tv News Al Jazeera September 11, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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america's treasured family, the rooseve roosevel roosevelts, and the conversation continues on facebook, google+ and twitter. see you next time. hi everyone, this is "eva bee's jamboree," i'm john seigenthaler in new york. middle east mission - the u.s. builds support for new attacks on the so-called islamic state. the new estimate on just how big the group is. patient care - the fact about booming for-profit medical centers. what you need to know about signing the consent form. tapped out - as the drug crisis grows, we take you to a california town with no water. survivor - he was on the
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82nd floor when the plane hit it world trade center. tonight - one man's story to remember. the obama administration came out with new numbers on the islamic state group today. a c.i.a. released figures saying the i.s. group has more fighters than thought. there's between 20,000 and 31,000 fighters on the ground in iraq and syria. the f c.i.a. said the spike in members expect heavy recruitment after a series of victories. many arrived from other american countries. that's one of the images the u.s. wants support for a plan to fight the i.s. group. secretary of state john kerry was in saudi arabia, trying to build a coalition. 10 arab countries agreed to help. there's a long way to go.
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libby casey reports. the obama administration is making the case at home and abroad for the president's plan. on capitol hill, members of the house and senate were briefed behind closed doors. the president's chief of staff, dennis mcdonough has been making personal rounds on capitol hill. the white house is urging congress to act quickly, and fund 500 million, to train and arm syrian rebels, members of a moderate opposition. white house spokesman josh ernst said it should happen soon, before congress heads home to campaign. >> the president needs the authority as soon as possible. in order to direct the united states military to ramp up the existence. and that is important now because of the response he had gotten from countries in the
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region. partners who are ready to support the effort. despite urging from the white house, congress does not plan to take a vote. reaction on criminal is mixed, some saying air strikes will not be enough. others voicing concerns that the arms for syrian rebels could get into the wrong hands. despite reservations, members of the house and senate team is supporting the president's plan, which is a big deal for the white house. as they push their message, the secretary of state is bringing that same message from overseas. he's been in jeddah trying to sum up support. the state department says after secretary of state john kerry leaves saudi arabia, he'll head to turkey and egypt and paris, where france is hosting an international summit on what to
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do with iraq. >> new numbers came out as the nation paused to honour the lives lost in sest 11. on this 13th anniversary, loved ones and dignitaries gathered in new york, virginia and pennsylvania, nearly 3,000 died in the attacks. >> jeffrey matthew pazola. >> thomas palatzo. >> richard a.p. alazulo. >> orrial joseph polamo. ♪ oh say can you see ♪ by the dawn's... >> 15 years after small and hurtful minds conspired to break us, america stands tall and america stands proud. and guided by the values that sustain us, we will only grow
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stronger. >> patrick joseph driscoll. jane, c, soldier. >> we love and miss you and think of you every day. >> after the plane crashed into the south tower, the world trade center, four people that worked at the impact zone or higher survived. our next guest is one of them, isn'tly. welcome. >> thank you. >> you were on the 84th floor, what happened? >> i went to work that day. it was a regular average day. i'm on the phone. this young lady is telling me to get out. get out for what. stan, we don't have the time. please, stan, please. standing up the phone, you're not logged on to the monitor, watching the it.
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get out, we don't have the time. i'm standing up with the phone in my hand, something caught my attention. looking towards the statue of liberty south. a gained great plane, u in the tail, bearing town, eye level, eye contact. within split seconds i hear the revving sounds of the engine that it makes, and it is coming eyeball to eye ball like this. all i remember doing, i dropped the phone and i scream and said lord, i can't do this. you take over of the at the last second before i dove under the desk, i see the plane tilting, a client hand just pulled this plane apart. and reason seconds it smashed into the building with the most thunderous loudest sound i heard. >> right on your floor. >> right on my floor. it took out the 79 to the 91st
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floor, and i'm in the middle. >> a huge explosion, the tower strain of course, do you remember feeling that? >> i did not feel anything. if it swayed, i can't remember it. all i did was dive under the desk, at that moment. >> and you called out for help. >> i called out for help. this is what i said "lord, i don't want to die, please send someone, anyone, to help me." at that second someone ha a flashlight, shining it over his head and around him. i said to myself "this can't be real", upon impact the floor eye bov collapsed. the only one that stood firm is mine that i'm hiding under. my bible was on top of the desk. around me there are flames, a large chunk of the plane is 20 feet from where i am in the doorway. the cables drop from the
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ceiling. they are short circumstance uting. i'll die one way or the other. i called out and the person heard. though the person is saying "i'll wait for you." the sound was so loud, it looked like someone took a bag of cement and threw it in the air. what you couldn't see on tv is the air pressure was to great. and i was trying to grab on and i started to crawl towards the light. now, one floor was like one acre square. i crawed the length of the department. >> you worked for fuji bank. >> i worked on the 81st floor. i helped to run the operation. i crawled the length of that floor and was confronted by a wall that stood intact. and the person is behind the wall. >> he's on the other side of the
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wall. >> he's on the other side of the wall. >> you can't get to him. >> i can't get to him, he can't get to me. this man is saying. if you want to live, climb over, bangs on the wall. and i hear - i hammered at my end. the man said i can hear you, climb over. a 10 feet dry wall intact, hollow ceiling, hanging loose. i tried to jump and missed. part of the ceiling caved in, i tried to prevent it hitting my face. i raised my hand. the man said "what happened?", i said a nail went in my palm. >> he said try again. "stan." >> we introduced ourselves. he said "you want to see your family, climb over, i'll catch you on the other side."
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"i can't do it." he said "is this nail attached to a piece of wood? >> yes. hit the wood, the nail will come off. as the nail came off, the handball onned. i start playing with an invisible god. all my life i went to church or work. lord, if you want me to die, why bring me all the way here to leave me. what will befall my dear wife jennier. who will walk stephanie down the aisle to get married. what will happen to all the bills we have. i cried out to the god that i heard could do so much, and if you call he'll intervene on your behalf. i hear in my head my pastor saying "i can do all things through christ who strengthens me." i got up and i caressed the
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wall. the man can't hear any more "what are you doing, you got to climb over, you'll die", through the cracks in the wall you see the flames licking up the office space. >> you started to beat through the wall. >> that's when i started beating through the wall. i looked through the wall, it was not a change, i made a bist and i punched. my pist punched through the wall. if you ask me to do it now, i'd never be able to do it. people would rationalize and see the last ounce of adrenaline. >> you got through the hole in the wall. >> you got bigger. >> i pulled. he pulled with such force. i knocked this man off his feet. i landed on top. i don't know how. i helped this man, and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "what are you doing?", he got
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up. professional looking. fixes his tie and jacket and says "brian clerk", like a robot. and i said "stanley", but this guy did something i will remember, my friend. this man held on to my hand and he took his left index finger. though my hand was bleeding and and we were in a world where no one touches blood. he caressed my hand and said all my life i life with an only child. i was born and raised in canada. this good old irish man, put his hand around my shoulder, took his left palm that was pleading and rubbed my hand and said today you are my brother, come on, buddy, let's go home. >> you went down 81 flights of stairs. >> we walked all the way down.
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there was one image walking down that i can never shake off. we stopped on the 40 something sth floor, i think it was the 46th. brian stopped, walked into someone's office and told his wife he picked up a phone and told his wife he's coming home. while he's talking i here a cry. i saw a man massive head injury, covered in blood. >> couldn't get down the stares. >> he has laying flat. an african american security guard was standing up. he could have got out. he guarded this man. don't touch him. touching him will cause an injury. this man is crying. every night before i go to sleep. please tell my wife i love them. please tell my wife i love them. they both perished. >> when you got down outside, what happens? >> when we got down to the
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lobby, the only people we saw were the firefighters and the cops. they were surprised and in shop. when the first plane hit the first building, they thought no one else went in. the facts was everyone from the 81st store was stuck. when the plane hit the floor, all the debris - it went back up. brian told me he was coming back with a group of 600, when he heard me scream, and the others who made the wrong choice of going up perished. had i not screamed he would have made a choice to go back up and would have died. he said "thank you", he said "no, thank you, you saved my life." we saw the men and women in uniforms, and they bell muched orders to run. liberty was a street, total freedom. run, do not look up or around. go for it, and brian and i
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looked and people cheered us, all people walking around. i told brian i don't know what is happening. i told this man "i'm going to trinity church", we ran. the building was crumbling. we had to stop investigating, going back. they were sending us a safety, and they are dying. >> i bumped into a breaches. watching the spectacle. and brine told me, saying we don't understand what you were saying. and the priest says "this man needs prayer, and the hospital", next thing i remember, i'm holding on to the fence of the trinity church and telling brian, it's going." "stan, what is he burning.
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i'm an engineer." it stopped, shook, tilted. it stopped, vibe rated - you could feel the vibration. we were standing at the backside of the church, on the trinity church fence, and he stopped short and the building imploded. >> as it imploded the church took the plunt edge of the force. had he not been there, we would have been knocked off our feet. brian and i were separated. the man i held on to for support is not there. i'm screaming for brian. i hear "stanley", my blood brother is not there to help me. i lost it. in my mind they are bombing the financial area, i have to save my dear wife. see, i went through the "93
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bombing. i was on the 79th floor and got home 2 o'clock the next morning. my wife thought i died. she had worked for the stock exchange. their building was over the brooklyn bridge. i never visited her for security reasons. i worked in the building for 13 years. the first time in my life i got angry, delivered from a near-dead experience. you would think i was a happy man. i got angry and looked around for somebody or something to get to where she works. i saw a man driving a 4 by 4 pick-up. i looked at the man and said one word, you are dead, drive. me reached to the dashboard, picked up a cigarette and said "smoke", i said "i had enough smoke for a day." he laughed. he is looking fearful, reaches the ramp by the brooklyn brim, i jumped out, thank you, i was
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gone, pushing people, get out, and i bump into a big guy. if i imagine him now, he would take a swing. he took compassion and said "where do you want to go?", to metro text center. i live behind that building. what is that chance. this man lived right there. he navigated it, us, we got there, and the security guard... >> wouldn't let you in. >> no, you are not coming in. he was the guard. albert is making so much noise that the person behind the desk heard we are looking for jennifer, out of the corner of my eyes i saw a guy push the security guard push him to one sides and said "stan is a good guy." and the man did an act i'll remember all my life. he had no undershirt, he took off his third and said "stan,
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have my shirt", if the bible was rewritten, this man would have been the good samar tan. >> 13 years later you lived. you lost your job. >> yes, sir. december 28, 2012, i lost my job. my wife works, she is able to support or help to support the family. i work one day, the church gives me a one day job, why not two. one day. we have a daughter in college, senior, a daughter in high school senior, and... >> maybe someone will hear your story tonight and reach out to you. when you see the lights tonight, and you walk out and see the lights, what - you see them there,way do you think. >> what do you see. it reminds me of what could have been. brian clarke gave me a clash light and said "i may not always be there with you, but i want
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you to have this light. when you see it, you know someone is looking out for you." when i see the light and remember that there's a god who intervenes if you call out. >> stanley, it's a pleasure to meet you. it's great to talk to you. we appreciate you sharing your story. good luck. >> thank you sir.
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when joan rivers went into cardiac arrest she was at a for-profit clinic. they are profitable, many turn to them instead of hospitals. there are questions about the procedures and the level of care and the risks. dr sandy johar works at the long island jewish chemical center and is the dollar of "doctor, the disillusionment of an american physician", good to
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have you on the programme. why do the centers flourish? >> there are several factors. there's the convenient. hospitals are busy places. if you are a surgeon you may have to wait for operating time, if you are a patient undergoing a benign procedure, you may have to wait for the procedure to be done. and the surgical centers are less expensive than hospitals. they are big institutions, and have staff on-call. the surgical centers are smaller provisions. they germry are less extensive. >> if there's an emergency, are they prepared. >> that's the issue. >> for a lot of procedures that they do. it's probably safe. you know, you have the - you have a procedure like with ms rivers, where something wept
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wrong. when something goes wrong, you would rather be in a hospital where you have staff available immediately to attend to the situation. >> if you had a colon os coppery or elective surgery, did you use the center or did you go to hospital. >> i had a colonoscopy. i lected to go to the hospital. >> because. >> for a number of reasons. when you undergo a colonoscopy you get anaesthesia. i never had demer ol. these are drugs that can precipitate allergic reactions. the throat can close. i felt more comfortable being in a hospital where i knew that there would be staff available to tend to me. >> and our during. >> what are patients being told. what should patients be told that they are not being told? >> well, with regard to outpatients procedures? >> absolutely.
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>> i can show you that as a practicing cardiologist, and i don't know the specifics, but i would think very hard before referring 81-year-old patient to a surgical center, undergoing an airway procedure, vocal cord procedure. >> facelift, plastic surgery. >> i had patients that had plastic surgical procedures, lipo sucks and heart attacks. there's always a cans that something could go wrong, especially when you have an 81-year-old. >> you describe yourself as a disillusioned physician at sometimes. >> generally. >> is there a problem with doctors running for-prst clinics, and they'll make money and not necessarily be ready for the emergency. is that part of problem. >> you could look at it through
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the lens. these surgical centers are equipped to do straightforward procedures. in medicine we have to prepare for the procedure that goes awry. i don't think the centers are equipped for cardiac arrest. if i have a patient with cardiac vest in the hospital, i can get a team, a cardiac arrest team within a minute, seconds, within the bedside. when you are at a surgical center, that's several blocks. >> what needs to change? >> well, i think you need better patient selection. i have spoken to doctors today, and he said they will never refer app elderly patient, one with vokele cord procedure to a surgical center. >> if your doctor refers you. >> it's tough. you have to ask questions. that's part of what my book is
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about. you have to question and look at all the motivations behind your doctor's decision making. and clearly there is a financial motive for some of these surgical centers. >> the book is called "the often -- director - the disillusionment of an american physician." great to meet and talk to you tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up. no water for showering, doing the laundry. plus, a look at security in the united states. 13 years after 9/11.
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hi everyone, this is "eva bee's jamboree," i'm -- al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler in new york. coming up, unprecedented steps that law enforcement has taken since of 9/11 attack. the tribute of life - how it is possible to see the beaming blue towers from miles and miles away the improving oz own lair,
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the environmental crisis from the 1980s, could be a distant memory soon. tonight - we want to take a closer look at the islamic state group, and how the u.s. and its allies were trying to cut off its funding. in all the violence sweeping the middle east. one of the weapons is money. some of the fund from provided to groups on the ground. saudi arabia, turkey and qatar have been accused of funding terrorism. al jazeera's parent company is based in qatar and funded by the government. over the next few weeks, we discover how the government channels money. we quaection on qatar. >> at first glance qatar hardly seems a place that is a big
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player in the region, it's a tiny country in the middle east. a quarter are sit gones. qatar exports more than 100 billion of oil and gas. when measured in terms of g.d.p., it translates to 85s,000 people. 65% higher than the united states. all that gives this small country a disproportionate presence on the global stage, and kat area actively -- qatar actively maintains relationships with opposing sides. >> the goal has been for the countries to use their vast wealth to buy influence around the region and demonstrate significance policy independence from their neighbours, notably saudi arabia, and united arab emirates, both with different views of the region. the countries sought to police
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themselves in a broader, populist position in the region. >> unlike its neighbours, qatar was and continues to be a major supporter of the arab spring uprising, sweeping dictators in the region from power. it dolls out cash to the political factions and armed insurgents. it played the role of peacemaker. making it hard to define the ultimate goals. for example, qatar hosts the largest u.s. air base in the middle east, along with the forward harass of the u.s. central command responsible for military operations in afghanistan. at the same time qatar hosts leaders of the afghan taliban. in syria, qatar aims to unseat the regime of bashar al-assad, a goal that the yate's endorses. kat -- united states endorses.
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its methods have caused criticism, because it supports the regime and arms islamic extremists. >> it's clear that qatar supported some of the hard line groups. >> the u.s. treasury accused cat are of hosting terrorist financiers. treasury identified two people it accused of funding money from qatar to al qaeda affiliates in syria. the treasury didn't say the two acted on behalf of the government, it criticized qatar's permissive terrorist financing. qatar denies supporting terrorists, but it works with other nations, including the quaits, britain, germany and france, and six countries in the region to provide support for the armed opposition. >> there are those that are quick to point out that qatar
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supports all kinds of groups, and oftentimes those who are critical have been competing for foreign policy. qatar's policies clashed with larger neighbours saut hermes. the biggest dispute between the two is qatar's support for the muslim brotherhood and egypt. in 2013, qatar gave mohamed mursi's government $8 billion in aid, before he was forcibly removed from office. the saudis, on the other hand, threw support behind egypt's military, removing mursi, and outlawing the muslim brotherhood party. qatar, a modern state, focussed on technology, education and mediator, hosting a fire brand cler uk, an opponent of the regime, and a strong supporter of islamic movement cross the region, including the muslim brotherhood. >> qatar plays host to ut
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political leadership of hamas, and a faction aligned with the muslim brotherhood. qatar denies that it gives financial support directly to hamas, which is considered a terrorist group by israel and the united states. but qatar has pledged $400 million in reconstruction aid to gaza, which is controlled by hamas. >> we have a problem with qatar, trying to have it both ways. yes, at the same time trying to be home to the taliban, hamas, and to others. it gives out mixed messages, and qatar needs to be embraced but has to shed the baggage of trying to bank roll some of the most extreme forms of islamist forces out there. qatar may arrive at a way to spread some of that, by
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reverting to its traditional role. >> i'm grateful for the work of our diplomats, and the cooperation of the government of qatar in helping to secure the release. >> that's a role that many are happy for qatar to play. they mediated a prisoner exchange with the taliban, leading to the release of army sergeant bowe bergdahl, and they intervened with the al-nusra front, to mediate the release of an american journalist, peter, theo curtis. >> i had no idea so much effort was expended on my behalf. >> in the eyes of some critics, the benefit of qatar as mediator is outweighed by qatar as a financier of military groups. james is a professor of modern meern history at -- mesterb history at u.c.l.a. and is in los angeles.
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welcome. >> thank you. >> you have studied the region for years of the does qatar support the islamic state? >> probably not. it views it as a danger. it claims that it doesn't, and claims that it does not support the al qaeda alfilliate in syria. >> but the qatari government supports islamic factions as we heard in ali velshi's peace. why would they support organizations that some consider radical islam? >> there are several reasons. we talk about radical islam. we talk about a broad category of groups. for example, when the army took over in egypt. it called them terrorists. now, of course, having supported them, qatar can be put in the category of supporting terrorism. hamas - some among your viewers would not view them as a
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terrorist organization. in recent developments they have, for example, waged a campaign against israel. we have that on the one hand, and on the other we have extreme elements. those in syria and the islamic state. in between we have a grouping, a constantly splintering again groupings, including the largest alliance. it is the islamic front. what we deal with here is a massive number of organizations and a number of individuals. there's 1,000 on the ground. 120,000 individuals involved in the opposition, it's difficult. >> how harmful or productive was the open door policy, which allows groups and the leaders to
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reside in qatar. >> it can work both ways. >> on the one hand, what they are doing, obviously, is exploit the ability to have these people there, to broadcast and sometimes the message resonate. what you have to understand is in spite of the horror stories and the talk that's going on, that support for al qaeda in the muslim world declined to the lowest level. >> we read reports that qatar says it does not support the groups, but wealthy individuals are accused of raising money for the groups in qatar. what do you know of that? >> well, i mean, obviously this is stuff that is staking place publicly. but where that money goes and how it's distributed, if you are opening peace, you talk about
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the importance of banking regulations and regulators, to attract the money. the islamic state does not need money from qatar. they are selling oil, runs racquets. smuggles, does all sorts of things. someone described what is going on as mad max meets the sopranos. you have groups taking over the territory, looting it, and financing themselves in that way. it appears that qatar is on the right side of the united states, and joined the coalition. how did it manage to do that? >> it plays both sides against them. if you are qatar, for example, with a small population, a population that could fit into a telephone booth. you don't want to alienate too
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many enemies, either side, the superpowers, or the european union, you don't want to do that. what you want to do is their policy, which is different from the saudi policy, you want the front of popular islamic movements, some of which are jihadi, and because you are afraid that will be the way of the future. you don't want to be left behind. >> you think the united states and their allies should be concerned that the qatari government should be what some may call radical groups. >> yes. first of all, we are focussing on qatar. it's interesting much the united emirates, saudi arabia, it's a similar thing, allowing fundraising to take place. networks of people, et cetera, to participate.
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what we are doing now, what we have to look at is qatar's objective here. that is to maintain himself as an independent entity. qatar is going to do what he has to do. he has taken this tactic. the saudis - what they tend to do is preach pi otism, in other words, it's unpious to participate in politics, according to their terms of islam. >> professor, thank you for sharing your insight, we appreciate it. 13 years after the attacks of september it 11th, the u.s. invested billions in programs and agencies to ensure the safety and security of the country. randall pinkston has the details. manuel gomez has an international security firm, the former marine and new york city police officers, he was an fbi agent on september 11th, and
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rushed to the world trade centers. >> the flames were so, and the smoke so powerful that people made a cognis apt decision to leap from 80 stories, 80 plus stories. that was something that is not easy to process. >> in the 13 years since 9/11, he witnessed first hand the response of law enforcement to prevent attacks. new york city took an unprecedented step, posting analysts in the middle east and europe. >> instead of waiting on agencies like the fbi or international agencies like the c.i.a., the n.y.p.d. became proactive and sent people to gather their own intelligence to combat possible attacks. >> new york police ramped up the use of technology keeping a 27/7 watch on the city. >> key to the surveillance,
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thousands of cameras known as the ring of steel. >> they spent tens of millions on this programme. >> you are talking something beyond traffic camps. >> absolutely. it's a state of the art system zooming in on an individual. seeing what is in his or her hand and read lips and have people translate what they are saying. >> lawmakers responded to the attacks with a stream of legislation. the transportation security system, improving the process. congress created the department of homeland security, an agency that was supposed to coordinate the organization much. >> the debate is do we need the machine. >> congress passed the patriot act, giving powers to the
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national security agency. despite all of the new laws and agencies, the system is not perfect. the missing link to the programme is the lone wolf, like what happened in times square and the boston spoming. what goes overseas or what is radicalized. they train or are given the resources to come back here. the solution is intelligence gathering. >> they are the best tool that any intelligence or law enforcement agency has. >> manuel gomez deadgaits his work to six friends who died that day. now, to russia, it's about to be slapped for sanctions with its involvement.
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countries will begin sanctions tomorrow. the u.s. is getting ready to apply updated sanctions. the latest economic punishments are expected to impact the finance, energy and defense sec source. we take water for granted. you open the tap, it comes out. after three years of drought some taps in one californian community has run dry. >> these people are out of water. they are out of water. >> reporter: if water is life, east porterville california is dying. turn on the tap in this bathroom... >> there's nothing. >> across the street in jane's kitchen. >> nothing any more. we don't have water for washing clothes, dishes, or bathing. >> reporter: more than 1300 people, close to 20% of the town's population have no
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running water and have n for months. >> how are you living like this. is there any way to live? >> no, it's not. what do you do. >> california's historic drought has been harsh in the state's central valley, where residents rely on water from private wells. with little rain, most of the wells are dry. >> i watch people, if they have nothing. they are taking their kids and bathing them in a little bucket. >> long-time resident dona johnson wouldn't have water if not for a garden hose connected to a neighbour's well, which has not run out yet. >> it makes me think how can people be the forgotten people. some people didn't have a voice, didn't know where to turn. >> many are turning to johnson. with the help of donations, she delivers water to the neighbours. >> do you have barrels. >> it's so bad, residents are
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surviving because of volunteers lining donna and community members organising an afternoon water pick up. members of the schools, nursing students and others are helping out. more than 30 cars have come to get water. officials have been delivering bottled water. every other day this 5,000 gallon tank is filled by the fire department. you can't brink the water. it can be used for bathing and flushing toilets. this is the office of emergency services manager. you have upwards of 300 homes with families that have no water. they turn on the top and nothing comes out. how is that possible or allowed to happen? >> what it comes down is the drought is not a traditional disaster. when you think of hundreds of thousands of homes you think of earthquakes, wildfires and floods. droughts are impacting people in
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their homes. we don't have regulatory oversight or a way of knowing this is going on in people's homes. >> i worry so much. it's a terrible struggle. >> it's a struggle that will get worse. most residents can't favoured to drill deeper wells. all anyone can do is wait for the rain and bottled water to arrive. coming up after the break - we explain how the tribute and light shining high in the sky over estelle romaine manville happens every year -- manhattan happens every year. >> the oz own layer was thins in the '80s, but is in better shape now.
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billings, where it will be 33. the record for caspe, 32, and dipping to 24. chilly in the upper midwest. denver dropping down close to that freezing mark. a cool start to the day. temperatures will moderate. high temperatures cool. denver 51 and 56, and minnesota, frost and freeze concerns. montana - sun breaking out late afternoon thursday, because you are behind the storm system. you can see the snow on the ground here. the most impressive coming down in wyoming. we'll keep an eye on the areas. once the snow is down it will cool you off more, with the skies clearing behind the storm system. otherwise it's snow and ice to watch out for the roadways, working towards caspe and rapid city. temperatures plummeting. gold air pouring from canada.
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hearing about the hole in the oz own lair. the protective lair. a u.n. report suggesting that the hole may be shrinking. jacob ward has more. >> john here is some science remedial lesson. bear with me. ozone is produced by the interaction between nitrogen and other compounds. when they interact with sunlight it turns into ozones, it's why there's a lair of smog over cities like los angeles. it's bad to breathe in, but is helpful when held in the stratosphere as it typically is. 90% is held at the altitude. it blocks out a part of the spectrum of light that we hear in the sun. >> it causes the skin to burn, and it's in part why we have had expensive and complicated
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sunscreen, because that ozzon lair has been eaten away by other emissions from fire extinguishers, and hair spray, the abbing sell rants. >> n.a.s.a. has been tracking the thinning of the ozone lair is big enough to put the moon through. the good news here is that by the middle of the century we'll have it back, back to pre 1980 levels. it's good news. the bad news is that that is not just because we banned chloroflooro carbons, it's because we are giving off so much carbon. the greenhouse gas emissions are part of why the ozone is back. it cools the strato fear. we are putting ozone back,
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saving sup burn. in the process we see surface textures go up and up and up because the greenhouse gas emissions. good news in the short-term is a by-product of the bad news that everyone has been looking at. >> nas jake ward. >> for the next two days, a strong solar flare will cost them disturbances and satellite transmissions. no major disruptions are expected. at midnight eastern, the solar storm is expected to cause an expansion of photogenic aurora borealis or northern lights, you should see it crass canada and northern parts of the united states. it begang six months after the twin towers came down. a tribute over the sky light of manhattan. a sight to behold. paul beban is here with more. >> this is a haunting, elegant
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and ephemeral memorial. for one night the two beams of light shoot four miles into the sky. the most powerful night, but it seems fragile. on a clear night it's as far as 30 miles away. they pack 7,000 was of power in two big squares. that takes a lot of electricity. new york's power electricity donates the power. there has been efforts to make it takenable. they have been run on biodiesel, made in part. the tribute is presented. it was presented, and funded by donations. as for the lights themselves, they made and operated them. called space canon. this beautiful thing had an
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unintended consequences. you see the flickering leagues. new york is in the middle of an islamic fly weight. birds navigate by moonlight and star light. they circle, and they are trapped. they wear themselves out and get exhausted. they had volunteers from the autoball society monitor, the birds get bearings back and head south. the tributing light was switched on in 2002. and the plan was for it to be temporary. it's well received. it's so iconic, it's been a tradition. >> it's an amazing site. >> i never heard this about the birds. do they really pose a threat to the birds? >> they wear themselves out. i live downtown, not far from there. you here them circling, and this
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time of year, the rockefeller center, and the chrysler building turn off their lights so as not to disorientate the birds. >> on this anniversary, we end with an image out of new york city, two people sharing an embrace at the 9/11 memorial during the services. >> we look at the lights in lower mann hatton. that's the broadcast. thanks for watching. i'm john seigenthaler. "america tonight" is n. -- is next.
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