tv News Al Jazeera August 12, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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iraq's prime minister orders the counts security forces to stay out of the political crisis, following international backing for his challenger. hello again from doha, i'm kimal santa maria. this is the world news from al jazeera. human rights watch criticized egypt post-morsi crack down. accessing direct damage, but peace talks go on in cairo.
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africa, baby boom, is it a blessing or a curse? so dual ongoing crises in iraq as the prime minister nouri al-maliki continues to give up on his position. on monday, haider al-abadi was nominated to replayers al-maliki. he's got 30 days to form a new government. however, maliki says the nomination is a violation of constitution and asking forces to stay out of the political crisis. >> translator: i really urge you the iraqi military to uproot the clawct and a islamic state . >> talking about deal forces in the north of the country,
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kurdish forces continue their battle against islamic state fighters. the u.s. has been backing the kurdish forces with air strikes on the islamic state fighters in the area. however this continues on the humanitarian crisis, as islamic state advance on their town. giving more aid to groups in the northern iraq to deal with the disaster. jenna rupp is live in erbil, first of all the word that comes to mind is stalemate. you have one man with all the support and the other man who doesn't want to go anywhere. >> reporter: yep, that's pretty much it but the plans is tipping towards prime minister nouri al-maliki's successor, haider al-abadi has a month now according to the constitution to
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put together a cabinet and the congratulations are pretty much flowing in not just washington and capitols around the world which are breathe be a sigh of relief for the most part but from kurdish and sunni officials, we talked to the governor of mosul, ninevah, wih mosul the capitol. believe this could be a new page, essential the same story from the kurds, they see this as the last chance to essentially persuade them to try to stay in iraq. so high hopes but cautious optimism over the appointment of this new prime minister. >> you used the words according to the constitution, but according to the constitution is what nouri al-maliki is using that he should be allowed to stay. >> reporter: it is a flexible
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constitution, what nouri al-maliki is basing that comment on, his block won the largest number of seats and therefore it should be allowed to form a new government. that is technically true. but to add another wrinkle to this, kamal basically, nobody agrees who called it first. did he announce he had the largest block or did he not announce it. that's how ridiculous it gets to be, to be honest. the future of the country, everyone seems to have made their decision and it's not prime minister nouri al-maliki. >> let's talk about the immediate future which is the crisis in the north the ongoing battles there. what is happening there? obviously a huge humanitarian problem and i'm read going a helicopter crash that was carrying humanitarian aid. >> extremely sad news. this is a russian helicopter belonging to one of the old ones from the iraqi air force, trying
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to get aid to what is believed to be 10,000 members of the yazidi sect stranded on the sinjar mountains, according to kurdish security forces we've been speaking of, it was trying ohover quite low to the ground to actually drop the aid. food and water collected by various agencies and dropped to the people underneath. as it hovered people desperate for food, desperate for water desperate to climb into that helicopter, actually pulled it down. the pilot was killed and a yazidi membership of parliament was wounded. a whole series of extreme tragedies on that mountain. >> we are off to new york now the united nations headquarters. secretary-general ban ki-moon is
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just walked up to the podium. >> at the same time i'd like to say a few words about three of the emergencies. first, the situation in iraq. during my visit to baghdad, and erbil last month, i urged rakes to support a democratic process. i welcomed the movement toward the formation of new government, prime minister designate, haider al-abadi has the burden of foorminforgea new government. it is important that the security force he do not intervene in the political process. all of the iraqi people need security. yet the poison of hatred and brutality is spreading.
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the so-called islamic state, is, is a threat to iraq. syria and the region. i'm profoundly dismayed by these barbaric act, including a council of summary actions, boys forcibly taken from their homes to fight, girls abducted or trafficked as sex slaves. the polite of yazidis and others on mountain sinjar is tremendously unsettling, doing all what we can, the u.n, air drops of food and water are reaching some of the trapped people. but the situation on the mountain is dire. and even when people manage to find a way out, they remain exposed to searing heat and perils all the same.
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i urge the intelligence community to do even more to provide the protection they need. and i condemn in the strongest possible terms, the systemic persecution of individuals from minority population, and those who refuse the extremist ideology of i.s. and associated groups. let me now turn to the situation in gaza. the most recent ceasefire brokered by egypt appeared to be holding. but that is not enough. i strongly hope that a durable ceasefire will be reached soon. we must use this cessation of hostilities to address urgent humanitarian needs. the toll of death and destruction is staggering. according to preliminary information, nearly 2,000 palestinians have been killed.
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almost 75% of them civilians. including 459 children. there were more children killed in this gaza conflict than in the previous two crises combined. more than 300,000 people are still centering in unrwa schools, and other public facilities or with host families. at least 100,000 people have had their homes destroyed or severely damages. most of gaza's households have little or no water supply. hospitals meant to cope with the disaster are themselves disaster zones. the school was scheduled to start in less than two weeks but many of the buildings will not
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be ready or are totally unusable in their current state. the united nations will work with regional and international actors to rebuild. but unless we address the underlying causes of the conflict, another round of violence and vengeance is almost guaranteed. israel's duty to protect citizens from rocket attacks by hamas and other threats is beyond question. at the same time, the fighting has raised serious questions about israel's respect for the principles of distinction and proportionality. reports of military activity does not justify jeopardizing the lives and safety of many thousands of innocent civilians. i have called for an investigation into the repeated shelling of u.n. facilities harboring civilians.
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i expect accountability for the innocent lives lost and damage incurred. ladies and gentlemen, finally, the ebola outbreak in west africa. which the world health organization has declared a public health emergency of international concern. announced today that the death toll has surpassed 1,000. these steps are especially urgent. first, a three -- three steps are especially urgent. first, addressing the severe lack of capacity. in the most severely affected countries, guinea, liberia, sierra leone have only recently returned to political stability following years of conflict that destroyed or disabled their
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health systems. i urge the international community to respond urgently to the shortage of doctors, nurses, including protective clothing and isolation tents. we need all hands on deck. second, coordinated international response is essential. i remain in close contact with dr. margaret chen, director of w.h.o. in the days ahead, the system will further strengthen the way we are dealing with the outbreak. to that end: in close coordination with dr. margaret chen of w.h.o, i have designated dr. david navarone as senior united nations system coordinator for ebola virus disease.
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dr. navarone will be responsible for ensuring that the united nations system makes an effective and coordinated contribution to the global evident of stopping ebola. third, we need to understand that ebola can be controlled. people can survive the disease. ebola has successfully been brought under control and we can do it in here and i thank you very much for your attention. >> back, u.n. geanl speakin secl speaking on haider al-abadi nominated as the new prime minister, he has the duty of
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forming a new government, he says stay out of the process which is the same thing nouri al-maliki said for perhaps different reasons. quote here, unless we address the underlying causes another round of violence and vengeance is almost guaranteed, he called into investigation of the repeated shelling of united nations facilities in gaza. u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon in u.n. headquarters in new york. we move on. human rights watch set egyptian security forces deliberately killed protesters in cairo square, deliberate, systematic and likely amounted to crimes against humanity.
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the defense minister and others should be investigated. more from barnaby phillips. >> human rights watch does not mince its words what happened on the streets of cairo one year ago. it was it says, a massacre. killing of 100,000 in a single gruesome day. >> what we have suffered from. we have suffered from killers. killers, just killers, just killers. >> reporter: human rights watch said these killings were meticulously planned. not a sing police officer or security person has been punished. went right to the top. human rights watch is calling for a u.n. investigation. it says protesters threw rocks and molotov cocktails at police and sometimes fired guns but the reaction was clearly
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disproportionate. >> a complete failure of responsibility, the people up to now have got away with it and actually what's also striking is how weak the is international response has been. the other thing we're calling for in the report is the kind of equipment the egyptians might have used there should be a prohibition on that. >> human rights watch says singles the killing, fired on other demonstrators and crushed dissenting voices. so it would seem unlikely that they would allow an international investigation into events at raba. when human rights workers flew to egypt to present their report they were refused entry. >> human rights watch is, they say, unprofessional, in
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violation of the country's sovereignty and egyptian government rejected all allegations. human rights watch discussed the systematic dismantling of civil society, including the jailing of journalists, we continue to demand the release of three journalists jailed in egypt for 277 days. in june mohamed fahmy and peter greste were given seven year sentences, baher mohamed got an additional three years because he had a spent round in his possession which he had picked up at a protest. still ahead. >> good morning vietnam! >> robin williams dies at the >> robin williams dies at the age of 63. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera. special welcome to viewers joining us on al jazeera america. nouri al-maliki has refused to give up his position and asked security forces to stay out. his replacement haider al-abadi has already gained support of the international community. killings at raba square in cairo were deliberate and systematic and likely amounted to crimes against humanity. second day of the 72 hour
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humanitarian ceasefire between gaza and israel is holding. palestinians using their time to return to their ruined homes and offices and factories. also allowed the united nations food program to distribute food to people. rebuilding gaza at $6 billion, carrying out repairs are difficult. many building products and other essential products are barred from entering the gaza strip. the use of untested drugs ine west africa, despite the announcement that a spanish priest who was being treated with an experimental drug has actually died. this report from tim friend. >> he was a dedicated aid worker. father miguel pajares is the first one to die from the
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outbreak receiving an experimental serum zmapp. his death comes as the u.n. announced -- u.n. world health organization announced it was ethical to use experimental drugs. the disease has claimed 10000 lives. >> caveats, the panel said ethical criteria must always gierd provisioalwaysguide provi. informed consent, freedom of choice, confidentiality, respect for person and preservation of dignity and with the involvement
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of the community. >> reporter: zmapp has reportedly shoaredly shown promg results treating two american missionaries working on the virus. but the company says all its available supplies have been sent to west africa. the first africans to receive the treatment, the poorest region where, trial drugs on humans, including who should receive priority for the limited supplies, tim friend, al jazeera. >> a new report is claiming that by the end of the century, a quarter of all babies will be born in africa. researchers say that could either lead to prosperity or put further strain on already-struggling economies. malcolm webb looks at that. >> this ugandan baby takes her
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first breath. today she wants to be held and fed but along with tens of thousands of babies born in africa per day, she's going to want an education and then a job. africa's youth population is booming so across the continent people are wondering what the future will bring. >> the first thing that these people are going to be looking for will be jobs. so what they need to do, unless they plan on going to school first, degrees and diplomas and certificates to get proper jobs. >> so that they can be produce in other areas. >> reporter: the united nations projects that by the end of the century four out of ten people will be african. it says even by 2050 around 41% of the world's births will be in africa, most of those will be in nigeria, where it will account for 1-10s of the world's
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birth. in mrch ten march tens of thouss attended a, economic growth and prosperity if governments invest now in education, health care, and creating more jobs. >> we are optimistic about africa's future but only if those investments are made and if those investments start to be made now. because it will take for many of those investments possibly a generation for them to be fruitful. but unless that happens africa's very young children now in 20 years' time when they begin to enter the labor force may face a very uncertain future. >> and so the future for continent's millions of babies hangs in the balance. it's the decision he of the leaders today that will determine their chance to succeed tomorrow.
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malcolm webb, al jazeera. >> finally, the tributes have been flowing in for u.s. actor and comedian robin williams died at the age of 63. his body was found in his northern california home, cause of debt is uncertain. >> high pitched alien to a cross-dressing nanny. [ screaming ] >> robin williams may most fondly be remembered as a funny man. >> please welcome robin williams. >> and it was as a stand-up comic that he first made his mark. >> in california, state parks went on fire. it's because these parks are filled with weed.
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like the guys fighting the fire, are saying, oh my god make another rainbow tommy! remember me? >> but it was one appearance in 1974 on the hit tv comedy series happy days, as the alien mork, that kick-started his career. >> i had to accident happen your mind, didn't want you to go bozo city. >> that spun off the comedy mork and mindy that ran into 1982. and then the movies. >> good morning vietnam! >> then the thought provoking roles, his role build on a reputation as a comic but the dark subject matter of the film allowed him to explore his more
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serious side. the performance led to an academy award nomination. and he finally collected a golden statute. >> robin williams goodwill hunting. >> a therapist who helped the young goodwill hunting earned him an oscar for best supporting actor. >> you see this? look at me son. it's not your fault. >> i know. >> off screen, williams had his own troubles. he admitted to being addicted to cocaine through the 1970s. but in 1982 he quit both cocaine and alcohol. >> what is the attraction of
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cocaine and what is the thing that cures you of it or -- >> both, i mean the attraction is this idea of it's a sweet drug. it's like this immediate empowerment and then total insecurity. i mean, you're like hey i'm great, i'm great, no i'm not so good, i'm not so good. you're back and forth, what it tells you is that i can't do this anymore. yes you can, yes you can but then you go no you can't. >> but he never fully recovered. williams publicist said the actor had been battling depression prior to his death. film experts described him as one of the most are influential performers of all time. he could make audiences laugh and cry. >> you don't want to do this, do you, sport?
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>> makes you want to download a whole stack of his films. video on demand, live blogs are down the right-hand side, news coming out of gaza and iraq, all at >> hi, i'm lisa fletcher and you're in the stream. with former new orleans punter chris hunter dropped, because of his gay rights stance? why the nfl gives out painkillers to players like candy. just to save the game? and then the nba just appointed its first full
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