tv America Tonight Al Jazeera August 8, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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>> that brings us to the end of this edition of "inside story". thanks for being with us. in washington, i'm ray suarez. next? with ebola on the move across new borders, what are countries, including the u.s., doing to stop it from spreading? at points of entry, and more porous borders, how can this deadly virus be contained? also tonight, paying the piper, and it's not enough. the privatization of probation aims to get more communities money that they are owed. but the cost to the poor can be devastating. >> really it's a system that's run amuck. >> correspondent sarah how with an in-depth look at the price of privatized probation.
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and a high seas romance. not the titanic one you are thinking of. by a heroin faster, big, he and grander than that other ship. not to mention, still afloat. >> so super aluminum, no rust. it's solid. just underneath the paint it's in perfect condition. there is no problem with blasting and painting. >> it would be sea worth any. >> it would be, absolutely no doubt about that. >> where the s.s. united states might be headed next. ♪ ♪ good evening, and thank for joining us, i am joie chen. arising, alarm, fear and in? cases out right anger as the threat of ebola shows more shines of jumping board he should. three africa nation goes beginning-y, sierra leone and liberia have declared states of emergency.
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the cdc has issued the highest alert. and some airlines suspends plights to contain the rest. 1700 have died and more than 900 have died. a priest contracted the virus was airlifted home to stain. six other staff at the same hospital where they worked have been infected and now the hospital have been shutdown. liberia and sarah lee own set up military blockades but there is more help coming. at left 50 health workers are being sent in the to the region by the cdk with backup support here at home will it be enough to stop the spread of the contagion? here is "america tonight" lori jane. >> reporter: as the death toll continues to inch towards 1,000 people in west africa. fear is also rising in the u.s. and overseas . in liberia some are abandoning the dead in the streets and in this case, a man close to passing.
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security check point have been set up. blocking people traveling to and from the capital to get supplies. so many are unindicated about the disease. unprepared and afraid. >> we can stop ebola. we know how to do it. it will be a long and heart fight and the situation in lagos, nigeria is particularly concerning. but we can stop ebola. we have to stop it at the source in africa. that's the only way to debt control. >> reporter: the head of the cdc. says education is key. he spoke during a congressional hearing thursday. >> the single most important thing we can do is to stop the outbreaks. the second issue that we are working on is to help these country to his do a better job of screening people leaving their countries so that they can screen out people who are ill or may be incubating ebola. and we are working closely with state and local health departments and health providers throughout the united states so that they are aware that there could be people who come from
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these three countries, and they should think that it could be ebola. immediately isolate them in the hospital and have them tested at cdc. >> reporter: enhanced warnings for u.s. travelers do not immediate increased risks to americans, he says, but rather that the u.s. is doing everything that it can to control the situation. that's why these signs are now posted at airports teach that go ebola is spread through bodily fluids. the cdc is also working together with customs and border protection as they always have to identify and isolate travelers who may have come in contact with a communicable disease. 20 quarantine stations, incoming calls from concerned passengers are on the rise. meanwhile, humanitarian groups are experiencing resistence in some african communities. >> we have incurred violence on numerous occasions by people in the general public when we have gone out at the request of the ministry of health to sanitize a body for a proper burial. in the hours after death with ebola, that is when the body is the most infectious because the
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body is loaded with the virus. everybody that touches the corpse is. [ inaudible ] >> there are people who say they are besieged because they are under suspicion by some people in these countries and fear that doctors who treat the disease may have brought it with them. >> reporter: even with the dangers american workers shawn casey skyped with us he's part of the international medical corp. >> we are focusing on containment. >> reporter: in the coming days his group of doctors and epidemiologists will launch after educational campaign. some going door to door. shawn is a little nervous. >> we are taking precaution that his we can and also recognize that we are needed here. and that, you know, lives are on the line and so we are doing what we can. >> reporter: the cdc says isolated patients, did going them, and tracking down all of their contacts will be essential for stopping the spread.
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it will take time. but this can be contained. >> it requires meticulous attention to detail. because if you leave behind even a single burning ember, it's like a forest fire, it flares back up. one patient not isolated. one patient not diagnosed. one health care worker not protected of the one contact not traced. each of those lapses can result in another chain of transmission and another flare of the out break. >> and the director of the cdc really e emphasized we don't knw how to vacs 80 against it or treat it but we know how to care for the people that have it. he talked about the treatments and said we development know if it will be helpful, hurtful or have any impact. he said by just giving it to a couple of people or handful people it won't be helpful in determining if it's a successful instrument. but what he did say is if we give supportive care he knows it saves lives, that includes flew
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it's, extrfluids, extra oxygen e alare the things that we can doo help stop the spread of ebola. >> there is a great deal of interest in the united states and it's not just the united states interested and on the alert as well. other countries are taking steps? >> yes, everybody is handling it differently that the united states. korea is talking about using thermal imaging to test for body temperature and then possibly doing interviews with doctors and following these people around. the u.s. has said the cdc director has said we need to stop it at the source and that's the best thing do right now. stopping at the source means improving the health care recognizer deucing the contact with the dead and once you determine that someone is showing these symptoms you isolate them. view them. follow them for 21 days, find out who their contact were, follow those people if one of them get a fever you isolate them. interview them. find out who their contacts are, follow them for 21 days and you
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continues that process that's the best way is stopping it at the source and containing it that way. >> that's really something. and on this business of korea using infrared cameras, what are they looking for for? >> testing for whether someone is exhibit being fever or higher temperature at that point and whether or not there is any sort of evidence is some sort of sickness. >> there are different ways to look at mon arin monitoring. >> yes. >> thanks very much. a threat of another kind stepped up violence in iraq as the islamic state continues. ordinary i iraqis are stranded and the u.s. is set to drop emergency supplies to them by air. the islamic state formally monas isil. ceased control of towns in northern iraq forcing this some to flee including christians and a minority group trapped without food and water on a mountain top.
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they control a damn that would allow them to flood major cities and cut off electricity. we get details from "america tonight's" sheila macvicar. >> reporter: ter strapped in the mountains without water, shade, or shelter in the searing heat of the iraqi summer. 10s of thousands of them. ethnic kurds who practice an ancient religion forced from their homes by the advance of fighters from the islamic state. fighters who have made clear that they will kill then because of their faith . this is video from the kurdish channel anf shot in the mountains. this man, we don't know his name says. >> translator: we don't know what to do. i.s. came and we escaped. we are trying to save our children. >> reporter: the little girl with him says. >> translator: there is no water. no food. i am hungry and thirsty, there is nothing to eat. we escaped at night and my feet hurt from walking. >> reporter: and here, as
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elsewhere in iraq, as i.s. fighters have advanced are there were stories of atrocities. >> translator: they kidnapped the girls, killed many people. our children died. my son, he was two years old, he died. i had to leave him behind. >> translator: they are killing men, taking women with them. kidnapping our girls. >> reporter: in iraq's parliament still we dye described by factional fighting no government form the lawmaker launched an emotional appeal for immediate help. >> translator: mr. speaker, we are being slaughtered under the banner of there is no god but allah. mr. speaker until now 500 men have been slaughtered. mr. speaker, our women are being taken as slaves and sold in the slave market. please, brothers. >> reporter: so far there has been no response. u.n. workers say that there are at least 25,000 children in the
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mountains. perhaps 50,000 people in all. >> this is a desperate situation particularly for children. we know for sure that 40, 40 children have already died. that's the numbers that we can confirm but it's probably much more than that. >> reporter: the mountains are a single range rising from the desert floor. there are no roads, only to get paths. some, like him, have managed to escape both islamic state, and the trap in the mountains. safe for the moment in a kurdish strong hold, he fears for those in the hills. >> translator: what we want from the government being the americans, ngos is to rescue the people from the danger zone. we want two things, is fukudome they don't get water and food for those trapped or get them out, it will be a disaster. >> reporter: there is no town in the united states watching more anxiously than lincoln, nebraska. home for the largest community in the u.s. weeks ago these families were already worried that relatives
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and friends still in iraq faced annihilation if islamic state fighters found them. >> we know as soon as they attack them or passed the security line, and then we know that there was that just -- they would start killing everyone. >> if the isil happens too find their way in to these towns, they will be wiped out. the ethnicity will be wiped out within a matter of hours. >> reporter: it's not just the villages that have now been over run, the largest christian communities have also fallen to i.s. in more than 100,000 have fled their homes, like the ones order today convert to islam or die. in recent weeks, islamic state fighters have consolidated their hold across northern iraq, and are on the attack again. targeting ethnic minorities and capturing iraq's largest dam. on the border with syria, islamic state fighters claim to have taken full control of the syrian government army base and
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with it, capturing tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons. adding to their already substantial arsenal. the safety of those in the north kurds, christians and others, is now largely dependent on kurdish fighters. who have fought bravely, but have been out gunned, out numbered, and even ra run out of ammunition. >> "america tonight" sheila macvicar back with us. they desperately need help, why is it so difficult to get them aid? >> they are on top of a mountain. on top of a mountain in a very difficult position, there is no shelter, there are no buildings, you are not entire sure where all the people are. in order to deliver this aid, you are going to have to drop it out the back of a cargo plane flying at altitude. pallets wearing hundreds of pounds if not more than that, attached to parachutes, you cannot control where they come down. you don't know what you are hitting. inadvertently you may resupply
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the rebels, give them water and food. but it is clear for those 10s of thousands are people who are up on that mountain top today, think about this, joie, in mosul the temperature today was 106 degrees. these people have no source of water. >> the other big concern that we have heard about is about the dam at mosul. and indications that rebels have taken it over. >> it's not clear exactly who is in charge of that damn. but in 2006, the u.s. army labeled it the most dangerous dam in the world. it's 30 miles up river of mosul. it holds million of gallons of water. it's not very stable. even if the rebels have taken it, it might be that they don't have to do very much to it except not maintain it. iraq has had to continuously pump the equivalent of tons of grout in to that dam in order to maintain its that bit. if the damn fails the u.s. arm
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estimates a wall of water 60 feet high would flood downstream. the estimated number of deaths, more than 500,000 people. so i.s. doesn't even have to do anything asthma licious as blow the damn. they can just ignore it and it's almost certain that overtime it will fail. >> "america tonight's" sheila macvicar, thanks so much. after the break the price of freedom. as more communities turn to privatized probation to get the money they are owed. even those who want to pay their debts find themselves digging deeper for nothing. >> you know, if you ain't got the money, i just don't have the money. and i don't think by putting people in jail ain't going to make them pay the money. you know what i mean? it ain't going to help them. >> correspondent sarah hoye with an in-depth look at the costs of privatized probation. also ahead, the death of an unarmed teenager gunned down by a suburban homeowner, was it murder, or a horrible mistake? we get the verdict.
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and we'll hear first hand from the victim's lawyer later in he our program. >> on techknow, new hope for a cure >> he has a rare severe form epilepsy >> a miraculous medical marijuana breakthrough... >> it's something we can all relate to, a sick child getting better >> a week went by, still no seizures... then we know we were on to something... >> tech know, every saturday go
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>> aljazeera america presents a break through television event borderland... >> are you tellin' me it's ok to just open the border, and let em' all run in? >> the teams live through the hardships that forced mira, omar and claudette into the desert. >> running away is not the answer... >> is a chance at a better life worth leaving loved ones behind? >> did omar get a chance to tell you goodbye before he left? >> which side of the fence are you on? >> sometimes immigration is the only alternative people have. borderland only on al jazeera america >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. >> entire media culture is driven by something that's very very fast... >> there has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void... >> there is a huge opportunity
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for al jazeera america to change the way people look at news. >> we just don't parachute in on a story...quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave... >> one producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story... >> at al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films... the people that you don't see anywhere else on television. >> we intend to reach out to the people who aren't being heard. >>we wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day... >> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet... >> you can't tell the stories of the people if you don't get their voices out there, and al jazeera america is doing just that. if you get a speeding
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ticket, or get caught driving without insurance, well, you'll most likely pay a fine and just move on with your life. but if you are poor, if you can't afford to pay even a fine, you can actually end up in jail. in small towns across america more than 1,000 courts have hired private companies to collect unpaid fines, charging fees to those who can't pay. that practice has some asking whether they are profiting from poverty. "america tonight's" correspondence sarah has an in-depth look at a system that penalizes the poor. >> elvis mann's troubles began in 200 2006. the 55-year-old was stop today a bring taillight and ticketed for not having a valid driver's license. when he couldn't pay he would told he was on probation. >> they put me on probation for 300 something dollars. >> mann was told to report here, the offices of judicial correction services.
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or j.c. s. the for profit company has probation contracts where more than 100 courts across alabama. j.c. s collects fines for violations like drunk driving, spaoegd, or driving without a license . it charges the offenders a fee of $35 a month on top of their original fines. >> that's all i have ever known, digging holes and making then deeper and deeper. >> mann soon found himself drowneding in debt thanks to j.c. s. the company found old fines he owed from past offenses dating back to the '90s, including disordering conduct, public intoxication and arrest. >> he was a heavy drinker . and i was wild. >> mann now married and a church going. j.c.s added fines to this debt
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which the company claimed is $9,000. >> is it illegal to do that? >> yes, it is. >> the manns attorney danny evans filed a class action lawsuit against j.c. s for praying on the poor . >> they are not certified or trained as probation officers. what it provides to the city is a collection service . >> mann unemployed and on disability couldn't pay the fines. j.c.s. issued a warrant for his arrest. >> i don't think it's right to do people like that. if you don't have the money, you just don't have the money. i don't think by putting people in jail ain't going make them pay the money. you know what i mean? it ain't going to help them. >> mann says he was jailed for 30 days for nonpayment. the second time he says j.c.s. told him to pay $600 by the end of the day or the town would lock him up again. >> he was saying he was upset,
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he was kinds of like -- he looked like he was crying. and it scared me because we didn't have $600. we were barely getting along, you know, making and trying to pay bills. >> mann's wife rita was able to borrow the money from her aunt, but rita says j.c.s.' monthly bills were unrelenting even when they begged the company if a respite when elvis was in the hospital for an infection. >> i was struggling. going back and forth. i had to go to the hospital every day for my husband. with nobody there with him. and i am his wife and i am going to be there with my husband. and when i told them they really wasn't caring. and that hurted me a lot. and i really get emotional about that, and i don't play with that, i almost lost my husband, he like to died. he really liked to die and i explained them to them and they still didn't care. it was all about their money. >> according to human rights watch, each year hundreds of thousands of pima across the country who are ticketed for
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minor offenses are sentence today probation managed by private companies. in alabama, it's become a vicious cycle of fines, mounting fees, and sometimes jail time. deon draw bell says his probation started after plastic he haded him for public intoxication while having a beer on a friend's porch. >> i feel like it put pressure me and my family because i can't provide for them right now. and it's really hard to get a job for me. and i have bills to pay. >> practice teresa's three sons have all struggled to make their j.c.s. payments. >> they mail you notices saying you gotta pay this amount of money by this date or we are going to put you in jail. they mail you little postcards. it's just a bombardment. that's all they are, they are bill collectors. >> john got his speeding ticket dismissed and still owed court costs and j.c.s. fees. >> this is very wrong. i mean, this is a racket.
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they win regardless of what happens. innocent or difficulty, the city still wins. j.c.s. still wins. >> ellis mann's neighbor charles hamilton has more j.c.s. receipts than he can count and hayley woods, who lives in another county, fell in to debt with j.c.s. when she was only 16. >> august of last year i got a no seat belt ticket. >> how much was that ticket for? >> it was -- the ticket was $25 court costs was 16 which was 41, and i didn't have the money to pay so they put me on j.c.s. probation. >> the thought 1 dollar fine ended up costing hayley $300. she paid that off but now is saddled with another dead because her mother can't afford a new tag for the family car. >> i keep having to drive the same car that has an expired tag
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and i have no way to fix it so therefore i've got three expired tag tickets now and i just found out today they are $18 $186 api. >> in fact, i called it a judicially sanctioned extortion racket. >> the juke presided over a lawsuit against j.c.s. alleging abusive practices. in his preliminary ruling he called the offender-funded supervision system a debtors op prison. >> it's a shakedown because the individuals are told if you don't bring a payment, i will put you in jail. >> so how is this legal? if i am not mistaken you aren't allowed to put somebody in jail who owes a debt. >> that would be 100 percent correct. there is nothing legal about it. which is the basis of my opinion. in fact, i think i even wrote something that the violations were too egregious and too numerous to mention in this short space.
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and that was absolutely correct. they were following none of the procedures set out by the constitution, by the state of alabama, by the code of criminal procedure. >> my name is robert mcmichael and i am the chief executive officer for judicial correction services. >> robert mcmichael, of j.c.s. declined our repeated requests for an interview, but two years ago he wrote an op he had saying j.c.s. does not levee fees or fines those are ordered by the court. adding j.c.s. does not have the authority to jail people, only the judge may do so. >> legally, it's true. but in practice, the individuals to whom they are exercising that authority over don't know that they don't have authority. it appears to that individual that they have the authority. and they use that apparent authority to the utmost to coerce and threaten and extort. >> if i get a hundred dollar
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fine or citation, i should be required to pay it. the key that comes -- and there should be a method to collect it. >> state senator cam ward recently introduced legislation to regulate private companies which he believes can serve a purpose. >> there is a role for it. there are a lot of municipalities they have no way in the world to collect those fines and fees and it's not fair to them. privatizing part of it is fine as long as there is good proper government oversight to make sure it's being carried out properly. proper regulation oversight would make it better. attorney danny evans doesn't believe a for-profit company belongings in the probation business. >> when you trite to put a profit motive and to drive the bro base officer based on dollars then the person's liberty becomes the least consideration. really, it's a system that has run amuck. >> after eight years on probation six years i don't understand alabama's legal limit and thousands of dollars paid. elvis mann finally won his fight
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and his fines were dismissed. >> when they done dismissed that, that was the happiest day of my life. man, i felt relief. >> a small victory mann and his lawyer hope to build on for the thousands of others caught in the cycle of debt. and unable to big themselves out. >> "america tonight's" sarah hoye back with us, mr. mann's lawyer said it. it's illegal. you can't just pretend that you are a law enforcement officer. >> you are right. listen, back in the '80s it was the supreme court who ruled and said, listen, i can't put someone in jail simply because they can't pay a debt. what is being missed here, is the fact that there is no hearing to determine if these people cannot pay. so you might have someone who physically can't pay, their economic status is such and then there might be somebody who just doesn't want to pay. there needs to be a hearing, that's and it's not happening and that's what's making it illegal. >> the the bases of it is that communities want to get more money that they are owed s that happening?
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are they making more money this way? >> absolutely, they are getting paid. instead of people skipping out on a ticket they get paid by the services bringing in the funds, here is the thing, you get ticketed, you owe $100, you also owe another fee to have somebody supervise you. so everybody is getting paid. >> "america tonight's" sarah hoye, thanks so much. next after the break, detroit's front porch shooting. an unarmed teen killed by a suburban homeowner. the injury's decision and we'll hear from the victim's lawyer, was the right verdict reached? later in the program, massacre at dawn . israel's mission in gaza, even when the guns are silenced, the pain remains. a preview of a new documentary is ahead. >> deepak chopra, from improving your health
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>> i had an intuition, that human beings could heal themselves. >> to solving conflict... >> the best way to get rid of your enemy, is is to increase their happiness >> and living a more mindful life... >> the number one cause of hostility in the world is lack of respect >> every saturday join us for exclusive, revealing, and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now and now a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." residence of hawaii are bracing for two hurricanes barreling toward the island chain, the first one is called hurricane iselle should smack in to the big island during the night. it t*l would be the first time 2 years the island has been hit lie a hurricane. a jet shot out of the sky over eastern ukraine, 25 miles restless of where the malaysia airlines flight was taken down. edward snowden has been given a three-year residents permit by russia. the former u.s. intelligence contractor is wanted by the united states for leaking
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secrets about its electronic survesurveillance programs, snon hasn't decided if he will stay beyond 2018 when he becomes eligible for citizenship in russia. a verdict has been reached in a highly-charged trial in detroit where a jew had i to decide whether a suburban homeowner who shot and killed a woman on his front porch acted in self-defense . >> we the jury find the defendant, theodore wafer as follows. count one, mushed in the second degree, guilty of murder in the second degree. >> the jury returned its verdict after eight hours of deliberation . he was also convicted of voluntary manslaughter a firearms charge. never divide shooting renisha mcbride but insisted it was in self-defense. >> i was not going to cowher. i didn't want to be a victim in my own house. >> officers arrived at wafer's
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detroit home in the early morning hours last november 2nd. >> i just shot somebody on my front porch with a shotgun bang on the ground my door. >> and found mcbride dead, unarmed and shot in the face. >> she was a beautiful young lady. she was a sister. she had an older sister. she has a younger sister. and he took that. he took that away from her. >> after the verdict mcbride's parents remembered their daughter. an autopsy found high levels of alcohol and marijuana in her body. but her family said she was not a violent person. moments before the incidents, mcbride had crashed her car, prosecutors say she was likely looking for help. and with its verdict the jury agreed, conclude that go she didn't pose any threat to wafer. during his testimony, -- >> this poor girl. >> wafer said he felt remorse. >> she had her whole life in front of her. >> that he bought a shotgun only
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because he lived in a bad neighborhood. >> i just heard it was a good home defense weapon. >> the shotgun that ultimately took mcbride's life too soon in what her family said was a senseless act. >> i just -- i wanted justice, you know, looking at him to know that justice needs to be served. you did cold blood murder. that was murder. >> sentencing for him is scheduled on august 21st. before charges were ever filed against theodore wafer the attorney for the mcbride family had said that the only way justice would be served is by getting a conviction, that attorney joins us at this hour, appreciate you being here. we heard her mother saying they wanted justice. was justice served today? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> well, let's talk a little bit about what you saw. because you were an observer of everything that happened during this trial. you know, mr. wafer said that he felt remorse. did you see that?
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>> he cried during the trial. he got all choked up during the trial. however, shortly after he shot and killed renisha, he was taken to the police station and they interviewed him and during that interview, it was just a regular conversation. in fact, he was talking about going up in northern michigan kayaking with his friends. and if you have remorse you are all choked up and crying, you don't talk about kayaking in northern michigan, you just don't do that. they had a lot of problems with the defense in this case. first, he said that the gun went off accidentally. i am sure you heard that. and his lawyer had a ballistic expert examine the gun to see if the trigger could easily have been pulled by accident and the gun go off. that failed. it took a lot of pressure to pull that trigger to make the gun go off think so he couldn't say it was an accidents. initially in the police car and at the station he said it was an accident. that defense failed. so then he came up with the
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defense of self-defense, that he was scared do his life. he had to show that he was in fear of great bodily harm or death. she's knocking at the door of his house, pounding at the door. and all he had to do was pick up his cell phone and call 911. instead of calling 911 -- >> right. from the beginning of this case, though, one thing that did come up was the issue you of race. and, of course, this happened against the backdrop of the decision in treyvon martin's case as well as the death of jordan davis. and so i am wondering whether that was as much of a part of the trial as you thought it would be. >> well, i don't think he -- i don't think this was a racially motivated killing. i don't think so. i think he opened up the door, he saw a person there, and he pulled the trigger. however, during the trial, the defense attorney brought race in to the case. during the trial, she asked him, well, why did you buy the gun?
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and he said well, the neighborhood was changing. that's a buzz word. that's a buzz word. the white people are moving out, black people are moving in. asked him further questions, people were selling their houses houses. people were moving out of the neighborhood. those were buzz words. although race was not mentioned. then in closing argument, although race was never, ever mentioned, she said to the jury, this case did not involve race. now why did she bring race in to this trial? she brought race in to the trial because there were eight white jurors and four blacks. and she wanted to appeal to those white jurors and their fears of maybe a black person is more dangerous than a white person. >> okay. mcbride family attorney gerald, we appreciate your being with us. when we return, the ceasefire holding, but a month after the start of the strikes
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aftermath and with that truce set to end in the morning, local time, efforts are underway to extends it. so that indirect peace talks can continue to coul cairo. by hamas has rejected demands it disarm. a very hamas official said rocket a tacked would resume if the blockade of gaza was not lifted. the month-long bombardment took a devastating toll on many goss ans neighborhoods, an al jazerra news team was in one of the hardest hit areas on july 20th when it came under intense israel i shelling. what the team witnessed is revealed in an exclude i have documentary invited massacre at dawn . it was dawn in northern gaza when the bombing began . [ screaming ]
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>> what i admire so much about al jazeera america is that it is solely committed to journalism. >> you're not just giving the headlines, you're also not getting fluff. >> the gap between the rich and the poor is growing faster in san francisco. >> you're going to get something you're not going to get anywhere else, and you're going to get these in depth stories about real people. >> as an unsecured creditor could receive just cents on the dollar. >> chronic homelessness has
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always been a challenge here in new orleans. >> we recently did a story about a mother who was worried about the air her children were breathing. >> this is not standard household dust. >> florida is an amazing place to work as a journalist. >> the rocky mountain west is really an extraordinary part of this country. >> i worked in nashville for six years, i know the stories that are important to people there. overcrowding is such a big issue at this school. >> people in the outer islands of alaska picking up tsunami trash, really committed to what they are doing, and they have a lot more work to do. if you really want to tell peoples' stories, you've got to go talk to the people. >> real reporting. >> real news. >> this. >> this. >> this, is what we do. >> al jazeera america. so long before we had ever heard of rose and jack and their titanic tale of romance on the
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high seas another oceanic love story captured the american imagination. the heroin was just as captivating, extraordinary and noble. and her final chapter as it turns out has yet to be written. even now her beauty faded, her engines stilled, you can see why there has never been an ocean liner quite as grand as the s.s. united states. docked at philadelphia's pier 82 on the delaware river, she's hard to miss. dan wasn't even looking for her the first time he passed by. but she stopped him in his tracks. >> i was driving through philadelphia and something kind of impelled me to look to the left. and as i did, i saw the stacks of the ship. and i -- >> you knew what it was? >> i immediately recognized, the stacks are iconic. >> so much about the s.s. united states is exceptionaller her
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here is size, 990 feet, about five blocks long, nearly the height of the empire state building. >> for the united states is out to recapture the blue ribbon of the atlantic. >> her speed, to this day, she holds the passenger liner record for crossing the atlantic. and a revolutionary concept when launches in 1950 two, a hull constructed almost entirely out of a space-age material. >> parts entirely of aluminum. >> the super structure is aluminum. there is no rust. it's solid. just underneath the paint, it's perfect condition. there is no problem with blasting and painting. >> it would be seaworthy? >> it would be seaworthy, absolutely. no doubt about that. >> miche isn't the first man to fall to that ship. that was william francis gibbs who launched idea in 1916. and then spent almost 40 years working to build the ship. susan gibbs is his granddaughter.
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>> i am particularly fond of this picture because it shows my grandfather gazing at the moment of the ship's launch. >> the moment when william gibbs' ship superseded the story of that other luxury ocean liner. >> there is the inevitable comparison to the titanic. it's from the same time. >> yes, well, our ship is the most famous ship that didn't sink. >> in her memories, gibbs' grandfather was a reserved, dry figure. he died when she was only five. but in combing through his old letters, susan gibbs found her grandfather was a man determined to build a ship, he fast h fast, stronger and safer than any other. even banning the use of any wood on the ship to prevent fire. >> the catastrophe of the titanic, as well as other vessels motivated my grandfather, he like to say with respect to the second degre s.s. united states, you can't set her on fire, sing her or catcher.
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he was maniacal about safety aboard the vessel. >> and he was passionate about his dream. >> he would tell reporters that he loved this ship more than his wife, more than life itself. there is a picture on the wall of my home here in which he is standing on the shore parkway of brooklyn just gazing at his ship returning from one of her trans atlantic runs. he would do this routinely. it was kind of a love story. >> but it took more than love to bring gibbs' dream to life. the two world wars delayed the project for years. but also became catalysts for building the ship. gibbs made the nation's military mates part of his sales pitch to leaders in washington. >> it was appealing to their sense of patriotism. >> he was absolutely appealing to that. and in to national self interest. >> it was the height of the cold war and america needed basically a troop ship disguised as an ocean liner. so that's why the pentagon funded two-thirds of the cost of this vessel. >> she was ready.
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she was designed so she could be quickly converted in to a troop transport for a full division. >> she will be capable of transporting a complete army division of 14,000 men. 10,000 miles without stopping for fuel, water, or food. >> but the chippewas never needed for military duty. instead, the s.s. united states lived out her career carrying the american dream. >> it's as though some great town had broken way from manhattan. >> we are coming up on the great spaces of the ship which is the first-class ballroom. >> the ballroom. >> festive at thises. >> black tie. >> exactly . >> over a million passengers, celebrities, political leaders, stars of their day boarded what became known as america's flap ship . >> there was a big element of glamor because she was owe large and took the speed title on her
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made edge voyage. >> and for many less celebrated travelers, she became the gateway to the new world. >> after ellis island was shutdown, this became a floating immigrant processes center . so a lot of people, cluck my father, came to americana board the s.s. united states. >> his father left scott command 1952 came aboard as a stew order serve being the first-class passengers until 1969. >> he did 800 transatlantic crosses, never had a mishap, was always on time. >> but what atlantic icebergs didn't accomplish, the jet airplane did. by the late 1960s, air travel became so popular, the luxury liner was obsolete. her ballroom fell silent. her first-class cabins were stripped bare.
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today it's an aging curiosity, viewed mostly from a distance. >> i understand people come around just to look at it. >> that's true. always people come and stop at the gate and gaze just like i did all those years ago, because she's amazing. >> but even keeping her parked here is shockingly expensive. $60,000 a month, that's with month repairs. her caretakers figure it would take a billion dollars to put her back on the seize. at some point soon they admit, the only option might be to sale her for salvage. >> there is a chance that the ship could be scrapped. >> scrapped? >> scrapped. >> ripped apart. >> recycled basically. turned in to razor blades. >> that would break your heart. >> it would break my heart. it's the last of its kind. it is the last great ocean liner. it bears the name united states. it would be tragic, really. it would be tragic. you know, we can't get her back if that happens.
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>> the trick now is to find a developer, one with a vision to see the ship as 500,000 square feet of floating waterfront property. most likely in new york. her home port. >> what would it be like to have her in the shadow of the statue of liberty? >> i think it would be amazing. new york city is a great place for this ship to return to. it sailed from new york for 17 years and just like the statue of liberty, it's also a great symbol of the opportunity that our country offers. >> and it is, susan gibbs says, a last voyage everybody the ship herself longs to take. >> she still has this incredible strength. you see the ship sitting there, she is held fast by these bright blue lines. and you just get the sense that she's like, i am ready to go somewhere and, you know, she's not done. she is ready to bring in crowds again. >> a proud heritage on the high seas. we will see, an investigator
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group has now taken a look at the s.s. united states, we'll see whether she gets a final port of call. that's it for us here at "america tonight." on "america tonight" this weekend, an investigation athlete at the top of their game chasing their olympic dreams. but vulnerable to those guiding their careers. what the u.s. olympic movement is doing to protect the next generation. and why young athletes are coming forward to say it's not enough. remember if you would like to comments on any stories that you have seen on this program you can log onto our website al jazerra/americatonight. and join the conversation with us on twitter or our facebook page, good night we'll have more of "america tonight" on zip.
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>> the ceasefire is still holding and gazans are digging through bubble but rebuilding is going to cost billions. we'll look at how hard it will to be find the money. plus, a company fining you for filing a bad online review. we'll talk about the outrageous ways some businesses are trying to protect fre o one economist says thanks to technology and health care, the job market will never be the same. i'm ali velshi and this is "real money."
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