tv Consider This Al Jazeera August 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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a new ceasefire between israelis and palestinians - will this hold longer than the last one of the a reporter who uncovered another botched american mission in cuba. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this", those stories and more ahead. >> even today's pause in fighting was marred by new tension. >> israel says it did bomb a refugee camp. >> jerusalem is on high alert. >> police say somebody used a bulldozer to ram and flip or a
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bus. >> the tragedy is unfolding and getting worse. >> 45 african heads of states are meeting with u.s. leaders. >> six of the fastest growing economies is in africa. >> the headline is ebola, as fears are growing that it will spread. >> autism is on the up. >> 5% of the children have autism symptoms go away. >> political upheaval in cuba. >> the goal - turn people into political activists forcing change. ed. >> it's not a covert programme. we begin with a temporary cease fire in gaza, agreed to by israel and various factions, hamas representatives spoke out after the deal was announced. >> we hope the israelis will be committed and we will respect the ceasefire for 72 hours.
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if that happens, we hope to work out the agreement about the ceasefire and the seem on gaza. israeli officials agreed to the deal saying they'd accepted a new truce to begin on tuesday, marks the 9th attempted ceasefire. the 3-day ceasefire fell apart 90 minutes after it started. the israeli military began to wind down operations in gaza, believing that hamas's network of tunnels into israel have mostly been destroyed. as the goal was being released israel faced intense pressure to stop the casualties, an air strikes on sunday killing 10. the u.s. state department reacted with a rebuke to israel,
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calling the assault disgraceful. >> the suspicion that hamas fighters are operating in the vicinity of innocent civilians does not justify taking strikes, putting the lives of innocent civilians at risk. . >> the violence is spreading. jerusalem was shaken by two terrorist attacks. a gunman on a motorcycle shot and wounded an israeli soldier standing at a bus stop. hamas praised the attack, calling it a reaction to crimes against civilians in gaza. >> joining us via skype is chris gunnize, senior director and spokesman for the relief and works agency, with 13,000 staff. thanks for joining us. israel - good to have you with us. israel's unilateral and partial ceasefire in gaza ended late in
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the day, on monday. it allowed displaced palestinians to return to their homes and get badly needed medical supply and food. how bad is the situation, the humanitarian situation in gaza right new? >> first of all, only a small number of people managed to get back to their homes, shelters in gaza. 90 shelters have 297,000 people. we estimate the overall figure for displaced people is 475,000. about a quarter of the population of the gaza strip. also a problem is displacement. and don't forget people that get back to their homes will find them badly damned, and possibly are going to homes not connected to water and electricity, because the water and electricity supplies have been badly damaged.
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there are huge, huge problems. that's why we say the humanitarian pauses, ceasefires, have got to be and must become permanent peace, because without that, the appalling security problems that confront people in gaza a couple of days ago we saw a school in rafah in the south hit. the appalling risks pertain, unless there's a proper peace. >> shelters that you have there, most of them were never meant to be shelters. >> it's a good point. they are schools, places where in ordinary times, such as times are ever ordinary in gaza, they would house 1,000 students in the morning, and those going away in the afternoon. what has happened is the average population size of a shelter is about 3,000. and they are overwhelmed because of the appalling state of gaza's
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water, we have to truck in every litre consumed in the shelters, and all the food. you imagine food, water, blankets, mattresses, it's a huge undertaking, and, you know, these are traumatised, shell shocked people. they are the stars that you see and the scars that you can't. my concern are the scars you can't see run deep indeed. >> talking about the scars, you are a veteran of war zones, last week, before another united nations zone school was hit, like the one we saw hit on sunday, you had reached your breaking point. you were emotional during an al jazeera interview. how safe do you think people are at your shelters, given what we have seen. >> a number of us have reached a breaking point and the people of gaza reached a breaking point. my tears, which happened after the live interview was over, and your cameraman was rolling on
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me, sent the pictures to doha without selling me and they were broadcast. private moments of anguish were shared with the world and went viral. >> i think, you know, i don't know how you feel about that, certainly it was a powerful statements. >> no, i'm fine with that, i don't have a problem with al jazeera arabic doing that, i wanted to point out i didn't as a professional u.n. spokesman break down disconsulately, spontaneously, i maintained a mode come of composhure until the end of the incident. the truth is that gaza reach breaking point. the breaking point most of us consider a breaking point years ago. because it's gaza and the coping mechanisms are so extraordinary, they have managed to carry on in
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the most extraordinary of circumstances. but, really, you know, the blockade meant that gaza has been way beyond breaking point for a long time. imagine a society in which 95% of all water is undrinkable. imagine a place where millions of litres of raw sewerage flows through the streets into the sea. imagine a place where the aquifer, the watertable has a year and a half to go before it's destroyed. these - this is not an ordinary place, this is a place where people have extraordinary alties to deal rock -- expert abilities to deal with hardship, which makes it feel it hasn't reached breaking point. >> deaths and injuries are the worse, and the u.s. state department issued its toughest criticism calling the attack on unshelter disgraceful, arguing that israel knows where the schools and shelters are, you
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guys give them the court night and stated: . >> the u.s. says israel has the right to defend themselves, if hamas is using these facilities to hide weapons, rockets - what can be done. >> i don't think there's a jurisprudence expert on the planet saying hitting a u.n.-marked safe area amounts to self-defence. let's dispense with that. the idea that because rockets were declared and found by us, elsewhere in the gaza strip , somehow justifies hitting a school and another place in another part of the gaza strip where civilians were taking shelter... >> the argument is that there are military operations near, and this weekend they argued there were islamic jihadists in
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the neighbourhood. we saw video of missiles launched from heavily populated areas. >> yes. you are sounding like an i.v. f spokesman. >> i'm trying to be fair and bring up the other side. >> international law is clear. the international lawyers, who would have vetted the statement from the state department would have been clear. the inspector that there are mi tants near an u n.r.a. facility can not be used as a justification for hilting or shelling -- hitting or shelling a facility when many civilians are there. it's not a military target because someone is close. it's not borne out by international law. >> thank you for all the work you are doing there to help those suffering. it's good to have you on the show. before the latest ceasefire
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was announced i spoke with representatives from both sides. we are joined by the consule general of israel in los angeles, david, good to have you on the show. we heard from christopher gunnize, from the u.n. rereef and works agencies, he echoed condemnation of a shelling outside a u.n. school. with the israeli military so sophisticated, why are the shelters that israel is aware of being hit. >> we have no intention to design civilians. when you have terror cells operating within the vicinity of the installations from u.n. shelters, mosques and schools, and we see the pattern, we have to defend ourselves. if you have troops fired on, they have to respond. international law is not a suicide pact. we are not meant to lie over and play dead.
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you are supposed to defend yourself. unfortunately, you see terrorism operating specifically and purply from these areas. we are investigating what happened yesterday. we grieve for civilian casualties. this is why israel has a field hospital. this is why we have provided almost 2,000 trucks laden with humanitarian supplies into gaza. it's because the civilians of gaza are caught in the middle of a terrible, terrible conflict provoked by hamas, and they refuse to stop. this is the 7th attempt to bring about a ceasefire and have them stop. how is this going to stop if they continue firing from us from their own civilian areas. >> the israeli ambassador - i heard him argue that the hit was aimed at jihad terrorists, on a motorbike outside the school. he talked about how the military were able to do a strike.
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if they are capable, why not wait until the motorcycle with a jihadist is not near a shelter that they were aware of. >> all of these are good questions, but it's under intense battle ground in civilian areas, and it's where hamas is choosing to place its rockets and fire israeli troops and do what they do. we are investigating what happened urgently. it's important for us as a professional, as part of a democracy to find out if there's a mistake. if there is, israel is the first to say we regret the mistake, that's not what it's about, it's not about fighting civilians, god forbid. israel is in this to stop the rock it fire, to stop the terrorists from harming. it's in their hands to stop this by stopping the rocket fire in israel. you heard the state department's condemnation in
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israel, that if hamas is working in the areas, that israel is not doing enough to protect civilians. does that unprecedented criticism have an impact on what israel is doing. >> we understand the frustration. we see the pictures. any human being that looks at picture of human sufferings feels the same. we feel the same as well. on the other hand, remember, this is not a fight we started. we left of the grip 10 years ago. they opened fire, we asked them to stop. they didn't. they fire now. we should have had the 72 hour ceasefire. they used it, abused it, their own civilians and attacked troops and killed three. we understand the frustration. again, you know, rules of engagement, international law are not suicide pacts. israel has to be able to defend itself. we try to do everything humanly possible. we take extraordinary measures to minimise casualties,
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we shouldn't have been in the situation. this could have been over last friday. when there are talks in caro for a future ceasefire, and the world is asking israel to respond and look at it seriously, we have serious doubt when you have a serial violator, ceasefires in the name of hamas sitting on the other side of the table. it's unacceptable. >> why not go to the negotiations that are ongoing in egypt? the u.s. is there, representatives of hamas and the palestinian authority are there. why not at least be present and be a part of it, or is the united states your proxy in representing you? >> we tried this several times, unfortunately, and again israel was the first to accept the egyptian-proposed ceasefire, three weeks ago. thing of the casualties that could have been saved had this ended three weeks ago. hamas rejected it, rejecting their own requested ceasefire, or united nations laws.
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every time israel stops its fire, they continue to bombard us, the civilian population and troops on the ground that we have to defend and they defend themselves. it's a tragic situation, we hope this end, we didn't want to be in this conflict in the first place. hamas provoked, they fired, it's in their hands to stop this, we hope it will be behind us soon. >> for the sake of suffering on both sides, we do hope it ends. it's good to see you again. thank you for joining us. joining us from ramallah is communications advisor for the palestine liberation organization. good to have you with us. we heard david seeingel say that israel is not at the negotiation table because israel agreed to multiple ceasefires and hamas has broken them. does he not have a point. >> that's the typical blame game that israel has.
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israel violates their own ceasefires, and they said there was a ceasefire of senn hours, and they kid a girl of eight years old during the seven hours. what is here behind the decision not to go to cairo is they don't want an agreement. they want to continue. they don't want negotiation, they want a unilateral step, that's the reason why they are not going to cairo. >> as the negotiations continue in egypt. representatives are there, they are meeting separately with the chance are. are all the palestinian groups on the same page. they haven't been in the past. >> i would like to confirm here that all plainian groups are under the same litigation.
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the head - there are five senior members, all groups agreed on the main points in line with international law. we need a ceasefire. we need a withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza strip. we need to leave the gaza strip , turning it into the biggest prison. the fourth is the release of palestinian prisoners, as with previous agreements. all are agreed by palestinian groups. >> is hamas, itself, on the same page. are they speaking with only one voice? the group's political leader is in doha, the military leader in gaza, but issued a fiery statement, and many believe he's not interested in peace, but every day hamas fight is an achievement.
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in that context, is a ceasefire possibility? we believe there'll be a ceasefire, the question is not whether there'll be one or not, the question is are we going to take all the needed measures in order not to prevent a massacre against our people in gaza, everybody has been cheaper for them, or they prefer to go to massacre and sloughter palestinian civilians instead of going to the cause of the issue, which is the siege of israel over gaza. that's the reason why. that's why they are not in cairo. >> looking beyond a ceasefire, and toward the longer term solution, high-level officials are pushing a diplomatic approach to gaza, some calling for a demilitarized gaza. others suggest that hamas should be excluded and the u.n. taking
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over. is any of that realistic. >> if there is to be an international rule over palestine, it has to be over all the states of palestine, with israeli officials trying to - what they mean, suggesting the u.n. could take over gaza. they wanted to take gaza out of the state of palestine, and there's not a state of palestine without the grip. 1.7 million is palestinians or hamas. the most important here is not only what some talk about saving the 2-state solution, we are talking about crimes under full impunity. israel is trying a well-thought plan for the perspective. again against space and solution. we need israel to respect international law. to leave the legal siege, end occupation and enter for the
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palestinian people to enjoy. >> talking about the palestinian homeland, and the unity of the west bank, and gaza. the reality is the palestinian authority lived in peace with israel for many years now. that has not been the case since hamas took over. the plo great the demilitarization of gaza two decades ago. is that something that needs to be done? >> i think when we are talking about the demilitarization of gaza, israel wants to portray as if gaza has an army. israel has the most power of the army in the region. now, having said so, the west bank and grip -- gaza strip - if they are against west bank, why didn't they have peace, by agreement, by the palestinian
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government. it's because the israeli government are extremist settlers is not interested in a solution. they want to manage the occupation, manage the situation, but not get to an end. they want management of conflict resolution. that's the difference between the government of extremists in israel, and all palestinian political groups. >> pleasure to have you with us, from the plo. now for more stories from around the world. we begin in southern china, where a strong earthquake killed 398 people. rescuers freed more than 30 from the rubble of 12,000 homes that collapsed. blocked roads and severe rainfall made it difficult to bring relief supplies into hard-hit areas. the 6.1 magnitude quake was the
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strongest to hit the region of china. next to southern california, where storms spawned a series of mudslides and flash floods. a person was killed when a vehicle was pushed off the road. five inches of rain fell in less than two hours, leaving many stranded in homes and vehicles. thousands couldn't get home. authorities expected it could take three days to clear roads to allow residents and traffic to be cleared. >> james brady, former white house press secretary died on monday. he was critically injured during an assassination attempt against president regan. he was shot in the head and paralyzed. he was a powerful advocate for gun control. along with his wife. his name sake legislation, the brady bill, was signed into law in 1993, requiring background checks on firearm buyers.
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that's some of what is happening around the world. >> coming up, jihadists score victories. we are joined by the forker head of the c.i.a.'s counterterrorism center. >> a covert center in cuba fails. we track the top stories on the web. >> a sex offender is facing charms thanks to a tip -- charges thanks to a tip from google. based on a tip from the man's emails. if reigmited the prif -- reignited the privacy debate. let us know what you'd like to see on the show.
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nouri al-maliki ordered the iraq air force to support kurdish force, after the militant forces drove the kurds out of three towns, the jo. struck in the west in an effort to cease another dam. tens of thousands were killed wh the islamic state seized kurdish towns. tens of thousands fled deeper into kurdish territory for safety. i'm joined by robert grenier, an ish mission manager. he's an al jazeera contributor, good to see you. how big a disaster is it for iraq if the islamic state got control of one or both dams? >> it makes a serious situation that much more serious. remember the extremists want to
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govern their areas, and are looking for revenue streams. they would like to put themselves in a situation where iraq would have to buy electricity. on the other hand, if they succeed in seizing and controlling the dams, they'd be in a position to sabotage the dams. >> they could flood towns with the water. >> they could destroy tur bins and make it difficult to put the electricity online. if they destroy the dams they could create massive flooding down stream. >> the kurdish peshmerga were believed to be some of the best soldiers, taking on saddam hussein, and thought capable of beating the jihadists. now they've been driven back. some thought the islamic state would have trouble holding on to territory. instead, they are taking more.
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>> that's true. i can't thank the subnational group that has seized this much geography. that said, with regard to the kurds, they have a large number of people under arms, they are good fighters and somewhat underequipped. the kurdish peshmerga under attack were outgunned. they tried to hold it, the territory. they are stretched thin. it's the extremists who have the initiative. so it's the kurds on the offensive. they hold long lines, but if they could find new sources of weaponry they'd be effective in launching counter attacks. >> they are asking the united states to help them out. these islamic state militants are brutal.
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that's a reason they may be able to hold on to the territory. they put out video of one slaughter after the other - which we will not show - and they show pictures of how they are destroying shiite shrines. the u.s. sent hundreds of advisors weeks ago to help the iraqis. is it time for aggressive action by western powers? >> well, i think that it is time for more aggressive action. i don't think it needs to include troops on the ground. it needs to include weapons, supplies, aid to - on the part of sperlists to forces on -- specialists to forces on the ground. a certain degree of intervention. the u.s. has, from years past, strong relationships with the members of the sunni community
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in western iraq. there's a lot we can do to put the place back together politically. we can't do it unless we engage. >> the islamic state's persecution of the is iedic sect of the is said to be horrific. they've done similar things to christians, shiites and other areas. is there a chance - how long before the iraqis rise up. as they did to the predecessor group and decide enough is enough, and go after these people? >> we are seeing the beginning signs of just that. you talked about the i.s.i. ss repress of christians, yourself eedies, but they have done a number of things alienating the sunni community, the community that is supposed to support them. if they lose the sunni community, they are in trouble.
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in addition to destroying shi'ite mosques and shrines, these are people who are very, very extreme views, thinking any shrine is promoting and they are turning the sunnis against them. we are seeing signs that various groups are organising themselves against mosul. i think the seeds of their own destruction have been planted. that said, it's not going to be easy. >> let's hope something is done. it's frightening to see what these people are doing. thank you robert grenier, good to have you with us. the next story sounds like get smart than james bond. the agency for international development sent a dozen latin americas undercover to cuba to kick start change of the it used health and civic programs as cover. it did not work, becoming the
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second high profile failure that we learnt of in the past three month. jack gilham co-wrote and broke both stories and joins us from washington d.c. u.s.a. d decided it would be a good idea to higher young costa ricans, venezuelan and peruvians to go to cuba and inspire a cuban spring? how did the operation work? >> this was a programme part of overall democracy promotion programme, that we broke a few months ago in which they wanted to do a cuban twitter programme, a primitive local programme using text messaging, the recent programming they want to take travellers, as they called them, from venezuela, peru, costa rica, send them to cuba and scout out political activism. >> they were tourists in some
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cases and humanitarian workers in others. >> that's right. they posed as tourists. they had to work under the radar. doing u.s.a. d work is illegal in cuba. you talked about get smart, the cone of silence, back to the show if you remember, they had to use encrypted thumb drives, obfuscating the files, speaking in code like "i have a headache", meaning the cubans were catching on to them. they had to be careful about the work. >> they were doing the clandestine work with no training, were not told what happened with alan gross, who was arrested by the cubans, and is behind bars in cuba. this was dangerous. >> this happened around the time that alan gross was arrested for trying to smuggle insensitive technologies, and is in gaol on
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what the cubans called crimes against the state. a contract at that a contractor signed, days after this happened, and it happened around the time that u.s. a.i.d. officials emailed contractors saying you should avoid sending people to cuba, we valued your safety, and the supply is to nonpersonal citizens. this was connected to the programme, cuban twitter. now, the attorney-general u.s. a.i.d.'s attorney-general is investigating the programme. one debate is whether both operations were covert or not. if they were, they required presidential authorisation, congressional authorisation. the state department says no, no, no, none of this was covert. >> that's right. there's a distinction.
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the u.s. government, the obama administration said none of the programs were covert, it shouldn't be a surprise, it's not secret, it's discrete. they are not the most favourable to u.s. work. once we put it aside, we look at whether or not this is scrat and based on the fact this had to use a cover, a perfect excuse. that was in a document, to do the works. they tried to hide the identities, the sources of money and how they got the files and family members. if we remember, they set up a front company, raided the kay men island bank accounts. that was secretive. the question remains is was this secret enough, or is it something that congress would want to investigate further. >> u.s. a.i.d. says it makes information about the cuba
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programs publicliable and: it says it's about empowering citizens in cuba, arguing the point about whether this is covert or not. an important point in all of this is what damage do these revelations do to humanitarian efforts in other countries, if they were posing in some of these cases, as humanitarian workers, it raises questions about humanitarian efforts elsewhere. >> public health professionals that we spoke about raised serious concerns about using the programs, using the health programs, and h i.v. workshop as a cover for doing political activity, and the reason that is is u.s. a.i.d. has a struggle in trying to get the operation and assistance of a foreign government to do the work. the government said that it
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stopped doing covert programs under the c.i.a. vaccine programs to do political work, particularly a vaccination programme in pakistan looking to osama bin laden. there's attention between the u.s. government's efforts doing its secret clandestine mission and humanitarian work, and it may comply indicate the matters. >> jack, pleasure to have you back on the show. thanks. >> thank you. >> time to see what is trending on the web, to harmeli aregawi. >> cyber tip from google led to charges about a sex offender and sparking a debate about privacy. 41-year-old john was convicted of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy 10 years ago. recently google found pictures of a young girl, and they sent the information to a group that turned it to police. >> he was trying to get it
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around getting caught, keeping it said email. i would never have found that. >> a lot of people grey it's a good thing, but say it's a violation of privacy. all internet companies have to deal with child sexual abuse. the process used to identify explicit images is automatic and specific to the graham. each child abuse imagery gives a unique fingerprint identifying the pictures, and in gmail. it's important to remember we use the technology to identify child sexual abuse not those with accurately activity. google's response - does it relieve internet privacy concerns. let us know. google says the images are verified child pornography, so the average person emailing a picture of their child in a
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bathtub has nothing to worry about. >> washington d.c. kicks off a major african summit as the world focuses on the growing ebola outbreak on the company. we bring you the latest on both next. parents say they would and would not - what lines - to help their children. >> in some autism cases, kids have made a full recovery.
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the death toll from the worst ebola outbreak in history has killed close to 900 this west africa. a u.s. aid worker with ebola is transported from liberia to an american hospital where a doctor who contracted the disease is treated. mt sinai hospital is observing a patient that travelled to west africa and has worrying symptoms. a hospital said odds are, it's not ebola. it's not the attention african leaders hoped for when president obama was elected. they believe he would make the
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continent a priority. six years into his administration the president hosted a forum to promote security, trade, private and public investment. secretary of state john kerry and vice president joe biden lavished prays on the developments. >> we are determined to deepen our partnerships and deliver on remarkable opportunities for peace, for security, for economic growth. >> it's the fastest growing economies in the world. quite frankly - the success of the rest of the world depends in part on your success. >> for more, i'm joined from washington d.c. by a senior staff writer and former senior advisor. he wrote about it in july.
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good to have you with us. africans had high hopes, as you point out. that president obama would put the issues and concerns at the top of the agenda. you point out during the first term president obama mostly ignored africa during the first term and by and large africans sprn disappointed and president bush was more important. >> to some that's an ultimate irony there so far. there were high hopes going in when president obama came into office in 2009, domestic and other concerns distracted him. this is a big event. a lot of people in the margins of the administration believe, you know, this is a time for the white house to play catch up with - with africa, and really want the government, washington, to see africa in a different way, not coming hat in hand from
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a continent of disease and poverty, but a country - a continent with a lot of economic promise and prosperity. >> an important issue is by not engaging and investing, the u.s. allowed china to take the lead. beijing nearly doubled its trade. american trade with africa in 2012, and providing, you know, a billion more in aid to african countries. why has china been ahead and the u.s. lagging behind? >> well, i think - maybe there's a number of answers to the question. at least from washington's stand point, they have let this go when it comes to africa and have not invested and shown the investments that african leaders would like to see. a lot is perception. but a lot of it is also real numbers. and china surpassed the u.s. in
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terms of trade. and this is - this is something that the u.s. wants to see directed, but as historic as this summit is now in washington this week, i think a lot of people still think that the white house could have better managed it and better responded to the growing concern about u.s.-africa relations and the subtext, as you say, of china essentially outdoing the u.s. here. >> and the other subtext is the tone of our relations. china hosted its own africa summit. jennifer from the center for strategic and international studies, and she said: here, the u.s. will emphasise democracy and human
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rights, that can hurt us when it comes to ties with africa. >> this has been a thing for washington, and perhaps rightly. china looks the other way, doesn't care about the issues and cuts deals. maybe not always beneficial to the countries it's cutting deals with. nevertheless, they cut deejs and that's a good thing. the other thing - china does these things better. most do these better. a key to this, this summit is the lack of bilateral meetings. you have more than 50 african leaders in washington. none will go hem... >> having met the president. >> right. >> there's no one on one meetings. it's difficult with all the human rights issues not to raise them. it's a complicated relationship in an important continent. >> thanks for having me.
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o today's data dive asks ethical questions - among them what moral lines would parents cs for their kids. not many, if you believe a '60 minutes" "vanity fair" poll. half would let them win at board games, one in five would give them a sick note to skip sporting events, one in three would give an alibi for a petty crime. some white lies are okay. the most appropriate thing to lie about was santa claus. 20% is why mummy and daddy are not talking. what about reading your spouses
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email. the same number said an emergency makes it fine. >> speaking minding your own business. one out of four report on an illegal immigrant. 69% said absolutely not. another - who is most deserving of organ transplant. half believed in fair play saying the most sick. one in four said younger persons of kids. 6% chose dick cheney. the most ithiccal transgression is doctors who prescribe unnecessary drugs. half as many thought an unethical stockbroker was worst. few care about those that cheat on a test tore a writer who plagiarizes. >> coming up, hopeful news for
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but not cured. exciting reach gives hope to parents of tens of thousands of children diagnosed with autism every year. research shows as many as one in 10 children can make a complete recover. the president of the autism speaks, liz, is with us. what about this new research, how energying is it. what should parents of kids with autism thing? >> we have long known that applied behavioural analysis, aba treatment, is the most effective efficacious treatment for autism. there's no known cause, no cures. this treatment, if administered early, started early, and continues for intensively for a few years can make a meaningful difference in the outcome for individuals with autism. >> every parent is hopeful that their child is the one that benefits from behavioural therapy. it works for some, not for
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others. do we have any idea why? >> no, we don't. we are doing a lot of research. two kids can start with the same therapy, approach, treatment and have different outcomes. one of the biggest problems is the a.b.c. to that treatment -- action to that -- access to treatment. it can cost $60,000 out of year for the treatments we are talking about, which is unaffordable. we spent a lot of our work fighting to require insurance companies to recover the treatment. >> how successful have you been? >> we are have 37 states in columbia, and in a battle in the south. aba is medically prescribed and critically important to progress. >> now, could the problem be that behavioural therapy works for some and not others because the autism spectrum is broad, and there are a lot of
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traditions, and some more treatable than others? >> people with autism, it's a spectrum, there are other things that come with it. a third of the population is non-verbal. a third with seizure disorders, sleep disorders. the underlying medical conditions that could contribute to difficulty in making progress with other aba and other kinds of treatment. >> what about the sceptics, they say this might be the ones that grow out of their symptoms of autism, are kids who were misdiagnosed? >> there's one in 68 children diagnosed in this country with autism. we don't know what is causing it. we know the numbers are real. we know that treatment helps. you can talk to any public school teacher. they tell you when they inherit a class of kindergarteners. they'll tell you which ones had treatment and which haven't, and
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how to progress over the years. >> now, the president of the autism self advocate yits network argues that autism is not an illness, and it's like being left-handed, people should be allowed to be who there are, and there shouldn't be intervention, what do you say for someone like him. >> autism speaks had 30,000 phone calls to our autism treatment line, hot line, from parent in crisis - emotional, financial, straight for resources. one in 68 diagnosed. the parents need help. there's 3 million living with autism now in this country, many who have disabling co-mosh itty problems that come with it, and some don't. those that don't need the help we are offering, that's fine. the fact is we have 50,000 kids ageing out of school. base services, who need jobs,
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want to live independently, that's 50,000, 500,000 over the next 10 years, and we need a national strategy to address it. last week we passed autism care, the federal legislation that funds autism research. we this unanimous consent to the united states senate. doesn't happen for anything. it shows you now that the prevalence is so high that these elected officials know it, and we need to do something about it. >> how much do you think can be done at this point. as you said, one of the big issues now is we focus on how many children are born with it, how many are diagnosed with it. so many are becoming adults. how do you help families, how do you help those kids, will that be a major part of what autism speaks is doing. >> it is. between employment, housing and dealing with adult transition issues. the most exciting thing that we are doing is sequencing.
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we have a research project in collaboration with google and we are sequencing 10,000 gen oms from individuals living with awedism and all the genotyping that comes with that. we know from the work on the first 1,000, that there are subtiles of autism, and understanding that there are subtypes will allow us to ultimately give personalized or customized treatment for individuals with autism. the spectrum, again. some individuals need more help than others. research is important. >> hopefully we can see what you find from the genome. >> understanding the genetic underpinnings. >> we had a cofounder to talk about it. we wish you the best. >> thank you. it's very important. >> it is very important. thank you. that's all for now, the conversation continues on the website or on
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facebook or google+ pages. see you next time. ♪ the ebola outbreak is spreading. new reports say a patient in new york is being tests. we'll have the latest. another ceasefire in gaza, but hamas is insisting that israel lift its block aid. and why economists say slack salaries are just as worrisome as high unemployment. i'm ali velshi, and this is "real money." this is "real money." you are the most important part
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