tv News Al Jazeera September 10, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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big goal in life, to run for the office of the president of the united states of america >> catch more stories from edge of eighteen on al jazeera america >> this is al jazeera america from a new york city. i'm tony harris with your top stories. president obama plans to layout his plan to the american public about the islamic state group. he said that the world will not stand by and watch i.s. spread its evil. people marching on the highway calling on the governor to call a special prosecutor to the michael brown case.
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>> we are just hours away from president obama's address to the bashan will he will reveal his strategy to dismantle the islamic state group. he said he has the authority to take action against the is. 61% of americans say acting against the islamic state group is in the national interest. the president plans to ask law make tours approvlawmakers to approve $500 million in lethal aid to syrian rebels. >> reporter: let's talk about how president obama is spending his day preparing for that speech, and laying the groundwork with members of congress and leaders overseas. he met with his national security team in the oval offi
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office. the white house allowing a photo op through the window of the oval office. and talking if the president, as we believe will authorize expanded air campaign into syria against the islamic state group. we expect the president to announce he'll expand those airstrikes in his primetime address from the state floor of the white house just behind me. he will emphasize the need for international coalition. we expect the president to prepare the public for a long campaign. in the past he publicly spoke of a six-month campaign. the white house aides have been talking about longer than that, perhaps as much as three years
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after president obama leaves office. once again we'll hear the president say there will be no american combat troops on the ground. a promise over and over again. though there has been some admission, the president said they will be up to 300ed a advisers300 troops to help with the air campaign, but now there is over three times that amount helping in the campaign. >> do lawmakers plan to take some sort of action soon here? >> reporter: it's a muddle, as usual, when it comes to capitol hill. many are reluctant to take that vote.
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the authorization that dates back to august 14th. now the covert aid has been supplied for the past year or so, but he needs that islamic state group is to be pushed back in syria. now we understand that vote the president was pushing for. >> what is the latest on that front. >> reporter: there has been a concern expressed for many. certainly everyone in the white house, across the united states and the world, for in a matter has acted with visceral
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revolution, that it was a trap. that the u.s. would launch an unilateral effort for retribution of what has happened. the leaders in the white house are very mindful, and they'r the president with king abdullah of saudi arabia, and secretary of state john kerry in iraq and headed to jordan. >> mike viqueira at the white house, on this very busy day, we appreciate it. secretary kerry continues his tour of the region to build up support for battling the islamic state group. he landed in jordan. a long-time u.s. ally. secretary kerry is expected to deal with the jordanian king, jordan has been an important player in the syrian crisis. 600,000 syrian refugees live
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there. the islamic state group has grown dramatically since gaining a foot hold this year. it stretches across northern syria and into iraq. the u.s. has conducted 154 airstrikes against the islamic state group in iraq, mostly near the mosul dam. they have been able to help to push back the fighters. the u.s. airstrikes are aimed to help kurdish fighters to push back against the islamic state offensive. it is supposed to help turn the tide against i.s. but it's future could be shaky: we have more now from erbil. >> reporter: even in the best of times the union between iraq's kurdish region and this central government in baghdad is a troubled partnership. >> we're about to leave baghdad. we're following two paths, the paths of baghdad, and
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establishing a democratic system. >> with kurdish officials agree to go cooperate with the trial period of three months a new generation of iraqis is increasingly using the word once considered tattoo: independence. >> god willing we will be independent in the future. president barzani is working to arrange it. as a new generation we like this very much. we dreamt of it. we are waiting for it with open eyes. >> reporter: the kurdish north is safer, richer and bustling with commerce. two years ago raising a kurdish flag here would have been a problem in baghdad. now they're everywhere. increasingly it's the iraqi flag that is a rarity. the divide between the kurdish territory and the rest of the iraq can be seen in the oil field of kirkuk. last year they began writing
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contracts to sell oil directly instead of going through the iraqi government. and baghdad stop paying kurdish civil servants. this is the border of what the kurds would like to call their own independent state. >> reporter: they cross into this side, they wait weeks for iraqi visa. kurds can travel in and back, everyone else is turned away. >> sometimes even the res sent di permanent iresidency permanent is not enough. >> they told me to make an u-turn. i've lived in kurdistan for eight years. i want to return to my family. they won't let me. >> reporter: in the kurdish capital of erbil there is optimism for the future and anger at the previous government of nouri al-maliki. a government kurds say has treated them unfairly. >> unfairly treated, and that is
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in fact, we hope that it is a new start, and with this new start will be partners. >> reporter: for new the kurdish region remains part of the union but it's not an union that lives with talk of living happily ever after. >> world leaders will converge on the unite united nations in two weeks and the direction of that debate will rest o on what is determined. what role is the u.n. expected to play in the coming weeks? >> reporter: i don't think the u.n. will play any role it has not done so far in any military action. there is no way that the president is going to go to the security council to try to get a resolution for its military action. but on the diplomatic side of things yes, he is going to go to the security council. because exactly two weeks from
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now world leaders as ever gath ever, will gather. on that day two weeks from now president obama will actually preside over the u.n. security council instead of 1 15 ambassadors there will be heads of state except vladimir putin, who will not be coming to new york. they will get a new international framework, internationaling binding law in terms of the legs on thes foreign fighters. having obtained the draft of the resolution they wil they the they will try to get through the international security world.
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it is perfectly legal for nationals to leave their shores, get on a plane and fight abroad. they want to change that with this binding bit of u.n. resolution, binding bit of u.n. law, in effect. they want to change the sanctions that are in place, the international sanctions at extend them from al-qaeda and cover the islamic state group and confronts violent extremism. they'll try to persuade all the countries of the world to approach local opportunities and try and persuade those who might try to going to syria and iraq not to do so. >> taking time during his first week to discuss iraq and syria's worsening humanitarian situation. the u.n. will play a diplomatic role but are there signs of a humanitarian push in conjunction with any defensive?
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>> reporter: absolutely. i was talking to a top u.n. officials just moments before we went on air. yes, there is a very big push from the united nations and the usa. the u.s. has announced money today john kerry when in iraq announced an extra $48 million. $37million of that is for those inside iraq. the remaining $11 million are for the refugees. refugees are now going from iraq to syria because of the situation with islamic state. i can tell you that the u.n. humanitarian cleave has arrived in iraq to try to oversee the u.n. part of this. >> the syrian group named a new leader after an explosion killed several of its commanders. they took to "utube" urging
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members to continue. thousands are being forced to leave their adoptive home. refugees arrefugees are receiving threats. >> reporter: she walks around what used to be her home. all she wanted was security, she said. the mother of five describes how lebanese men drove by, shot at the refugee camp, threw rocks and threatened to burn the camp as the 600 refugees who lived here didn't pack their things and go away. so the refugees packed their tents. their water tanks. and what little they had, and went on the road. >> it's not safe for us any more. neither amongst the sunnies nor shias. we have nowhere to go.
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>> reporter: thousands of syrian refugees are on the run again. this time in lebanon. they escaped the violence in syria looking for safety here. but now they're being ordered to leave by their lebanese hosts. all over lebanon there are similar scenes. what sparked the backlash is the kidnappings of more than 25 lebanese soldiers and police officers by syrian fighters. the kidnapping happened after the syrian fighters took control of the lebanese border town for five days. the soldiers' families have started a campaign to get them released. here a sit-in in the capitol. what happened highlights and intensifies dormant hostilities with growing numbers of syrian refugees in lebanon. with many refugees blaming th the 1.3 refugees in their
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country with sectarian issues. >> reporter: in some areas refugees were beaten. in others they were warned to leave in days. there are calls to close the borders. >> we can't tell who is who. if they're refugees or militants hiding amongst them like islamic state. they use them as human shields. we want them to leave. but then you feel bad for the women and children. it's not their fault. >> like this family with seven children. >> i'm left with no choice but to go back to syria despite the violence there. it is probably safer there now than here. >> reporter: some lebanese have criticized the recent violence against refugees, and asked there to be distinguished between refugees and fighters. >> it's not fair.
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a criminal is a criminal. we have nothing to do with these criminals. we just don't. >> let's bring in republican senator mark kirk from illinois. senator, great to talk with you. thank you for your time. take a moment and tell us about the meeting you're going to hold in less than an hour's time. who is going to be there, and how would you describe it? is this mostly an informational meeting? >> it is a bipartisan cabinet with senator chris cruz o of delaware to focus on human rights abroad so we know better with the situations under isis control. >> so what is the isis threat assessment as you see it to that region, and to the united states? >> for most the beheading on the
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internet is a personally-felt thing. to be beheaded with a kitchen knife is a level of barbaric that strengthens the backbone to take the war to isis. >> senator, isis has been pretty barbaric for some time now. you also know that president assad has been killing his own people for years now. congress didn't seem eager last august to authorize airstrikes with pretty clear evidence of assad gassing his own people. why all the action now? is it solely because american journalists have been killed in a horrific way? >> it's the standard thing of dogfights man. that's not much news for americans. so beheading of an american citizen on the internet is a pretty big deal for us. i would say for those guys in
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isis, if there is one single action which will stiffen our back bones to go kick their butt, that's it. >> do you believe that airstrikes in syria support the brutal dictator that is bashar al-assad? do you believe that to be a fact? >> i actually think the airstrikes that are currently under way, it's kind of like an airshow over kurdistan. over five a day is not going to chase the military situation in iraq. the president needs to hear th that. >> president obama said he doesn't need more congressional sign off to do what he's going to announce this evening. do you think he needs congressional approval for more action in iraq, and in syria? >> in general it's better to get the vote of the congress that involves the american people.
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if this is going to be a long and expensive bloody conflict which they are all they need the support of the american people. there is nothing more lethal then the american people involved in a conflict like when we took on germany and japan simultaneously and crushed them both. >> senate and democratic leaders are preparing legislation to expressly authorize the united states the military to train foreign troops to take on the islamic state. both in iraq and syria. would you support such a piece of legislation? >> i think that's a wise way to go to support people who are willing to fight for their own freedom in syria. we've opted to do that, and the republicans here have lined up squarely behind that population. >> do you worry--so the do you worry about the airstrikes in iraq which he did on monday in
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western on bar province, and adding targets inside syria to the target list. sue agree with that strategy? some are suggest going to you launch more airstrikes in anbar, what you're doing is sending a signal to sunnies that you are in support of the shia led if at this moment more inclusive iraqi government. >> if there is one place we understand where the target set, it's anbar province after the successful surge under president bush. >> senator kirk from illinois. thank you, sir. stay with al jazeera america as special coverage at 9:00 p.m. eastern with the rise of is. coming up we'll take to you ferguson, missouri, where is new protest is happening, shutting down the highway in protest of mike brown's death.
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>> in missouri, an act of civil disobedience. we have pictures from ferguson, missouri, where protesters are marching on interstate 70 to protest the governor to appoint a special prosecutor to the michael brown case. michael brown was shot to death by a white officer. it comes after a heated city council meeting last night calling for reform. >> the people do not represent us. the police do not represent us. >> well, tuesday city council meeting ferguson was the first since michael brown's death. we go to blogger jonathan, good to see you again. yet city's council meeting was
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designed to discuss reforms, but it devolved as you can see there into a shout fest of grievances. did that surprise you? >> i think what we're seeing right now is a single movement to two widely object activities. you see the people who want to see some sort of resolution there. and to them resolution would mean justice and they define justice as the indictment and arrest and conviction of officer darren wilson. on the other hand you have people looking at the broader underlying causes in that area that provided sort of the atmosphere in which michael brown was killed. and then that's what the city of ferguson would address and doing so with the implied consent of the members of the advocacy groups. heres the problem. >> go ahead. >> here's the problem. if you see that as a step
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forward that's a good thing. if you distrust city government, you want to see that as a diversionary tactic. >> has anything change requested? we have word of reforms. people were upset, and more needs to be done and maybe it's not moving fast enough. has anything changed in your mind in the month isn't michael brown was killed? >> if you look at change we're in a better position because we could not be in a worse position than we were 30 days ago. but there's still--i think one of the most pronounced things we're starting to see here is the appearance of some--almost a leadership vacuum. that's what is beginning to be pronounced here. you've got groups, grassroots groups that are stepping into the position that otherwise might have been authorized by
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leadership. and to really decide how to go forward as one group as opposed to the group that has a lot of objective that is we're seeing. >> what about the protest that we see happening here. is this the over pass here? protesters want a special prosecutor assigned to the michael brown case instead of the current county prosecutor bob mccullough. do you think that is likely to happen? and the answer seems to be no. >> you back in 1999 there was a similar shutdown of interstate 70. that had to do with the expansion of interstate 70 and minority contractors and trades who believe they did not have equal access to that process. you can see the relationship between that action and the interstate project. this one, it's designed to bring attention to this case, i'm not sure how much more attention you
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can get than it's already gotten. i'm a little bit confused or ambivalent about what the objective of shutting down traffic is. i can tell you one thing it may not result in a lot of good will from those motorists. >> that would be a nightmare. >> yes. >> 70 in rush hour, there? that would an nightmare. >> that's my concern. if you're trying to build--if you're trying to garner good will in the larger community, which is where this jury pool is going to be selected from, you may want to be a little bit more considerate about how you're going about things. yes you need to make your point but do it in a way that people get behind you. >> jonathan, blogger in st. louis and does news analysis for the website "politics in color." president obama's speech is a critical one both in foreign policy the ways of i.s.
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>> president obama speech tonight about the growing crisis in iraq and syria comes on the evil of the 911 anniversary 911--on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary. >> on top of this speech, president obama will deliver remarks at the pipet gone tomorrow honoring those who died on 9/11. the white house is attempting to disconnect the two events but it may be natural for americans to link them when caught up in a familiar storm. 13 years ago president obama's predecessor was in florida drumming up support for his
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education reform plan and then came 9/11. for years afterwards the president would continue on a primetime event. exactly a year ago tonight in primetime he spoke specifically about potential military action against syria. >> if we fail to act the assad regem will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. as the ban against these weapo weapons, other tyrant also thinkinthink nothing about using them. over time we'll face chemical warfare on the battlefield and it will be ease for terrorist organizations to obtain them. >> that was exactly a year ago
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tonight. at a time when the american public was not unhappy about a fresh intervention in the middle east, and at a time when assad allowed the give up the chemical weapons and destroy them, now there is a renewed actio appetite for action. you 34% of americans say they would support the use of ground troops. the political problem for mr. obama is that americans had lost faith in his ability to lead particularly on foreign policy. 32% of those surveyed said they approve of mr. obama's handling of foreign policy. so the political test for president obama is clear, explain the action plan for defeating islamic state and give the american people reasons to believe his administration can make it work. tony, the democratic control of the senate may be hanging in the balance on how this goes.
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>> pretty stunning poll numbers for me, david schuster, stay here, we have seen fellow at the washington institute and director of middle east affairs, michael, good to talk with you. let's look at this number, 61% of americans say acting against the islamic state group is in the nation's interest. is that a surprising number to you? it is to me. >> well, you know, it's only surprising at a certain level. obviously we've seen this group already conduct what i think would be considered terrorist attacks against u.s. citizens in those horrific videos, the murder of james foley and stephen sotloff. and this all takes place in a backdrop of broader foreign policy chaos where i think a lot of americans feel the u.s. has not been sufficiently engaged, has not been sufficiently firm in its foreign policy.
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there has been a change in the attitude of americans about engagement overseas. >> michael, is that--is that because we're seeing these horrific images as you messaged in the brutality of i.s. in the killing of american journalists. assad has been brutal. isis, isil assad has been brutal for years now. is it because of these horrific beheadings that we're seeing support for action spike here? >> well look, i think you're right. this group isis has not apeter out of thin air. they have been around for some time. they're a rebranding of al-qaeda and iraq, and not just those videos, but certainly those videos brought them into the public consciousness and brought them into the headlines in a very significant way. also i think the swift successes
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nevada' had in iraq taking fallujah, taking mosul, threatening even baghdad as they did weeks ago has really brought this to the fore. it's not just a matter of public attention but it seems to have gotten policymakers and intel analysts attention. >> the president said he does not need approval from congress for strike authorization in syria. should he seek it? >> well, i think there are a number of different questions. number one, we don't yet know what he intends to do. whether or not he needs authorization depends on what he intends to do. >> but you would degree all the signs indicate that the president, everything we've been watching for the last week and a half, almost two weeks that the president is leading towards expanding this operation into syria. >> i think that's right. i think we will hear tonight from him that he intends to engage in airstrikes in syria, and we've heard from him clearly that he does not believe he needs congressional authorization to do that, by all accounts it sounds like most in
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congress although not all are willing to concede that. so one question will be is that really all he intends to do in syria, or does he intend to do more, in which case opinions may be different. there are two separate questions. he'll need funding regarding authorization. and he has talked about buy-in. he'll want some level of congressional support even if it's not a formal vote just as he'll want the support of the american public. >> how does the president satisfy the american public, which wants congress to share in some of the responsibility, but at the same time protect himself politically should things go wrong? >> well, i do think he'll get statements of support. he'll get expresses of support from congress. again, it won't be unanimous, but certainly especially from
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the democratic caucus, and i think as well as from a good portion of the republicans. he'll have those statements of support even if it's not a formal vote. and i do think at least initially, defending on how it goes, and defending when he can articulate and follow in achieving that objective, he'll have support. >> the president has also planning to ask law make tours approve $500 million in lethal aid for syrian rebels. who are the syrian rebels that he would be looking to assist with lethal aid? are we talking about the free syrian army? >> i mean, look, there has been some mixed messages on this. >> yes. >> that request was put forward kne many months ago, in fact. the president said it was a fantasy to think that arming the rebels would have made a difference in syria. and so this one of the
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unresolved questions and one of the questions that will come up on the hill in congress when this request is put to the test. who are we thinking about funding? what are we thinking about giving them. it's not just arms but a matter of channeling aid through rebel groups, so forth. i don't think there is a clear answer to that. >> let me squeeze another one in here. do you worry any more strikes on the on bar province will look at it as an attack and shia led. >> we're better stead in that question. the obama administration has been clear in wanting to be sure that american military activity was clearly in support of whatever the iraqis were doing. part of that was insuring there was sunni political buy-in for the government in baghdad. it is no accident that this is taking place after the formation
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of the new government that does include the sunnies. it doesn't guarantee that all will go with in baghdad. i think it will be important for the sunni allies that we have in the region, like the saudis and others, that this is not just about isis. this is not just about talking this sunni extremist group, but we maintain our focus on assad and iran and so forth, and that's why this has to be couched in a broader middle east strategy. >> michael sing singh, michael, we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> for complete coverage president obama's remarks tonight on special programming begins at 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on al jazeera america. the speech comes 55 days before the fall midterm elections and a by star twist in kansas.
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david is back with that story. >> tony, the republican secretary of state in kansas has ruled that chan taylor who announced he was withdrawing from the race will still have his name appear on the ballot. but taylor is determined to clear the field for competitive head-to-head match up between independent candidate greg orman and pat roberts on the right, so taylor is taking action. taylor has decided to sue the secretary of state in order to try to get off the ballot. that's right, he's suing to get out of the race. this ruling could end up determining control of the u.s. senate. incumbent senator roberts would lose the head-to-head match up against orman but win a three-way race with taylor in. the republican loss of this kansas city seat that would be huge. stay tuned. in colorado the senate race in that state now features an apology. over the weekend democratic incumbent mark udahl appeared in
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a debate and was trying to urge caution in how the united states deals with the islamic state when it invoked the two journalists that the islamic state group beheaded. >> i can tell you stephen sotloff and james foley would say don't be impulsive. won't be impulsive. come up with a plan to knock isil back. >> republican cory gardner said it was outrageous that the senator would put words in the mouths of death americans. udall now agrees. he said, i should not invoked the names of james foley and stephen sotloff. it was inappropriate and i sincerely apologize. same-sex marriage has now become an issue of pride for republicans. susan collins is welcoming this ad from a gay rights pac.
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>> she's part of the solution. someone who puts people ahead of politics. that's what we need more of in washington. that's susan collins. >> meanwhile, in oregon republican senate candidate monica weibe is now running her ow own ad. >> we need leaders who have the courage to do what is right. that's why i support monica weibe for senate. >> i'm dr. monica weibe and i approve this message. >> and mitch mcconnell approved an especially hard hitting message blasting president obama and mcdonnell's democratic challenger. >> when so many in washington can't could the job, shouldn't kentucky have a senator who can. obama needs allison grimes. kentucky needs mitch mcconnell. >> here is the weirdest ad of
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the day, and it's called "angry dan." >> dan malloy is angry. his failed policies are hurting kentucky. why is he taking it out on others? false attacks on tom foley. dan malloy's arrogance and aggression hurts people. tom foley has a plan to fix connecticut. >> such a strange ad all around. >> alan west is sporting a new tattoo. he had the guy on the left tattoo the phrase come and take them. a phrase used by gun rights activists and some members of the tee party. >> the only greek i know is, my butt smells. but i wouldn't put that on are a tattoo. they could put something that means anything.
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>> it could mean anything. >> we look at other headlines across the u.s. >> reporter: a south carolina man will be charged with the murder of his five children. timothy jones killed them and dumped their bodies wrapped in trash bags. jones was stopped at a traffic checkpoint. the police noticed bleach, blood and children's clothes in his car. when they ran his plates he discovered his wife and his children missing. in alabama, mark fuller will need to complete a counseling program in order to have his arrest tossed out. his wife told police he was drunk when he beat her at an atlantic hotel. she had accused him of having an affair with his law clerk. in texas two middle school students are in cut for allegedly handing out pills to fell low students. six students were taken to the hospital. the superintendent said several of them went to the nurse this
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morning complaining of feeling sick. five were taken to the hospital by helicopter. the police are working on identifying the type of pills they took. and a louisiana boy has quite a fishing story to tell after he was bit by an alligator. 12-year-old matthew kelly was fishing with his dad when a 10-foot alligator bit his leg and pulled him underwater. the boy managed to pry the gator's jaws open and free his leg. >> what i did was just panicked a little bit. i got his mouth open. >> what did the gator do when you did that? >> he either just opened up, and i got out, but he just came up as i was up, and we saw his mouth open up wide. coming back towards me. >> matthew had to have surgery for some deep gashes, but he's expected to be okay. the gator wound up smashing his
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bait fish and fishing gun. thank goodness he's okay. >> and smiling. look at him. ines, thank you. a tentative plan in detroit to get the city out of bankruptcy. there was a deal when one of its creditors has a 400 million-dollar claims in the bankruptcy case. this is a big deal here. bisi onile-ere, what can you tell us about this deal? >> reporter: good afternoon, tony, bond insurers hundreds of millions of dollars in this bankruptcy, as you mentioned, in fact, this cop cops cop--this company was one of the biggest challengers to the bankruptcy. it would tv 26% of what it's owed and detroit would extend a lease to the company involved a tunnel that connects the u.s. and canada. now the bankruptcy judge decided to suspend this trial to give the city more time to hammer out
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this settlement and possibly other deals could come down the line. now this is a very big win for the city of detroit. however, it's important to remember that the bankruptcy judge overseeing this case has the final say whether detroit's entire restructuring plan is fair and feasible. >> the other thing that still has to be tried no matter what is the feasibility, and the judge has to be convinced that the plan is doable by the city and not just a series of empty promises going forward. >> and on tuesday detroit in detroit, the water department is given millions of dollars to invest and upgrade its water system. the bankruptcy trial is expected to resume on monday. >> bisi, bisi onile-ere for us in detroit.
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>> the national organization for women is calling for nfl commissioner roger goodell to resign. the group said goodell is unwilling to effectively deal with the violence against women. he's criticizing for how he handled the domestic violence of ray rice and his wife. the ravens let rice go and nfl suspended him indefinitely. amy said it has a way to pay for stuff without worrying that
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your information will be stolen. it uses something called near field technology to get this done. and hackers have been using it for years. al jazeera science correspondent jake ward, does this really make things safe for consumers? >> reporter: well, that's the ideal. apple is proud of the idea that this could replace the credit cards in your wallet. but to understand how have you venerable this could be on the iphone and new apple watch, it's important to know how this will access your money. at the heart of the apple pay system is a technology called nfc or near field communications. it sends private data using little or no power across the distance of two inches. hackers have been playing it in benign ways for years. one hackerred a chip in her
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fingernail. and several systems use nfc to exchange money. since 2011 you could pay for parking at 30,000 parking meters using nfc. it's not like apple is killing everybody, way out ahead of competition. but it has more users on file. if you ever bought anything through either one on an iphone you're going to be ready to use the new iphone to make purchases. this is nfc's debut. apple said the payment also rely on a token system in which the phone gets an one-time code from your credit card provider for each purchase. and the cashier doesn't get to see your name, credit card number or security code like they do today when you hand them a plastic card. retailers are about to upgrade their credit card systems nationwide making apple pay acceptable at mcdonald's, and others place, for safer
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technology. target, which lost massive amount of credit card information last year will be it's first partner when apple hits the streets in october. this will be the first trial by fire and it will create a new hacker subculture. the new apple watch will incorporate the nfc pay technology which means people won't have to dig into their pockets for a phone to buy something. the sheer number that apple is about to bring will bring a new subculture of criminals looking for weaknesses in the system. a weakness that no one has found--not yet. >> reporter: i spoke with several security ebb experts. if you have your phone and you tap it against something, you have to make sure you know what it is. a malicious hacker can basically put a sticker in a coffee shop or bank that you scan, and then it leads your phone to an url
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that would download something malicious. that kind of thing. knowing what you're scanning and what you're agreeing to before you do it. >> lord, here's a question. do samsung and microsoft use this nfc? and do they have the same concerns? >> reporter: that's the weird thing about this. apple is getting all of this attention but it's been in google and android phones since 2012. microsoft has phones that incorporate nfc although not for payment. hackers have shown that this stuff really can be--you can be infected with nfc, but we need something better than what we have right now. credit cards are incredibly vulnerable. they need something better. the hope is that the apple semite be the one. >> jake ward for us. have you noticed your internet going extra sole? dozens of websites are slowing their connections arguing that the speed of connection should be the same for everyone. details next. >> hello, i'm ray suarez.
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president obama wants to destroy the threat from the islamic state militants and is seeking a coalition of nations to help. that's hard in a region where neighbors aren't exactly friends, and here at home he faces skepticism about yet another war. we look ahead at the primetime address live at inside story.
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>> protests going on twitter and netflix joining hundreds of companies, activist and fight to keep the internet the same speed for everyone, ines is back with that story. >> reporter: it's called "internet slow down. it's happening on videos like this one. the fight is over whether or not the internet should run at the same speed for all website or whether there should an slow lane or a fast lane. under a proposal under the fcc companies would pay extra. companies have been lobbying the
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fcc for this rule. they want to charge more for a faster lane, if you will. they can reinfest that number and improve broadband for all users. but higher charges will be passed down to you, the consumer. here's what one activists has to today. >> they're telling off the internet to a few select corporations. that they have business rips with, and they're doing this against basically everyone's interest. from the largest tech companies to small activist groups and people from across the political spectrum. everyone agrees this is a bad idea except those who stand to gain. >> many are using loading icons
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to make their point. they're urging folks to call their lawmakers more than 5,000 moan calls have been made and the fcc is accepting public comments until the end of this week. more than 400,000 have been submitted so far today. if you don't agree, speak up now. >> the moment is right now. ines. thank you. close call for motorcyclist in brazil. look at this, using a move did you see that? you usually see in the big budget action movies. you see the truck is cutting across and in front of the path there, the bike then slides underneath the truck and goes flying into the middle of the road as you saw there. but he gets up and he's unhurt. can you believe that, and how many movies have you seen that same maneuver, right? i've seen it plenty of times. that's all our time for the news
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hour. i'm tony harris. stay tune for president obama's presidential address beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on al jazeera america. >> a new episode of the ground breaking series, >> american public opinion has shifted towards american intervention in syria and iraq in the battle against the islamic state. president obama will layout for the country and the world what that would look like. that's the inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez
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