tv News Al Jazeera September 10, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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were never granted that opportunity. >> the nhl commissioner roger goodell doing damage control, insisting the league never saw the ray rice beating video until it was made public. >> swept away by dangerous flash flooding, floodwaters easing nevada. now the big cleanup gets underway. good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. >> president obama this morning putting the finishing touches on the speech he will give to the nation is set to layout his stretch gee to take on the islamic state group in a prime time address. >> the white house said he doesn't need congressional approval to carry out his plan. >> secretary of state john kerry touching down a few hours ago on a surprise visit trying to drum up support for the u.s. led coalition. there are new reports this morning that the president could take action beyond iraq. what are you hearing? >> del, the president's own defense team has been saying for weeks that defeating the islamic
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state group means taking the fight to syria. we expect to hear the president layout his plan not just for iraq. in the wake of yesterday's meeting, coming off that sit down with congressional leaders, there are multiple reports that the president is prepared to authorize airstrikes in syria. >> tonight, president obama will layout his strategy for dealing with the islamic state group. >> that next phase is understanding and protecting the core national security interests of the united states and protecting the american people. >> he'll explain why he won't fully commit american soldiers. >> the president does not envision a scenario where we would send american combat troops to be on the ground in syria. >> and what the ultimate goal is. >> the president believes we need to degreat and destroy the isil. >> they were take to defeating
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the group in syria where the group was born. some believe strikes are needed now. >> let's destroy them, do it as quickly as possible. >> that sentiment gaining quick support around the country from a war weary public shifting toward action, according to a recent poll, 71% of americans support u.s. airstrikes in iraq and 65% back strikes in syria. president obama has not indicated publicly whether or not he will strike in syria, but aids say he is prepared to do so. in a white house meeting tuesday, the president told the foremost powerful members of congress he has all the authorities he needs as commander-in-chief to act against i.s. he welcomes their support. >> a congressional bye-in is very important. it's a priority. >> that buy-in expected to be a further aid to bolter rebel groups to combat i.s. sarah
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palin some in congress don't want to be merely consulted on further action by the commander in chief. >> the view of myself and most of my members is the president should seek congressional approval, period. >> a vote may not be likely with elections eight weeks away and no promises by the white house that the president's strategy against isis short term. >> in terms of whether this last as year or year and a half, two, two and a half years, i would hesitate to make any predictions. >> one place the president may ask congress directly for support is to arm moderate syrian rebels who are fighting bashar al assad. now that could keep american troops off the ground in syria. the question will come up whether or not they will have to provide training and what that would mean logistically. any measure could be wrapped into a spending bill that congress is already considering. that means congress would be placed square in the middle of this debate eight weeks before the mid term elections.
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>> there are the travels of secretary of state john kerry making the rounds of the middle east, now in baghdad. tell us what he's up to. >> none of this happens in the bubble as the president prepares a make a speech, the american people, we see john kerry tweeting this morning that he was looking forward to meeting the new minister in baghdad. there are still some positions that haven't been filled. the fact that there is a occurred issue president, sunni speaker and shy right leader although there is power sharing government that is happening. that is a key step the white house was watching to say hey, we can do things now in iraq successfully if that step is taken. >> live in washington, d.c. this morning, libby casey, thank you very much. we'll have live coverage of the president's address at 9:00 p.m. we'll have a report on the rice
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of the islamic state group. >> on this, the day before the anniversary of the september 11 attacks, police in new york city face the most complex threats since the twin towers went down. they feel al-qaeda is no longer the main concern. they are more worried about the competing groups and mass marketing of terrorism on the internet. >> congress will honor the men and women who died in the northeasterly attacks with three medals for the three sites. the gold medals are the highest civilian honor congress can award. >> harsh criticism from senators over what happened in ferguson, missouri and how police departments are getting weapons, questions defense justice and homeland security. they ask whether the pentagon should be sending those military weapons to local police forces and whether that increases tensions. >> i heard reports and saw firsthand about aggressive police actions being used against protestors under the
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umbrella of "crowd control" and not in response to violence. >> the senators saying the pentagon needs more oversight if it is giving that surplus military gear to police departments. it is being done according to a law approved by congress. >> we are joined from chicago. people who showed up were not allowed to let this be a routine meeting. what exactly happened. >> for sometime now, there's been a lot of mistrust among the residents of ferguson towards the town and its leaders. that mistrust erupted at last night's city council meeting. >> look around you. we are not going to let you go back to business as usual. it's not going to happen. >> the meeting lasted three hours and came a month to the day michael brown was killed by
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ferguson police officer derrin wilson. the council listened at residents expressed outrage at city leaders. they chanted shut it down, while raising their arms in the air, symbolic of the brown shooting in which witnesses say the unarmed teen had his hands up when he was shot. >> the present administration of ferguson, the ferguson school district and ferguson police department, to me, represent a good old boys network. >> the council proposed creating a resident review board to oversee the police department. >> the community of tired, we're tired of being oppressed, tired of being lied to. >> the city council also wants to change the way its municipal court collects fines. it has long targeted poor and community drivers. >> it takes effort and time and money from my household when i
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have to constantly come to court over something that's frivolous as a blinker not being turned on. >> residents expressed outrage that officer wilson has not been arrested for brown's death. one of them was a man arrested during the protest that followed. >> i spent more time in jail than derrin wilson. my last demand is that you do everything in your power to have this man arrested. >> earlier in the day, an attorney for michael brown's family also called for officer wilson to face charges. >> that derrin wilson should be arrested, he should be booked, he should be finger are printed and he should be photographed. >> later this afternoon, a large group of protestors are expected to shut down i-70, which is a main thorough fair rung through
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st. louis. they want a special prosecutor appointed to the brown case. >> where do things stand with the investigation into officer wilson's actions. >> the grand jury is still investigating, it probably won't be handing up a decision to a judge until maybe another month or so, and of course the justice department is also investigating police tactics in ferguson. >> missouri has executed convicted murderer, earl ringo he, jr. was given a drug cocktail after midnight. the supreme court refused to get involved. later today, texas is set to execute a double convicted murderer. >> vice president joe biden said more needs to be done to stop violence against women, the
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20th anniversary of an act to protect women is celebrated. >> no means no whether it's in the bedroom or on the street or in the back of a car. no means no. rape is rape. no exceptions. until we reach that point, we are not going to succeed, but i believe, i believe that we can get to that point. >> the centers for disease control said a third of women will experience domestic abuse in their life times. >> the nfl commissioner speaking out about ray rice. many find it hard to believe that the league didn't know about the videotape that show him hitting his fiancee. >> how is goodell defending his actions. >> aljazeera america is no longer showing the video from inside or outside the elevator. goodell is pleading ignorance,
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though admitting this could have been handled much better. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell reiterated to cbs that neither he nor anyone else in the league office had seen the video showing ray rice punching his fiancee in the face before tmz made it public. >> we assumed that was a video and asked for it but were never granted that opportunity. >> goodell has been under fire for giving rice a two game suspension many criticize as too lenient. the video made available stated that rice had struck the then janay palmer with his hand, rendering her unconscious, which is what the video shows. cbs asked goodell by the report and the initial video showing rice dumping his then fiancee wasn't enough then. >> the first tape was troubling, but what we saw yesterday was
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extremely clear, is extremely graphic and sickening and that's why we took the action we did. >> even though rice is suspended indefinitely, he indicated the running back has a chance to play in the league again. >> i don't rule that out, but he would have to make sure that we are fully confident that he is addressing this issue clearly. he has paid a price. >> also making a statement tuesday to team ticket holders and sponsors was baltimore ravens owner, saying the ravens hadn't seen the video, either, because they stopped looking for it. we stopped seek to go view or obtain a copy of the video. we halted our fact-finding. that was a mistake. >> meanwhile, corporate sponsors like nike and e.a. sports
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severed ties with ray rice and some fans made their feelings clear by burning his jerseys. >> ray rice has told espn i have to be strong for my wife, she is so strong. >> she is still standing by him. thanks a lot. >> the death toll from the ebola crisis is rising in west africa, the w.h.o. saying the number of people who died is approaching 2300, 4300 infected, warning the number could reach 20,000 infected before it's all said and done. robert, these figures from the world health organization are staggering. what else do they reveal? >> they are staggering. perhaps that word is even an understatement. if you look at the infrastructure in west africa, it is remarkably bad. behind me is emery university hospital, a big, before i go
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structure with steel that treats people with ebola and others in isolation units. in africa, these isolation centers are made with small pieces of wood and just aluminum ceilings, no air conditioning at all, not enough beds to hold all the people infected and not enough doctors. there are reports that some of the families and people that are coming down with the symptoms getting into tax cease and the tax cease are then bringing them to these supposed isolation units, makeshift isolation units and turned away. there are not enough doctors or aid workers to treat the people infected. it takes 250 medical operators to treat 80 people infected. all those people getting sick on the ground in west africa are driven around in makeshift ambulances, turned away from places where they can be helped. there's just not enough infrastructure on the ground and without that, these numbers are going to become even more
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staggering. del. >> robert, we talked to a young woman who had to load her loved one into the trunk of a car. the american doctor, second doctor infected is in atlanta for treatment. how is he doing? >> he is actually in stable condition, we are told. he is behind us in the isolation unit here. if you remember, yet, when he arrived here on his own will, he got out of the ambulance and walked into the hospital, so that gives us some pretty good visuals and optics as to his condition, but they're monitoring his condition, making sure his organs are not failing and the fact that he is having i.v.'s put into him and electrolights and making sure he's hydrated, but remember, he's not being given the zmapp, the experimental serum because there are no more doses of that. we're not sure whether that z. map played any role in dr. kent
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brantley and nancy writebol's recovery, still unsure about that situation, but we are told the doctor is in stable condition. that's all with he know right now, del. >> robert ray for us live in atlanta. thank you very much. >> more than 400 people are now dead after the worst flooding in india and pakistan in more than 50 years. 2,000 villages are underwater, people wading through waist high water, escaping submerged homes with the little they can group. back here in the states, you're looking at a flood ravaged highway north of las vegas where a man tried to get into a van as it starts to tumble into the water. moments later, both disappear as the van is swept into a ravine. the man somehow survives. the clean up from the floods could take weeks. >> those floods have now moved to the midwest. we explain just what they can expect. it is a mess out there. >> it is. the southwest and trier air moved in.
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the midwest, it's a new whether system causing problems including the flooding near omaha yesterday. not just the flooding around the region, but reports of severe weather, as well, kind of cool to see the manhole cover try to stay in place there. we still have widespread areas for today. here's a look at those. this just shows the different flood watches and warnings, so brighter colors, iowa into missouri are warnings you ever it going on right now and all the other areas in green, all the way to parts of ohio are watches. that means we have the potential through the day, so heavy rain associated as the system is on the move. also that chance for cheer weather. wind would be the primary vet for states like indiana. we had this move through especially along the iowa and missouri border, even a couple reports of tornadoes. as i said, wind is the biggest threat as when this moves along in addition to flooding, and a cold front coming up.
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>> there are new questions this morning about that prisoner swap that freed sergeant bowe bergdahl from the taliban. >> the house says the president overstepped his authority. some members of his own party voted to condemn the commander-in-chief. >> a german town rocked by a chemical plant explosion, torching dozens of homes. a lot people there hurt. >> playgrounds built to federal standards pass the rules in the americans with disabilities act, so why are some parents crying unfair? the cost of leveling the playing field for all children. >> 20,600,000,000 is our big number of the day. >> why money is start to go flow into big corporate projects again.
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>> today's big number is $20,600,000,000, that's how much at&t spent last year on capital projects. >> it could be a sign that the economy has finally turned the corner, at&t building out its fiber optic network. a lot of other companies are starting large projects, as well. that's important, because it usually means lots of new jobs.
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>> among the other top spenders in 2013, verizon at more than $13 billion, exxon-mobil which topped $11 billion. chef ron $10 billion and wal-mart $9 billion. >> house republicans condemning the president over the prisoner swap with the taliban that led to the release of sergeant bowe bergdahl. >> why is his release such a hot button issue for republicans? >> from the very get go, this has been a contentious issue for republicans, since bergdahl was released back in may. on tuesday, house republicans voted unanimously on a resolution condemning president obama for failing to give congress 30 days notice about the swap deal, and they cite the government accountability report last month which concluded the pentagon failed to follow the allow by failing to give notice. >> despite the policy of not
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negotiating with terrorist and increased risk that this brings to americans, i will on the battlefield in afghanistan, the administration plowed ahead and it was far more than unwise, it was unlawful. >> meanwhile, 22 democrats voted for the resolution, but otherwise disputed the move, saying no laws were broken. >> we have had prisoner exchanges in every war we've fought, and they have been implemented by the executive branch. even in world war ii, we had prisoner exchanges before the end of the war. >> the administration said bergdahled health and safety required speedy action. he worried that lawmakers would give away details of the deal, putting it in jeopardy. >> also today in ukraine, more than 600 soldiers have been reds with, held by pro-russian separatists who set them free under the terms of a ceasefire there. another 500 soldiers also expecting to be reds soon.
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it's unclear when kiev might release the represent are a activity fighters in exchange. >> a south carolina father in jail this morning, suspected of a horrific crime, killing his five young children. >> this is a very disturbing story. >> it certainly is. police found the bodies of those young children on tuesday. their ages range from one to eight years old. police suspect 32-year-old timothy ray jones killed his children in south carolina where they lived before he buried them in individual garbage bags along a rural dirt road in alabama. police made the gruesome discovery six days after the mother reported them missing. the break came when mississippi police pulled jones over for driving under the influence. what they found inside his car made them suspect something much worse. >> the investigators found what was a little more than just chemical, they found what they believed to be some, you know, possible body fluids in the car.
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we alerted authorities in south carolina. >> police have not released details on how the children died. mississippi authorities say jones gave them a confession and led them to the bodies, a motive that was unclear. jones is charged with child neglect. once back in south carolina he will likely face murder charges. >> thank you very much. >> a key hurdle is out of the way in detroit's bankruptcy trial, the city reaching a deal with one of its biggest creditors for 26 cents on the dollar to settle a $400 million claim. the bond insurer had been opposing detroit's bankruptcy plan. >> senate democrats are asking the government to look into a massive cyber attack at home depot and want the federal trade commission to look into whether shoppers are safe using credit cards at big box retailers. five states launching probes, affecting up to 60 million customers. >> behind the front that's caused flooding across the midwest comes a dramatic shift
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in temperatures and a winter storm warning. >> that is why nicole mitchell is smiling. not the winter storm warnings, but it's getting cooler. >> it's still summer. we haven't hid fall yet and have winter storm warnings. this is in places like montana, higher elevations, lower elevation, though, the watches are up. the condition frost in temperatures, 50s and 40 and falling temperatures behind the front, so this is what we're looking at through the course of the day, really warm ahead. a 20-30-degree drop. in a calm o a couple of cases, a 40-degree drop. the great lakes, on the backside, enough lingering moisture, you can see the cold air. the blues are possible areas of snow. higher elevations could be six inches or more, lower elevations, one or two inches, but you're definitely feeling it today, billings at 48 degrees,
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so you're going right from the summer wear to the jackets, not even sweaters in between. >> nicole, thanks. >> president obama making his case for taking on the islamic state group. >> he is set to address the american. about the growing threat posed by i.s. in iraq. what we can expect to hear from his upcoming speech. >> a man raced into the water to save a victim from a shark attack. >> it is more frustrate forego me than him, just watching him watch other kids. >> thousands of disabled kids unable to play on their local playgrounds. why parents say the americans with disabilities act doesn't go for enough. >> prime parking in new york city, but you'll need to pay a million dollars for the spot. it's one of the stories caught
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>> you're looking live at the capitol building in washington, d.c. where congress is back in session, lots on the plate, including the threat of i.s. and coming up with a budget to avoid another budget crisis. ahead in this next hour, dozens of american children who have had parents deported are taking their emotional plea to say capitol hill. >> a great white spotted near the beach where a swimmer was attacked and killed by a shark. we'll talk to the hero who tried to save him. >> apple playing catch up with its latest product. will it take the lead and where will technology. >> outrage during a city council meeting in ferguson, missouri, the first since an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by a white police officer. residents are demanding the action and arrest of that officer. >> the nypd is facing the most
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complex terror threats since the september 11 attacks, focusing on groups competing with with al-qaeda and the marketing of terrorism on the internet. >> president obama will be unveiling his plan for combating the islamic state group in an address to the nation tonight. there are reports he is ready to authorize airstrikes in syria. john henry is live in erbil where u.s. airstrikes have been focused. john, secretary of state john kerry is in iraq this morning. what more do we know about his visit? >> >> kerry has already met with the new prime minister of iraq, who's been in office for all of two days. kerry pronounced himself impressed that abaddi was offering brought reforms or iraq and reformulating the iraqi army. the iraqi army now plans guard units where the units operate,
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where they live. that's important, because sunni's from anbar province will be policing their own areas, shiites would be looking after their own area, as well. that could stop some of the sectarian tension going on in iraq right now. as all of this happened, there have been two car bombs in baghdad where kerry is, killing at least 10 and injuring dozens of others. that is an illustration of just how tense things are in iraq now. that's not even where the fighting is going on. >> john, does this surprise visit by secretary kerry speak to a larger u.s. presence in iraq? >> well, what it likely means is that there would be u.s. trainers here, more than are here right now. likely u.s. special forces. there would probably be an acceleration of airstrikes. there would be some kind of intelligence, but the one thing we know is that the obama administration, the president
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himself has said that there would be no boots on the ground. with he know that that doesn't necessarily mean there will be no special forces. they're talking about combat boots, the president, when he says that sort of thing. they don't include trainers in that. there would likely be a small additional presence of the u.s., but so far, we're told not a major number of troops and no actual combat troops on the ground. >> a lot of those trainers we're talking about are in erbil. >> let's talk about stealing speech now. clark judge is a former speech writer for president ronald reagan. he joins us live from washington, d.c. this morning. mr. judge, thank you for being with us. you told us this address will be unlike any the president has given. explain. >> well, this is the first time he's had to give an address where he was in essence backtracking on former policies, and major policies.
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it was the hallmark of his administration that he was going to get out of the middle east, disengage largely with the middle east, he promised that that, he thought that that, and he said that that would lead to a more stable middle east, that we had been a destabilizing force in many ways, a provocative force. the events of the last several months, the culminating and then climaxing with the beheading of the two journalists has led to a total -- a large rejection of that view among the american people and within the administration itself and the president's own party in congress. >> so mr. judge -- >> moving in an opposite direction. >> with that being said, how do you rally a country. what happened to the great speeches of the past? take a listen. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do
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for your country. >> they always point to john kennedy's inaugural address, roosevelt after pearl harbor, your speech writing, mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall. what happened to people speaking in common english? >> well, that isn't the style right now. the president is more analytical, he's more in his rhetoric, he's cool in his rhetoric to a point that many people find disengaged. that's his style -- >> so that's a polite way of saying it doesn't work. >> well, it has not worked of late. obviously, he's been elected twice to the presidency with convincing margins, and so, it's worked in some ways, but his rhetoric has tended to -- his problem right now isn't his rhetoric, it's the facts on the ground, that he's faked his policies and staked one set of
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policies, they didn't work, now he's going in a different direction, a direction by the way in which he's catching up with the country, rather than leading the country. in that sense, he doesn't have the same kind of hurdle to convince that he's had. the real convincing he has to do is for these persuade people he's serious and he'll be serious about following through. >> how would you advice the president. what does he need to say tonight to the american public? >> he needs to set out the problem, the challenge. i don't think he needs to do a lot of hair shirt and sack cloth, that is to say mea culpa. he needs to show resolve so both the american people, our allies and the adversaries in this believe that he is not going to take half measures, that he will
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do what it takes. that resolve is one of the key messages that needs to come through tonight. >> clark judge, former speech writer for president ronald reagan, thank you very much for being with us, and a reminder that aljazeera america is going to bring you the president's address to the nation. it airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, 6:00 p.m. pacific. >> a strong majority back action against the islamic state group. 61% of americans say it is in the countries best interest to take on the i.s. fighters. 13% say they oppose that action. 24% don't know enough to comment and another 2% are just not sure. >> australia is getting ready to raise its threat level, citing the risk that young australian could take part in attacks overseas or at home. the head of the intelligence administration say the risk could be raised to high by the end of the week. >> if we raise it to high, it means an attack is likely.
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i would say that at the moment, it is at a very elevated level of medium and i'm certainly contemplating very seriously the notion of lifting it higher. >> australia's highest threat level is extreme, which means an attack is eminent or has occurred. the countries threat level has remained at medium since the alert was introduced in 2003. >> a bomb tearing through a militia meeting on tuesday, up to 45 others, including leaders from the other rebel groups were killed in that explosion. no one has claimed responsibility for that attack. >> a heated run off election in afghanistan is nearing a stalemate. election officials have finished their audit of the ballots. early signs point to the winner, but presidential candidate abdoing la abdoing la states he is the winner. >> we countdown here toward the
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november mid materials. former massachusetts governor scott brown easily won the nomination for senate and now faces incumbent jeannie shaheen. that is in massachusetts. >> meanwhile, in massachusetts, newcomer seth multon defeated the incumbent, a nine term democratic. he becomes the first democratic to lose a 2014 primary. >> >> a group of migrant children took their case to capitol hill in the immigration debate. >> these children say deportations are tearing their families apart. >> these are faces behind the heated immigration debate,
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children, all american citizens who have lost a parent to deportation, a parent who was an undocumented immigrant. they held an emotional news conference on capitol hill to tell their stories. >> my father was deported two years ago, just for not having a license. it's been hard for me, because i had to be like a father for my siblings. i don't like seeing my little baby sister, two years you asking where's her father. >> an estimated 150,000 children who are u.s. citizens had a parent deported in fiscal year 2012 alone. >> we have 11 million families suffering and justice cannot wait. >> lawmakers who support changes to immigration law, including florida congressman joe garcia say there are consequences to inaction. >> kids like the ones here with me today, who's lives have been
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turned around and upside down, and their families destroyed by the administration's deportations. >> president obama did issue an executive order to allow those brought here illegally as children to stay in the country for now, but that does not apply to undocumented parents. now the white house says it will not take further action on immigration until after the november election. >> this issue is viewed as a political minefield, to these children, it is not political, but personal. this 8-year-old has not seen his father for two years. his mom tells him to pray for his dad. >> i say i want my dad back to come home, and i wish he could come back home. i want to give him a hug when he comes back. >> jason does not know when that day will come. lisa stark, aljazeera,
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washington. >> according to a recent survey, 56% of americans say the president is not doing enough to solve the immigration cries. >> i want to clear something i misspoke. in new hampshire, the primary held last night, scott brown easily won the republican nomination for senate. i messed it up, because i was thinking of him as the moss moss guy, but he's not. >> he's now the new hampshire guy. >> massive explosion rocking a chemical plant in germany, several people were injured, including one man found in the rubble with severe burns. dozens of nearby homes were damaged, forcing people to flee. what caused that blast, not clear. >> this morning, we're hearing from the man who tried to save a swimmer after a deadly shark attack. we're also getting a look at what's thought to be the shark itself. choppers capturing this great white, swimming in the waters off the coast of buy are not bay, australia was just a few hundred yards from the spot where the victim was killed. >> i dragged him under the sand
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and we then tried to give him c.p.r. and mouth to mouth for about 20 minutes. he's attacked in the leg and obviously bled to death in the water. >> police believe he was a local surfer in his 50s. >> for some children, the neighborhood playground isn't fun anymore, disabilities making it difficult for them. >> parents say more needs to be done to make sure playgrounds are inclusive for all kids. >> lucas loves the play ground. the play ground is not always his best friend. a typical play ground can be filled with obstacles. >> got it? >> yeah. >> you want to crawl down here? >> it's frustrate to go me and
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probably more for me right now than for him, just watching him watch other kids quickly get up and move from one thing to the next, but he doesn't have that luxury. >> what might surprise you, this play ground is new and meets the minimum standards of the americans with disabilities act, or a.d.a. even though children in wheelchairs like lucas can't wheel up to the main play instructure. >> what do you think about the americans with disabilities act? >> it's a great thing. i'm happy it exists. we've seen growth in the last 25 years, but we still have a long way to go. >> 1200 miles away sits a play ground that's a world apart. it has safety features, like ramps instead of stairs, a single entrance to keep children from warnedderring off, and play areas for children with different physical and mental
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abilities. what makes this play ground even more special, how it was built. it wasn't cheap, and it isn't a wealthy area. >> how much money did you recognize that build that play ground? >> $570,000. >> did you get any state tax dollars? >>? >> federal tax dollars? >> no. we got some grants from some different foundations. the rest of it was grass root fundraisers, lemonade stands. >> thousands of families donated money and then volunteered to help build it. there's nothing like this play ground for hundreds of miles. fully inclusive playgrounds are still a rarity, and for the roughly 7 million children and youth with developmental disabilities, far from reality. >> what do you want for lucas? >> i want lucas to be happy, and
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he is. i want him to be able to do what he wants to do and when he wants to do it. it's pretty simple. >> yeah, i think it is. >> building a playground won't be simple and could take years. time lost for lucas. aljazeera, minneapolis, minnesota. >> for that community in idaho, really took the community getting together, volunteers, more than 3,000 actually built the play ground. >> $600,000 for that play ground. let's look at other stories caught in other global net this morning. in hawaii, there are 5,000 homeless people in oahu. the city plans to move the homeless away from tourist
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areas. they say one area is near a landfill and away from stores. they say it's not proper to treat the homeless that way in hawaii. >> they're making a decision on that this friday, the state board in charge of that land. on the opposite end of the spectrum, for $1 million, you can buy a nice house in dallas or seattle, but in new york city? it will get you an underground parking spot if the pricey soho neighborhood. this is about supply and demand. there are only 10 spots in this building, running between 5,000 and almost $7,000 a square foot for a parking space. >> how about for a million dollars call me, i'll drive your car around in the morning. >> the announcement of the second british royal baby, u.k. is now wondering whether this will be the baby that saves britain. now think about this, on the same day that the royal announcement was made that there will be a second baby, the
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british pound against the dollar was at an all time low. a lot of people excited about the possibility. >> conspiracy theorists are saying the baby will want as to the land to stay with the u.k. >> the ray rice case is raising questions about domestic violence. >> some say a crime was actually committed. we'll talk to a former judge who hand domestic abuse cases in new york city. >> the iconic island in france surrounded by water. the changes made to one of the most visited monuments in the world. >> one of the greatest mysteries of all time may have been solved. the discovery comes from the bottom of the arctic ocean.
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>> we want to show you brand new video, secretary of state john kerry arriving in baghdad. he is there to drum up support for the battle against the islamic state group, his visit coming hours before president obama's speech on the subject tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, 6:00 p.m. pacific. we'll have much more on that at the top of the hour. >> it is time now for one of today's discoveries. one of the greatest maritime mysteries in canada has been solved, a ship that went missing has been found. >> the vessel was deployed by the british royal navy in 1845. both got stuck in ice. the crew tried to walk to safety but died along the way. there was talk of cannibalism. >> the location is being september secret to keep away treasure hunters and tourists. >> roger goodell is speaking out about the nfl's handle of the
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video of ray rice. he said he had not seen the video until monday. he called the clip, which we are not showing troubling and sickening. goodell took responsibility for initially giving rice only a two game suspension. he defended the league's choice this week to suspend him indefinitely. in light of the new video, legal experts are asking if he could face criminal prosecution. judy harris througher is a former new york city judge and prosecutor, once ran brooklyn's domestic violence bureau, now with an advocacy group. thanks for being with us this morning. i want to look at the time line of events when it comes to the legal proceedings. in february, rice and his fiancee are arrested and they're charged with simple assault. in marsh, the prosecutor in new jersey elevates the charge to aggravated assault. in may, rice is accepted into a
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pretrial intervention program, which the prosecutor and judge agreed he could do, avoiding jail time. at the end of the program, he becomes eligible to have the assault charge dropped. is justice being served in this case. >> the first thing to note is that there could be a prosecution without a victim. there is a movement among prosecutors now to do evidence-based prosecution. what that means is you build the case without the victim. to start out with, the fact that janay rice was not willing to proceed and indicated at some point that it may have been in her fault, shockingly enough, that didn't prevent the prosecutors from building a case. >> they had this video, which seems clear evidence that he did strike her. i guess the question is now, could he be expelled from this intervention program and criminally prosecuted? >> it depends how procedurally this came about, whether the case was resolved in some way by this, and there were certain agreements made by the
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prosecution and the reality is, they had the videotape, so they made the decision, i'm assuming they haded videotape. >> we are assume that go, because we're not sure that the judge had the videotape. is that a safe assumption? >> i think that the prosecutor had the tape. they are the person -- people who do the investigation, so the prosecution should have or i assume had the tape, and could have realized that they could have gone forward with the case at that point. what surprised me -- >> -- outrage that more wasn't done. this judge and the new jersey district attorney are the ones that helped avoid jail time. that same duo wouldn't let a mother pulled over for a routine traffic stop have a legal gun without the right permit. they wouldn't let her avoid trial and go into the same prevention program. do you think rice had preferential treatment? >> i have no idea about the facts and circumstances about
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the case you just mentioned. it's clear that more could have been done from the rice race from a prosecutorial point of view. why not wait, take some time, to rush him into a program like this seemed short-sighted on the part of the prosecution. >> the commissioner, roger goodell claims he never saw this video, that they even asked for the video. why wouldn't the d.a. have released the video to the nfl? >> even taking the nfl at their word, what do people think went on in that elevator? i wasn't surprised to see the tape. >> right, the police report says he struck her unconscious. >> he drags her out, you see the results, so now say wow, this changes things for us i think is a little disingenuous. >> thanks so much for your insights this morning. >> more bad publicity for the nfl involves the cowboys owner jerry jones.
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former exotic dancer is suing jones, alleging that he sexually assaulted her in 2009. he denies the allegations. >> the family of the late owner ralph olson greed to sell the buffalo bills. they have agreed to keep the bills in town. >> in normandy france, mother nature and architecture brilliance combined for a dazzling display. >> big ties have returned to the small island, a causeway that led to the church on the island is being torn down. the church appears to be surrounded by water an all sides. >> it was consecrated in the year 709 and once served as a prison during the french revolution. >> let's get another check of your weather, forecast with nicole mitchell. you like the fog. >> i've been there, and it's
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gorgeous. the whole thing is just lovely to me. as we continue out this morning, it might be misty in a few more places from rain than fog. the showers moving through. with that, the severe weather risk movers into indiana and illinois. the primary threats are winds but isolated tornadoes have been with this system. widespread, heavy rain, easily one or two-inches in the core that have, some places seeing more and then the backside, the chance for snow in places like just coming out of the rockies, huge temperature drop, as well. i'll have more on that coming up. >> you have probably never seen an american flag like this. a group of more than 7,000 students gathering for a history lesson at baltimore's fort mchenry. >> it was 200 years ago that francis scott key was inspired to write the national anthem. that is not the students. >> that is not the flag. >> they made history, donning
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>> u.s. airstrikes in syria, the white house prepares to make its case for targeting the islamic state group. now president obama may be prepared to authorize strikes inside the syrian border. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell speaking out about the ray rice assault video as he faces growing pressure over how the league may have fumbled the ball on that violent attack. >> citizens of ferguson,
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missouri venting theiring a tore city leaders one month after the deadly shooting of an unarmed teen by a police officer. now they are demanding change. >> we have one more thing. >> apple showing it has one more gadget up its sleeve approximately welcome to al jazeera america, i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. president obama is getting ready to layout his strategy for fighting the islamic state group. >> the president met with congressional leaders tuesday. the white house said he doesn't need the approval to put his plan in motion. >> secretary of state john kerry is working to drum up support in the middle east, arriving in baghdad a few hours ago to meet with the new government in baghdad. >> we have a preview of tonight's presidential address. >> it's a setting and time meant to convey urgency to the nation, a prime time speech tells americans to pay attention.
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what the president is about to say matters. >> good evening. >> we already know his basic message when it comes to his plans for the islamic state group. >> the next phase is now to start going on some offense. >> the president has pretty much already laid out what that means and doesn't. he says there will not be u.s. boots on the ground, but analysts point out that's not always a clear cut promise, because that doesn't count out special forces. >> if the president wanted to find some flexibility in his language, he still has the option of doing what i just said, of sending up to several thousand forces that could be mentors, special forces and perhaps even do raids in the early going. >> it's expected the president will call for continued u.s. airstrikes in iraq and eventually, possibly into syria, as well. for the u.n. to cut off the flow of foreign fighters and money, the u.s. will try to get sunni tribes to side with the iraqi government and not the islamic state group. he is he can specked to again
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promise more help for the moderate opposition in syria, something he's promised before with limited results. he has the support of the american people. according to a recent poll, 91% of those asked believe the islamic state group is a threat to the united states, and 53% believe the president has been too cautious. the president is expected to warn this fight could take a while and experts think that will work, but only for a time. >> it will resonate for listeners at the moment, but listeners forget when situations change and move on. that's not going to be something that will be sustained over time. the public will get tired of an ongoing military effort. >> this is the president's chance to convince americans this is a fight the u.s. needs to take on, to win, but and it is fight no one can say when it might end or at what cost.
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>> our team coverage continues. john hen drop is in erbil, iraq, but let's start with libby casey in washington. libby, along with expanding airstrikes to syria, there were reports the u.s. may arm syrian rebels. what are we hearing about that this morning? >> stephanie, as we get ready for the president's speech tonight, reports are that the attack in syria might be two fold, the strategy would be two fold, one, multiple reports of airstrikes. this would be very significant, because the white house that spent the last three years avoiding direct attacks in syria, and in fact a year ago, the president decided to go to congress and seek its authorization before launching airstrikes. congress wasn't proving, so it didn't happen. the president believes he does have the authorization to do that on his own. the other issue is arming syrian rebels, arming these moderate rebels. that is expected to also be part of the president's game plan.
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>> you just said the white house has said president obama believes he already has the authority he believes to carry out the strategy against the i.s. what is he saying now? >> when the president sat down with the most powerful members of congress yesterday, he told them he believes he has the authority especially when it comes to the question of strikes, direct military action. one area congress could weigh in on still is arming the syrian release. that's been kicking around congress already for a while. so, that may be an avenue for congress to put its starch on what's happening. now, the word from the penalty that he believes he can move forward without congressional authority was welcome news to some members facing tight mid term election battles in eight weeks who don't want to grapple with a major foreign policy decision and go on the record campaigning. they want to see open debate and
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play a role and give the president some direction. you'll hear some approval and dissension. >> in iraq, it is bombs that will be following. live in erbil in northern righ, iraq. john, secretary of state john kerry landing there just a short while ago, what is his objective? >> the first is to show u.s. support for the brand new prime minister of iraq, al abaddi. he is here to pressure the government to include all the various sectors of the iraqi society in the new government, kurds, sunnis, shia. that is something this
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government is trying to do, trying to announce some of those names. also trying to get supporters of regional nations in the gulf. he is stopping in saudi arabia and jordan. to give you an idea of just how tense things are, we've just had in the past couple of hours two car bombs go off in baghdad, killing 10 and injuring dozens. it's really not even in baghdad where the main fighting is going on. >> that is where the bombs will fall. you mention that other buy in from the other countries in the region. what does kerry's presence mean for expanded operations in iraq? >> it's likely to mean a larger u.s. role, not boots on the ground, we're told by the obama
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administration, but training of iraqi forces, intelligence, airstrikes, and possibly other assistance from the u.s. we're likely to see a small number of additional u.s. personnel involved, but not combat troops on the ground. >> live in erbil in northern iraq this morning, john, thank you very much. >> a reminder that aljazeera america will bring you live coverage of the president's address to the nation. it will air at 9:00 p.m. eastern time and 6:00 p.m. pacific. stay tuned afterwards. we'll have a special report on the rise of the islamic state group. >> new questions this morning for nfl commissioner roger goodell. he has broken his silence over ray rice, including when he first saw the video that got ray rice suspended indefinitely. >> how is roger goodell defending his actions. >> roger goodell once again is pleading ignorance, while at the same time admitting he could have handled this much better. goodell has been under fire
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since giving ray rice a two game suspension for knocking out his now wife, many criticizing that as too lenient. he was two days from getting back on to the football field when video emerged from inside the atlantic casino city elevator monday showing how brutal his punch was. we are no longer showing the video from inside or outside the elevator. goodell said seeing the punch moved him to suspend rice indefinitely on the same day the ravens cut rice. people wondered if goodell had seen the punch before making his initial ruling. >> well, we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video, we asked for video, but we were never granted that opportunity. >> i don't know how tmz or any other website gets their information. we are particularly reliant on law enforcement.
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that's the most reliable, the most cell. we don't seek that information from sources that are not credible. >> that was from cbs this morning. the day after ray rice was released, sponsors released him, too. >> nebraska's lt. governor resigned amid allegations he threatened his sister, announcing his resignation on tuesday after a state judge ordered him not to contact her anymore. >> dozens turning out for the city council meeting in ferguson, missouri last night. it was the first meeting since the police officer shot michael brown, who's death led to violent protests. the city council seems to be taking steps to change the status quo in ferguson. what are they proposing? >> one of the things they're looking at is a citizen's review board, which would work with the city and police department.
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they are looking at changes to the municipal court and the way traffic fines are leveed. there have been allegations that those fines unfairly target the poor and minorities, and they use that money to fund city operations. >> there were calls for the arrest of officer derrin wilson last night. what are people saying? >> the grand jury is still investigating and probably will be for another month. the family, the attorney that represents the family of michael brown had a press conference yesterday and is demanding that wilson is arrested immediately. >> our police departments must understand that they are here to serve and to protect us, all of us. when they do commit crimes, they must be arrested and prosecuted by anyone else. bottom line. otherwise, they need to just admit that they are exempt from arrest and have different laws that apply to them.
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there is going to be a protest today in st. louis, along i70, possibly closing i70, and the protestors are calling for a special prosecutor be appointed. >> of course, these images being from days ago. also another contentious issue, the family court judge deciding that michael brown's juvenile record should not be made public. >> the judge said he did not have any serious felony convictions as a juvenile, so those records should not be sealed. >> it was perhaps the oddest invite in town. amid the secrecy, apple unveiled its products to the world on tuesday. >> john with more. tuesday's event was showmanship steve jobs would have been proud
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of. >> it really was, just like the old days of apple coming back again. it really was. it's been years since apple put on a show like yesterday. the c.e.o. did not disappoint and has since he took over, but not yesterday with the list of goodies that he unveiled. >> tech fans have been waiting a long time for this. after a build up only apple can pull off. >> we are launching the biggest advancement in the history of iphone. >> the legacy now continues with the launch of the iphone six and six plus, both models bigger with a new video function and better camera. tim cook, pulling off a spectacle that would have made steve jobs proud, he was on the same stage that job unveiled the mcintosh 30 years ago. he had another surprise. >> we have one more thing.
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>> the apple watch at $349 has a special dial, can be sined to the smart phone and stays ahead of the health crazy. >> every other smart watch provider will now be measured against what apple just announced. >> call simon. >> samsung now facing competition. perhaps the crowning achievement, a tap to pay function so shoppers can leave wallets at home. apple promises all personal information is incrypted. >> apple pay is easy, secure and private. >> a concern for many after photos of a lifters like jennifer lawrence were posted on line. >> u2's album available to anyone with an itunes account. >> you would consider putting songs of innocence out to half a
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billion people free. >> just like that, be a part of the largest album release in history. >> you can criticize apple, but they now how to put on a show. if you want one of the new i phones, they will be on sale from september 19, and knowing how you both hate waiting in long lines, he should probably preorder yours on line. somebody wrote that for me. >> you can preorder, i know. >> by the way, i misspoke with steve jobs, because your british and you get a accent. steve jobs, it was an homage to him. one more thing he would unveil. >> did you pick up the piece on the report, they held that event in the same building that steve jobs announced the mac. >> i wasn't even born. >> his answer to a smart watch.
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>> you can't attach a rotary phone to your wrist, del. >> we're going to talk with a wired magazine writer about apple's double punch with the i-phone and watch announcement. >> speaking of announcements, microsoft hope to go make its own big announcement soon, the company that hopes to acquire the swedish firm that makes mine craft. it could pay $2 billion for the company. >> a strong cold front is wreaking havoc across parts of the u.s. >> causing a lot of flooding as it goes along, and also severe weather areas, as well. you look at the water pouring down from nebraska and iowa, we saw scenes like these. this is around the omaha area. here's a look at the widespread still along the iowa and missouri border, that's also where we saw strong storms yesterday and now the watches go
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all the way to parts of wisconsin, michigan, even as far as ohio, because of that heavy rain that's going to move in. here's a look at that area. the core of the rain usually two or three inches, some isolated spots more. it just doesn't have anywhere to go, also associated with this, potential strong storms over places like indiana. we already have the history that have, a couple of isolated tornadoes spotted right on this nebraska, iowa, missouri border. there's a tight pressure gradient which crank up the winds. watch for windy conditions and damage that brings down a free trees and power lines. >> did we ever really have summer? >> a lot of people are still seeing t hot stuff. >> yeah. >> but it's already jumping in on the backside of this to win ther. i'll talk about those tents in a little bit. >> a fourth american infected with ebola in africa is back in the u.s. being treated for the virus.
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we are in atlanta with an update on the condition of the health care worker. >> a major shakeup at one of the world's leading luxury car makers. why the c.e.o. of an american automakers is stepping into the driver's seat. >> the islamic state releasing a video of an air base captured in syria. that and other videos from our citizen journalists around the world.
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>> time now for a look at the videos captured by our citizen journalists around the world. this roof collapsed in pakistan. worshipers were at afternoon prayer when it happened, the building undergoing renovations. >> the islamic state giving a tour of an air base recently captured. fighters took the base in the eastern part of the country, 160 fighters captured were later executed. >> a drone flier in lithuania
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sending the aircraft -- we'll try and bring that to you later. this is not the drone and fireworks display in lithuania. >> one foreign luxury carmaker is getting a new leader. >> capitol hill trying to respond to the scandal that may have put veteran's health in jeopardy. >> this report cannot capture the personal disappointment, frustration, and loss of faith individual veterans and their family members had in the health care system that often could not respond to their mental and physical health needs in a timely manner. >> veterans secretary robert mcdonald saying the department reached out to 3,000 vets to get
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them he into the clinics. >> there's been a spike in the ebola death toll. the world health organization said 2300 people have died and this morning, a fourth infected american is being treated right here on american soil. robert ray is live outside emery university hospital in atlanta. good morning. what is the status of this latest patient? >> well, good morning, stephanie. the status is that he is stable, we are told by emery hospital officials. he's in the isolation unit, and he will be here for the course of the next few weeks until either his condition improves or perhaps goes down south, which we hope that doesn't occur. if we go across the atlantic, thousands of miles in west africa, liberian officials say the outbreak is out of control and spreading like wildfire. >> a familiar scene in a familiar place, arriving tuesday
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aboard a specially equipped flying isolation unit, the fourth american health care worker infected with ebola is now treated in atlanta. the patient stepped out of an ambulance and walked into the same facility where dr. kent brantley and his assistant, nancy writebol were treated last month. >> we were confident in our ability to safely take care of our first two patients and confident we can improve upon their level of care. we have that same level of confidence and security this time. >> this latest victim landing on u.s. soil just a few days after dr. rick sacra was flown to nebraska for treatment. he also contracted the disease in liberia. his wife says he is now eating apple sauce and toast and responding better to the experimental treatment. the same cannot be said in west africa, where the world health organization said the death toll
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has now spiked to nearly 2300. liberia's defense chief said the virus threatens his countries national existence. >> the deadly ebola virus has caused the disruption of the normal functioning of our state. the disease wimp earlier this year was identified in the remote villages has reached urban centers, including the capitol, monrovia. it is now spreading like wildfire, devouring everything in its path. >> president obama asked congress for $88 million to help fight the outbreak. yesterday, house republicans indicated they'll approve less than half of that in the next spending bill, but the state department says america is still on the front lines of the ebola fight. >> approved the deployment of a 25 bed hospital facility and equipment in response to a state request for duty to provide humanitarian assistance to west africa. >> they're going to need a lot
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more than 25 beds. they're going to need a lot more people, as well. there will be ebola infected patients in west africa that are literally being turned away from makeshift hospitals over there. the international community needs to come together. that's what the w.h.o. is saying and that's what the u.n. wants. >> it's a really urgent situation, as you describe it, robert. what else are americans here at home doing to help in the fight against ebola? >> we're starting to see volunteer groups pop up. one in colorado called project cure, they've been boxing materials that they're send to go west africa. me ofhose include latex gloves, face masks, infection kits for some of the aid workers. about 100 high school kids and other volunteers are part of this group. one of the head guys there, douglas jackson came out and made statement yesterday.
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here's what he had to say. >> in sierra leone is ground zero. i was in that town 20 months ago. we know those health care workers. dly, they're not around anymore because of the virus. it's a tragic thing that all the people we worked with there are dead today. we're getting things into those places. >> that's the problem. a lot of the health workers are not around. many of them have either left or fected with ebola or have unfortunately died. the numbers of people are diminished that can help all of these people that are infected with ebola, a major, major issue over in west africa, as the fourth american sits in a hospital here in emery university hospital, awaiting whether he will be stable or not in the coming weeks. >> robert ray for us live in atlanta, thank you. >> a shakeup in the luxury car industry this morning, fiat's c.e.o. taking over nextonth for the outgoing chairman of ferrari.
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fiat is the parent company, the soon to be former chairman expressing interest in staying at his position, but he clashed over how to move ferrari forward. >> cder, fall like temperatures pushing across the country today, nicole has more on that. i see 50's over there! >> the startling part is some places were in the 90's, so you drop 30 or 40 grees just in two days. one example is billings, monday, the high temperature was 89, today temperatures stuck in the 40's, so that's a 40-degree drop. ahead of the front, still warm, a lot of 70's out there and not everyone will see that dramatic of a drop, but 80's and 90's ahead. at least 20-30 degrees cooler behind this so far, some places 40 degrees cooler. this will moderate by the time it gets to the east coast. you can see the 90's, ahead of this, 50's, 40's, dropping significantly from yesterday and chicago starts to see that into
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the day tomorrow with all the areas of rain, as well. >> break out the beer and the ats. >> that sounds good. >> president obama set to make his case to the american people, preparing to call for strikes on e islamic state group. retired army major mike lyons is here with the analysis of the u.s. strategy and will it wor >> the massive explosion that rocked a chemical planted in germany, investigators assisti the damage and trying to figure out what caused the blast. >> apple breaking out bigger guns to take on the competition with two iphones. >> our images of the day, india facing some of the worst flooding in more than two decades. more than a million people are cut off from clean water and thousands of bldings are underwater. >> the floodwaters have claimed the lives of hundred was people in both india and pakistan.
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>> a new episode of the ground breaking series, edge of eighteen >> just because your pregnant don't mean your life's ended. >> intense pressure... >> i don't know if this whole dance thing will work out. >> tough realities... >> we chicago ch-iraq, because we have more killings... >> life changing moments... >> shut the camera.... >> from oscar winning director, alex gibney, a hard hitting look at the real issues facing american teens. the incredible journey continues... on the edge of eighteen only on all jazeera america >> this is a live look at new york city with preparations for
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the coming of the september 11 anniversary are underway today. good morning, welcome to aljazeera america. ahead in our next half hour, activists are sounding the alarm over animal abuse at one iowa farm, getting a response by lawmakers, but not the one they'd hoped for. >> imagine paying $1 million for a parking spot. the extra large price tag at one new york city building project. >> a look at the top stories we're following this morning, the nfl commissioner roger goodell saying it is troubling and sickening, the video of ray rice, and we're not showing that video. he insists he had not seen it until earlier this week. >> ferguson residents taking anger to the first city council meeting since a police officer shot and killed an unarmed teenager. those at the meeting demand for action and the arrest of the officer. >> president obama set to present his plan to fight the
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islamic state group in an address to the nation tonight. there are reports that he is now ready to authorize strikes inside syria. libby casey joins us live from washington. those reports that the president will take the fight to syria, inside syria and also possibly arm the syrian rebels, what more can we expect to hear from the president tonight? >> tonight's speech is a chance for the president to clearly define goals and mission when it comes to fighting the islamic state. the white house says it is to degrade and destroy a terrorist group. the president plan to say layout exactly what will happen next and give his strategy, something critics say have been sorely lacking. we do expect the president to talk about airstrikes in syria. this would abmajor development. we also anticipate he'll talk about arming moderate rebel groups, those that are fighting president bashar al assad and that the white house sees as an avenue to affect change on the ground in syria. we heard from the president yesterday telling congressional
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leadership he does not believe he needs their approval. >> secretary of state john kerry making a visit to baghdad today meeting with the new prime minister. what is the secretary saying about his visit? >> this ties into what the president plans to layout tonight, a key part of what president obama will talk about is getting a coalition built nationally, but also having a lot of support on the ground in iraq. a key part of that was making sure that a government was successfully folder in baghdad. to that end, secretary kerry's visit is well timed. he met with the new prime minister,al abaddi.
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they do feel like iraq is on an inclusive government track. >> mike lyons is a retired army major and senior fellow at the truman national security project, here to talk about the speech. good morning, is this going to be a speech preparing this nation for war? >> i think in some ways at a minimum, it's going to be the who, why and how, it's who obviously isis, why are they a threat to the united states, what exactly is our interest there in that region. he's going to have to layout the how, how he plans on getting this done, degrading and destroying them, the strategy it's going to take. >> six months ago, president obama said: we have to develop away strategy that doesn't stretch our military too thin or stir up local resentment. are we at risk of doing just
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that with expanding this air campaign to syria. >> he is. we've got to be careful before we talk into sir a i can't. that strategy won't work. it's a tactic on a lot of levels. >> you're saying we should not attack syria from the air, either. >> not right now. i think unless we have a target of opportunity, i just don't believe that it will lead to anything positive. let's go with this coalition he wants to build first, which is going to be difficult as it is. you're getting adversaries together to work shoulder to shoulder to beat isis and then possibly take it into syria. that could stir things up. >> what about arming and training moderate syrian forces? >> we might be out of time to do that. that's a six month to 12 month mission to do that properly and where do you do that? in jordan? how does that work? how do you bring these soldiers off line of the battlefield right now, get them into jordan,
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train them, send them back to syria. the isis group could use that time to reinforce the attack. >> essentially, you're saying we should stay out. >> we should focus first on iraq, stand up the government, reestablish the border, keep jihadists from coming in. the president i think is going to go to an attrition model, using all different holistic means, not just military, all the means available. >> thanks a lot, major. del. >> a reminder that aljazeera america will bring you the president's address to the nation airing tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, 6:00 p.m. pacific. >> house republicans condemning the president over the prisoner swap that led to the release of army sergeant bowe bergdahl,
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voting unanimously on a resolution blasting the president's actions. they say he failed to give congress 30 days notice and kept them in the dark about the deal that freed five taliban leaders and that they say is against the law. >> in iowa, state lawmakers are cracking down on allegation of animal abuse on farms. as america tonight tells us, it's who they're going after that's raising the questions. some of this video is disturbing. >> acting on a tip, the animal rights group peta sent one investigator, then a second to secretly record what was happening at a large hog operation in iowa. >> don't be afraid to hurt them. >> they recorded pigs beaten with metal rods, kicked repeatedly, and a crippled sow receiving an electric prod. >> if i saw that on my farm, i'd be outraged.
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>> he runs a family farm with his wife and son. in iowas capitol, the video prompted action from state legislators. they passed a law aimed not an animal abuse but of anyone going undercover to investigate abuse. the law was initially authored by lobbyists for the agriculture industry, making it a crime punishable by jail time to lion a job application at a farm. you now have to answer this question on your job application, are you a member of peta, hsus, the humane society of the united states or any other animal rights organization? opponents of the law call it ag gag. >> it is a misnomer totally. there is nothing about gag. we supported the law because we didn't want individuals coming
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to hour farms, applying to work, telling us they have had a history or experience in animal care, which was not true. their in tent was to maliciously capture some footage or some video that could be used against you and put you out of business. >> iowa's bill was the first such law in the u.s. since then, six other states have passed similar legislation. idaho, kansas, missouri, montana, north dakota and utah, all designed to prevent videotaping without a farmer's consent. >> they don't want them taking photos of routine animal cruelty, food safety problems and more. >> craig hill said farmers don't want animals mistreated, either. last year, iowa farmers launched the animal care coalition with a hot line to report abuse. >> this is something that i think people miss, our goals are aligned. >> but farmers and the groups that watch over them have very different ideas about how to
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stamp out animal abuse, and there's no sign they'll be seeing eye to eye anytime soon. sheila macvicar, aljazeera, iowa. >> over seas in ukraine, more than 600 soldiers have been released. they had been held by pro-russian separatists who set them free under the terms of a ceasefire. another 500 soldiers expected to be released soon, it's unclear when kiev might release separatist fighters in exchange. >> a massive explosion rocking this chemical plant in germany, several people injured, including one man found in the rubble with severe burns. dozens of nearby homes were damaged, forcing the people to flee. just what caused that blast not known. >> the floods in india are the worst in half a century. >> more than 400 people have been killed, hundreds of thousands trapped. in one area, the rescue operations are underway.
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>> it's now a full scale rescue operation. with a break in the weather, military personnel have been deployed to help the people who are stranded. most of these people have been waiting for such help since the rains and flooding began saturday. >> we live on the other side. i came back from a trip. i saw the bridge washed out. my wife, daughter and i have nowhere to go, so we have been waiting here since saturday for help. >> he's just one of many who have been waiting for days. >> this bridge was washed out on saturday, cutting off 150,000 people in dozens of villages on the other side. now for days, people have been coming to the edge there to say they have no electricity and that their supplies are running low. the army has arrived here now and they started rescuing people by boat and they're building a temporary bridge, hoping to get more people out. >> the situation around the
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region is similar and even worse for many. rains and landslides have hit several areas, cutting people off from help. tuesday, aid finally came in for some by air, but with the number of villages and people affected, this is the only kind of help some can expect for now. >> for the many rescued, the situation isn't much better. many small and large relief centers like this one have been set up in the region. these families lost their homes and almost all possessions when the rising water levels washed away their mud and that much houses located next to a river bank. these people don't know what will happen to them and are too scared to return. >> we lost everything. the water was chest high. they've been giving us food, but what about the children's schooling? what are we going to do afterwards? i'm not going back. >> government officials say the focus of the moment is helping people still trapped by
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floodwaters. building up life lines before making plans to rebuild. aljazeera, kashmir. >> neighboring pakistan dealing with floods on that disputed border. the armies of those two long time foes are working together during the disaster. >> in just over a week, scotland will vote whether to split from the united kingdom. opinion is deeply divided and british prime minister david cameron is traveling to he had in borough for last minute campaigning. >> the message is don't voted for independence, because we will make your life difficult, you can't share the pound, won't join the european union, it's a bad idea. that messaging hasn't worked. in edinborough today, all the leaders from london, including prime minister david cameron are
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coming here with exactly the opposite message, the message being that a united kingdom, not scotland, but the united kingdom would be damaged no scotland were to go. one former prime minister, january major has been saying how badly damaged on the world stage the united kingdom would be, that it would lose military muscle and might not be able to sustain a place on the united nations security council, a complete reversal of messaging, almost trying to make the scots feel guilty about the prospects of leaving the union. it's going to be very easy for the scottish nationalists to paint this as a metaphor for them being an embittered and bruised women married to a domineering man for 50 or 60 years and leaving in disgust, and the domineering man then turning around and saying oh, please don't leave me, i can't manage without you.
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the scottish would say tough luck, mate, you should have told us you loved us. >> the no vote, 39% down from 45% a month ago, while yes support jumped. >> what a unique way to describe scottish independence. the final primaries are over. former massachusetts senator scott brown easily winning the republican nomination for senate. both parties consider that race key for who takes control of the senate. >> in massachusetts, newcomer seth molto in the defeating democratic incumbent john tear knee. >> do you have a million dollars to spare? if do you, you can be the proud new owner of a new parking spot
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right here in new york city. ten spots are being sewed for the hefty price tag of $1 million apiece. >> the owners will pay roughly $5,000 to $6,000 a square foot. a three bedroom apartment in the same building breaks down to just over $3,000, but those amounts cost eight to $10 million. last year, an upper east side garage was the city's first million dollars parking space. today that parking spot is still on the market. >> if you can afford that spot, don't you have a driver? >> that's a great point. maybe that's why the parking spot is still available. >> apple looking to plant its stamp on the next generation of new products. >> we'll talk about the timing of the smart watch around what it means for other companies. >> your old iphone, part of a growing global problem of electronic waste. how some of turning the trash
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>> you're looking live here at a wildfire in california, firefighters battling this blaze that erupted a few hours ago. five acres have been charred. no homes or businesses are threatened now. no word on what sparked the fire. the cause is under investigation. >> how some kenyans are finding a new use for old smart phones and compute jeers first, apple making a return to the days of those dazzling product debuts, c.e.o. borrowing a page from steve jobs with two new iphones and a smart watch. an ambitious stab at apple pay is here, as well.
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here to talk about it is a staff writer for "wired" magazine. apple, new iphone thumbs up or thumbs down? >> i think it is just a continuation of things we've seen before. i think it would be thumbs sideways. people are going to like it, it's going to have better battery life. that will come in handy for busy consumers. i don't think it's anything that's going to wow people. >> the buzz has been about this apple watch. it is going to be rolled out next year, you're going to be able to buy it. i suspect it will be available for christmas. why does apple think it's going to make progress in the area others have not? >> apple has a track record of this p.m. there were m.p.3 players around about weather the ipod. there were smart phones, blackberry before the iphone, but the iphone changed everything. they did it again with the
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tablet market. they have a history of perfecting a category and making people want it. >> is apple now the mercedes benz of the i product world? they don't necessarily make it different, but make it better and newer and bigger if they want to improve it, but the same product we saw before? >> you can expect the sleekness, the design oriented detailing on the i-phone and on the smart watch, they definitely went to great lengths to ensure this smart watch was within apple's esthetic. >> i pay, allowing you to connect to your credit card or phone and i say i concerned. >> a lot of people were concerned because of the recent celebrity photo hack. it doesn't work with i cloud. it stores your information on
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the phone in this chip apple has called a secure element, which is very futuristic. it doesn't save your credit card information. it gives it its own unique identifier. if your phone is lost, you don't have to cancel your credit card. >> are they basically going right into the hands of companies like samsung that say the next big thing is already here? >> absolutely. i don't think it's just samsung saying that. it's consumers, as well. we're seeing a lot of consumer demand gravitate toward larger devices. that's because they're doing more there, consuming media, creating media and realizing that the small iphone is a little too con strained. >> thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> a big surprise from u2 at yesterday's apple event. they announced their latest album was veil for free.
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the 11 track album appeared with an estimated 500 million itunes users, called the large evident album release in history. >> many phones and tech toys will likely be tossed in the trash after up grades. one group in kenya is turning he waste into a lucrative business. >> at the only electronic waste recycling plant, these employees break apart computers, dismantle, compress and ship the waste, some of which is dangerous to europe. used electronics comes from the west in the form of second happened electronic goods. the country seems to generate more he waste than it can safely dispose of.
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>> a lot of waste is generated. it ends up in rivers. when it goes through the rivers, it pollutes the environment. this causes cancers. it is dangerous if not disposed well. >> kenya produces 17,000 tons of e waste, but only a fraction gets to this plant. the rest ends up in dump sites scattered across the country. here in a garbage site, collectors now trained by the recycling company on handling electronic waste try to find what they can. she feels lucky to find this computer motor board. it sells at $5. she has managed to find small electronic parts. this is a good day for her.
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>> they have found a way of using the waste by making ornaments with different computer parts, the group creates and sells mostly earrings and key holders. >> we could create better awareness. >> there is no shortage of e waste in the world. it's estimated that 65 million tons will be produced much of it ending up in africa. the idea is to safely manage the waste and make money doing so. aljazeera, kenya. >> the u.n. says the mountain of used electronics worldwide tops 49 million tons. >> they say the u.s. has the most, 9.4 million tons. >> let's get another check of
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our weather with nicole mitchell. a lot of people are going to find the sight of this fire familiar. >> just to the east of los angeles, all the guys went oh, bill and ted's area, from the movies way back when. you can see this going this morning. we just had that recent rain on the southeastern edge. that didn't get into a lot of our extreme drought area, we are still dry here and this is heading more and more into fire season. we're really zoo it now. here's the broad picture. you can see really have dried out even in the four corners region. where we're concerned about flooding today is through the midwest because of heavy rain moving through. places like indiana, possible severe weather, wind uld go the big problem. this moves eastward tomorrow. on the backside, temperature 20, 30, even a couple of spots, 40-degree drops.
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montana, maybe wyoming tomorrow, we have some winter storm watches and warnings for the higher elevations. >> we did not hear that. thank you very much. >> tomorrow on aljazeera america, as president obama lays out his strategy for confront be the islamic state group, we'll have analysis from our reporters and experts from washingto to baghdad. plus 13 years after the 9/11 attacks, a die of reflection. >> aljazeera america will have live coverage of the president's address to the nation at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stay tuned afterwards for a special report on the rise of the islamic state group. >> coming up in two minutes from doha, the latest on the i.s. fight, including john kerry's trip to iraq. >> we will see you back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. .m.
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour. i'm shiulie ghosh live in doha. coming up, defeating the islamic state group, john kerry arrives in bagdad as the u.s. prepares to unveil its strategy. one of syrias most powerful rebel leaders is killed in a huge blast. >> liberia's defense minister says ebola is posing a serious threat to the country's very existence. and the
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