tv News Al Jazeera August 31, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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aid to be dropped. british french and australian forces also delivered aid to the area. officials estimate more than 15,000 were trapped in that city. the islamic state group may have suffered a setback, and the is fighters have been given back. the group is far from defeated. hoda abdel-hamid reports from mosul. the scars of battle. the islamic state group used houses as defense lines before it was forced to retreat towards of the city of mosul. this man came home to find this. the group's fighters moved into the village in august. they did not only use the house as a base. they ate what they found and used their clothes. they didn't give up without a fight. this is an organization that u.s. officials say is beyond anything they have seen. even those engaged in direct
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combat say they faced well-trained fighters. >> they placed a few snipers in different houses. they did all the way the roads, put the tnt. >> reporter: the islamic state may have been pushed back from the mosul damn and surrounding areas, but it is far from defeated. kurdish forces didn't win the battle alone. dozens of air strikes supported the counteroffensive. undotedly air power damages. it may be an option here. it's not always the case. the islamic state group controls cities and population centers. using air strikes there would cause mat casualties. -- mass casualties. the kurds have been battling on the front, but not in the strongholds where they live. they are fighting among side a
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group known as dash. >> most of the villages here are sun sunni, they supported dash, and the people here were disappointed in government at the revenge action. i think they supported these people, dash. >> reporter: the air campaign slowed the progress in the corner of iraq, and is, armed with u.s. equipment stolen from the iraqi army controls territories in syria, where the obama administration lacks local allies. the war needs to be fought on the ground, on both sides of the border. it is a challenge since the governments in iraq and syria are not seen as legitimate by the sunnis. for more insight i'm joined from washington d.c. by al jazeera's national security contributor jj green.
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let's pick up on some of hoda abdel-hamid's reporting. air strikes were successful at amherly. can they condition to be a strategy, simply air strikes? >> no, that's a tactic. the strategy is bigger, broader, longer and will take longer to engage on a full strategy. the air tricks are a key part. the u.s. recognises that. what happens next is ground activity. there has been reports and consideration of whether or not u.s. troops will be involved in that, and to what degree. u.s. military has said that this is an iraqi and syrian fight. the u.s. is willing to support. air strikes and humanitarian drops are not going to get the job done. >> when we talk about ground troops, who are we talking
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about? >> you are talking about the kurds, the iraqi military and the iranians, and press. you are talking about the nab ours, the folks in the region, you are not talking about u.s. combat troops. there may be a need for some u.s. advisors on the ground, more than there are now, and in different capacities than there are now, based on some military and intelligence folks. there'll be a field, as your reporter mentioned, these is fighters are in neighbourhoods and cities. you can't go through strategically and striking the neighbourhoods with bombs. you have to have people on the ground. it may be a door to door guerilla situation that may have to happen. >> the president is criticised saying that we don't have a strategy. is it politics or fair
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criticism. seems the united states doesn't have a strategy worked out. >> i suppose it's fair. you have to take into consideration that this is a time - the u.s. has not faced time like this previous to now. you have a lot of different event in the world, converging at once. things are happening faster, and you have a situation where many of these situations are much more deadly, and you have to make the right decision before you engage. granted the president is cautious, he's been that way from the very beginning, but you have to do this right, else you'll have a bigger mess than you start with. the criticism is fair, considering that had something been done a couple of years ago, maybe this would be the case. who is to say that wouldn't turn out the way we thought. >> the u.k. obviously raised a terror alert. the u.s. has not. do you anticipate that the u.s. could? >> yes, i think so.
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the u.s. has always prepared to engage in a - shall we say, higher security alert, each though we don't have a colour-coded system. the intelligence, security and law enforcement are standing by to raise the security posture. what happens in the state are certain sectors are alerted and asked to do certain things when there are concerns. as you know as well, over the weekend there were aviation and transportation adjustments made. we can expect to see more like that if there is, indeed, a need to raise the terror alert posture in the state. the u.s. is ready, and can - whether or not we'll see it in the new term, because it's an open question. >> thank you so much. >> pleasure. >> now to the crisis in ukraine, where government forces say a
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border guard boat was fired on by artillery. officials in kiev say the boat was attacked in the sea of asol. the ukranian navy is trying to determine where the weapons came from. pro-russian rebels launched offensive along the coast. vladimir putin today called for a political solution. he suggested statehood for the breakaway regions, a spokesman backtracked on that common. a second convoy of ate is being sent to the east of ukraine, dozens of trucks were ready to deliver aid to pro-russian separatists. last week the foreign minister said it had been given preliminary approval and aid would be swapped through the red cross. 53 ukranians were handed back last week, swabbed for 10
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russian soldiers. >> reporter: on the border with ukraine, a swift late-night handover. the men were quiet crossing the checkpoint. 63 ukranian soldiers, swapped for nine russian paratroopers in a rare sign of cooperation. >> translation: the negotiations were far from easy, thank god common sense prevailed, our boys are with us. i want to stress we don't abandon our people. from the first minute our people were detained. all measures were taken to net. >> russian soldiers were trying to get away from the fighting when they entered territory on wednesday. its own troopers had crossed the border accidentally. in releasing footage, the unit was on a special mission. kiev maintains russia is to blame, and says more than 1,000
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troops are operating in the east. >> translation: terrorists would not have been capable of conducting such a matter without the russian troops. they were there. several russian marines were captured during one operation. >> reporter: the deal struck between president petro porashenko and vladimir putin, during talks in minsk. the tone is not turning the side of this conflict. vladimir putin is calling for statehood to be considered by eastern ukraine, a progression for falls, regional powers. >> it is necessary to start substantive and substantial negotiations. not just technical matters, but matters of politically organising society and statehood for south-eastern ukraine. the point of no return is near,
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and that point is full-scale war. while most russians, especially those near the border, support the pro-separatist rebels, a government-supported opinion poll showed that 5% were in favour of sending troops into ukraine. and as this conflict worsens, president vladimir putin may find his support for boots on the ground slipping away. joining me very ascit is richard white -- via skype is richard white. the european union is giving russia a one week ultimatum to scale it back or face additional economic sanctions. what is really going to be different in a week? >> not clear. at the moment russia has winning
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formula, which is to have its forces fight for the ukranian insurgents, but not as part of russian military, but part of other independent forcers or the rebels or what have you. you have russians claiming, in essence, that some of the soldiers decided to take a summer break, run a few tanks through the ukraine. there's no way they'll stick to that line, but it limits what the international community will do, because there's not a declaration of war, there's enough deny ability. what they decide to do is more and more sanctions hurting the russian economy, but hasn't stopped the russian offensive. >> you see the sanctions have been effective and more sanctions could be more
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effective even though it hasn't changed vladimir putin's before. >> the sanctions have been effective, for hurting the russian economy, like they did with iran. iran is still sticking to its nuclear programs and activities making the west uncomfortable and russia is still intervening militarily despite the cost of sanctions. you said there's no official declaration of war, but french president francis hollande said the conflict in ukraine is the biggest crisis since the end of the cold war. do you think this could end up being a full-scale war? >> it's possible that it might become a war between russia and ukraine. russia doesn't have to declare
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war. right now it's strategy is succeeding. the ukrainians are not able to stand up to the russian offensive, and the other militaries are not running in to defend them. russia wouldn't declare war. ukraine might but it's up to the russian response. i don't know why they would escalate further. looks like they'll establish a land connection from crimea and russia, and leave the conflict open to resume and convene at a later point to pressure the ukranian government. >> let's talk about tactics. vladimir putin called for a political solution, including discussing statehood for some of the conflicted areas of the breakaway regions and ukraine. that's quite a tactic there. >> russia has been joining other countries, including the u.s. at
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one point, calling for an evolution. russia wants to give autonomy to the groups, the same way russian troops after occupying independent georgia an independent state. it leaves the conflict open, and allows moscow to manipulate it going forward, when convenient. if ukraine pushes for n.a.t.o. membership, russia would remind ukrainians they can resume the conflict at any point. richard white. senior fellow at the hudson institute. thank you very much. >> thank you. democracy denied - chinese government says no to independent elections in hong kong. that won't stop the activists. that is next pakistanis take to the streets to demand exchange.
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protests in pakistan. at least three people were killed in islamabad during clashes between protesters and police. thousands marched to the prime minister's residence, urging him to step down. police fired tear gas after some tried to break through police lines. kamal hyder has more from the pakistani capital. >> reporter: in islamabad these protesters stand their ground. they staged their sit-in for two weeks now, but say they will not go until the prime minister nawaz sharif resigns. >> we will not return until we achieve our objective. it doesn't have a legal justification for its existence. >> reporter: the demonstrators are led by anti-government cleric tahir ul-qadri, saying he is seeking justice for followers in lahore, killed by police. and opposition leader imran
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khan, accusing the government of corruption and electoral fraud. >> translation: i'm here with you, with you and have been with you the entire night. i'll be with you until we get freedom for the country. >> with allah's help, move towards the final destination. remain peaceful, peaceful, peaceful. please maintain by credibility. there should be no violence, no destruction, no violence. god willing you will win the war with peaceful means. >> that message was disregarded saturday night. protesters broke through the police lines, tearing down the outer walls of parliament. police fired tear gas and rubber bullets, and the army was called in to protect state buildings. the military took over in times of civil unrest. this time there appears to be little appetite for a coup. >> the pakistani military
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established that they are in any combative position to run. when they try to do that, they fail, and leave pakistan in a problematic situation. >> reporter: it's down to people power, this is the first government to take over from an elected parliament. whether that democratic transfer can remain peaceful or not will be critical to pakistan's future of the democratic dreams of hong kong political activists have been stifled. beijing will continue to choose the candidates that can sustained for election. -- stand or election. >> reporter: from hong kong it was anticipated. political mosters na beijing clarify -- masters in beijing clarified how much democracy they'll tolerate.
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the next election will be limited to a handful of officially approved candidates. there's a need to proceed in a steady manner because of sovereignty and security of the country is at stake. >> translation: a small group of people in hong kong with ulterior motives is trying to replace the law with international standards. they came up with the idea of domination by the public. the goal is to interfere with society. they waste time, discussing the unrealistic political agenda. >> the npg's decision means that candidates that meet with beijing's approval can stand in the election for hong kong's next leader. the candidates need the endorsement of half the members of a nominating committee that beijing will select. for china, it guarantees an
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election, for which there'll be no unpleasant surprises. when hong kong returned to china, beijing promised a high degree of political autonomy and the capitalist system could continue unhindered for 50 years. the chinese government says the deal is being undermined by the campaign for more democracy, part of a foreign conspiracy to turn hong kong into a base for subversion. >> foreign ministry in china has a reason to raise the issue and warn those involved in this, local or international forces, from avoiding using hong kong as a platform of subversion against mainland china. >> for china, the matter of hong kong's political future is finalised. it's spoken, and expect
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hong kong to listen. >> al jazeera's rob mcbride is in hong kong. the activists are prepared to show beijing how disappointed they are. >> in front of characters that read disobedience, the campaign's leader promise to occupy central hong kong. he is not saying when. the date when thousands are expected to bring the financial heart of the city to a standstill is kept a secret for maximum effect. for some, this is the day democracy died. for others, it's the start of the fight. >> we fight for our rights. we will have democracy one day. >> i don't know it will win. hong kong people should come out and support this. >> news to defines to grant
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democracy - causing civil disobedience, seen as the only way forward. >> normal protest is not useful to show pressure to the central government any more. >> reporter: in this highly divisive issue, tens of thousands of loyalists take to the streets, opposed by the central movements. this is is as close as hong kong will come to democracy, and the city should accept it. >> reporter: both sides are ruling out negotiations, hong kong's protestors seem to be on a course with the government. focus on the mid term elections this book, and who will control the house and senate during president obama's final two years in office. we'll examine the scenarios in "the week ahead". 8:30 pm eastern and 5:30 pacific. soldiers on a peacekeeping
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mission are part of the crisis in syria. driven out of their homes and countries, the syrian children getting the education they have never had. >> first, we are looking at the big stories from the summer of 2014, and begin with jacob ward in san francisco. >> reporter: i'm jacob ward in san francisco, the south napa quake, a 6.0 when it hit sunday, august 24th, took california by surprise, except for a few scientists connected to a prototype early warning system called shake alert run out of u.c. berkeley. they had a 10 second warning. it is a forerunner for a state-whiched early warning -- state-wide early warning system. it was required by law, but at millions to launch, it has not been funded by california yet. where is it worth $100 million
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to get 10 seconds of warning. here is why. you can do a few things with the notice. >> there's a lot you can do. dentists can take the drill out of your mouth or the surgeon the knife out of the chest. there's a lot of automatic things. >> reporter: here in california, the 6.0 quake may have been enough. scientists are conseeing at berkeley -- convening at u.c. berkeley to discussion. the 8th largest economy though, is still waking up surprised. -
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and the city has been under siege for two months. russia and ukraine swapped dozens of soldiers, those that crossed the border by mistake and russian paratroopers were exchanged. china's parliament says hong kong's election will be reduced to a few of approved candidates. activists plan to stage a campaign of civil disobedience. amerli is back in control of iraqi forces. yazidi are the target of attempted genocide, and men are ready to leave their sacred homeland. jane arraf reports. >> reporter: lighting the sacred fires. the keepers of the flame light 365 candles here every day at
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dusk. this is lolesh in the mountains of northern iraq. yazidi's believe it's the first place the sun's rays ever touched. to the yazidi, everything is sacred, including the trees. that man's father and grandfather watched over the shrine. it's normally a place of peace. >> translation: we have been walking the earth for a long time, since the time of the assume airians, syrians, and babylonians. we never abused anyone. we were always peaceful. >> reporter: with the killings of hundreds of yazidi by islamic state fighters, and the capture of yazidi women, it's a place of separation. >> sheikh, rescue us, your people are suffering. they killed your sons and
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doubters. save our lives. >> reporter: the normally quiet streets of lo lesh are packed with families that fled from sinjar. here, islamic state fighters are fewer than 60km away. the young people are desperate to leave iraq. >> reporter: this is sacred, but people came because it's safe. they are not sure how long. the yazidi say they have suffered 70 massacres. never anything like that, making so many of them want to leave their land. this man broke his back in a car accident in sin ya two months ago -- sinjar two months ago. when the islamic state fighters came to the village, his father and brother carried him up the mountain. after seven days in the mountain they walked 12 hours down into
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iraq. they are staying in a school. in the temple he ties knots in the silk to ask for peace and giving god thanks for giving him one more time to visit lo lesh. dozens of peacekeepers from fiji remain in the custody of syrian rebels. they were captured by al nusra in the golan heights on thursday. >> reporter: u.n. peacekeepers are caught up in a conflict of which they should have no part. after 40 years of mon forking the zone -- monitoring the zone in the golan heights, u.n. peacekeepers are being held. the al-nusra front released id cards of 45 peacekeepers. it is one of the armed groups battling the syrian government, and accuses the u.n. of siding
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with the damascus regime. >> we still, at this statement, cannot confirm the exact location of our troops. i will continue negotiations at all levels. these are official negotiation team by the u.n. negotiators, and also the local negotiation by the people on the ground in the local context. >> reporter: the u.n. says it's in touch with other parties that could help in negotiation. >> we try to use all possible ways and means to talk with them, and we are also trying to get support from the countries from their influence over the other groups. >> the al nusra does appear open to negotiation. this weekend it released five of
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the lebanese soldiers captured on the border. it continues to hold 24 lebanese soldiers and police officers call of whom are shia. the u.n. moved two large groups of filipino peacekeepers threatened in the conflict. the bulk of forces have been withdrawn back to the safety of the primary u.n. base in the israeli occupied part of the golan heights. under question now is the future of the u.n. mission and the golan heights. and the monitoring zone of dissen gagement. remembering too that israel and syria is technically at war. the syrian kris sis created a wave of refugees. at this point syrian refugees fled to neighbouring countries. the u.n. estimates 6.5 million
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people are displaced within the country, half of all syrians forced to abandon their homes. nearly a million syrians have taken refuge in turkey. providing for them is a change, and the children are the most effective. >> reporter: a makeshift classroom in an istanbul sports center. for these syrian children it's the only education they have ever had. every week at least 25 children are turned away, according to the teachers. there's no room. >> translation: we have seen children who have seen their fathers shot. children who have witnessed massacres. kids from alhooda there during the chemical attacks, and children that have seep skud a -- seen skud attacks on aleppo.
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there are conditions we are starting to treat. >> reporter: there are 65,000 refugees. children can go to government schools. the language barrier puts them off. there are another 140,000 unregistered syrians, aid groups say, fleeing from war, with no documents to prove who they are. one of the biggest challenge for teachers is discipline. the children have never been in an environment where they have to do what they are told. without the schooling, the kids are on the streets. that is a participation breeding ground for another generation of fighters. in this cramped apartment in another part of the city, there's no money for bus fares to get the chin to school. 10 crammed into two rooms. they are here for 18 months. the air is foul. this man can't find work. the strain of providing for his family is difficult to bear. his children don't know any
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other life. >> translation: we haven't been able to go home for two years. we feel like strangers. we don't know who is dead or alive. it's two years since i saw my sister in aleppo. i don't know anything about her. >> reporter: local aid groups say 40% of syrians that make it to istanbul live in similar circumstances. in 2010 turkey opened their border to displaced syrians, but no one thought they'd be here this long. the israeli military says it sht down a drone above the golan heights. prime minister binyamin netanyahu says israel will defend itself on all fronts, including gaza. >> i hope that the quiet has been restored, will continue for a long time. we are prepared for every eventuality on that front and other fronts, including the
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gollon border. >> israel annexed land, opponents calling it the biggest land grab. in the capital of tripoli, the embassy was stormed. no u.s. citizens were present. the state department closed the facility amid rising violent. all military personnel and operations were moved to neighbouring tunisia. in somalia 11 were killed in an attack on a government intelligence center, beginning when a car bomb exploded. gunmen with an islamist rebel group made their way inside. the compound was targeted, it's where suspected militants are detained. none were free in the raid. united nations ship carrying relief supplies to african nations was turned back after visiting a country fighting the ebola outbreak.
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it was turned away because it stopped in liberia to unload cargo. in senegal authorities are trying to get a handle on who has been in contact with their first ebola patient. >> reporter: for weeks a 20-year-old ginnian man infected with the ebola virus lived here. most saw and talked to him. no one knew he carried a contagious virus in his body. the neighbourhood lives in fear that they'll be safe. >> translation: he won't come down, it's too dangerous people are scared of catching the virus. some say we can catch it from the winds. >> reporter: behind the shadow they live here. this is a relative, wearing surgical gloves. the family fears the neighbours' rehabilitation if they come out. it's not just the family that feels ostracised, but the entire
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neighbourhood. this is a working class area with many migrants that go to work. now there's a case in the neighbourhood, they feel people will be scared to interact with them. >> this woman can't get to work. buses and taxis no longer stop here. >> translation: why hasn't the ministry of health distributed health equipment. if it's safe, why isn't officials come to visit us. >> health officers left and the clip iing is closed. investigators are trying to identify and test people infected with the virus. some have left. there's a growing assistance of unease that a killer virus is gaping ground over -- gaining ground over the neighbourhood. >> chile held itsated annual -- its eighth annual day of the
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disappeared. those that disappeared. detention centers of general pinochet is where the services are held. 1200 are still missing. mexicans marched to demand transparency from the government. 22,000 people have disappeared since mexico began its war on drugs in 2006. estimates put the numbers at 8,000. >> the u.n. secretary-general says they raised the issue of detained journalist with abdul fatah al-sisi in egypt. bangui moon ensured freedom of -- ban ki-moon ensured freedom of speech. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed spent 24 of days in an egyptian system. they received long sentences after a trial seep as politic -- seen as politically motivated. >> this is a subject discussed
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with president abdul fatah al-sisi after he was elected. i have been emphasising the freedom of speech and ensuring a safety and security of journalists. whichever newsagencies they may work for, i have emphasised, and i urge them to take necessary action. i regret that we have not yet teen and reporters still - i hope that they will be released soon. >> their convictions are being repealed, and al jazeera demands their release. still ahead - it's an industry where the workers are women, and the managers men. one country is working to change
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that. i'm allen schauffler, in idaho, it was a some time of relief and celebrations, relief and smiles. the 5-year vij im was over in bowe bergdahl's town, he was doming back. >> everywhere was on the phone, it went crazy. >> the excitement didn't last. most of the yellow ribbons have been taken down. a bowe bergdahl is back rally was cancelled after negative reaction to the deal that exchanged bowe bergdahl for five guantanamo bay prisoners, veterans of the taliban. bowe bergdahl is in the army, living and working on the base. a military investigation into the circumstances of his capture continues, with a vinyl report expected -- final report
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expected later. he could surveys court marshall and criminal charges for walking away from his camp into the hands of his energy. it was declared the prisoner swap illegal, congress saying it wasn't given notice. bowe bergdahl, in the army, in limbo, and a long way from home. that's why i'm risking my life... >> killing the messenger on al jazeera america
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industry, women do most of the work, while the men supervise and manage the officers. the vast majority of workers are women. only a small number get promoted. >> women have better concentration, they make better machine operators than men. they don't want to be supervisors, because they have to walk too much, they have to carry heavy loads. maybe they don't like that. >> reporter: garment factory management is male dominated. women own factories, but they are in the minority. according to one of the few female owners, gender bias means male managers don't recommend female for promotions. in two factories i called in female workers and said "why are you not interested in being supervisors, because i was told my mid-level management that they were not interested, they were shy and not edu dated
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enough." -- educated enough." i looked at them and said "it's not rocket science." . >> reporter: today half the women supervisors are women. the male mind-set has not changed >> translation: women prefer to take orders from men, not other women. we end up with more male supervisors. now we push, they listen to women as well. even if they did not have the capacity from birth. >> reporter: it's not just the men with that mind-set. >> translation: women do not want to be supervisors. i didn't want to, my bosses encouraged me. i was scared, they gave me courage. the garment industry played a pioneering role in getting women out of the house, into the workplace. >> bangladesh's leaders are role models for the women. members of parliament, including the prime minister and members of the potential are female. most are there because they
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belong to political dynasties, riding through the ranks based on merit is rare. japan has its own super hero, complete with a closely guarded identity. no one knows the name of that man. he's seen racing through the streets. it's based on batman's motorcycle in "the dark knight." a video of him went viral, and he has been a fixture in the city for years. >> translation: i started doing this around 3 years ago. as for my reasons, during the great quake people forgot smile. i wanted to help bring it back. that's why i started. the voice even. the map is a welder, but -- man is a welder, but he has no plans
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to abandon his side job. three years after a footballer announced tougher stances on domestic violence, another has been rested. ray mcdonald was taken into kust sunday morning. n.f.l. is aware of the situation. the policy means he could - this is a big could - face a 6-game suspension. just keep coming for the little league champions. chicago white sox honour the little white sox players. the major league team gave the team signed jerseys and $20,000. the jackie robinson little league team came in second and will celebrate with the cubs tomorrow. a woman who was told she did not have the body for ballet is changing the face of dance. . >> i'm bisi onile-ere in
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detroit. controversy over the city's water shut offs reached a boiling point this past summer. in may the city launched a campaign to collect overdue water bills from thousands of delinquent customers. the actions incited pros from those that believe -- protest from those that believe access to water is a human right. the united nations released a statement saying shut offs were a human rights violation. at one point half of the customers were behind on payments, owing nearly $90 million. the bankrupt state placed a moratorium on shut offs, launching a 10-poin plan to provide assistance options for they say behind on the bills. a group called the people's water prohibition called on the mayor to implement a moratorium
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as we wind up the holiday weekend, we'll have trouble spots across the north from the border states to new england. first of all, let's look at what is happening now. we have norms building up across -- we have thunder storms building up across the dakotas, and they'll turn severe. tomorrow we could see problems with the airport. across the north-east we have a line of thunder storms from new york to pennsylvania. if you plan to go to the us open, it will be rainy, and hot. 86 degrees there. tomorrow not so rainy, but hot.
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not getting better until we get to tuesday. that'll be a 90 degree day. travel plans tomorrow. a lot of people are going home, and look at the areas of red on monday. chicago, st. louis. that means we'll see travel delays, airport delays in the area. down here maybe at haerts field international we'll see problems. as we go towards tuesday, things improve. but we'll see a lot more rain towards the south. temperature wise they are going up. on monday, we expect to see 86 degrees in new york. 90 in washington, 92 in atlanta, and this only gets worse as we go towards the middle of the week. we'll see 94 in washington, and with a heat index, that could feel more, 96 or 98 degrees. >> kevin corriveau there. one of the most famous ballet, "swan lake", will have an
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african-american ballerina in the spotlight. few minoritieminorities. there are few minorities within the dance companies. >> reporter: change does not come easily to ballet, ask misty copeland, a soloist at the new york ballet theatre. she's one of few african americans ever to be at the top of her art form. it's something she and her company want to put behind them. as an african american ballerina, it's rare to see it. so it's about opening up people's eyes to understanding that we can be a part of the classical ballet world. doesn't matter what your skin colour is. >> in the past african-americans are gone to europe to dance, where skin colour mattered less. some blamed racism and others time and resources for working
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class families. these three in new york have heard the arguments. >> i feel people are not used to african-american, and they are used to us doing hip hop or modern. i don't want to do it, it's too cliche and expected from a black person. at the american ballet theatre school, they are searching for young dancers from once excluded groups. misty copeland is the force behind project clea. there has been a 10% rise in minority students. >> people in the audience went to see people who look like them on stage. as long as we don't have that representation, i don't expect there to be a diverse audience. misty copeland will dance the lead in "swan lake", the first
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time an african-american has done so, and she sites a role model who didn't let race get in the way of success. >> i think he set the bar for change. president obama. it's nice that we have someone like that to set an example that african-americans, his panics are capable of being leaders. art reflects life. if that's true, this art form is on its way to looking like the society around it. a popular music festival in ukraine had to move because of a conflict with russia. [ ♪ music ] it's been held in crimea for 20 years. this time around it is being held in georgia. it's the largest festival of electronic music. locals hoped thousands would
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come to the festival, the festival's future is in doubt. >> i'm richelle carey, "real money" weekend is next. for up days throughout the day and around the world go to the website, burger king is accused of quitting america and moving to canada, it's not the first brand to pull this tax trick. i tell you who else has done it and it's legal. making assistance. racial disparity in ferguson, missouri, two two-thirds of the residence are black, but one member of the city council is, i take you to the louisiana bayou to a small town at the center of a gas revolution. i'm ali velshi, and this is "real money".
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