tv Consider This Al Jazeera July 1, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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>> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america morning and bombing dominate the middle east as israel deals with the murders of three israeli teens and trades rocket attacks with hamas. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "rsh, and here is more -- "consider this", and here is more on what is ahead. >> israel's prime minister vowing hamas will pay. >> israel launching streegs in the gaza strip. >> retaliation for the death.
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>> israel says hamas is responsible, they deny it. >> to kill children and kidnap them, it's devastating. >> lawmakers failed to come to an agreement. >> lawmakers left. they fought among each other. >> it comes as iraq fails to deal with an offensive. >> we are not talking about the medical side of this. >> thousands of immigrant children are pouring into the borders and agents and aid workers are struggling to care for them. >> this is a big public health crisis. >> serena williams didn't have a good seat. she appeared to lose focus, physically falling apart. >> she couldn't get the ball over the net. normal life came to a stop inst rail on tuesday as tens of thousands of mourners paid
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tribute to three israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered. the boys 15-year-old naftal. >> fraenkel, 19-year-old gilad shaar and eyat yifrah kidnapped on their way home from school. they were called gifted. earlier we were told that hamas was responsibility and they'd pay. they denied responsibility and called the charms israeli propaganda. the security cabinet met on tuesday to decide what action to take. israeli war planes launched air strikes early tuesday morning, following remark et cetera launched by hamas. the defense minister said tuesday night that israel would expand its operations as needed. for more, i'm joined by al jazeera correspondent nick schifrin, he joins us from gaza,
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good to see you. let's start with what is happening in israel today in the aftermath of these funerals. israel experienced immunerable terror attacks. this kidnapping and murder of three teenagers is seen as something new. >> it is something new. it has struck a cord. israel has never had to deal with the abduction and murder of three teenagers, to do it in the last two weeks, in a public way, with a public outpouring, you heard mothers and fathers giving interviews on israeli media saying these are my boys, my kids. you have an on outpouring of grief and a bit of anger. that outpouring of grief and sympathy is national. now you see the anger pouring on to the streets, a lot of israeli streets in jerusalem calling for reception, police and right wing
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able to visits clashing, some breaking into mcdonald's. you have a lot of grief, and a lot of emotion right now. and that's what the government is dealing with in trying to decide how to respond to this. >> on the flipside, what is the mood in gaza. the palestine group teamed a terrorist group. they've been shooting rockets into israel. they hit back with dozens of bombs. >> there's a lot of anxiety and a lot of anticipation. there's an splaction that israel will increase attacks into gaza, you walk the streets at dipper time. this is the holy month. you see families walking into the streets. they'll fill cafas, hotels and watching the world cup soccer. there's a sense that life goes on, electricity shortage, cally
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route ons of life that are difficult. but add to that an expectation that israel will increase the attacks. there's no indication from israel that they'll target civilian population. they -- hamas called the killings and everything around it propaganda. it's incredible. do you think there'll be war on the israeli side? >> it's unwise for a journalist to predict the future in the middle east. what i will say is what an israeli senior military official told me, and i quote him, saying that we do not have any interest in escalating in gaza. it may seem weird coming from the israeli military which launched 34 strikes into gaza, after rockets flew from gaza to
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israel. those strikes are responses to rockets and it's almost a communication. we spoke to a lower level israeli army official, and there's an understanding between israel and hamas. if the militant groups on this side hit the fields in israel. israel will hit the training grounds. that's what we saw targeted last night. the distinction is that the response to the israeli teenagers will come into the west bank , and that's what prime minister binyamin netanyahu said, we will expand in gaza if we feel we need to. what we hope to do, plan to do, intend to do is crush ham as in the west bank. >> it questions whatever hope for piece there is in that area. nick schifrin, good to have you with us. here i'm joined by ambassador pinkers, a former
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policy advisor to ehud olmert. good to have you with us. israel comes together on a case like this. there was a tremendous outpouring of emotion in israel. is that what it means to be in a small country under threat from its neighbours. >> yes, it does. big countries like the u.s. comes together when tragedies like this occurred. remember 9/11, and several major disasters that inflicted the u.s. it's a country or a community where everywhere knows everywhere. everyone is two phone calls away from knowing a person they may not know, where the news dominates the gameda, and the aagenda is the news. >> things did get ugly in parts. there was some chants of death to arabs, some attacks on
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palestinians. there's a lot of anger as a result of these kidnappings. >> true. this is not something - this is something i could understand, something that you could - not justify, but you understand where it's coming from. it cannot be condoned. (a), it's not use slful; (b) it leads nowhere, and (c) it is - it is originating from a small segment of the population, the general is livid and angry. raging. >> that does not react in that way. >> does not react in that way. if it reacts in that way on a personal level, as you would as terrorists attack the world trade center, the empire state building or anywhere in the u.s.a., they understand it's not policy.
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and initial things tend to blur. >> talking about things that might not be useful, and i don't know if you think that's the case, an israeli government accused hamas of being behind the murders. a spokesperson said on tuesday that the palestinianian authority bore responsibility, saying it's clear that the terrorists came from areas under the palestinianian control and returned to territories referring to the west bank. do you think that driving a wedge among the palestinianians at this point is the best way to go forward in terms of the peace process? >> no, i do not. i have to say i think he's wrong to take this decision. i have the benefit of saying this, being out of government for a good few years. i think that hamas is responsible. everywhere knows that. blaming the palestinian
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authority is more about politics and the absence of a peace process. and the absence of any recognition on israel's part that mahmoud abbas, the president of the palestinianian authority is a legitimate along tur than it has to do with facts, evidence and proof. there's no c.s.i. here that would show, excuse me... >> ramallah in the west bank. >> that would signal definitively and authoritatively that hamas is behind this. >> yes, we know this is not the swedish girl scouts, we know who we are dealing with, fatah, entered this strange bedfellow... >> deal, because hamas controls other areas of the palestinian territory. >> correct. they are not that far away, it's like the upper westside of new york and soho, so we are not
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looking at california and europe. the distances are small. but to blame the palestinianian authority, or to cast judgment on the palestinianian authority possibility which nor this, i think, is enorm. >> what about the leading democratic republicans in congress, saying as a result of this, that mahmoud abbas should consider breaking that agreement, that power sharing agreement he has with hamas. >> yes, i mean there's - okay, let's put it in context. we have mid term elections in november 2014. and a lot of these politicians are supported by people with strong opinions on israel. and they say things that they are being asked to say. all that said and established, there is a point to be made that
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the palestinianian authority, mahmoud abbas, fatah, need to some way, i'm sorry, disassociate themselves from hamas, because it's not beneficial to no one. >> quick final question. we are now seeing training of rockets. hamas shot into israel and they are retaliating. we have the murders of these boys, do you think that will escalate. will we see a full-blown war getting into gaza as the israeli foreign minister called for? >> it's a good point. the foreign minister called for an enslaught, a comprehensive operation to topple hamas and gaza, which entails, antonio. the issue of escalation is always something that lacks a formula, and an equation. we know - we think we know how to control it, but we don't.
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we being anyone that thinks that way, not necessarily israel. i think you will see in the next few days, 72 hours, 96 hours, three days, four days, five days, you will see a measured response, and if the palestinians act accordingsly, ie do not escalate or precipitate an escalation, this will all go away, tragically. within four or five days. >> let's hope it ends quickly. ambassador pinkers, pleasure tour to have you with us. we turp to iraq where -- turn to iraq where fighting continued on battlefields and parliament. parliament descended into chaos, threats. kurdish leaders walked out after sheet items failed it name a prime minister to replace nouri al-maliki.
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the growing scale of the crisis is clear much the united nations announced 2,417 iraqis were killed in the month of june with another 2, 287 wounded in acts of violence and terrorism. they are the worst number since april 2007. and the number of troops going to iraq is rising. an additional 200 droops with drones and helicopters are deployed to secure the american embassy in baghdad. that brings u.s. deployment to iraq this month, to 775. joining us now from washington dc is marr won, a former jordanian deputy prime minister and foreign minister who searches as the vice president for studies at the carnegie endowment on peace, where he overseas research on the middle east. he's the author of the second arab awakening and the battle fol polarization. you said that the iraqis need a
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political process that is inclusive. look at what happened on tuesday. it took half an hour for everything to fall apart. kurds and sunnis accusing each other of reneging on deals. how concerned are you that this is increasing the risk that the country will split apart? >> i think the kurd are concerned that the country will split apart. the kurds announced there was no going back to the status quo. i.s.i.s. has been gaining victories, in an environment that is supported because it was marginalized and frustrated. i think it is clear that there is no solution, i'm not suggesting that the political solution is happening second. but unless a solution is arrived at quickly. i think we are running a real
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risk. >> you mentioned the kurds, their leader made a lot of noise about kurdize stap. it's its own independent country. it hasn't gone as far assist declaring independ eps, and many said that vice president joe biden, that iraq split into three areas, it was probably inevitable unless a political solution would be found. do you think it would happen. >> we don't know yet. declaring independence by the curve is not a simple issue. it will require acceptance by the neighbourhood. iran has a definite view, turkey has a definite view. why the kurds, indeed, have been moving towards ipp dependence in recent years, it's not easy to declare indennedens. what is worse is what we have been talking about. what is worse is if we end up
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with ethnically pure states, because that will mean more strife, more wars. i would hope and believe that the political solution is possible. that will involve not just the iraqis themselves, but neighbouring countries, almost all who have been interfering in iraq. on the side of one party for another. >> talking about that neighbourhood. the news, the islamic state is threatening your home country. >> here is a video released by the group. >> the barrier of iraq, jordan, all the countries. >> they are right on your border. jordan is bursting with refugees from syria. jordan has tape in so many people. it's described as competent for everyone in canada moving to the united states. how concerned are you as you talk about the neighbours that this could turn into a wider
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war. >> the rescue situation is unsustainable. more than the first share. 20% of the population in jordan, and 20% are made up. there's not much that most countries can do. >> with respect to i.s.i.s., i think we need to take things into perspective. it would be a far stretch to suggest that this group is going to be able to, you know, g against a strong army in jordan and go against the combined army of iraq and syria. it's a group making victory. operating within an environment, a sunni environment that felt marginalised, excluded from the government and supported them while not necessarily supporting their policies, but to suggest that a group of about 10,000
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fighters are going to run the armies of all the neighbouring states is a far fetch much. >> each if they got together with other soupies, and with the -- sunnis, and with the bathists who support saddam hussein. >> they certainly are a threat in iraq. they do face, as i said, they are working in a supporting environment. they would not be working in a supporting environment in jordan, and they'd be facing a far more well-trained and stronger army than anything they have faced so far. >> you were on a panel with the iraqi ambassador to u.s. and he said he is turning to syria, iran and russia, because he can't wait for the military aid to take shape. are you concerned that that bringing in iran, shi'ite country, bringing in syria, which, of course, has its own serious problems and bringing in the russians who have been on
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the shiite side will make things worse? >> i'm concerned that people are still talking primarily of a military solution. and it's got going to end the political crisis or cease it from disintegrating. what i think thu be done is the collaboration of all countries and iran, because a political solution is going to have to include iran, as well as the rest of the income. >> you expressed concern. your concern was that the president obama would end up how it was. what should the u.s. do. >> the argument so far has been been i.s.i.s. the real story in the middle east is not i.s.i.s., it's the look of government and policies
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of exclusion that have cleeated an environment in which radical organizations like i.s.i.s. gained ground. the real story is politics of conclusion, and in developing a political process where all forces feel they have a stake in the system. unless this is done, unless people are looking at solving problems through literary means, it will not do it. after all, we have seen what 500,000 troops in iraq did years ago. it did not resolve in creating a stable democracy in iraq, because that's what it was based on, sectarian lines and not national lines. i think we have to look back again and develop, as i said, policies of inclusion, something that the region may have not been used to, but something that is necessary if it is to esolve
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into a stable and prosperous society. >> hopefully they'll figure out a way of doing that. >> marr won, a pleasure to have you with us. >> thank you. >> now for some more stories from around the world. >> we begin in ukraine, where a new offensive against pro-russian separatists began after president petro porashenko announced he would not renew the ceasefire in place tore the past 10 -- for the past 10 days. violence erupted in donetsk. and shelling whereas confirmed in slovyansk. petro porashenko expressed support for russian-speaking people, wherever they live. boko haram turned murder es. 52 were killed in a car bombing on tuesday, in the early morning hours as a market opened
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tore business. wit -- for business. witnesses say the explosives were hidden under a load of charcoal in a van. the nigerian military claim they arrested a number of boko haram collaborate juniors, one a businessman who the military said was involvement with the abduction of school girls. we end in rome where amappeda knox's boyfriend upveiled a defense strait any, involving distancing himself from knox. until know they used each other as an alley bay. and he said on tuesday "i did nothing wrong and don't want to pay for someone else's peculiar behaviour." he said he believes in knox's innocence. an appeals court in january sentenced knox to 28 years in prison and sol et itcho to 25.
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knox is in the united states. both are appealing to italy's highest court. >> that is some of what is happening around the world. coming up, japan reacts in protest as the country moves away from its pass fist pass. >> bus loads of children who crossed the border are september to california, and greeted by angry protestiers, and what is happening on the web? >> a bitcoin demanded. >> let us know what you think:
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in a major change, japan adds self-defence forces will not be restricted to self-defence any more. on monday prime minister's shinzo abe's cabinet reinterpreted the post-war constitution, allowing them to take part in collective defense and help friendly countries under attack, including the u.s. it was attacked by china and
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thousands of japanese who called abe a warmonger. china has other problems, half a million marching on tuesday, calling for democracy. i'm joined here by a man, asking whether tiananam, n could happen again. there are stringent regulations. it is supposed to be used as a minimum level of force necessary. it would allow japan's military to come in and fight with americans. it could take other action from what it did in the past. >> it could work with the feel peeps and vietnam -- philippines and vietnam. essentially the countries have
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territorial disputes with the chinese because they claim everything in the region, and japan could be a quarter stone. >> the phial eaches are happy the japanese are doing this. >> they are ecstatic. japan and the philippines are not far apart. what you have is a knitting toot in the region of what taro oso called the ark of freedom. >> when he proposed this the idea didn't go anywhere. etch is now afraid of cheepa, what you see is countries working together. >> is this about china koupt ris concerned about taking control of areas that it might take control. if this were occurred, four or five years ago and the japanese wanted to reinterpret the
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constitution, everyone would have been up in arms and shuddered. essentially you have a lot of countries quietly applauding the japanese for doing this. the chinese and the south koreans are upset. everyone else is very happy about this. >> some who are not happy about it are japanese themselves, because the country, despite its mill taristic conditions before world war ii has changed and has been a pacifist country. there has been protests against the decision, thousands of people camping outside prime minister abe's house. polls show that most japanese don't support this. will the laws that need to get past to make sure this goes through. will they go through. our best party as control of both houses of legislature. this is a bit call done deal. abe does all the work necessary. it will take a bit of time for all the legislation to be
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enacted. there is nothing to stop this. every time the chinese do something, there'll be a number of those incidents between now and october. it moons the chances of this peeping derailed are less and less. i know the u.s. is happy about it two, is there the danger that this can trigger an arms race in the far east of the japan has the history with china and south korea, or the japanese, where they are not well liked because of what they did in the past. >> you can't trigger an arms race. it was racing towards a build up. we see this in japan and vietnam, the philippines, india, all around the south and east because they are threatened. there has been a build-up. this is something that was worried. that has been going on for half a decade as china asserts more
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and more territory. >> final question about the protests, massive protests. any chance they'll get more democracy. >> you have half a million peel in the streets. if you go back to the beginning of june, it was flagging. now everyone is energized. what you are seeing is these very, very large protests, and we'll see more between now and the end of the year. >> and for the rest of china, could there be change anywhere? >> you never know. china is concerned about democracy. once they get to the mainland they can spread anywhere. people are connected by social media. anything can happen when you have an unhappy policy. you put the two things together,
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and you can have an explosion. >> so much going on. great to have you. now to the latest on the crisis on the border with 50,000 illegal children in the united states stuck in limbo. straight-john kerry met with leaders to stem the surge. he repeated president obama's message that undocumented children would be deported. >> there is false information spread about benefits that might be available to these young people who are looking for that better life. >> meanwhile on this side of the border xupties are receiving -- communities are receiving bus loads of community and migrants of texas, and are losing patients. bus loads of migrants were greeted by crowds yelling "bo back home." >> close the borders. they are borders for a reason. >> the anger is growing as
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officials began an effort to relocate thousands of children to san diego area. every day. the border patrol agents union warned it could be a public health issue because some of the undocumented families could transmit paradise and it tuberculosis. a counterprotester yelled this the children should stay. >> let them come. >> let them come. >> no. we have a chance - no. >> we are all in this. let them come. >> joining us now is dr allyn shap era, and is the cofounder of terra firma, a programme that tends to the needs of undocumented minors. great to have you with us. >> thank you for inviting me. >> first i'd like you to respond to what was mentioned by the
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border patrol union. how much of a danger is it that the kids who are coming across the border are bringing contagious diseases. there has been reports out of the air force base that there have been issues there. >> the issue for us at terra firma, in our programme is not the imminent danger that the children are bringing. the fear and the worry that we have is what they are escaping from. they are facing unprecedented levels of violence and terror, and are coming here to escape that. for us the humanitarian issue is that they are fleeing mortal danger to come to a place that they see as safe, and that their families see as safe, and so that's why they are coming here. like all children, in this country, everyone needs health care. everyone needs preventive health care. these children are oftentimes not had good primary care for
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their whole lives, and need that. but as a threat to our population, that is not something that we are eminently worried about. >> you don't see it as a soars problem, i misspoke. you don't think that this issue that some raised is really that big a deal. what you are seeing is really the emotional impact of undocumented minors that have been here for a while. what inspired you to get involved if do what you are doing now? >> i'd hike to say there's a lot -- like to say there's a lot of fear mongering, and that is attacked the people who don't under the situation are taking. our programme started because i was taking care of a child who - in our homeless health care programme that we run. this child was very - had - was very mentally ill.
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i learnt that the child had legal representation, the child was from central america and came as an unaccompanied immigrant child. he had legal representation and social services though an organization called catholic charities that deals with children for refugee and immigration issues. we started to talk about the influx of unaccompanied children that we saw in our homeless programme, and they were representing. and we both realised that the children needed a safety net of care. and we developed a programme allowing us all under one roof to have medical mental health and legal services. one of the big concerns you see is mental health. a lot of the kids have been trumentize pd. >> these kids have a life-time of trauma, whether it's abuse from the home, or environmental, community violence, which is where there's a huge rise. that's where it starts. the journey to the united states
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is plagued by violence, where they are extorted along the route and at the border. i saw a child sequestered for 20 days until the family was able to gather enough money to get him and his brother out of this home. >> i read about you referring to a moment where you had a group of kids and one talked about seeing someone be killed, and that you asked the group if the rest of them had. >> violence is a part of these children's lives, one of the kids in the support group took out a cell phone and showed us pictures of two young people that were killed in his town in central america, and we - i asked the kids who else had seen someone get killed and all eight raised their hand. >> it was horrifying of. >> you think they can be helped. >> absolutely. we have seen in the nine months
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that our program had been operating through individual psychotherapy, psychoeducational support groups, kids thrive in school, bringing in a report card with 90 averages. it's amazing. they are playing soccer, enjoying life. that's one of the things that we learn, is that they had not had fun for years if not most of their lives. >> we wish you the best in your efforts, thank you for coming in to talk about it. >> time to see what is trending on the web. >> bitcoin is back in the news. anonymous extortionists are targetting pizza shop saying "give us one bitcoin, or else", a bit copy is worth $600. the amount triples if the owner doesn't pay up. they say if they don't get what they ask for, the business will
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be damaged. they'll file complaints with better business, and report fake crimes and drug activity on the premise. several pizza shop openers across the country refused the letter. the opener of 900 degrees posted the one he received on restaurant's facebook page with a caption -:. >> creative, but maybe not so bright since the criminals used u.s. postal service. and it's possible for the government to trace their tracks and they could face federal charges. let us know what stories you'd like featured in the digital spotlight. a lot of the owners thought it was a joke until others posted letters they received and read it. >> fortunate that criminals are often dumb. thank you. straight ahead - big brother
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blessing of the obama administration. as schools shifted computerized testing schools are gathering personal data, including minor details like alermgies and -- allergies and self control issues. the government has been scooping up the records. upset parents try to stop it, introducing bills across the country in an effort getting bipartisan support. >> in is one of those concerned parents. he's also the director of policy analysis for state colleges and universities. >> some of these stories are astounding. the white house is pushing a billion database that would follow kids for two decades. they say they are pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses. the breath of this is breath taking. the details include whether they suffer a mental illness,
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allergies, salaries, all of this about getting parental concern. to make matters worse, the data is not anonymous. >> when we object as parents, we are either dismissed as not grasping what they are trying to do or given security assurances, namely unauthorised access will not take place. our concern is about unauthorised access, but this is who gets a tea, who gets authorised access, is what privacy is about. again, the breadth of this and the reasons given are enormous. in indiana. you are talking about using the data to give career data. >> the road to hell is baifed with good intentions.
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there's no question that data can be used in improving education and outcomes. it would be naive not to contemplate the dark side, the downside of having this much information, basically permanently maintained in a personally identifiable manner and have the data trace children from kindergarten to the labour market. >> private firms can gather the data too. including 10 million, at least on children every day, aside from the government gathering the information which i am sure you think is bad enough, why would schools allow data to go to private companies? >> that's another threat that we should be vigilant about, as schools face budget kids and resources with regard to
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technology. tech foirms show up bearing gifts. in business we find software contribute to scaul free software, in the sense that the school doesn't pay with money, but it pays for them with its student privacy. >> what do you say to them when you say these are good intentions, that it will make our schools better and gathering the information makes us understand what works and doesn't. not in general, but for specific kids? >> i accept that. as do most parents. we want the best for our kids. i don't under why they can't ask us. if you participate in a medical study, they don't secretly capture your information, they inform you of the risks and benefits and if you agree, you participate in the study. like wise with the use of children's data.
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it ought to be done not only with concept but a parent's knowledge. the problem is not only is there no concept, but there's no knowledge. >> supporters say they don't have the student's names attached, it will have a generic id so it doesn't infate privacy, you don't think it's good enough. >> that is extremely in my view eve or dis-ipp genus. -- disingenuous. they are longitudinal, meaning they have to go back and add to them each year. the id is cross-worked to something identifiable. that's one objection. the other objection is given the amount of detail they are collecting about kids, you don't need to name the -- know the kids' name or soch number. in less time to get a coffee to reidentify who we are talking about. >> i don't mean to laugh.
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"the colour purple", was the first with that rating to get an oscar nomination "the last emperor" won a year later. movie studios aim for a p 13, knowing an r rating means the teens can't go without taking mum and dad. nine of the top files prosecutor p 13. including "avatar." twice as many r-rated films were released in the u.s. than pg13. when the american academy of pad at ricks looked at top grossing films, they found pg 13 films had much the same content as r-rated films. 90% had violence, scenes
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including sex and alcohol. kids are notorious for sneaking into films they were not to see. last year kids were september in to test the system. 24% got into r-rated films, that's a low, down nine percentage paints. the effectiveness of the rating system is questionable. kids can match the movie on cable tv. >> a tough day for the u.s. at the world cup, a controversy arises elsewhere in brazil.
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2-1 and overtime in the world cup. off the film another story arose of possible match fixing in the first round match. in wimbledon serena williams was forced to retire after she appeared disoriented during the match. i'm joined by dave zirrens, sports editor for "the nation", host of the "edge of sport radio", and author. great to have you in new york. >> great to be in new york. >> let's start with the loss for the u.s. team. it was a great game. people in the states were excited. there were viewing parties everywhere, all over the country. this is - i believe in chicago, we have shots of soldier field. we doesn't make it to the quarterfinals, but is this great for u.s. soccer given the type of excitement. >> we have to say something about tim howard. >> unbelievable. >> the most saves of any world
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cup goalie since 1956. he owned the game. at the end of the day tim howard was not enough. belgium has not lost a game in 14 international matches. they were a boutique pick at the start of the tournament. the u.s. would have had to play a flawless game. >> they controlled the ball. the u.s. came back. >> they had their moments. >> it was something. >> you said something important. i really thing we passed a tipping point. there used to be an expression that soccer is and will always be the future of the united states, like it will never take hold. i think we have passed that point. a combination of love of the game, internet allowing internet to connect and immigration changed the face of the soccer fan in the united states. >> let's talk about this thing with cameroon's team. >> yes. breaking news. >> sports fixer in asia, a
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gambler predicted in one of its first-round games, that cameroon would lose 4-0, and predicted that a certain player would get a red card and get objected. >> right.. >> raising questions about whether the game was fixed. >> he predicted the score and the red card and he's a notorious match fitcher. >> match fixing has been a problem. particularly in the african federation. there are a lot of problems with players getting paid by their host countries, the gardenan team almost wept on strike because of problems with their payment, and it shows a lot of ipp ekalties, another thing that makes it a story that lasts is that sepp blatter, much of his base of support comes from the african continent. it will be interesting to see if the corruption scandal, the match-fixing scandal tied to his
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leadership. >> we have to talk wimbledon. >> tragedy. >> this was sad to watch, serena williams, an all-time great. we are seeing here walking off the court. let's look at some of the - what happened on court. she can barely pick up the ball. couldn't catch. when she tried to serve, she couldn't get it to the net. she's trying to bounce the ball. it was sad to watch. she put out a statement saying: wimbledon officials said she had a virus. tracy austin said it was the strangest thing she had seen. pam shriver was harsher. what do you think is going on? >> serena williams, 32 years old. this is not willie may circling under fly balls for the mets.
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she's in her prime. >> she's the greatest player of her generation, i think she's a great competitor. i think she pushed too hard. she was not at the top of the game where thee fell in the first round. she should not have gone out with her sister. let's hope for the best. the sport will be damaged. it is heart-breaking. she's a great champion. to see her crying before the patch. >> we have kind of grown up. i remember reading about serena williams when she was an 11-year-old kid city of veep us. and as a younger sibling i was a serena williams person, and to see her exceed her sister, let's hope for a speedy recovering. >> people should go out and pick up the boob, brazil's "dance with the devil", great to have
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you. >> that's all for now. the conversation continues on, facebook, google+ and twitter. see you next time. hello, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david shuster, in new york. john seigenthaler has the night off. it is 11:00pm on the east coast. 8:00 p.m. on the west and you are watching the only live national news aisle. >> tour de france, a record fine for a french bank doing business with iran, and how a gather trying to recover his daughter discovered the film. a new battle with >>escription drugs.
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