tv America Tonight Al Jazeera July 8, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> on "america tonight," high times in the state of washington. be recreational pot shops open in just a few hours. state officials say pot smoking is legal but the feds don't give a free pass. >> i've been law abiding all my life. >> it's the state versus the fed. we'll sort out the cannabis confusion. >> city blocks obliterated. >> unfortunately, yes, canada
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had its tragedy and canada has taken action. now we're sitting on a time bomb here in the united states. >> last year's train derailment changed the way canada regulates cargoes. and christians in iraq flee for their lives. one city a virtual ghost town. >> you can see looking at this car covered in shrapnel marks. >> christof putzel on one fannie mae and their journey to safety. on the special series, front line iraq. >> good evening everyone and thanks for joining us. joie chen has the nightly off. i'm adam may. washington state is on the verge of
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history tonight. the first mnc marijuana stores will open tomorrow . lori jane gliha, on the rapidly changing marijuana laws. >> in the quiet mountain forest of stevens county washington, a crisis is unfolding for larry and his family. >> it's serious. they're probably going to throw me in the jug. >> it all started with harvey's bad knee. so bad he can no longer get around his 35 acre property on foot. >> about four years ago a friend of mine gave me a marijuana cookie. it was a good pain reliever. i eighth that cookie and you can't believe it.
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the pain was gone, like gone. >> the retired truck driver and commercial fisherman says that one cookie made a believer out of him.. >> this is the way you go to your marijuana farm? >> we're going to make a loop here. >> so much so that he and his wife rhonda and three of their friends obtained medical marijuana certificates and cleared this area to begin to grow pots. >> it was no weeds there before. >> what did it look like before? >> it looked like a garden. it was, you know, just looked like a marijuana patch. you know. >> what would you say to people who, outside looking in, say how could five people in the same family all have a need for medical marijuana? >> well, i didn't write the prescriptions from the doctor. like
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rhonda's got osteoarthritis, and she's bunged up. she's hurting. our son broke his back snowboarding. >> but in 2012, his second year as a pot grower, an air patroller spotted harvey's plants and reported him to the authorities. a marijuana advocacy organization. >> they called the stevens county prosecutor and said do you want to prosecute? he said i'm not going to prosecute this case. >> then things took an unexpected turn. in the conservative eastern part of the state where the harveys lived, the federal u.s. attorney never stopped prosecuting cases.
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>> da sam ciers wa ciers was thd the --ciez was there and they took the -- kaiser was there and they took the motorcycles and the cars. >> they came in the house and tore the dang house apart. >> harvey said they seized any items that have been used as a drug operation. >> this vacuum sealer that you use to seal fish? >> yes. >> they said it wasn't for drugs. >> this all stuff you use for making sausage. >> what about the stuff you say all the things you make sausage
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were used for drugs? >> i can't tell you because i'd have to swear . no, it's just a joke and unfortunately they've got the deck stacked against me where i can't win. >> the feds also took the family's firearms which the harveys say were used for hunting. >> here is with the turkey down and this is the shotgun. >> how often would you guys go hunting? >> every day. >> the u.s. attorney says the guns were used for trafficking, a felony which carries a mandatory sentencing for 5 to 10 years for the first gun and five years for additional guns. what's more, the prosecutors added together the previous harvest. which means they face an additional five years in prison. >> the more that i learned about their case the more i was
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confident that this was the exact example of the individual patients that the federal government says they're not prosecuting. >> marijuana is still illegal under federal law but in 2013 the department of justice announced it would focus its resources on the most significant threats and stay out of states that had strong regulations. >> they see eric holder saying we're not going to go against individual patients and they believe that's the truth. >> the harvey case has thrown the legal marijuana business here into limbo. scott o'neil is about to open a retail store. >> the messup here, i'm not going to be the part that's going to try out and you're going to smoke that. >> allowing him to apply for a commercial marijuana license. >> i worry every day getting product, getting my employees
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working and just running a successful business. justfully other business, this one happens to be illegal for past 40 years. >> o'neil knows that until the federal law changes, businesses like his will be a gamble. >> hopefully, the federal government will follow the laws that the people want. but then next president their new staff could have a completely different policy and that is a very scary thought, that we would have this time and money invested and one day they could say you're done. >> his retail marijuana store is scheduled to open a few miles from the courthouse that the harveys are prosecuted. >> the reality is any time for any plant you can be prosecuted. it is up to the individual prosecutor's discretion. >> al jazeera asked why they are prosecuting the harveys, they declined to comment other than focusing on significant threats.
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>> if you are really going ohave a law on the books you should enforce it or get rid of it. federal government you need to make a decision. >> the top cop in spokane county is ozzie canesivich. >> that law needs to be scrapped right now. the medical marijuana laws and the recreational marijuana laws are not merged together. they are hard to understand, hard to comply with and enforcement is just a nightmare. >> and how hard is it for you to enforce the laws? >> so hard that our prosecutor went, "we really don't want to deal with it." >> but federal prosecutors are dealing with it and moving forward with the case against the harveys. >> how much have you talked about the idea of going to prison? >> well, i think about it every day honey. there isn't a moment that goes by what the consequences are if we are convicted. you know.
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i'm worried about my husband. i don't know if he'll make it in there. >> do you have any regrets about growing that marijuana? >> if i'd have known that the government was going to come in and do what they're doing to us, i wouldn't have -- i have been law abiding all my life. >> facing a minimum sentence of ten years in prison, the harveys refused a deal to plead guilty in exchange for a shorter sentence. >> most people in this situation take a plea deal, why aren't you going to take a plea? >> that makes me a felon. i'm not a felon. as far as i'm concerned i didn't break no laws and i'll be damned if i'm going to make plea deal. >> "america tonight"'s lori jane gliha, is it possible they have more on the harveys than we know about?
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>> they do have traffic citations, they have a co-defendant that had paraphernalia charge dealing back into the '70s. we'll see what happens when the trial starts at the end of the month. >> we have heard from the obama administration that they are going to stay out of these case he. there are any clear federal guidelines? we know what the law is up on capitol hill. are there any federal guidelines? >> in 2013 the federal justice department came out with a regulation that said they would limit their involvement in states, but would still evolve in significant threats and eight enforcement priorities. among those enforcements are prevention ever being sending the law that's passed to states that don't, using firearms while cultivating marijuana.
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the things the harveys were caught up on, they had guns on their property. they were using those guns for hunting. >> they are hunting rifles. >> that's what they say, but the prosecution is charging them with arms violations also. >> lori jane gliha, thank you so much. well the legalize ation of marijuana is not being embraced by every location in washington. david baker of kenmore, a moratorium on the sale of marijuana, that moratorium is set to expire this november if i'm not mistaken. are you in favor of letting it expire or do you want it continued? >> no, it's going to be july 28th actually that we need to do something with that moratorium. and we have been waiting for the state regulations to become clearer.
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they tend to change quite frequently. >> what evidence do you want to see in order to let that moratorium expire? >> i guess we're looking for understanding with the licensees that they have a concrete locations that they're going to go to. i know that there are 11 county wide licenses that -- >> is there a challenge for you in your city? kenmore is not a huge city. around 20,000 people north of seattle. where do you put the dispensaries? is that a concern of yours? >> of course it's a concern. they have to be a thousand feet away from parks. they have to be a thousand feet away from schools. so that leaves a very small area in kenmore where they could conceivably go. >> where could they go in a place like kenmore? there are individuals in kenmore
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who would like to open a retail store. >> 60,000 people voted to allow legalization of marijuana. you are absolutely correct. we are still wrestling with the federal regulations. >> now entire state will benefit they predict by tens of millions of dollars in additional revenue. if kenmore does not open a disdispensary would you benefit from it? >> that won't benefit kenmore at all. the state is getting 75% tax rate and the state gets all of it. none of it truckles to the city. some of it goes to public health but none of them go to cities. >> do you find that a problem? >> if we're subjected to the enforcement with no chance of recovery of costs, then it certainly can be. >> mayor, david baker, kenmore,
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washington, raising an interesting point at the end. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> does it take a tragedy? yes, canada has had its tragedy. now we're setting on a tragedy here in the united states. >> transporting crude oil by rail. increasing by an alarming rate. is it too late to prevent a similar disafort from happening here in the -- disaster from hang happening here in the u.s. video of an american teenager beaten by the israeli police, tensions between the descreals anisraelis and the pa. >> every saturday, al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising
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>> one year ago a devastating explosion killed 47 people in a small town in eastern canada. when a train carrying crude oil derailed. when "america tonight"'s sheila macvicar traveled there to report on that town's recovery, she discovered warnings, warnings of a similar disaster here in the u.s. >> almost sure. almost sure. one of my captains summed it up the best. he said it was like driving into hell and it was. >> fire chief and a group of volunteer firefighters drove from maine to help put out the lac megantic inferno. >> the trees burned, everything burned. no noise, no sound, except for burning rail cars and the oil.
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>> the fire caused when a mile long train carrying north atlantic crude, burned, including five bodies whose remains were never found. >> my 25 volunteers went home to their loved ones and went to work on monday like nothing happened. knowing full well that we left our brothers to deal with the pieces left over. >> he was haunted by the devastation he witnessed, haunted by the fear that something similar could happen in the u.s. >> we are shipping millions and millions of gallons daily over the tracks. going by people's homes, local neighborhoods and people are sound asleep in their homes. these trains are rolling through at night and nobody even realizes what is next door to them what could happen. >> the crew that devastated lac megantic came from here, the bakken oil fields of
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the north canada. spurred the applianc railroads to be appliance on wheels. with so much oil moving over the nation's railways the united states has already had some close calls. >> we didn't know that it was bakken crude at the time but we knew it was some type of crude oil. >> steve is the fire chief in lynchburg, arizona. >> there is a train derailed in front of the restaurant, a car on fire. >> all you could see was a huge ball of flame. there were cars laying everywhere. >> in april, a train carrying
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cars of north atlanta creud derailed in lynchburg. >> do you feel your town dodged abullet back then? >> i think we were very fortunate that the cars went the way they did rather than over the bank into the river, heavily populated restaurant there, we had a whole different issue. >> the near disaster in lynchburg follows similar incidents in alabama and north dakota. like lac megantic those derailments and the fires that followed, evolved where bakken crude. >> from ellisville alabama, lak lac megantic and now lynchburg. all involving bakken oil.
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>> one of those attempting to solve the mystery of why bakken crude seems to be at the root of so many rail disasters. >> god forbid, we have another incident like lac megantic. >> smith traveled onorth dakota and took samples of the crude. what he found was surprising. >> tell me about the properties that make it different than ore crude. >> what makes bakken different is the clear colorless volatiles explode. what happened is these clear and colorless gases, dissolved gases and chemicals when you shake them up, creates pressure. >> reporter: right. >> and when that pressure is subject to spark, a derailment or changes in temperature, you get that explosion.
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>> and with a low flash point of just 73°, you get explosions like this one near castleton, north dakota, when a unit frame clipped a rail car. the oil industry has repeatedly insisted that bakken is no different than other crude. but industry findings disputes this finding. >> the bakken crude is reportedly within norms, no more volatile than any other oil. what do you think about that? >> that's just not the case from the analysis that we've done. >> reporter rob davis of the oregonian, commissioned a study after seeing a 250% increase in oil shipments through the state. >> shows it's far more volatile than gasoline you put through
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your car, or oil in the pipeline system. >> what was different. >> a lot of propane, butane, natural gas in essence. >> they are shipping something that is much more volatile and >> absolutely. >> in fact, davis found that bakken crude had six times more propane than other crude, and the transportation safety board of canada's analysis said the crude had the volatility of a gasoline product. >> they don't do it because? >> it juices their profits to keep it in the oil. it's going to increase the volume they're putting into trains and increase the shipments to the west coast.
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>> sparked even greater concern across the river in vancouver, washington where more than two oil trains pass through city every day and more could be on the way. >> we're actually seeing the proposal for two terminals here in vancouver, washington. one is the tesoro savage terminal which is slated to haul 380,000 cars a day. >> how many is that? >> five, one-mile-long trains per day. >> oil spot ters bring attention to the danger of oil trains. >> what do you want them to know? >> it is part of a risk assessment that the community needs to be able to be involved in. >> reporter: the movement of millions of gallons of crude to the columbia river gorge has
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also raised the specter of an environmental catastrophe. >> an oil train derailment in the columbia river gorge would be devastating to the local economy, the environment and all the people that live along the river and depend on it for their livelihood. >> east coast tensely populated centers like chicago, that poses even a stronger threat. bnsf pulls 27 oil trains through the area in a week. >> when you saw the lac megantic situation what went through your mind. >> there but the grace of god it could be this town. >> the mayor worries there could be something similar happen here. >> communities are ground zero. the accidents are going ohappen here so we have to be concerned.
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>> what worries darch most is the known vulnerabilities of the tankers. thin-skinned dot 111s that are being used to transport the crude. from how would you accessory the dt 111? >> i referred to it once as the ford pinto of the fm rai rail cars. >> because of huge profits for oil companies and railways, tens of thousands of these olders and weaker cars never designed to carry flammable material are being pressed into service to carry the bulk of bakken crude. >> until those are removed from service we really won't have complete assurance of safety. >> created this animation, showing how one dot 111 was breached at lac megantic the
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steel skin was pulled back. >> to use terminology , the d.o.t. 111 is unsafe at any speed. the american people have not been adequately protected since the 1970s when the ntsb issued its first study indicating the problems with the d.o.t. 111. >> and again in 1991, when the d.o.t. found that at least half of the d.o.t. 111s will leak when they derail. >> after the disaster in quebec, they finally decided they will not permit d.o.t. 111s to transport crude. >> hooray for the canadians. >> why will the u.s. not follow suit? >> it's the tank car industry,
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the rail industry, they're powerful economic interests that don't want to go through the replacement of tank cars. the game here has been to delay decisions which are just common sense. the fix is a stronger tank car with a full head shield, thicker exterior skin and more protection for the attachments on the tank car. >> reporter: representatives of the railway, rail car and oil industries declined to be interviewed. under pressure, the companies did agree in february to reduce oil train speeds in large cities and the oil companies say say it will build stronger cars. antonio fox testified before the congress. he was explicitly asked when
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standards. >> what is your starting date for issuing the new regulations the new rules? >> well my target date is as soon as possible. that's about as -- >> that's a frustrating answer i have to tell you. >> i know it is. it is frustrating for me to give it to you. i can promise you senator we are working as hard as we can to get the rule done as quickly as we can. >> in may fox recommended but did not mandate that the railroads not use d.o.t. 111 to move bakken crude. >> it is a study, delay, don't act. >> the d.o.t. declined multiple requests for interview. in a written at the same time, secretary fox has focused on safe transportation of oil by rail since he took office. fire departments across the
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country are not prepared for next lac megantic. >> at some point it's going to happen again and there will be another new story and there will be more fatalities and people will feel bad but until we fix the regulations and we are proactive instead of reactive without that people are going okeep dying, that's the end of it. >> reporter: sheila macvicar. al jazeera. >> escalation and vows of retaliation. a tense situation between palestinians and israelis spiraling out of control. we'll have the very latest from jerusalem next. >> do you think christians will be singled out by the i.s.i.l? >> they kill the christians and take money from them. if they don't have money they take their are lives. we are scared. >> under attack in iraq. entire towns abandoned. christians fleeing for theirs likes of. the
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journey for survival. "america tonight"'s crutle on th"america tonight"'s christofp. >> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> why did so many of these people choose to risk their lives? >> antonio mora, award winning and hard hitting. >> people are dying because of this policy... >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but what is the administration doing behind the scenes? >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america @j
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>> aljazeera america presents >> the killing of journalist is a question directed to society >> they are impartial... >> if you wanted to be a good journalist in iraq, you have to risk your life... >> they observe. and report... >> kidnapping is a very real problem... >> journalists on the front lines... >> sometimes that means risking death >> getting the story, no matter what it takes >> that's what the forth estate is all about... that's why i'm risking my life... >> killing the messenger on al jazeera america >> welcome back. now a snapshot of stories making headlines here on "america tonight." cigarettes pay be less popular
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but hooka use is rising among american high schoolers. more than 1 in 5 admit using the water pipe to smoke tobacco. in fact hookas deliver higher amounts of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. concerns that al qaeda could turn cell phones into bombs, tsa is asking passengers traveling into the u.s., to power on their phones to make sure their phones are real. targeting for extra screenings. after a slow down in shootings, a very violent holiday weekend in chicago. dozens more hurt in just the last few days. not far from the home of mayor rahm emanuel. chicago continues to have one of the highest levels of murders in
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the nation. middle east, clashes between israelis and palestinians continues as palestinians mourn the death of a 16-year-old boy who was kidnapped and then burned alive. authorities have arrested 6 descrairls an israelis and say three have confessed to the murder. a revenge attack for the murder of three israelis from last month. palestinian boy's teenage cousin who is an american. being beaten. u.s. state department saying it is deeply troubled by these reports. and tensions in gaza where israel is preparing for a major offense itch. fighter jets preparing for an offensive, a campaign they
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call operation protective edge. al jazeera's nick schifrin is in jerusalem tonight with the lathest details, nick. >> adam, the situation is extremely tense along the border. we've got dozens of rockets rockets fired from israel to gaza. their reach, they are reaching 50 miles from gaza, that is a bit of a red line. basically israel doesn't want anything coming out of gaza that could reach telea tel aviv. , hamas which runs gaza, tunnels are being used to get fighters from gaza into israel. both sides are prepared to escalate further. >> no question, the deadliest exchange of fire since the tensions began.
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is there any sign of deescalation nick? >> there's no sign of deescalation but it is important to tell everyone this is not full out war, this is not like every town in israel is being rocket ed and every bit of gaza strip is being struck. all of that is ratcheting you up the tension. today their rhetoric changed just a little bit. they say we're prepared forto escalate or we're expecting to escalate. >> al jazeera correspondent nick schifrin thanks so much for joining us. staying in the middle east another day of turmoil in iraq where that government has been battling a sunni uprising. islamic state is now claiming responsibility for a deadly shooting in baghdad, at least seven people killed in that attack and the footing is continuing in former president saddam saddam hussein's
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home of tikrit. political deadlock just days after opening iraq's parliament closed until next month. sunni and kurdish diplomats walked out. they were supposed to knowledge vote for a government and that did not happen. rebel fighters have driven thousands from their homes, turning entire cities into virtual ghost towns. christof putzel reports. glsh
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>> reporter: christians iniraq. kirkush is a christian village that has come under attack by i.s.i.l. people have started to flee because it's unclear yet whether people will be targeted individually paws they are christian. we watched as 90% of the town's residents fled to erbil. killing christians and burning churches. two days later, we drove to kirkush as a few brave residents were starting to trickle back home. >> right now we're heading to the village, they're not allowing a lot of people in, we have a military escort, to get a peek into how this place looks like right now. as we're driving around it looks pretty much abandoned. >> there's one foot here the door is a little bit crushed.
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>> emir is returning to kirkush for the first time. you can see just looking at this car it's covered in shrapnel marks. if you look over here the entire wall is covered in shrapnel. this would have bean really bad place to be. emir said at least eight more tard wer mortarswere launched into kirkush. >> the mark here just sprayed all of the houses. a couple of the glass windows have been hit. >> look here. >> reporter: it's gone right through gate. >> we don't have water o or electricity. we are afraid but we have faith to god that he will never forget us. we are proud of being christian. >> proud of being christian. >> yes.
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>> the kurdish peshmerga entered. move. do you think that christians will be singled out by the i.s.i.l? >> you know, they killed the christian and take money there them if they don't have money they take their wives. we are scared and afraid. >> reporter: scared and afraid? >> yes. >> reporter: so who are these guys? >> they are at the church and they are here 24 hours. >> reporter: are you prepared to fight the i.s.i.l. dash if they come here? >> translator: of course that is why we are here. church. there are enemies all around us, muslims who would like to take our land. i.s.i.s. would like to occupy. >> as with the church, the priests inside the church never
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fled even as i.s.i.l. was at their doorstep. danger. europe. when you have freedom for all, you have the same -- the same basis of morality. >> what are you telling people that live here who are afraid? >> to stay on their land. we have to encourage them to stay at home. >> reporter: everything you see on tv looks very dangerous. and you've seen them take over mosul and other cities. why would you encourage people to stay? >> i have this stone. it's my stone. i stay in it. we are in our land here. >> reporter: the important thing about the land, is it because there are so few christians in iraq that you have
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to hold onto what's yours? >> yes, both. to keep our land an to keep our faith. >> reporter: little by little people are returning to kirkush. but most of those we spoke to, did not feel that resolve and faith in god alone will be enough to protect them. >> if the u.s. army come here to iraq it's better. >> reporter: you want the americans to come? >> yes, i want. because they know how to treat like these people. and they have many kind of weapons to use with these kind of people. and i think they can dismiss them out of this country. >> reporter: christof putzel
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al jazeera, kirkush iraq. >> the tension centers filled with undocumented immigrants, coming for a better life. the global problem and how it was overwhelming one country that was once on the verge of bankruptcy. and on "america tonight," returning veterans are not the only ones with emotional battle scars. >> it would allow justification for treating these families. right now, the medical community and the va could say well, it's not a real disorder. you know it's not really a problem so why should we treat this thing that's not a problem. >> experts say it's a serious medical issue but you won't find it in any manual. secondary ptsd. that's tuesday on "america tonight."
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>> al jazeera america presents a self portrait of generation now... >> so many of my friends is pregnant... >> i feel so utterly alone... >> you need to get your life together >> i'm gonna do whatever needs to be done... >> ya boy is lookin' out to becoming a millionaire... >> an intimate look at what our kids are facing in school and beyond 15 stories, 1 incredible journey >> in this envelope is my life right now... >> edge of eighteen coming september only on al jazeera america >> welcome back to "america tonight." the numbers are quite staggering. since october, more than 52,000, 52,000 migrant children and teens have crossed the u.s.-mexico border and today the white house announced that most of the immigrant children will not qualify to remain in the u.s. based on humanitarian grounds. if it's determined the children have no legal basis to be in the
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u.s. they will be deported back to their home countries. now at the same time the white house says each child will be given due process under immigration laws and be treated in a humanitarian manner. the obama administration is calling on congress for more money and resources to handle this expanding caseload. and president obama also wants added authority for homeland security to make quicker decisions on the processing of these child migrants. now the president will be in texas later on this week but so far he is not scheduled to actually visit the border. so once again the debate over how americans treat immigrants is heating up but the united states is not the only country facing this very serious issue. al jazeera's john seropolous has the trouble story of what happens to undocumented migrants who brave perilous waters trying reach the shores of grease. >> this is how east meets west in
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in the agaaen sea. once in greek water, the occupants are instructed to puncture their boat so they have to be rescued. but an estimated 500 have drown so far this year in the mediterranean. >> the vast majority of them are misled. the traffickers tell them if they come to europe they will face -- they will come to paradise, actually. the conditions are great, excellent they will find a job. >> the lucky ones end up here on a volunteer camp on the greek island of lesbos. others like candara have been here for months. his family took the family out of afghanistan after refusing to join the taliban. >> the taliban said if you don't join us we'll kill you and your children and we'll take the boys
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to be good fighters. >> the government is building this detention center nearby. with many conflicts net middle east the number of refugees is going up. >> doubled to 1500 a month making these waters the gateway for 9/10 of illegal immigration into europe. policing this border costs $86 billion a year. even though this is a european border greece bears 96% of that cost. that too ask a burden it must bear alone. the european union asylum law only allows the immigrant to apply for asylum in the country of arrival. >> it is not a greek problem it is a european problem. >> allowing the relocation of migrants deeper into europe.
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>> when you know that people in need are escaping this country and they are forced to get in this boat and try osave their life and the life of their children and you let them, then we are also criminals. >> it's up to europe to decide whether the welcome the migrants or keep them out. on long distance calls to pakistan, azarabas tells his mother everything is fine but he may have only months to live. he was released from a greek detention center after he and a companion contracted hepatitis c. >> they said to us, you aren't going to die yet, when you are close, we will let you out. >> asked guards to he remove a plan who had scai scai
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scabies. >> we realized if any of us got sick or died we just couldn't tell anyone. we had no rights. >> abas spent 15 months at this detention center in corinth awaiting release. raw sewage seeps through the floors in these photos taken by doctors without borders in the center. people are confined indoors for 22 hours with nothing to do. the report says some have tried to kill themselves. >> these inhumane periods were limited to up to 18 months. keeping migrants in prison indefinitely, employing what is said to be a human slight of hand. the policy has kept at least behind bars for more than 18
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months. limited resources to cope with about 1500 new arrivals of immigrants. it is basing long term detention on an opinion from an advisory body called the state legal counsel. but the greek court has already struck down this opinion. human rights groups suspect detention is really about deterrence. >> even nationalities that may not be deported because of a situation in their country such as somalis eritreans, and others has other aims such as discouragement of first migration. >> azarabas has now applied for asigh luxury.
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>> what i admire so much about al jazeera america is that it is solely committed to journalism. >> you're not just giving the headlines, you're also not getting fluff. >> the gap between the rich and the poor is growing faster in san francisco. >> you're going to get something you're not going to get anywhere else, and you're going to get these in depth stories about real people. >> as an unsecured creditor could receive just cents on the dollar. >> chronic homelessness has always been a challenge here in new orleans. >> we recently did a story about a mother who was worried about the air her children were breathing. >> this is not standard household dust. >> florida is an amazing place to work as a journalist. >> the rocky mountain west is really an extraordinary part of this country. >> i worked in nashville for six years, i know the stories that are important to people there. overcrowding is such a big issue at this school. >> people in the outer islands of alaska picking up tsunami trash, really committed to what they are doing, and they have a lot more work to do. if you really want to tell peoples' stories, you've got to go talk to the people. >> real reporting. >> real news. >> this. >> this. >> this, is what we do. >> al jazeera america.
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