tv News Al Jazeera July 2, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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> funerals are hold for the three israeli settlers, as reports emerge that a palestinian has been abducted and murdered in jerusalem. hello and welcome to al jazeera, live from doha. coming up, more than 500 people are arrested at a pro-democracy rally in hong kong. further questions for nicolas sarkozy as an investigates into the former -- investigation into the former president gathers pace. and marching on - belgium
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meet a paul sitting en -- pull sitting encounter to advance in the world cup quarter fines. police in israel are investigating reports that a palestinian was abducted and murdered, seized while working to a mosque early on wednesday morning, a day after funerals were held for three israeli settlers whose bodies were found near hebron in the west bank. we have more. >> reporter: israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu was blunt - israel will capture and kill those who killed the three young settlers. in response to the killings, he said ... >> translation: we must act
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against hamas in the gaza strip. the israeli army has been active against ham was targets in the gaza strip , and here as well. if need be we will expand the campaign. >> earlier he attended the funeral of the three young men outside jerusalem. there he spoke to their grieving families, and encouraged the parents to maintain their inner strength. >> translation: these people went to hunt someone. god choose you innocent and good boys. >> in west jerusalem protesters accused binyamin netanyahu of being a traitor, releasing palestinian prisoners that these protesters blamed for attacks. and they chanted death to arabs arabs get out. in the occupied west bank, a 19-year-old palestinian was
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buried. he was shot dead on tuesday after a raid on a refugee camp where he lived. palestinianian officials accused the government of taking advantage of the disappearance and killing of the three settlers to justify its aggression. >> every incident like the one two weeks ago is being exploited and used by israel to kill and murder and colonise and continue its projects, nothing would stop israel. >> since the three sectors wept missing, six palestinianians have been killed in the west bank, and around 600 detained. >> let's go ramallah where our correspondent is standing buy. what more can you tell us about the death of this palestinian tooepager? >> -- teenager? >> well, we spoke to the father who said his 17-year-old son was kidnapped at 4am local time near
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his house while the boy was on his way to the mosque to prepare dawn prayers. he was whisked away by a car that had settlers in it who picked him up from the street and drove off. we have confirmation from the israeli police that the body was found in a forest in jerusalem this morning. we also heard statements from the mayor of jerusalem, who condemned the attack and said it is barbaric and horrible and said that he is confident that israeli security forces will be able to track the perpetrators down. we are hearing that there are clashes right now, where they were from and where he was allegedly kidnapped. there were clashes between palestinianian residents there and israeli soldiers that deployed heavily into the area
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and around it. trying to prevent friction. so the situation is very tense, indeed. >> it is. >> thank you very much. speaking to us from ramallah. the leader of the group islamic state said followers should go to iraq and syria to build a caliphate. in english and arabic, albag dardy said the islamic state is for all muslims, and said:
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. >> more than 500 people have been arrested in hong kong as police broke up a city, and by pro-democracy campaigners. demonstrators want freedom as to who runs their city. under the current system candidates will be vetted by beijing. adrian brown has the latest from hong kong. >> the streets have been cleared and cleared as you can see in the central business district. this is the heart of what is a world financial city. a key economic hub. and that is why the police moved in in the early hours of this morning and cleared away several hundred pro-democracy protesters who had been camping out. the police say the occupation was illegal. what we saw were often violent confrontations. now, the pro-democracy camp warned of a possibility of violence, of civil disobedience if they were not allowed to carry out their protest
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overnight. this shows us that the police are prepared to crack down hard on a protest this they believe gets out of hand, and that views are hardening. the violence was the culmination of a day of protests and rallies. the organizers say half a million marched though the streets, but the police say it was less than that. it was an impressive turp out that happened during -- turn outside that happened during pouring rain. this is the core of the dispute. ordinary people say they want the right to choose the next chief give, the man that will lead the city, and say that alabama is not sticking to the promises they made, accusing china of going bang on its pledges. china denies this.
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it wants universal sovereignty. nicolas sarkozy has been placed under formal investigation over allegations of corruption. the former french president denied using his influence to get inside information on a separate investigation into his campaign funding. he was held in police custody for 15 hours on tuesday. correspondent nadine barber joins us live. sarcozy has not been arrested, he's under formal having. what does this mean? >> well, that's right. he's under formal investigation for three things - influence pedalling, corruption and benefitting from the broach of professional secrets. now, he was placed under formal investigation in the early hours of wernings after around
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18 hours of questioning. he was - he actually arrived on tuesday morning at, say - at police headquarters outside paris, and he was questioned for a long time before being taken to meet with investigating judges, who placed him under formal investigation. then he was released in the early hours. the same situation for his lawyer as well, who has been charged with influence pedalling. the allegation is that they were involved in trying to seek inside information on a case against nicolas sarkozy, surrounding his 2006 presidential campaign, there were allegations that he may have illegally received financing from france's richest woman, lillian bettan core. the investigation was dropped, but this year judges tapped the phones of sarcozy and his lawyer, looking at other
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allegations that possibly muammar gaddafi may have been involved in financing that campaign. when they listened in to the conversations of sarcozy and his lawyer, they allegedly heard evidence that they had got a network of informers telling them what had been happening about the bettan core cause. the allegation is that sarcozy may have offered one of the judge a top post in monaco in turn for keeping him informed. >> it sounds complicated as french politics usually is. what's the reaction in france to this news? >> on tuesday there was plenty of reaction, ranging from shock to resignation. so far there has been little response actually to the placing of sarcozy under formal investigations. still early on wednesday morning
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here in france. there has been a handful of unp, the center right party deputies, members of parliament commenting. one of the last allies of sarcozy saying he's astounded at the way this has been handled, saying he's the victim of a plit cap persecution. a lot of center right politicians are distancing themselves from sarcozy, saying justice must be allowed to run its course. that's the message from the socialist prime minister. defending the judiciary from claims they may have been trying to stop a political comeback by sar cosy, saying they have every right to carry out their work. while there's the presumption of innocence, judges are in their rites to be politically active. that is the rehabilitation from the right, that this is a persecution. >> intoed each barber -- nadine
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barber in paris. arn merp si meeting in ghana will be held to tackle the biggest outbreak of ebola. more than 750 people are confirmed or suspected cases have been found in guinea, liberia or sierra leone. a cargo planes has crashed killing all on board. it came down after leaving nairobi, and burst into flames after crashing into a commercial building iran meets with nuclear armed powers in vienna. the talks are aimed at reaching a permanent deal. the beings first draft is messing significant details. they have been meeting regularly all year. representatives of the international community on woun side. iran's foreign minister on the other. at the end of recent talks,
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mr zar if and those he's negotiating with started writing a first draft of a possible agreement. significantly, it's believed in the new document there are blank spaces where some of the most important details and numbers are supposed to go. the missing details include the timetable for the wroul of actions. a percentage level of enrichment iran will be allowed to continue, and the number and type of septemberry fuges iran will be allowed to keep in order to carry out enrichment. >> we have heard this number, what is proposed is low thousands, enabling iran to produce nuclear weapon fuel should they decide to do that. but it would take them some time. so i think that what we have heard is that would be - that is
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the main sticking point. >> these could be crump negotiations. the deadline to reach a deal is july the 20th. there are moan that don't want a deal, including some in the gulf and u.s. congress. extending the talks increases the risk of them unravelling completely. still to come - the fate of japanese people abducted by north korea. talks in china bear little fruit. >> in syria there was a building of an islamic world as the profit said. most of the real muslims are going there and fighting against non-believers. >> and women from kurdistan explain why they are joining the rebellion in syria.
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welcome back. the top stories here in al jazeera. there has been violence between israeli police and palestinian youth in east jerusalem, amid reports that a palestinian has been kidnapped and killed. funerals were held n tuesday for three israeli settlers whose bod yis were found on monday in the west bank. the leader of the islamic state said followers should go to iraq and syria to help build an islamic empire. al-baghdadi and his fighters are leading the rebels and iraq.
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nicolas sarkozy has been placed in kust for formal investigations. he's denied using influence to get inside information into a separate investigation over his campaign offenses. the united nations demand fighters known as the islamic state to release 100 kurdish school children that this kidnapped in aleppo in may. if the group used them to fight, it would be considered war crimes. >> syrian fighter jets reportedly dropped bombs. the rebels have been fighting to overflow president bashar al-assad's government for more than three years. al jazeera cannot verify the video. >> the syrian government agreed to get rid of its weapons. it create worries for the
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countries where the chemicals were being sent. we have this report from italy. >> maria lived in san periodin ando for 84 years. the only time she felt this scared was during world war ii. these days the threat comes from next to her doorstep. her house overlooks the porch where on wednesday a ship laiden with dangerous components will dock. >> i'm not afraid for myself, i am old. for the youge people here. i pray -- young people here. i pray every day for them. i have two children that live up north. i hope it's not the last time i speak to them. >> on wednesday the chemical stockpile will be transferred to the american vessel docked at the port. it will then set sale for international waters where the chemical agents, including
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components from mustard gas and sarin will be neutralized. the parade has been vited with a field deployable hydrolysis system, capable of breaking down toxic agents into waste. the agents will be pumped into pipes, tubes and bowls where they'll be mixed with water and bleached. once the chemicals are neutralized, they'll be stored, ready for disposal. >> this is what it will look like on tuesday. on one side locals are getting by. on the other the police created roadblocks around the perimeter of the port, turned into a militarized zone. access to the port and details of the operation are being kept secret. the up to's mayor said he has been left in of the dark. >> translation: we were given
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reassurances. they are empty word. i still haven't been told what substances are on the ship. >> the mayor paved the up to with posters. they have set up a room in the up to hall where locals will be able to follow the operation in live streaming. everybody's wish in this town is that the delegate operation will be fast and clean. oliver is from the institute for international and security affairs and joins us were berlin. thank you, mr meier, for joining us on the show. the residents of that italian town fear contamination. could you highlight for us what would be the possible dangers involved in transferring and destroying these weapons? >> well, this is only going to
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be a short process where the weapons are transferred from one ship to another. there is a theoretically danger of leak, but most of the substances are not chemical wep swrops, they are -- weapons, they are components, they are by no means as dangerous as chemical weapons, and the process is constantly being monitored. there's little if any chance of danger to the population in italy. >> that being the case, how confident are you that the o.p.c.w. is in position of all the components or all asaad's chemical weapons? >> that is very difficult to april. we can be sure that the bulk of the agents, most of the agents that syria has has been declared and left the country. there is the possibility that this regime is hiding some
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chemical weapons, but that would be almost impossible to found out until the war is over. >> mr myer, in an oped recently, you outlined some of the steps that need to be tape to ensure that the -- taken to ensure that the devastating chemical weapons go through again. just go through some of those steps that are imperative. >> there's a number of things that need to be done now. the chemical weapons that syria declared left the country. first of all there's some destruction down in the country. they have not been destroyed yet. they produce chemical weapons. also, we need to deter.
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over the last coup of months - it will be important that the international community keeps up the pressure that such use does not occur again. in the end, those responsible for the use of chemical weapons would have to be brought to justice. the use of chemical weapons as a war crime and the security council can give a mandate to the criminal court to vet the past use of chemical weapons. >> thank you very much for knour insight. the institute for international and security affairs. >> the conflicts in syria and iraq are resonating. in kerringize tan many are heading off to join the militia. people make a stop in turkey before aleppo. but we have a report from southern kurdistan, and a woman
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said she'll stop at nothing. >> reporter: she was nervous about talking to us because of the country's secret agents. she met us in app apartment in osh, she relaxed when she spoke about why she wanted to go to syria. >> prophet mohammed said there would be a difficult time when you can't find islam. people asked what to do. he said keep the light in your souls, the time you describe has come. >> reporter: she believes earthquakes, wars and tsunamis is a sign the world is coming to an end. and the real muslims are going to syria. >> reporter: her friend are in syria, telling her their lives now have more meaning. sophia worked in a pharmacy as a midwife, skills she hopes will
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make her useful. she may not pick up a weapon, but she represent the support base working for the other side. >> i can help with medical problems because i have some experience in medicine. i know arabic and can teach religion. people are worried about what they say is a young men and women travelling to take part in the conflict in the middle east. for the chief of police station, tracking people like her is the number one priority yip. >> there are more than 100 extremist websites in orb. we expect citizens of osh are going to syria. there are 35 fighting. two came back and are women. there are women going via
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turkey. >> reporter: it's not just an issue of nation at security. some spiritual leaders are treating it as a social issue. >> the senior cleric says what is happening is a tragedy for the global community. >> god is against killing each other. the profit says if a muslim kills another muslim, he goes to hell forever. if someone goes to syria to kill another muslim, he goes to hell. it's wrong. it is the only way forward for other muslims. and that the tools are words not weapons. >> translation: the prophet says if you see non-believers, fight with hands and power. if you can't, hate them with your heart. the third way is the weakest way. you want to choose the best way. that is why you must choose the
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strongest way to fight with non-believers. >> reporter: the clerics message of peace, it seems, is not getting through to everywhere. [ ♪ theme ] tuesday was day 20 of the world cup in brazil. the quarter time line-up is complete, and in two contrasting games argentina took on switzerland and belgium in matches that spilt into overtime. richard nicholson has more. >> reporter: on paper the tie between argentina who are fifth in the world, a place above switzerland offered a lot, but delivered little in concrete channels. argentina dominated possession. the first chance to the swiss. chances waved. neither team scored in the second half. the game went to extra time.
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the second period lionel messi was instrumental. he had a chance to score in the 180th minute. the sws almost grabbed an swalizer a minute later. a header hitting the post. argentina held on to win 1-0, and they'll face belgium in the quarter files. the belgians dominated the game. we are seeing a shot saved by tim howard. he made the difference to the u.s. 15 minutes from time. >> the u.s. defense, however, held firm to force the game into extra time, and two minutes in kevin debrup made a -- de-bruin made a break through, seemingly putting the tie beyond doubt. u.s. substitute pulled a goal back with a first touch. almost levelling with a kick. temp si seeing his shot saved.
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final score 2-1 to belgium. richard nicholson. al jazeera. >> if you would like to find out about the latest from the world cup, or the latest news around the world, you can click onto our website. that's at >> are the roots of today's never-ending conflict in the middle east really growing out of a 1916 agreement between britain and france? iraq and syria, sykes, piko, the the "inside story." >> hello, i'm ray suarez. in recent days the fighting men
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