tv News Al Jazeera July 21, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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with. >> this is al jazeera america. live from new york city, i'm tony harris. , secretary of state john kerry is in egypt, hopefully jump starting talks between israel and hamas. israel accuses hamas of using its residents as human shields. outside experts to search the scene of the crash and remove the bodies of the victims. a wash dog group, accusing
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terrorism suspects and unfairly targeting american muslims. the united states announced late today that it will send $47 million in aid to help people in gaza displaced by the fighting. about a third of the money will go to a united nations shelter, as gazans run out of places to hide. a israeli shell hit a hospital,alaxa hospital, the gaza health ministry says over 551 people killed since the fighting began. nick schifrin reports.
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nick i understand you were at the alaxa hospital. tell me what you saw? >> a tower that looms over the hospital and then the hospital itself, one of the main walls that led to the post-surgical word and so the hospital was hit at least twice, according to medical officials there, that one tower hit was first and then that hit right in that room was -- well it was a direct hit. into a room with two or three patients, at least one person died in that room according to doctors. and it was really a scene of windows smashing, rocks everywhere, the entire top floor of where that surgical ward was had to be evacuated. the rooms next othem were also very decimated. the nurse 20, 30 feet away got shrapnel in her leg. outside the hospital as we arrived just about 30 minutes maybe after that strike hit, it
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was really chaos. they had dozens of patients in that hospital, and of course, the hospital basically ceased to function after this strike. and so they had to try and get everyone out. some people very, very injured from previous wounds that had been treated. and we saw four or five, six people loading into ambulances within about three or four minutes. really a chaotic scene. as you mentioned, what the israelis say is that the target was a nearby cache of anti-tank weapons. in fact as we arrived, only about 20 seconds after we arrived there was a strike a few hundred feet away from us, a few hundred feet away from the hospital. that is most likely the target of the antitank cache there.
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gazans will say, why are you attacking so close to the hospital? israelis say, hamas is the one that put the rocket launcher close to the hospital. >> the escalation in the violence, who's happening today? >> yes, tony you and i have talked about this almost every time you and i talk there's some boom going off in the distance. right now i'm not hearing anything other than israeli drones are flying right above us. bus clearly all day we've -- but clearly all day we've seen the ground war escalate. tank shelling, artillery shelling. a neighborhood just to the east of us a couple of miles this afternoon, it wasn't a couple miles away, let me tell you. it was only about four or 500 feet away one of the main targets of that shelling. so that does continue to escalate. at the same time, the diplomacy is escalating. you have as you mentioned
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secretary of state john kerry in cairo. his first meeting was with the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon. he described why it was so important to find a solution to this gaza conflict. >> gaza is an open wound. and band-aid won't help. there must be a plan after the aftermath that allows gaza to breathe and heal. recovery and reconstruction is more needed than ever. >> i.t. just not clear whether either side is willing to sign a ceasefire. israeli officials have been promising that this operation will not end until goals are met. the goals as we talked about tony, eliminating rockets into israel and those tunnels where they are hidden will take days if not weeks to destroy. >> nick schifrin, thank you. a perspective on the scale of
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the project, israeli has discovered 13 can tunnels, 1300 air and naval strikes on gazan targets. strikes have killed 566 palestinians. on the israeli side, officials say 25 soldiers and two civilians have died. israel say 7 soldiers were killed today. mostly soldiers have been wounded. hamas has shot rockets inta israel, and iron dome has intercepted about fowrd rockets. libby casey joins us from washington. what is the u.s. doing to help push for ceasefire? >> secretary kerry did arrive in cairo a short time ago.
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he is expected to meet with the egyptian president. as part of this, they are holding these negotiations, holding these talks. but the big question is will hamas come to the table? the head of the palestinian authority mahmoud abbas was meeting in qatar earlier with the u.n. secretary-general, so there are different channels, different things happening. secretary be kerry calling for an end to the palestinian deaths in palestine but also saying israeli israel has a right to defend itself. >> what kind of aid, does the united states, we announced at the top of the program a pretty significant number. what is the u.s. proposing? >> 47 million to go to critical humanitarian aid. that is wording officials are using. this would go to shelter, food, house, give medical supplies to palestinian refugees who have
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been forced out of their homes because of what's happening on the ground. about 47 million would go to the u.n. refugee mission in gaza. an appeal, a call for help the u.n. has put out to ask for money to help for this need. >> libby casey, thank you. earlier i talked to james galvin, professor ever international studies at ucla, whether israel would ever agree to thrift blowin -- to lift the blockade to gaza. >> this is renegotiating something that has already been negotiated. in other words this is the 2012 deal that the descraims did not live up -- that the israelis did not live up to. that deal said the israelis would loosen the blockade on gaza and they did not do that.
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totally unacceptable to the israelis and it is really unrealistic. calls for the united nations building an international airport and international sea port in gaza. >> under what circumstances would israel agree to lifting to blockade? and why it is completely off the table in your estimation? >> well, for a number of reasons. i mean the only time that israel would allow for a lifting of the blockade is if there was a peace agreement with the pa, the palestinian authority or if the palestinian authority had total control over gaza. the problem is this: the problem is the israelis are against the reconciliation of the palestinian authority and hamas. the palestinian authority is not going to have unabetted authority over gaza at all. it is pretty much a nonstarter at this point. furthermore the ypts are -- the egyptians are very hostile towards the regime.
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the morsi regime was very close to hamas, the sisi regime is very an ta antagonistic to it. >> that was mid east studies professor james galvan. calling for an international investigation into the crash, of mh17. this comes hours after president obama accused the rebels of impeding the investigation. >> they've repeatedly prevented international investigators from gaining full access to the wreckage. as investigators approached they fires their weapons into the air. the separatists are removing evidence from the crash site. all of which begs the questionment whavment exactly are they trying -- the question what exactly are they trying the hide? >> they also called on russian president vladimir putin the to compel separatists to cooperate with the investigation.
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the pressure may be having some effect. malaysia's investigators should have the crash information soon. the pro-russian intraft separaty ukrainian troops attacked them. going the sound of shelling rings across the -- >> the sound of shelling rings across the skies of donetske. this long column of smoke from the burning factory. the airport control tower is on fire. the pro-russian forces try to defend the city sending artillery and reenforcements to the front line. ukrainians admit they are trying to surround donetske but say they're not responsible for any civilian deaths in the city. >> the ukrainianian army is not responsible for the explosions
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inside the city. we have an order not to allow any air or heavy artillery strikes inside the civil parts of the cities. we do have information that separatists are launching strikes in order to discredit the ukrainian army. >> some neighborhoods have been hit by shells and many are taking cover in shelters like this one. many of the women here are wives of coal miners. work has stopped because of the fighting. they blame the ukrainian government. >> translator: where is the international community? why are they staying silent? look at how many women and children are here. how can they do this to us? >> an attack has taken many people here completely by surprise. they thought that after the malaysian airliner was brought down there would be a chance of a ceasefire and some stability here. but they have to take shelter for now, and they don't know how
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long they'll have to stay here. >> there is fighting on the streets of the city. the police are nowhere to be found. and there is a sense of lawlessness. we filmed this group of separatists attacking what appears to be one of their own men. the battle for one of ukraine's most important cities has started. and neared side wants -- and neither side wants to give in. donetske, eastern ukraine. >> bodies are heading for city of kharkiv. scott heidler is there. is. >> reporter: the remains of 282 victims from mh17 are in these refrigerated railroad cars.
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escorted by six members of the malaysian recovery team. it is the next step to get these out of ukraine and closer to their families. earlier, the european union monitoring mission visited the area about 16 kilometers from where the plane came down. kharkiv, city about five miles north, and beyond separatist control. receiving the bodies and accessing the large area where this plane went down. there is much work ahead and a recent flareup in fighting could make that even more difficult. the bodies will make their way to the netherlands for fur investigation. underlined russia is to blame. >> translator: it is also absolutely clear that the drunken pro-russian terrorists cannot operate a missile system. these are separatists who have been trained and we have information confirming that the training took place on russian
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territory. they received financing, weapons, training and education from russia. >> reporter: russia's president pushed back saying now is not the time for politics. >> translator: no one should and no one has the right to use this tragedy to achieve their own selfish political goals. these events should not divide but yeun unite people. >> reporter: back at the crash site, they moved the wreckage, something they vowed not to do in this already contaminated crime scene. scott heidler. al jazeera. >> cooperating with the plane crash investigation, phil ittner joins us. where does prime minister david cam rom ron come down on this conflict? >> reporter: well, tony, david cameron the prime minister of great britain was very vocal
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today here in the british capitol. he addressed the house of commons in parliament which you can see behind me there. in his speech to parliament, he said this is a defining moment in time in which the european union may have to completely readdress its relationship with russia. and he also furthermore called for harsher sanctions against russia if indeed vladimir putin doesn't withdraw his support for eastern separatists. now, he also of course recognized that there are members within the european union who are reluctant to impose harsher sanctions between the various european union member states in terms of trade, in terms of natural gas. and he most pointedly made reference to a deal between the french and russia. now san francisco supposed to
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provide russia with two war ships and prime minister cameron today saying at a time when we see an increasingly aggressive and belligerent russia now is not the time to be giving them more weaponry. and he urged france to withdraw that deal. let's take a listen to how he put it. >> on the issue of defense equipment as i've said we have already unilaterally, as has the u.s. said we would not sell further arms to russia. we believe other european countries should be doing the same thing. frankly in this country it would be unthinkable to fulfill the order that russia has. to say we cannot go on doing business as usual with a country when it's behaving in this way. >> now, tony tomorrow there's going to be a meeting in brussels. the foreign mints will -- ministers will be there to address this very question,
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should we impose harsher sanction he? many are reluctant to do it. there's talk here in london, what might be difficult for even the most staunch enemy, most reluctant member-state germany to -- that doesn't want to make sanctions harsher, many people here are saying how are they going to sit in a room with the dutch who lost two-thirds of the people on that plane were dutch. >> right. >> and the question has been raised today, how will they be able to sit in the room germany or france or italy for example and say no, we really have to, you know, wait on this. so it will be an interesting day and we'll be listening in brussels. >> wish we could get you in that room, fit ittner,. a reprieve for detroit residents behind on their bills. they will now be able to convince detroit not to shut off their water bills.
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dollar plan to shake up the shipping industry. well, actually the shipping world is what it says here. it is expanding the panama canal to make way for bigge bigger sh. i don't know if that's hype or not. ali velshi is here. >> it's not hype. tony, you're the only one old enough to remember when the panama canal first opened. the biggest biggest ships can't go around there. they go through you know western ways. look we get so much of our stuff. $6.8 billion from china. we are looking to get more of that stuff in a way that ships can get to america more easily. many ships gets to the west coast of america just fine. but when the panama canal reopens in 2015, the ships will be 25% longer, 50% wider.
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they can carry three times the cargo that existing ships can carry. so what this is going to mean is that goods can come to america and, by the way, be exported from america more efficiently, more ports will be able to accept goods and it's creating all sorts of ports. ports like miami and savannah and new york are building their ports to accept these biggest of ships. look, nothing makes trade happen other than trade itself but it's great for infrastructure going in and coming out. and that's what this big panama canal is going to do. it's a big deal. >> i'm going ocombine a few thoughts, what it might mean for u.s. ports, and wonder if it could have impact to the ports by expansion? >> u.s. ports could lose about 40% of their business to the
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east coast. if these panama canal ships can go to the east coast they can make a lot more money. all things will change. again, it is probably going to be transparent to the consumer except you might see lower prices on some things but you'll see rail rates come down because the rail companies, the trucking companies are not going to want to lose the business for things they enjoy, getting shipped to the middle of the country and out. so you'll sort of see an adjustment all the way around. but generally speaking there will probably be more good than bad. you'll probably see more jobs created, more, option he, ships can go to the west coast and they can truck goods across the country or ships can go to the east coast. it's probably good all around. >> all right doctor, what else is coming up on the big show at 7:00 qup. >> behavior at wall street,
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dodd-frank bill, i'm looking at the issues of that bill have been. >> all right ali. the detroit water department will keep the taps flowing. it has already shut off the water to thousands of people who owe the city money and plan to do the same to tens of thousands more. they have legitimate reasons for falling behind. bisi onile-ere, how many people stand to benefit from this action? >> tony, this suspension impacts over 90,000 customers who have fallen behind on their bills. despite public outcry against these water shutoffs the water department says this 15-day hold is only temporary. up until now, thousands of delinquent customers faced this. with a few turns of a wrench. water was cut to dozens of detroit homes last week. this was the new aggressive approach the bankrupt city was
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taking to collect roughly $90 million in unpaid bills. while it could take less than ten minutes to shut off service, anger from frustrated residents lasted far longer. >> if you can't brush your teeth or wash up, what is that, you know? >> 57-year-old venita pointer is one of the people who face: pay up or get shut off. she owes more than $800. money she says she doesn't have and now her faucets are dry. >> water is like the gas and the lights. you got pick one, which one you got to do without. you know? it's really -- it's terrible. >> reporter: in detroit nearly 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. that's more than double the national average. the united nations and several city leaders have called the shutoffs inhumane which has
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sparked protests. >> no, we're not stopping without a fight. this is about our lives. >> reporter: but long time resident barbara cheatham says for her this is about priorities and not human rights. >> therefore i have to budget out everything. everything is like water. lights. gas. phone. even my food. car payment, insurance and everything. so that's how i feel about it. if you pay one bill, you pay them all. >> reporter: and for those who can't, the city recently made about $1 million available to help. >> while we ourselves are not a social service agency, we can provide this help and direct people to other places they can get help. >> venita is relying on faith. >> i'm calling on the lord to help me.
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>> reporter: informing residents of all their options before cutting water to home and businesses again. and water officials say that this 15-day hold should allow those in need to reach out to the water department and get the help they need. earlier today a group of residents filed a lawsuit in the federal courthouse and they want the judge, the bankruptcy judge to get involved, intervene and somehow get that water restored to residential services, residential services. speaking of the judge, last week he was very critical of the water department, saying that all of these shutoffs was shedding a very negative light on the city of detroit, especially as it goes through its bankruptcy and right now, it's likely the water department reacted to the judge's harsh criticism. as it stands it is only a 15 day hold and it will unlikely go on from there tony. >> shutting off people's water? bisi onile-ere, in detroit,
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>> as we have been reporting, president obama today called out pro-russian rebels in ukraine for their reaction on the attack on mh17. the president hinted that the rebels were hiding something and he plead wednesday them to get in line. lisa stark, is the president on line with other world leaders? >> certainly, tony, world condemnation is growing of four
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days after this plane was blown out of the sky. president obama called on putin to compel the russian separatists to comply with investigators. it's the least they could do. >> they have repeatedly prevented investigators to gain access to the crash. the separatists are removing evidence from the crash site all of which begs the question what exactly are they trying to hide? >> reporter: now it wasn't until today that international investigators actually got some real assess to that crash site. it's still a far cry from what is needed there. also today at the u.n. a resolution calling for a full and open investigation calling for access to that crash site. it was sponsored by the is
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australians. australia lost, 15 people in this crash. >> it is an affront to the victims and their families. all states and groups, everyone, must cooperate with the investigation. >> now u.n. ambassador samantha power also spoke. she said today's resolution wouldn't even be necessary if russia would tell the separatists to let the investigators in. the russian ambassador took umbrage to that. he says russia is working behind the scene to make sure the investigation can move forward. >> translator: and if that's the fact the american embassy should be better informed. indeed there's no need to turn the discussion of a tragedy into a farce. >> now the resolution passed by
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the united nations today also calls on those in the area not to disturb the evidence, not to disturb the debris field there. but as we've heard from other reports tony that seems far too late for that. clearly there have been wreckage moved and other things tampered with at the investigation site. >> the integrity of that scene has just been botched and lisa stark for us. lisa thanks. earlier i talked with hannah thoburn. i asked her if international pressure would convince russian president vladimir putin to interfere in eastern ukraine. >> i think putin is coming to the realization that he can't control the monster that he created. there are a lot of russians but groups of people who have come from other countries, serbia in particular. they don't necessarily take
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orders from vladimir putin. it is sort of a frankenstein case where you can't control the monster you have created. >> here is what i'm curious to get your reaction to. president obama pointed a finger at russian separatists. we would like to see some of the evidence that the administration has. i guess we'll see it, maybe we won't. he says he needs more than words from president putin. what do you think the united states is prepared to do here ultimately? >> there was only one u.s. citizen on board. there's not really a ton of leverage that the u.s. has in this situation. but i think the one thing that we can do here is show leadership. and you know, we did show some of that leadership the day before the crash in enacting further sanctions against russia. and now i really think it's up to the europeans. this happened on their turf, on their territory. these are dutch and eu citizens the majorities of them who died
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in this crash. and you know i think it's difficult if europe doesn't want to take a move on this then it's very difficult for the u.s. to take a move. >> the polish foreign minister said europe has done too little to influence russia behavior in the different stages. the various stages of this conflict there is a lack of outrage, and action, from the eu. and you made the point a moment ago. it's in their arena isn't it? >> it really is. that's what a lot of americans are frustrated about is that we've called on our european allies to say look this is in your backyard. it affects you more than it affects us. here are the consequences of your earlier inaction on russia's annexation of crimea. on all of the actions that have been happening in eastern ukraine. the netherlands and russia have a strong relationship, very high levels of trade. and of course, it makes sense
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that they would be reticent to put any kind of harsh sanctions on russia that would hurt their bottom line. you'll hear a lot of western european politician he saying, look we're still recovering from the financial crisis of just a couple of years ago. our economies are not on solid footing and we can't risk it. but now i think we could be seeing there's different kinds of risk. they've chosen one risk over another. >> is it possible here as i listen to you, i'm struck by the thought that it might be possible here for russia to get away with, first, the annexation of crimea, for destabilizing eastern ukraine and then by destabilizing eastern ukraine backing pro-russian separatists who are allegedly responsible for shooting down an airplane, they may get away with all of this. >> they may be able to get away with this, because in part
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europe i think is not really willing or ready or perhaps even prepared to act. it's going to be very interesting to see what comes out of the meeting that's going to be held tomorrow morning in brussels between the foreign ministers of alt the eu countries. i think what comes out of that, whether or not new saptions are decide -- sanctions are decided, that's going to determine the tone of europe's reaction to this atrocity. >> that is hanna thoburn. in libya, the fighting destroyed this multimillion dollar passenger jet, once described as the pride of the libyan airlines. gas stations and government offices have been shut since last monday. libya has been unable to disarm
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the fighters after they overthrough moammar gadhafi. iran's so-called breakout capability has been the primary focus of recent talks. world powers and iran agreed to extend the negotiations until november. iran will have to convert its enriched uranium in exchange to europe and the united states will ease sanctions. the process is expected to take weeks but it may be the country's last chance of peacefully handing over power to a new government. jennifer glasse has more from kabul. >> last month's presidential runoff ended with both candidates, abdalla abdalla and ashraf ghani making accusations of fraud. that left the people in
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afghanistan in the middle of a dangerous standoff. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry came to kabul to broker a deal. >> leading up to the agreement, i think people were starting to prepare for you know serious conflict and this is only chance to really save the election. >> reporter: so every one of the 8 million voas coos is being -- votes is being reviewed one by one to help separate the good votes from the bad. all the ballot boxes are being brought here to kabul we -- with the help of nato forces. >> the international community, the election commission with observers from the united nations watching over it all. they're hoping eventually they'll be able to look at a thousand boxes per day. so far they've only done a few hundred boxes in the first five
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days and already there has been a dispute. ghani supporters walked out over which ballots should be accepted. >> if someone put a fingerprint was not accepted, it's agreed by boat teams. >> reporter: it took more than a day to resolve that dispute alone. guards watching over observers and the boxes. and every day the election commission briefs reporters on the progress. >> some of the candidate supporter did 50 benefit of them but however, in the end of the audit in the end of the day everything will be clear. >> reporter: this process could take another month. officials here say the wait will be worth it as long as it produces a president that reflects the will of the people. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. >> a guilty verdict in the first case linked to the boston
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marathon bombing. maria innes ferre. >> found guilty of trying to hide evidence. the 20-year-old agreed to get rid of items snide tzochar tsarnaev's dorm room. crews are cleaning up a deals dl spill in wisconsin. two people were injured and thousands of gallons of diesel spilled in the asia. investigators are still looking into the cause of the derailment. jury selection starts today in the trial of a detroit man who shot an unarmed woman. investigators say 19-year-old ranisha mcbryde was drunk when she walked onto wayfer's porch.
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wayfair is white and mcbryde was whrak. prosecutors said the defendant should have stayed behind his locked door and called 9/11 if he is scared. wayfair is charged with murder. the homeowner retrieved her belongings over the weekend, in front of her house sits a 40 by 40 foot sinkhole. estimated to be 30 feet deep and so far one home has been evacuated and no one has been injured. >> you get those around the country from time to time, you say you got a few of them. >> especially in florida. >> maria, thank you. there's a new gold rush in california but this time prospectors are digging for something more are precious than
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gold. water. >> trees uprooted and dying in the sun. >> they're actually choosing to kill trees. pull out trees from the root base so they actually can have enough groundwater for other sections of their farm because they don't have enough water to go around. >> everything looks good. check the crop. >> with seasonal crops like strawberries or lettuce farmers can choose not to plant during the drought but they can't do that with decrease -- with trees. >> when i grew up, harvest would come around, once harvest was done we would get a lot of rain coming through. >> now jay mahill has to dig. aring wells 2,000 feet deep, longer than the empire state building. >> this is the only control we have in our tool box. >> almost every farmer in the area has decided to drill more and drill deeper in order to reach previously untapped
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groundwater right below us. >> until now farmers have drilled wells of a few hundred feet but that water has run out. and the next option is to go down. past a thick layer of clay that separates the central valley shell groundwater from its deeper ancient aquifer. >> everything is drilling pretty good. >> farmers like mahill are pulling water faster than aquifers can reproduce. grounds are actually sinking. he's producing long term damage but he doesn't know what else to do. >> what we should do or what's going to be here for the future for my kids or my grand kids i would love for the operation to continue. you know we've built it up from where my dad, my grandfather and great grandfather had built it t to and i hope my son and grand sons build it to a left that
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even we are at. >> before it's sucked dry, until then the landscape across the central valley will be dotted not just with crops but with drill rigs. melissa chan, al jazeera, madera county, california. >> fueled wildfires in the pacific northwest. destroyed 150 homes, a dozen wildfires are burning this oregon and drought is making for dangerous conditions. crews are hoping for moisture, calmer winds, kevin is here with actually what's in the forecast. >> we have a little bit of good news. bad news for california though. last week, temperatures in seattle, temperatures were well above average. we were talking into the 90s. right now seattle is at 73. we're a little bit closer to normal than we were last week. but last week was brutal across that area. we're seeing a cooling-off but still dealing with the fires across that region.
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i want to take you up to the northern parts of washington. this area right here you can see these clouds and how they develop but they're really not clouds. they're actually smoke and those are wildfires, burning in central washington. the winds are changing around and we are going to be seeing some moisture coming into play off the pacific and that's going to make its way towards parts of central washington. that's also going to give us the chance of rain and also the chance of thunderstorms and of course with that we have the chance of lightning but hopefully we'll get enough moisture across that area. parts of oregon, parts of california, we aren't seeing any rain at all. this is the time of year we do see the dry season, no rain until later on towards the fall. later on, north dakota, major storms are erupting, a lot of places getting problems with wind and hail.
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the battle for the arctic only on al jazeera america >> a watchdog group accuses the justice department of unfairly targeting american muslims. as it goes after suspected terrorists. roxana saberi has been looking into this report for us. roxana. >> tony, the group says under cover agents may have created
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terrorists. to plan attacks but a spokesman for justice department told me it works lard to target only people it identifies to have an intent or a desire to commit an attack. and he says it doesn't target them solely for being muslim. u.s. has prosecuted more than 500 me on terrorism related charges since the 9/11 attacks but human rights watch says in many of those cases the government unfairly targeted suspects simply because they are muslim. >> there is an assumption people in the american communities might become terrorists. given the right day, the fbi has treated these people as if they all might become terrorists. >> reporter: the human rightsgrt in their report.
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informants helped come up with the plots. the report sites for example four muslim converse -- converts from new york. critics say the fbi set them up. they are serving 25 years in prison. the spokesman says the department's policies are legal. it is not a matter of having a specific set of rules for a particular ethnic group. plots also come about without the u.s. government's involvement. like the 2013 boston marathon bombing and the 2010 attempted car bombing in new york city's time square. observers say it's hard to strike a balance between the government's need to prevent attacks like these and to protect people's basic rights. >> they use different strategies and different tactics to get after various threats. some of them are a little bit over the top.
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but if you ask them on a daily basis if they were affected they will probably tell you yes. >> the justice department also pointed out a case earlier this month? when it tried to discourage a denver woman from flying to the middle east to fight in the syrian war. 25 cases they focused on were a few of the many cases, what they found was troubling. >> roxana, appreciate it. roxana saberi. death toll in gaza rose but people are still sending a message of peace and love and then it's "real money with ali velshi." >> a lot of americans still aren't feeling better about their financial situation. plus how a simple idea about burritos turned into a huge fast food empire, all that and more
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>> oh love this story. in five cities across the globe, residents are living longer, healthier and seemingly stress free lines. researchers are studying what makes these so-called blue zones so special. for example, many elderly residents on the nacoya peninsula in croaf costa rica. >> it means pure life put in nacoyoya they have given the expression a new meaning. residents here live long happy and healthy lives. in this exercise class those in their 80s are considered youngsters. >> we are a joyful people and enjoy parties and other recreational activities. when there is a party, everyone
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dances. at family reunions you hear the older residents tell stories from times past to our younger residents. >> reporter: in all five blue zones have been identified by researchers, each is a geographical area where people live longer healthier lives. typical blue zone couple have been married for 60 years and are brimming with vitality. amador tells us he eats simple foods like rice and beans, both of which are grown locally but other factors are at play here. it seasonality that people live extremely long lives, they live also very healthy lives, diet and exercise they also say community and family plays a big role. take carino, who is 105 years old.
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he's still physically active. they put families first and have a strong sense of community. they also cook with fresh ingredients, what can the rest of us learn from blue zones? dr. fernando cotto has studied the people of nacoyo for years. >> they have had healthy habits since they were children. not only on the exercise part they live very active lives but also they do have very healthy eating habits. >> reporter: so all the research points to simple changes that people can make. in nacoya people believe laughter is the best medicine of all. andy gallagher, al jazeera, ar, nacoya.
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maria innes ferre has a story for us. innes. >> picture posted online from people all over the world and some of them coming from mixed families, my mom is jewish my dad is muslim. how can i be an enemy of myself? this one, mother jewish, father palestinian, whatever we suffer, hate makes it worse. now these two college students in new york have been active with the campaign and one of them grew up in tel aviv, the other is a muslim from syria. they realize, a hashtag itself won't create peace but they do hope it will create dialogue. >> if you are not my enemy we can listen to each other and learn from each other. maybe there's a lot more we agree on than people think. >> if someone isn't busy accusing someone of being a certain way because they identify with a certain political group, if we create that type of movement, people will be able to hear each other
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more and this is what we need. >> reporter: and the students told me the dialogue online over the last month has really gotten so violent that they hope that this will help people listen to each other and perhaps help create a dialogue for peace. because imagine if people can't talk about this civilly online imagine what it's like for world leaders, the diplomats. >> there you go. there you go. >> and the hashtag has been used thousands of times in the last weeks. >> it eats you up. nasa is paying special tribute to the man who took one item leap for -- item leap for man kind. the checkout building where the apollo rockets were first built, served as the last stop for astronauts before their flights. that's been happening since 19 65. yesterday was the 45th anniversary of the apollo moon
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landing. that is all of the time for our news hour. i'm tony harris. if you would like to read more about our stories, go to "real money with ali velshi" is next. well despite their many differences the israelis and the palestinians have this in common, both get billions of dollars worth of aid from countries around the world, including america. i'm following the money in the middle east. and i'll tell you how big changes at the panama canal could shape bridges and harbors here in america for years to come. plus those are those who feel the economy is getting better and better, and those who feel like the recession never engine
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