tv News Al Jazeera August 4, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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bernard care karik. marking the moment dozens of heads of state attend a ceremony, commemorating 100 years of the first combat of world war i. we begin tonight with a renewed push for peace in gaza. boat israel and hamas have agreed to a 72-hour ceasefire. it is just now past 6:00 a.m. in gaza and the ceasefire is scheduled to qui to begin in juo hours. followed by talks on a permanent deal. earlier we asked both sides about the agreement. >> we believe this is an important moment. we have agreed on a road map for ending the israel attack against
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gaza. we hope the israelis will be committed and will respect the ceasefire for the next 72 hours. if that happen, we hope we can work out the entire agreement which will end the siege on gaza. >> at 11:00 tomorrow morning, the israelis will be ending the conflict. i hope, i hope that we can now leave the conflict and have a situation where the israeli people don't have to worry about incoming rockets. >> al jazeera am charles stratford is in gaza. >> as we speak all we can really hear at the moment are the sounds of drones above which we've heard every night. it has been actually quieter here in the last couple of hours we must say. there's been the occasion crunch
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of what could be the tank fire in the distance. this comes at a time when israel says it completed its destruction of what it says is hamas tunnels. it comes at a time when one israeli official says they were prepared to withdraw their troops from goops if suc gaza ia ceasefire were to hold. it is terrible skepticism, bear in mind that these people have been absolutely pummeled over the last 18 months. whole neighborhoods wiped out. thousands, tens of thousands of people stuck in unrwa schools. population of around 60,000 with massive areas completely flattened. where are these people supposed to go. others who are too afraid to go back anyway. as they say they don't trust
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that ceasefire. great skepticism this. >> charles stratford there in gaza. 25% of the population in gaza has now been displaced. palestinian doctors say the public health statement in gaza ton verge of collapse. in west jerusalem an off duty israeli soldier was injured in a shooting today and in a separate incident a palestinian man driving a tractor hit and killed a pedestrian and then flipped over an empty bus. israeli officials call it a terrorist attack. andrew simmons report. >> it all happened very quickly. this grade are are flipped over an israeli bus. one person was killed. one policeman he immediately opened fire and the excavator's
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driver and killed him. his body is underneath that white plastic here. tension has been high with alerts going out for any potential attacks. the police say they are treating this as a terrorist attack and they say that the dead man is palestinian. they have carried out a search of the area around. >> andrew simmons reporting from jerusalem. earlier we spoke with lawrence korb, a form he assistant secretary of deference. we asked him about the likelihood that this ceasefire will hold. >> well i think the chances are greater here because israel has accomplished a lot of its military objectives with the tunnels. they are also concerned about public opinion in a lot of the western countries, given some of the things that have happened in terms of the air strikes that they've had. the civilian casualties,
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particularly the u.n. facilities. and they're also beginning to see as you reported some of the problems on the west bank where people there are becoming very upset. so i think they want it. they felt a week ago when they had it you know they basically did it under pressure from the united states. and i think hamas has recognized basically that there is nothing more that they can gain militarily. because i think in the you know an agreement that would follow this, they can get the borders open, i assume that egypt let them know that, and, you know, in the negotiations that they had in cairo, so i think they're much better than they were you know a week or so ago. because of the situation on the ground. >> the israeli military says hamas has fired 70 rockets from gaza over the past 24 hours. five of those were intercepted by israel's iron dome system. today president obama signed a bill providing an additional
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$225 million to israel's missile defense. rob reynolds has the story. >> president obama has signed into law a measure passed by congress that would give israel $225 million as an emergency measure to help it beef up its iron dome missile defense system. in a statement released by the white house the press secretary said that the u.s. is proud of the iron dome defense system which was developed jointly by the u.s. and israel. and claimed that it has saved countless israeli lives. now, this measure was passed by the u.s. congress, which lately that is been so deadlocked that it's rarely been able to agree on anything. but i suppose that this simply shows that in -- when it comes to israel, the american political class both democrats and republicans are always eager to show their support. now, the u.s. has provided a
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number of other items for the israeli war in gaza. the missile defense field, the iron dome as it's called is of course a defensive shield but according to some figures dug up by our pentagon producer brian wheeler, the u.s. military has also provided 120 millimeter tank rounds to israel, a propellant for israeli howitzers senting shells into gaza 25 million meter rounds and other military devices for its assault on gaza. >> rob reynolds in gaza. the motte serious outbreak of ebola remains out of control in west africa. two humanitarian workers are being treated in atlanta.
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meanwhile in liberia another missionary workering was picked up nancy writebol. the serum given to her appears to be working. kent brantly also received the serum. he was the first known ebola case to be treated in the united states. the world health organization says that out of 1600 cases in africa 887 people have died. now doctors here in new york say they should know soon whether there's another case in the united states. paul beban is at mt. sinai hospital. >> we're here outside mt. sinai hospital on manhattan's lower east side. i should emphasize that the hospital is being very tight-lipped about this patient,
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citing privacy concerns. he presented early sunday into monday morning saying he was not feeling well and had symptoms consistent with ebola. that as you know can be a wide range of flu-like symptoms possibly vomiting other gastr gastrointestimony than problems. bloodshot eyes. from the time the patient arrived here it was only seven minutes before he was put in strict isolation. hospital staff is ready for massive evangelists. we -- massive events. the patient placed in strict isolation almost immediately. they took samples and sent them to the cdc, they are testing other things possibly trying to rule out ebola, looking for other possible causes. they are expecting those rilts sometimes in the next 24 to 48
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hour urs. here is what the hospital officials said late monday evening. >> we are very confident with the work for abandons of caution we're going owork carefully with the cdc to make certain that this patient does not have the ebola virus disease. >> what we did learn from hospital officials is this patient returned from west africa sometime in the last month. obviously a wide window. we don't know if the new york city area is his home. we don't know how many people he may have come in contact with since the time he started showing symptoms. what we do know is ebola symptoms can take from two to 21 days to method to star manifesto present. anyone in the area at the time
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has nothing to worry about. emphasizing the very 86 progress from the er to the isolation ward, and trying to keep expectations trying to keep people calm about the situation here at mt. sinai. >> paul beban reporting from new york. pauline, this experimental serum that the u.s. aid workers received what sit? >> it is called zmap. zmap is essentially a combination of three antibodies. antibodies are neutralizing a germ, the ebola virus. >> is the serum particularly new? >> they have been experimenting for quite a while. this approach has been used you know in the 1800s even before we had antibiotics.
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we would use serum or blood transfuse that from somebody who had recovered from the disease into somebody who is now sick. even in 1994 during an ebola outbreak a similar approach was used. eight patients with ebola were given blood transfusion he. seven survived which was much high are than expected. it is an old approach actually. >> how long does it take for doctors to know which antibodies are effective? >> that's the subject of much reach here. what these different campaigns from nih have been doing, this zmap has three specific antibodies. >> what is dr. brantly receiving all right in atlanta? >> within 24 hours he was
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responding, that was why he was able to walk off the plane, most probably. he will be receiving close why blood pressure monitoring. >> is it close to mass produce? >> these are the 2 first two humans to have received it. up until now it's mice or monkeys that have received this drug. there are a lot of ethical issues, and until it's been studied in people it won't be mass produced. part of the problem we're facing is this is still a relatively rare disease. it's only been more than a thousand cases while for ebola that's a big deal, in the big picture that's 92nd lot of cases. for a pharmaceutical company, they don't see that as a big market. what's going ohave to happen is
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governments are going to have to step forward and help fund this effort. >> an individual was absolutely convinced that ebola is now here in the united states our government isn't telling us everything and it is going ospread. how does it really spread and is there a possibility of it going somewhere where people are i don't know out of control with? >> the two cases in atlanta are a dibility differently than the case in new york. the two cases in atlanta are being transported under very controlled conditions. i'm really not that concerned knowing there are excellent very tight infection control measures being taken at emory hospital. i don't think we need to be concerned about that. >> and in new york it's trying to make sure this person is essentially in quarantine. if that is being treated. >> that's correct. >> dr. celleen bounder, thank you for coming.
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>> you're welcome. >> in texas, oklahoma and california, it's closing the shelters that were being used to temporarily house migrant children crossing over into the united states. the department of health and human services says there's been fewer child immigrants and there are enough shelters to handle them. iselle is approaching the hawaiian islands. kevin corriveau is here. >> here is tropical storm iselle and julio. these have just come out at 11:00 eastern time and as you can see this is a category 4 making a straight line over here towards hawaii. and julio not far behind it. this is also going to increase
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the hurricane strength. but we have one obstacle ahead of it. it is going to be this cooler water right here. we do think these storms are going to come down in intensity. but as you can see both of the tracks are going to be making their way towards hawaii. when we talk about is iselle, e potential for flooding is going to be substantial. hurricane bertha this storm in the atlantic, but we are still watching a very difficult rip tide, consume over across most of the eastern seaboard. and later on this could be a potential problem for newfoundland and nova scotia. back to you. >> kevin corriveau, thank you. in california residents are dig their way out of mudslides,
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triggered by thunderstorms unleashed in a few hours near san diego. near forest falls, california. >> when the small town of forest falls is in the midst of a historic are drought, this is what four inches of rain looks like. mud and boulders bearing this front yard. giving you an idea how much mud is here, this is the front door and this is roof of a shed which used to be pretty much where our camera is located. the person renting this house doug says he was home at the time the mudslide occurred. he said he came rushing out to see the wall of mud and debris pouring into his yard. he raced to hire ground for safety and after seeing this damage he doesn't feel it's safe to be here anymore and he
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doesn't plan to stay. >> i was aware of the vublght of vulnerability, and just seeing mother nature, i don't believe i'm going to be staying here or my girlfriend. the homeowner will be flying in from hawaii. i don't know what he plans to do with the property. >> you don't plan to be here? >> i don't plan to be here. it's an accident waiting to happen. >> reporter: the only way in and out is they spent the way digging here so you could access the door. as bad as this house looks, this actually fared the worst for the town of forest falls, california. all day today work crews were clearing and cleaning the roads letting the residents back in and also letting those residents that were forced to shelter in place to leave. the red cross was here earlier today i did have a chance to speak with them. they said they served about 200
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meals but they say their work here is done. that's what the fire department says, too. their work clearing the roads for the most part has been done and now it falls on the shoulders of the homeowners to start the long, dirty process of digging out. >> jennifer london reporting from southern california. still ahead this hour, choke hold controversy. former new york city commissioner bernard kerik weighs in on the hold that left a person dead. an
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>> the case of a little boy in thailand is getting international attention. the child was apparently abandoned by his biological parents because he has a genetic condition. jonathan betz joins us with more. jonathan. >> australia's government may intervene in this case. while one family rejected one child while keeping another. >> she gave birth, she cares for him as if he is her own but he's not. she's a surrogate. his biological parent realized he has down syndrome.
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>> i don't hate them at all. we were always willing to forgive them. >> raised difficult questions about surrogacy among government leaders. >> it is a very, very sad story and i hate to think that you know a child could be abandoned like that. >> an awfnt couple hired her to carry their child. the biological parents kept the healthy girl but left gami in thailand. >> why does he have to be abandoned while the other baby has it easy? i feel sorry for him. >> didn't realize their new daughter had a tin and denied gani is even there. >> the biological parents did visit both children in the hospital, that claim is hard to believe. >> many couples instead go overseas. some say the laws need to be
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changed. >> i think it's have a wakeup call for us if you like to see the issues involved. >> hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised by gami. who has a heart disease. abandoned by his parents but not without a mother. >> entitled to citizenship which would give him free health care. some states allow surrogacy while others do not. many childless couples look overseas. where there is amazing issues. >> thanks jonathan. officials say moscow is holding military exercises near the ukrainian border. more than 400 were forced across the border during battles with
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pro-russian fighters in eastern ukraine. they say the fighters are seeking asylum. world war i broke out 100 years ago today. start of one of the most destructive conflicts in history. they came together to remember. david chateer reports. >> 100 eyes ago they were locked in a wash that was meant to end all wars. today french president francois hollande came to pay his respects. in all features the messenger was the same. the blight of war still stalks the world. but it was the french leader who brought up the conflict in gaza. >> how can we day neutral when a
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deadly conflict in gaza is lasting more than a month. we we have responsibility along with the united nations. >> it was the city of liege where the first battle of the war was fought on the western front. divisions advanced through belgium and expected to overcome in two days and move towards paris. but held back long enough for british and french divisions to bar their way. but liege was left in ruin. this was the last of the defenses to fall. this huge crater was the birth place of modern are weapons of are mass destruction. this explosion buried 350 men. many of them still lie under the huge mound of concrete behind me. this was the a artillery piece that shot it, known as big
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bertha. they have recreated the sound of the barrage and the direct hit. it was a horrifying foretaste of what was to come. david chater, al jazeera, liege. >> coming up next, safe to drink, the mayor of toledo, ohio says the town's water is safe to drink again. but how did it get contaminated with algae in the first place? plus, fire challenge, why are teenagers taking part in this dangerous and potentially deadly stunt? stunt? when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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well, there's really no comparison. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. >> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm david schuster. ahead this hour. choke hold controversy. prosecutors are considering charges against the nypd. former police commissioner bernard kerik joins us next.
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teenagers lighting themselves on fire. and sneaker-pawn. the tradition of trading in your old kicks for fancier ones. >> here in new york city there is a very fierce debate over the use of force by police and by prison guards. this confrontation started it all. last month a new york police officer used a choke hold by arresting eric garner. the tactic is banned and garner's death is ruled a homicide. the use of excessive force on teen nment inmates. bernard kerik former police commissioner. first of all, what do you make
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of this eric garner case, should those officers be involved in a charge? >> it's up to the grand jury. the state grand jury will look at it. they'll look at the arrest procedures, were they followed, was there excessive force, the me has classified it as a homicide. in other words. the officer what they're saying is the officer was the cause of death. the grand jury is going to have to look at it and say was it intentional? did he intend to kill him? >> when you look at this very disturbing video and again this is perhaps out of context, it might be a little bit in isolation but what goes through your mind when what you see is happening to mr. garner and how the officers talked to him? >> i've been in the circumstances. any cop out there that's arrested someone bigger than them, more aggressive than them. you know, you have -- there's a lot of fear going on.
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you are -- you can't lose the battle. and you're deathly afraid of that guy overpowering you and getting your gun. i've known several new york city cops and other cops that have been killed with their own gun. i was in the academy with a guy killed with his own gun fighting with an inmate, fighting with a subject he was trying to arrest. >> but in this case the subject was being arrested or confronted because he was selling cigarettes and not doing it according to protocol. it weabt wasn't a violent mattee police were responding to. >> whether or not, mr. garner didn't comply and it's a tragedy all the way around. for garner family, it's a horrible tragedy and for these cops, who are going to have to go through this process. it is -- it is horrible. it's going to be a horrible thing.
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>> regarding rikers, you have been warning on this for some time. what's going on at rikers? >> i think it's leadership. i'd be remiss to say that you cannot blame ponte, the new commissioner who's just gotten there in may. he's trying to implement different policies and procedures that will curb some of this stuff but you have to look at what happened over the last four or five years. violence that is increased every single year. if the u.s. attorney's report is half as accurate at it reports, there are some major problems that have to be addressed. >> there were not major problems when you were in charge of rykers, what were you doing
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differently? >> first of all, you have to given the cos the tools to do the job. secondly you have to hold the inmates responsible for their actions. some of the most violent facilities on the island. if the inmates slash someone or cut someone or attack someone they've got to be charged with a crime. prison and jail should not be a safe haven for criminal activity. the officers have to be held accountable too for use he of force, force is you know if it's wrongful use of force they have to be held accountable. i don't know what's been going on but based on the u.s. attorney's report there are problems. >> the person in charge of rykers the last several years is now in charge of the prison system in connecticut. should people in connecticut be fearful of the trend? >> i think you have to look at the leadership over the last several years. violence crept up. there was no accountability snrp was -- there was no real leadership in the system and it
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really comes from the top. so somebody's going to have to look at that. >> bernard kerik former new york city police commissioner. mr. kerik good to have you on. >> thank you sir. >> tonight the mayor of toledo, ohio has lifted that city's ban on drinking tap water. city officials say it is safe to driven after being contaminated with algae from lake erie. bisi onile-ere has the latest. >> reporter: for first time the faucets inside wylie parker's house are running. her description of the past few days, stressful. >> kind of hectic. afraid to do anything with inside water, not even wash my hands. >> reporter: the harmful green algae bloom in lake erie contaminated the toledo water supply on saturday. city officials enforced a massive ban leaving nearly half
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a million residents dry. 72 hours later. [applause] >> here's to you toledo. you did a great job. >> reporter: the mayor's confidence however isn't enough to sway residents like parker who helps care for her grand children. >> i don't know, i just don't trust it. it's too quick. >> reporter: the city says forecasters predicted significant algae blooms in lake erie this year but environmental pollution such as chemical runoff from farms made the situation much worse. and the city says in this case the toxins would have been hard to avoid. >> while we can't totally control algae bloom, when they bloom andists right over our intake we are at its mercy. we have procedures this plagues. unfortunately this bloomed right over our intake we were helpless. we did everything we could, we brought it back online as soon as we could. >> but resident likes jim reems
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believe there ought to be accountability. >> they need to eliminate the pollution going into the lake at this rate. >> the city may not be in the clear. the algae bloom is not due to reach its peak until september. bisi onile-ere, al jazeera, toledo, ohio. >> so how can it be that a algae bloom can lead to toledo going without water. jake ward is in san francisco. >> david, as bisi noted, the agricultural runoff, quaints phosphorous which is overneeding this algae and causing it to bloom in this way. and it's just bad luck that wind has based pushed that algae into the intake area of the toledo water district. lake erie is a dangerous and
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fragile place when it comes to water safety. it is the shall owest of the graicts. great lakes. the canary in the coal mine as it were. there is no single federal facility that imposes standards on the facilities that pull water out of that body of water. it is the sort of goodwill and common sense of this plant that deamed this microcystin. there could be other people who are experiencing flu like symptoms who wouldn't know it came from this algae because there are no federal standards for all of these water processing plants. lake erie has sort of recovered in the past. it was the site of tremendous cleanups from the 1960s which resulted in a very clean body of
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water as of the year 2000 but in the past decade or so we have been seeing more and more much these algae blooms. and until there is an understood standard by all water producing plants are being tested, big cities are going to have this problem. it's not just this part of the country. we are talking about indianapolis and columbus, microcystin is going to be a problem for other water districts. >> a system that sent young latin american people to cuba to foment unrest. rosalyn jordan has more. >> u.s. aid came under fire for creating a twitter type app which was trying to foment
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revolt in cuba. now u.s. aide is denying another program that was designed to foment dissent in cuba, recruiting young people to go to cuba to work in hiv-aids clinics. to provide information not so much about transmission of the disease but spread the idea of trying to change the deposit. that is according to the new story from the associated press. the state department insists that the program had a dual function and it was trying to provide an opportunity to increase political awareness among young cubans. however the cuban government is not looking favorably on this program and neither are these young people who say they thought they were simply making new friends but instead tell the associated press that they feel they were misled and perhaps being used. of course u.s. has had a long history of mistrust in latin
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america, because of past reports indicating that u.s. aid and affiliated programs might have been used not to promote general health and welfare but used instead to change political governments. something which these other countries obviously do not like. >> rosalyn jordan at the state department. tonight there are new questions about just how private your e-mail is. police say they arrested a man whom google tipped them off had pornographic information in his e-mail. >> a detective working on the case told al jazeera, they sent me the photos they saw and with that information we got a search warrant for his drerns and his account. police say while google helped them the company's action is
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stirring debate. >> it's a good thing and raises issues about privacy. it has revealed to gmail users that google is, to some extent and we don't know what extent, reading the contents of their e-mail. >> goolgt automatically -- google awmentdly scans e-mail. , if we are aware of such content we will report it to the appropriate authorities. google uses technology known as hashing where each image gets a unique code that is compared to known illegal images. until now google has never confirmed that it searches for this information in private e-mail accounts. >> my take on it is if you are using a free service like google, i don't think you have the right to reasonably expect for them to not scan your information. >> more than 400 million people use gmail around the world.
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roxana saberi, al jazeera. former presidential press secretary james brady is remembered by people around the world on word that he has died. brady and his wife had a lifelong campaign for gun control. james brady had been ronald reagan's press secretary for only 69 days when on march 30th, 1981, he accompanied the not a speech in the ina washington hotel. afterwards outside a man named john hinkley junior opened fire from a gun he bought at a pawn shop. >> three men were lying on the ground according to one dispatch i'm reading here now only a few feet where the president was standing. >> reporter: brady was on the ground and was in critical
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condition. some news agencies report they'd brady had died. but he did not, his brain injuries left him with slurred speech. he and his wiefer lobbied for strict gun control. in 1993 a federal bill requiring a background check on handguns passed bearing his name. >> i know would i not be sitting here in this damn wheelchair if we had is can common sense legislation. >> in 1996, president clinton honored brady with a presidential medal of freedom, the highest civilian award. he grew up in strail centralia,
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illinois. went on to work for senator everett dirksen of illinois. when connolly dropped out of the presidential race, brady joined reagan's campaign. as director of research. even before taking over as press secretary brady was a favorite figure. his sharp wit and boyish charm tended to defray controversy. he and sarah neafer gave up and never stopped supporting the could you evere causes for which he believed. former presidents clinton and bush. the pressroom named after brady, josh ernest. >> even after he was wounded on that attack on the president was somebody who showed his patriotism and commitment to the country by being very outspoken
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on an issue that was important to him and that he felt very strongly about. >> but i'm not going to run away from this. >> brady's family said his zest for life was apparent to all who knew him. and despite his injuries and the pain he endured for so long he will always be remembered for the wit and charm he used to make the world a better, safer place. james brady, dead at the age of 73.
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>> well, things are drying up in southern california after the amazing amount of rain we had yesterday across the region. mudslides across the area to the east of los angeles. now we're seeing rain making its way up north nevada to central california. that is not going to last long. things are going ostart to dry out for that area as well. for los angeles, 81°, no rain in the forecast, we're back to the dry conditions that we had previously as we go towards the end of the week maybe about 82° for you. down here towards the south, though, southeast, we are seeing quite a bit of heavy rain, gulf to florida and that's causing a problem for flooding, tampa to parts of miami. we do expect that rain to continue all along the coast and as we go towards wed thing wedn, things are looking severe.
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>> u.s. officials are issuing a warning about a dangerous and disturbing stunt. it involves people setting themselves on fire for fun. this week alone teen ages are suffered sever injury. erica pizzi reports. >> it's teenagers setting themselves on fire. they pour rubbing alcohol or nail polish remove all over their body and lit a match. this 11 yeerbled miami boy was
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recently hospitalized after suffering second or third degree burns after playing the fire challenge game. this boy's stomach is servel burned and will be in bandages for months. this boy said why he took the challenge. >> i saw people fail. i could do the same thing but actually last longer under the flame. >> instead, fernando valencia needs skin grafts. >> every time they do it they get burned deeply because they have either rubbing alcohol or acetone, which can burn really really deeply. >> to help douse the misconception, one youtube
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person. >> i underestimated the power of fire. >> erica pizzi, al jazeera. >> unmanned mission to mercury, the spacecraft messenger engineer is sending back pictures that will provide insight into the solar system. >> reporter: it took messenger six years to orbit close enough inside mercury almost 58 million kilometers from earth. johns ho hopkins observatory, ar receiving ten times that number of pictures they have a wealth of data about mercury. where temperatures range from 450 down to minus 150° cell50 c. new information sent back by
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messenger engineer sent back as recently as a few months ago. beneath the craters lie walls of ice. which encourage those who wish to have a deep trip into space a reality. >> this tells us that we can trap water and have it there if we ever get there. >> reporter: the facts learned about the properties on above or below mercury's surface, solve the problems scientists want to solve. >> we're trying to understand how it all makes one consistent picture of the formation and evolution of the solar system. >> messenger engineer is projected to lose orbit and finally crash into the plenty sometime next april. it will take another year for its data to be analyzed. but in the coming year the
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european space agency plans to being launch two other orbiters to carry on mercury's mysteries. tom ackerman. al jazeera. >> going for thousands of dollars it's created a cottage industry especially for people like chase reed. he's an old pro in the world of sneakers. he opened up his own store, in harlem, new york, called sneaker-pawn. we talked to him and his father. >> off of a passion for clothes, start wearing sneakers and it became a love and a passion that i have and it developed into well let's open a store for sneakers. basically it's me and my father. sometimes would i have to get money to go by clothes or go out
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with my friends. basically, well, i need sneakers you just bought, you need mone money,. >> like how the business operates like a traditional pawn shop? >> exactly. me and chase, after buying $400 sneakers, he would say, dad can i borrow an extra $50? i thought he was crazy, but you know what, are give me one pair of those sneakers you bought, and bring me the $50 by the end of the week. if you need money, imagine how many others need the money. chase was bringing myme pictures from instagram and showing me grown men's sneaker collection. we kind of ran and started putting the business of sneaker pawn together.
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>> they get money for prom dresses or the like. tell us about the ones on the left, what's so special about this bee one? >> the lebron james, very luxury type box and it retailed for about $180 and now it sold for $1200. >> wow, the custom box. i remember collecting baseball cards and having special boxes. this is the special box for shoes. what exactly is this? >> for the crown jewels, they come with a box in a box. so basically we have the box that comes with a shoe bag like a shoe sock almost. it's signed by lebron james on the front and it comes with a nike, plus. it comes with a lot of detail. >> how much volume, how much business, you've been opened six or seven weeks. what kind of business do you have in the store?
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>> it's tremendous. all kind of kids coming in the store with great stories. i see kids coming in there who just graduated from high school and wait to their prom. two young ladies needs money to get their hair done and get a vehicle for their prom. we took pride in that. we're able to give them $300 for three pair of sneakers. they'll come back in a few weeks to get their sneak persons something like this ever, there's nothing like this where you can actually bru i in your sneakers can it get cash and get them in 30 days and keep your valuables. >> chase reed, thanks for being here. sneakers, in a couple of years we're going to be hearing from you. we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you so much. >> tonight's freeze frame is from utah where a large crane
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12:00 am
>> if you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. "america tonight": our investin into sex abuse and sport. some of the nation's top junior athletes and why even the most protective parents may not be able to save them. >> i was the helicopter parent on the other side of the door. right there. i was working out in the gym. so you can be as helicopter as you want and still miss it. >> young athletes at the top of their game. could the u.s. olympic committee do more to protects them? also tonight, too much of a badly-needed thing.
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