tv News Al Jazeera July 10, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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the u.s. women. >> the conversation continues on the website or facebook or google+. you cap find us on twitter. see you next time. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz in for john seigenthaler. it's 11:00pm on the east coast, 8:00 p.m. out west and you are watching the only live national news cast. world leaders urge israel and hamas to de-escalate violence as president obama offers his help. dangerous journey, what it's like to cross the border as a child - from a man who survived it. >> chinese hackers break into
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u.s. networks. a baby cured of h.i.v. is infected once again. what it means for finding a cure. we begin with the crisis between hamas and israel. president obama spoke with israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu today. the president said the u.s. is willing to broker a ceasefire and stands about its long-time ally. for the third-strait day aattacks by gaza and israel have been unrelenting. more than 90 palestinians have been killed in gaza since air strikes began. no israelis have been killed. at the united nations the security council held an emergency meeting about the topic this morning. >> once again civilians are paying the press for the continuation of conflict.
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>> secretary-general ban ki-moon said hamas must stop firing rockets into israel to prevent a ground invasion and war. palestinians in gaza are trapped inside the small territory with no way to escape the air streaks. egypt gave palestinians a way out. the country opened the rafa border for injured palestinianians and select others. stefanie dekker has more. >> more civilian casualties of this conflict. this boy has shrapnel in his head. his mother lies in the next ambulance. a strike next to their home left them with windows. >> she was unconscious and had surgery. it hasn't helped. egypt should have opened the border earlier. >> reporter: they are allowed to cross to egypt to be treated. it's a short stop before they are releasedism.
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>> patients are leaving gaza. you can see the position of the civilians taken. they'll be taken to egyptian hospitals, though the border. it's the only border israel controls but doesn't open often. it's been open four times in the last 100 days. once they heard the rafa crossing was open on thurks all these people called to see if they could cross. >> people are terrified. they came when they heard the crossing was open. >> we wasted all day, and foog. >> a shame for his rail to attack innocent people. >> they are showing they were upcivilize the. >> for now, only the seriously wounded and egyptian passport openers are allowed to cross. palestinians can't cross at all.
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it highlights the issue at the heart of the conflict. palestinians are not in charge of the borders. many will tell you if israel does not epd its occupation, and if no settlement is reached, peace will be difficult to achieve. for three days many israelis spent hours in bomb shelters or running for cough. nick schifrin has more on that from near the gaza border. >> in the closest israeli town to the gaza border, the daycare is a bombshell, here, outside, it is muted by thick walls and the sound of kids being kids. girls wearing scrunchies practised their drawing. >> there's all shorts of games. >> it is what every kid wants - chocolate sandwiches. that boy is three years old.
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his father is the deputy mayor. he doesn't care that dad is busy. >> my work is 24/7. being here gives me a sense of security. >> out of fear of rockets the arm your ordered schools and summer camps closed. the parents need someone to bring the kids. >> i'm willing to do everything that will let me live in the town. >> even if the town is on the front line. >> the air sirens only sound for a few seconds before they strike. children in conflict areas do normal things to avoid drama trauma. the outside is not normal.
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a few feet away 11-year-old nicole is allowed to do what she does most. >> it's fun, and we watch movies. it doesn't mean that the children are scared of the war ism the people of gaza is trying to hurt us. >> outside the shelter felix walks me through the streets. doesn't feel like home, especially for his family. >> translation: my son is suffering. he was holding his head saying "it's in my head. i can't get the code red out of my head." >> he september his -- sent his son and daughter north. this is the second code red we have heard in less than an hour. no matter how many rockets target the town, running into
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the safe room is stressful. >> you immediately start calling everyone to check in parents and the family. >> once the scare ended we said goodbye. outside the front door, most of the belongings wait for a bus. >> we cannot live like this. mer atrade. we don't want to go to sleep. >> the bus icts are one way. they are taking their family anywhere but here. >> hamas's rockets are primitive. one of the biggest advantages is the iron dome. this week the system deflected dozens of rockets. jacob ward is in san francisco describing how the iron dome works. >> i'm in san francisco, which,
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in terms of population density is comparable to tel aviv and gaza city. if you had to defend a city like this against the random threat of rocket attacks, how do you do it? ize rail does it with the iron dome. a system of missiles. each costing over 660,000. they are -- over $60,000. it's designed to intercept shore-range missiles. the rockets, the kind that hamas uses flies at mock 2 with a maximum range of 46 miles. that guesses the iron dome 71 seconds in which to track pt missile, activate a battery of interceptors and fire one.
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you don't have 71 seconds, just a fraction of the time. because you need to blow up the missile. it's a complicated challenge. from a logistical stand point, it's the equivalent of someone throwing a rock and you trying to hit it with a second rock. it raises ethical issues, besides an obvious one of there being an exchange of rockets, civilisation of people lying their lives, and software making a military decision. in order for the rockets to be launched with respect a window. it's launched in a few seconds. it needs to act faster. you need to take it out of human hands and distinguish between a rocket and a jet. it makes it the future of
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warfare. both sides are under terrible threat. israel is immune to what the enemies throw at it. >> jacob ward in san francisco. more on the israeli-gaza conflict later. we'll hear from israeli and palestinian ambassadors, and the biggest concerns tonight. the conversation - that's coming up at the half hour. >> now to the president's controversial proposal. as many as 90,000 minors could be detained by the end of september. more than three times the number of last year. the homeland security warned lawmakers the surge will drain the budget of immigration agencies unless congress approves more funding, senators mccain and lake programmed a different plan, including amending the act o speed up the
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return of child migrants to their home countries and require angle monitors. >> violence at home is a major reason why so many children are coming to the u.s., specifically the fear of gangs. nowhere is it worse than honduras. it's a big problem. >> as absolutely. this part of the world, the northern triangle of central america, guatemala, el salvador, is where gangs and drug cartels are more powerful than government and violence. it's out of chrome. it's a war zone. the map shows us where the chin are coming from, and how many from each place. the circles are generated by border patrol data of children, caught in the border of january to may. the large circles represent 2,000 children. the biggest is the murder capital of the world, san pedro,
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where 15 kids are fleeing every day, 2200 in five months. i asked people what it's like to live with horrifying violence. >> the fear of crime and violence in san pedro makes people afraid to go to work. fearful of opening businesses, afraid to take the kids to school. this is a pleas where ugly things like bodies and pieces, waking up to a vote splashed across the newspaper. crime and fear lead people to pack their bags and leave. >> we are driving on the outskirts. this is a dangerous part of the city than downtown. this is disputed gang territory and in the middle is a jew nile detention center where kids are doing time for homicide and rape and extortion.
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here we are, going in the front gate. what kind of option do kids this age have? is it the gangs or head north? can they get jobs, are there other opportunities for the kids? >> the sad reality is the day they aim out and step out the door of the facility they'll find the same situation that put them here in the first place. >> what about the kid coming back. so many are deported from the u.s. what happens when they come back to honduras? the future of the kids is worse. most, if not all journeyed it unite with family. to come back they return to an empty house and end up in the streets. >> this is the autopsy room. >> is it overwhelming, can you handle the number of bodies you have to take care of here?
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>> there are times when there's so much time you weak up to 20 cadd avers, and during the day there's four doctors. weekends are worse. when people are paid, there's a lot of crime. we had a few days with 25-30 cadd afers. >> this is the cold room, where they store the corpses, they are stacked up. one on top of the other. the room is full to capacity and only once a month are they able to take out and bury the bodies. the smell is staggering, we have to go. at the morgue in the locker there's children, a number teenage boirks the trial tarts -- boys, the tart of gang violence, too often it's join or be killed. i spoke to an immigrant who migrated 14 years ago, and he
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talked about what led him to flee his home country and what the journey was like. >> translation: the desperation of living in honduras as a street child, being hungry and thirsty, knowing that my father was not my father, he did not take care of me. i knew my mother was in the united states. my desperation got to me. i took a journey, i did not say goodbye to my father. the journey was horrible, painful. one night i remember a smuggler raping a little girl that came with us and with a gun he said we would be next. as a child i was afraid, scared. i didn't understand what was going on, i wanted to be with my mother. >> jose what happened when you
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made to to the border? >> when i made it to the border i was dropped off by some people. they said we were going to swim across. it happened four in the morning. when we got to the other side of the border everyone dispersed. people ran. as a child i was tired, i could no longer run. they left me. they left me there, i starred wondering what would happen. i was thirsty, i went back to the river and drank the water. i hated it. i went to sleep under a bush, i hid. an immigration patrol officer came. i remember the words he said "wake up." he put me in a patrol car. after being detained you were released into the custody of hour mother, you are now a dreamer. what is the moral of your story, what do you want the tworld know
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about your journey and the experience you had? the moral is i'm a sample of what the children can be and what they have done. not an example. i am a sample of the things they have. i understand the journey, and why they came, i understand the journey. i i understand the pain, what it is to be. the moral of the surgery is i'm unaccompanied and it cap be me, if we give you the same opportunities, i was gisent the opportunity to reunify with my mother, to seek an education and lead a life free from freer and an opportunity to be a man seeking my dreams and who i am. because i'm so gracious to the country of united states i ball a teacher. i want to teach, give back to the community.
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the moral is that this children too has the capacity of becoming who i am. >> tell me about the people you see and their experience. what are they going through. >> it's not the same. it's worse. before i left honduras in 2000, hopped was not considered the capital. it was not as strong as in mexico. poverty was not as rampant as it conditions to grow. the danger is more. more migrate. circumstances in the homeland grows. experiences are similar, but they are stronger, heavier. children continue to be raped. a lot of male children are giving in to trafficking or into the cartels are beaten by the
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gangs. the journey is not easy. for a child coming alone, it's pain. dangerous. they are not a criminal, they are refugees and we need to treated them accordingly jose left hadn't 14 years ago. the -- honduras 14 years ago. it's getting worse. >> when you talked to authorities in honduras, what did they tell you about what they think should happen to end the crisis? >> honduras is in a diff part of the world. drugs travels through. it's the size of tennessee, a country that can't control its borders, yet half of the cocaine goes through honduras, a country where corruption through the ranks of the government from top to bottom, the police - it's a
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country unable to provide people with meaningful services. short of a sea change in u.s. drug policy, and the float of the drug trade. it's hard to see how the country will turn the corner. >> it's very complicated. germany arrived the head of american intelligence to leave after a pair of spying scandals. mike spicer is in berlin with that meeting. >> party is meeting on shadowy spying talks. after talks, a clear public announcement. >> translation: the federal government asked the u.s. intelligence services representative in germany to leave the country in rehabilitation to a continuous lack of cooperation into investigations in relation to a number of marts. >> reporter: the german public
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wassen raged that the chancellor's cell phone was tracked by the n.s.a. months of efforts failed. with a minister saying she was not amused, merkel questioned what americans efforts are words. >> if what we hear is true, from my point of view spying on allies is a waste of energy. we have so many problems. look at the changes posed in syria regarding the islam k state. if you look at the fight against terrorism there are huge problems. that is of the highest priority from my point of view, and not spying among allies. >> the american embassy reacted to the news with a statement saying it doesn't comment on security matters, but security between germany and the united states was important. the problem is many german
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citizens and their government is questioning whether that is true and if so at what cost for the privacy and the freedom. syria's government data breach is being blamed on chinese hackers, saying they targetted the networks for information on thousands of workers applying for high-level security clearance. >> alarms lang in march. hackers breached a database containing the private files of tens of thousands of u.s. workers. media reports quoted an off the government record source that there's no records that anything was stolen. >> there's supposed to be intrusion defensive systems na place. it shows that the government security starpd are not what -- standards are not what they need to be and the government is not held to a high level.
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>> hackers usual target government and corporate workers, until an employee clicks on a link they are not supposed to and they get in. >> chances are they got far. when you go after those requesting clearance, you go after those that have access to the keys of the king dom. that's the best possible data breach that could occur for someone looking for top secret information. >> china has wamed a leptiondy campaign. both sides accuse each other of spying. five hackers from chinese military unit 61398 - it's doubtful they'll appear in a u.s. court. the point is made. the latest information coming as secretary general was in china.
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>> the loss of intellectual property through cyber has a chilling effect on immigration and investment. incidents of cyber theft harmed our businesses and threatened the nation's competitiveness. we had a frank exchange. we agree that it is important to continue discussions in that area. >> a spokesman for the foreign ministry accused media and cyber security terms are casting chip as as a cyber threat adding they've never been able to present sufficient evidence. >> still ahead - monster storm, a powerful tyke on pounds the islands and another on the horizon. they thought she was cured, h.i.v. has reappeared in a little girl two years later. what it phones for finding a -- means for finding a cure.
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one of the biggest storms to hit japan continued its path of destruction today. tropical storm naeguri dropped heavy rain after slamming the islands. kevin corriveau has more. >> this was the i think storm to come into the western part of the pacific, and the strongest storm. this was a super typhoon, we saw winds of 155 miles per hour sustained. earlier today this is what the area looked like. we had seen about 14 inches of rain in the the central part of the islands, this is what it looked like, look at the video. mudslides. they are expecting that 16 inches of rain fell in a 2-day period because of the storm here. and, of course, the storm was deadly. we saw a high casualty rate with the storm. i want to show you what to see
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over the next few cause. the storm is moving towards the north of the pacific. things will clear out. we have new information on another storm. i'll take you further down towards the central part of the pacific, this is the ninth storm. this is warm water across the area, this is what the storms need for intensification. the track came out. it does not look good. the storm goes directly over here to the west and right now by sunday we are looking at possibly a land striking storm here across northern lus acks n, which is susceptible to typhoons. they do not handle tropical systems like this very well. >> thank you. >> ahead. another round of bombing in gaza.
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welcome back to al jazeera america. much more on the israeli gaza conflict in a minute. coming up, infected again. the baby thought to be cured of h.i.v. is showing signs of the virus. bionic eye - how technology is helping the blind see again. remember the life and legend of a famed graffiti artist. there are fears that fighting between hamas and israel is leading to war. it's the third day in a row of air attacks by both sides. more than 80 palestinians died in gaza since the strikes this week. no israelis have been killed. president obama said the u.s. is
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willing to broker a ceasefire. we spoke with the israeli ambassador to the united nations. >> hamas started this, sending rockets to the major cities in israel. and you ask us to put out a fire. you are asking a fire brigade to put out a huge wildfire with buckets of water. the equation is clear, if it's quiet in israel, it will be quiet in gaza. every government has to do what israel is doing to protect the citizens, we'll keep on doing that. this is a who phenomena that we see. countries that want the world to be with them should stand today with israel. >> okay. >> this is what every... >> this analogy that you use, excuse me for interrupting. i do have to pick up on it.
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israel is trying to fight a huge fire with a few buckets. i am sure many people looking at the figures say the reverse is true. there are figures to show you. 88 people have been killed in gaza since air strikes on tuesday. the number killed in israel is zero. >> i would like to put that in context. you forget that the state of israel, and the people of israel - we left gaza. we left gaza not to look back into gaza. earlier i spoke to the palestinian ambassador to u.n. asking why he has not encouraged hamas to stop firing rockets. >> they say hamas was responsible for the kidnapping of three settlers. hamas denied involvement.
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but the israelis started bombarding gaza in a collective punishment and the people in the wa west bank. if the aggression stop, we continue the ceasefire in place, that lasted from the year 2012 until recently. the position of mahmoud abbas is with respect known. he is against killing of innocent civilians and not sympathetic to firing rockets. that is his possession. the best option for all of us is quietness, not to restart to the option of killing or firing rockets or from the ships as the israelis are doing. if you expect the palestinian people to be aprilingless and sit on -- angels and sit on their behinds and watch the
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massacre and not do anything, it's too much to ask for. it's not hamas causing that. as i said, we are willing and ready to try, when the aggression is stopped, to abide by a ceasefire. >> i asked if the u.s. would support an israeli ground invasion into gaza. >> israel has the right to defend itself. no country should have to stand by when rockets are launched into their country, that's what we are looking at. the deaths of in the civilians are a tragedy. our hearts go out to the families of those who lost their lives. in this case ham a a terrorist organisation, is the entity that caused the situation on the ground. they attacked israel.
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israel is responding, we want to de-escalate. the way to do that is bring an end to the attacks to bring calm to the community on the ground. >> the secretary has been engaged with binyamin netanyahu and mahmoud abbas. he's been engaged with leaders. the qataris and others. he'll continue the engagement even while he has been on the ground in china. we haul have a stake and seeing a deescalation and are concerned about the loss of innocent lives on the ground. >> turning to the border crisis in the u.s. congress is considering president obama's proposal of $4 million. the minute men may make a comeback. they patrolled the border with the goal of preventing illegal immigrants to enter the country. they disbanded in 2011, but a
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couple of weeks ago the founder suggested it may start again. >> i wake up every morning wondering if it's time to relaunch the minute man project. this time three times as large as the last one. >> he confirmed that he's relaunching the minute man campaign, it will take 10 months and cover 2,000 miles and expects 3,000 volunteer to paept. america is divided. two cities, murrieta, and a port city have taken different approaches. jennifer london explains. >> in murrieta, california. 150 miles away in a port up to. one crisis, two crashing
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reactions. in the last week people in murrieta stopped bus loads of undocumented migrants coming to the border patrol satisfaction for processes. >> it's a win for murrieta if they keep them from coming over here. i don't think it's that big of a town that they can support all these. >> the mayor said he's proud his city said no. >> protesting the inhale an treatment and not release illegal immigrants into the community without heath screenings. it's unfortunate other cities are not having the same results. >> this port is one of the others. when hundreds of migrant children from brought here, no seeps of protest, just support.
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that man helped to organise a rally. we are seeing anti-immigrant sent in the in murrieta, and we thought it was important for the community to show support for the children who came a long way. >> the converted classroom represents the support the community showed the migrants, a sacker ball -- soccer ball, shoes. there are clothes for children, jeeps. if you look around the room you see items that the kids need, and you see items that have been donated that let the kids be kids. there's no answer for why the cities act as they do. latinos make up hall of the port's population. >> the area has a long history
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of immigrants activism dating back to the farm workers. >> there are some in murrieta speaking out in support of the migrants. harry says it's not about people, it's about policy. >> transporting around the country, in holding areas and releasing to the public encourages and exacerbates situations. >> two cities, waiting for washington to find a solution. >> the pent says bowe bergdahl picture was propaganda. the photo could not be verified as authentic. the twitter account is run by a taliban sympathiser. bowe bergdahl was held by the afghan taliban for five years
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before his release. >> a setback in the search for the cure of h.i.v. a 4-year-old child thought to be cured is showing scenes. doctors agrsively treated her. is stunned doctors when the virus appeared to disappear from the child after treatment. joining us to discuss this is dr david newman. heart-breaking news. how big of a setback is this in the research to find a cure? >> it's a huge disappointment for the girl and her family. the researchers and doctors - it's a blow. there's research that was planned. a random you willed trial to test the method of curing others. it's a setback that goes in many degrees. >> it never got off the ground. >> that's right, there was not a
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single patient and there's probably not doing to be. >> do you have any idea how that could happen. >> for the virus to reappear, it's tricky, a reason it's a long time coming. vaccinations have not worked. it can hide in reservoirs in the body. >> talk about the overall treatment for the h.i.v. we here slogans and kids. >> for the most part, most patients thing of h.i.v. it has converted the propose. if you have access to the medicines, you are hooking at a shortening of your life span. that's about it.
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how harsh are the treatments, how difficult are they on the patient's body. >> that's a good question. some struggle with the therapies. others fly by and do well. for everybody there's an adverse effect going on. almost no one is scot-free, they are difficult and can be a bit of a tough ride. >> as researchers move forward and try to come up with something, is there other possibilities, is there one set back but o other avenues that can be pursued. itch there are dozens of other al-hughes, there's a number that will go after this. and provide funding beyond that. >> i would say there's a number of promising routes in the next deck awed. it will take years what do you
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tell them that their life is like? >> it's a quality of life that is normal. at this point you can lead a normal life other are than quality of life. health related quality of life. it's most. >> how close do you feel we are to a tour? >> a cure is years away. i wouldn't say we have come close, but the optimistic view is we have to learn what doesn't work. this was sa great learning experience. >> it's a sobering experience. they were hopeful it would find it. >> thank you for coming in. a groundbreaking device is
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helping the blindsee. many are getting life-changing surgery to regain vision, we follow one patient. >> reporter: patient lisa will undergo a surgical procedure, taking her from darkness to eventually seeing shapes, outlines and partial images. we were literally hours away from the surgery. >> probably a year and a half? >> since i heard about it. >> yes, and trying to get through the processes. approvals, i can't believe it's here. >> lisa has an inherited eye disease. >> it causes an atrofy. there can by sight loss to blindness. >> i see shadows and
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silhouettes. probably since my mid 20s, probably in the last 7-10 years, i couldn't get around on my open. >> the device is called the argus two. dr mark pioneered the technology. the optic nerve is needed to be ipp tact. if the optic nerve is caught and destroyed, this device doesn't work. there's enough people that have optic nerve function. it's exciting to do that. >> this really does sound and feel like the bionic man. 6 million man is among us. it is created. science fiction is here. it's that good. it can restore the site of people. it's not the best in the world.
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you will not see colour, you'll see basic shapes and objects. >> what do you mean learn how to see again. >> the vis uble core text in your brain, it stops working you have to rebuild the pathways and learning to walk the same path. >> does that mean the objects are in focus or clear to see. >> the way it works there's a chip that sits on top of your retina, sending signals through your optic nerve to your brain, and you have to learn to interpret those. you don't know what you are seeing. >> how long does it take for the vasion to return? >> it takes a few months. >> unreal. i never realised the heck knollingy -- technology was out there. has it been around for a long
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time? >> it's relatively now. trials have been going on for a little while. it's in a few hundred patients. >> when you talk to doctors in the medical community, how encouraged are they by this. are we talking about finding a cure. are we nearing a point where we could find a cure for blindness? >> it's there. >> it's that the good. >> yes. you have to have an intact retina. people that had veterans with eyes blown out in wars. this will not benefit them. >> this will benefit people born with difficulties or have eye illnesses or diseases. >> yes, like ret jipal pigment owesa, a common reason why people lose eye sight. >> what was it look talking to
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patients. >> this woman that we interviewed, she was a beautiful spirit. she was a little scared and worried. she lost her vision for a long top. she hadn't seen her children and husband in years. you could see how excited and scared she was. >> it's incredible technology, so encouraging and hopeful and sound like it may change the lives of a lot of people. we look forward to that on "techknow." tune in for this weekend's episode much "techknow". . >> a judge ruled that a boulder county clerk in colorado could issue marriage licences to gay couples despite a ban pon same-sex nuptials. a clerk in denver also began handing out licences. the issue is playing out. until then day couples can marry in the countries. our image of the day is
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flooding earlier, videos i-95 to south sudan, and we are seeing severe weather, continuing for the next couple of hours. we'll keep you updated. across the south-west we are looking at an active monsoon system, associated with a lot of humidity coming in from the east. thunder storms really start to form and rer looking at a lot of potential for flooding across the region. this, we think, will continue through the rest of the weekend. now up to the north-west the heat. look at the temperatures for seattle, as we go towards friday. normally for this tomb of year we'll see a high of 70 and the temperatures are not going down soon. they are going up to 92 degrees as we go towards tuesday. stay hydrated. that's a look at the weather. news after this.
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an inspirational video of a 2-year-old boy with amputations has gone viral, helping the family raise 50,000 for his treatment. he was born with a birth defect causing organs to be outside his body. and his right leg ha to be amputated. the one artist, jason wolf, stayed true to the roots of his art, making his mark in the underground tagging scene. he died at the age of 42. his fellow artist remembers him in tonight's first person. >> jason dg had been a constant in the graffiti seen, starting in 1985, dawning an era of new
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york city graffiti where everyone was painting trains. in 1990 trains with graffiti was phased out and the people painting on the trains quit or they continued on painting in the streets. jason was, you know, very significant in graffiti, because he was someone that continued to paint trans. even though they were getting cleaned. he head an effort to go hard with putting his name on the street illegally. and being able to do large-scale productions. he was kind of an all-round art. >>. painting with justin was a memorable -- with jach was a memorable event. he was enthusiastic. he was a fast runner, into his older age.
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i was surprised to see him dusting younger guys and getting away from the police and stuff like that. the whole idea of painting without restriction, there's something about that you want to continue to go. today in new york city you can go around the city and see his name up, probably for years to come. we got together in brooklyn and tried to ain't a tribute. we wanted to do something upbeat. i did my best to paint a tech piece and tie it in with a throw-up. that summed up his personality a bit. rather than saying rest in peace we said see you later crazy man.
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graffiti can be a beautiful thing. it's not the devil or an easy thing. it can be beautiful. some one like dg helped the show. >> he challenged traditional notions saying anything requiring thought and creativity is art. finally - our picture of the day. eileen ford standing between two models. she died at the age of 92. ford, with her husband, created one of the most well-knowning models agencies. she created famous faces, some becoming stars. an industry legend. the top headlines in just a moment. alk to al jazeera.
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israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu by phone today, he offered to help broker a ceasefire and stood by the u.s. ally saying israel has a right to defend itself. >> the united nations security council held on emergency meeting. secretary-general ban ki-moon called for his israelis and palestinians to solve the crisis and diplomacy. this is the closest israel has come to a ground offensive in gaza since 2012. israeli leaders positioned troops near the border. this week he called up 20,000 more reservist troops. israeli air strikes killed 650 in three days. many are civilians and children. so far no israelis have been killed in hamas rocket attacks.
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two israelis have been injured. those are the headlines. "america tonight" with julie chen is up next. you can get the latest news online at we'll leave you with pictures of the sky line from gaza city. as the u.s. spy machine is caught snooping against a long time ally again. and disturbing new questions aability what the nas is doing in this country. >> if they are doing it to us, how do you know they are not doing it to you. >> also tonight, justice undone, nor 14 years he sat on louisiana's death row, no one believed he was innocent, until they found out the prosecutors hid evidence, that could set him free. >> one thing i do know i didn't commit thrd
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