tv News Al Jazeera July 7, 2014 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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that's why i'm risking my life... >> killing the messenger on al jazeera america > israel launches its deadliest attack on hamas in two years, killing at least nine people in the gaza strip. it comes as israel arrests six men over the murder of a palestinian teenager. the prime minister promises justice. this is al jazeera live from doha. also in the programme - ukraine's army takes back more land from pro-russian rebels. the fight in the east is still far in over. german german chancellor
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angela merkel arrived in china to talk business with leaders of the second-largest economy. why this beautiful landscape in hawaii is perfect for testing toxic chemicals. tension between israelis and palestinians escalated with israel launching a deadly attack on hamas in two years. israel says it's in response to rocket fire from gaza, after israel arrests six people over the arrest of a palestinian boy. nine people were killed by the latest israeli air strikes. seven were gunmen, and four others were wounded. israel says it targeted known sites and concealed rocket launches. in a southern most town of rafa
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near the border - strikes coming amid heightened tensions. thousands marched demanding revenge for a boy abducted and burnt allied in east jerusalem. palestinians accused israelis of kidnapping and killing three teenagers last month. police arrested six israelis. prime minister binyamin netanyahu says everything is being done to find those responsible. stefanie dekker reports from occupied east jerusalem. >> a glimpse of who could have been behind the murder of 16-year-old mohammed abukhdair. this is c c.t.v. foot ig. night he was taken. these mean are suspected of beak involved. a breakthrough announcement. several jewish suspects have been arrested and there's a strong inclination that their motive was in revenge.
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killing of three teenagers. binyamin netanyahu made a statement from the home of one of the murdered israelis, where he had a message for mohammed abukhdair's rely toughest and condemned the killings. >> translation: i would like it send my condolences to the family of the young man. these murders do not have a place in israeli society. the teenager was taken in the early hours of wednesday morning. hours later his body was found burnt. according to the autopsy, the boy was alive when set on fire. >> i asked for an international investigative committee to be formed in connection with the terrorist crimes committed torts the palestinian yn people and the aggression, especially the burning of the child, mohammed abukhdair, burnt alive. >> reporter: there's a lot of anger among the palestinian
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yarnings believing it was a revenge attack. it has increased tensions. people will tell you it's the worst it's been in years, there has been protests in east jerusalem and palestinian cities in northern israel and the occupied west bank. >> these are sensitive times and emotions are running high. there are reports by palestinians that they are being harassed. >> metamore tossous of a fon flict between two people who despise each other and eb gauge in violence - it's devastating to israelis and palestinians of goodwill. and we are still the majority, but the voices of the others are on the ascendency. that is the real fear here. many say these are unprecedented and dangerously uncertain times. regardless that arrests were made in the murder cases of three israelis and palestinians,
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the damage has been done. mohammed abukhdair's cousin has been released on bail from israeli police custody. he is a u.s. citizen and is under a 10 day house rest. the family says the mobile phone footage shows israeli police beating him. the u.s. state department reiterated his concern. speaking for the first time, the holiday has turned into a nightmare. >> summer vacation turned out to be summer vacation that i needed to fight for my cousin. i was brutal attacked when i was watch. tariq told al jazeera his son was not involved in any violence before he was arrested. >> i asked the police officer,
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did my son throw rocks? you can't tell me he threw rocks. no, he didn't think to do that. he tried to do that. he didn't throw rocks. why you would have him in this position. why you grab him and put him under your feet and hit him in the head, hit him in the legs, and try to kill him. he try this too. tried to kill my son. ukraine's president plans to seize more territory from posterior-russian separatists after recapturing slovyansk, the army took the former rebel strong hold on saturday. it's also claimed the city of kramatorsk and nearby cities. separatists have regrouped in donetsk. scott heidler is there and sent this report. >> reporter: a day after fighters were pushed out of
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northern strongholds the central government called it a victory, but the war is far from over. >> the ukranian president underlined there would be no unilateral as soon as firl, only if terrorists have a cease fire and give up weapons and allow international observers in. >> reporter: hundreds of separatist fighters are in donetsk, tired and regroup k, but say they will fight on. >> i'm glad they came here. we welcome them with open amps. we are confident that victory is not far away. >> for a few hours hundreds gathered to protest the military action by the central government in kiev. elsewhere in the city, usually home to 1 million people, it was usually empty.
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on a normal sunday this would be teaming with families, these are not normal times, it's quiet here, but tense at the checkpoints that ring the city. >> they are an area that they are based. for some it's about protecting something important to them. we are ready to protect our homes and family, we'll stand to the end. >> reporter: they might be ready to fight on, the separatists don't know where the next battle will be. they seem confident they can protect what has become the heart of their movement. the united states is introducing new security measures for passengers flying from certain countries. some travellers will not be able to carry cell phones tablets or lab tops unless they are charged. security officers will ask passengers to switch them on.
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bombs can be disguised as etchy day electronic devices. a video of a sunni rebel group calling itself islamic state, it's said to show abu bakr al-baghdadi at friday players. the government says it's fake, but is cross-referencing the footage to determine if the man is abu bakr al-baghdadi. al jazeera obtained pictures of the aftermath of shelling in fallujah. barrel bombs, crude devices with shnel were used. this image is said to show a similar seen in mosul. 40 have been killed, 40 more by shelling and air strikes. government forces have built a wall around dhuluiya.
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barricades have been set up in an area 100km north of baghdad. it's thought sunni fighters could attack the area, having seized large parts of northern and western iraq. german german chancellor angela merkel has arrived in beijing for a 3-day visit, meeting the premier and prime minister for trade talks. she has brought a delegate of top executives from german companies. adrian brown sent us the latest from beijing. >> the german chancellor angela merkel has been to beijing seven sometimes signs 2006, indicating the importance of this developing relationship. the value of trade is put at 200 billion an astonishing vigor.
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the visit began in a chinese city. she visited a volkswagen factory. they are feeding into an obsession with a car. there are many vehicles on chinese roads, and chinese want german-made cars. most cars that government officials drive around with are german made. 75 are exports to the county from germany the the chinese president was that germany speaking again about how important this relationship was. it's the sort of relationship that the rest of europe must recard with envy. it's been overshadowed by the domestic security agency who said they believe small companies are victims of
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industrial espionage by the chinese. they are easy pray, and are facing advocacy. the question is whether they could be addressed behind closed doors as sensitive issues like this could be. former president hosni mubarak's trial, and his son, has been delayed. the men face charge, for the uprising and financial corruption. hosni mubarak was ab sent for health reasons. >> egyptian has spoken about the sentencing of the journalists saying: al jazeera journalist
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mohamed fadel fahmy has been committed to hospital. he and two other al jazeera journalists spent 191 days in prison. mohamed fadel fahmy was sentenced along with peter greste to seven years in prison. baher mohamed was given 10 years for picking up a spent bullet and having it in had her possession. al jazeera rejects the charges and demand the journalist be freed. peter greste's family launched a campaign to secure their release. his brother gave details of a new website and a bank account where people can contribute. he spoke about his parent's recent meeting with peter in cairo. >> it was emotional. it's the first time that he was seen in the flesh, for six months.
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there was a tear shed. it was more distressing. we expected a 2-hour visit with peter. and in the end it was cut short at 45 minutes. >> florence louie was at the launch of the new campaign in brisbane. >> reporter: at the moment his family is looking at appealing the conviction and will hire a new league at team to do that. peter greste was sentenced along with two colleagues mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed, accused of spreading false news and aiding the muslim brotherhood, designated by the egyptian government as a terrorist organization. the false evidence used in court to convict the three includes video from another channel and peter greste's report from other parts. their conviction triggered a global outcry. journalists signed petitions
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calling for their freedom. the u.n. and u.s. denounced the conviction using words like chilling, drag ownian and obscene. >> praying for forgiveness, the pope meets some of those sexually abeautiful. and a satellite installation in the middle of a national p k park. >> tech know, every saturday go where science meets humanity. >> this is some of the best driving i've every done, even though i can't see. >> t
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good to have you with us. these are the top stories on al jazeera. at least nine people have been killed by israeli air strikes in gaza. hamas said several of those were fighters. four others were wounded. israel's deadliest attack on hamas in two years. police arrested six israelis in connection with a palestinian teenager. prime minister binyamin netanyahu says everything is being done to find those responsible. ukraine's president says he plans to cease more territory from pro-russian separatists
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after recapturing slovyansk. rallies are taking place in support of fighters who have regrouped. pope francis is planning to perform a private mass for six people who was sexually abused by police. the group will meet the head of the catholic church at its private residence. our correspondent is joining us live from the vatican. first time the pope is meeting with sex abuse victims - how did this come about. >> well, indeed, it is the first time he met with victims, and the first time a meeting like that has taken place in the vatican. the pope is accused of acting slowly over this huge controversy that is plaguing the church since 2002. when you'll recall it erupted in
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the united states. so i think this is anattempt to show that he is been an attempt to show he is concerned and doing something. some victims groups have been critical of the meeting, saying it's propaganda, a pr stunt of the worst kind and they will not take part in it. interestingly there's no one from the united states among the victims where this issue erupted in 2002. neither is there anyone from argentina, where it's reported he was silent on the issue of abuse. even though he's making steps to redress the question and accusations and you'll recall there were accusations this year from the united nations, a report into church abuse, accusing the church of being slow to act and covering up. even though he's making attempts to re-address all that, he's
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coming in for criticism. >> he did compare, i remember this year, child sex abuse by the church to a satanic mass. what steps has he taken to address the issue? >> well that's a good question. the timing of this mass, and the meeting with the victims comes 24 hours after the second meeting of a special commission set up to look into the issue of child abuse. it contains experts in law, psychiatrist and psychologists around the world. this is his attempt to find certain protocols for the future, and find that certain abuse doesn't occur again. the critics say this is an intern commission, it's in his
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power to control it and in the vatican's power to control it. some critics are saying what the church doesn't need is another committee, but needs an enforcer to make sure the abuse is stopped, and vets cases and meets the criticisms that the u.n. made. >> that's correspondent tim friend joining us from the vatican. >> the construction of a u.s. military instamation triggered angry protests. people say the communication system ruins the landscape and may harm their health, as dominic kane reports from sicily the government says there's no evidence to support their claim. this is the national park home to several rare plants and
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animals, and for the past few years to this: a u.s. military satellite communications installation. it needs ground stations like these to function. and will be fully operational in three years. but already many local people do not want it here. fabio campaigns against it. he tells me why he opposes it so much. >> translation: it's a fragile echo system where plants and animals exist. you are not allowed to build anything. americans were act cut the hill, destroy the environment and build the antenna which attacks the animals and people living around here. >> many people feel the installation is damaging their health. >> i think my daughters don't have a future. i have a feeling that etch is
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leaving. many are saying when the project is act voited, they'll live because we are afraid of getting sick and our children getting sick. >> one local doctor believes that the evidence she is that the installation outside is harming people. as far as we have verified the rate of thyroid and testicular cancer is double the levels. the state has done no study about the effect of electro magnetism. the study shows that it may be available to its allies. italy is an ally, and the government says these installations pose no threats to its people. many do not agree, they fear of the arrival of murrs may mean the end of a way of life. australia government ended
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its silence on the fate of a group of sri lankan asylum seekers. more than 200 were intercepted last week. 41 have been handed back. there's no information on the vast of the others, believed to be tamils. rights groups say they are afraid of being tortured if send back. 22 people shot dead on the keptian coast. governments dismissed the claim that al-shabab is possibly and said another group, the mombassa republic group was responsible. riot police fired gas at hundreds in kuwait. he is facing trial on monday for assaulting the judiciary. it's the fifth night of violence in kuwait, sparked by his
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arrest. >> some of the largest chemical companies are suing a hawaiian company to ask businesses what toxic agents are being tested. companies say the details are commercially sensitive and don't want them made public. we have this report from the hawaiian islands. >> the magest jibbing isolation -- imaginestic is laying af hawaii and climbs produced a landscape prepared to paradise. the largest chemical companies agree. the companies making the hawaiian islands perfect for their open-air laboratories. on the west side, the guarden island. they don't grow food, they experiment with seeds and pesticides. >> for decades many companies have sprayed tonnes of toxic chemicals as they test different
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pesta sides to market with genetically modified seeds. hawaii's climate means multiple products can be tested. the scroil is loose from tilling, and this blows to adjacent neighbourhoods. >> here, as you drove up on the right-hand side of the road, breast cancer. next house over, breast cancer. colon cancer the husband. >> reporter: those in the small community suspect that the chemical-laden soil is the cause of high rates of illness in adults and children. chemical companies insist they were not spraying something unusual. an unconvinced community banded together forcing action, and using the freedom of information act councillor gained the truth. >> pesticide banned in other countries, they can't spray in
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their open country and are using it here. >> reporter: they lied to you. >> repeatedly. >> reporter: he won a council battle to disclose pengties used and establish a buffer zone with schools, clinics, houses and waterways. it was too much for the chemical companies who sued. none were prepared to be interviewed. >> they do not want us to set an example for small communities around the world. >> this is not a law suited about the safety of the genetically modified crops, but the right to know what is sprayed to help them grow, and the impact on those living next door. >> still ahead on al jazeera. we'll have all the sports news as novak djokovic and roger federer serve up a classic wimbledon final.
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still a very much volatile situation... >> the government is prepared to carry out mass array... >> if you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. here. with the key stop project stalled. neighbours to the north are waiting. what canada is trying to do with the abundance of crude oil from the alberter sands. cash-strapped minister raiding the 401k - how this could cost you more money when you prol need it the most. golf gone mad. creative ideas golf clubs are
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