tv News Al Jazeera July 21, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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every one of the addict that we spoke to say they are keep, but it's a daily clean. i'm adam may. "america tonight" special >>. >> hamas says it captured an israeli soldier, as the death toll reaches 500. the u.n. calls for a ceasefire after a deadly day of fighting. hello, you're watching al jazeera live from doha. also ahead - pro-russian separatists in ukraine see the flight recorders from mh17, but an official investigation is yet to begin. blurring the borders in iraq. the break-up threatens to deepen
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divisions among kurdish communities. [ siren ] and we are in cyprus to see how both sides of the divide have remembered the 40th anniversary of the turkish invasion. the israeli army says it can't confirm or deny whether one of its soldiers have been captured by hamas. the palestinian group says it seized the soldier. 507 palestinians have been killed since israel began its offensive on the strip. 18 israeli soldiers and two civilians died. we have our correspondent standing by for us. this report from nicole johnson. scenes of celebration in the occupied west bank, after hamas's military wing announced it captured an israeli soldier.
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>> translation: the israeli enemy has been hesitant to reveal the losses. the magnitude of the loss has forced them to admit to their losses and damages. what the enemy did not admit to today is the loss of their own soldier. how can they conceal the disappearance of soldier tag 6092065. >> reporter: the group did not say whether the soldier is dead or alive. >> at this time we can't confirm the report. we are aware of it and looking into the details. we'll confirm or deny over the course of the day. >> all day gaza's hospital has been dealing with hundreds of people, injured and killed in the area of shajaiya. and then for a brief moment,
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this... >> translation: this is an honour for the palestinian nation, and vlentry for the palestinian people. we are proud of the men of the resistance, as well as of the palestinians. >> reporter: if it's confirmed that hamas has the body of an israeli soldier or has taken one alive, it would be a big achievement for the group. in 2011 it swapd corporal gilad shall eat for over 1,000 prisoners. captured soldiers are a great bargaining tool. if confirmed, gaza may be hit harder by the israeli army. right now, no one here wants another night like the one in shajaiya. let's get the latest from gaza, and stefanie dekker joins us live. monday morning in gaza, what is the situation today. is the bombing as intense as it was yesterday?
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>> not as intense, but just now in the last couple of minutes we are hearing and seeing - i don't know if it's gas. i don't know if you can see the shot on the eastern shot. shajaiya, is the other shot you have, something is going on, looks like flaring coming down, a lot of gas. we are not sure what that is. to show you that that eastern part of the gazan border is absolutely under heavy fire. of course, people have had an absolutely horrific day yesterday, the death toll 507. there has been a couple of air strikes overnight. in the morning we have seen a few. the campaign is still as full-on as ever. >> all right. as you mentioned sunday was the deadliest day for the palestinians in the latest conflict. more than 70 people killed. sorry, i know there's a lot going on behind you there, but
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remind us of what happened in shajaiya yesterday. an event which the palestinian president himself described as a massacre. >> well, it was an intense shelling campaign against the area. we managed to get in there when they agreed to a couple of hours of humanitarian hiatus as it was called. the scenes from shocking. the area was shelled out. all the homes - we went down two of the main streets. all the houses were destroyed. trees down, dead bodies taken away. we spoke to families who had not managed to get out because most of the people, when dawn came escaped from there. we met them on the road at 7am, absolutely exhausted and all the stories we heard was of a terrifying night - there you go, it has picked up certainly. something is going on. can't really see where around me, but this campaign is still
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very much active, and it's the people, the civilians who will tell you that it's terrifying because this comes from the air, from any time and any point, so they don't feel safe anywhere. >> seeing the flares that you were talking about a moment ago, as a loud boom wept off behind you, we saw a couple of flares in the sky, and heavy spoke coming up from one of the buildings in gaza, not sure which part of gaza that is. but we see a lot of heavy smoke right now above this - that's wh i'm trying to ask - hold on. stefanie dekker, tell us where this is happening now, where the explosions are happening. >> the loud one, we heard, is behind us, close in gaza city. the smoke you see is around shajaiya the eastern area. to put it into context in terms
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of the military campaign, the israeli army has suffered a hard hit by hamas. this morning they managed to infiltrate two tunnels into northern israel. the hamas said they managed to kill 20 soldiers, this is not confirmed. the israeli army says they killed 10 fighters. it shows that they are managing to breach the border, something that israel is extremely concerned about. this is why, perhaps, they are stepping up. israelis say they don't have the intelligence to deal with this, and after 13, 14 days, they are managing to breach the boarder. it's a huge concern for his rail. as we talked an another live picture, another flare in the sky above gaza. what, exactly - this is the first time we see this flare, since the bombing began. what does this mean, what does
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it signal. >> the flare is used to illuminate the grouped so the army can see better, what is happening. i'm not a military expert. this could be gas. they came down with a lot of smoke and the areas get covered with smoke. it's been used before to push people out of that area. we know that the area of bate han un, an area a little further down, people are leaving there because they've been warned in the morning, over the last five days, to get away from there. there's a concern that that campaign will step up. what you have seep has stepped up -- seen has stepped up since we've been on air. we can hear the booms intensively from the eastern side. they have stepped it up again. i can't tell you where it's happening. perhaps a lit the further north -- little further moth of sajia. >> of course, and that's where
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the intense bombing campaign, on sunday, and 17 people killed in a massacre which was condemned by ban ki-moon. despite the condemnation, israel's bombing campaign tells a story over gaza. it continues to see heavy smoke above the skies. our correspondent on the ground. of course, an ever-evolving situation there. a lot of casualties from the palestinian side, a lot of civilians. >> yes, 507 dead. that's the number of injured. we've been to hospitals, after the people managed to get out of that area, and it was heart-breaking scenes. the journalists - you have to say you report the facts.
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but when you see so many children, injured, burnt, fall of shrapnel. mothers coming in, looking for the grandmothers, full of blood, old many - it is - it's heart-breaking to see, and it highlights what war is all about. that is - that civilians get - they suffer the most. the campaign in shajaiya didn't look like there was a few targeted areas. it looked like it was an absolutely brode shelling campaign that was indiscriminate. he called it a massacre. he said they opened fire on anything that moved. he condemned the international community that there have been silence. they are numbers that we talk about, when you go, you see the stories. families, and the
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devastation of the desperation of the people here, and they'll tell you regardless of agreeing to a certain extend that there should be something out of this, get something out of this in terms of if a ceasefire comes, a lifting of the siege, the opening of the border, all the issues that we have been discussing, the fact it they are suffering an enormous i am not. they want it to stop because of ... we have lost stefanie dekker at the moment. hopefully we'll go back. day five of the israeli ground offensive. and the bombing continues. floors above the skies of gaza, intense bombing in the last few minutes, stephanie telling us that this is probably happening not far from gaza, a neighbour hood badly hit on sunday in an intense bombing campaign that left 70,000
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palestinians dead. the bloodiest single day yesterday of the conflict so far, but it is continuing this monday morning. despite the condemnation that there has been from the international community of the bombing. >> let's cross to our diplomatic editor, james bays in london, to find out about the diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict. the assault appears to have shaken the international community, but not much action from the u.n. security council. >> no, the u.n. security council met the talk of draft resolution put forward by jordan, which they are looking at. no real action from the security council in their emergency late night session. were there does seem to be some action is in the region where there's diplomatic heavy weights. you have ban ki-moon, he's been in doha and qatar, and meeting
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the qatari government, thought to have leverage with hamas. he'll go to egypt, cairo, speaking to the egyptian government which tried to put toot the previous -- together the previous ceasefire attempt. and secretary of state john kerry will go to egypt. the head of the u.n., and the u.s.'s top diplomat will be in the egyptian capital as they try and get efforts to bring in a ceasefire, redoubling the efforts. of course, despite the fact we have the heavyweights there, things are tougher. the death toll, now the size of the death toll, and the number of people dying on sunday, over 100 palestinians and 13 israelis means there'll be people on both sides who don't want a ceasefire, what props wanted one -- perhaps wanted one 24 hours ago, will be harder. opinions have hardened on both sides because of what happened. >> thank you, james bays live in
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london. we'll continue to monitor the situation in gaza and bring you the latest on al jazeera. still ahead - we'll find out more about a man accused of firing rockets at israel from lebanon. stay with us. >> disappearing polar caps... >> in the arctic the prize promises to be much substantial >> untapped resources... >> the really big expense hasn't been tested in the arctic >> could climate change reveal new battlefields? >> countries are developing combat capabilities fault lines al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> they're blocking the doors... >> ground breaking... >> we have to get out of here... truth seeking... award winning investigative documentary series the battle for the arctic only on al jazeera america >> it's a chilling and draconian sentence... it simply cannot stand. >> this trial was a sham... >> they are truth seekers... >> all they really wanna do is find out what's happening, so they can tell people... >> governments around
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held on emergency session on the fighting, demanding an immediate ceasefire. these are live pictures from gaza where israel's bombing campaign continues. at least 507 palestinians have been killed since the israeli offensive began 13 days ago. >> now, the u.n. security council is preparing to vote on a resolution condemning the shooting down of malaysia airlines mh17. four days after the crash, pro-russian separatists say they have removed 247 bodies from the wreckage. we have more from the scene of the crash. . >> reporter: in this train some of the victims of flight mh17. european observers can't confirm how many bodies have been found. experts from interpol and the netherlands will want to begin
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the gruesome identification process as soon as possible. there are still bodies missing. emergency workers cut through the remains of the first-class cabin. they think the corpse of a crew member or passenger is inside. >> the rescue team has gone. no body was found, and you can see the damage that they left behind. clearly decomposing corpses need to be removed. the problem is crucial evidence is being tampered with before investigators arrive. those investigators will want to search the debris for pieces of a missile. separatists deny they brought down pieces of the airliner, there's growing evidence that it was hit by a surface to air missile fired from this territory. >> the flight data and voice recorders will help the
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investigation. the pictures show one of the black boxes were recovered from the site ipp tact. there's -- intact. >> there's hung pressure from the forces -- huge pressure on the forces. they say they will hand the black boxes over. >> translation: those objects have been delivered to donetsk and remain under my control. we wait for experts - in this case the international civil aviation organization and are ready to hand over the technical objects from the plane. >> this is one the biggest crime scenes in aviation history. for days it has been unsecured. there are reminders of the loss of so many lives. the people died far from their homes. the victims of a conflict that has nothing to do with them. australia prime minister has criticised the russia-backed
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rebels for interfering at the crash site. 27 australians were on board the flight. >> this is still an absolutely shambolic situation. it is an absolutely shambolic situation. it does look more like a garden clean-up than a forensic investigation. and there's no doubt that at the moment the site is under the control of the russian-backed rebels, and given the almost certain culpability of the russian-backed rebels in the downing of the aircraft, having those people in control of the site is a little like leaving criminals in control of a crime scene our correspondent scott heidler is in the eastern ukranian town of khaki, where the ukranian government wants the victims to be brought. before talking about the victims and where the bod yes are,
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reports of fighting in donetsk. what are you hearing about this? >> that's correct. we are getting confirmation from both sides from the separatist fighters, organizers and the ukranian army that they are on the move into donetsk. they are not in the middle of the city just yet, but are coming in. the government tells us from all sides. this is something we have been anticipating over the last several weeks. it was obvious the ukranian army was closing in. we have reports they are moving in. we are north 350km north. when we drove up here yesterday we saw tanks, armoured vehicles on the move south as we headed north, on the way to donetsk. we are hearing reports of people running around the center part of the city. there has been reports of explosions, clearly there is an operation under way. the ukranian government is confirming it and the fighters. how long and how intense the
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battle will be, that will be unfolding. it has started in again. this is something we have anticipated, that has been anticipated over the last several weeks, but is cure yours the timing -- curious, the timing, because of the attention of the mh370 crash. >> the timing is interesting. remind us of what has happened in the donetsk region of ukraine over the last few months. >> there has been intense fighting that has actually increased after a ceasefire failed. a 10 day ceasefire failed. almost immediately after it, and again it wasn't a ceasefire, there was fighting going on, it officially lifted, fighting broke out. east of donetsk, and luhansk, are the two regions that separatists are in control of. we saw shelling and during the last 10 days the ukranian army started to close the noose,
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that's where the administrative head is, in donetsk. there was a retreat of the separatist fighters into donetsk. it appears they have started the operation to get under the city of donetsk. we don't now how tense this will be. this is something like we have been witnessing, a slow and steady process. >> let's find out more about what is happening in donetsk. tell us what is happening, what you are seeing in donetsk. >> we had taken cover behind a building. we basically were approaching the railway station, which was 4-5km from the center of donetsk when we heard heavy shelling. it's difficult to say who is shelling or where the shelling
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was coming from. it appeared to be close to donetsk airport. we understand the ukrainians are shelling. we saw two tanks belonging to the separatists rushing to the area where the fighting was taking place. i spoke to a commander of the separatists just as this happened, and he told me the fighting is on the streets of donetsk. we are 5km away from the center of the city, so this is on the outskirts of the city. this is a major city. 1 million residents. a lot of people left because of the fighting. >> the military is saying that there is an operation that's in an active phase right now. have you been able to see what sort of military presence there is on the government side, on the ukranian government side? well, the ukranian government has been - side has been holed
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up in the airport since may. and they do have heavy weaponry. there has been shelling there, at separatist positions. we know that in the past few weeks they manage to take the down of luhansk - sorry, we had some... >> we have lost. are you still there? >> i'm still here. >> okay. >> we are just taking cover behind a building. it's difficult for us right now, because we don't know where the shelling is coming from. we are in a difficult position at the moment. as i was saying, the ukranians are taking the fight to the separatist here in eastern ukraine, and as scott mentioned there, this is unusual because we were hoping for a ceasefire, particularly after the malaysia airliner was brought down. we hoped all sides would hope for a negotiated ceasefire.
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it seemed like the ukrainians are taking the fight to the separatists proforces. at the moment here in donetsk. >> okay. we'll leave it there for now. on the line there from eastern ukrainians, donetsk, where there are reports that the ukranian military has began what looks like an operation to retake this city from russian backed separatists in eastern ukraine. we were told that there is heavy fighting. they have to take cover in donetsk right now. the firing - they were unaware of where it was coming from. tense situations in eastern ukranian cities much the operation appears to have begun. more on the situation, of course, when we find out more. now, since the war in gaza started, there has been a few
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incidents where small rockets from fired towards israel towards lebanon. a man identified has been arrested for the attacks. he was injured whilst setting off a rocket. we went to lebanon's border with israel and met his family. >> reporter: as he walks the streets, a border village of israel and southern lebanon, people rush to check on this man's brother, who is in a prison hospital. >> translation: we are all very proud of him. he did his duty and should be released. >> reporter: this is where he launched his rockets from. there was one rocket launcher under the tree, another over there, a third one under that tree. there were six rockets in total. three reached israel, one of them exploded prematurely and injured and two were dismantled by the lebanese army. for the lebanese government, the
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law was violated. unlike sympathy from his village, others thought his act was futile and could drag lebanon into a war with israel. this is a ph.d. holder and fighter against israel. his brother recalls how in the '70s his mother stood and watched as injured and killed palestinian fighters were brought to a makeshift hospital next door. she used to cry. we would cry with her, he said. then the mother, herself, was killed by an israeli shell. he was nine years old. when he grew up he turned into a fighter against israel when it infaded. >> i was -- invaded. >> translation: i was not surprised.
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my brother has always been a rebel. >> reporter: he named his youngest son after hamas's leader. his 14-year-old daughter said his father spoke about the injustice in gaza, and she prays for its people before going to sleep. >> reporter: this man was a sunni. he was on good terms, and fought with them in the 2006 israel war on lebanon. when hezbollah fought along side syria's president bashar al-assad, he was disappointed. when sunni islamist militants fought with each other and against other shiite groups, hussain disapproved. >> translation: it was an outcry against infighting against muslims, sunnis and shia. >> translation: i wanted to tell people if they wished to fight,
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it's israel they should fight. the compass should point towards palestine. >> reporter: the rockets was a symbolic act, telling people in gaza that they are not alone. >> for 300 years, the most powerful nations on earth grew richer and stronger on the profits of the slave trade. over twelve million men, women and children were forcibly transported from africa on slave ships like this, to the colonies and plantations in north and south america. today slavery is illegal on every country on the planet.
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