tv News Al Jazeera September 10, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet... >> you can't tell the stories of the people if you don't get their voices out there, and al jazeera america is doing just that. >> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler in new york. >> i.s.i.l. is a terrorist organization, pure and simply. it has no vision, other than the slaughter of all that stands in its way. >> president obama lays down his plan to hunt down and fight the islamic state group no matter where it is. tale of the tape - did the n.f.l. know about the video that shows ray rice punching his fiancee. tonight, what a new report may mean for the league.
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sins of the father. i talk to the son of the mastermind behind the attack on the world trade center. when did you find out what your father said was untrue, that he misled you? we begin tonight with the president's address two hours ago. he laid out his new strategy to stop the lightening fast advance of the islamic state group, including military action in syria, and relying on a broad coalition of allies. >> we continue to face a terrorist threat. we can't erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have a capacity do great harm. it was the case before 9/11, and it remains true today. that is why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge. at this moment the greatest
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threats come from the middle east and north africa, where radical groups exploit weakness for their own games, and one is i.s.i.l., which calls itself the islamic state. let's make two things clear - i.s.i.l. is not islamic. no religion condones the killing of minutes, and the vast majority of i.s.i.l.'s victims have been muslim. i.s.i.l. is certainly not a state. it was former aal qaeda's affiliate in iraq and has taken advantage of the syrian civil war to gain territory on both sides of the iraq-syrian border. it's recognised by no government or the people it subjugates. it is a terror organization, pure and such, and has no vision other than the slaughter of all that stand in its way. in a region though nose so much bloodshed, they are unique.
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they capture and execute prisons, kill children, enslave, rape and force women into marriage. they threaten the religious minorify with genocide, and acts of barbarianism, they took the lives of two american journalists, james foley and steven sotloff. so i.s.i.l. poses a threat to the people in iraq and syria, and the broader middle east, including american citizens, personnel and facilities. if unchecked they could pose a threat beyond that region, including to the united states. while we have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland, i.s.i.l. leaders threatened america and our allies. our intelligence community believes thousands have joined them in syria and iraq from many areas. trained and battle hardened. they could try to return to their home countries and carry
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out deadly attacks. i know many americans are concerned about the threats. tonight, i want you to know that the united states of america is meeting them with strength and resolve. last month i ordered the military to take targeted action against i.s.i.l. to stop its advances. since then we have conducted more than 150 successful air strikes in iraq. these strikes have protected american personnel and facilities, killed fighters, destroyed weapons and given space for iraqi and kurdish forces to reclaim kurdish territory. they have also helped save the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. this is not our fight alone. american power can make a decisive difference, but we cannot do for iraqis, what they must do for themselves. nor can we take the place of partners in securing their
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region, that is why we have insisted that additional access depended upon iraqis forming an inclusive government which they have done. with the new iraqi government in place, and following consultations with allies abroad and at home, i can announce that america will lead a broad coalition to role back the terrorist threat. our objective is clear, we'll degrade and ultimately destroy i.s.i.l. through a comprehensive and sustained strategy. first, we'll conduct a systematic campaign of the air strikes against the terrorists, working with the iraqi government, we will expand our efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions so we are hitting i.s.i.l. targets as iraqi forces go on offense. moreover, i made it clear we'll hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are.
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that means i will not hesitate to take action against i.s.i.l. and syria as well as iraq. it's a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. second, we'll increase our support to forces fighting the terrorists on the ground. in june i deployed several hundred service members in iraq, to assess how we can better support security forces. now that the teams have secured their work, we'll send an additional 475 service members to iraq. as i said before, these american forces will not have a combat mission, we will not get dragged into another war in iraq. they are needed to support iraqi and kurdish forces with training, intelligence and equipment. we will support iraq's efforts to stand up the national guard efforts secure sunni community
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and their own freedom. across the border in syria we have ramped up military assistance from the syrian opposition. tonight i call on congress to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip the fighters. and the fight against i.s.i.l., we cannot rely on a bashar al-assad regime terrorizing its own people, a regime that has never regained the legitimacy that it has lost. mike viqueira joins us from the white house. the president says he is willing to take the actions without congressional approval. how will that work? >> well, the goal of the president is to prepare the american public for an expansion of the air campaign that has been going on over the skies of iraq for some four weeks now. very having that the president
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mentioned the broad coalition, including countries from the region, but he didn't mention any of them by name, a significant point, speaking to the sensitivity there of mentioning the countries, getting involved in a conflict in an arab nation and neighbour nation. the president outlined a more robust air campaign, not just expanding into syria, but iraq. you asked about congress, they've been supportive for what the president announced. there's unlikely to be a vote to authorise what the president wants to do in terms of the expansion of the air campaign. here is what the president had to say on that score. >> my administration secured bipartisan support for this approach at home. i have the authority to address the threat from i.s.i.l., but i believe we are strongest as a nation when the president and congress work together. so i welcome congressional
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support for the effort in order to show the world that americans are unit in confronting this danger. >> and, john, the president's programme rests on two facts that may be - may prove tenuous. first, he mentioned that the new government is formed in syria. that remains to be seen at this point. also, he wants to arm the free syrian army, and wants congress to approve the training and overt arming of the army, of the force within syria itself. congress will have to vote on that, and plan to do so next week. >> thank you. >> i talk with retired army major mike lyons, and from a guest from and ask mike how long it will take the broad coalition to be involved. >> we have assets.
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we'll synchronize the forces. there's a roadmap. they'll beat them back. they can gain the upper hand. look and take care and looking at strikes inside of syria. we'll see drone missions go over syria at this point to collect as much information as possible. >> jamie, we talk about the reaction overseas. you spend a lot of time there. >> i think it depends on what is happening on the ground. this is what the president was talking about when he congratulated the iraqi prime minister. and the push to see signs from him, from haider al-abadi for an inclusive government. the risk is the sunni population in iraq will be face the with another awakening and whether -
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whether they can convince the sunni population to lay down arms and join with americans to beat back al qaeda. they were not given space, time and room to be part of the iraqi security forces. >> it's a lot of pressure for a new government. >> it's not that new. the previous governor, nouri al-maliki, is involved, and the posts have not been decided. nouri al-maliki is the deputy prime minister right now. we don't know who the minister of defence is, who the minister of interior is. until we see how the dust settles on the iraqi government, we are not going to now how things will be built up internally to fight the threat. >> we'll take orders,
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coordinating the additional soldiers from the united states, they'll be embedded to help with air strikes, we have to make sure they are aligned. >> they need more than training and equipment, they need people. so perhaps they can get other moderat moderates. i don't know how they'll take them off line, from a battle, and train them. >> how do you vet them and track them down. >> we will hand them equipment and a lot will be complex, it's not just fire and forget. >> a few months ago many americans never heard of the islamic state group, and jonathan betz has been following their advance across syria and iraq, and he joins us with more. >> it has been lightening fast, launched 10 years ago, but the
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group has changed its name, many refer to it as i.s.i.l. or islamic state of iraq and levant, or i.s.i.s., or islamic state of iraq and syria. it dropped the last half, and declares itself six the islamic state, and called a caliphate. it means the same thing, a sovereign state ruled under islamic law. the ottoman empire was one. and today fighters are doing what they can to create another islamic state. >> the islamic state group is so violent, and so fearful, not even al qaeda will work with it. some in the west consider it a danger. >> what we see in syria and iraq in terms of i.s.i.s. is the most
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serious threat to britain's security that there is today. >> for months rebels have been claiming territory across syria and iraq. demanding others convert to islam. >> it's gross esque, targeted attacks of violence, showing the warning signs of genocide. it's fighters are armed with american weapons, abandoned by retreating iraqi forces. >> given the advances that i.s.i.s. or i.s.i.l. has made, the accounts have grown above other groups. >> the group began as part of iraq. >> as syria's civil war raged next door, fighters focus the there and broke away from al qaeda. to carve out a territory ruled by strict interpretation of islamist store, where manican's
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faces must be covered, and laws are enforced. >> it's leader, abu bakr al-baghdadi is a mysterious figure, captured in 2005, but released. he declared himself the leader of all muslims and openly challenges america. he commands a force of 15,000 strong. that uses slick, social media campaigns, including thousands of westerners and dozens of americans. >> i am from america... >> it appeals to men in their 20s, many from troubled backgrounds. >> oh, my goodness, living in the west, i know how you feel... >> reporter: a study find a surprising number of european recruits. 6% new to islam, many second or third generation is lambs, with
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no experience in fighting and no connection to syria. >> there's a sense of wanting to belong something. a lot of the imagery used by the radical folks, the radical molars is attractive to them. in just over a year the islamic state group has made huge gains. it runs this area like a government with courts and schools, and now controls a third of syria, and much iraq. this is an area roughly the size of minnesota, and it is still fighting for more land. >> thank you. >> the president's speech comes amid an exceptionally violent day in iraq. sue turton is live in erbil, where it's day break. several car bombs killed dozens. how do you think the president's speech will go down on the ground there? >> well, i think the commitment to increase air strikes in and
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around these positions will be music to the ears of the pro-government fighters on the ground. i think they readily admit they wouldn't be making any progress if it wasn't for the softening up of the i.s. targets, that has been going on for a few weeks. there's a suggestion that they want to make the sunni arab population in iraq more inclusive, not just for the political arena, but reaching out to the united states to mobilize the communities in iraq, and also in syria, to try to get them on board, and stop any kind of movement towards the islamic state positions. he talked about counterbalancing the warned ideology, and they have been successful with the pr campaigns, social media, reaching out to the disaffected. and we know that the islamic state ranks are burgeoning with more recruits joining them, and they are amassing on the syrian
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border. these areas will go down well with the government here, who are also trying to reach out to the sunni arab population. there's a caveat with the air strike, that they are larger, more positions will be targeted. it's the case that the arab sunni population may be used as human shields or harbour the islamic state fighters. if we see casualties, that could really work in the islamic state fighters favour. as you know the president says he's taking the fight to syria. you spent a lot of time there. what do you think the military action will look like, obviously a tricky situation? >> incredibly tricky. and there's a few chances to make a difference. he could try to rebuild the free syrian army, which is a spent force in many respects, because there hasn't been much backing,
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because other groups, the more extremist conservative groups are more strong in syria, both fighting against bashar al-assad, and the islamic state fighters, but he is more likely to use air strike, air power to again try to target the islamic state fighters in and around the areas. it works in the same way i describe in iraq. if he starts to send air strikes in many positions, he'll target areas where there are civilians, a civilian population, there's an arab sunni community, larger than there is in iraq. it's a difficult balancing act, that you can take out the positions as long as it doesn't drive people into the arms of islamic state fighters. >> reporting from iraq tonight. thank you very much. >> coming up this hour... >> i wanted him to understand how his actions hurt his family
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and give him insight into the experiences that we had. >> the son of the co-master mind of the 1993 world trade center bombing explains what it's like to be - he calls it the terrorists son. plus, the tale of the tape. a new report claims the number of fl received a copy of the ray -- n.f.l. received a copy of the ray rice elevator tape in april. that's not what the n.f.l. says. at the real issues facing american teens. the incredible journey continues... on the edge of eighteen only on all jazeera america
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is reporting former federal bureau of investigation director, robert muller will conduct an investigation into how the n.f.l. handled the ray rice case, amid reports that the n.f.l. had rd a video showing the punch in the elevator to his fiancee. law enforcement says they sent the videotape. the credibility of roger goodell is under fire after a report contradicting the commissioner saying that the n.f.l. saw the video. >> reporter: it's the video that apparently everywhere involved had seen, except the n.f.l., according to league commissioner, roger goodell. >> did anyone in the n.f.l. see the second videotape before monday. >> no. >> no one in the n.f.l. >> no one in the n.f.l. to my knowledge, and i've been asked the same question, and the
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answer is no. we were not granted that. >> not according to a report from the associated press. >> a law enforcement official said they this sent the video, and they have a voicemail confirming the receipt of the tape, and a female voice expressed thanks and said, "you're right, it's terrible." the league pleads innocent saying: this is on the heels of a mem jor sent to 32 -- memo sent to 32 teams saying it had asked for video. before the second tape, the one that shows rice punching her, he was suspended for two games. since then he's been cut from the ravens and suspended from the league indefinitely. with rice out, the focus turns
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to the league's powerful man, the commissioner. his credibility has been questioned after what many call wilful negligence. terry o'neil asked them to resign, saying the n.f.l. lost its way, it doesn't have a ray rice problem, a domestic violence problem. >> there has been 56 domestic violence cases in the n.f.l. since goodell took over. >> who does the n.f.l. commissioner answer to - the owners? >> essentially they are part of the committee. by the by-laws, if the executive committee finds such action of an officer is detrimental in the best interests of the league, which is what we are talking about, or the event that other officers in the leader unwilling to perform duties or has failed them, they can be removed.
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to do that, they need no less than two-thirds or three fourths of a vote. they could, if that would come to that, take them out of office. >> jessica, thank you. now to a story we have been talking about all week. dangerous storms hammering parts of the united states. tonight heavy rain, winds and tornados impact ght the midwest. kevin corriveau is here with the latest on that. >> as you said, we've been looking at this for the last couple of days. we talked about wisconsin, missouri, and toronto. the tornados were reported in ohio. there has been reports of five up here towards parts of cleveland. you can see the line of thunder storms clearly all the way down the ohio river valley and this is due to cold air coming in across the northern plains meeting up with warm air.
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when the air masses come together, that is when we see this type of damage. we talk about wind damage, flooding, and here is the tornados we were talking about. the severe weather threat has diminished but is replaced more with flooding that we see through parts of ohio, indiana and kentucky. as we go into tomorrow, the frontal boundary will make its way into new york and peninsula. we don't expect to see the same weather, it will be messy, wet, for much of the east coast to all the way down it virginia, if you are travelling tomorrow there'll be delays at the airport. next, why detroit's bankruptcy trial was put on hold until monday. president obama unveils his strategy for defeating the islamic state group. we look at the coalition of countries teaming up with the united states.
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hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling... awwwwww scram! i'm crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. peas charty get town down. [laughter] ♪ borf a liver tute face stummy wag ♪ pow pam sha-beeps stella nerf berms. saxa-nay nay? badumps a head. temexiss gurrin. juppa left. fluppa jown! brone a brood. what? catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity. this is "eva bee's jamboree." i'm john seigenthaler. and coming up, the president's strategy for taking out the islamic state group, and the other countries joining the fight. he calls himself the terrorist
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son. my conversation with the son of the mastermind of the 1993 world trade center bombing. >> the internet's symbolic statement in support of net neutrality. . >> the president addressed the american people tonight spelling out the way he plans to defeat the rapid growth of the islamic state group. he says air strikes will continue in iraq, and he's prepared to conduct military action in syria. 475 more american advisors will be sent to iraq, but no comeback troops. he says america will not conduct the fight on his own. >> america will be joined by a broad coalition of partners. already, allies are flying planes with us over iraq, sending arms and assistance to the security forces and the
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security opposition. sharing intelligence and providing billions in humanitarian aid. the president has to convince the people of his strategy and persuade other countries to go along too. >> good evening. u.s. officials believe the islamic state group presents a clear and present danger to u.s. groups in the region and inside the u.s. itself. it's not enough just to launch air strikes against the group. u.s. needs to use diplomacy and collect allies, because it cannot defeat the islamic state group alone. >> reporter: after a month-long campaign of air attacks, and strikes, islamic state group controls a third. american kust convince a fractured group to unit item. >> american people can't do for
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iraqi what they must do for them, nor take the place of arab partners to secure their region. >> reporter: the u.s. will try to unit the arab states to form a growing on sensis against the enemy. >> turn a blind eye to that. we want the islamic state defeated and iraq to be a successful unitary state. >> iran can provide man power inside iraq to battle islamic state fighters. the traditional enemy, saudi arabia will host training camps for fighters and eliminate support. >> they have the power to persuade public opinion, particularly inside of iraq to encourage the iraqi sunnis to break with the islamic state. >> turkey can prevent foreign fighters. kuwait can help to cut off funding. >> allies are flying planes over
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iraq. sending arms and assistance, iraqi security forces and the opposition. sharing intelligence and providing billions of dollars in humanitarian aid. >> to defeat the islamic state group. the two most important partners are those battling on the ground, iraqis and syrian. in iraq, the government needs new groups to solidify and locals to take the lead. >> we'll need to see a coordinated land campaign with the iraqis, arab and kurd-providing forces, air power, intelligence, planning synchronization. >> in syria there's no partner reliable or strong enough. more will be trained. they'll likely have help. >> some analysts argue that will not provide a sustainable solution for a 3 earled law. >> we have a good game plan for
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show court run of the management of the islamic state threat, but no game plan for a regional alliance, understanding or addressing the programmes. >> so the tested u.s. strategy will not be the president's words, but what the u.s. does to create political solutions and long-term alliances to combat a common enemy. >> it runs up to a word that president obama uses in his speech, american leadership. many countries in the region feel abandoned by their governments. this was part of an attempt to assuage the allies, that that is not the case, that the u.s. is focussed on the middle east. it's an uphill battle to convince the countries, one that obama and the u.s. have to win if it will defeat the islamic state.
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that's nick schifrin in jerusalem. former senator george mitchell talked with al jazeera's show "consider this". he told antonio mora about the threat. islamic state group, and the importance of building a coalition. >> in particular, as the president noted, the muslim people, the sunni dominated monarchies in the gulf region, others as well, have to step up and make clear their views in opposition to the groups. and make clear that they are prepared to undertake the effort to join in the effort with others. there'll be ground forces, iraqi forces that have not performed well. kiddish forces, and there are others in the region on which we can rely for intelligence, resources and so forth. >> and you can watch "consider this" with antonio mora, week nights 10 eastern, 7 pacific. one of the fears surrounding the islamic state group is whether westerners who join it
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will launch an attack against their own countries, we are talking about people born in the united states with american passports who come and go freely, and more from lisa stark. >> foreign fighters are raising alarm bells. they are sa significant security concern, according to testimony on capitol hill. it was before a subcommittee. lawmakers were told that the ongoing war in syria proved to be an unprecedented draw for foreigners coming to join in on the fight. >> reporter: this is what so worries security and intelligence officials, radicalized american citizens. in this case a 22-year-old florida man who headed to syria denounced the u.s., joining a group fighting the government, and pulling off a suicide bombing there. there were an estimated 12,000 foreign fighters, several
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thousands with a western passport, including 100 americans. individuals who may find it easier to slip into the u.s. terrorists could be a viza free flight away from arrive in the united states, bringing skills and training and ideology and their commitment to killing americans. >> reporter: the biggest concern is with the islamic state group. a homeland security official says there's no evidence that the group has imminent plans to attack the u.s. but that the group and its effective social media campaign poses a real threat. >> i think our near-term concern is that that campaign will be appealing to individuals who would seek to radicalize whether they are over in europe or ear in the homeland. and they could conduct an attack on their own at any time. >> in britain the government will announce it will revoke passports of its citizens who
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have gone to fight in syria. there's pressure on the u.s. to follow suite. >> we need to revoke the passport. we need to keep them from re-entering the united states. >> the department has the authority to revoke passports. we are very concerned, as you know, about the over 100 americans that are in the foreign fighter ring. >> can the u.s. track american fighters overseas? >> that florida man who received training in syria was able to return to the u.s. for a few months before heading back to syria to carry out his attack. >> when asked whether we have a high degree of confidence as to who the people are, i'm not always satisfied with the answer, and i think the honest answer is we don't. administrative officials testified we are working hand in hand with western allies and others to share information, identify foreign fighters before they get into the u.s.
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a law-maker warned them to act quickly, that time is of the essence. >> how makers pointed out that they do not have good intelligence that could help them identify and keep track of foreign fighters. >> lisa stark reporting. >> a teenager in denver pleaded guilty to supporting the islamic state group. channon conley was arrested while boarding a plane to the middle east, accused of waging religious war against fellow americans. if she cooperates she may have a lower sentence. now, she faces up to five years in prison, and a 250,000 fine. >> thousands who lost their lives in the september 11th attacks were given the highest civilian honour from congress. three gold medals were presented during a ceremony during washington. one to the flight 93 memorial in
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penns pennsylvania, one to the pentagon, another to the national september 11th memorial in new york. tomorrow marks the 13th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. it was not the first time the twin towers came town. a truck bomb went off in the world trade center. one of the organizers of that attack was this man, who murdered a founder of the jewish defense league. the egyptian american is serving life in prison. his acts had a profound impact on not only the country, but his son. born in 1983. he grew up with a radicalized father, and spent his life trying to come to turns with what his father did, and a mission of promoting peace. >> he's the author of a new book "the terrorist son", zach ibrahim joins us. >> thank you for having me.
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>> we are on the verge of the 9/11 anniversary. tell me your thoughts, and why this book, and why now? >> you know, one of the main reasons i wrote the book was because i wanted to give people a glimpse into what it's like being raised in a fanatical ideology, but also the experiences that brought me out of it. and i also wanted to try to show people although i've been exposed to an extremist philosophy, if i can come out not being fan at hisized, what does that say to the vast majority that are never exposed to this extremist. >> in this book you say there's a reason that murderous hatred has to be taught, not just taught, but forcibly implanted. it's not a naturally occurring phenomena. let's talk about that. >> i think with ipp doctrination, one of the most important things you need is
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isolation. you have to create a bubble around someone, and make them think that anything outside of that bubble is a potential danger. it has to be taught. we are not born hating each other for race, religion or sexual orientation. we don't know that, it has to be taught. >> your father took you to a lecture by abdul remarkman. you said it was scary. >> you could see, it was given in arabic, and i could only under a few words that, he spoke with a fiery passion, to say the least. >> what do you want people to know. the son of a terrorist, is that the way you've been identified all your life? >> in many ways, yes. it took a long time for me to step out of that, you know,
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monicker myself. what i hope that people take away is no matter where you come from, no matter what hardships you face, nothing stays the same. things change, and you have a choice in what direction you take. >> when did you decide that what your father was telling you was not true? >> one of the first examples was i was bullied badly in school growing up. i became involved in programs that tried to promote the anti-youth violence initiatives in schools, and that sort of thing, and i was at the national youth convention, working with a bunch of young people in that effort. and about three days into it i realised that one of the kids i was close with was jewish. i never had a jewish friend before. i was taught that not only could you not be friends with someone
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that was jewish, you are supposed to be enemies. when i saw we had no animosities, we became close friend in three days, i felt a sense of pride in thinking that i had just accomplished something that i was told was impossible. >> do you talk to your father now? >> i do not. i haven't had communication with him in a long time. >> why not? >> you know, throughout the years he maintained his innocence, so my family visited him in prison, rikers island, atta ka state penitentiary, we'd spend weekends staying together in a small home and pretending to be a family for 48 hours at a time. i'd get weekly phone calls from him and have the same conversations every week. and he'd ask me how are you doing, are you treating your bther nicely, are you making your prayers, and meanwhile my life was in turmoil. i was having so much trouble in
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school. and at one point i had an abusive stepfather and i thought to myself if you really cared, why did you leave your family for this. >> you feel like you are a victim of radical islam? >> you know, i wouldn't call myself a victim. i think a few years ago, 10 years ago i may have thought that. now i find that many of the experiences that i had have helped to propel he into what i'm doing now. i feel lucky to have had the experience to show people what it's like. >> what do you think when you see the 9/11 grounds today, when you see the memorial shining on the anniversary of 9/11? >> that day is vivid. i was living in florida at the time. like many in the united states, i was sitting there glued to the television, scared half to
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death. unfortunately any time that there's an attack like that, the first thought coming to our mind is please don't let it be an arab for a muslim. i think it's important that we remember how we felt in the days after. everyone in america was, you know, we were all in solidarity toot. i think perhaps we have lost some of that since then. but it shows you that in times of tragedy, it doesn't matter where you come from, or the colour of your skin, you are all in it together. you say your father was a terrorist, but muslims weren't granted it as part of a religion. i guess the question is 13 years later, how do you feel about it. >> what do you say about the message i have more the book. >> i hope to show people that if
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someone like me was exposed to the extremism can come out of it, approaching not just tolerance, but accepting differences, it will provide insight into what it must be like. who are never indock break-inated. >> the book is called "the terrorist son." thank you for talking to us. >> thank you for having me. >> special coverage. 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, starting at 7am eastern, 4 pacific. angry protesters took to the streets over the shooting death of michael brown. they tried to shut down the highway, blocking parts of the interstate 70 during rush hour. several were arrested. demonstrators want the governor to appoint a special prosecutor to the case, which he refused. michael brown was shot and killed a month ago by police officer darren wilson.
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now to detroit. there's a tentative plan that could help the cash-strapped city escape bankruptcy. today a judge suspended detroit's bankruptcy trial to lawiers and a creditor could look over the details. bisi onile-ere reports. >> reporter: bond assuror is set to lose hundreds of millions. they were one of the city's biggest challengers up until now. in this deal, among many things. 26% of what it's owed and detroit would extend a lease on a tunnel connecting the u.s. to canada. the bankruptcy judge suspended the trial to give the city enough time to hammer out the bill or another. it's a big win for the city of detroit. it's the bankruptcy judge with the final say on whether the plan is fair. >> the other thing too that has
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to be tried, no matter what is feasibility, and the judge has to be convinced that the plan is doable by the city, and just empty promises going forward. >> tuesday the city announced a plan to turn the water department into regional authorities, providing millions of dollars to upgrade the system. during the bankruptcy trial, it is expected to resume on monday. >> bisi onile-ere reporting. the bill and melinda gates foundation is pledging $50 million to fight ebola. it will go to united nations agencies and international aid agencies for medical supplies. another 200 people died from the virus in a single day. our picture of the day is next. plus, did you happen to see the spinning wheel of death when you logged on to some of your
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it is snowing across montana, earlier we saw snow in calgary, it will continue all the way through tomorrow, and in the higher elevations we could see between 8-12 inches of snow, when all is said and done. what we are concerned about is the front i was talking about earlier. that will start drag out across much of the west. you see on friday, all the way to virginia, to the golf coast, and will taper off by the time we get to saturday. the other problem is those temperatures behind the front. look at this. miles per hour reaching 57 degrees. billings 45 consideration, the
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cold air will continue to make its way to the east. here in new york, we'll draw for the mid 80s to 75. washington 79, and that will go down as we go towards saturday as well. we are watching what is happening across the eastern pacific. that is a new tropical storm and could be the next hurricane. that is a look at the weather. your news is next. per cent pass
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mulions of americans surfacing the met experience the dreaded spinning wheel, now it's the symbol of the slow down. it's a day of action among organizers and the world's largest tech firms. the point to show americans what the internet would look like if there was a world without net neutrality - slow. tom ackerman has the story. >> net neutrality what is it... ... net neutrality is all about... >> no, the stuttering video is
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not the fault of a tv or computer connection. it's a way that internet websites from netflix and google to veinio and reddick staged a symbolic online protest, saying this is how the internet would be affected if the u.s. federal communications commission adopts a proposal to modify the policy of what is called net fruit reality. >> it's not up to your cable company to decide which websites work and which don't. simply net neutrality means no discrimination. >> reporter: critics of the proposal fear it will allow cable providers to charge extra to allow some customers priority high-speed broadband delivery. president obama appeared to side with the critics. >> you don't want a different sheegs in how accessible the internet is to various users. you want to leave it open so that the next google or the next
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facebook can succeed. >> under fire, the commission chairman says his plan would not permit class warfare. >> and come up with a proposal ta that stops blocking and prohibits anything that degrades a constumer's access, including prioritisation, that asks a broader question about prioritisation about whether it should be banned outright, and if so how. >> the public will have until next week to register its comments to the regulators. a final decision could take months. you could call him one of the greatest crime fighters in modern history and he never made an arrest. british professor alec jeffrey accidently discovered d.n.a. fingerprints, and three decades later it is a major crime fighting tool from around the world. >> what we have is a replica of
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the real d.n.a.... >> these schoolchildren are getting to grips with a case that made history. in 1985 british immigration authorities have doubts that a bay accompanying a wom -- boy accompanying a woman from ghana was her son. thanks to d.n.a. technology, she prod she was. the scientists that discovered it remember the reaction from the university. >> i stood up and told them about the biology of the d.n.a. i speculated at the end maybe we could catch rainists using this technology by analysing and typing the semen. at that point the back row of the audience - they thought it was mad and i lost the plot. well history proved me right and them wrong. >> genetic finger printing is something we have taken for
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granted. it led to a range of applications. it was used in the 1990s, to prove beyond doubt that dolly was a clone of another animal, and used to solve human paternity duties. >> something stumbled across is used as an educational top for genetics. it's exciting to think that the same things are happening now. people are stumbling across things and in 30 years time it will be nice to think that those same things can be used as tools. >> in the real world, it's crime fighting benefitting most. the latest breakthrough is rapid dna. >> a sample, once it gets to the machine, we have the resort or barcoding or the profile within 90 minutes. that can go to a scientist, compared to the d.n.a. database, and they'll say whether that person is or isn't on the
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on"america tonight", the president makes his case to the american people. >> if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> islamic state in the cross-hairs of the white house. >> our objective is clear - we will degrade and ultimately destroy i.s.i.l. >> will congress get on board, do americans support military action. from d.c. to iraqs, "america tonight" team coverage starts now.
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