tv News Al Jazeera September 2, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour, from the headquarters in doha and these are the main stories we are covering this hour, a u.s. drone strike targets an elsha bob leader in somalia and they break in to the parliament in baghdad and syrian rebels demand release of people in the
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golden heights and crops depending on aid and farmers in guatemala are ready to leave their livelihoods for good. >> translator: thinking of migrating for the united states in january and i cannot do nothing and i have to do what is best for my children and grandchildren. ♪ a u.s. drone strike in somalia has targeted el-sha bob and it's not clear if they survived the attack and there is no known photograph of him in existence and he is 37 years old and was born in somalia. he received a university education in pakistan and went to afghanistan and believed to train with the taliban and went
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to the region of somali land hand -- and has a wife and children and he and three others formed what we now know as el-shabob and the u.s. strike comes as the african union launched new offense in southern somalia and we have an exclusive report from the front line. >> reporter: on the march against el-shabob fighters they are washed with troops as african unions as troopers and so this is not like a fight ever before and american drones are deployed in what officials are calling the final onslaught against el-shabob. >> translator: we will not
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repeat past mistakes and will not stop fighting until there is control everywhere. >> reporter: these men know they can be ambushed everywhere and go on foot. on the outskirts of a town they want to recapture they stop and wait and moments later they move on. we are informed the malitias who control the town have fled, it's the same story in the town of the border here. the peace keepers and somali government troops say it's a good day for them and this is the second town without a fight and el-shabob ordered towns residents to leave before forces came in. offensive aimed at denying him access to the sea, the main model supply in resent years and of particular interest to the government is the sea-side town which is the headquarters and official port. >> translator: we know
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al-shabab cannot survive and have been using the pot for inputs and also taxing traders and all that will be over very soon. >> reporter: somalia president say it's an operation especially to help. >> people are isolated. they cannot receive aid. they cannot receive food that is brought and that created the people to get hungry and shelter food and in many places the food themselves have been destroyed by al-shabab. >> reporter: the soldiers mount defenses in strategic locations. they know they are not far away and don't want to be caught unprepared. on the morning after the forces ready themselves once again and understand too well the job at hand is far from over.
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mohamed with al jazeera in southern somalia. >> reporter: al-shabab is with political islam and discussed at an african union on terrorism being held in the capitol nairobi and this is in nigeria and kidnappings on the countries in the border and boko haram caused chaos with a series of bomb ings and abductions and al-shabab is primarily associated with somalia it has been linked to attacks in neighboring kenya and uganda and in the studio in doha is a researcher at the al jazeera center for studies here in doha, thank you so much for being here. before we start talking about the conference in kenya and what they are trying to achieve let's talk about the latest operation against al-shabab in south urn somalia and they are trying to route him out and can they
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succeed this time, is al-shabab weaker than it was a couple years ago? >> it's difficult to say because they keep on resurfacing all the time when ever we think that they are kind of stopped in their tracks from continuing, i don't think much can be done at the moment especially if you are going to be relying on airforce. if you want to really stop al-shabab there has to be boots on the ground. there is no other way other than that. >> you have a conference on terrorism currently being held in nairobi, various african good evenings coming together to find a way to tackle terrorism on the continent, can this summit achieve anything do you think? do african countries have capacity to fight extremism on their own? >> the element of corruption in africa is a problem. the force is demoralized and
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it's difficult to say whether it will do much. raging conflicts in africa, east africa and the west of africa, so it's very difficult to say that they will be able to do that at the moment given the challenges that are in different countries in africa. >> and some of these countries tactics to fight terrorism have come under criticism from human rights organizations in kenya for instance who said the military in the name of terrorism has been committing abuses and this basically leads to radicalzation of the people, should this be an issue that they also address in nairobi today? >> sure, but i think also to address issues in africa and publically demoralize army. many of the young recruits who join organization of al-shabab do so because there is nothing else to do. so until you address those kind of issues, basic issues like
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that it's difficult to really stop radicalzation of people, them joining militant organization like al-shabab and boko haram. >> and we talk about al-shabab and boko haram, what we call al-qaeda linked groups now we hear about another group in syria, iraq and islamic state, what do you think the islamic state movement will influence groups in africa? >> the signs and flags number one they are using are similar to i.s. in iraq. so the ease and inspiration of this is taking place and most of them don't get inspiration through the internet. it's difficult to say that they have some kind of meeting where they mobilize, but, yes, they use a relationship, the brutality in which these attacks are carried out, the abduction of girls and subsequent using them as slaves in various parts
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of africa really do show similarities between what is happening in iraq and syria and now in africa. >> thank you very much for joining us and giving us your insight there on this issue of terrorism on the african continent here in doha with us. moving on and the families of iraqi army recruits killed by islamic state group have broken in the parliament building inside baghdad protected green zone and we have more on the line from baghdad. jane, an unprecedented protest, tell us about what happened. >> reporter: i'm standing outside the entrance of the green zone with relatives and a lot of people who went into parliament to demonstrate and have now come out. one of them showed me bruises on his arm and a bloody eye and hit by swat teams and typical of protestors here, looking for news of his brother, one of the hundreds of young men and army
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recruits who believed killed a camp biker by the islamic state group about three months ago. one of the dangers of these protests and what we saw today is protesters allowed in the green zone near parliament and a riot breaking out there. intense anger not just over the fate of their relatives and the lack of information they are getting from the government, but also the belief by many of them this was not the islamic state and it was actually some of the sunni tribes. it's a very volatile situation here and men are in tribal robes and women holding up small, faded pictures of sons, brothers and nephews and looking for them for three months and come here because they say everywhere where they go there is no information and some have seen video of their relatives being executed on the internet but they still can't get answers. >> a lot of anger you say, jane. has there been any response at all from the iraqi authorities
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about this? what are they telling these families? >> well, they promised an investigation and you have to remember how remarkable it is for demonstrators to be allowed inside the green zone. you can't help the aftermath of 2003 when the government and u.s. occupation authorities were inside and demonstrators were outside everyday wanting voices to be heard. in this case it started as a demonstration of a thousand people at one of the entrances of the green zone on day parliament resumed and they let them in and they arriving once they got out of parliament. this is absolutely remarkable they were let in and remarkable this demonstration was allowed in the first place. but it's a measure of the pressure here that is building. >> tell us about the demand and tell us more about the demands of these families are making, jane, as you say they are very angry about their relatives who have been killed by i.s. fighters they believe.
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what do they want from the iraqi government? >> they want really simple things, looking here at a woman all in black that has come here who has a framed photo of her son and she is trying to find him. she says just tell me what happened, if there is a body let me take the body home. that is what they want all first of all. they want to know, hundreds of thousands of iraqis with relatives still missing, all sorts of conflicts over the past two years, they want to know what happened to those people and want bodies to bury. after that they want an accounting from the government as to how this happened, all potential children and young recruits promised to keep them safe and send them to battle and allow them to be killed. the other thing they are demanding really is a government that will answer their demands about a government that will keep them safe and a government that will give them some answers about how this happened and whether indeed it was the
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islamic state group or whether it was their neighbors who killed their sons. >> thank you very much, jane, let's try and get an answer now from ala-maki, a member of parliament in iraq and senior member of the blog and he is on the phone, thank you very much sir for speaking to us. a lot of anger as we have heard in baghdad from the families of some of these soldiers who have been killed by i.s., what do you say to the families who want answers to how their relatives died? >> well, they have the rite to ask about the fate of their children. and by constitution they have a right to know what happened to the army first and was it the right decision so this is for a
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second they want to know. >> why are they not getting any answers? >> well, it's supposed that the military leaders who sent them, they should make available information and communication of families of the soldiers. and this is a worldwide international right. so here is the question: the parliament will come on thursday to discuss this issue with the concerned persons, the military leadership of the iraqi army who come about this. but, you know, the actions of
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the family press them to come inside the parliament to make this event happen. >> some of the families, sir, believe it wasn't i.s., islamic state group that killed their loved ones but, in fact, sunni fighters. what do you make of that? >> well, yes. here we are. and between i.s. and between the other armed groups and the sunni president and the pressure of, well, it has been well-known internationally and i'm getting this from the inside, the military is under the control of i.s., there is no decision, only to i.s. with such territory, there is no armed group really, in fact, because they will
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become with i.s. until they stand by i.s. so this is what we know and the truth be the announcement and in this context, there is no mixture between the people living in the revolution territories and provinces and i.s. as i.s. decisions differ from other people. so iraqis is no more, should be no more accused of any bad behavior and we should not treat them as criminal. >> thank you for speaking to us, an iraqi m.p. on the line from erbil. they accused them of ethnic cleansing and mass killings of minorities in northern iraq, human rights organization say
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the worst attacks happened in village's last month. the battle against the i.s. group in iraq is gaining ground and alliance of iraqi forces have now pushed fighters out of south of kirkook. military source says this effectively end three months of islamic state control in the area. and we have a person there where the feeling is like that. >> reporter: the situation is quite calm. the people very relieved to see it and waving and looking very, very pleased we are seeing westerners coming to the towns and managed to get rid of the fighters in this area that was still surrounding here late last night and there was still a fear of people still in the town there was a worry there may be people who want to do them harm. very much a scare of possible car bombs or people that may welcome in and try and take the town so we have been given very
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little time to stay in the center of emily and they are getting food and water through since they broke the barricade here and things improved and as we came through we came through the other town to the east where there has been a lot of fighting there in the last day and a half and now that is free of i.s. fighters. there were pockets late last night and fighting against the south but it is riddled with ieds and you can smell bodies in the area coming through. >> and the prime minister is rallying people in parliament and says he will not resign despite the political crisis in the capitol islamabad and we have the latest. >> what began as peaceful protes protests, tear gas is in the streets of islamabad and now
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there appears to be in the opposition leader chan and said the party president and in turn he was conspireing with the milita military. >> translator: khan said they said to take him along and cannot move without the army. the core committee said they would not have unwanted politicians among us. >> reporter: the military denies it's backing the opposition, so far they step in only when asked by the government. as was the case on monday when protesters stormed the state t.v. channel, anti-government protesters have continued to challenge the police with force resulting in sporadic scuffles. >> translator: i never saw tear gas in my life. this is a painful gas and cannot breathe easily and i was there and police are firing tear gas
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from two kilometers away, i'm here with my friends. >> reporter: the protesters are heating cause by to opposition leaders to rally against the prime minister and accused him of electoral fraud and want a new government. defeating his message khan used a language of cricket to demand his resignation. >> translator: your inning is over. why aren't you going back to the pavilion and why are you showing stubbornness. >> reporter: he insists he is not going anywhere. he issued a statement saying he would not yield to pressure by those who resort to force. behind the scenes the army general has been holding crisis with the embattled prime minister but that has led to rumors of a possible military intervention to end pakistan's turmoil, al jazeera, islamabad. and attack on an army convoy
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in the sinai peninsula killed ten members of the egyptian security services, two killed by a roadside bomb, others shot as they tried to flee the area according to sources speaking to the reuters news agency, yemen talking to rebels and weeks of protests by 10s of thousands of people in the town and the group fought for years for more reputation, on monday the leader called for increased civil disobedience until their demands are met. let's speak to a man from the capitol and do we know what has emerged from this meeting between the presidential envoy and the leaders? >> he is presenting him with a new initiative that has beneficially launched by president of hadi. basically the envoy is going to tell a new government is going to be formed, the president will
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announce or appoint a new prime minister within a week from now and then they will have to agree on the remaining members of the government who is going to take some time because he is going to be a government of technocrats and backed by every one and the congress party, all political factions in yemen. then the president made it quite clear he is open to the idea to cut fewer prices without compromising the decision that was made by the government a few weeks ago to slash fuel subsidies and the they answer the demands going back on to the decision it made, the international community is very concerned because they cannot afford to see yemen including its spending and yemen has come to a position whereby the end of this year they may not be able to pay salaries of employees if they continue with the fuel subsidies. >> they are likely to accept these offers that are being
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made? >> well, as well as they are concerned they are willing to make compromise when it comes to the government of technocrats particularly when it comes to name. but as far as subsidy, they still insist and want the government to reinstate the fuel subsidies. i think it will take some a few days to come up with a final agreement about the shape of the fuel subsidies, whether to maintain them, make m sold -- maintain them or cut the prices for six months or economic reform in the country. delicate times for the government and they understand they reached a certain point where if they don't reach a political settlement in the coming days they will have uncertainty and unstability. >> in syria the rebel group holding 45 u.n. peace keepers has issued demands for release and the soldiers were captured in the golden heights last week
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from the rebels from the front. and let's get more with mike cano who is in jerusalem and mike what more do we know about demands made by the master front? >> well, it's reported that the front has made three major demands. one is that the group be removed from the international terror watch list. secondly, that the u.n. deliver humanitarian supplies to areas under its control near the syrian capitol damascus. and, thirdly, that compensation be paid for three fighters from el-misra killed with peace keepers in resent days. announcement of the deal was actually not made by the u.n. mission in theatre, it was actually made by the commander of the peace keepers, the philippine chief of staff who said he had received these demands and these were the demands that he knew of. now, the fact that the announcement came thousands of
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miles away from the philippine capitol suba just raising further questions about the nature of the u.n. mission which is complicating attempts to release these 45 peace keepers. >> who is handling the negotiations, mike? >> well, the philippine chief of staff has now implied that professional negotiators have been moved in to deal with the front but no confirmation about this. the philippine chief of staff and remember that peace keepers were able to escape safely, avoiding the capture of their counterparts, now he has been incredibly critical of the general commanding the u.n. mission saying his forces were instructed to lay down their arms and raise a white flag and in which case they would be in the same position of the 45 peace keepers. he is raising questions about the u.n. mission's conduct, the irish peace keeping contingent
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and the force and considering the irish role in the force. so talking about who is actually handling negotiations with the hostage takers at this particular point, that is all completely unclear and all getting muddied and complicated by argument, by decent and questions about the nature of the u.n. mission which has been in place for four decades. >> thank you very much mike, mike hanna live from jerusalem. 13 people killed in fighting in libya eastern city of benghazi. 45 others were injured in battles between benghazi council and fighters loyal to the retired general. the fighting has been around the international airport and nearby military base which is controlled by fighters. for a check on the world weather with stef and a big cold front in australia >> that is right and affected our temperatures and first of all let me show you what has happened, this happened in
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melbourne, temperatures monday at midnight and sunday into monday we had a temperature of 18 degrees and that is toasty for the middle of the night but midnight it dropped to 12 and leaves us with a strange ash arrangement that was lower than during the night and the reason for it, the intense area of cloud here. this gradually has been edging its way east with a back hand worked it's way from melbourne and dragged in the cold air and edging its way along that eastern coast. so for many of us the temperatures are really going to drop as we head through the next day or so. for sidney we also have another problem because along that eastern coast there we will see some very strong winds, that area of low pressure just off shore is really intensifying and the winds are going to pick up and could see gusts of 100 kilometers per hour and could drag down trees and power lines
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as well and this is in the next few hours and wednesday the winds should begin to ease. you will notice it's very blustry during the day and see the temperatures drop and 15 is the maximum in sidney and brisban will be 25. the latest on the ebola out break in west africa, workers in liberia are protesting for better wages and conditions. plus a live threatening journey more than 2000 migrants expected to arrive on tuesday alone. in sport the american golfer takes a step to $10 million pay day and we will have more and we are back after the break. ♪
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welcome back, you are watching the news hour and i remind you of the top stories, u.s. confirmed it carried out a drone strike with rebels in southern somalia and al-shabab leader was target. protesters broken in the parliament building inside baghdad protected green zone and according to reports the demonstrators are relatives of iraqi army recruits killed by the islamic state group. in syria the rebel group holding 45 peace keepers issued demands for release and it wants to be taken off the u.n. terror list and receive compensation for three fighters killed in a shoot out with u.n. forces. returning now to the political crisis in pakistan, anti-government protest has shut
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down the city center in islamabad and refused to move until prime minister sharif resigns and the protest going on for three weeks now and called by opposition leader khan and an anti-government there. the prime minister is in parliament this tuesday trying to rally support. more on this and let's speak to investigative journalist amad from islamabad and khan had a setback in the last few hours, do you think this means that sharif is off the hook and doesn't need to negotiate with the opposition anymore? >> well he is with parliament which basically is debating the situation. however, there is no aspect of the entire discussion that has referred to possibility of going into an investigation into regaining and with the
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protesters, the protesters are adamant and want to continue protesters and no possibility that military will attack or invade the articlement or even protesters. this whole political impasse is going to last longer than expected and it's expected that today is some kind of reconciliation will come from the government. as for the aid of khan who stepped aside and his role is concerned he is self contradictory and continued to be with khan for 18 or 17 days and i think his allegations have been debated not by khan but also the opposition party pakistan people's party. so this is getting murky but of course the question about the credibility and integrity and political ambition are still questioning them and they are the one whose are more happy with regards to the violence. >> what do they want, khan want
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sharif to step down, if that happens then what? do they have a plan in place? >> well, there is a plan in place but first of all the whole thing started with rigging the elections and people and during the polling days and khon and 11 may 2013 say says i accept results but need to check the results and khan is seeking not only electoral reforms but saying there is conflict of interest involved and prime minister should step down for 30 days so investigation could be carried out and then whatsoever prevails it will be accepted. eventually if rigging is not proven, the people will be back in the parliament. and khan already quit the parliament. >> let me ask you, sorry, let me
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ask you about the army's role here because they expressed interest in not getting involved this time around even though the army in pakistan is known to take over when political crisis lasts for a long time, what is different this time around? why aren't we seeing the army seeing it take on a tougher position? why isn't is army to be seen in other words? >> pakistan is under debt and imf and world bank have been trying to rescue the economy. a big war not western province or region and certainly there is a loyal intensity conflict where the military is engaged and fourthly indian side of kashmir is violent and pakistan army not in a position to really get back to headquarters and look at civilian affairs. the second aspect to it is army
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learned from previous experience and it does not want to be dragged in this particular scene. they have smartly used social media to convey messages, not a single individual has spoke tone the television or radio or a press release, it's 140 letters that are conveyed and military intent and back to back objects on opposition which has not happened previously and lastly the constitutional as you know amendments carried out in the last term of the parliament have been so decisive in the situation and bogged the military from getting in because parliament and supreme court backed dictators after they used to conduct fake elections and bring up parliament, now that is not going to happen, constitution bars anybody getting out any extra constitutional activities on the civilian government and power holders. >> thank you very much for joining us, we are joined live from islamabad.
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thank you. now talks on a power sharing deal between afghanistan rival presidential candidates have collapsed. under the terms of a deal abdullah-abdullah was supposed to be named but backed out of the deal. staff at a hospital in liberia's capitol monrovia are protesting against proper equipment to deal with ebola la out break and 240 workers contracted with disease in four western countries and at least half of them died and we report. >> reporter: a protest against conditions outside this medical center in monrovia, health workers at the front line in response to ebola and risk lives on a daily basis to treat patients and don't have the right equipment, not paid enough and no insurance if they get sick. >> before we can return to work
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we need work and better salary and need proper equipment used to work with and we need insurance benefits. we need this and we have our lives at risk. >> reporter: ebola out break put pressure on already poor health systems killing more than 120 health workers. among them leading doctors. in guinea where the first cases of the outbreak were detected in march there are around 10 dollars per 100,000 people and that is 1100 doctors and here two doctors here and 120 care for 6 million and liberia it's worth and one doctor per 100,000. fewer than 50 doctors in total of a country of about 4 million people. the u.n. says the outbreak is putting harvests in the region
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at risk and there is a panic buying food shortages and price hikes. many airlines are refusing to fly to the region and in an effort to stop the spread of the virus suspensions are making the fight against it more difficult. >> this is a tremendous blow on the country because like this now we feel isolated internationally, it's like we are being internationally quarantined. >> the main airport has introduced screening measures it hopes will restore confidence. >> the government and the airport authority set up a screening process that is going to make sure that no one with fever gets on a plane and that is important. it gives the airlines confidence so they can keep flying because the airlines have to keep flying so we don't cutoff again any and west africa off from the rest of the world. >> possible vaccines are due
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this week in the united states and not pinning hopes on its success. many basic health supplies are running low and workers are focusing their efforts on how to make them last with a growing number of cases. i'm with al jazeera. more than 2000 migrants from north africa are expected to arrive in italian ports in tuesday, among them around 200 children who made the dangerous journey alone. live to al jazeera aimmediate at the italian port of augusta where around 900 migrants are expected to arrive tell and tell us what you have seen and who is arriving? who are these migrants? >> reporter: well, they have arrived. they come from an italian and navy vessel about a couple hours ago and behind me what is happening is they are being processed, one after the other. they need to go to the italian authorities. now, we have seen people from
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all ages coming off the ship. we have seen a baby of two months old. we seen a lot of children with their parents on this specific boat. they come from different nationalitys and syrians and people from bangladesh and somalia and certainly a huge mix of people who all really want the same thing, and it's basically arrive here and try to go further in europe to try to find some sort of job there. one thing i noticed is people were asking me if they could use a mobile phone because they wanted to call back home to say they made it safely. >> because a lot of them don't make it safely and unfortunately we have seen the deaths in the mediterranean rise recently and more arrivals expected and tell us about the conditions they find once they arrive. >> reporter: well, the conditions, it's a very long process and as you said more due to arrive later today. i think that number will rise up
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to 3,000 and that is because the captain of the vessel explained that to us, the wind is turning, the seas are becoming rough and so they are trying to locate and rescue as many people as they can. actually the captain was telling me anyone for the next two days is going to be on one of these precarious ships is going to have a rough time and when the deaths happen. so it's really a race against time. when they arrive here they have to go through that process. they are being held in what is supposed to be first reception centers where they stay a day or to at the most. but because of the sheer volume of people they tend to stay there quite a long time and not really allowed to walk around until that process is over. so people are inpatient but they will have to just wait until the italian authorities sift them through. others prefer just to run away because their main concern is maybe to go to sweden or germany and don't want to be registered
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as having entered europe through sicily and you have two cases and some will wait and some will try to run away, get on a train and try to go further north. >> thank you very much, live from augusta in italy. now french quarters upheld a ban on muslim engineer prevented from working on nuclear sites move his lawyer calls islam phobic and his name cannot be released and had access to nuclear for his job and discovered links to an armed group and recreating people to fight in iraq. in the philippines three men have been arrested in connection with a foiled attack on manila international airport and a shopping mall. the men planned to set off firebombs in a car, park, toilet and a shopping center owned by chinese owners and an anti-china group wants the philippines to
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take a strong stance over the dispute of the spat in the islands. india prime minister is in japan drumming up business for his country. the state of the economy has been one of the key priorities for the b.j.p. party which came to power 100 days ago and so far indians are happy with performance but doesn't mean the economic situations have changed and we report. >> reporter: the sweet side of doing business in india. his family manufactured confebruary shcon fe confebruacon fe confections but he is hopeful the government will deliver on promises to fix the problems that ruin the taste of these treats. electricity shortages, complicated taxes and a lack of workers. >> small-scale industry basically would love to see the changes, at the earliest but i
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don't think it will happen for at least another year or two because a lot of cleansing has to be done, policies have to be brought in and breaucratic hurdles. >> reporter: this is a hub of small and medium-sized businesses, the engines of growth but it has been held back for bad roads and bottlenecks. tackling these problems could help to unlock india's economic potential. prime minister's economic blueprint also includes providing more indians with skills training and generating employment for millions of young people. >> if things are handled well, growth will accelerate and go up to anywhere between 8-10%. when g.d.p. growth is at that
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level, as we have seen in the past, almost all sectors of the economy tend to do very well. >> reporter: like building mumbai modern skyline, reviving one of the world's largest economies is no small challenge but observers say his election victory in may delivered the political stability that foreign investors were looking for. >> people are expecting this government to deliver more but in a gradual fashion and earnings picking up. i think the next leg of the rally should entice more in this coming. >> reporter: just millions of traders across india are aching for change. the indian economy may not have hit its sweet spot in the first 100 days in office but everyone is hoping the good times are not too far away, i'm with al jazeera, mumbai. still ahead, last-minute deals cap a record summer of
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meters high but 40 days without rain right in the middle of the wet season has ruined his crop. for a video and millions of guatemala people who grow their own food it's a disaster. >> translator: farmers here don't need to have a job. if we have corn we can survive but with this drought it's going to be very difficult. >> reporter: central america is suffering from one of the worst droughts in decades, prolonged heat wave brought on by el-nino killed cattle and dried up crops across the region. in guatemala the government declared a state of emergency. the guatemala government says a quarter of a million families affected by the drought and worrying are the 500,000 children under five years old at risk of acute malnutrition. and he only has corn reserves to last a few more months, with a failed crop and jobs hard to come by he is worried about how
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to feed his family. and he says his only option might be to go north. >> translator: i'm thinking of migrating to the united states in january. i can't just sit here and do nothing, i need to do what is best for my children and grandchildren so i will have to leave here. >> reporter: already officials are seeing an increase in illegal migration from some parts of guatemala hit by the drought. >> translator: we tell the people who are most likely to migrate about the risks of going north. but they don't want to hear it. they say they prefer to go to the united states and try to find work rather than see their families die from hunger. >> reporter: and his family is waiting to see how the government responds to the drought. food shortages and rising prices can only be endured for so long. david mercer, al jazeera san jose, guatemala. time now for all the sports,
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here is robin. >> thank you very much, and we will start with tennis where jankovic is in the finals of the open and serena bill -- williams is on course to win again. >> world number one and jankovic beat the heat and the quarter final of the tournament, 2011 champion had to save a set point in the second set but 6-1-7-4-4-1 and the final grand slam appearance. last time the server was eliminated from the quarter final of the major was by shriver in the 2009 french open. >> i'm very glad that i had so many consecutives quarter finals of the grand slam and i do value this tournament the most and try
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to always perform my best. >> reporter: jankovic will face 8 seed and beat 9 seed of france in straight sets. it's the first victory over a top ten player since winning wimbledon in 2013, murray is at a sub par season after recovering from back surgery to win the 2012 u.s. open and wimbledon in 2013 but he had two grand slam titles, third seed is through to the last eight and he beat 16 seed tommy of spain in four sets and the set is with japan after he beat the 5th seed. in the women's draw she is through the quarter finals and number one seed beat her 6-3-6-3. and she will now face claudia
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and canada was beaten by russia in straight sets, defeat end the 7 seed streak of the grand slam tournament this year, richard nickholso nicholson, al jazeera. this comes after a day of high drama with european transfer period came to a close with moves and the biggest one by columbia of the transfer from monico and he has been there a year and $83 million, the 28-year-old scored 11 goals and 20 appearances in the french league, the deal includes an option for united to sign him permanently after his lone stint. a record summit transfer period in europe and in terms of the numbers, grand total $2.1 billion was spent on new
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signings and the league accounting for most of the spending and slashed $1.39 billion and the club signing the biggest checks to united and how spending $250 million bringing in new players. lee weldings is our football man in london and lee joins us now and record spent since the transfer window opened on june the 9th, lee, what do you make of all this? >> the big spending is coming from the english league and seeing the trend and the money keeps going up, as the money pours from t.v. deals and they need a champion spot and need to buy players and it's brilliant for players and their wages and not necessarily good for fans but the figures are dominated, $1.4 billion, record in the transfer window, that is twice as much as their leaguer. and remember the leaguer you have to look at a couple big deals there for barcelona and
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madrid with rodriguez and the over all spending is not high and go back to the 90s, it was probably the main league in the world and now they are just not spending that amount of money. so we are looking at a league and united and no club spent more money in a transfer window as they did with $250 million. and what will he do with those players? >> they are giving him a blank checkbook, will those transfers he brought him a number of big name players does it necessarily equal success on the pitch, do you think? >> of course not. he is the first to admit that and look at the players he brought in and starting with him and how will it work here to start every game and is he playing alongside persy and a lot of attackers come in and united finds it's still about defense and not having a defensive mid fielder
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particularly and i think in my opinion they had a big signing on transfer day and he had a great world cup and verse -- versatile and it might come off and might not and the players and amount of money spent, the fans will demand success. and they will demand immediate success. >> lee, very quickly, i mean the transfer window does provide a certain entertaining element for both the fans and i suppose clubs but is there a need for that, do you think? >> well, some managers absolutely hate it and those who have players do and there is unnecessary drama here and talking about the transfer and how late it was going, is it going to happen, is it not going to happen, is it going to be off and they had time to sort this out and people indulge in the drama but i think it's a touch unnecessary. >> insightful as always and lee
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weldings live for us in london and thank you very much for your time. in a half hour time the captain will announce his three wild card picks at glen eagle and tom watson will have the picks later on monday, around 2300 gmt, one of the bibbi picks of watson coe kirk at the second fedex cup playoff in boston and bogie, 66 victory of a three-way tie for second. world number one challenge faded with four bogies and a tie for fifth place and picked up $1.4 million and moves him to the top of the fedex cup standings and in pole position for the $10 million bonus. >> yeah, i mean i'm sure tom noticed it, if nothing else, i don't feel like i'm entitled like this automatically will get me a pick. i would love to get one if i can
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but it's sort of out of my control. i'm just happy i had the biggest win of my career and the best season of my career and two years or not quite two years after changing over to callaway golf it's the best of my life and couldn't be happier. >> major league and the phillies thrashed the atlanta braves and did not allow them to score a single one and the 12th no hitter in history and won 7-0 and a moment of a joyful what has been a relatively tough season for them and phillies are the bottom of the national league east. that is the sport for now and thanks for watching and be back later >> thank you very much indeed robin and reminder there is plenty more news and sports on our website, al and the latest and top stories including the problems in pakistan of course. that is it for this news hour on al jazeera, from me thank you for watching, jane is with you next and i hope you do stay with us.
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