tv News Al Jazeera August 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> running away is not the answer... >> is a chance at a better life worth leaving loved ones behind? >> did omar get a chance to tell you goodbye before he left? >> which side of the fence are you on? >> sometimes immigration is the only alternative people have. borderland only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america. life from new york city, i'm tony harris. israel ends its own ceasefire. and renews attacks on gaza. nearly 900 dead as nigeria confirms new cases of ebola. water ban lifted after a toxic contaminates, people can use their taps. and is the water really safe? and thousands are left stranded
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as mudslides devastate southern california. a seven hour humanitarian ceasefire declared by israel is over. one person was killed when a construction vehicle slammed into a bus. we'll have more on that attack in just a few minutes. but now that the ceasefire is over, israeli jets have resumed air attacks, charles stratford is with us in gaza. charles many we are hearing on a possible movement in ceasefire talks. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, we are yet again, more talk of a ceasefire. and we're hearing reports that the palestinian factions, delegation in cairo are putting forward the idea of a 72-hour,
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another 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire, that may well -- they want at least to start in the next few hours. butter it's important to stress that there has been no comment yet from israel on this reported initiative. what we have heard from the israelis this evening, certainly an israeli official has announced that the attacks on the tunnels is over. another official here in israel is saying theyer planning or very -- they are planning or very soon to withdraw their troops from the tha the buffer t exists around the gaza strip. a little sketchy at the moment, a little hard to confirm these lines coming out of cairo. >> charles, it initiated what it called a humanitarian pause in the fighting. maybe you could tell us what
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israel had hopped to accomplish with that. -- hoped to accomplish with that. >> well certainly the palestinians say all israel wanted to accomplish was to continue with its campaign, continue with its destruction of the tunnels. to give it an excuse there to continue doing that. and that is in fact what the israelis actually announced. there was very little achieved today in terms of any kind of human effort. we heard there were attacks in rafah in the south, there was air strikes down there or at least two children killed in a house in the south there. there were tank shells fired in and around rafah crossing. there was another child killed in a air training i strike in te camp. rockets fired into israel.
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the ceasefire collapsed or any kind of humanitarian ceasefire that was announced collapse almost immediately today. >> there's been we understand a dramatic decline in the number and the quality of the supplies coming into gaza at this point. how are people there even coping, managing? >> reporter: well, it was bad enough before the war. obviously, as we've been reporting, as you know, that the gaza has been suffering an israeli blockade for seven years now. so it was tough then. just getting supplies coming in through one of the crossings in the south, was sketchy anyway. and since the war started, those kind of -- that kind of corridor to bring in produce from israel has become even slimmer. and so there hasn't been the stuff getting in. and i went down today to the south of the strip or south gaza city and i spoke to some of the
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farmers there. farmers living in fear. farmers that say they have been targeted and have been unable to tend their crops so terrified of israeli air strikes. this is my report. >> annis and his younger brother mohamed tried to gather as much of their chili pepper crop as they can. they got up at first light, want to fill their sack fast. there could be an israeli air strike at the present time. >> translator: we are very afraid. if there were an air strike here and we were injured no one would come to help but this is our livelihood. we are also afraid if we don't pick the chilis now we will lose the crop. >> reporter: this is only the third time that anis and his brother have come to pick the crop. like he and others, they are absolutely afraid of israeli air strikes. air strikes have targeted others
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along the road to gaza city. a number of farmers have been killed in the field or driving to market in gaza city with their produce. in another field efind um and abu mohamed. they say their harvest has been so poor since they are scared to come and tend their crops. >> the harvest is bad because we haven't been here for a month. there's no water to irrigate the plants. we invested all our money into this crop. we're afraid to bring our sons to help because of the bombs. >> reporter: providing food for gaza's 1.8 million people is hard enough under israel's blockade. it is even harder now. now it's as little as 40. in gaza city market people are stocking up on as much production and as quickly as they can. there were air strikes close by as we filmed.
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>> the traders suffer because they come under the shelling. there are few people buying too because there are no salaries, no electricity, no water, no gas. it is a disaster. >> reporter: these mangos and other feud food and produce are imcorporate ported from israel. >> in general, death would be better than life in this situation. things are so expensive and the quality of things so poor we have a right to it like anyone else. >> mohamed and anis fill the bag as soon as they can. they want to get into the town as quickly as they can. it is a 3 kilometer ride they rarely risk traveling on. a look there at away the united nations is calling an unfolding humanitarian crisis here in gaza specifically looking at food.
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night now in gaza the sound of drones above, we've heard crunches of tank strikes in the east of the strip. and talks of a ceasefire but very, very little trust in those talks here in goos this evening. back -- here in gaza this evening. back to you tony. >> charles stratford. tensions arising in jerusalem after an attack on the street. andrew simmons filed this report from the scene. >> reporter: it all happened very quickly. this excavator crashed into this bus flipping it over. as it was happening, a pedestrian was caught underneath and has died. the police, meld opened fire at the excavator's driver and killed him. his body is beneath that white plastic now. tension has been running obviously high here in jerusalem what's going on in gaza, with
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alerts going on for any potential attacks. police say that they are treating this as a terrorist attack and they say that the dead man is palestinian. they've carried out a search of the area around. >> okay, here is a look at the toll, nearly 1900 palestinians have been killed. most of them civilians. nearly 9500 are civilian. 260,000 are now staying at u.n. facilities in gaza on the israeli side at least 67 people have been killed, most of them are israeli soldiers. the ebola outbreak in africa growing every day. there are three confirmed cases in nigeria, more than 887 people died. the second american aid worker infected will head back to the united states tomorrow. it comes as the first infected aid worker is said to be doing better.
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dr. kent brantly is doing better. robert ray is joining us from atlanta. how is dr. brantly being treated? >> dr. kent brantly is being isolated literally in the isolation room and heefs having experimental lab -- he's having experimental lab tests going on. they're maintaining his vitals. just last week he was in grave condition according to the doctors in west africa. he actually told his doctors, "i think i'm going to die." that brought up new concerns and rumors around the world that perhaps he was given a experimental serum. indeed al jazeera america has confirmed that yes, he was given an experimental serum. let me tick down the sort of confusing process of how this
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all went down. samaritan's purse, two scientists worked for two aid workers infected with ebola, samaritan's purse contacted the centers for disease control looking nor this new serum this new medicine that could help its workers. the cdc then referred them to the ni nih. who could get that serum and who makes it. then directed samaritan's purse to map pharmaceuticals, in san diego, california where they are making the medicine zmap. what is called. that ahas not been used on any americans, they are using it on monkeys and getting good results. they gave it to kent brantly, they said that it was like a miracle. within 60 minutes dr. kent
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brantly's situation where he was on his death bed literally started to become better within 60 minutes. his colleague after that was then given the same dose. she arrives here tomorrow sometimes. dobbins air force base and she'll receive the same treatment. unbelievable, the big question on everyone's minds right now is will this lead to a vaccine? will it lead to a cure to all that are suffering in africa. tony. >> the colleague is nancy writebol. , pretty much infected and adding nigeria to the countries infected by this today. >> yes, nancy writebol on her way will be in atlanta tomorrow.
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to your question, our producer david douglas asked that question to the mapvile pharmaceutical company in san diego, he asked us a process of communication tell us what's going on over there? they said, we are a very small company, we're hoping to help the people in west africa. perhaps they're working to up the serum, get it to africa and ep help the people we hope. >> a huge infusion of cashes it seems to me. robert ray, good to see you. despite the ebola outbreak nearly 50 africa leaders are in washington for a summit. summits aimed at strengthening ties between the u.s. and africa. africa is some of the fastest growing economies in the world. former white house press secretary and gun advocate james
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brady last died. brady background checks for handgun buyers can bill is named after hip. josh earnest said brady revolutionized the job. he was 73 years old. the ban on drinking water in toledo has been lifted. after health officials found it may have been contaminated by algae, this shows the western end of lake erie, where algae has been concentrated. bisi onile-ere joins us live from toledo. bisi, this is a welcome announcement from the mayor. what is he doing to inspire
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confidence that the water is in fact safe? >> reporter: tony, when toledo mayor michael collins issued this ban on water, he says our water is safe. this algae bloom that was created there, in the waters of lake erie it paralyzed the city. when we arrived a lot of businesses were closed because of this. the city did take measures to make sure the people had access to clean water but a lot of residents particularly parents with young children who said that the water they were being given wasn't enough to survive on. so this ban, this lift on this ban brings a lot of welcome relief but there are some residents out here who are still a little skeptical. they are saying you know what i'm not sure this water is safe. so when the mayor lifted the ban he had some of the water tapped himself. >> take a listen, here's to you,
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toledo, you've done a great job. >> so you see there, the mayor congratulating those in the city who worked together came together to make sure that people had access to that water. so things are slowly beginning to get back to normal here. people, some are -- feel comfortable drinking their water. others are saying hey i'm still going owa to wait it out, tony. >> it depends ton weight you give to this -- intends on the weight you give to the guarantee. that people won't be affected in the short term in the near future. >> reporter: question i've been hearing, is this something algae bloom new to the city? this is something happened decades ago and one environmental analyst told me that the reason why it got so bad this time is because they're saying that environmental pollutions are to blame, for example, manure and chemical
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fertilization that are causing this problem. so while the city is saying right now this is an unavoidable issue, there are people that are wanting to make someone accountable. take a listen. >> although we can't control algae bloom, we are at its mercy, we have procedures in place, but this one bloomed right over our intake. we were helpless, we did everything we could and brought it back on line as soon as we could. >> the city saying, it was impossible to being change, but it should shouldn't have gotten to this point so we're still waiting to hear about that from the city, tony. >> bisi onile-ere, thank you bisi.
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how this matter led to a water ban, jake ward, in san francisco, explain to us how it is algae can threaten an entire city's water supply? >> as we have mentioned it is agricultural runoff. the fertilizer, phosphorous given off by fertilizer needs this algae in such a way that it grows beyond proliferation. there have been heavy rains, there is a new kind of farming which plants the seeds a little bit shall ower. the fertilize ear little bit closer to the surface, runs into the water. this is a question of testing, as we have mentioned throughout the day the real problem here. >> and what protections are there for other cities that draw water from lake erie? >> well, that's really the main question here. i mean we should really tip our hats to the plant operators who tested for this stuff because they did it entirety voluntarily. let's be clear tony. there is no federal standard for
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this microcystin, the stuff that the algae gives off. there's no epa or cdc standard that ensures that a water plant is testing for this. so any of the 11 million people living along the shores of lake erie right now could be subject to the same stuff and they would never know. it's just that these two particular water plants tested for it and found out about it. obviously these questions of who should be responsible when it comes the other carcinogens other toxics in the water, there is a federal standard loose guidelines, there but for grace of god goes everyone's drinking water. jake ward, thank you. coming up on al jazeera america, a controversial program that secretly sent latin americans to cuba. and mudslides in southern california.
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>> we are learning more today about a controversial program from the obama administration that secretlily listen to this, sent young latin americans undercover to cuba. their goal turn and force political change in the country. some would call them subverting the government. rosalyn jordan joins us. roz, you were in a state department briefing, i imagine that was a hot one. what is the latest? >> the state department is standing behind the u.s. i.d. program, which jen saki took pains to are stress, was being administered by a contractor. non-u.s. citizens we should stress to go to cuba to ostensibly work in a program
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that would promote democracy. but that wasn't the publicly stated program. they were also officially working in hiv clinics and using the clinics as a venue to try to engage in political work, trying to recruit young cubans who might be interested in changing the government. obviously the cu cuban governmet isn't happy about this situation and there was a lot of back and forth about this program and whether u.s. i.d.'s beings mission of promoting health and welfare around the world was underscored. listen to today's briefing. >> this is not a covert program. there are programs done discretely. >> but the mission of the program undercuts the work which ngos tell me they are trying to conduct because the first thing people will ask them is, how do we know you're not cia?
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>> strengthening a civil society, empowering a civil society to be more capable is something that that was the focus of this program. >> reporter: now one thing that isn't being done according to jen saki the department spokesperson is establishing a fire wall or a bright line between activities that are funded by the u.s. government that are for political activities, versus those that are for health, education and welfare. there is a long history of mistrust particularly in latin america, tony, about -- >> we lost roz jordan. we'll be talking about this story in greater detail in our 6:00 p.m. news hour right here on al jazeera america. crews are having a difficult time clearing mudslides on roads in southern california. a man's body was found in a swollen creek, no one else.
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san berne hsan bernardino countn clifford slater. describe this scene for us, the sights and sounds of all this water, the mud, the debris, it sounds terrifying. >> yes, sir, we did experience a significant water event yesterday, about 2:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon we had a heavily rainfall event, estimated by some to be about five inches of rain. when we receive that much rain in such an amount of time the ground cannot absorb it resulting in flash flooding. that's what we experienced yesterday. >> you experienced one death today many any more deaths or injuries? >> no, sir, one confirmed death, a person stuck in their vehicle, it appears it was washed off the
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roadway into the creek. there was confirmed deceased, had to go back later to do a body recovery. no other confirmed deaths or injuries. >> 500 young people or kids attending a church camp in that region. is everyone accounted for, everyone okay. >> we had a large group at a function for a church cam in the area. they were advised to shelter in place yesterday. they were out of harm's way. since then the the road to them has been cleared and access in and out and everyone is accounted for. >> looking at the pictures out there that is nasty, cars submerged and mud and water. has everyone in the general area been accounted for, homes, roads washed out? >> general damage we have six home that have been moderately to major, sustained moderate to
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major damage in the forest falls area with two outbuildings completely destroyed. >> san bernardino county spokesman, thank you. let's get to the meteorologist. >> the horrible rains akded like a -- acted like a funnel. >> is it in forest valley -- >> we are dealing with this storm. here's the moisture coming in, area of low pressure brings in all of this rain and it wasn't a big thunderstorm, just one popped up and really stayed over the same area. as radar estimated five or six inches of rain. here three were developing yesterday afternoon. it was these clusters that led to these big warnings. national weather service, that's where the valley, all that rain comes down into the river, had a
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lot of rain to begin with and it funneled it and causes these flash floods to happen. these areas of low pressure pulls in that moisture into one area. no moisture coming down in northern california. this is smoke from the fire you can actually see it as far east as the great lakes. >> good picture of the valley. like i saw you run down dave, thank you. so the ebola outbreak is spreading in west africa, we'll talk to a nurse that just got back from the hard hit country of guinea. we'll see what it takes to stop the outbreak, and more.
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>> the ebola outbreak is spreading in africa at an alarming rate. there are four cases in nigeria, africa's most populace country. in sierra leon at least 273 people have died. 255 have died in liberia. joining me now is monia saya, with doctors without borders. monia, good to see you. give me your general impression of what you're seeing over there. an outbreak that at least the cdc was saying last week it could not control at this point. but from your perspective what did you see? >> well the cdc is right. at this moment we can say that it is still out of control in sierra leone, ly liberia, and ea we have not a clear idea yet how
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many villages or towns are infected unfortunately. >> how did you protect yourself? we heard the story of health care workers and providerrers getting sick. how did you protect yourself? >> we protect yourself with personally protective equipment. two pairs of boots, goggles, masks, high risk area where a patient is with a person, like a buddy system in case a person makes a mistake. or trips or faints. >> the mortality rate is 60 to 70%. >> we are all very conscious of the risk we take.but if we do respect the protocols and the safety measures there shouldn't be any reason why -- >> how do you treat someone who has ebola? because we're hearing and this is good news from the cdc that dr. brantly is improving.
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what can you do except making sure the person is hydrated and the organs are functioning properly, what can you do? >> supportive care, to this day there is no treatment we can give to support the patient themselves. rerye demonstrating and supporting the patient as much as we can. >> our report is that dr. brantly was given an experimental serum that has been tested on animals but hasn't gone through human trials yet. are you aware of i.t? is it being -- of it? is it being used in liberia or sierra leone yet? >> no it hasn't been used. >> zmat are you aware of it?
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>> yes i'm aware of it but it hasn't been tested in humans. >> what are the protocols for -- the informs that you're providing to the community as to how the community can safeguard itself? we understand part of that is washing your hands. >> exactly. >> a lot, correct? >> yes, constantly. >> what are the safeguards? >> what is ebola, we need to explain to them how the virus is transmitted. >> what do you say to them? >> we tell them it is transmitted through bodily contact, and bodily fluid. often people will sleep together in the same bed. how it's transmitted, in order to protect oneself in case, it is trand mitted within a family. >> how is it transmitted? >> through direct body contact, through sweat, it can go through skin, break in the skin, sal
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i've, urine. >> how is it killed? flat out is it bleach is it watching your hands a lot is it soap? i think i read somewhere sunlight. >> yes sunlight works also. the virus is a fragile virus outside the body. soap and water works or chlorine works. yes. if we wash our hands as often as possible and we tell family members not to touch their face so much after caring for somebody it is better for them. >> and the rainy season is this currently the rainy season? >> yes it is. >> that is a problem isn't it? >> yes it is the malaria season at the moment and ebola symptoms mimic malaria. differential diagnosis is not easy. >> good to talk to you. i know you are probably anxious to get back to work. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> the remains of some
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passengers of malaysia flight 17 have been flown back to netherlands. it is believed the bodies of 80 passengers are still on scene. russian separatists are battling for control of the area. barnaby phillips reports. >> ukraine's army is building bridges in slovyansk, to get things moving again to convince people that the worst is now over. but it's a big job and many people here feel they have been left to fend for themselves, like ilia, whose home and where business were bombed into rubs. no sign of the -- ruins, no sign
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of the promised compensation so far. separatists had their headquarters, barricades have long been bulldozed away. fridon spied for the government and not all of them have run off from slovyansk. >> according to our information there are some 200 to 250 people including some 50 russian specialists hiding in the surrounding forests, they are still active and they are threatening to come back and this frightens people. >> reporter: in this battle scarred town ukraine's government needs win over hearts and minds. but it also wants to punish those who actively supported the separatist rebellion and reconciling those two objectives is going to involve a very difficult balancing act. new town square lenin now weargs the ukrainian national colors. if there are separatists here they're keeping a relow profile.
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at this rally everyone wants to stress their loyalty to ukraine. galina is leading a discussion what should happen to people who supported the separatists. >> each case needs to be treated individually. it depends on whether someone was armed and whether they cleaned someone. maybe someone should be forced to clean the streets. perhaps others should be sent to prison to change their minds. >> is as long the war in eastern ukraine drags on, people in slovyansk feel their fate is still in the balance. barnaby phillips, slovyansk, al jazeera. >> crossing a river there are two confirmed deaths so far. half of the passengers have been rescued, the others are unaccounted for but could have reached safety on their own. strong waves and rough waters are being blamed. the ferry was only licensed to carry 85 people.
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islamic state fighters have seized more towns in northern iraq. these victories give islamic state to other parts of syria and mosul dam. civilians have been forced to flee their homes. and in libya lawmakers are struggling to symptom a destabilization. spread to major cities, the newly elected house of representatives says the newly elected representative government is the only way to restore stability. >> violence is rife in the capitol tripoli, the city of dubruk was the best place to meet, in a hotel under protection of heavy security
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presence. fighting from libyan militia has thrown libya again into turmoil. the new house of representatives have called for a national unity government out of the way of the current crisis. >> translator: the transitional government is proposing an urgent vision, the core of which is to put in place all necessary solution he to reserve security using all means possible that will produce a balanced situation in libya. >> reporter: the instability caused libya's oil production to drop below 450,000 barrels per day well below the 1.4 million barrels it produced a year ago. britain is the latest entity to close its doors and pull out its diplomatic staff. the u.s., france and other countries have done so days earlier. libyans and foreign nationals continue to cross the border into tunisia to escape the
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fighting but thousands remain trapped including these egyptians. they are stuck ton border as tunisia has restricted those leaving. it insists that only the those who will leave for egypt can get in. agreed on a plan to evacuate those who are stranded. >> we don't have a precise estimate of figures considering there are still many more citizens blocked on the libyan side. we can say there are about 5,000 to 10,000 people. there are some difficulties to move them to the tunisian border. we have repatriated about 3500 citizens. >> ensured those stranded that the egyptian government is doing their best to end their nightmare. an air lift is underway but it
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will take days to get all those who want to leave out of libya to tunisia and straight to egypt. rula amin, al jazeera, tunisia. >> maria ines ferre has the headlines make. >> final order. today's decision comes days after a similar law was blocked in mississippi. the law requires doctors at abortion clinics to have hospital admitting privileges. in denver the u.s. air force academy's athletic program is under investigation. the probe comes amidst allegations of drug problems, assaults and cheating. alleged misconduct among some of the school's athletes. delinquent water customers in detroit have until august 25th to pay their bills.
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customers have one last opportunity to come up with a payment plan during this time. and workers in tewksbury, massachusetts today, say they want to work for arthur domales, if board members allow him to buy the market bask grocery chain. workers must return by today or they'll be replaced. >> i'm not going in there so i'm guessing i very well could be fired today. >> reporter: in fact, the store is holding a three day job fair starting today to replace those workers. and a group of boaters in hawaii are telling their survival story today. the coast guard assessed four teens and four adults as their vessel sank yesterday. >> water was just coming in too fast for the billing pum bilge .
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the boat was already too heavy and it sank under. it was such a great sight to see. >> the adults and teenagers were able too tie three kayaks together and cling to them before rescuers showed up and the boat had an emergency radio by the wabeaconthat was are sta. >> tom ackerman reports, the spacecraft messenger is sending back pictures that will provide more insight into the solar
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system. >> it took almost 58 kilometers from earth. the scientists who designed and built it at the johns hopkins advanced physics laboratory felt it could send back at most 2,000 images for a planet to close to the sun for scientists to observe. now they have a wealth of information about mercury. they have mapped the topography of the planet with new information sent back by messenger as recently as a few months ago. deposits of water ice, an encouraging finding to those who dream of making human settlement in deep space an eventually reality. >> this is saying to us that one of the processes that takes place in our solar system can trap water, and have it there,
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if we ever get there. >> reporter: the facts learned about the properties on below and above mercury's surface are small pieces of a grand solar system puzzle that the scientists want to solve. >> there's a big difference and a progression of how scientists look what their progression is. and we're trying to see how it makes one system of the solar system. >> messenger is expected to finally crash into the planet sometime next april. it will take another year for its data to be analyzed but in the coming decade the space agency plans to launch two more orbiters, tom ackerman, al jazeera, laurel, maryland. and coming up, google helps get a sex offender arrested, after flagging his e-mail. but some are questioning the
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>> okay, breaking news, israel has agreed to a 72 hour ceasefire in gaza. that will start tuesday morning. charles stratford is on the phone with us from gaza. what do you know about this deal? >> this has just come through tony. we have heard that a israeli dloidiplomatic force says it's e to begin 8:00 a.m. local time here in gaza. according to the source prime minister netanyahu was going to after he had been notified that all the tunnels had been destroyed here in gaza. and he also hinted that an israeli delegation is heading to cairo to try and finalize that
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agreement. and we'll wait and see what happens. we are how many hours away now, we are about eight hours away before that begins. and before that proposed ceasefire is supposed to pharmacist egyptiastart.egyptiag trying to push forward with further negotiations with the palestinian factions to try and meet some of their demands. and the israeli army basically stretched that if there are any violation of that agreement of that 72 hours then they will respond as they say with force. >> charles, a couple of questions. is israel now saying that its work with the tunnels is now over and its mission its objective to destroy the tunnels, is that work done, is it claiming that? >> that's what it's claiming yes. the it's interesting that the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire
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proposal it came literally an hour, couple of hours after reports have come through certainly from israel by an israeli official who had announced that yes, the tunnels had all been destroyed. and there was also talk of another official that israel was potentially going to withdraw some of its ground forces from this buffer zone that they've created in their campaign to destroy those tunnels. >> got you. and charles so the israeli delegation was initially going to egypt for talks and it wasn't going to egypt for talks and now we understand that there is this new ceasefire that comes essentially out of those talks. and the next step is for israel to now send a delegation to egypt to -- i'm assuming -- work on the parameters for a more permanent ceasefire, is that about right? >> that's correct. that's certainly what the egyptians are reporting. they're saying that this window is there precisely for that, for
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a delegation, an israeli delegation to be heading there imminently to try and finalize some sort of agreement and try and kick off, try and finalize it -- sorry to try and kick off some sort of talks for a more permanent ceasefire, yes, that certainly seems to be happening this evening. >> charles stratford on the phone from gaza. there's issues about how private your e-mail is, google tipped officials off they found child pornography in his e-mail. >> google's ability to scan e-mails remains very controversial. police say google found pornographic e-mails of a girl in this man's e-mail.
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an official working on this issue, they got a search warrant for his residence and his account. but while police say google helped them the company's report is stirring debate on internet freedom. >> it's a good thing but raises issues about privacy. it has revealed to g mail users that google is, to some extent we don't know what extent, reading the contents of their e-mail. >> google automatically scans to target spam. saying if we become aware of such content we will report it to the appropriate authority. google uses technology known as thk you have the rightage gets a to reasonably expect them to not scan your information. >> more than 400 million people
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use gmail around the world and tony one of the experts i talked to one of the issues she had with google being able to scan e-mail, what google is determining is illegal. >> now they're forming a law enforcement role. arroxana, thank you. >> the algae often comes along in summer but this time it presented a toxic risk to the water supply of nearly a half a million people. it's not man made but it's certainly enlivened from the waste water and fertilizer from farms that people live on. at the top of the hour.
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>> so a video released on social media is sparking all kinds of outrage. we showed you a little bit of it in the tease. kids are not footballs, right? it shows a man beating in cairo, egypt. maria ines ferre is back. ines. >> we want to warn you, it's disturbing to watch. children are seen here, getting -- yes. >> you're kidding me. >> a group of children six or seven of them, getting beaten as layered identified as the manager of the orphanage. punishing them one by one for opening the refrigerator and turning on the television. he's seen here hitting them with a wooden stick and kicking them. >> is he breaking bones here? he could be breaking bones here.
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>> these children are running away, crying. the wife told local media that she shot the video and released it because she couldn't stay silent any longer. and egyptians have been expressing outrage on social media over the last several hours many demanding that the man be arrested. and the wife be held accountable. >> he hasn't been arrested yet? >> he has today tony. an investigation is underway and the government also ordered these kids to be transferred and the orphanage to be shut down. still tony so many questions are remain, questions back three years. a british activist writes this, i think it's high time egypt reviews it centuries old practi.
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>> maybe he should be turned over to people in prison. women should not laugh loudly in public. women's rights activists, accused him of violating laws against gender discrimination, made women targets of laughing aloud. lego is out to prove that science is not only a boys-only club which will hopefully make one little girl pretty happy. the company just rolled out a new lego settle called the research institute which features three female scientist. you see there. the girl wrote the company complaining about how the girl legos were actually pretty boring. that's all the time for our news. i'm tony harris.
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