tv News Al Jazeera August 19, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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the united states of america, the national guard, tanks and tear gas and a community dividedded. ♪ ♪ hello and welcome al jazerra. we are live from doha. i am martin dennis. we'll have the latest from ferguson in just a minute. also on the program. another day to work things out. palestinians and the israelis agree to extend the ceasefire for 24 hours. on the frontline with kurdish
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forces as they win a key fight with islamic state fighters in iraq. the but battle is not over yet. >> reporter: we are just nine-kilometers from the city center of mosul. pepeshmerga fighters tell us thy are not going to push towards the strong hold of the islamic state group. swat teams on the streets. the national guard deployed and tear gas fired at protesters. it's been another difficult night in ferguson, missouri but there were fewer violent incidents than the night before. everyone from president obama to community leaders are pleading for a return to peaceful behavior. rob reynolds is there and sent this update. >> reporter: ferguson seems to have gotten through the night without anymore major confrontations between police and protesters. there were some tense moments
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and police did fire some tear gas canisters at a group of about 100 people who refused to disperse from the area around a burned out convenience store. by and large, however, clergy, community leaders, and volunteers were successful in convincing most protesters to leave without getting in to a confrontation with the police. the national guard has been deployed to this city near saints lewisst. louis but with d abilities, they are protecting a police station. and how the government is taking its probe of the death of brown. eric holder who is the highest law enforcement officer in the lands plans to come here to ferguson on wednesday.
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well, all of this was triggered by the shooting after unarmed teenager by a police officer over a week ago. an needn't autopsy shows he was shot six times. the african american community in particular are furious that the officer has not been charged. so what's going on in ferguson has led many around the country to ask the question does it really take an army to police a small town? the u.s. congress authorized the pentagon to give surplus military equipment to police for the war on drugs in 1990. well, that year the value of such equipment given to police around the united states was about a million dollars. last year it was $450 million. the rapid expansion of the program has led to the arming of local police forces with weapons of war. st. louis county where ferguson is, got at least a dozen m16 assault rifles which can fire up to 800 bullets per minute. other towns with populations
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between two and 20,000 people, have received mine resistent humvees and even grenade launchers. a doll fuss pruitt is the president of the st. louis branch of the national association for the advance think colored mere the naacp. he says rather than arm the local police officers the government should be investing in the community itself. >> i think beyond a shadow of a doubt if you are going to make that sort of investment in to the community, it probably would have been well spent to sues ao*us some of the other technology and other equipment that the military has to create jobs locally for the people who are out here protesting. you know, at the end of the day, you know, you either are going to put them in a militarized zone or put them in the economic zone. i think the money would have been well spent trying to deal with the economic issues that are facing these folks. at the end of the day after the words are done and after everybody has spoke, when they walk up and down the street, they are going to be again harassed by police. and so, you know, the words are
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not going to mean much to them. it means something to us, it means something to the middle class, but at the end of the day reaching them, they are going to be looking for results more than anything. and words are not going to help. we need to bring some resources down here. we need to sit down and make some job training and things leak that available for them. we need to address some of the health care, the affordable care act did some of it, but we really need attack those adverse social outcomes that have placed them socioeconomic i ca socioecf the picture and disenfranchised them from the rest of the community. they are hurting. they don't see any light at the end of the tunnel and they are mad. palestinians and israeli negotiators have agreed to extend the gaza ceasefire by another 24 hours. the announcement came just minutes before a previous 5-day truce was set to expire, both sides have been taking part in indirect talks in cairo trying to find a way to end the conflict that's killed more than
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2,000 people. but the head of the palestinian delegation has warned that the two sides may not sign a final deal. >> translator: we are going to have one more day of ceasefire. either we agree or we doesn't, we hope to make sure of every single minute of the 20 hour hours or else violence will continues. i am going to tell you again all that's been circulating in the media about some kind of progress is baseless, no real progress has been made so far. live now to jane ferguson our correspondent in gaza city. not very long of an extension, i guess there is no time for celebration in gaza but perhaps a little about the of relief? >> reporter: well, for people here, martin, there had been hopes of a celebration like you said right up until the last minute. just minutes before midnight last night, some gazans had been taking to the streets starting to step out in to the streets in anticipation of rallies of
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celebrations that ideal had been signed they, of course, were very much so disappointed. at the very last minute and went home. so right now people are feeling a certain sense of pessimism. of course it is another day of respite from violence for people here so there is relief in that. but people are extremely worried. yesterday was the day of ceasefire, -- eighth day of ceasefire, adding one more day will that be enough to secure peace if they couldn't secure peace in eight days, one more day is perhaps unlikely to do the job. >> we heard the palestinian negotiator a little earlier jane, managing expectations and sounding pessimistic that they can reach a deem. do we have any idea at this point as to what the precise sticking points are? >> reporter: well, palestinian sources have been telling al jazerra that it did seem positive last night that it seemed light up until almost the last hour. it seemed as though they were coming to some sort agreement. but the sticking point was overtime frames. of course a major point in these
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negotiations has been the easing of the blockade, even down to the details of how much -- how far out the fishermen can go out right now they can only go out to three nautical miles they want to be out to 12. the sticking point is how fast that would be implement the. if both sides agreed to it. the palestinians want it implemented immediately. and they are telling al jazerra that the israelis are saying they want a more vague time frame for things like that. also the issue you of the buffer zone around the outside or just around the inside border of gaza, that's a buffer zone where the israelis have freedom of movement but the palestinians do not and things like basically implementing a change in that giving palestinians more ago cao agricultural access to the land is something they wanted immediately. the time frames have been a sticking point which would indicate that the palestinians want to make sure any agreement is made in goodwill and would be implemented immediately. >> all right, jane, thank you very much for bringing us right
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up-to-date. with the latest developments, thank you. now, president obama has confirmed that kurdish and iraqi forces have retaken the strategic mosul dam after repeated air strikes on the islamic state group. we can go live now to our correspondent in the northern city of erbil the capital of the kurdish semi autonomous regiae. and you have been up there, haven't you, very close to mosul with the peshmerga fighters. and it seems very much as though they have won, then, this strategic and highly prized prize, dam, by there is still a long way torque isn't there? >> reporter: definitely. it was a two-day military operation. president obama himself announce that go kurdish forces and the iraqi recaptured the damn. with the assistance of the u.s. air force. he's really down playing the
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u.s. role, i can tell you without u.s. air strikes it would have been very difficult for the pe peshmerga as well ase iraqi arm toy push in to the damn. because we know that military advisers were on the ground helping them diffuse explosive devices, booby traps placed by the is lat i can state group. like you said this is justify the beginning. this is not the strong hold of the islamic state group. yes, they have a presence around the dam and in the dam and east of mosul, it's the city itself which is their strong hold as well as other urban centers across eye whack, tikrit, for example, so the fight against the islamic state group is far from over, what we understand is we have been talking to people inside mosul city and what they have been telling sus that people are afraid. they are worried about the war will reach them. as we understand we have been talking to pe peshmerga fighters they are trying to recapture
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territory that they lost last week, territory where christians and other minorities live. they don't want to push in to sunni territories, this will really be a very sensitive iss issue. this will require iraq as a nation taking on the islamic state group. they are still in control of territories in the east of mosul. the islamic state group is holding their ground. preventing the kurdish forces from advancing further. it hasn't been easy for the peshmerga. they have been coming under sniper fire. and the islamic state group has been using mortars to target their positions. this is an active frontline and the kurds with their limited resources have been firing back. the general hasn't left the battlefield since saturday, when the kurds started their advance under the cover the u.s. air strikes, he told me that they are facing a strong enemy. >> translator: they are well trained. many of them were former
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officers in saddam's army. there are also many air action , he chet ans and some from the afghanistan war. we are just nine-kilometers from the city center of mosul. peshmerga commander have no intention of pushing toward the strong hold of the islamic state group but they would be ready to do so only if there is an agreement among the iraqi communities. it's important for obama administration to show that its air strikes are not just helping the kurds but the iraqi nation as a whole. >> translator: we are fighting terrorist and terrorism for the whole world so all countries should help us. >> reporter: the peshmerga have been forced out of that i have homes, an old couple were left behind because they were too old, frail and sick. they lived in their home without food and electricity for over a
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week when the islamic state group was here. >> they knocked on our door, we kept quiet. they left but we were scared. >> reporter: this bat is not over. western nations have stepped up their military involvement but many believe that it won't end unless iraqis, shias, sunnis and kurds fight together. more to come. the a a government says they will release children but not for months. africa's silents curl, while ebola is getting all the headlines, another more common virus killed nearly one and a half million people last year alone.
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these are the top stories here at al jazerra. there has been another night of tension on the streets of ferguson in the united states. the town hats become a flash point for racial tension, but there were fewer violent incidents than on previous nights. unrest broke out more than a week ago after the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager. the gaza ceasefire has been extended for a further 24 hours after palestinians and israeli negotiators agreed to continues peace talks in cairo. the head of the palestinian negotiations has warped that violence will continue if an
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agreement isn't reached. kurdish members of iraqi special forces have retaken control of the dam. they have released a video warning of attacks on american civilians if u.s. air strikes continue. well, the u.s. has condemned a deadly rocket attack on a convoy of buses carrying eastern ukrainian refugees. kiev is blaming pro-russia rebels for the dozens of deaths. the separatists deny the tack even took place. fighting is forcing thousands of people to leave the region, including half of the population of rebel-held luhansk. the civilian convoy was hit while traveling along the main road you can see it here from luhansk towards russia. emma heyward has the latest from slovyansk. >> reporter: in the town, there is little comfort, only signs of war. these pictures which appeared on
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a pro-separatist website are said to show the aftermath of shelling. all of the people here can do is try to stay as safe as possible. >> translator: it's scary. very scary. we pop out for a minute to breathe in fresh air, but that's it. we can't do more. we have no water here either. >> reporter: what is clear here is the worsening humanitarian situation. in the separatist strong hold of don everything, people were queuing for water and other sensual supplies. while the separatists were enforcing strict new laws in the area it now controls. >> translator: death penalty will be for the following crimes, first aggravated murder, it is a murder of two or more people or of a child or a pregnant woman. second, for certain military crimes committed in war on the battlefield. third, for crimes related to aggravated violation of the codes of war.
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>> reporter: and in luhansk, heavy fighting is leaving families with little choice but to flee anyway they can. the journey to try to reach safety can be a treacherous one and as the security situation deteriorates, more people are willing to take the risk. sometimes with devastating consequences. on monday the separatists denied carrying out an attack which killed civilians but the government gave a del tied account of what it says happened. >> translator: tonight at 9:40 a.m. terrorists committed a bloody crime. terrorist fired at a column of civilians trying to flee the zone of fighting. many people died, including women and children. >> reporter: there is still no political solution in sight. and so the people here will continue to have to make impossible choices. emma heyward, al jazerra, in slovyansk. the united states says most
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of syria's declared chemical weapons agents have now been destroyed. the u.s. cargo vessel neutralized 600 metric tons of the chemical weapons agent it had on board in international waters. the ship is expected to head to finland and germany to off-load some of the effluent before it returns to the u.s. al jazerra is continue to go demand the release of its three journalists who have now been impressed in egypt for 234 days, they were accused of helping the outlawed plus him brotherhood n june, mohamed and peter were given 7-year sentences. ba there are mohamed got an extra three years because he had a spent bull net his possession which he had picked up at a protest. now to pakistan where police have arrested 150 anti-government protesters. this comes as supporters of
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leading pakistani leader imran kahn and the cleric are set to march on a heavily fort fight path to the capital of islambad. 10s of thousands of protesters have already brought parts of the capital to a standstill. kahn has threatened to pull out of members of his party from parliament. he says last year's election was rigged. rescuers in china are trying to reach 29 miners trapped after a gas explosion. the blast happened early on tuesday. 10 other miners managed to escape. chinese media is reported that the government had ordered the mine to be shutdown twice, but the miners continued to operate. and chinese police have arrested two high-profile actors on drugs charges. the son of hong kong action superstar jackie chan has been didetained and 31-year-old j.c. has arrested with at that juan
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east movie star, police said the men tested positive for marijuana and admit to the using the drug. the australian government is planning to release about 150 children from immigration detention centers. there are a total of nearly 900 children currently being held in mainland and offshore detention centers. human rights groups have long criticized the australian migration policy. andrew thomas reports now from outside the villa wood detention center in sydney. >> reporter: australia's longstanding position when it comes too asylum seekers is to detain any that come by boats to its shores, childrens or adult alike its facing increasing criticism as a policy of public inquiry underway at the moment have found that which children are in prison for months can damage their mental health as evidenced by self harm and abuse of children in detention.
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it's important, though, to points out who this latest announcement does apply who and who it doesn't remember only the children under 10 held at all's australia's mainland detention centers or those offshore won't be released. that's because those children arrived after july of 2013 when australia's government said anyone arriving from that date would never be resettled in australia. they have said to maintain the deterrent they will keep those children, about 350 of them detained in those offshore camps. australia's immigration minister scott morrison is due in front of a public inquire on friday. he will have to defends why some children are being released but not all. 34 migrants who were found stowed away in a shipping contain third u.k. have now been leased from hospital. they were from afghanistan who had endured an 18 hour sea
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crossing when they were heard screaming for help at a british port. one of the many died during the journey. >> another 20 minutes and all would have been dead in there. i had to control myself. i had tears in my eyes. i normally never cry. but looking at those kids, how desperate they would have been to put their lives in such a state. now cameroon has closed all of its borders with nigeria in a move to try to help prevent the spread of the ebola virus. the disease has already killed 1,145 people and infected almost 2,000 more in west africa. well, these are the affected countries. guinea, that's where the out break started in december last year. from there it spread to liberia, there protesters attacked a quarantine center in the capital on saturday. and also spread to sierra leone,
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doctors without borders say it has no idea how many villages are affected there. and also nigeria, which became the fourth ebola affected country last month. well, now neighboring senegal is on high alert over the ebola out break, but the country is also scrambling to deal with another killer disease. nicholas reports in southern senegal. >> reporter: doctors can't tell what's wrong with her daughter. she's in pain. this hospital ward is hundreds of kilometers away from the ebola out break. still she fears the worst. >> translator: i am scared it could be ebola. >> reporter: but this is not ebola. it's likely to be a different virus. one that's far harder to contain and that kills more people in west africa. hepatitis e. southern senegals chief doctor believes it's an epidemic going unnoticed. >> translator: the hepatitis out
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break started at the same time as we find out about ebola. both are very dangerous, one is getting more attention than the other. we are trying to combat the vie virus as best we can. >> reporter: samples are accepted 800 miles away to confirm if if it's hepatitis. for some the results come too late. 19 pregnant women have died so far in this district hospital. hundreds are everybody thousands could be infected. doctors simply don't know. the world health organization calls help tight i go africa's silent killer and this is why, 1.4 million people died of the disease last year. now, compare this with the number of people who have died of ebola. so what is it about hepatitis that makes it so deadly? there is novak seen and the virus can stay in the body undetected for years. it's found mostly in unclean water or badly cooked meat. here water for the river is used
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to drinking villages upstream use it for true i think. >> it's a problem of sanitation. if we can be careful of what we eat and drink we can control the virus. >> reporter: it's the world's most deadly infectious disease, some patients overcome hepatitis naturally. others face a harrowing wait for news, lick las, al jazerra, senegal. africa's elephants again under threat with a warn that go they could be completely wild out in the next 100 years, more elephants are being killed every year than being born. the researchers have found that between 2010 and 2013 africa lost around 7% of its entire elephant population. and in central africa in particular. the number of elephants has fallen about by about 60% in a decade.
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my colleague spoke with the lead author of the study. >> it's most acute in central africa, but a number of populations across the continent that are in serious, dire, dire conditions right now. the driver of this is simply demands for ivory, which is being consumed global by, but in take it looks like the far east and china has increased their consumption of ivory and this has driven up the black market ivory price and with that black market ivory price, increased poaching has occurred. >> what sort of measures can be done to combat this? and are they really working considering how difficult a challenge is it when you are looking at a very fast area in central africa with different borders and lack of coordinati coordination. >> yeah, it's definitely a daunting task. we are seeing a lot of success. there is a lot of groups on the ground in africa who are having success in protecting different
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populations. we are seeing certain countries have really done some magnificent work and proactive work and intelligence gathering and disrupting the trade chains and arresting and intervening on poachers. so we definitely have models on the ground that are working in africa. and i just like to points out that we have had models that have worked well this the demand side as well. in '70s and 80 defendantss a similar crisis emerged to africa driven by the ivory trade in japan and there is a large scale social media campaign and education campaign and essentially that demand was extinguished through the education campaigns and the pressure was alleviated prettily quickly on the elephants once word got out about how make arts impact was, so i am optimistic we can do it again, i hope we can do it again. and you know, i really look at
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these two, the demand side as well as protection on the ground with the population, with the actual elephants as the critical two key components today. remember you can keep right up-to-date with all the day's developing stories and point out more about elephants on the website. >> the war to end all wars didn't, but it did change things in ways big and small. world war i began 100 years ago this summer, and we live in the world it made. it's the "inside story." >> hello, i'm ray suarez, 100
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