tv News Al Jazeera July 10, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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believe that the brock would be solved if we passed his last minute request, but it's not that simple. much more needs to be done. and the president certainly knows pit p president obama, of course, have their own problems with what the president wants to do, in a separate track of legislation, he is trying to expedite the process, to move them quickly through the process. and send them back to the central american countries are they came from. >> and mike, the government taking a lot of heat over how it is handling this crisis. >> you are right. they are inundated. this surge of refugees now many of them put at military facilities is makeshift attention centers around the country. one in oklahoma, another in southern california, we have seen the protests from citizens as many of these migrants have been moved out of the centers. they can't process them fast enough. which brings up a central
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complaint. once these individuals these unattended children. a buescher rah law, passed during the administration, they have to be processed and have a judicial hearing they have to be sounded out about their immigration status. many of them that's a two year process. ner assimilated into set. that's a major problem for us. >> a rally expected this afternoon, in support of those crossing the border. each day bus loads of tire, hungry, and often frightens families make their way to which church. the only things they have
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are the clothes they are wearing and a notice to appear in court. there, a team of volunteers are waiting. >> they can get an opportunity to take a shower, an opportunity to eat. to see a doctor. >> the groups are mainly women with children, come in after being detained by border patrol. most are from central america, and are caught crossing the border through the rio grand. sister norma opened the shelter after seeing so many undocumented families with nowhere to turn. we are not aiding and abetting in, we are assisting folks that we receive here in the community, that need care. anyone would do, even -- even that is protesting against us, should see the face of a child, and would help as well. it's a human being. >> for most families, the shelter is only a rest
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stop, a place to stay until they can catch a buts and reunite with family elsewhere in the u.s. their journey from honduras to the u.s. mexico border took almost two months. they were detained monday, and are said to appear in court next month. i want to find a job, god gave me the opportunity, the same way he allowed me to get here, here i wait pop to get a better future. as well as a growing number of children arriving alone. since object, 57,000 children have been detained. in most cases think they are coming with an adult, some cases some of the mothers are saying they brought their kids but also they also brought their nephew, and their nephew was removed and separated because she is not the mom. and so they became unaccompanied child. >> the result is more overcrowded shelters and processing delays for
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children looking to reconnect with with families in the u.s. palestinians killed in israeli air raids says it is protecting it's citizens from rocket attacks. but many of those are civilians and some are children. nick is there. the explosions are incredibly close. and extremely loud, and they are in the middle of gaza neighborhoods. israel saying it is trying to avoided killing civilians but with by day, or by night, the toll is increasing. in the middle of last night, israel drop add
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bomb that killed an entire family, seven dead according to medical officials. five of them children. rescue organizers picked through the bubble, bringing them to a hospital the u.n. says is running out of medical supplies. >> i think israel is going out of control. more than half of those who were killed 60%, 70% even, are independent civilian whose were killed in the process. >> israel is trying to stop this. >> rocket after rocket after rocket. >> one every few minutes. never before have so many andner been have they reached downtown and beyond. this is the symbol of the state. and when residents here run in fear, israel has zero tolerance. and that's why israel bolt tores the border with many tanks and
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troops. senior israeli officials are now talking about a ground invasion. first and foremost, the rockets launched against israeli civilians must come to an end. no country can accept this. >> increasingly, israelis are spending their time in underground garages. and the people of gaza are carrying or mourning their dead. and this morning one observer predicts this conflict is just beginning. every indication that is israel is preparing the ever a possible escalation. we see tanks coming in, we seed troops, we see army personnel coming in. they have now deployed up to 20,000 people here, that's a new number, up until now it was 1500, and i could go as high as 15,000. it cements the violence here and only going to increase. al jazeera, israel along the gaza border. >> and this was a desperate plea from the
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palestinian representative, pleading with the security council for a ceil fire. to stop in aggression against our people, and to stop it immediately. we did not start this round of attacks. it is is israeli government. after the killing of the three settlers, they started attack against our people in the occupied territory including gaza. the ambassador says the attacks are in respond to unrestrained aggression by hamas. mrs. a storm being fired by the organization in gaza. hamas is intentionally and indiscriminately threatening the lives of
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3 1/2 million innocent men, women, and children, in israel, this' only one responsibility course of action for this council. condemn hamas. and a programming note. that is at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, 7:00 p.m. pacific. germany saying an american intelligence officer at the u.s. embassy must go. a spokesman for a german chancellor says it has to do with investigations of u.s. spying against germany. more on this latest case of spy verses spy. >> allies spying on allies was a waste of time, when they were crisis like syria to be dealt with, the german government has announced that it is asking the top american intelligence official working in germany to leave.
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this after two spy scandals in the space of ten day days days the first involving a man working in the german spy agency, a 31-year-old intelligence officer who exchanged some 200 plus documents in exchange for over $30,000. the second involve add member of the military, it is not clear as what level this person was operating at, or what kind of information they may have gathers, however, it was clearly just too much, the snowball effect here in germany beginning last october when it was revealed that americas national security agency was spying on angel merkel's cell phone, following other revelations about how the nsa has plugged into google and facebook, and was able to look into the other day lives of ordinary german whose are still mindful of the periods of east germany and the secret police functioning there. not to go back to the
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nazi era and the secret police spying on the lives of everybody back at that time. so the psychologist here is just one of compete resentment toward what is become seen as every day lives. >> today kurdish political leaders announce they will boycotted the governor. saying their members will no longer attend leaders. al jazeera has the latest from baghdad. >> the air strikes continue for days now, and what military experts say is these air strikes are very useful in order to weaken targets within the city itself. we haven't seen any evidence of a ground
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force being prepared to go into the city, or other territories. there is a question of what kind of hardware is being used in these air strikes. the iraqis have two options one of them is the cessna plane, which is equipped with held fire missiles. so that's another option for them. we have heard that the iraqis are using drones. now when you think of drones you normally think the americans -- there are american drones flying over baghdad, but they are here for defensive purposes for american assets within the country. and it is likely that this drones flying over. and they are being used by the iranian or very low iraqi that that needs to be confirmed. no one in the government
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is the use of any of those. >> . >> the ambassador is warning -- the scientific research stolen -- the university, that city is under the control of the islamic state, it would be difficult to be used as a weapon. harder and harder we will talk to a member of the 1% to see ifs in a solution for the other 99%. and public workers taking to the streets and yes it is about money, you are watching al jazeera america.
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2010, middle class income loved around 18,700 a person, canada, saw 19% increase during that same time period. and across the pond, britt dane, norway, swede and the netherlands saw increasing as well. to compound matters the top 20% hold 95% of the nation's wealth. the bottom 80% are left to split the remaining 5%. well, that led nick to issue a dire warning he is part of the one herself making his money as a venture capitalist and he is in santa fe new mexico. inform you would, what because that dire warning. >> well, i'm a capitalist, i have help starter founded myself, 35 countries across a range of industries. but you know, capitalism, if well managed is a marvelous system that benefits everybody. if it is not, it ends up benefiting only a few people, and i think history shows if you left
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wealth and power concentrate, for long enough, eventually you have some terrible things happen. and ultimately an economy that doesn't benefit everything. accompanied with 100,000 employees gave $1 billion that would be $10,000 per employee. so why is there such a push back against an idea like just raising the minimum wage to 1010 is what the white house wants. >> you know, i can't look into people's souls and understand exactly why they object to such a common sense proposal. because obviously it would benefit everybody. when businesses have more customers they need to hire more people, which in turn creates more customers.
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can create a virtue circle that benefits everybody, be uh this ridiculous -- policies that we put in place, in the united states, which essentially have -- voice rated the middle class, and they have concentrated youth in fewer and fewer hands again, ultimately won't benefit incredible. pigs get fat, hogs get slaughters. my message is let's use common sense, let's not kill the goose that layed the golden egg. >> i have said this time and time again that we are seeing second generation, and third generation wealth in this country, and they point to the old days in which workers were rewarded for building their companies by giving symptom of that back to the employees. now they say that money goes to the shareholders is there something wrong with a system that protects the shareholders first. >> yeah, absolutely.
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corporate profits have doubles. they have gone from 6% to 12% of gdp. so that difference between 8% and 12%, represents almost $1 trillion. s to champion this' no rueful that requires them to be that high, and wages to be that low. that is profit because powerful people prefer it to be profit. how are your fellow billionaires treating you when you talk like this? >> the coke brothers have not called me up and told me oh my gosh, we were wrong.
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you will right, but my view is that more and more wealthy people in our country are waking up to the reality that if we allow wealth to concentrate in the way that it has, that eventually that's not going to work out for anybody. and that we need to take steps to moderate it. but rising inequality is demand. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and in england today, hundreds of thousands of employees there. lawrence lee explains. >> on the stroke of ten, this fire station walks out. the government wants them to work longer until they can get a pension.
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we have to make a stand on this. >> it's that sense of injustice that underpinned the biggest strike since the government took power. workers whose jobs are universally used say they have been made materially poorer. >> in places though it didn't look like the strike was being supported. not only does the government say that firefighters and teachers and the rest of them shouldn't have gone on strike, it says they shouldn't have been able to go on strike, because not enough of them voted for it. it wants to ban a new law. >> the public sector
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would be worse off. >> we cannot afford to go backwards. if only by taken difficult decisions in the long term interest that we can deliver the economic fourth that we need if we want to carry on investing in our public services. inform less than half a union votes will that make it undemocratic? sing that is to conservative party has polled no more than 36%, in any of the last four general elections. and they are now in power. so who are they to judge? >> you just have to look at the european elections in this country, and the local elections in may. and the massive media in the run up to it, in the early 30's. since the hector rate voted more than 10% of the elector rate.
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and everybody -- praised themselves as winning not democratic vote. >> the government insists much of the public supports the plans to restrict further the rights to strike, the unions said the drive to cheaper privatized services will be felt by anyone who needs a firefighter, a nurse, or a teacher. lawns lee, al jazeera, in london. >> and when we come back, we will talk weather with our meteorologist and then it is a wild ride so wild, you'd have to be crazy to take the plunge.
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these are your headlines at in hour. homeland security secretary set to ask congress for $3.7 billion to fund the immigration plan. he is set to testify this afternoon at a congressional hearing. trying to stem the flow of migrant chirp coming into the united states. >> temperature going to be soaring today in texas, and in parts to southwest, now in the four corners we will have showers and thunderstorms to cool you down, but it will get very hot and stay dry. the temperatures are climbing here as well, by the time we get to the weekend, we are going to
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get very very warm. east winds will be typical with this kind of a weather set up, and easterly winds are going to make it even warmer some of the warmest days along the west side of the cascades. however, to the east side, and yakima washington this is where they are battling wild fires. they have popped up, quite a bit of fire movement towards highway 97 a, where they close 37 miles of roadway. a lot of wild life. they weren't cheap. just further south, we are gets gusts of 20 to 25 miles an hour. something to watch high and dry in the west, lit stay that way because of high pressure, except storms will move up over that high pressure, and dive down on the other side. that's going to bring us severe weather, not only today in parts of central
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midwest, but also in the next few days. we will see some showers and thunderstorms popping up into the dakotas down towards oklahoma, while it is just getting hotter and hotelier for texas. right now you can see some showers have been making their way down towards arkansas louisiana. we will also stay with stormny weather today, expect to see showers and thunderstorms becoming severe keep your eye on places like the dakotas and into kansas. one again it comes to some of our provinces there in canada. rebecca, thank you. >> finally if it is too hot, you can try keeping cool on the world's tallest water slide, opening today, the ride itself is so extreme they have named it insane, during the 17 story plunge, riders reach
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speeds of 65 miles an hour, just to get to the top you have to chime 264 steps that is higher than the statute of liberty. we want to thank you for watching al jazeera america, talk to al jazeera is next. what is plainly false. ultimately, it is the people of iraq who will decide the future of iraq. >> he is a man known for his mediation skills. george mitchell helped broker peace in northern ireland. he also tried his hand in the middle east, serving as u.s. chief envoy to the israeli and palestinians under president barack obama. >> for both sides, the disadvantages of not getting an
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