when the ambassador gave a speech and talked about the helicopters and they are show in coming and about the air strikes they have asked the united states for and not ordered by the president of the united states, but the russians got the russian fighter jets, help from the iranians, and iraq is saying they are looking for help elsewhere. >> mike, thank you. >> the supreme court's decision on the affordable care act of
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the contraception mandate is not a narrow one. it favored the businesses objecting to the 20 contraception methods. some companies with strong religious beliefs don't have to pay tr certain types of birth control. >> military and pro russian separatists exchanged fire. we have the latest. >> the according to residents, the first shells slammed in about half past ten in the evening, 30 minutes after the army cease fire expired. by the time that the president went on television to appeal for the understanding of the people of eastern ukraine nobody was watching. we descend to a basement that is a bomb shelter.
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life here is a twilight existence in the middle of the day. some are not going above ground at all. >> it is really scarey. the windows are broken. we are lift without electricity or gas. it is just awful. >> when the shelling began, claudia fled to the shelter and came back to find all of the windows in the apartment blown out. she wants help from the united states. >> i don't know what i'm going to do. i have no idea. >> others stopped looking for answers and are just leaving. at the check point south of the town refugees are boarding buses bound for the russian border. their president proms add targeted military campaign aimed at the separatists militants,
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but the people here are scared and they are already leaving. >> as fathers waved good-byes to wives and children, the sadness is with a deep sense. >> we never thought it would turn out like this. no words to describe it. >> they are bombing homes and schools and i'm waving off hi grandchildren today to get them away from here. >> my children and grandchildren are gone and i'm left alone with my husband and they are bombing us from airplanes. >> international diplomatic efforts are on going and in the separatists towns the di mro ma si failed long ago. >> okay, elbows, knees, toes
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crossed. the u.s. taking on belgium for the right to advance of the next stage of the world up with. we are getting to the watch parted parties. that is rio, thousands are watching the game from copa ka ban na beach. the fan zone there. let's take you to chicago now. wow! is that soldier field? soldier field, chicago. anyone watching this newscast? david, anyone watching? no. thousands of people are watching in south of los angeles. all right, so a there we go. john is standing by at a watch party at bryant park, i was there at 11:00 this morning and people were arriving at that hour and give us the sights and
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sounds and mood there right now. >> i know, we saw you this morning. you were running away from us. >> i was up to no good. >> other reporters don't give you a front row seat. i have a front row seat. i didn't pay for the ticket. we are in bryant park. it is a lung for new yorkers. they have to come here to get the fresh air. it is hot and sultry and we are here and watching the game. there is a tiny screen of the corner of the park here. of course, it is a very important game for the team usa, they have to win to make history and getting through to the semifinals, and everyone is excited. it is a bit, you know, on edge here, now, but really the game is nicely poised because the
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belgiums have loads of players and lots of money and the americans have done far better than anyone imagined and they are going to do very well. i want you to meet some of the people here. this is ryan, bryan and elliott. they are all painted out in the u.s.a.colors. first of all, predict the score. 2-1 usa. >> what about the usa team, it is doing well, what do you make of that? >> i really wasn't a too surprised. when it comes to analyzing the game, portugal is not as strong as years past and their team if you break them down, they have very limited, you know, options and for the u.s., it was actually a pret fi fair group to be put in. the u.s. is up to any task that
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you give them. >> it is goalless at the moment, what do you think about the threat from the bell gyms, $222 million compared to our 26 million. so they are a threat. >> i think we have them. we are conserving ourselves right now. >> i was going to say i think, you know, with belgium they are a great team but we compare similarly, especially with their defense being the way it is. >> bryan, ryan and elliott thank you so much. john, we appreciate it. all right. coming up on aljazeera america, a move in washington that makes it a lot easier for members of congress to take the expensive, all expenses paid trip, and trips without anyone knowing about it and the first named tropical storm of the season forms off the coast of florida.
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really good start to the third quarter today thanks to the economic news, the dow going up 129 points. the nasdaq and s&p up and the s&p reaching a new high. we are going to talk about the numbers and what they mean for the economy and main street and wall street. we have the chief economist at red fin, technology and real estate company. great to see you, you are looking good on skype. [laughter] >> well, thank you. >> good to have you on the program. what is the good economic news driving the markets today? >> the news is that the stock market, the earnings are strong and the companies are making money and the question is that translating down to the workers and main street and to the average investor. >> o does it? >> no, i don't think it does actually. look at the volumes, we are half
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of the trading volume during the height of the financial crisis and all of the rally is based on very little turnover, very few shares are changing hands. it is a great stock market if you can afford to be in it, but most people are out of it. >> so you are talking about the activity going on and the activity is surrounding a limited number of people when compared to the people involved and playing in this crazy game before the crash? >> right. if you go to the trading desk and where the individual investo investors, well, they are missing in action. >> so a the disparity of a what is happening on wall street and main street. but am i right to say a number of people on main street who might be benefitting from this because they have their money in 401 k's, right?
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>> they are going to benefit from a rally like this, ber looking to see if it is a sustainable rally. but it is not going to trickle down in the way that the economy needs to. right now the economy is a desert and needs water. >> what is behind this wall street, let's take that side of the equation here, what is behind this wall street success story? >> i think you will see that companies are doing well. the factory orders are robust and planning for a stronger second and third quarter and that is rallying the stock market. >> great to see you, thanks for the time. o you too. >> she's the chief economist at red fin and financial and real estate firm. >> in the power of politics, it is going to be difficult for the public to learn which members of
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congress are lavished with all expenses paid trips around the world. david is here with that and more. >> yes, the republican led house of representatives stripped away that the private travel is required on the forms. the move was made without the public comments and going against 30 years of precedent, yes the free travel appeared back to the 1970s in the wake of the watergate scandal. it prompted out rage by the wash dog groups. this is such an obvious effort to afford accountability and no good reason for it. free trips by private groups still need to be reported to the offs f the clerk but not in the reports that were examined for years. the most recent survey is
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indicating that the approval rating for congress is 16%. that is the lowest in a midterm election year for 40 years and setting the stage for the turnovers in the fall elections. >> john boehner is trying to improve his image. the video is protraying him as action figure. >> we pledge we are going to do things differently and when it comes to earmarks we have kept the promise, we are doing measures without earmarks, defense authorization bill, no earmarks, highway bill, no earmarks. and now the water resources bill no earmarks. >> he's battling into the earmark dog. >> completed the latest drug rehab program and that effort is
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coming after the photos like this one. yesterday ford spoke about the experience. >> some of the things i did when i was using i'm ashamed , embarrassed, and humiliated. >> but not so a much to end the re-election campaign and is going to face the voters in the fall. that is the power politics, tony, the shots from soldier field shs that unbelievable. >> we have to get that up. i love it. from bars to restaurants and libraries and airports, guns are allowed in all of those places in georgia. >> and a new threat to the power supply, hackers from russia
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losing men on the front line and they show me a piece of the mortar that hit the makeshift base. they are the islamic state. the attacks are one of many in the past weeks. >> this is strategic territory and we are o blijed to be here and protect it. the fighters want to reach the city. >> we are in the southern region, this oil rich province is long claimed by the arab and kurd areas. they are now positioned here at the edge of the town where they launch attacks against the kurdish forces. >> the iraqi fled. those fighters executed
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civilians. >> the forces were never based here. in fact shs the sunni offensive against the iraqi government allows the kurdish forces to expand the areas of control. it is part of the district of tasa that lines on the front line and populated by the kurdish. the people have fled. the iraqi flag is hoisted here. the armed men didn't want to be filmed. they are turkmen and still wearing the uniforms and feeling abandoned by the government in baghdad and cheated by the kurds. >> a there are those that want to divide iraq. the kurds are involved in the
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accusations. >> in china, police say a hundred thousand people are joining a rally and organizers are saying five times that. the protestor are saying that the communist party is imposing too many e restrictions on hong kong. in japan, the government changed the policies, it is now able to use military force to defend other nations. harry faucet reports now. >> no doubt that japan trains to fight but since world war ii it never has. it was limited to defense of the nation on home soil until now. it is announced that japan can now come to aids of allies under
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certain conditions. >> i have a heavy responsibility as the prime minister to protect the live ily hood of the citizens. this is laying the frame work of a new administration. >> they are responding to a changing environment and allowing the troops to engage fully. >> for the sake of world peace japan is contributing more than it has, in conflicts it must be resolved by international law. >> despite that, it is a decisive move. 34% in favor. some are angered by the fact that the people in the parliament are being bypassed. >> rather than trying to amend
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the constitution requiring a two-thirds majority and a national referendum, he's going to reinterpret the existing language. >> if i were he i would revise the constitution and he ignored the constitution. as a japanese citizen, it is simply and absolutely astonishing me. >> it is provoking hostile reactions from the neighbors, where the actions still burns. this was the scene outside of the japanese embassy in the south korea capitol. the confrontation between the two countrys is a reason to update the stance. they have the support of the united states, the country that drafted the post war constitution is welcoming the emergence as a more active
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military partner. >> a researcher accused of fakes aidses research pleads not guilty today. >> tony, the iowa scientists pleaded not guilty to four counts of faking research. he's accused of altering blood samples to secure millions in federal funding. the harvard signists discovered the samples. a federal judge struck down kentucky's band on the same sex marriages. the federal appeals court ordered indiana to recognize same sex marriage of a termly woman and her spouse. they were married in massachusetts last year. city and towns in new york have
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the pow tore ban fracking. that decision comes from the highest court. it upheld a ruling siding with the new york towns and the companies sued them. concerns over two upcoming events in ohio and measles out break. health officials say visitors could be exposed. >> a wisconsin woman never suspected that the dog has anything to do with the missing diamond ring. the pet threw up and she found the diamond ring. >> i looked in the paper towel and here is my wedding ring. i kid you not. >> the popsicle stick may have dislodged the ring inside of the
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belly and had been missing for five years. >> okay, all right. you are back later in the show? >> i am. >> all right, we are moving on. >> parts of the midwest are cleaning up the damage from the power storms. in indiana two people died when the trees fell on the homes. they are searching for a teenager that was swept away in a storm drain and thousands of people are without power. and the first tropical storm of the hurricane season arrives. dave? >> yes, we are watching this closely here. the times could be impacting part of the country for the 4th of july weekend. it is 40 miles per hour and it is starting to get a little better organized with the winds 40 miles per hour and it is barely moving but that is going to change.
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the bands are starting to form and expanding and favorable for development. here the track from the national hurricane center this is a possibility of where the storm can go, this section of north carolina is the focus. the times is looking like it is friday morning, any where here, but if just off the coast it is continuing to bring the winds and leading to flooding and rip tides thursday through friday for the 4th of july. this is how it is developing and interacting with a front moving through the central portion of the country. before it gets here, tracking farther to the west a lot of rain in north carolina and the coastal flooding threat is continuing. by saturday morning up to new england and watching this closely, this section of the track going across parts of massachusetts and affecting new england on saturday and sunday. here is the front approaching from the north, the rain and winds leads to coastal flooding
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and rip tides. not the best timing for a holiday weekend. >> yes, it is what it is. thank you. >> coming up, russian hackers with the eyes on disrupting global power supplies. we have the details on the threat next. now back to soldier field and looking at the sea of people watching the action, word cup brazil 2014, usa and belgium. i believe it is nil-nil. we'll be right back. mobile app,
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available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> so researchers say a group of hackers is attacking energy countries in europe and the united states. it is called energyic bear and they have the ability to disrupt the power supplies. we have more on the story. >> tony, cyber security experts
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are saying that the hackers are really so fis kated and appear to be government spies. they did gain access to the computer systems running the pipelines and the power plants and could be shutting off the lights. >> from power plants to wind turbines, the computers are running the energy's world supplies. a group of hackers infected the computers across the u.s. and europe and taking control of the infrastructure. >> some of the organizations are critical and in control of the power grid or oil pipelines and wind generation facilities and things like that and they have gained access to conduct such attacks. >> the hackers first gained access by gaining access to
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three corporations. the antivirus company is saying they have discovered the attackers before doing too much harm. >> we have not seen them conducting sabotage operations yet, by disclosing this they are unable to conduct sabotages. >> the hackers have been active since 2011 and work 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and the hackers are based in europe. >> it hits the ground running trying to gather as much detailed information as possible and then send it back to server that is controlled by the attackers, so this by definition es bonn aj software and it is thinking that it is a sort of
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esbonnage operation. >> the mal ware is similar to another computer program to sabotage the iran nuclear systems. this is a broader target and fighting hackers is like playing whacker ball. >> a the attackers are certainly using a modified version of the software that isn't being detected so it is a constantly reactive type of game that the antivirus companies are playing. >> cyber security experts say there is another reason it is linked to a government, the hackers on their own a don't work a regular daytime schedule like behind this one. the mal ware is security is reaching out to the companies. >> energyic bear.
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>> o what a name. >> thank you. >> the first ruling of its kind giving the right to sue the united states by a person in mexico, the family of a 15-year-old can sue the border control agent that fired across the agent and killed the boy. the family filed a $25 million lawsuit and 2-1 decision could have brotd consequences for the issue of agents used deadly force along the border. >> jones is 19 years old and hurnting for years and she posted pictures next to the animals she's been hunting in africa. they are dramatic images. this one says another harvest for today. white spring bobbing.
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it is one of the shades of the animal. and one of the favorite meats so far. this is a leopard and she took a camera crew with her. she's holding up the leopard. one of the prettiest animals in all of the land and people are out raged. they are writing comments this one, if you thought it was so pretty you should have let it live. why are you eating leopard meat? 50,000 people sign add petition asking the ceo of facebook to take this facebook page down. but jones has been responding to the critics and saying hunting is a form of conservation and in the post saying you have to balance wild life like the male lion here shot with a bow and arrow, you have to balance that and the funds from these hunts
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go to the government for permits and farm owners as incentive to keep and raise the loi i don't knows on the property. and posted this image and saying she thanks the supporters. there are some supporters but thousands of people are commenting about the pictures and saying they are almost showing the animals like trophies. >> that is controversial stuff there. thank you. can we see the picture again, and stay with me, from soldier field. argentina is through? >> yes. >> you know what happens when the u.s. beats belgium, you know when the next match is? >> yes, argentina and the u.s. that is difficult. i love the way that soccer is run in this country, it is like deciding between two kids. >> pretty uncomplicated for me.
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>> tracking every move. >> the nsa's actually doing this on a universal scale. >> could you be next? >> if helping kids with their homework is terrorism activity, then... i guess so. >> faultlines. al jazeera america's hard hitting, >> they're blocking the door... >> groundbreaking, >> we have to get out of here... >> truth seeking, award winning, investigative documentary series: "collect it all". saturday, 7 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> so it is win or go home for team usa in the world cup in brazil. they are trying to do something that hasn't been done. you are going to start with the highlights of argentina and switser land? >> no. it can wait. how much work do you think is not getting down in the country? >> have you watched the show today? >> good point.
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it has been 12 years since the u.s. squad made the semifinals and it is no easy task. there are a number of reasons for the americans to be hopeful, belgium and the u.s. scored four goals and the director was available to play today after suffering a hamstring and he didn't start the game. u.s. men's head coach saying he wanted a more aggressive squad and getting that today. the game is underway and the score is nil-nil at the half. a new formation today, 4-3-3 and two more attackers up front and being more aggressive. they did suffer another injury. johnson going down with a hamstring injury as well and left the game and didn't slow down the u.s. attackmen.
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the other question for the u.s. fans, who would they play if they pass belgium. argentina in a game going to extra time and two minutes remaining in the over time period argentina star finding angle for a 1-0 lead. a header off a the post and bounce off the knee wide of the goal. argentina holds on to win 1-nil, setting up a potential u.s. and argentina match. the u.s. trying to do this for the first time since 2002. you can't play careful and win. >> you can't play the goal
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differe differential. >> yes, they have to prove they deserve it and move on. >> you can sleep on belgium. we are not that far apart in the world rankings. this is a match that the united states can win. maybe not favored but they can win it, this right. >> if they are going to elite level this is a game you win to make the statement. >> great stuff. michael, thank you. we are going to chicago now. we have been watching the scene from chicago all day at soldier field. we are going to usher now, we are at the half, nil-nil is the score and what is the mood there? >> it is a sense of caution optimism. maybe 25,000 people here.
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this is by far the biggest viewing party that the soccer federation put on throughout the tournament. people were cheering and chanting and body surfing and balls going up in the air. quiet at times and this is tense. this is do or die. they are cautious and cheering on the team. we went down to the crowd earlier. >> 20 years since coming to the stated yum, i got this at 12 years old. 20 years ago with my father and now with my mother 20 years later in the same stadium. >> we have been playing soccer our whole lives and soccer is just getting popular. these people are rallying together and celebrating. this is the greatest thing ever. >> if you want to win you need the support in america. >> tony, a little historical
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fact here 20 years ago, the head of the team actually played against belgium when with the german team and lead the germans to a win. fans here today are hoping that he's able to lead the u.s. team to a win today as well. >> pick up on that, the coach of usa soccer, early in the tournament he said he didn't have high hopes for the americans to win a cup, that is un-american thing to say, and do the fans there have something to say about that statement at this point? >> yeah, we talked to a couple of fans about this. this could be a psychological strategy on his part. the u.s. is doing so well over the past few games and maybe it
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is working to motivate them. now, add to that, he said, you know, let's delay the return tickets home for the team, he clearly thinks they have a future here and not don't playing here. >> thank you, usher. some ten thousand u.s. fans flocked to the coastal city to watch the team usa play. gabe, describe the scene, where you are as you watch this match. >> well, we are right outside of the stadium here and this might be a stadium that is thousands of miles away from the u.s., but it is not feeling like it. it is electic atmosphere and feeling like a home match. inside of the stadium it is half time. people were chanting i believe, believe, usa, i believe we are
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going to win. the famous chant we have been hearing over and over now. people are relaxing now a little bit and getting ready for the second 45 minutes. i would say that the u.s. fans are out numbering the belgium fans ten to one. it is a gorgeous night for soccer. it is warm, stars are out, the moon is shining and u.s. is a little tense waiting to see what happens in the second half. >> what about the argentina match for us, quickly. >> lots of the u.s. fans were watching that game. they know if the u.s. wins they are facing a tough test against argentina, but first getting by belgium. >> gabe, thank you. update on the score. we are about to start the second half. this is it. do or die. second half.
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extra time if tied. >> we don't want to go there. really aggressive start to the second half is key for the u.s. team again. >> thank you that is it. "inside story" is next on aljazeera america. >> are the roots of today's never-ending conflict in the middle east really growing out of a 1916 agreement between britain and france? iraq and syria, sykes, piko, the the "inside story." >> hello, i'm ray suarez. in recent
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