tv News Al Jazeera July 8, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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world's most endangered creatures at will. >> this is al jazeera. from al jazeera had had yearser hoo in doha. this is the news hour. israeli air strikes hit multiple targets. the army is given the green light to call up thousands of reservist for possible ground action. at least 15 people have been killed on the ground, and at least 92 injuries. we will be live with the latest. >> also ahead the man leading in afghanistan's poll rejects claims of fraud. >> we report from the
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ukrainian city of done necessarying where separatist fighters are planning their next move. all the build up to the first of the world cup, as brazil takes on germany, we live toe the the venue. later in the perhap. >> welcome to the program. the israeli army says it's been authorized by the cabinet to call up as many as 40,000 army reservists. 1500 troops already deployed around the perimeter, but that's ahead of a possible ground offensive. at least 15 palestinian fighters and civilians have been killed in the most recent attacks. the israeli army has been bombarding at least 50 sites in gaza including homes. at least 92 people have been injured in those air
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strikes and the israeli army says the operation can be a long term offensive. in the past four hours more than 100 rockets have been fired from the palestinian side. some were intercepted by israel so call iron dome, antimissile systems that two people are set to be wounded by. let's join stephanie decker who joins us live from gaza, really, within the last hour, stephanie, there have been explosions. where have they come from? and who has fired? >> well, we have about -- question counted roughly 30 explosions just from what we with could see from our position here, which is gaza city just north, really is just to give you the geography, it is around 40-kilometers honk, a very small area, densely populated. more than 1.5 million people, so these attacks have all been happening in the last hour.
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israel is encredibly close. trying to takous ha mass infrastructure, other militants here who are firing rockets along this border. we also heard the army has killed four. this is quite unprecedented for sure, they managed to get out of gaza through the scene, perhaps be by swimming we are told, which is just north of here. now, they have been killed but certainly they managed to get out. which is quite a bridge, because this is quite military zone, also a development that a rocket was fired we with know that israel has always said that that is one of the red lines. >> of course, throughout the day, as these issues -- certainly scenarios have been unfolding we have also seen targeted strikes within the gaza strip, and also has to be mentioned very much a segmentalty, people with not get out can they?
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they are imprisoned there? >> absolutely. the people here don't control their gourders. it is down to israel, and egypt in the south, and something to put into context, hamas is the weakest it has been in a very long time. previously the muslim brotherhood is very close. now we have them in power. the souled will come and bring all kind of materials here that are banned. they don't have access here, so they are extremely week, they haven't been able to pay the salaries and certainly people will tell you that hamas doesn't want an escalation, because it is so weak. but at the same time there has been a real increase in rocket attacks. this is a group that hasn't been responsible for them.
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rockets for air strikes this is something normal here, but the brigade, the military wing, has actively been involved in the last few days. firing rockets into israel. so that certainly was an escalation, so now israel has always head them responsible, but sometimes there was an understanding, an agreement, perhaps that ha mass is doing everything to lock down the other groups. now they are actively involved and my colleague has a report about how that is all translating here on the ground. through the night and into the day. they left a hand full dead, more than a dozen injuried and a general sense of chaos. >> from occupied gaza score upon score rockets scored towards israel, striking deep, up to 50-kilometers away. israel targeted hamas buildings and people's homes. this is what is left
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after an air strike. we are told the owner was suspected of launching rocket attacks. he got a call saying evacuate, ten minutes later there was a warning and then a fighter jet drop add bomb here and the result complete devastation. one of 20 forced to leave, 20 were children. >> it's ink believable. god should punish the israelis what can i say, we can remace the money, thank god. we don't want with to make war, but if they want war, the resistence is ready. >> the escalating conflict has tested the unity government of the party controlled
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palestinian authority, not ready to say it fully backed the onslaught from the controlled gaza. >> i can not say this, but what i can can say right now is the unity government deny all those admissions against gaza strip, and they will understand seriously with the situation, and are not happy. they are not even happy with what is going on. the palestinian rocket and the shower of israeli bombs from the skies goes on. al jazeera, gaza. >> stephanie, the israelis have said over the past few days that if the antagonism continued to come from the gaza strip, their own operation, won't just last hours or days, but indefinitely. that must leave people in the gaza strip feeling quite worried about what the future has in store.
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and how long this uncertain future may last, what have they been saying to you? >> you can feel the tension here. people don't know what will happen, especially with the news that the israeli prime minister has told the army the israeli army to get ready for a potential ground offense, they have said that is on the table, and certainly i arrived here driving down, you can see the build up of tanks armor vehicled being set up on hills just outside of gaza, there were f 16s in the sky, they are certainly getting ready. now, on the other hand, also facing huge challenges in israel, and people will tell you that this is not the right time, because if he launches a full scale attack, this could explode also the west bank, jerusalem has been protests there, people are very unhappy. so that is a challenge so when these strikes happen, it is extremely dense, so even if they do
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strike certain areas are rockets are being targeted people will tell you the entire gaza strip is a civilian area. there's a few empty land, but really it doesn't translate. when we see these happen, as question have seen, this is in a very heavily populated area. so there will always be casualties. one of the children in the attack, this is an air strike on a house there, a family die sod now four children dead in that attack. so that goes to show, that operation, even though israel shows it is targeting paragraph, it is inevitable. >> for the moment, we believe that will come back to you later on in the program. for more on this, the institute of islamic fault. thank you for joining us, seems the situation is
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becoming quite grave now. well, yes, it is grave, and nobody knows how long this would continue. i think there is an agenda, and he will probably stop this adventure when he feels as it happened the last time. hence we with have seen his ally pull out of the coalition government, so certainly the cabinet. has that played on his mind? do you think that's also influencing the way with that he acts now? >> i think what we see today is the product of being very unhappy about reconciliation. when the americans and
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the europeans blessed the reconciliation, and decided to give eight chance, became quite mad, and didn't know what to do. and i think pressure has been building since then. within his own brain, as well as his own belong. that he needed to do something to sabotage that conservation. and i think he has managed to do that. >> he would argue that he hasn't sabotaged that, perhapsed it was the palestinians themselves who even before the deaths to three settlers were firing rockets into southern israel. something they can't can seem to meet in the middle and partly because of the position of hamas and what they think of israel. >> you see, the root of this problem, and the matter of all problems is occupation.
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as long as israel continues to impose itself militarily on the palestinians and treat them like animals. they don't even consider them to be equal human beings. there will always be a problem. the israeli policies continue to provoke people. as for the rockets israel has always attacks targets inside gaza, claiming that this was necessary for it's security. the rockets come as retaliation. it isn't as israeli claim, the rockets begin and then the israelis retatuate, it is the palestinians that are retaliating. >> dune the silence we with have seen from the quite is unusual considering they did want to try to see peace between the two? we strongly condemn the rocket fire inside of israel, and the deliberate targeting of civilians. no country can accept
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rocket fire aimed at civilians and we support the right to defend itself against the attacks. >> we know that the president and his aids don't like to deal with net tin yahoo. so they give out public statements that reasserts the u.s. support for israel, but in reality, they don't have a means of communicating or dealing with him. >> whats the way out then? if there is a way out? while the fighting continues it seems that they are not going to be able to find a way at the moment? >> of course there is a way out. the palestinians hamas in particular, has always maintains that it doesn't seek that escalation, it doesn't want the war.
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israelis are the one withs that started this and they have to stop it. and another truce, another truce is the way out. if they don't like to do it through the egyptians because of the change of hearts they can to go to some other third party. they can go to americans or europeans or some other party. >> thank you for joining us, i think this is going on for quite some time. and we will be coming back to you. let's get more on this now. spoke to the -- a spokesman with the israeli army. me gave us more detame about the militaries plans. >> the current situation is such making advance preparations to keep all options on the table. indeed, i what i can can say, is we with have recruited already, some reserve troops and indeed we are looking to
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increase the troops that have already been called up. the reservists, to join the rest of the standing military. what we have seen over the course of the last 48 hours is a huge garage of rockets coming out of gaza, forcing us to take action. and what we are doing currently is two gold. #-z first of all, attacking hamass that a terrorist organization, which has chosen a path they chose a path of opening this in the south. the second opposition is to take out as much as possible, the rocket capabilities can are trying to keep our civilians hostages by hamas. >> okay. >> just on the subject of -- >> just on the subject of the civilians obviously there are civilians in gaza, what are you doing to avoided civilian
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casualties in this operation? >> use losing both intelligence, in order to minimize the civilian effect. but it is hamas that chooses to locate it's command control, capabilities within civilian population, within the area. they launched their records between buildings and in the gardens of houses. it is a huge challenge. indeed we are making a huge effort to minimize that. >> how do you differentiate between palestinian homes and hamas targets? you are saying it is hamas' fault that homes are being targeted how are you, the army, differentiating between homes and hamas targets? >> indeed, we are
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utilizing numerous methods including intelligence, we are calling up prior to attack when we are carrying out strikes against command and control positions. it's a huge effort. clearly with a huge arment of about 10,000 rockets that's a huge challenge that we have to deal with. and that can't be dealt with in a few days. or the bring of an eye, so we with have to address this threat. we do realize it can take time to deal with it. we are also preparing our reserve troops on the border with with gaza, for the potential of a furtherrest collation. we are putting the pressure up, as time goes by. they have to realize that terror does not pay. you can't attack israel and have it be without consistent against. >> one of the main things
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we are seeing is tanks. on the move right now on the back of that truck. we have also seen armored personnel carriers and artillery all moving toward gaza, and gaza is right there, about half a mile behind me, that's the main entrance into gaza, that most people use as well as the town. which is less thank a mile from here, what we have also seen, is a large israeli city is rocket fire. it is quiet right now, before i said that, we just heard a boom. the israeli army says that about 120 rockets have come from gaza, into israel, since last night, many of them landing and so clearly here, there's the sense that israel might escalate and might go to a ground invasion, but i should say, that
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the last time israel moved this many troops and this many assets to the border they chose not to go in. this' plenty more on our website, all you have to do is click on to our home page, at and click on the gaza icon. let's get the days other news. the presidential poll has denied accusations that the vote was royaled. implement results snow that around 66% of the vote, his rival, has rejected the result. jennifer glass has more. >> several thousand of abdullah abdullah's supporters came to kabul to protest against the preliminary results. they tore down a photo of the outgoing president, and replaced it with one of abdullah, the slogan the elected people's president.
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he said moving karzai's picture upset him, that it shows disrespect, and also he is confidence he will soon hear it. we have won the vote of the people. god willing, that will not be changed. this is no correction of that. >> the crowd wanted him to declare a parallel government. he asked them for a few days he is expecting a visit from u.s. secretary of state john kerri on friday. to heche address these allegations. the u.s. president spoke to him. >> the views that president obama exchanged with with abdullah were mainly on the gains of the past 30 years and what can we do to consolidate these gains. and also what can we do to address the fraud. >> he wants 11,000 ballot boxes reexamined about half the votes cast.
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we with are asking the commission to unilaterally accept our recommendation to carry the most intensive audit in the history of any election in this world. >> he says abdullah is frying to change the rules. his team has agreed to a review of 7,000 ballot boxes. the preliminary results have him ahead by about a million votes. al jazeera, kabul. >> the intense situation with that is there. in the west bank, he is the secretary general for the palestinian national initiative, thank you for joining us. is there anybody that you are talking to or could talk to right now that could try to stop what is happening? >> well, i think the only
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side that can stop this terrible attack on gaza is the international community and specifically members of the security council. of the ice. in my opinion they should convene immediately and take a decision, and impose a cease fire. as soon as possible. and several facts have to be put straight. this is a fight that was initiated by israel. israel is digressive and israel is combining now against palestinian population in the west bank, against gaza. one with .8 million people that live in less than 140 square miles. so any air strike is going to take the lives of children and women as they did in previous go attacks which took the lives of 2,000 palestinians.
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we with spoke to -- ahead from our earlier interview. so there are you will need to speak to somebody else, and not just look to the security council. but to look to regional powers or even egypt's and the united states. and even put those phone calls that i am sure to jerusalem, try tock see what the israeli prime minister can do, if anything? -- they always lie. there are many rockets in retaliation to the attacks but how many were with killed? none. how many palestinians are killed 18 only today. and in total 45 during the last week. so the palestinians are being killed and many of them are children. no israeli was killed. and so this is going to
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it is a one sided war. very little power, israel has the fifth largest military army in the world. and they have very important and powerful air force. in front of the lives and the people in the world. and this has to stop. that's why that instead of the united states coming in, and encouraging israel to continue against the palestinian people, they should restrain israel, and tell him to mobilize his army and stop this attack. in gaza strip, it's totally unacceptable. gazagazas that been under siege for more than seven years.
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>> who is he talking to? >> what phon phone calls ie making. >> he is making diplomatic contacts but in my opinion it is not enough. the first thing he should do is declare the establishment of the unified leadership. so that israel that they cannot divide us and take us one after the other and destroy gaza after attacking people. they have to see that palestinians are unified. and they have to give up the dream that they can continue to divide us. that's one. he should stop his hesitation, and go immediately to the international criminal court. join their own declaration, and demand that israel is held
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accountable for the crimes that are committed against the palestinians. let's remember that miss cousin, was with beaten almost to death when he was only 15 years old, a child, and the beating took place by the israeli army. this is unacceptable. the cause of everything is the illegal occupation of the territories and a system of appetite that is much worse than what was in south africa. pam stillians have the right to resist, to struggle to be free. that's what people did in india to get free. that's what people in south africa did. as if we are equal in power, is unacceptable. and to claim that an israeli life is more important and more precious than the life of any palestinian is totally unacceptable.
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the responsible person, and the israeli -- if it happens would be his government. where does this live, as the debate started whether it was a tit for tat for the death of the palestinian teenager against the three young israeli settlers? that is an issue that is still on going. will it continue in the courts if anybody is arrested over it? again, where does this leave the relationship. if you go after hamas, you go after the unity government which is a part. >> this is a misleading statement. second, there is nobody from hamas in the government. fully and 100% under control.
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and there is nobody there from hamas. but to continue to aggravate and tear up the division between the palestinians thinking that they could break our political will, and impose on us a continuation of a system of apartheid will not lead to anywhere. we need to be unified and that's why i think that the response to israel should be a declaration of the leader ship, so that israel understands that palestinians are all unified and by the way, let me remind you, that palestinians who have citizen ship are subjected to atrocities, to terrorism from the site of settlers, and also to attacks withty israeli army. so we with are talking about a discriminatory situation, that is effected every palestinian that lives oen in land, and that should be stopped.
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time has come to accept our right to be free. we want to be able to have peace, a normal high, and security for our children, and women, we with don't want anybody to die. but you cannot equate between a side that and oppressing the other side, you cannot equate between israel that is oppressing us, and the palestinian people who are trying to defend their right to survive and live. >> well, for the moment we will leave and come back to you. secretary general of the palestinian national initiative, thank you for joining us. thank you. >> unanimously security forces are out of control of the presidential palace. after a gun battle with al-shabaab fighters. an explosion was heard when armed men stormed the compound.
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officials say rebels have been killed after battling with government troops. still ahead, half a million people to evacuate as a typhoon turns toward tokyo. causing havoc on the islands. it may look like a typical farm, but it's dark past is theftenning the future of the land's owner. paying tribute to one of football's greatest starrs. >> edge of eighteen coming september only on al jazeera america
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al jazeera america. we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. >> we pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capital. >> we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. >> and follow it no matter where it leads - all the way to you. al jazeera america, take a new look at news. >> on tech know, imagine getting the chance
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term of coursive. more than 100 rockets have been fired from gaza the last the 24 hours. one israeli soldier has been injured as well. let's join live for us in jerusalem. our correspondent there, a lot going on this evening including sirens being heard. near tel-aviv, and an attempted rocket attack on the city. what more do you know about this? >> earlier today when the defense minister, and the prime minister, and the top security and army officials were meeting in tel-aviv to discuss this military operation, on gaza, we heard statements from these officials says that they think there's no doubt that gaza would try to fire a rocket in the direction of tel-aviv, or close to tel-aviv.
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now, we did hear about a couple of hours ago that there were with sirens that sounded in sell seve, this was confirmed as a rocket that was launched and because tel-aviv is a populated area, and one of the system batteries is around the tel-aviv area, it intercepted the rocket, and so there were no injuries or casualties. however, we do know that the israeli authorities have started already to prepare public shelters in tel-aviv. now we understand the jerusalem municipality after this incident has been also instructed to open and prepare these public shelters in jerusalem as well. so this is what we know about the rocket that was launched from gaza to tel-aviv, but was intercepted by the iron dome. there's been a slow and steady build up to preparing the public, not
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only for any conflict with the gaza strip, with palestinians who the israelis feel are a threat to them, in one form or another, how is the israeli public you might say preparing for it? you have talked about sort of shelters but in terms of the way the media has also prepared them for what is being done and said. >> well, the public has been putting a lot of pressure on the prime minister. for several days while this escalation began to built up slowly, we heard a lot of statements. where he sort of made it clear that he wasn't interested in a large scale operation or an escalation. however, we hear a lot of voices from the israeli public, especially israeli whose live in the southern communities, who say that they are the ones suffering from the rocket fire, because they live in communities that
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are close to the gaza strip. that net tin yahoo is not dealing firmly with with this problem. and they want a comprehensive operation in order to crush what they described as rocket capabilities in gaza. when we with are hearing statements from him saying there's no interest in an escalation. we woke with up this morning to hear that he's already ordered the army to prepare for a possible ground invasion if need be. and that he will strike back every time hamas launch as rocket into israel, and that this operation could be long, and he also order add continuous and a forceful military operation in gaza. that would take a while, and that would meet end
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goals at the end which are to him to cripple the rocket launching capabilities, the launching infrastructure, that is according to the prime minister and the army who say they are targeting these sites in gaza, as well as what they describe as militants who are firing rockets and manufacturing rockets that are landing in israel not only recently, but also in the past as well. >> thank you for bringing us up to speed on what is being said in jerusalem. our correspondent there, let's join patty, she is our correspondent in washington, d.c., and following what the meshes have to say, patty we with have got copy coming out of reuters which we believe that -- we believe that they are very strongly condemning what is being said,
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certainly, being done by the palestinians what sort of reaction, any more reaction out of the white house? >> well, president obama put an ad in a israeli newspaper basically calling for calm, telling both sides they needed to deescalation the situation, and also focus back on coming back with a peace process, which has obviously completely fallen apart. so far the preaction from the white house has been limited. they are trying to ask both sides to show restraint, but don't seem to be getted involved too much, in fact, we don't believe the president has picked up the phone. or president netenyahu instead he is making the appeal for calm. >> and we also -- bear with me for a moment. latest chief has warned that afghanistan must sign a security packet with the united states, and rassmussen is meeting
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with president obama in washington. of course, send back to patty, we do know that the white house or the the obama administration is talking tough about the administration, in plight of the presidential results. exactly, and president obama did pick up the phone himself. and the language was with strong. the president warning any extra constitutional moves or any violence, can result in he said the u.s. pulling back financial and security assistance. so reading between the lives he seems to be saying if these two catches start fighting that the u.s. isn't going to pick sides they are not going to try to sure up one leader or the other, but they can simply just leave. now, he did meet with nato secretary and i had a chance to speak with him out here on the sweltering white house lawn. he did say that nato would follow the foot print. and here is what he had to say about the next step.
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>> i strongly rebrett if this were to be the outcome of this process. but, of course, we have to make one thing 100% clear, it is a precondition for our continued presence in afghanistan, that the by lateral security agreement between the united states and afghanistan is signed, followed by a signature on the nato status of forces agreement. these security agreements must be signed if not we are not able to stay after 2014. >> patty, what is the likelihood then of the use leaving afghan zahn in light of these events. >> well, it is a pretty striking threat. you have to keep in mind the perspective of the u.s. people. on one hand they will tell you that they are weary of war, they are tired of being at war, but at the same time, he is facing a dramatic
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amount of criticism, because of what has happened in iraq. he is being blamed they wouldn't sign the, toes agreement that needed the by lateral security agreement, he is getting a mott of the blame for the chaos that is basically engulfed iraq, and obviously if afghanistan was to follow suit, that would go down as his legacy. as the man who ultimately lost the war, and afghanistan. >> thank you very much, patty, of course we will come back to you as that situation developed. for us in washington, d.c. >> to ukraine now where pro russian separatist have been consolidating positions preparing for a possible government assault after being drip out of the strong hold over the weekend. these pictures are said to show separatist fighters stealing a war world two. they have expertise to make it battle ready again. this update.
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>> from both sides here on tuesday, the separatist fighters are saying that they are prepared for action, not for a siege, the central government in kiev saying they have an unpleasant surprise in store for the separatist fighters. the armiment are on the march on the move, so this area, they have not seen them on the outskirts. those outer perimeters are still being controlled by the separatest. this' been a call for top high level meetings to discuss the situation here, again, a lot of posturing going back and forth, so the increase for concern is coming from russia, and across europe. now we know there have been a couple of low level contact groups but there hasn't been any high level. they are sticking to their statement saying they will not negotiate with the separatist fighters on a cease fire until all of their weapons are layed down unconditionally. >> well, at least one with person is is missing in japan after a powerful
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typhoon with with winds gusting up to 250-kilometers an hour hit the area. hundreds of flights had to be canceled and more than half a million people were urged to evacuate. care line malone has more. >> he made its presence well known as it hit the islands. waves surging up to 14 meters high. we with have information that this time the typhoon would be quite big, and we should evacuate early on, so i have been here since last night. >> i am alone and scared. the winds are strong, and so i am scared. many of the people didn't, or couldn't get out, some of them were on holiday and had to change plans as airports closed.
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i can't go back, because the flights are always canceled. i vex tended my stay for two nights to wait out the typhoon. >> emergency services were well with prepared typhoons often pass over these islands. this is, how, one of the strongest storms they have seen this year. it is likely to head north over the next few days effecting other parts of japan. >> in italy, cooperatives have been formed to build farms on land reclaimed by the government, in 1996. but as dominic cane reports from sitly, a fear of the mafia still exists. >> workers on the farm tend the land. here they grow olives oranges and other crops, it is a typical sicilian day. but the farmer itself is not typical. for until a few years
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ago, this was owned by the mafia. now it is run legally by a cooperative overseen. >> initially people are suspicious of working with us on this confiscated land. and they are afraid of what could map to them and their families. then finally they realize that we are reality, and the community has been mobilized. there are other people that want to reclaim the whole of sicily. from it's influence. young people he owns the farm in the valley. in june of last year, the local mafia asked him for protection money. he refused.
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their response was violent. >> i found my sheep shot dead and one of them had been decapitated and his head put in front of my house. that is a clear sign of mafia intimidation. >> but he was not intimidated. instead, he and his friends form add network of young farmers determined to resist the mafia. >> from this very bad thing happened to me there has been a very good outcome, there have been many arrests and where i was once alone, now we are a network of 20 farmers whose flame terror 40, strong land. >> he hopes the rest of the island will follow his defiant example. dominic cane, al jazeera. sicily.
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they have would be the world cup no less than eight times so it is a true badle of footballing. lifting the trophy could be the pay off, but first making the final will be no easy task. brazil will be missing star player nemar ruled out of the tournament with a fractures vertebrae in his back. >> we have a group who can work on difficulties, be certain that tomorrow will play for us, for nemar and mainly for our main goal to get to the final. >> fifa have ruled that the man who made the challenge on nemar does haven't a case to answer. calling for the referee to take a hard line this
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time around. >> i believe these brutal fouls have to stop. because otherwise we will not need. we h have other types of players that will just go out and destroy. >> brazil and germany are the two most consistently successful sides with eight titles between them. brazil last lifted the trophy in 2002 when they beat germany in the final. while the germans are appearing in the semis for a fourth consecutive world cup, the first nation to achieve that feast. >> two work of all these years is shown in the results. >> in 42 successive home matches dates back to 2002, but none have matters more than this game. a nation of 200 million awaits.
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al jazeera. i am amaze today find out they have only faced each other once before. >> it is remarkable they haven't played more often. it all adds to the intrigue of this match, at it's best, because you have too huge nations. isn't it strange that with brazil having not been beaten for so long. with with other players step up. is that we can all make predictions but they can't afford to get these things wrong, and they say that brazil are
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favorites. the chelsea manager got it right when he was talking about oscar, not really playing where he wants to be. marries have to step up. i mena's what they did against columbia, a lot of players in a much better performance, and he wasn't that influential. but it has had a dampening effect here.
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people say how we will we with cope without them, iny he could be the key player in this match. >> thank you for that one. now we will get the german perspective, our correspondent in berlin. the last time we were with speaking to them there. a little as far as i am guessing to kick off the atmosphere really building now, though. >> i think you can see and hear what it is like now just a few hours ago. there was nobody, and despite the rain as if it is the sun were shining here. turned out in the thousands in front of berlin's famed brandon burg gate to watch the match unfold on a giant screen t.v.
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>> it is going to be very very tense, i believe lit be 90 minutes to settle this one. >> thank you very much. that was with patty in sports. reporters specialize in football, joining me here on the fan mile in berlin, giving his forecast to the game, 1-nil win for germany, that will of course disappoint the thousands of fans behind me, and the over 25 million people watching the game unfold on t.v. 85% of t.v. screens in germany will be turned on to the national broadcaster, watching the match, all of germany is watching what is unfolding tonight. back to you in the studio. >>ner going to be watching this game, the chancellor is a huge football fan, calls herself germany's number one fan, do you get a sense with all the you fear yo at this world cup, with the great success, the politicians there are trying to make
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political capitol out of that? >> can you name a country where they don't try to do such a thing? yeah, of course. but angel merkel, you know, she does have a deep seeded interest in football. and is known to talk to the national coach about things like tactics and strategy, presumably she is not telling him tow to have the games played, because that kind of intelligence sharing were to become public and the team lose that would definitely not amount to political hay, but yeah, politicians are interested here as they are in any country, as far as the chancellor is concerned i think it is definitely a genuine heart felt interest. enjoy the game, thank you for that. >> well, fans have been lining the streets outside the stadium in spain. to pay their respects.
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the morn blare spent 11 years at the five european cup died of a heart attack just days after. things didn't go too well for the reigning champion. he finished four the 2nd after falling five-kilometers in. in the overall standings, no such problem, he overcame a close finish to take his tally to a three stage victory so far. nabali who retains the overall leaders yellow jersey. now u.s. federal court has approve add preliminary settlement that would see thousands of former nfl players compensated for concussion related injuries. the judges ruling comes just two weeks after the nfl agreed to remove the original 675 million-dollar cap on damages, and the revised settlement, and will still be a pay out
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formula for retires players based on their age and illness. 75 million was set aside for testing and ten for medical research and education. the players lawyers will be covered to the tune of $112 million by the nfl. and the total pay out is said to be more than 8000 self million dollars. the chippers has got off to a bad start. donald sterile hog is banned for life for racism was a no show add month's proceeding. sterling estranged wife is the head of the sterling family trust, trying to sell to former microsoft boss sterling's legal team is trying to block the for sale of the franchise. that is all the sport for now. >> thank you. that's the al jazeera news hour for the moment, another full half hour of news after the commercial break, do stay with us.
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>> what do we want? >> justice! >> when do we want it? >> now! >> >> i speak today for the voiceless, those who are illiterate, those you cannot come out of prison and speak for they selves. >> i did everything an innocent man could possibly do... everything that you love is taken away from you... >> i think the prosecutor has the greatest power of anybody in our society. he has the power of life and death... >> i was in prison for 21 years... faced on false allegations against me. >> you can check me for gun powder...
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