tv News Al Jazeera September 5, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> i would like to run for the senate in 2032. then it leads to the great big goal in life, to run for the office of the president of the united states of america >> catch more stories from edge of eighteen on al jazeera america >> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm david shuster with a look at today's top stories. president obama's announced a coalition of nations that will fight the islamic state group. he said pushing is forces out of iraq and containing them in syria is not enough. a see cease-fire in ukraine but appears shaky. it was a disappointing jobs report. hiring slowed with the fewest
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job gains in eight months. >> we begin this hour with president obama's effort to build a coalition against islamic state. the president said today that all members of nato agreed that the group in iraq and syria pose as threat. mr. obama said ending that threat will require more help from iraqi forces and other nations in the middle east. >> we can support them from the air, but ultimately we're going to need a strong ground gain, and also we're going to need the sunni tribes in many of these areas to recognize their future is not with the kind of fantasticism that isil represented. >> michael: phil ittner has the late frees london.
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>> reporter: speaking at a nato smith president obama said the priority is to degrade and destroy the islamic state group. that was a sentiment echoed by other representatives in the 28-member alliance. there was a ten-member side group meeting and action committee that was organized which secretary of state john kerry attended, and so did importantly a representative from nato member state turkey. they border that region. heretofore many european nations have been reluctant to conduct military actions to the islamic state preferring to do humanitarian admissions and other forms of support for those who fight against the islamic state. but the president did say while he was in newport, wales, that finding a consensus that there is a very real threat from the islamic state was not difficult. >> there was unit unamity that
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isil poses threat to nato members, and there was recognition that we need to take action. >> reporter: now the host nation had particular concern about the islamic state group, not least of which showed the beheading of american journalists was apparently conducted by a british national. that has shocked and angered the united kingdom. british prime minister david cameron said that there is a possibility that the u.k. could actually conduct airstrikes in the region of the islamic state. but only if the government in baghdad asked for that. the government here said that they may look into possibility of sending soldiers to the region. that is a pretty unique position within europe.
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they're reluctant to put soldiers in harm's way in light of the iraq war which many here regret being a part of. but britain said that they may send troops to the region, but they emphasized that those troops would not be involved in combat operations. they would be there solely for intelligence gathering and coordinating humanitarian assistance. clearly the islamable state a clear discussion of discussion in wales. >> airstrikes have weakened forces in northern iraq. since strikes began in early august iraqi troops have been able to retake some grouped. josh rushing is live in erbil, and josh, what is the latest in northern iraq? >> th >> reporter: well, there is more violence here today.
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they're digging up a mass grave and so far body count 35. they seem to be truck drivers from the south of iraq, which implies that they were shia and they were killed by sunni militants. there were multiple car bombs in and around baghdad, and something that could prove to be strategically notable, a sunni was killed by the islamic state near mosul. that's notable because the tribes have allowed the islamic state to operate in certain areas. if you think back to anbar when al-qaeda was big in 2005-2006 it was the tribes who turned against al-qaeda and helped to push them out of anbar. with th the the assassination of a sheikh it would be significant. >> for a lot of people watching
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all this, they're horrified by the action of the islamic state, whether it's the mass executions, rapes and everything else going on, the president said that they will defeat the islamic state just as they did with al-qaeda. >> we're going to degrade and ultimately defeat isil the same way we have gone after al-qaeda, give then the nature of these organizations, there are remnants of an organization running around in hiding, potentially still plotting? absolutely. we will continue to hunt them down the same way we're doing with remnants of al-qaeda and al fattah, and elements of al-shabaab in somalia and terrorist who is operate anywhere aroun around the world . >> diminishing islamic state the best case scenario in all of
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this? >> reporter: it could be. i think the u.s. could see more success in trying to back the islamic state out of iraq, but i have yet to hear people come up with a strategy of what to do about syria, and of course that is the base of their operations. islamic state meantime you hear them looking at other places like egypt. so it could spread in a way that the u.s.--a global war again. president obama has used the word making them more manageable. we'll have to see how that plays out in time to come. >> josh rushing reporting live from erbil in iraq. thanks. we appreciate it. the pentagon today announc ed a significant break through. the department of defense said al-shabaab's shadowy laird was
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killed this past monday in an airstrike. somali government is thanking the u.s. for the attack. his death is believed to have created a power vac tomb. mike viqueira is following all this in washington. we've known about this, but the pipet gone is getting ready to confirm the news. >> reporter: you're right, they did confirm it. this is an organization that has demonstrated not only in fighting what is now the central government in mogadishu after it had been driven from the somali capitol two years ago, but notably responsible in kenya for
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the killing 67 individuals at the west center shopping mall inside nairobi. president obama spoke to this as well more directly today at his press conference. he tried to make a link, david. of course the president has been under fire for the still forming strategy or lack of strategy more specifically in fighting the islamic state group in iraq and into syria, but the president pointed to this and highlighted as an example of a deliberate strategy. he said it was systematical and methodical killing him on monday using manned and unmanned aircraft, a 500-pound bomb was involved killing a number of of the leader's colleagues and co-terrorists as well. >> i will note that the president's methodical nature of going after these groups how significant is the administration declaring getting
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rid of the leadership of al-shabaab, and how it might impact that organization. >> reporter: this is an organization that has been on its heels going back to 2009. 2008 is when he had taken control of this group. and it had been ridden by internal strife. they were able to step into the vacuum and operate out of mogadishu. there was high profile dissention and one american-born jihadist over the past several days. it is a splintered group. they had born their allegiance to osama bin laden. and after he had been killed he game part of al-qaeda in 2012 or closely affiliated. it remains whether they're going
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to become more extreme in the ashes of the attack and elimination of the leader, or what is already a splintered group even further, david. >> mike viqueira, mike, thank you. nato's summit was dominated by the crisis in ukraine. today just as european countries are considered new sanctions on russia pro russian separatists and the ukrainian government agreed to a cease-fire. it took effect a few hours ago and at this hour it's still holding. >> separatists rallied and recruited here, now a place where children can roller skate. ahead of the talks that had been predictions that a deal would be possible. it appeared a realization on all sides. if the military conflict in
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eastern ukraine is no longer winnable. the nato summit ukrainian president described his interpretation of the plan. >> in this document, with respect to the sovereignty and integrity and independence of ukraine. this is the key issue now basis for the finding of a peaceful solution of the crisis on the east of ukraine. >> reporter: but even after the signing pro russian leaders warned their separatist ambitions are undimmed. >> this does not mean that our aim to break off ukraine is over, no. the cease-fire is just a necessary step in order to stop bloodshed among the united people. >> reporter: there has been
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significant bloodshed over the past five months. more than 2,600 people have been killed, according to u.n. estimates. 1million are estimated to have fled their homes in the face of artillery and rocket attacks. on the front lines outside of mariapol news of the agreement coincide barrage of rockets aimed at ukrainian military positions. soldiers here remain deeply skeptical that the truce can hold. >> in the end there is always peace but always conditions. if they take all their forces our territory, if the separatists put down their weapons then i don't have a probable. >> reporter: but if the cease-fire took affect as silence descended across the conflict zone. >> reporter: it will take some considerable reassurance before the people of eastern ukraine will believe in this new deal.
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but the alternative is a frozen conflict. a war in which neither side can win, and nobody wants that. paul brennan. al jazeera, donetsk. >> u.s. aviation officials are wondering where a small plane crashed off the coast a few hours ago. any more information about this bizarre incident? >> reporter: it is a bizarre one and it is a tragic incident, david, this plane flew nor hours, trailed for a time by f-15 fighter jets. the pilot unresponsive probably because of lack of oxygen. this was a brand new aircraft manufactured in 2014. model is called a tmb 700. it's this type of plane. it's a six-seater corporate jet,
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a very sophisticated jet. it left new york this morning and was bound for naples, florida. but a half hour into the flight around 10:00 a.m. the pilot stopped responding to radio calls from air traffic controllers. at that point norad was appointed. the north american. >> norad jets were used to monitor it. norad is in contact with the faa. we'll provide more information on that. we've been in touch with the country whose flight space it went through, the bahamas and cuba. >> reporter: as she indicated this plane kept flying past the
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united states over cuban air space, and then on towards jamaica after it passed over cuba the plane did go down 14 miles north of jamaica in the motion. the hunt is on for the wreck angle. they'll want to know who was on board this plane. the plane held a rochester, new york, developer. he and his wife were on board this plane. we're told by the county executive in rochester that they were philanthropists, big members of the community, rochester boosters and they will be sorely missed. >> this sounds like what happened to professional golfer payne stewart many years ago. >> reporter: absolutely. back in 1999. payne stewart had won the open. he was in florida, and they lost oxygen on board that plane and all of them became unresponsive.
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the plane kept on flying and crashed a number of hours later. thidavid, if it happens very slowly pilots just may not be aware of it. they get unresponsive. they get dizzy and at that altitude at 25,000 to 28,000 feet, you lose consciousness very quickly. >> lisa stark in washington, thank you. the markets seemed to shrug off a surprisingly weak jobs report. it added 142,000 jobs the dow was up, and nasdaq gained 21 points and the s&p 500 rose by 10 points. ththe new jobs numbers creating 200,000 jobs a month. we're joined now with patricia. is this just an one-month glib,
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or what is happening here. >> reporter: adding 142,000 new jobs and well shy of what economists were predicting. the unemployment rate dropped because fewer people were participating in the labor force looking for a job, and that is not helping. as david mentioned prior to this report the economy created 200,000 jobs or more for six months straight. does this signal a slow down in jobs creation and not necessarily because august is a tough month to judge because response rates to the survey at the end of the summer are historically low and that can distort the picture. in lasin the last 12 of the 15 years it dropped on average. and as labor secretary told ali velshi the long term trend is
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positive. >> we've seen 54 months in a row of private sector job growth, and in this last month we crossed the 10 million job threshold. we're moving in the right direction, and we have been for years. and what we need to do is pick up the pace of growth. >> there were also some temporary factors at play in the august jobs report like the management struggle. the new england supermarket chain where thousands walked out. thousands of part time workers saw their hours cut to zero. now that the market dispute has been resolved with the old ceo behind the company, it could add some 30,000 food and beverage jobs to the economy next month. >> interesting stuff. they loved their ceo. they got him back. great story. >> reporter: that was a great story. >> we'll have more on the jobs report and ali velshi's report on "real money" at 7:0 7:00
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p.m. eastern time. a doctor contracted ey ebola in africa where he was delivering babies. robert, the hospital in omaha, does it have a special medical unit like the one at emory? what are they doing as far as the treatment is concerned? >> reporter: yes, david, very similar, and in fact, the isolation unit at university of nebraska medical center in omaha is bigger than the one at emory university. where just a month ago two american aid workers spent their time and were released and now they're doing well. the new patient is being treated inside the facility right now. they're monitoring his vitals,
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keeping him hydrated and making sure that there is no organ break down. the two medical aid workers treated here in emory were given the serum zmapp. it is no longer in business as they have run out of that serum. they are trying to make more of that experimental serum, but instead this new aid workers will be given a new blood serum. where it comes from, it will come from someone who has recovered from ebola and is doing well and made it through the infection. we don't know where that will come from. earlier today dr. ali khan with the nebraska medical center came out and said this: >> it's really inevitable that we'll continue to see additional spread worldwide, and why it's so important to really shut down this outbreak as soon as possible. all of you are quite familiar with this happening.
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we saw this mrs cases. >> as dr. khan mentioned, this is a worldwide problem. not just isolated to west africa, david. >> robert ray in atlanta. thank you for staying on top of this. >> coming up in power politics democrats are increasingly nervous president obama may take unilateral action on immigration reform. we'll show you why next.
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(blowing) ♪ >> in today's power politics 60 days until the november midterm elections. while democrats in tough races have been urging president obama not to take executive action and immigration reform before the election the president left open a possibility today of ignoring those political requests. mr. obama addressed the issue in wales at the end of the nato summit. >> i suspect on my flight back this will be part of my reading, taking a look at some of the specifics that we looked at, and i'll be making announcements soon.
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i want to be clear my intention is in the absence of--in the absence of action by congress i'm going to do what i can do within the legal constraints of my office because it is the right thing to do for the country. >> white house officials are considering giving a path to citizenship for those who have been in the united states for more than ten years. some have said publicly the white house should not take unilateral action and it should hurt the party bad fly november. the president underscored he may not wait. in louisiana today a state judge threw out a court challenge to a senator andrew's bed. he said it was premature.
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landrou owns a home in washington and uses her parents home in louisiana. in iowa senate race bruce braley is focusing on women's rights in his campaign against his republican opponent. joni entrepreneur. >> earnst would ban many common forms of birth control. ernts even wants criminal punishment for doctors who perform abortion. >> in general elections candidates of both parties try to move to the center on some issues, and in the colorado
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senate race republican challenger cory gardner is now touting bipartisan energy proposals. >> what is a republican like me doing at a wind farm? supporting the next generation, that's what. i'm cory gardner. i cowrote the law, now i'm working across party lines to encourage the energ natural gas that our country needs. >> accusing nicky haley of running a cover up. now they're running this. >> their ceo stepped down. for weeks nicky haley covered up 3.6 million social security numbers were stolen from her office. she refuses to release the official report of what happened. that's not being accountable. we cannot trust nicky haley.
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>> the governor's race is getting interesting. that's today's power politics. coming up president obama said he's trying to build a coalition to attack the islamic state group in syria. will any u.s. allies join the fight? plus a video game that let's people around the world figure out how to stop ebola and some of the solutions are so promising researchers are testing them and saying it could lead to a cure.
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oscar winning director alex gibney talks about his ground breaking new series edge of eighteen >> these cameras that we gave them. are not recording devices, they're story telling devices >> a powerful portrait of american kids... >> there are so many unexpected stories... >> exploring their hopes, fears, and dreams... >> it's a moment when they're about to be on their own, but not quite ready to be... >> and the realities of modern teenage life... >> these are very vivid human stories... >> talk to al jazeera with alex gibney, only on al jazeera america >> returning to our top story president obama said today there is broad international support to take military action while, to take some kind of action against the islamic state group. >> there was unamity over the
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last few days that isil poses a significant threat to nato members. and there was a recognition that we have to take action. i did not get any resistence or push back to the basic notion that we have a critical role to play in pushing back against this organization that is critical to the region and harm something many people. >> the question is what kind of action. a loose coalition of ten nations met with secretary of state john kerry and chuck hagel, but it may be difficult to get the coalition to commit to more than humanitarian aid, and the president has ruled out american troops on the ground. joining us for more, a member of the truman project defense council. this coalition of ten nations that wants to support some action against islamic state how
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would they go about doing this? the president laid out a plan to address what is a global problem of isis. secretary kerry has called it a cancer. the president made clear that the ultimate goal is the destruction of isis. in laying that out it's quite clear that the united states has taken a leadership role, taking more action for 100 airstrikes in the last month on isis positions. today killing a very senior isis leader and providing intelligence surveillance reconnaissance support and support of peshmerga. since isis is truly a global problem the response ultimately will fall on the international community to move this towards its ultimate resolution of the destruction the isis.
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>> we're essentially completing the second phase of pushing them out of iraq, but the president said containing them in syria is not enough. if the united states is hedging right now on taking military action and our allies aren't willing to take military action directly in iraq how will the united states defeat islamic state and syria? >> reporter: well, i wouldn't say that the united states is not taking military action. we're seeing manned aircraft with true kinetic airstrikes on isis position. strikes have taken place on the mosul dam. >> right, that's in northern iraq. but i'm talking about syria. granted we're taking action in iraq, but the united states ha are the only ones doing that. >> reporter: syria presents a difficult problem for the world community. today the united kingdom stepped up and said they may be willing to begin airstrikes perhaps into
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syrian territory. i would also urge everybody, the united states is commander in chief and has responsibility of our armed forces. in that capacity he would not be telegraphing to the world community his plans for future strikes. so i think the actions, if you look at the track record of the last month of significant u.s. leadership against isis, concerted efforts to build a coalition, today as it moves to the general assembly meeting later this month, i think you'll see that coalition continue to build in an concerted effort to bring in moderate sunni nations to join in the fight against what is the most vial terrorist group that any of us have seen in our lifetime. >> and we have josh rushing on the program talking about how some of the sunni tribes are getting increasingly angry with the islamic state and there may
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be parallels to the 2005-2006 when the anbar province was taken from al-qaeda with the help of sunni tribes. is there parallel there? >> absolutely there is parallel there. i can't imagine any educated human wanting to live under the tyranny in the islamic state in iraq and the levant. they revel in abusing their own children, setting them up as child soldiers, murdering women and enslaving people. so this is a true scourge that the global community must address. the united states has taken significant leadership steps. the president is acting to address it.
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thground forces will be an element. i don't believe it would be u.s. ground forces in the ultimate destruction of isis and it may take years. >> if ground forces are needed to help, the united states role is to provide intelligence, air cover, airstrikes to protect those ground forces? >> reporter: we talk about boots on the ground. there already are some boots on the ground in iraq in erbil and baghdad to provide intelligence surveillance reconnaissance support, certainly the president nor secretary hagel or other national security leaders would get into details, but we can only imagine there are special forces supporting friendly iraqi army forces and peshmerga troops to enhance their effectiveness. really the nato summit and president's speech laid out a clear strategy moving forward
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strengthening those partners in ways that ahead the most value to the united states without bringing back troops in the fight. that is the true hope and optimism that most of us can take from the president's stretch. >> andrew, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> the assad government has now launched airstrikes against rebel fighters in an effort to recapture the golan heights. 21 fighters including al nusra front were killed. they began the assault earlier this week. the united nations has been trying to get syrian opposition forces to release 45 peace keepers abducted at a checkpoint last thursday. in india ask you workers are struggling to hel struggle--in india rescue workers arrived
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after rain caused flooding. rescue teams are in several neighborhoods ratcheting up their search for survivors. and in bangladesh the role of local libraries is growing. 30 have sprung up across the countryside. most just small rooms in people's houses. it is called the village library movement, and it is gaining a lot of support. >> reporter: saddam hussein, that is his real name, spent a lot of time outside of schools. then the library came along. it's just a bunch of books in a small room in this man's house. but for many young people like saddam it has become an indispensable part of village life. it's like suited for me. before i had so much time on my hands. now these books are my friends.
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i spend time with them like people do with their friends. >> the library in the village is part of the library village movement. he would ask friends and family to donate books and then share them with the youth in his village. today his once remote library is a college where people gather for classes, computing lessons and of course to read their favorite novels. >> there is plent >> there used to be violence here, but that was to this library there is a sense of unity among the youth in the village. because people don't want to stay in the village our social ties are falling apart. you don't have the same
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connections. no one wants to support each other as a community. >> reporter: as more people follow his example and set up libraries. >> young people are moving to the cities, and it has devastated the social fabric here. this social movement is more than just books. it's a struggle is to make villages strong communities once again. al jazeera. bangladesh. >> there has been a peaceful land or police stand off with a kidnapping and murder suspect. roxana saberi has that story and more. and news around america, roxana. >> reporter: he was taken into custody early this morning at a hotel in tampa, florida. his ex-girlfriend's four-year-old son was with him and was unharmed. the arrest ended a manhunt that began on thursday when four
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bodies were found near his home. the police have into the said if they're related to the kidnapper or the boy. five men were teenagers when they were convicted of beating and raping a jog center central park in 1989. they sued the city after the convictions were overturned. they'll each get $1 million for each year they were wrongfully imprisoned. small town on hawai'i's big island is in danger of becoming a hot mess. lava from the kilauea volcano has been. active since june. danger kept along the ground in southern california but it wasn't lava. animal control officers captured a deadly cobra in a los angeles suburb thursday. the snake, an albino cobra, had
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been on the loose since monday when it attacked a dog. investigators are trying to determine where the neighbor came from. finally, getting major league money. the jackie robinson west league is getting a share of its profits from the sale of its t-shirts. dick's sporting goods has been overwhelmed by demand for the shirts. that adds up to $164,000 for the league if counting, and one coach certainly is. >> it will provide first class facilities, first class fields. that alone will attract kids to give baseball a chance. >> we did all the work. >> the kids from chicago came within a game of winning the little league world championship this summer but lost to south korea in the final. they'll use some of that money to improve their four fields. >> that is great for them. that is the spirit. now if we can get the ncaa to follow suit and allow athletes
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to profit from all the work they're doing. >> reporter: yes. >> thank you. as ebola instead west africa scientists are finding ways to fight the eye russ. in washington state they have turned to the world of gaming for help. allen schauffler with this one. i've been waiting for you to tell bus this one. >> reporter: fascinating stuff. the man who runs the lab in washington where we shot this story said he feels like he's living in a science fiction movie. there is a complicated puzzle available online. anyone can access it and play it if they want to take time to learn how. it designs new proteins, that data can be pulled into the real world and have an impact. you are inside a protein molecule attached to the ebola virus spinning in cyberspace. >> so we want to design a protein, this colorful yellow thing over here.
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>> reporter: it's a called called "fold it." the developer called it a 3d jigsaw puzzle. >> what puzzle would fit in that spot. and if it fits in that spot all of a sudden the virus will not be able to do the stuff it was doing. >> reporter: so it inhibit the virus. >> that's right. >> reporter: the idea is to inhibit proteins essential for the developing vaccines. players all over the world participate and have already helped develop anti-a.i.d.s. proteins. the whole point for the 700 game whose have tackled the ebola puzzles is to have a real world impact. the journey from those on screen folded solutions will in this case is about five steps. all of this made possible by improved software faster computers and cheap dna. >> that's a strand of dna. >> it's a lot of strands of dna. >> reporter: dna made to order
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not found in nature. dr. david baker runs the university of washington's institute for protein design where the ebola effort has already given scientists new leads. >> it's very exciting. there are brand new proteins that never existed that work. >> reporter: the ebola puzzles have been online for six months. the recent outbreak adding urgency to the game. there is no ebola virus anywhere in this lab. just computer simulations of it. but there is progress. >> we can design stuff on the computer that has never existed, and then in the lab be working with it in real life. >> reporter: you're doing that with the ebola proteins. >> translating that into vaccines or treatments could take years with gamers becoming keyboard bio chemists as they play. >> now this is not an easy game. it's not exactly angry birds or something complicated by war of
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world craft, but i if you want to check out and play, go to fol >> the trade show that featured armored vehicles and high-powered guns. the latest in law enforcement technology. critics say the new equipment is promoting the militarization of police. plus thousands of migrants have disappeared. their families are looking for closure. we'll tell you the story of two texas volunteers trying to help.
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>> the outcry of police militarization has put an annual law enforcement exposition into focus. after the events in ferguson, missouri, some people say police departments need to scale back. melissa chan is at the expo and has this report. >> now this expo does not just have the usual suspects in the department of homeland security. you also have buyers from other countries, such as israel, brazil, qatar. a lot of critics say that the
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police have become too militarized. we have a list of expo supporters. we had a chance to look around at the vendors. here's what one booth showed us. >> so what i have on is not a bullet-proof vest. it is a training vest. they're going to show me how this works. oh, it's like a very expensive paint ball toy. what's really clear as you're walking along almost every booth serves military and law enforcement. >> advanced by the military. so now this robot that you see today i is being used by law enforcement, and also for the
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dod. >> reporter: but when we talk to people about the militarization of police in ferguson, no one wanted to talk about ferguson. what they talked about was safety. they pointed to, for example, the boston marathon bombing, and how all this military gear was useful during that time. >> a lot of critics will say it's the militarization of the police. some people say it's the policing of the military, which is part of our efforts overseas. they act almost like a police force. but the crux of the matter is in the world and in the united states we keep having what i call nut cases that continue to go into schools. they go into malls, they go into the airport, all these public places, movie theaters, and with the soul intent of killing people. >> now this isn't justi just an expo. they'll dea give training to
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deal with natural disasters and emergency. in the post 9/11, for many police officers this is very much the norm. melissa chan, al jazeera, oakland, california. >> sneaking into the united states as an undocumented ail jen, it is very dangerous. heidi zhou castro tells us about teams who go looking for remains. >> the phone has been ringing every day for the last week. a guatemalan father whose son disappeared in th the desert a month ago. he was trying to reunite with the father he had not seen for
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ten years. >> he was sad and anguished about the disappearance of his son. has no clue what happened to h him. >> border patrol is swamped here at the busiest checkpoint in the country and the sheriff office only has four deputies. that leaves the south texas human rights center with a staff of full-time volunteers as the last beacon of hope for migrant families. a retired union leader opened the center in november. pam, a catholic nun from ohio arrived three weeks ago to help. >> now i'm scanning using google earth, which i haven't used in a long time. >> reporter: she's trying to find where julio disappeared. they have zero training for this. what they do have is drive and informed guest work. maybe we go out to this road. another migrant told julio's father his son had fainted from
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exhaustion. his companion left him and cree close to hills and water source. that was a month ago. with 100-degree heat, no food and water there is no chance of survival. they are now searching for a body. >> how far from the road? >> 1.8 miles. >> from that same road we were on? >> yes. >> we hit the road to retrace julio's last known steps. julio had already walked more than 20 miles in the desert. he must have been relieved to see a smuggler's car waiting on this highway. >> we thought he was already safe and ready to finish the last leg, and then the car goes spurs out and he's on foot. >> a police officer saw the migrants and chased. julio ran for an hour until he collapsed somewhere in the endless scrub. >> do you think there is any water over here? that may be attracted him? >> it's local a desperate person
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might go this way, but we find no body. >> careful where you step, sister. >> what am i looking for, eddie? >> you just want to be careful where you step. and keep your sense of smell. >> your chances are like winning the lottery because this land is so vast. >> reporter: minutes later we spot another place that seems to fit the other migrant's description. a pond a hill a tree. here on the ground a discarded jacket. and this could potentially be a breakthrough. a shallow grave. >> there are some bones there. there are a lot of bones here. a closer look reveals they're just cattle, but another day without answers is another day of torment for julio's father. >> if you were dead, your parents, your husband would be looking for you until the day of their death. we just simply want to ease their burdens, ease their hearts
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and make it right. >> reporter: of the 20-some cases that they have received this summer, they found two bodies. they have never found anyone alive. but a search is never called off. because it comforts families who know someone cares. >> he may have, i don't know, been strong enough to move. >> and is looking. >> join us tonight for a special "five days along the border." we'll look at the impact of undocumented high grants and solutions. we'll look at the new dinosaur bones and what the it reveals.
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dinosaur. how big was this thing? >> reporter: this thing was massive, david. it is over 60 tons, big as a house, had a weaponnized tail. it was so big that when the professor who led the team who made the discovery, when he first unveiled the little bit of bone, dusting it away in argentina, he had no idea what he was looking at. >> so when i first found a piece of that fe femur, i wasn't too excited. we figured it was a fragment. then we saw the tibia,, and fibula and then four years later we're still excavating the same spot. >> reporter: they have 18 tons of bone at their lab in philadelphia. >> michael: that is massive. the significance of the discovery. why are pai paleontologists so
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excited. >> reporter: they've discovered that this thing was only a teenager. it's onery and doesn't know what to do with its life and roaming around, it was still growing. the idea of learning something about its growth and bio mechanics, and they're digitizing it. the team will make it available to the rest of the world. >> back in the lab we're starting to apply cutting-edge techniques to study this dinosaur. we're using a 3d laser scanner to capture the digital form of this dinosaur. and this doesn't take space. the images can be ported around the world and eke use them in bio mechanical models. >> reporter: in the end the reason why they're calling it drednotasaurus, it would not
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