tv News Al Jazeera July 2, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> that's all for now. thursday on "consider this", undercover video races con -- raises concern about animals at the zoo. while safeguards for mistreating animals may not be working. >> join in the conversation at facebook, google+ twitter. see you next time. . >> hello everybody, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david shuster in new york. john seigenthaler has the night off. it's 11:00pm on the east coast. 8:00 pm out west. you are watching the only lie newshour. >> immigration showdown. protesters stop buses of immigrants. >> boiling over - three israeli teens killed. a palestinians abduction if
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murder. what will it take to end the cycle of violence. >> a court case changes the fracking landscape. what it means for the industry and the fight hay gaines it. plus, summer nights. they live in shelters and on the streets. the story of a summer camp for homeless children. we begin in southern california, where hundreds at a town hall meeting are speaking out about undocumented immigrants. meanwhile outside the meeting there are protests. at least 400 people have been kept out of the meeting because it rasped full capacity. the debate inside and out has been loud, it's about whether it is appropriate to keep
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immigrants from being transferabled into the city. yesterday residents lined up to block buses carrying more than 100 migrant families. city leaders say it's a murden and safety con -- burden and safety concern. we go to the town hall where a meeting is taking place. jennifer. >> david, tonight we are seeing a city divided. the crowd behind me that you can see - this is the overflow crowd held outside for no other reason than there wasn't enough room in the auditorium. we have seen equal parts for and against bringing the undocumented detainees here. the shouting on both sides of the debate as loud as the or. all around town, this is all that anyone has been talking about. >> reporter: every morning at
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vit ae donuts these friend meet for the board meeting. >> on this morning. i joined them as they discussed how the suburban city between los angeles and san diego became a flashpoint. >> who is going to pay for all this. >> they need to go back to their own countries. our government should be more forceful in taking them back to their countries. and making them understand that it's not worth trying to come back again. >> they are talking about the undocumented immigrants homeland security tried to bring to mary eta this week. >> they shouldn't have been brought here in the first place. it should have been stopped at the border. >> reporter: the not in my backyard stand from moving migrant families to holding centers in texas to this place in mary yetta reached critical mass on tuesday.
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the group arrived in a charter plane and boarded three buses for an hour's drive. they never made it inside. an angry crowd draped in american flags and waving protest science blocked the buses, forcing them to turn around. >> u.s. citizens have to pay taxes, higher taxes to support these people. it's not care. we can't take care of our open. >> bus loads of families from central america were taken to a different customs processing facilities 80 miles away. the major says the anger is directed at the immigration policy, not the immigrants themselves. >> we have a federal policy not being enforced and broken. we are standing up against the federal policy or the lack thereof. >> back at the doug nut shop people are concerned about what happens after the detainees are brought for processing.
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>> customs and border control is bringing this statement:. >> for now the city with the motto the future of southern california is struggling with what that future holds, for residents that say they are caught in the cross-hairs and migrants at the center of an unfolding humanitarian crisis. >> jennifer london reporting. we will keep you posted on how the meeting develops and we'll make it back to gepp fer and one of the city leaders. now overseas to israel. there was violence today in jerusalem, as simmering tensions between israelis and palestinians erupted. >> palestinians took to the streets in response to the killing of 17-year-old mohammed. his family sis jewish settlers
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killed him in retaliation for the kidnapping and murder of teens. today palestinianians condemned the murder calling it despicable promising whoever was involved will be brought to justice. israeli troops searching for three israeli teens ult lil murdered launched an investigation, today the palestinian frustrations were on full display in gaza. nick schifrin is there with the latest. >> this is the end of a hamas rally in downtown gaza, there has been 2,000-3,000 people for the last hour or so listening to two messages from hamas officials. one of defines. israeli war planes and gunships attacked gaza in the last couple
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of days. more than two dozen strikes. the people of gaza willing to come out despite the attacks. it shows a solidarity with the palestinians protesting in east jerusalem. those people were protesting the death of a 17-year-old. a lot of people here showing solidarity. as this rally has come forward, the violence continued on the border, a couple of miles from here. the israeli army said a couple of dozen rockets have been released. so far that's all they have targeted, including empty fighting group training ground. the fear is if any of those missiles fall into israeli towns, the escalation could increase quickly. >> nick schifrin reporting. tonight israel appears to be responding to the rocket attacks from gaza.
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there are reports of half-a-dozen israeli air strikes. most aimed at unoccupied training grounds. residents say israeli war planes remain in the skies above. joining us now is robert o'brien, serving as u.n. delegate focussing on the conflict. the condoll appses from the palestinian authority, not hamas, over the deaths of three israeli teenagers, how far does that go in terms of soothing continuingses. >> i think it helps, and a few years ago there was a terrorist attack by a rogue jordanian soldier, and i remember king hussain, king abdullah's father coming to israel and apologising to the israeli families, going a
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long way towards bridging the gap between israel and jordan, helping to restrain some of the harsh feelings that resulted. i think it's helpful the big problem is hamas, you have a kidnapping and murder. hamas encouraged kidnapping so there is a significant minority among the palestinianians that welcomed this. i think that's going to create a problem going forward for the peace process. in part, hamas is part of the unity government, so it sounds like the palestinian authority, those that are not smath et, that will align themselves with qatar are squeezed by this. >> this was a step background. they were gaping momentum, there has been disinvestment campaigns that met in the u.s. or entered
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into by churches and universities, yet this happened and the kidnappings and murders were applauded by supporters of the national unity government. that's a setback. i don't think the folks in hamas understand the horrible impact that that sort of behaviour has on israeli partners or the partners they'd like to have in a peace process, and it certainly doesn't do them favors abroad. this was a very big setback. president mahmoud abbas realises that. yet a lot of americans don't realise there are good connections between the binyamin netanyahu government and the palestinian authority. i want to play something that former israeli consule to new
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york said, when he talked about the breakthrough in terms of solving the case and figuring out what happened. >> i don't think israel could identify the bodies or identify the two. >> had it not been for intelligence level cooperation. >> that cooperation - how does israel and the palestinian authority build on that. pt united states is playing a key roll. we have advisors helping to train security fors serving as liaisons between the part and the -- palastinian authority, the killing. it's been made worse by the killing of the palestinian teenager. they have to do their best to muddle through. ultimately they are in the same
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neighbour hood. they have to work out a way to get along and ultimately restart the peace process. hamas clearly is not contributing anything positive to the process, but i think the palestinian authority and the israeli deposit, notwithstanding the high tensions that their communities are feeling because of the deaths, have to figure out a way to move forward and cooperate to avoid this sort of thing happening in the future making it difficult in the future to reach a resolution. >> robert o'brien on the cop flilent. we want to take you back to a town hall meeting in mary ata, where there was a bunch meeting. this sparked demonstrations pore and against the action. they are looking at pictures inside the town hall. a representative, the may jar
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was there. one res accident said she cannot understand why everyone cannot stand together. >> when it comes to children, you don't have a choice. i didn't have a choice. i wasn't legal at one point. we did it because we wanted to die for something. i thought it was worth it. we should stand together like it says in the u.s. one nation under god. everywhere is against each other. it shouldn't be like that. >> the mayor joins us now. mayor, first of all, clearly the community is divided. what do you believe should happen to the migrants that the federal government wanted to transfer to your city? >> good evening. thank you for inviting me to your show, it's a great honour. this is a divisive issue. and i think that what the
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federal government needs to do is really three things. we need to stop, we need to contain, we need to be humane. and if we implement the three aspects, we can get the handle of what is going on. that's lot of people in your community that thinks we can put the illegal immigrants back on buses. they are not entitled to due process, they must appear before an immigration judge. where should that happen if it doesn't happen in your town. where should that happen. >> the problem is putting aside politics, and this is what the biggest problem is. everyone is using this as a political pawn. our facilities cannot handle the influx of illegal immigrants that they want to ship into the
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city. it's inhumane. if you look at the process, any resident in my city, to treat humans, there will be fines and going to gaol. the holding cells are what it is. holding cells for criminals. there's no beds, no showers, no eating facilities, and there's literally crammed in a cell, eating on the floor. that's inhumane. >> so i have this clear. to answer your... >> there's a little bit of a delay. just to be clear. if the federal government were to provide facilities or trailers, if they were to build a facility for you and you didn't have to use it as a housing space for illegal immigrants, would the leadership of the town support be willing to house the illegal immigrants whilst being processed?
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>> it would be more of a welcome if they wanted to be housed, that's not what is being proposed. it's not processing. it's after the processing period in the neighbouring communities. we are not talking about temporarily holding shelter until they get the due process is court hearings. that's not what is happening. what is happening. they'll be processed and released into neighbouring cities. >> absolutely. with the federal government that is 100%. as i understand it the process includes the federal trying to make sure there's relatives in the united states, and paying for transportation for them to go to them. i'm not sure that they'll linger around your community. do you believe the appropriate way of protesting this is for
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some of the residents of your town to block a road, stand in front of buses and literally prevent the buses moving in? >> you know, irantically you want to -- ironically you want to brush aside the first question. they are one and the same. we are talking about following the laws. i'll just say this - i'm a latino, my heart breaks for this situation. i'm an american. i joined the military, i joined the united states marine corp to serve and defend the constitution and prohibit our laws, our way of life. and what the first question was is that this regard, these particular laws, and allow them to be released to the community possibly connect with alleged family members, maybe not. and the laws are okay to overlook, but being caught out about standing in front of
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buses. i don't condone whatsoever that it's so dangerous to stand in front of bus, but this is about the laws of our country. and i have to say that what needs to be asked is what's the influence, why are they wanting to come to america. what separates america from these nations. i believe it's because we are a nation of laws, and that is lacking. >> if you ask the immigrants they say... ..they say it's not about the laws in the united states, but the situation is so bad in hon dur awes and some of the -- honduras and the places that they are from, they are fearful for their lives and desperate. they are willing to go through hardships to get to the united states not because of the laws but they fear their own communities in strl america, right -- central america, right? >> you are 100% correct. that proves my point. they are not nations of laws.
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that's the reason why they don't have the freedoms. you are looking the a the protest behind us. we have two groups who are passionate about this issue. two groups. there has not been one arrest. they are allowed under the constitution to protest. this is a great thing. this is what makes america so great. if they have the ability to protest, regress for their country and fight their laws and make changes, their countries wouldn't be in the situation it is today. it's because of that, that's why they want to come to america, because we are a nation of laws. >> if you could address the people who are on the bus, who were not allowed to come to your community, who are in san diego, what would you say to them? what would i say to those particular individuals? if this were on the streets? >> no, the question is the people on those buses.
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the three buses turned away who saw americans with american flags protesting literally blocking the buses saying "we don't want you here", imagine what was going through their minds and what would you say to them? >> absolutely [ speaking foreign language ] my heart breaks for the situation that is happening. and i would be extremely apologetic because it is in my opinion that they are refugees, but if we use terms like refugees and be honest and say what they'll be refugees of, of an administration failing to uphold the laws of our country. we have to, like i said, back to my three points, we have to stop, detain and humane. we have to be humane. so many are so angry. we must not forget these are human being trying to do what is best for themselves and
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families, my heart goes out for them. this is not about my companionship about them. >> well said. thank you so much for being on the programme. good luck to you and the members of your community. we appreciate you joining us. >> people on the i would say off the carolina coast are being told to get out. here is a look at the storm from space. meteorologist is here with more on the storm. >> we got the newest update at 11 o'clock. and they are keeping it as a tropical storm. it's moving to the north a little faster. that means we'll see it strengthening going into the warm jet stream current. florida is picking up the showers. the rip tides are attention, these are the warnings we see. hurricane warnings, the ones in red mean that the winds are imminent. people in north carolina are
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going this. a lot of people are being evacuated. the beaches were not bad. we were deteriorating as we go through the evening. this is the track of the storm. i was going to stay up here, but it gets close to making landfall. whether it makes land fall, i'm not sure yet. that's why we have a cone of uncertainty. we are looking at a category 1 or weak category 2 storm as it makes its way early friday morning. once a storm moves to the north things are going to move out. friday is going to be a very, very wet day. then we may see a hurricane going up here. it's a rare occurrence. the storm is moving quickly we could see a lot of power lines and flooding. >> thank you. we have something of an early fireworks display in the skies
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over new york city. a thunderstorm rolled through bringing rain and lightening. here it is there aring a massive trike to world trade center, knocking out power to about 4,000 customers in the greater new york city area. >> coming up, taking on fracking. one state's landmark decision is now being called a game changer. plus accused of corruption. a former french president tellsize side. he's not holding back.
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after being placed upped formal investigation for corruption much. >> translation: i have never committed any act contrary to the principals of the republic or rule of law. >> reporter: nicolas sarcozy was released after 15 hours of questioning. he said in the interview that he was shocked? . >> translation: did i have to meet with two lady judges after 14 hours of questioning. >> reporter: it's adelaide he offered a judge a -- alleged he affidavit a judge a position in monaco after refusing information. some believe he's being unfairly treated. >> it's likely at the end that nicolas sarcozy will appear as a victim of some hostility. some are well-known, belong to a very left trade union. >> others say the judiciary
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overstepped his powers. >> translation: i don't think judges are how mucheding or plotting -- hounding or plotting against him. that doesn't surprise me. >> reporter: it's not clear that nicolas sarcozy will be charged, but it's the latest twist in a series of investigations that have tainted the image of a former president for some people in france. >> nicolas sarcozy has hinted he'd like to stand for president in 2017. here he said he'd take is decision on a comeback. investigations may play a part in that. >> we learn about an historical yirpy involving nazi germany, the germans held a photo contest to determine an ideal ar job baby. he was 6 years old when a photographer presented a picture of her. it was flashed in a popular nazi
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magazine. her mother was surprised. the family and the baby were jewish. the family admitted he entered the photo to spite the nazis. the family kept her hidden the nazis never heard her identity. she works now as a professor, she shared her story, the magazine and the baby photo to the holocaust memorial in israel. >> coming up, sign of the times. a ror on poverty in america and the big surprise of where it takes its greatest toll. >> and 50 years later, what is did then and what it means now.
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we introduce you to the brain child behind this new booming business. in new york, the state's highest court ruled that individual towns can ban fracking. there has been a state-wide moratorium on the gas extraction. protests have been lobbying for communities po ban the practice. fracking opponents argued cities can use zoning laws. >> join us mr west, a company on the losing side. your reaction to the decision. >> obviously we were disappointed with the decision. the real losers in this decision are the land openers in new york who have mineral rights
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strapped. when a town board decides they can go against the energy policy in new york and shut down oil and gas development. >> can't the folks who want to access their miperral rights, they -- mineral rights, they can do what americans are supposed to do, vote out their city council. >> you are right. that's where the debate will go. you'll have some municipalities ban it. 40 or so municipalities in upstate new york that have adopted resolutions in favour of a drilling. we'll see that. we'll see the seesaw back and forth if new york opens you for business. >> a lot of fracking supporters believe that it's good for the economy. do you acknowledge that there is some environmental issue with fracking? >> every energy source has environmental issues in not done properly. we are in favour of, you know, the proper development of the
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resource using, you know, sound regulatory policies that protect the environment. when it's done right. it cap be done sax in an environmentally -- safely in an environmentally sound manner, and you get low-cost, clean-burping energy and you -- clean-burning energy, and you improve the environment. look at new york city, in the apartment complexes, swiping to natural gas. the mayor bloomberg led the charge and there has been an improvement in air quality. >> thomas west, an attorney. deborah gold berg is an attorney at earth justice. your group got the big victory. what about the argument from those that say fracking has helped the u.s. economy sh making us energy independent? >> it's not the issue in this
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case. the towns that were defending these lawsuits are small world towns. they are concern the about preserving the sustainable economies that they have developed. they have tourism, agriculture and this industry industrializes the areas. it's a point of no return. they want to protect the property and the community way of life. >> how do you respond to thomas who says fracking can be done safely and you can protect their way of life. >> we disagree with that. studies coming in, the more we know this is dangerous. there's air pollution, waste, dust. this is a drilling procedure going 24/#. it's a huge impact on people living nearby. it's one thing if it's in the middle of nowhere. if it comes into a populated
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area, it turps the community on its side. >> as a legal matter. they'll not be bound but we know that they'll look at the reasoning of the decision. we brought to the attention decisions in other states. we heard the decision in this case and a similar one coming out the pns will be used in litigation in hawaii. we expect this case to have an impact politically and we'll encourage communities to stand up for themselves. >> it feels like a case not decided on fracking but a town or community's rite to decide for themselves, do i have that... >> that's right. there's a long-standing tradition in new york of home rule, which gives the towns the right to define land use, which is what they do with their zoning. this industry was claiming that the rules that apply to every
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other industry in this up to, both of which have never allowed heavy industry, were going to - there's an exception made for them. and them alone. they were going so make the right to dictated to the communities. >> to the point where you know it. if a city or are town decides what they want to do they can. >> the law says that much the government we hope the government wept proceed swiftly with his decision, he'll wait for all the data. we are only now beginning to get the review studies that addresses the impacts. >> we think the caution to get the information if it goes forward. >> i want to bring thomas. >> is there ab impossibility of an appeal is there a plan to go
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in that direction? >> no. if this is a final word, the court of appeals is the highest court of the they have spoken. that's it. as we said earlier. the debate will go with the local level. i am sure the opposition groups will advance their cause and landowners will advance their cause, and the town boards will have to make the decisions. what we hope is when down disorders decide they are in favour of drilling, the opposition will respect that and allow it to go forward. >> will the opposition respebility that? >> the opposition will respect that. they are in a position to advocate with state and federal representatives to put controls on the industry. >> deborah is an attorney with earth justice that won the kourl of appeal today. thank you both for talking about
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this. >> new sep sis data shows an increase in the number of americans living in poor areas. the numbers are most discouraging in the south. nearly a third of americans living in southern states live in poverty areas. for more, here is jonathan betts. >> reporter: stunning numbers from the sepp suss bureau shows the spread of poverty in the united states. only a handful of states and 30% of their population live in areas. they live in places where neighbours are, 20%. over the next decade that exploded by 2010 take a look at this. it's poverty number barely moving up there were encouraging
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signs, washington d.c., louisiana, and west virmia, all still having high poverty rates. they are among a few places whose numbers shrank over the past decade. the study reveals a quarter of americans live in impoverished areas, and the country divided between the haves, and have not. >> thank you. >> many parents are paying top dollar to send their children to camp. there's a camp that is free. it's special. houm ward bound is the oldest camp in the country for homeless children. kids leave shelters to spend two weeks in the country. camp homeward bound director bevly and camper join us now in studio. thank you both. what is the significance of camp
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home ward bound for the children. >> it's important for all kids. for our children, just being able to regain their childhood is the most important part of our camp. the stresses of living in shelters can take its toll. when they come to camp they get to be kids. the basis of getting to be kids. >> you went to camp last summer, what is the favourite thing you did. my favourite thing i did was boating. swimming. mostly everything. the only thing i didn't like was the buzz. >> when i went to camp as a kid in upstate new york, i hated the bugs, and for me when i went to karm in upstate new york i never had been swimming in a big river. had you been boating or done that stuff before. >> yes. >> you this more experience than me. other are than the bugs, what did you not like about camp?
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>> everything else was pretty fine. >> you lined the other kids and making friends. did you go on any raids or anything like that? >> no. >> beverley, tell us about the camp - how long it's been in existence and what have you heard from people years later when they talk about the camp experience. >> we've been in existence for 30 years, this is our 30th anniversary. we've been reuniting with campers, and they - one young man, or older man, said his life was changed because of camp. he met people from all over the world, becoming a counsellor, they talk about it being a life line for them when they were going flow a tough time -- through a tough time, it's what they looked forward to. >> your life can be challenging going to school and dealing with everything. what was the biggest surprise about - was it nature.
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>> the outdoors. >> yes. >> yes. >> were the kids nice. did you make a lot of friends? >> yes. >> when i was a karmer, i would get -- camper we'd try to get together. do you have plans to see friends over the course of the year? >> no. >> what's the biggest difference, beverley, in terms of this camp, compared to the traditional sleep-over camps or camp where kids go away for a couple of weeks? >> it's similar. we offer all the things - swimming, boating, biking, video and activities. the difference is the staff and their commitment to the kids. they are not unlike this young lady. some come with a lot of baggage, dealing with domestic violence and that sort of thing. we don't give up on the kids. we have a high staff to camper ratio, and we help every kid go home feeling better about
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themselves than when they came. >> is it difficult raising money and getting the resources? >> it is hard. when someone is at camp, they think it's fun. it's so much more, it's personal growth and life skills, it is - foundations are looking to - you know, they want to support people going to college. camp is important so, yes, it is hard. so much about getting more campers to go is word of mouth. there are a lot of kids nervous about going to summer kmp or this camp. if someone is out there thinking should i go to the camp, what would you tell them? >> not to worry and be there. have fun. >> it's a place where you go get to have a lot of fun and you don't have to worry about some of your cares at home. and the take away, as far as the overall experience and what it means for the community? >> what has it meant for you?
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going to camp. it's being able to, for the children living in shelters, it's a haven. it's a place where they can just be themselves and we don't worry about any titles. they don't know - we don't think about it as a camp for homeless children as a camp for children. they get to be regular kids. >> nice to have you both on. beverley, director of camp home ward bound. and aniya was a camper last year and is going in had a couple of weeks. excited? >>. >> yes. >> what is the first thing you are going to do when you get there? boating, archery, swat mosquitos. food, cook out. cook hot dogs. >> activities. >> good, thank you for coming in. we appreciate you booping on the
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programme. july 2nd, 1954, on it date 50 years ago president lippedon johnson signed the civil rights act into war, making it illegal to distril nate based on racing colour sex and national ormgin. half a century lair, how much has changed. >> randall pinkston porps. >> i urge every american to join in this effort to bring justice and hope to all our people. >> reporter: july 2nd, 1954, president lundon johnson surrounded by congressional leaders souped a law that was supposed to fix what a civil war left updone. >> prior to 1964 the united states lived with rachial apartheid and particularly in the south, african-americans were nod capable of enjoying the rights that all other americans enjoyed. in other ward, they were
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second-class citizens. they had 11 sections aimed at providing african minister and other legal equality. title 2 outlawed distrim nicks, hotel, motels, restaurants, theatres, no more separate waiting rooms. title four gave the u.s. attorney-general power to segregate the schools, title 7 outlawed employment discrimination. the battle for civil rights was long and ugly. especially in the south where it was a life and death struggle. mississippi civil rights leader assassinated. four innocent little girls killed in an alabama church targeted by the clue clutch clan bringing -- ku klux clan, bringing outrage to the streets. >> we have a right to expect a
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community to be responsible, uphold the war. they have a rite to expect the constitution be colour blind. we have a rite to expect the civil rights to be bought and paid for in blood. it was only after the assassinationful president kennedy that action was possible. >> five months after president kennedy proposed new laws, he was assassinated. civil rights were murdered. there is a stronger effort together to stop potential attacks on jet liners bound for the united states. the department of homeland security called for tighter security at overseas airports. the department would not say whether the measures were related to an associated press report. according to the a.p. fighters
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in syria may have tried to develop a bond slipping past screening measures. a team of under water researcheses is celebrating. a group of aqua nouts spent a month, 50 feet below of the ocean. . >> andy gallagher reports from the florida keys. >> reporter: this is the first time in weeks that they are breathing fresh air and open skies. since the beginning of june he's been living and working 20 metres below the surface in "acquirious", a specially built laboratory. the idea using techniques that his grandfather jacque developed. >> i think he would have loved to talk to people, whether they were students, young at heart,
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or other skype tists around the world from aquarius. >> it's the advances in research na makes this significant. while scientists are living under water, they don't need to go through a process of decompression. months of reach can be done in weeks. the wak weigh naughts can put in a work day, staying si. to eight hours. they only need to go back to the habitats to get food. it is the om laboratory of its kind in the u.s. and expensive to run. the benefits outweigh the costs. aquanauts say in a month they'll introduce new findings, work that would take a year. in an eco system like the florida kees, it could make the dumps. less than 10% of the world's oceans have been explored. humanity ventures into one of
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of georgia, south carolina and north carolina as well. we saw a boundary pushing through the north-east, bringing down treats and power outages and flooding is a major problem. we saw in six hours, some locations over 2.5 inches of rain. for the next day or so,as we get ready for the holiday wand, we deal with arthur. more heavy rain for south carolina, north carolina as well as into the north. to the grate lakes it will be beautiful. we see high temperatures for chicago. 74, minneapolis at 76. friday, rain showers to the north. arthur is a problem. we'll see dangerous rip tides in that area as well as flooding is expected. once that storm goes through, we'll see new york at 81,
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british regulators are investigating facebook over its secret study of users, and officials from ireland and francaise they want to learn about the circumstances of the facebook study. in 2012 facebook users speeds were manipulated to show positive and negative posts. results show that people express different emotions based on what they saw. the problem is that facebook is under fire for experimenting on users without their knowledge. prays for collecting sneakers have turned them into high-prised objects. it created a cottage industry. for young people clak chase. he's 16 but on old pro. he had hundreds of pairs, and with business sense and help from his dad he opened a store,
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it's in harlem and called sneaker pawn. we spoke with chase and his father about trading sneakers for cash. >> it was started from a passion of clothes and led to let's build on it and start with snaekers. it became a love and a passion i have. this developed in let's open a store for the sneakers, it was me and my father. sometimes i would need money to buy clothes. basically he would be like i need the sneakers you bought and i need money. >> you want collateral. is that how the business operates, like a traditional pawn shop. >> exactly. me and chase started wean me and him. -- between me and him. after buying $400 sneakers and say "can i borrow $50", i said to myself, you know, give me a pair of them sneakers, and give me my $50 by the end of the week
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you can have your sneakers back. it clicked between us. imagine if you need money and others do. chase was bringing me pictures from instagram, showing me these kids and grown men sneaker clbzs, and i - once i saw that i knew - we may have something here. we ran and really started putting a business, sneaker pawn together. >> people are trading their sneakers. they get money for pawn dresses. tell me about this on the left. >> we'll start with the crown jewels. basically the sneakers come in a lovely box and retailed for 180. this was a special box for
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shoes, what is this. >> this is a box for crown jewels. it comes a box in a box t comes with a shoe bag, a shoe sock. it's signed by lebron james on the front. you now, you download the app. it comes with a lot of detail. >> how much volume, how much business are you seeing. what are you seeing in this. >> it's tremendous. we have every kind of kid. all kind of people coming into the store. i have seen kids graduating. on the way to the prom. two young ladies coming needing their hair done, and a vehicle for the prom. we take pride in that. we give them $200, and they've been back in 30 days. we help many people come through the pond. it's the first place in the
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world something like this ever, and it's nothing like that, where you can bring in your sneakers, get cash, and come back and get them in 30 days and keep the valuable collectibles. it's a brilliant concept. kopz for being in -- congratulations for being in here. sneakers today. it will be new york city land development in a couple of years. thank you for coming in. >> we couldn't decide on the picture of the day, so we have two of them. first in the outdoor category. a light show over manhattan. >> powerful strikes that hit the trade center are so powerful. now to our picture of the day. indoor category. secretary of defense, chuck hagel got on the phone to thank the goal keeper from the world cup team. a lot of people are calling
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howard the real secretary of defense given his performance in brazil. 16 saves in one match were the most by any goalkeeper in the history of the world cup. the real secretary of defense giving congratulations and looking for tips from the new cooper of the defence. "the system" with jeo berlinger is up next. bsh bsh bsh we do.
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