tv Consider This Al Jazeera July 16, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EDT
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>> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. a participation ceasefire between israel and hamas never took off. what damage is down to the children caught in the middle. welcome to "consider this". those stories and more straight ahead. >> hopes for a ceasefire to end the eight days of fighting unravelled. it is a message from the faction that they never took the ceasefire seriously. >> we are prepared to continue and intensify. an israeli civilian died from a
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rocket fire. nearly 200 dead palestinians. >> a lot of residents are >> a fearful of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> a plane carrying 40 adults and children deported from the u.s. landed in honduras. >> many sent back are pledging to try to get to the u.s. again. >> no vote on the $3.7 billion proposal to deal with the crisis. table. >> why is it more money - why isn't more money put into autism. mother. >> there's a huge autism tsunami about to hit the budget. >> world cup final, the most history. >> we have the enthusiasm. >> my kids wore american jersies and were proud of the performance of the players. we begin with violence in
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the middle east. a propose add ceasefire falls apart. gaza's death toll surpasses numbers. nearly 200 palestinians have been kill. thousands injured in the fighting last week. israel reports its first casualty. binyamin netanyahu supported the ceasefire, saying hamas would pay a big price. >> hamas leaves us no choice but to expand and intensify the campaign against it. secretary of state john kerry blessed hamas for not agreeing to the ceasefire. >> i cannot condemn the actions of hamas in so brazenly firing rockets in multiple numbers, in the face of the goodwill effort to offer a ceasefire in which egypt and israel join together, and the international community ceasefire.
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>> a spokesman for hamas spoke to al jazeera, about why they refused to stop the rocket attacks when israel stopped firing on gaza. >> we were defending the palestinians. the israelis - the question is for them, what you gain from bombing and killing the palestinians, what you gain from destroying the peace process. >> joining us from gaza is nick schifrin, al jazeera correspondent. what is happening on the ground since the ceasefire fell apart? >> well, the ceasefire was falling apart before it began. >> the proposal... >> people in the militant wing, the brigades announced that they had basically thought that the ceasefire was not written, wasn't worth the ink that the paper - wasn't worth the ink that it was written in. immediately they started launching rocket attacks. for the next six hours there was a lot of rocket attacks, that's when the military fired into gaza.
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we had a number of strikes on both sides before about 8:00 pm or so. it spiked then, got quiet. in the last hour, it's been very, very loud. there has been apatchies running up the coast, half a mile away from me. just a few blocks from here. we have seen outgoing rocket fire and a major israeli attack. a couple of homes owned by the senior leaders of political staff of hamas. they have been destroyed. israel sending that message, and we have seen more rockets fired from behind me. it's violent tonight and probably will be a long night for the people of gaza. >> as always, we want you to stay safe. did the failed ceasefire increase the possibility of a ground attack by israel? >> i think there's few people of power that believe a ground attack is the way to go into gaza.
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but, there are incursions that israel might be considering. there are basically selective points that they'll go into to try to eliminate some of the rocket launching sites. we saw that over the weekend. a couple of dozen of israeli commanders. they boarded a boat, arriving by the beach, in the northern corner of gaza, and they were engaged by hamas fighters quickly, and apache helicopter followed and destroyed the rocket launcher that was up there. we may see more of those. there are people calling for more incursion and engagement with gaza. the people around do not seem to be interested in that right now. >> we heard from a spokesman from hamas. they are accused of collaborating with israel. is there a faction that trusts egypt now, and vice versa. >> absolutely not. none of
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hamas trusts egypt. this is the big difference. if ut talk to the analysts, they will tell you it's not about israel. it's egypt, trying to get them back in the game, that it needs to take hamas seriously. what happened, compared to the ceasefire from a year and a half ago is that general abdul fatah al-sisi is the president of egypt. he made the muslim brotherhood target number one, the muslim brotherhood allied with hamas. people around abdul fatah al-sisi say that they would love to crush hamas, as israel would love to crush hamas. abdul fatah al-sisi does not trust them. egypt is next to gaza. egypt probably has to play a role in this. and an analysis is happen as is trying to pull egypt into this orbit. and right now, hamas does not trust egypt. egypt apparently did not consult hamas before revealing the paper - we don't know if if that is true.
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that's what hamas says. egypt has to play a part, hamas doesn't trust it, making the ceasefire more difficult than the past. >> thank you very much. stay safe. for more we are joined from silver spring maryland, the professor for peace and development at maryland. he was senior advisor to george mitchell, special envoy for middle east peace from 2009 to 2011 and author of "the world throughar ab ab eyes,ar ab public opinion." the ceasefire failed. hamas is pushed to accept it. who has the best leverage to implement a ceasefire. >> it's not leverage, each side
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has to belief something is in it for them. i believe neither side looked for an escall agency, they found themselves -- escalation, they found themselves there. you have heavy casualty ice, on the palestinian tied -- casualties, on the palestinian side 200 dead, destruction. they want to make a statement that there's something they are getting out of it. what happened in the mediation that we saw in this case, i know that a lot of people are paying the point that there's a difference between abdul fatah al-sisi and mohamed mursi. there is, and abdul fatah al-sisi is not a friend of hamas. the truth of the matter is that regardless of who was in power, mostly it was the intelligence and the military who dealt with the gaza issue. that dates back to mubarak, you know, when, in fact, most of the people who were reaching
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out to hamas, the intelligence committee, egypt chan intelligence -- egyptian intelligence, and they did not like mubarak. they had to work with them. the consequences were heavy for them. hamas had to find a way to work with the egyptians, they under-egypt is essential. it doesn't matter who is governing. they find themselves in a bind. they have to be responsible. one reason they weren't responsible is not only that they felt they were not consulted. but, in fact, if there's an unconditional ceasefire, it puts them at a disadvantage. >> talking about - the relationship, as you mentioned is frayed between hamas and egypt. especially now that mohamed mursi is gone, and abdul fatah al-sisi is there. does this compromise egypt's role as a peace make are here? >> no, it doesn't, of course not. for a lot of reasons. in the long term, abdul fatah
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al-sisi doesn't really want to see a major operation by the israelis into gaza that creates more anarchy and more possibilities of operations against him from gaza, or linkages with islamist groups in the sipi. second -- sinai. second, no matter how he feels for the government feels, there's a sweeping egyptian public opinion. when they watch the gaza war, sympathies are with the gazans, the palestinians. blaming israel. they find themselves in a difficult position. the muslim brotherhood could use it against them. part of the problem is unlike in 2012, there's a national unity government. hamas spotted that national
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unity government. he was talking with his preferred leader, who represents this national government, president mahmoud abbas, and the question is why wasn't there more consul saying between the palestinian authority and hamas, that's a question. it was the palestinian authority and mahmoud abbas who have been calling for ceasefire. >> former envoy to the middle east asked if the failed u.s. effort for peace contributed to the current crisis much. >> i went through that once before in the clinton administration, where the efforts at the end contributed to the outbreak of the second enterforwarda, because we raised expectations and they were disappointed. in this face expectations were low, and no one expected us to succeed on either side. during the process that if
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progress was not made, we were likely to see fighting. does the prospect, the hail mary hope for peace help to stave off the incursions. shall we keep them talking to minimise a greater crisis. >> let's start with how people saw the american mediation effort. i did a poll among palestinians, and another among israelis back in december, and just as american mediation efforts were starting. i asked them what chance they thought these negotiations had to succeed. among the israelis 44% - 4%, you know, the margin of error felt they would succeed. among palestinians, 11% thought they would succeed. expectations were low. even more informally, that's where the issue that kerry has been worrying about, that we
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have known the majority of israelies and palestinians believe it's too late for a 2-state solution. he was worried about a failure of diplomacy, but there were increasing people that think it's fruitless to engage in negotiations because it's too late for a 2-state solution. >> good talking to you. i wish we had more time. thank you for joining us. >> 39 palestinian children lost their lives in the recent fighting. distress. it's a known cycle for children in gaza and israel. with no peace in sight. the daily onslaught of guns and rockets makes it difficult to bounce back. joining us now is the chief of unicef's organization in gaza. uni self has psychosocial teams
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in gaza visiting moments and hospitals and meeting the children. what is a psychosocial team, and what are they learning about the impact that the fighting is having on the children in gaza? >> these are teams, essentially, that specialise counsellors and individuals who reach out to children who are known to have either witnessed family member having been killed, themselves being injured, their homes destroyed. essentially the children who have been rite in the heart of this -- right in the heart of this raging exchange of hostilities that lasted well over a week. these teams are checking in with the children, giving them immediate support, in terms of coping skills, and then maintaining that contact now over time. this is taking a tremendous toll
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on children. and i have to say that they are bearing the brunt of it. the families that i have spoken with as well described how their children are absolutely petrified and in some cases paralyzed with fear. they are not eating. sleeping, they are afraid of the souped of a car now -- sound of a car now because it has a motorized association like with the drones. there's all kinds of behavioural and psychological impacts that this experience is having. it's having it on children in israel. >> so no child is immune, right. >> no child is immune, and no child should have to experience what so many children are living through day by day here. you know, bear in mind that the
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children of gaza don't have sirens or bunkers or safe places to run too. there is nowhere safe in gaza. for them. there is nowhere to flee. so every unknown incoming souped of a missile or a shelling is absolutely terrifying. >> i mean, you mention that. gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth. there's 1.8 million gazans in a small area. you said the kids had fear of anger. is there a numbness because so many of these kids - this is all they have known. is there a sense of, if you mr, futility, that there is no future for them. >> there is that rick, and for uni -- risk, and for uni self, it's a -- unicef it's a grave concern. when i meet adolescence and young children, the future
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generation of palestinian children have lived through three cycles of violence in less than six years, imagine what that does to one's psyche and the prospects of notions such as peace and tolerance and understanding. it has a deep and lasting impact. we need to consider how we would react going through that. it's a harrowing experience. >> this young generation in gaza is isolated. they have an air, land and sea blockade. the interaction is looking at f-16s, and apache helicopters in the air. they don't see israelis. israelis? >> unfortunately, that is the case. many of them would be curious to meet israelis. they don't have any opportunity to do so.
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there's no movement allowed of palestinian children out of gaza, unless they have an extraordinarily serious medical condition. so, you know, the opportunity to learn from each other, and to get to know the other side so to speak is just as human as you are, is ab sent. really, it could address so many issues here in terms of the people. >> we shouldn't talk about size when it comes to children. that's what people say, their side, our side, israeli children are suffering. there's air raid sirens, there's a fear of getting hit. relatives are showing signs of anxiety disorder. in 2008. journal of adolescent health found 43.5% of eighth graders showed signs of clinical p.t.s.d., they are going through another cycle of violence and fear. what are the long-term effects
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of war on israeli children? >> look, no child should have to experience the sirens of war, and the terror of not knowing whether or not one is going to survive or if one of their family members or loved ones will be hur. that kind of -- hurt. that kind of fear and shock, leaves a deeply emotional sky that lasts a lifetime. it's important that children - that they have a sense of security and love and know that they are protected. this is what is important for all children. children. >> thank you very much for joining us and doing what you do. joining us from gaza. now for more stories from around the world. we begin in eastern ukraine, where an air strike left at least 11 dead.
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a four storey apartment block was reportedly struck by several missiles, leaving little behind but rubble. rebels blame the ukranian air force. the government denied blame, but suggested rush jan involvement. civilians claim to have seen ukranian markings on the plane that attacked. >> now to iraq, salim al-jabouri speaker. it begins a 45 day period in which to pick a new government. >> hardest sit, a drought, 60% of crops are dying and ranchers selling livestock to ranchers in the wetter north-west stake. >> the drought could cost the
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state $2 billion in losses along with 17,000 drugs. that is what is happening around the world. coming up, the majority of americans are furious at the pay president obama and house republicans are handling the immigration crisis. is there an opening to win back the latino voters. what happens to autistic children that need a job. a family's solution. and the top stories on the web with harmeli aregawi. >> an unemployment example of why sometimes you should just take no for an answer. i'll tell you more coming up. while you are watching, let us know what you think. join the conversation we are having on the show by tweeting to us.
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it's essential they say. house republicans say they deserve protections, delaying deportations, allowing them to stay. in arizona protesters on both sides of the issue rallied after hearing that 40,000 child migrants will be transferred. >> they have relatives here already. illegals. >> should we break the law and not allow the children to have a fair trial. >> we'll take the country back right now. >> for more, i'm joined from los angeles, and al jazeera contributor michael sure, and with he from washington bill schneider, an al jazeera contributor, professor at george gavin university and scholar at the think tank third way. >> nearly 60% of americans
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disapprove how obama is handling the crisis. the om good news is 66% disapprove the way republicans are handling the issue. >> is it fair to say the migrant crisis it damaging democrats. >> even though i cover politics, it doesn't come out to a calculus. i think when the crisis wants support, you want support for the plan to exist, to solve the problem. men's, by and large supportway the white house. the what the president said. they support the action that he's proposing. it doesn't help the republicans in their elections coming up. the president is bad. he's not running for everything. that made a difference. >> they are talking about support. 54% of latinos disapprove the
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way the president is managing the crisis. does that open the opportunity for republicans to gain back some of those voters? >> i don't think so. the rubly cans like to believe the tea party are people with visa problems. they are not, they are democrats, angry at obama. they'll be angry if obama deports large numbers of children, in many cases to their demise, their death. they are not going to vote for republicans, their views are close to other democrats, they are progressive in their views and pro-federal government. i don't think anything like this republicans. >> some are baulking at provisions of the humane act. it may speed up deportations for central american migrants. a representative said - this is not the middle ground.
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this is the deportation on the agenda, dressed up in sheep's clothing. harsh words, do you agree. >> you sort of answered or i guess supported what bill said so elconsequently. it is that this is about the fact that one party is talking about sending people back and doing it quickly now with john corn, and the represent ty from texas putting a -- representative from texas putting a bill together saying we'll expedite the repatriation of some of these central american minors who came over to this country. again, goouty air es is right. it will be spun that way, and to add to what bill would say before, this is going to hurt republicans. they'll always be associated kids.
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>> are you talking about votes. if the bill passes the house, will the senate go along with it. >> they'll probably make changes, but yes, it's a crisis. americans want someone to do something. they are dissatisfied with the president and always with congress. men's are of two mind. they are sympathetic with the children and don't want them sent to their deaths. they don't feel responsible, and the protests where the migrants are sent, people don't want them there, they want them sent home tore protected. michael. we talked about changes. house republicans want to cut half of the $4 billion. what do you think they want to leave in and what will they insist on taking out. they are being secretive. i think they want to take away
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bush bill that they talk about. it's a wilberforce bill. it talks about how people from immigrants from noncontiguous countries, from mexico and canada will have due process. they are trying to expedite that process. they'll try to speed it up and take a 500,000 acre swath of land down there which the obama administration turned into a national monument. they'll open it up so law enforcement will be act i. what will happen is you'll see an art with people on the republican side. this is a border security issue. people are saying it's a border security, and others saying it's a judicial process. >> could we see a bipartisan bill that passes that neither side likes? >> yes, that happens all the time. this is it washington. they never like anything that passes because everybody is dissatisfied. the only way things pass is
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through compromise. the obamacare was compromised with democrats. you are going to see a compromise here. the problem is the president in all this doesn't look like a player. i fear that president obama appears ipp eeffectual -- ineffectual. that's the opinion people of had jimmy carter, hapless and ineffectual. >> has the president been hapless and ineffectual. >> i disagree. i think it's too early to stay. he comes out, woming up with a supplemental -- coming up with a sup mental $3.7 billion, and is working with an hispanic kauk awes. they are saying "no, we don't need to do this." i think there's outrage, i don't think we'll answer the question until we see the result. he has taken the problem seriously and dealt with it
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quickly. he didn't go to the border is of no moment. legislation. tonight. >> switching topics from the border to a new documentary on what is described as an autism epidemic. on-netflix, itunes and amazon primes, it's called "sounding the alarm." >> we want our child so say "i scholar. everything. >> there's a huge autism tsunami that is going to hit the state budget if they don't take steps to ensure there's treatment. >> you may have to cut support from services provided to the folks that need it the most. >> the fact that we have to move to a different location to receive the right to be covered by health insurance is wrong. mother.
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there's also positive stories in "sounding the alarm", including a family's decision to start a business giving their son and other children with autism a chance to leave their bedrooms and go to work. i'm joined by the coo of rising tide car wash, co-founded with his father to provide work for his autistic brother andrew and others with autism. when did you know andrew had case? >> my family learnt andrew had autism when he was under 3 years old. we were from new york. we heard about it with a local teacher, ph.d. student kind of helped us go though the initial early intervention. and andrew has a relatively mild case of autism. you'd consider him middle of the spectrum.
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he had a lot of behaviours when he was younger. iq wise he is around the 70 ist q. everyone here loved the idea of rising tide car wash. we watched the clips, did the research, fantastic programme. how did you get the idea to start this programme to give andrew and others a work? >> this was originally my dad's idea. we saw there wasn't a lot of opportunity for andrew. the programme he was in, we saw there didn't seem any potential that he'd find a job. dad had the idea that he could work at a car wash. we took a step back. we realised that this is not so much an issue of ability. a lot of people with autism have great ability to follow processes and structure and have a great eye for detail. our
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society looks at outsix as requiring sympathy instead of diversity and a compete ty advantage. we wanted to build a business that we could tell that story and build a brand that we could invite people to be a part of. that's how rising tide was born. a car wash is structured when at its best. it's community oriented. most of our customers life in the very hyper area, giving us the ability to have intimate conversations and say we produce the best car wash because we autism. >> the film "sounding the alarm" shows andrew working therism i was the inspiration of the -- of this car wash. >> how does that make you feel? >> it makes me hope >> did you finish the tyres. >> what is next. >> the vak up.
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>> me and thomas run the business. he's andrew's older brother. >> he has it perfect. >> he is doing it perfect. what is it like to work with day? >> it's incredible. before we did this, as most siblings with a family member with autism would attest to, it's hard to have a normal relationship with a sibling with autism. it was no different. i struggled to connect with my brother. this has created a more normal relationship. i'm and roou's boss, i can give him a hard time. normally he rolls his eyes like any other little brother told by his older brother to do something. i'm seeing amazing improvement in his self confident. that's why we did this. it's been super inspiring. >> can rising tide car wash
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provide a future for andrew and other young people with autism that you employ. >> yes. our goal is to provide career opportunities for people with autism. andrew is a person that i think will have a long-term career. he can follow tasks, move up, forward in the organization and earn a living. we have folks at the as berg ergs or high functioning, and it's a great opportunity, teaching them to navigate social dynamics. given the first job where they aligned. >> great initiative. thanks for your time. >> thank you. it was a pleasure. >> time to see what is trending on the web. let's check in with the weather. >> some are calling it the most
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excruciating call. >> ryan block wanted to cancel his service. >> what should have been payneless, it's making head lines. generally speaking block had a good experience. after realising that this was not any old rap, he recorded the conversation and tweeted the last eight minutes. and it goes on and on like that for far too long. block and his wife were on the call for almost 20 minutes
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before the rep begrudgingly agreed to cancel the service. after the clip made its way around social media comcast released a statement saying: a lot of people felt ryan block's pain after hearing the call. some were empathetic to the comcast employee, saying they worked similar jobs and reps are under pressure to do everything they can to stop customers cancelling. maybe he was well intended. but very counterproductive. >> thank you. >> straight ahead - the signs of friendship, why people who say their friends are like family realise. >> moment american incumbents feel they have an unfair advantage.
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you and your friend may have great chemistry, do you pick them based on silence. researchers found friend have more d.n.a. in common with each other than strangers. they studied 200,000 people. they suggest that friends share the same genetics as fourth cousins, a relationship through your grandparent. now let's go to ben ja mip, a research associate at the institute of bebehavioural signs. people say friend are like family. how does that back that up? >> these researchers took a
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database compiled on a few thousand people, and for each individual there's an extensive measure of that individual's genome, hundreds of thousands of pieces of information about that person's make-up. researchers looked at patterns across the genome and create a measure that - with any two respondents in the database you can compare how similar they are. based on that, they can say friends are more similar than non-friends. the thing that is fascinating is reachers found the most similarities exist in people's genes that handle a sense of smell, which explains why my friends like what i like. are friend drawn to similar smells - if so, why and how? >> i think honestly i don't think anyone can answer that question. it's a preliminary finding. their hypothesis about
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pheromones, and this could be related to food and the prepare of food and how there's important biological defenses. it's probably an early finding. i don't think we should worry about that. >> the interesting part of the study found that human evolution sped up over the past 30,000 years. is our social environment, if you will, an evolutionary force? >> that's an interesting conjecture. there's a lot of - i feel everyone would agree that life seems faster and the pace of life sped up. whether it - you want to extrapolate from there that evolution is speeding up, it's a tougher sell. the researchers makes convincing arguments that it may be the case. . >> on the opposite side, it holds true for genes controlling immunity. explain that.
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basically there's science that suggests that people can amino compatible. differences in the immune system can be ben initial. you can -- ben initial. you can buy the benefits and get the advantages of both. the study - some people on social media tweet and say is the study offering an execution as to why people don't mingle with those diverse and only stay with their own ethnic community. >> yes, i think it's important. the study is conducted in an ethnically homogenius sample. it's done for technical limitation, there are difficulties working with diverse genetic data sets. that leaves researchers to work with a homogenous dataset. it's not the case that researchers suggest that we friends.
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>> they studied 2,000 people. it was the same population. to a lot of people, you talked about it. it races red -- raises red flags. isn't it limited. if it is, shouldn't we be careful about extrapolating all of the findings, 7 billion people on this earth right now. >> there's no reason to think this might exist, that the finding might hold true. it's not a representative dataset. the one thing i think is compelling is they do an interesting thing where they replicate the finding, within the data that they have. it's a scientific argument. people tend to choose spouses with the same d.n.a. if people happening out because they have the similar interests, is it logical to think they have similar genes. >> i think there's an echo. in the future it will be
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interesting to look at whether the genetic pathways for which we seem to select friends influence our mate selection, that could be a fruitful line of research. >> you made me smarter. thanks for your time. >> coming up, a record number of americans tune in to the world cup. is our love of soccer a fleeting romance. most americans belief politics is rigged for >> on the stream, >> what's the real impact of the group calling itself islamic state? does it have the power and reach to effect global oil prices and your security. join us on the stream >> the stream on al jazeera america >> the violence has continued just a couple of miles from here >> just a short while ago we heard a large air strike very close by... >> people here are worried that this already serious situation may escalate. >> for continuing coverage of the israeli - palestinian conflict,
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presents... holy money only on al jazeera america a record number of americans watched the world cup tournament, finishing with 27.2 million in the united states watching germany win the match against argentina. it's the most-watched soccer game in u.s. history. are americans finally ready to embrace soccer at home or is it fleeting, coming around once every four years. we are joined by dave ziren, al jazeera contributor, sport editor for "the nation", host of "edge of sports nation", and author. thank you for joining us. i was addicted to the world cup. i watched it, tweeted it, yelled
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at the tv screen. my wife thought i was crazy. i was not alone. there was the most ever viewers for a soccer game. has this timely put soccer and the american big leagues with baseball. >> i think the world cup viewership revealed a reality that existed but has not been noticed in total. if you look at the combined numbers for the number of people in the united states who follow the mexican leagues, for example, they had almost 3 million viewing it in the united states. if you look at the people following major league soccer. i was in seattle with 64,000 of my friend, watching the seattle sounders play the portland timbers, and if you add up the number of people that follow the league and the bundislega, whether over the high-stream internet or some sports networks
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that brought the lights, if i cobble that together, then already soccer asked in the united states then it is on the thoughts. >> you have been critical of the world cup in brazil. you wrote a book. you talked about the culture, economy, and workers. you went to a game and saw the seattle sounders play the portland timbers in oregon. did it restore your spirits about soccer in the u.s.? >> my spirit about soccer in the u.s. is high. f.i.f.a. is what has my anger. is it possible to hold an f.i.f.a. world cup that is ethical. given debt and poverty that occurs where f.i.f.a. has a home. we could hold a tourp, but not under the -- tournament but not upped the auspices of f.i.f.a. asking five owe to do anything
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meow. we'll switch. the d.e.a. launched a probe into an abuse of pain killers and other prescription drugs in the n.f.l. locker room. a lawsuit was filed against the n.f.l. led by 2-time champion jim mcmann. teams provide players with illegal pain killers to keep them on the field. do you think the case will get as much attention as the n.f.l. concussion scandal in. >> i think it will get more attention, partly because of high profile players, and it's not the sort of thing that the n.f.l. cap get rid of by -- can get rid of by writing a big check. you will have players come forward, and suing individual teams. we are more correct legally and morally. because some teams have doctors that act in an ethical matter.
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we have so much anecdotal evidence. the hippocratic oath is a punch line, and the first interest is what is in the best interests of the team. they are not thinking about the long-term effect on players, not the least that involves the issue of addiction. >> the suit says the '80s and '90s was like the wild west when it came to giving out drugs like candy. if the allegations are correct, what results will we see? >> one of the results is this is the most important one of the there'll be more bad press for the n.f.l., keeping kids out of playing. it is the great existential fear of roger cadell and the suits in the national football league. that's the fear, that the next generation of players will not come up because you have a generation of parents that won't let their kids going.
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what will the kids do - it's called soccer. >> do you think the shaming will bring about a culture shame in the n.f.l.? >> you are seeing evidence of that culture change. the biggest culture change is from the bottom up. from a lot of players i talk to one player said only soccer relies on team doctors. if you are trusting a team doctor with your medical health, you do it wrong. there's a culture in n.f.l. that is because the contracts are not guaranteed, if you are a player, and stepping out to see your own doctor, maybe you are not loyal to the team, maybe you are not a team player. that internal peer pressure is deep in the n.f.l. >> let's hope the kids are playing soccer and being healthy. thank you for joining us. that's all for now. coming up wednesday tonne "consider this" much as the
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migrant crisis continues, we hear from governor bill richardson. check out facebook and goggle plus, and on twitter. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we are following for you. israel targets the homes of hamas political leaders, turning those homes into rubble. as americans debate the immigration surge, one mother tell us why she fears her for sons. and a deadly typhoon slamming into the philippines again. ♪
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