tv News Al Jazeera July 9, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> president obama is in texas this evening pushing his $3.7 billion plan to deal with the influx of uncompanied immigrants from central america. the president has called it a humanitarian crisis. he arrived in dallas just a short time ago when he was discussing situation with elected officials and faith leaders. he planned on making a statement, we'll bring it to you when it happens. we'll get to libby casey at the white house. what can we expect to hear from the president when he speaks in dallas. >> he's engaged in a round table discussion. we're hearing that the president is meeting with a member of congress along with faith based leaders, and the mayor of dallas, and he has had time with rick perry, the republican governor who has had harsh criticism of president obama.
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think road on marine one together and have been taking the drive over to the round table discussions. the president has gotten a lot of flack for not actually going to the border in this trip, which is in part is a fundraising trip. one of the folks criticizing him is texas republican ted cruz. here's what he had to say on the senate floor today. >> sadly he's not visiting the border. he's not visiting the children who are suffering as a result of the failures of the obama policies, instead, he's doing fundraisers. he's visiting democratic fat cats to collect checks, and apparently there is no time to look at the devastation being caused by his policies. >> reporter: they're pushing back that the president isn't doing enough. they're asking for billions of dollars to secure the border more and help take care of the thousands of children who have crossed over the past few
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months. the vice president spoke today with the president of el salvador, honduras and guatemala about awareness campaigns to let families know what they'll find on the border and prosecuting some of the mugg smugglers who are bringing the children up. >> no surprise that president obama is getting criticism on the republican side of the debate. but what about support from his own party? >> reporter: there are some at capitol hill that the white house will push too hard to accepted these children back to their home countries in central miracle where they fear they'll be in more danger. we're talking about 57,000 children who have come alone and who have been detained since october. by and large leadership in the committees and senate say they do want to approve the president's request. they would like to see things move forward. we heard from new jersey, democrats bob menendez pushing
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back at republican calls to send children back quickly. >> these families are not undertaking the decision lightly. they're sending their children into risk as if it's a choice. >> reporter: all eyes are down in texas. in dallas where the president is, and on the border to watch what is unfolding. many on capitol hill are asking how did this situation get this bad, and what realistically be done to fix it. >> libby casey reporting from the white house, thank you. 55 people have been killed and hundreds injured.
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it comes as israel's military said that hamas has sent in 200 targets daily. hamas said they launch targets at the location of a nuclear reactor believed to be where israel develops nuclear weapons. just to give you an indication of the distance some of these rockets are hitting one hit hof hacarmel. has the activity continued? >> reporter: yes, the activity definitely has continued in the last hour or so. we heard bangs from both sides. we heard large explosions caused by israeli warplanes inside gaza, and these really shake the ground. we've also seen four or five, six successive rockets inside of
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gaza. we've seen a new capacity by hamas militants palestinian navy seals if you will, two armed scuba divers coming ashore just a few miles over there. the police closed the roads. the israeli army killed them right as those two had arrived on the beach. it was the second time in two days that they tried to actually get onto the beach. there is video from the israeli army yesterday of those palestinian militants on the beach and you have an israeli gun ship open firing on them. as you heard most of the activity is israeli airstrikes and palestinian rockets fired into israel. >> israel's response to this increase. not just the activity by the beach, but also the extended range that we're seeing by some of these rockets fired by hamas.
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>> yes, there are two things unprecedented, one is the range of the rockets. we have video of a which hadding outside of tel aviv, 30 to 35 miles from here. rockets interpreting the wedding with the air raid signs, the audience members of the guests having to run into a shelter. the other thing happening is the number of rockets. a year and a half ago israel launched a major operation in gaza that lasted nine days. according to israeli military, there have been as many rockets in the last three days of this operation as the entire nine-day operation a year and a half ago, and there are many days to come, so israel feeling more rockets than it ever has from gaza. >> there have been clashes in jerusalem between you israeli police and palestinian protesters the last several weeks, actually, including a
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palestinian teenager who was beaten by police. now israeli police are move to go charge that officer. what can you tell bu tell us about that development. >> reporter: a teenager, a palestinian who was at his cousin's funeral, he said he was beaten brutally by police. many people talked with him over the last week, and he accuses the police from attacking him from the side and beating him until he's unconscious. what the israeli police have said tonight. those police as we've seen in the video have seemingly, quote, without justification attacked the teen, and they're suspected of severe violent crimes. one of those police officers have been suspended for is a days and has been expected to be charged with those violent crimes quote/unquote. israeli officials clearly hoping
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that bringing those israeli police officers to justice, if, indeed, that is what happens, they hope that quells some of the anger that we've. >> nick schifrin, thanks for the latest from southern israel. as we mentioned israel is stepping up its aerial campaign. 55 people have been killed by israeli airstrikes. hundreds more have been injured, many of them civilians. the political leader of hamas has spoken to al jazeera. he wants the international community to pressure the israeli government to stop its attacks. >> they have to pressurize netanyahu and his gangsters, the killers to stop firing on the palestinian. we cannot keep living under colonization. >> similar to our conversation with nick, when you spoke a few
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hours ago there was activity in the sky. has that located from your location? >> reporter: the activity here has continued overnight. there have been planes scouring the seashore. there have been pops and booms from israeli airstrikes coming in from rocket attacks going o out. the casualties are on this side of the border. there are new ones to report. there is the death of a two-year-old girl. and we're also told there was a driver for a local company called media 24, a journalism organization who was driving through the streets alone. he was killed in a strike and four people nearby were injured. and then there was a strike on a could have any strike outside of gaza city where two people were killed, we're told, and as many as 13 people were injured. so as we keep hearing the rocket strikes, and there was one
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behind me just moments ago, and the airstrikes coming in. the casualty seems to be on this side of the border, and that's what happens people very concerned. >> john, we also have the observance of ramadan in the area, and obviously very emotional time for those of the muslim faith. from your standpoint and the people you've talked to, how is that playing into this conflict while these people try to celebrate something that is very holy to them, they're also dealing with war, quite frankly. >> reporter: ramadan is a time of celebration, and people here are normally out in the streets patronizing the shops, shops that do much of their annual business during this time year. nobody is patronizing these
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shops. they're worried about these airstrikes. i'm sure they're encouraged that the u.s. secretary general ban ki-moon expressed concern and urged constraint on both sides of this conflict. but the real concern is that these airstrikes are not stopping. they're only intensifying and meanwhile israel has amassed ground troops outside of the gaza border. they're very concerned there is going to be a ground invasion following the air invasion, and they're very concerned today israeli military officials say they have thousands more targets to hit. >> definitely the idea that escalation could be in the very near future. reporting live from gaza. >> meanwhile in iraq more than 50 bodies were found in a predominantly shia area. the bodies were found south of baghdad. officials say all the victims were shot to death, many were blindfolded and had their hands
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bound. this comes when iraqi prime minister blamed kurdish for providing safe haven for rebels. >> reporter: the legislators in the region here reject the claims made by nouri maliki. in terms of the sectarian conflict and the militants that are across the city. that the region for the situation is the failure of prime minister nouri al-maliki. as one kurdish politician said it was the authoritarian approach that maliki has taken over the past eight years as far as he was concerned that has led to this problem.
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in the meantime there was a message made. it was made towards his own people. he said it was never his intention to move unilaterally towards independence, and the decision taken to prepare for some sort of proposed referendum was done because he was forced to do so. he said they had seen increase in violence and it was clear that they needed to stop preparing for their own state and not wait for this consensus that was agreed upon many years ago by all sides to happen. >> new revelation suggest prominent muslim americans have been spied on by u.s. government agencies in an attempt to catch terrorists. a site that broke the nsa leak said that.
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>> reporter: the issue for them is that they feel rather put upon. here's their story. >> shock and surprise as to why. >> reporter: meet a muslim-american, a long-time republican who worked at the department of homeland security under george w. bush, and whose record shows he was spied on by his own government. >> i think some piet have seen those two things as not being compatible. >> reporter: glen greenwald, who broke the edward snowden story
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wrote the faisel act. according to the intercept he was not the only high profile muslim being spied on by his own government. so was a prominent attorney who represented american muslims in terrorism related cases at capitol hill. an iranian professor at rutgers university and head of the foreign studies. and an activist who worked to register muslim americans to vote, and the executive director of the council on islamic relations, or care, the largest muslim civil rights organization in the country. >> the fact that they're targeting these prominent muslim american activists and lawyers suggest they are considering people's political and religious views in deciding who to focus
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their energies on. >> reporter: considering he and the four other muslim-americans led exemplary lives, they would like to see changes. >> what i would like to see happen, congress and administration looks at these policies and puts in save guards so things like this don't half. >> reporter: all five vehemently deny any involvement in terrorism i espionage, and none has been implicated in any crime. >> reporter: of course, all of this comes too light on the same day that edward snowden himself apply for extension of his asylum in moscow. >> thank you very much. chinese buyers are pumping billions of dollars in u.s.
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>> the united states must drive the global economic recovery. secretary of state john kerry and treasury secretary state l ew are trying to mend diplomatic relations. the economic ties between the u.s. and china have never been stronger. randall pink sta pinkston are here to explain. >> reporter: instead of u.s. dollars going to china, chinese residents are plunging down money here to purchase real estate. >> reporter: new york real estate santos bianco works in one of the hottest markets in america. >> the asking price, $3.25 million.
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>> reporter: $3.25 million? >> correct. >> reporter: for a two-bedroom, two bathroom, 1800 square feet of interior space. plus a roof-deck. he says that most of his listings sell in the first month, and what's an average price range? >> you're looking at the $1 million to $5 million price point. >> reporter: new york is in the mist of real estate boom. fueled by foreign buyers, with the chinese nationals taking the lead. foreign buyers purchased $92 billion in u.s. real estate. canadians both the most. but chinese nationals spent the most on u.s. reality shelling out $22 billion for single family homes. foreign buyers including chinese nationals are driving demand for the tallest residential building in america. a 97-tower where the starting power for one bedroom unit is
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$7 million. >> going all the way up to $95 million for the top floor penthouse 234. even at those prices american real estate is a bargain. >> your average in new york city is 1300 a foot. considering sydney, london are at 2100 a square foot and above. >> reporter: economists say chinese nationals are here to stay. >> this is not a quick investment scheme. in terms of the many chinese buyers we're seeing, they put some money down and rent it out over time if they don't use the property themselves. >> reporter: most don't use mortgages. >> almost 99.9% all cash. >> all cash. >> reporter: effectively shutting out american buyers. >> you have an international buyer who comes in with cash and says i can close in two weeks.
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i can pay with cash, well, it definitely puts someone who needs financing at a disadvantage. >> reporter: but while chinese nationals do put pressure on u.s. buyers, economists say they are also helping because mortgaging are funded by international investmenter investors. >> the chinese are one of the major investors who put money in mortgage-backed securities that keeps interest rates low for average americans. >> reporter: most average americans are not looking for places like these. but for those who are, no matter how low the interest rates, it's not low enough to compete for cash. >> reporter: many reasons, giving college-aged children to live in while they attend college in america. beats a dorm room. >> my dorm room never looked like that. >> reporter: neither did mine. >> paying $7 billion fine to end an investigation into whether it
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defrauded investors. looking at mortgages citigroup bundled and sold right before the financial crisis. it's well short of the $10 billion the government wanted. this week marks th the anniversary that killed people in a canadian town. david shuster is in for ali velshi tonight on "real money," david, you're going to be talking about this story later. >> reporter: yes, the north american oil boom is great in terms of how it sounds, but it's putting a lot of pressure, more pressure than ever on u.s. and canadian rail ways, and it's coming even as we mark the on on one-anniversary of the devastating accident. 47 people were killed, and 30 buildings were destroyed.
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the train was carrying crude oil from north dakota's shale formation which is considered more flammable than conventional oil. who shale oil has increased pipeline construction has not kept pace. in the united states the transport of oil by rail has jumped more than 13% in the first three months of 2014 compared to last year and that of course raises safety concerns, and there are a lot of folks who feel that the regulators not keeping up with the pace that we're using rail ways to transport oil. >> a lot of this oil has gone through major cities. what has been done to make it more safe so it doesn't effect the local residents. >> reporter: it has issued emergency orders, safety advis advisers and special inspections. the railroad agency itself petitioned to raise the standards on the tanker cars
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that carry the crude, but it's only part of the transpore equation. while they own the real lines, oil refineries own the tankers. and again as you mentioned there have been four oil by rail explosions over the past year and cost property damage in communities in the united states and canada. luckily since a year ago no lives have been lost. >> that is the good news. what are we going to see tonight. >> reporter: there are business incubators who help minorities build their companies. a lot of high tech companies are not doing such a great job with diversity, so there is an effort to try to fund more companies that are responsible in that fashion. we'll take a closer look at 7:00 p.m. eastern on "real money." >> that's coming up at the top of the hour. still to come on al jazeera america, president obama is pushing a plan to help
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independent candidate for congress. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to get your take on the proposal of housing 2,000 kids in dallas county. what do you know about this plan specifically, what is your opinion? is it a good idea for the area? >> well, great question. that plan that he spoke off directly impacts my district that i'm running for, district 30 here in dallas texas. he has plans to put 2,000 undocumented legal kids in a community that is already depressed and blighted. this community has a school that has been closed down, displaced kids from the school, i attended the school when i was a young kid, as a middle schooler, now we're going to put 2,000 undocumented kids in basic lay prison setting because the school has no windows to view the outside world. i'm not agreeing with that plan. >> and it's more from a
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humanitarian stand point that these kids, as you said, will basically be prisoners. >> the plans are to put them there for 120 days. the commissioner will b said they'll be able to go out outside fo for a slurpy. you're going to put these kids who have been displaced, kids from another country in a room with no view to see their outside lives. >> and i believe everyone will say you can't put people in prisons for two months or three months, however long it is, and not be able to see the outside because they're not criticals. they came to the country illegally and they're going to be processed. but there are laws that deal with human trafficking which prevent the kids from sending thighs kids back to their home countries.
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you need to house them somewhere. if it's not these abandoned schools temporarily, where should they be housed? >> well, i'm proposing that the federal government to create federal disaster centers in these communities where we're trying to relocate these immigrants. we have 57,000 kids that have come across our borders since october. 46% of those kids are juveniles. 17% of them probably won't show up for their immigration hearing. now the country is asking for $3.7 billion, that's $65,000 per kid. what are we doing about the kids here at home in my community where we have poverty, homelessness, and hopelessness at my door step. now you're going to bring people of color into a people of color community and drop them off and say hey, well, the community is okay with it, but the community has not been consulted.
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>> how much of a concern is security in your area, especially as it relates to these migrants being house there had? >> well, security would be a major issue for me. i'm real concerned that we treat these kids in a very humane and safe way. to put them in a community where there is high crime already, that's asking for double trouble. i think that we should put them or consider putting them in more affluent communities, or cliff. are we the dump ground for everything that is undesirable for some people's communities? i think we should all share the burden. 500 here, 500 there, and 500 in another location. i don't think we should put all 2,000 kids in my blighted community. >> erik williams, dallas residents and independent candidate for congress, thank you for your insight. >> thank you so much. >> the senate today confirmed julian castro to be secretary of housing and urban development.
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>> pakistan ace army began the strikes three weeks ago and claims to have killed dozens of taliban fighters. but it creates problems in both restaurant. >> reporter: tents as far as the eye can see. he came here with about 100 other families. >> it's very hot. at first we had no water. now there are wells. but some people are sick. there are some doctors here, though. >> reporter: the u.n. estimates there are 2,000 families in this camp. another 3600 families are in neighboring city. >> there are some problems with water and tents and some food needs. the refugees came in like a flood. we couldn't register them all at once. >> reporter: the people say heavy fighting forced them to leave. sometimes with only what they could carry, abandoning their homes, businesses and animals. >> we came because there were
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uzbek fighters. they launched an operation that is still going on. we left everything behind. >> reporter: some hearsay what is happening in pakistan in a justified up rising against a government that oppresses them. >> they were treating us like donkeys. we were patient with them, but in the end we had to leave our area. we will not make peace with pakistan until we get our islamic rights and god willing we will fight them. >> reporter: makeshift shops have appeared here. the services are improving, and the government plans financial support not only for refugees in this camp but the others being hosted by local families. the influx has slowed for now but the u.n. is planning a $20 million appeal to be able to support these refugees for the next six months. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. >> back here in the states utah will appeal the latest ruling in favor of gay marriages.
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>> reporter: michael, utah said it will appeal to the u.s. supreme court court. the state will challenge last month's ruling. a regional appeals court ruled utah's ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional. in california a jury found the dodgers partly liable for the beating of a giants fan. brian stowe was beat no one a parking lot in 2011. the jury said the dodgers must pay 25% of the liability. the two men who steaked him were also ordered to pay part of the $18 million awarded to him. no. memphis hundreds of police officers calling in sick as a form of protest. over the past week more than 500 officers stayed home. their protesting a reduction in their healthcare subsidies. >> you cannot ask an officer or a fireman to run into a burning building, and we're not going to give you healthcare. >> reporter: by the end of the week its expected that everyone
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in the homicide bureau will be out sick. public safety has not been compromised because of the no-show officers. the west virginia company that leaked a chemical into the elk river was fined $11,000. that amounts to $0.27 for each of the 300,000 people left without water for days despite the large number of residents affected only 78 claims from filed against the company. the firm filed for bankruptcy shortly after the spill earlier this year. and in california from far away it looks like an oil slick, but get up closer and you'll see it's a massive school of anchovies. you can see them here hugging the coast off san diego county. they form a dark cloud in the shallow water and oceanographers were able to get remarkable shots. >> thank you very much.
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well veteran affairs employees who blew the whistle on the problems in va hospitals testified befor before the house committee yesterday evening. they reported how they were treated poorly after reporting. >> any concern you bring up you have to present to your supervisor in a politically correct manner. if you don't you'll be retaliated against. either you're be harassed, your proficients will be dropped, it's best that management does not know your name. if they do, it makes you an automatic target. >> dr. katherine mitchell joins us here on al jazeera. we appreciate the time. >> thank you for having me. >> when this story first came out i think every american was appalled that anyone who served
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in our nation's military was not getting proper care from the states. from your standpoint what led you to get to the point where you had to stand up and say something about it? >> i think the evening when i was asked to hide the documentation that showed there was a paper electronic waiting list and backlog, it dawned on me it was humancy where i believed that my bosses would destroy information as to why veteran care would be exposed. >> if bringing grievances to your superiors, but if they're creating the issues, they had to cover their tracks. what did you face, and are you facing that now? >> well, since the news hit the media i have not been the victim
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of any retaliation. right now it's the wool in the storm. i feel like a canary waiting for the cat to pounce. prior to that for reporting these issues for the past three years i was made to work unlimited scheduled hours. my proficiencies dropped so my ethics are registered as middle of the road. i was verbally harassed in meetings. i received some harassing e-mails, although very few of those. generally they don't like to leave a paper trail. i was told i was inefficient, that my skills or abilities to care for patients was substandard. >> it sounds like a lot of intimidation was involved here. was that part of the reason why maybe if it hadn't been for that do you think you would have spoken up sooner? >> well, the reason why i didn't speak up sooner is because if you speak up, they generally take your ability to be employed
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at the va way. i always try to work for change in the system, and i have been able to affect some changes, but at that point i did not believe i would be able to imagine changes in the system. prior to after working in the er i had been transferred to an empty medical clinic. i'm essentially the medical director of myself. i found a way to make myself position useful at the clinic, it's a social work clinic but when your boss transfers you to an empty critical clinic, and refused to tell you what the needs were, the writing was on the wall. i went back to medical school specifically to be a va physician because this is a wonderful career. >> are you still working with the va now? >> yes, i'm the medical director of an empty medical clinic, but i work closely with the transition services team. they're the one who is provide
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transition services for combat veterans within five years of separation. it's a social work program. it's not a medical clinic. >> okay. are you hopeful that new leadership will alleviate all the issues that the va has been facing over the past several years? >> i'm hopeful that since this has hit the media that the public will maintain their interest. i'm still incredible skeptical because i haven't seen any change. the chain of command that put me in the position that i'm in now is perfectly intact. there has not been any signs of change or leadership at the local facility. certainly there has been talk about change in the v.a. nationally. i have not seen evidence that change is in the works. >> dr. katherine mitchell, one of the whistle blowers who brought the terrible news coming from the v.a. system here on al jazeera america. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> former new orleans mayor ray nagin was sentenced for bribery and other charges. he was convicted for accepting hundreds of thousands o from contractors who wanted work. nagin was mayor when hurricane katrina ravaged new orleans in 2005. >> coming up, the researcher who said she was fired for her government-approved marijuana story. and we'll hear from president obama. he's expected to speak any moment now about the wave of immigrants at the border. we'll go there live as soon as it happens.
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controversy. jacob ward, what did she learn about what she was trying to do. >> reporter: in the united states marijuana research is really hard to do. you need special permission from the drug enforcement administration, and to get that permission you had to be promise to be studying the negative effects of marijuana, it's abuse potential or dangers of stoned driving. in this case this researcher at the universit university of arizona was one of the first to get permission to openly study the therapeutic benefits of marijuana. but the trouble the university of arizona turned out to be a hostile environment for her. we learned as soon a that the university was going to let her do the study. that's where she ran into
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trouble. >> the university of arizona never has conducted marijuana research on campus where we stored the study drug and administered it to patients on campus. that's the tricky thing. the problem is the word "marijuana" is so politically radioactive that i think university administration are concerned about how do they manage this plus the public relations nightmare of trying to persuade our lawmakers that this is not becoming some type of drug then here. >> reporter: well, then, michael, last week the doctor was abruptly terminated by the university without explanation. >> michael: there are a couple of things that i'm confused about. if you look at the institutions of higher learning, they provide themselves on research that they do. number two, it's very hard as you reported for the government to even given approval to do studies on marijuana. so you put those two pieces together why would the school
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have been concerned about this study? >> reporter: well, michael, there were a couple of things sort of side-bar indications that we got in speaking with the doctor. one was the reluctance on the university of arizona to provide age sort of real viable facility. the facility was a back ail delap pate dilapidateed office to conduct the study. i was allowed to overhear a conversation that the doctor had university officials about where she would do the study. and during those conversations they raised the spector. they worried allowed diagnose this type of research would put their funding in jeopardy from state lawmakers. while other states like colorado and washington are opening their doors to recreational marijuana it's turning out that in states like arizona it's an incredibly toxic thing. >> michael: arizona is a heavily republican conservative state,
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jacob ward, live in san francisco, thank you. coming up, the world cup final is set, and what an ending. we'll show you what happened between argentina and the netherlands next. we're also wai waiting to hear from president obama about the wave of immigrants at the border. and then david shuster is in for ali velshi on "real money." >> we'll look at what's being done to make oil by rail shipments safer. plus the slow, painful death of what used to be the hub of american life, the american shopping mall. we have all that and more on "real money."
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>> michael: we got a blow out in yesterday's fina semifinal watch, and argentina and the netherlands just wrapped up, and it was an exciting ending 90 minutes was not enough. >> reporter: today it looked like the shocker we're used to seeing. it looks like the epic battle that we're used to seeing. it was messi and south america's last gas hope against the netherlands. no european team has ever won the world cup in south america. it looked early on like they didn't have a lot going on either. but there was a big problem with the concussion. let's look at the video in this match up first up after the netherlands were able to score at all. but this is what people were able to talk about on twitter. this concussion is marciano.
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well, he was down after two and a half minutes of looking at him, they let him back in the game and he basically said it takes 67 minutes to evaluate a potential concussion, but they let him back in. that may lead us to a couple of other rule changes. the game did get going, and what happened? the netherlands were having a tough time getting to the goal. for the first time in this world cup the dutch were not able to get a shot at goal. >> it was amazing. >> it's amazing. either argentina is that good or the dutch were having a tough time getting in there. it was an interesting first half, of course, as we talked about, this game just finished up, and it went down to the penalty kick, and this one, argentina comes out big in this one. it means for the theirs tim third time germany and argentina
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will meet. >> michael: they may have been fearful of it getting out of control, let's just play some defense and move onto the next round. >> reporter: i think that happens in every sport, everyone was on their toes, and the defense, just as you said, nobody wants anybody to get in. what happens in that case? everybody is looking to become bigger on defense. and then the next match, too, coming up. you wonder if germany is going to have firepower left after all those goals, after they scored all those goals. we'll get a break, but you have to realize you have germany in the final. they have a couple of days rest, but you'r argentina, you're right there in south america, you may have the match up. >> michael: i don't know if there coulit could be worse for
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the brazil fans. but germany, they took over the all-time wins from brazil at the world cup after yesterday's win. now if you're a brazil fan, oh, it could not be any worse to see these two teams play for the world cup at our house. >> reporter: i was just going to say, if you're brazil right now, it's rubbing that salt in the wound there after getting beat as bad as they did, now having to watch this happen, right in your backyard. essentially their nightmare continues even though they're out of it. >> michael: it goes all the way to sunday and there is a consolation game for third place. thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. >> michael: we'll see if today's game broke the social media record, i'm going to go out on a limb and say no. maria ines ferre is following the action on social media. i'm going to say that i don't think it get there ins. >> reporter: it doesn't but for
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me it did because i'm short of breath watching those penalty kicks. you can see the activity here as germany went on to score seven goals. also don't forget that brazil still has to play another game on saturday against today's losing teams in the netherlands. that's for third place title. this is supposed to be brazilian fans wearing paper bags at the stadium. now today's game since nobody was scoring during the 90 minutes or the over time people were tweeting pictures like this. boring. in fact, someone said starting to suspect that neither team wants to play against germany. now michael everyone complains about the fake injuries on the field. >> michael: yes, including me. >> reporter: yes, you, too. they say players go down and then they look at the ref like, well, one canadian film company
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posted the injuries in real life situation situation situations. take a look. [♪ music ] >> reporter: in the last 24 hours the video has gotten more than 200,000 views with comments like this is why i don't like this game. michael, when you watch real game tackles in slow motion some of those look like they very much hurt. i know you're not a believer. >> michael: i'm not a believer. they cry wolf so when a guy is really injured you don't think he is. >> reporter: well, one goes to tackle, and the other player says, i didn't touch him. >> michael: and then he writhes in pain and then sprints down the field 15 seconds later. ines, thanks a lot. we've got argentina and germany playing for the world cup. what does this mean for the
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future of american soccer. once the american team goes out, what your standpoint, do you think this world cup will have that big of an affect on soccer here in the u.s.? >> reporter: unfortunately, no. >> michael: no, i don't think so. >> reporter: every four years it's revived, and trust me i have a lot of friends and family who like the sport, but on the grand scheme of things, on a big scale it just doesn't happen unless a team keeps going. even if the american team, you go back to the women's--the women's team. when we had brandy lighting up the world with the jerse jersey--america fell in love with the team, but a few years later we're done. i think with this sport it's tough. there is so much competition with other sports. >> michael: this is not a knock on soccer. it's more about the middle eastern landscape. when the world cup comes around it's more about americans rooting for americans than americans rooting for soccer. that's the difference.
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>> reporter: no, and when the games go 0-0. >> michael: they like scoring. those are a little boring in the states. thank you very much. we're waiting to hear from president obama in dallas. in the meantime, well next. >> it's a crude reality, oil is being transported closer to home and businesses. we'll look at the new safety regulation. after years of embarrassing scandals, we'll look at the reforms to make this highly secretive constitution more transparent. and what used to be the hub of middle class life, the american shopping mall. i'm david shuster
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