tv News Al Jazeera July 21, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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on facebook, twitter, google+ and more. this is al jazeera. al jazeera. >> hello, welcome to the news hour. these are our top global news stories. chaos in gaza. no official word yet on why. same conflict, different viewpoint. how israel's media and citizens are reacting to the offensive, on the gaza strip. >> thankfully, with the stories from europe. a train leaves eastern ukraine
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as a deal is struck with the separatists. renewed fighting in donetske as the government forces try to take back the ukrainian city. >> welcome to the news hour. the people of gaza are running out of safe havens. for days now, following warnings from the israeli army, thousands have been heading into gaza city. but the city now is under heavy attack. these images are from al aksa hospital where israeli shells landed monday afternoon. doctors say much of the hospital is now nonoperational. >> from israel army, our administration unit and surgical ward and are female and male under attack, the bomb is in our
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hospital now and operative units under attack. we cannot do anything here for our patients and for our injured peoples. >> our correspondent nicole johnston joins us and as night falls, nicole, you can see the damage from street level. what's your assessment? >> yes, we did that just before it became dark. we drove to the outskirts of shujayea, the area that have been hit. an area of gaza called shama, there was tense fighting going on in that area. it had been felt that central gaza at this time was a relatively safe place to be. but literally only a few hundred immediacy behind us, we had a house destroyed by tank shelling
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and two people killed. so i can confirm that at least this evening at least, central gaza is being hit with tank shelling. it has been constant all day, started at 5, 6 in the morning and the eastern flank of the gaza strip is being hit, from gaza city down to khan younis, and rafah. a very.many people hit in a shortly period of time. air strikes not far from here. and these attacks are going on all over gaza. >> as you said you are able to get around the city a little bit. but what if this deployment of israeli troops and tanks? do you have an idea of how they deployed themselves overnight? >> the information that we're getting is that these tanks which were inside the buffer zone area, this is an 800
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approximately meter wide area, inside gaza but controlled by israel. that's where the tanks were initially. they then moved out of that area, a little bit further out. we now know that they have advanced further and they are in a road known as east road. this is a relatively sort of main thoroughfare on the eastern flank of gaza and it seems that's where the tanks are. and they are shelling from there, maybe two, three kilometers in some cases, deeper into gaza. so the tanks have advanced, and they're firing range -- their firing range appear to have further as well -- >> sorry nicole, to interrupt. we'll come back as the situation develops through the evening, thank you. the international solidarity movement has released a video proposing to show the moment israeli gun fire killed a palestinian man.
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the man was apparently searching for family members in the shijayea neighborhood, during a humanitarian rming trip into the area. we have frozen this video due to the disturbing nature of the remaining video. >> matter of great concern. 25 israeli soldiers are now known to have died. seven soldiers were killed on monday during clashes with palestinian fighters. two israeli fighters have also been killed since the fighting erupted two weeks ago. prments benjamin netanyahu says
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he's -- prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he is ready to, until israel is safe from hamas attacks. >> now the israeli army says it can't confirm or deny whether one of its soldiers has been captured by hamas. the palestinian group says it captured the soldier during fighting in gaza city. this fighter appears in a video, identifying the soldier as shaol aran and citing his tag number. prepared to expand the offensive despite israeli casualties. >> we're prepared to continual the operation as long as necessary and if there is a need weefl recruit more reserve combat forces, until we bring quiet from the gaza strip. >> that was moshe allo, israel's current defense minister. he is a are son of a holocaust
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survivor. from 2002 to 2005 retired because of hifs objection to israel's gaza disengagement plan. in 2008 he said he was joining likud. the centralist party of benjamin netanyahu. one bomb landed on a house, more than 1,000 rockets into israel over the past month. observers say the majority of israelis support the government's bombardment of the gaza strip. they continue to support the military campaign. kim vanel reports now from west jerusalem. >> reporter: in israel, bulletins lead with military advances and soldier casualties.
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pictures of palestinian suffering rarely make prime time news. a veteran news anchor choking up during coverage of a military funeral. soldier deaths going to the heart of the israeli psyche. these men are considered heroes. teen israelis know the difference in coverage. these cartoons played out on a major channel during debate of coverage of the gaza crisis. but israeli public opinion is for the most part one-sided. >> the national interest is above everything. we must finish the job there. >> hurts for the people in gaza but the fort of the hamas is they use them as a shield. >> israeli journalists rnd allowed into gaza and the message received by army officials are carefully constructed. online, the military posts almost hourly updates that don't
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mention civilian cart casualtie. this is an operation against terrorists is the message. but on the ground, the death and destruction appear indiscriminate and palestinian civilians are dying. >> when there is a situation whereby you're any targeted and bloodshed is sadly anyhow in the air, and the general feeling is that if we don't fight this we will die anyhow except ingloriously and off the battlefield. people say we might as well fight. >> reporter: if anything, israelis appear galvanized by soldier deaths and israeli is warning it will expand the campaign in gaza until calm is restored to israel. for a situation of this conflict, kim vaneel al jazeera, west jerusalem.
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>> secretary-general of the u.n, ban ki-moon, is speaking. this is what he just had to say a few minutes ago. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's a great pleasure to see you. i'm very pleased to visit egypt as the secretary-general and i'm also very much pleased to visit egypt, for president sisi as president of egypt and also, minister of are we have been knowing each other are since long time and i'm very pleased to work together with you. and egypt is a strong partner, traditionally, since the beginning of this organization. and we depend a lot on egypt.
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egypt is power in peace and security together with humanitarian efforts and we highly appreciate and commend their contribution to enlightening issues, and at this time i'm visiting here in egypt with some purpose of -- single purpose of helping egypt in ending this violence which is happening in the middle east. i have been in this country -- i have been in this country just a few hours. but -- it's okay. i have had a very good discussions with the minister
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how negotiations can help egypt to bring an end to these issues. i am in support of mr. minister you and president sisi supports to stop the fighting in gaza. and (inaudible) israel, in mediating a peace, this is a time for profound challenge in the region yet again too many civilians including so many children are paying the price for the latest escalation. the images which we see sear the soul. i urge all parties to rally behind the collective international airports to end
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the feeght. that's why i'm -- the fighting. that's why i'm here in cairo. i carry two important messages: the first, the violence must stop. it must stop now. all sides must provide the necessary space to aid the victims, assist the wounded, and extend the means to trap the wounded. this should open the door for more prominent ceasefire. second, we cannot claim victory by simply returning matters to where they were before, with terrible bloodshed. going back to the status quo, it will only delay it for another day. bloodshed will make it even worse the next time the sibling
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rolls over the people of gaza and plagues the people of israel. gaza is an open wound and band-aid won't help. there must be a plan after the aftermath that allows gaza to breathe and heal. recovery and reconstruction is more needed than ever. the united nations will -- >> we apologize for the sound quality coming from the host broadcaster in egypt. what you are seeing is ban ki-moon in cairo. he has been in qatar, the qatari government going over to cairo now hopefully are ren da rend r.
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what i got from u.n. secretary ban ki-moon is there to find a way forward for all sides, certainly to stop what's going on in terms of the violence, trying to find the long term solution. he also talked about not allowing the status quo to stay the same and saying that gaza was an open wound. a tough diplomatic meeting because a lot of these groups aren't speaking to each other. the americans don't like hamas, hamas don't like the current egyptian government. it's a very difficult one. >> yes, it is a difficult one, especially that the stakes have been hiked with the escalation of violence in the territories. but there is some sort of hope, if you will. there's a silver lining in the black cloud. and that is, that hamas, in its own ceasefire initiative, mentioned it wants the united states to get involved and to
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have guarantees. qatar says it doesn't have a ceasefire initiative on its own. it's simply presenting what hamas demands for, and hence, the are egyptians can still come in, and come up with one comprehensive ceasefire. the other part of the silver lining is what ban ki-moon is saying, this is something new we have heard only after the escalation of the last few days which is this cannot be quiet for quiet, this cannot be going back to the status quo ante, that this needs to be resolved by something further, deeper more comprehensive than simply stopping the fire. this has to go beyond fire power into something more meaningful. and that gaza will have to live more normally than it did before. and that should mean lifting the siege. >> in terms of that, that's certainly the long term plan. in the short term, everybody's
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trying to tal go back to the ceasefire, is that dead in the water, or there are elements of that agreement that can be upheld, that can be implemented by israel and by hamas? >> certainly if you look at the situation now, you'll find it to be too dark and too horrible to even contemplate a serious ceasefire. however, one needs to recognize that there is no end-game for this sort of war or conflict or confrontation, but at the end of the day, israel is not going owin in gaza period. it's not going otake control and hasms is going osurrender. -- and hamas is going osurrender. what we have heard is that gaza and the gazans are ever morrow
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bus and defiant. on the other hand, gaza is not exactly going toive with over israel. they're not going otake over israel at any stretch of imagination. at the end of the day, they have to come to agreement, there is no other possibility for a ceasefire. we've heard from hamas they want lifting of the siege, raising the prisoners and the likes. what we hear from israel they want demilitarized gaza. i don't think so that's going ohappen in the near term. what my feeling is that the americans are going obring back president boos abbas and the opg the crossing but only if abbas's forces not hamas's forces are
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taking charge of that. this is something that probably hamas had and the palestinian president are discussing right now, in doha. this is the kind of thing that nationally the government is meant to be. for the palestinians to speak in one voice and for the egyptians to work with the palestinians for opening that crossing. >> there was always the issue of divide and rule, hamas and fatah not getting on. changed the nuance how the palestinians negotiate their very existence and their very future with the egyptians, with the israelis and with the americans. even now with all the bombing and the deaths we're seeing we're still would it be correct to say, seeing that unity don't, intact and speaking with one voice as it goes into cairo? >> well for many years the palestinian leaders have shown
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political laziness torts the issue of national unity. and at the end of the day they cannot speak with one voice, people cannot speak to them in any serious way. and hence it is important not only for palestinians but it's also important for long prospects for piece and security in that part of the world for palestinians to speak in one voice. and that's what renders it even more paradoxical, why prime minister netanyahu is, if the palestinians can't speak in one voice, it is going to be impossible for the diplomatic front. the silver lining goes as follows: hamas has been more than willing to work with fatah, with the palestinian areas in one government, they have sourced out the plo, hence
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behalf speaks to israel not hamas. now it's up to the israelis and the americans to come to terms with the fact that only a national unity government and palestinians speaking with one voice is good for the long term interest of everyone involved. >> we'll see what does come out of that cairo meeting and more analysis from you as well. thanks for joining us from london. still ahead on the news hour, recounting every one of the country's 8 million presidential votes in are afghanistan. religious organizations in the philippines. and in sport move over tiger, new open champion rory, mcilroy. >> an area designated as the blue zone, people live long and healthy lives and we'll show you why.
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>> now to our other main story in the shooting down of malaysia airways flight mh17. let's get to the latest from se selena downs. >> a train carrying the crash remains has left close to where the jet came down on thursday. it is thought the remains would be taken to the netherlands. ra reached an agreement with the separatists guarding the crash site, give safe access to crash investigators and in the next hour the u.n. security council is due to vote on an australian proposal demanding full access to the crash site and a
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ceasefire around the area. meantime, fighting has fled in the eastern city of donetske, in what pro-russian separatists say a ukrainian effort to retake the city. we'll have more on that effort. first, a report from kharkiv where the train is headed. >> reporter: the remains of victims from mh17 are in these refrigerated rail cars. s courted from six members of the malasian team. earlier the european monitoring mission visited the railway station about 15 kilometers from where mh17 came down. a team of investigators also arrived in kharkiv, beyond the reach of separatist control. the teams are waiting to get on with their job, receiving the
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bodies and investigating the area where this plane came down. the bodies will then make their way to the netherlands for identification. ukraine's prime minister has agreed ogive control of the investigation to the dutch and again underline russia is to blame. >> translator: it is also absolutely clear that the drunken pro-russian terrorists cannot operate a are russian missile system. we have information that the training took place on russian territory. they received financing weapons training and education from russia. >> reporter: russia's being are pushed back from the issue. >> these events should not divide these people. >> bash at the crash site workers move a large part of the wreckage. something that will complicate
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the investigation and something they vowed not to do in this already contaminated crash scene, cord heigh scott heidlerl jazeera, kharkiv. >> urging better cooperation from all sides. >> there is work still to be done, work which relies on continued communication in good faith. mr. baradei and his people so far have given their cooperation. i ask that all parties continue to work together to ensure that this agreement is honored. >> this announcement of this agreement came soon after barack
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obama urged the stop of the investigation. >> now is the time for president putin and russia to pivot away from the strategy they have been taken in a way that respects ukraine's sovereignty and a way that respects ukrainians sovereignty to determine their own lives and time is of the essence. >> 193 of the dead were from the netherlands and grief has turned to anger there over how the bodies have been treated. phil la vevel has this report. >> seline knows she will never see phil or his girlfriend again. but it's breaking her heart.
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>> everybody has to come home. >> bryce was 23. his girlfriend daisy just 20. they were on their way to bali on holiday. four days on his mother wants to arrange his funeral but she can't do that because his body is still 2,000 kilometers away. >> when i'm in bed at night i see my son lying on the ground. i see daisy i see brietion i see them -- i see bryce i see them in my head. >> netherlands is in a state of mourning. this nation suffered the highest number of deaths. 193 were dutch. the default destination for those wanting to pay their respects. the king and queen met families privately on monday. those representatives are now looking to their leaders for
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answers. one man in particular: the prime minister who has sent his people to the scene. >> translator: can i tell you the latest news that the dutch forensic teams at the place where the bodies are, getting access to crash site. >> reporter: the dutch government says it wants to bring the bodies to the netherlands for investigation. for the families, they cannot accept this awful tragedy until that happens. phil lavel, al jazeera. >> also ahead in sport, england's football captain steven gerard calls time on his international career after a descrowz world cup. -- after a disastrous world cup. >> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing
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controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america >> israel's invasion of gaza continues tonight. >> we have been hearing a lot of tank shelling coming from where we are, here. >> every single one of these buildings shook violently. >> for continuing coverage of stuart! stuart! stuart! stuart! ♪ check it out. this my account thing. we can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. or we can select a time for them to call us back. the future, right? ♪ this doesn't do it for you? [ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, that's what blows your mind -- the advanced technology of a doorbell.. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. introducing the xfinity my account app. ♪ i voted for culture... ...with a 'k.' how are you? i voted for plausible deniability.
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>> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> al jazeera america presents a self portrait of generation now... >> so many of my friends is pregnant... >> i feel so utterly alone... >> you need to get your life together >> i'm gonna do whatever needs to be done... >> ya boy is lookin' out to becoming a millionaire... >> an intimate look at what our kids are facing in school and beyond 15 stories, 1 incredible journey >> in this envelope is my life right now... >> edge of eighteen coming september only on al jazeera america >> welcome back to al jazeera. these are our top stories. israeli tanks have shelled al
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aksa hospital in gaza. 556 palestinians have now been killed. meanwhile, diplomatic efforts to end the fighting gather momentum as the u.s. secretary of state heads to egypt for talks. john kerry will meet is egyptian officials as well as ban ki-moon in cairo. full investigation of what brought down flight mh17. the plane's flight recorders will be handed over to a malasian team on monday evening. now the handover of bodies and black boxes weakens the case many western leaders have made for more sanctions against russia. for more of this let's return to selina in our european news center. selina. >> the u.n. security council is due to meet this a half hour.
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over the are full access to the site pnl kristin saloomey is in the area. i believe the dutch who lost more people than most on that flight said their -- sent their foreign minister to new york and that you spoke to him. what does he have to say about the international response? >> reporter: well, he said that he was heartened by the international shows of support, but his country is very frustrated that it's taken this long to get access to the site and to remove the bodies, which now does appear to be happening. and this is why foreign minister franz timermans did come to the u.n. security council to press for the fact that the victims get ogo home as soon as possible. clearly he represents a country that is mourning 193 of the dead are dutch nationals.
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and outside of the mission, the dutch mission to the u.n, we saw evidence of this, a makeshift memorial with signs and flowers left by people, signs that called on putin to stop the congregatioaggression, labeled r supporting separatists in eastern ukraine and this was frustration on the part of dutch citizens expressby the foreign mintminister as well. all pointed to the fact that separatists fired the missile that downed the plane and the russians need to do a lot more to support the investigation. >> i think they could have been a lot faster in response to our request. a lot was said. what was said was positive. but i'm not sure that much was done in actual fact.
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and it's about time that actions spoke louder than words on the side of the russians. let's see what happens in the next couple of hours. and days. i understand the train with the remains has now left the location where it was and i hope that we can now soon begin with this gruesome but necessary operation. >> and the u.n. security council is expected to meet in less than a half hour to vote on this draft resolution that was proposed 5 u.s.a. retailians.
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thaustralians.are. >> all right, christian saloomey. reporting for us at the u.n. attempt by ukrainian government forces to take back their stronghold. more for nazani in donetske. >> reporter: the sound of shelling rings in the skies of donetske, this long column of smoke from a burning factory. the airport control tower is on fire. the pro-russian forces try defend the city, sending a artillery and reenforcements to the front line. the ukrainians admit they are trying to surround donetske but
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say they are not responsible for any civilian deaths in the city. >> translator: the ukrainian army is not responsible for explosions inside the city. we have an order not to allow any air and heavy artillery strikes inside the civil parts of the cities. but we do have evidence that terrorists are launching strikes in order to discredit the ukrainian army. >> reporter: some residential areas have been hit by shells and hundreds of people are taking cover in shelters like this one. many of the women here are wives, of coal miners. much of the work has stopped because of the fighting. they blame the ukrainian government. >> where is the international community? why are they staying silence, look as how many women and children are here. how can they do this to us? >> reporter: the attack has taken many people here completely by surprise.
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they thought after a malaysian airliner was brought down, there would be chance of stability here. they have to take shelter here, they don't know how long they will have to stay here. there is fighting on the streets of this city. the police are nowhere to be found. and there is a sense of lawlessness, we filmed this group of separatists attacking what appears to be one of their own men. the battle for one of ukraine's most important cities has started. and neither side will want to give in. nazani nashiri, donetske, eastern ukraine. >> a research analyst at the royal united services institute. this investigation has been fraught with difficulties right from the outset, with regards to
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the rebel held territory, the kind of terrain, who has jurisdiction and control. just how difficult is it for investigators operating in these conflict zones? >> well, for after an aircraft crash investigators it's an extremely difficult scene. not only do they have prevention from them getting to the crash site but they are being prevented over a period of time, and the very, very small details which may be lost due to interference or due to the fact this is a war zone and it's spread over such a wide area often turn out to be the key. so in that sense it's very difficult. on the other hand to answer the really crucial question of who's actually responsible in terms of who pulled the trigger who supplied the weapon that's actually unlikely to be sofd by the air crash -- solved by the air crash investigation. because both ukraine and russia
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possess this system. this will actually be very difficult to prove just by looking at the airframe. all that will tell us is this is a surface to air missile strike. >> from youro, in that experience -- your observation is that what you think it was? >> yes, definitely. the americans have claimed that they've got aradar signature on the launch itself and there's most likely satellite imagery at least being worked on. there are no other credible possibilities. because the idea that this was shot down by a ukrainian jet which is some of the separatist and russian sources are claiming, separatists don't operate any aircraft and the last thing ukraine wants to do is shoot down an aircraft. so you know, also, the aircraft was heading east away from ukraine when it was hit. so the idea that a ukrainian military unit would have fired on this aircraft is ludicrous.
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they haven't shot a single surface to air missile or an air missile in this campaign whereas the separatists have been firing for months. >> that it was a missile shot by separatists, which is what the u.s. thinking seems to be, do you think russia is likely the succumb to the international pressure? >> i certainly want -- >> with this investigation? >> the pressure will certainly build up as the evidence mounts and if indeed it is proven that this was weapons supplied by the russians to the separatists directly, however i certainty wouldn't warn against vladimir putin because he is an i inscrutable strategist, and what that would be i have no idea. >> justin, thank you. are that's it for here. now back to doha. >> thanks very much selina.
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a week of fighting over tripoli's airport. rockets and artillery shells are being used by rival armed groups. fighters are said to be in control, deeivedding themselves -- defend being themselves against fighters from misraha. battle involving ansa, and kalif e-pha hafta. now back to our top story and the israeli offensive in gaza. right now another diplomatic push for a ceasefire is underw underway. palestinian president mahmoud behalf. the palestinian president
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mahmoud behalf, for talks with the egyptian probably prime minister andist secretary john kerry. what do you think he's going to get from the egyptians themselves? >> right before the meeting, they discussed all the different proposals for a possible ceasefire that are on the table, including the qatari, the turkish, the egyptians and the ceasefire that is acceptable to all parties. now behalf is going to take the conclusions to the -- now abbas is going to take the conclusions and present them, since it shares a border crossing with gaza and there is a lot of distrust between if egyptian
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government, told us that there were two different camps in these discussions at this doha meeting. a camp that promotes an immediate end in hostilities and fighting and discussing details about the condition of hamas and other palestinian factions under a ceasefire at the later stage. this we understand is the being approach that fatah prefers. all at once and at the same time. >> of course, while the details of a ceasefire continue to be really the main priority, the underlying disagreements and i won't say disunity but dislike of hamas within a unity government is something that the egyptians and the united states really has to get used to now. because the unity government
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says we remain a unity government you're going to have to deal with us. >> well i think the reality this time around and this escalation or israel's offensive on gaza is different this time. it's fresh and new, the unity government was created in june and they're still working towards preparing for a general election. i think what, there are division is between hamas and fatah, highlighted especially when palestinian president mahmoud abbas, immediately accepted the proposal, between abdel fatah al-sisi's government. we have a government more
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>> welcome back to the al jazeera news hour. in afghanistan, 8 million votes cast in last month's disputed election are being examined. al jazeera's jennifer glasse reports now from kabul's election headquarters. >> reporter: this has never been done before. but the review is considered essential to avoid violence. last month's presidential runoff ended with both candidates, abdalla abdalla and ashraf ghani
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making claims of corruption. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry came to kabul to broker a deal. now afghanistan is conducting the biggest election review process in history. >> leading up to the agreement, i think people were starting to prepare for serious conflict. and this is only chance to really -- to save the election. >> reporter: so every one of the eight million votes cast is being reviewed, one by one with a checklist to help separate the good from the bad. all the ballot processes are being brought to kabul with the help of nato forces, a big operation. it involves representatives of both candidates, the international community, the election commission, observers from thobserversfrom the unitedg
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over it all. >> so far they've only done a few hundred boxes in the first five days and already there's been a dispute. ghani supporters walked out saturday over which ballots should be valid. >> if it were accepted, a person with a fingertip wasn't -- fingerprint wasn't accepted. >> guards watching over observers and the boxes. and every day the election commission breaches over the process. >> they did by the benefit of day but however, in the end of the audit and the end of the day everybody will be clear. >> reporter: this process could take another month. officials here say the wait will be worth it as long as it produces a president that flects the will of the people.
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jennifer glasse al jazeera, kabul. >> here is time for all of the world's sports, robin. >> thank you very much. rory mcilroy has moved up to second in golf. the way tiger woods used to be following his third major major victory. >> rory mcilroy finally able to lift the claret jug. >> it was kind of incredible they put your name on there before you even lift it so that was a nice touch. >> sergio garcia made you sure mcilroy wouldn't be a for sure procession, and mcilroy got abirdie and six boeingies in his last -- bogeys in his last
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holes. garcia's are be bid ultimately ended when he dropped a shot. ricky fowler and he finally en ended behind. >> there were lots of people coming at me especially sergio and ricky, to be sitting here with my name an it, it's a great feeling. >> mcilroy in the hole later he saved par with this chip shot. the young northern irishman made a standing ovation as he walked up to the 18th green. he sunk his putt to claim the open championship by two direct examination. he -- by two strokes. two moorntion by the age of 25. >> i've got a big team over there. my friends and family this is
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actually the first major that my mother has been at when i've won so mom this one is for you! [applause] >> and i just can't wait to get back and defend this thing, it's in andrews next year. thank you very much. >> mcilroy just needs the plafers to completmasters to co. gerard steps down after a disappointing tournament. his retirement comes dispiet dee manager roy hodgeson wanting him to continue. 14 year international career. french international patrice, paid eunt $2 million for the 33-year-old and vs. given him a two-year contract.
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he quon five league titles and the champions league trophy. and cricket has recorded the fishes victory at lord singles 1955. to take oone-nil lead in that 5-marsh series it keeping even more, isn't planning on giving up the captaincy yet. >> i was just as determined as i was at the beginning of this game, five days, you know, obviously is a big day in sport. i just want to glet at the beginning of the week to throw it all out, and i've still got the determination to do that. >> what was important still moving hard, giving the same kind of preparation and i think into the game, you have sealed in the first system you can see for this team.
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it is fantastic the kind of effort and determination. very well overall game of cricket for us. >> thanks very much, robin. now a religious organization in the philippines has built one of the largest indoor arenas in the world. jamila explains why. >> secretly organizations in the philippines. the church has been in existence for 100 years. and this is how its members celebrate. by building one of the world's biggest indoor arenas. the group is so influential that the philippine government has declared a national holiday just for centino celebrations. recruiting mostly from the middle class, the organization has several million followers.
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being ds now the second biggest religion in the philippines after catholicism. the philippines is the only nation in asia with a rome an catholic religion. to leave the church means to be an outcast. at the time a close society whose influence is expand exngd, beyond its relationship. >> we do not engage in politics, we do not immediate until government. we simply twants freedom to continue doing what we have been doing for the past of 100 years. the. >> but over the last few, followers are seen as a somed voting block and so politicians all compete for the attention of its members.
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many people view the situation as a display of are politics. >> work with in the scenes within the weaknesses of the state and in fact, this is known for a recruiting people in power, military, police, so that they can have this power beyond the numbers. >> reporter: some as an organization that functions much like a state within a state. and many people here say the church's steady growth may also signify the weakness of the government, especially since religion has largely influenced politics in the philippines. >> you can get more information on all this at you've been watching the al
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