tv America Tonight Al Jazeera September 12, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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they may still face a lone prison sentence. and an unbreaken spirit. in our serying jeff coming disability, i have broken my bones 100 times in my life. it is fortunate because a lot of people in my condition, they can't get out of bed, they can't use the toilet, but his determination to move beyond his physical challenges gives him the power to keep going. ♪ good evening thank you for joining us, once again it is the unforgettable images of terrorism that force the hand of political leaders. on the 13th anniversary, president obama opened a new more adepressive chapter in himself counter for errorist strategy. winning over some cautious support for expanding military action
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against the islamic state fighters. last night, the president is also approved a change that will allow u.s. fors to kip i.s. leaders. as important the they can now report, 31,000 fighters across iraq and syria, that is more than double the number, previously thought. as he tried to build support, john kerry got washington's middle east allies to agree to try to stop the flow of foreign fighters and financing to i.s. still there is reason for caution. adam may on the quick reaction to the president's attack. >> i want the people to understand how this effort will be different.
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by the president who campaigned to end the adventures. the new strategy, stepped up u.s. air strikes in iraq, and new strikes across the border into syria. this campaign will be waged through a city effort to take out isil wherever they exist, and our support for forces on the ground. it will provide a base and help train fighters. thursday secretary of state was there, working the room at a meeting of key arab allies. trying to win support for an international coalition to fight i. s. arab nations play a critical role in that coalition, the leading role, really. and certainly the effort to reputeuate once and
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for all, the dangerous, the offensive uh the insulting, distortion of islam, that isil propaganda attempts to spread throughout the region and the world. internationally, the response to the president's battle plan has been somewhat cautious. syrian warns that any air strikes conducted on it's territory without it's okay, would be considered an act of aggression. at least one key european ally gave a direct message count us out. to be quite clear, we have not been asked to do so. >> in britain, one minister said no, while others said maybe, a sign that any expanded campaign against i.s. will lead to debate in many european capitols. in washington in the wake
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of the address, lawmakers are beginning to throw their weight behind the move, albeit with reservations. i can tell you in our conversations this morning a lot of our members don't feel like the campaign that was outlined last night, will accomplish the mission that the president says. and that is to destroy isil. >> and so frankly a lot of our members think rah lot more needs tock done. that was layed out last night. >> some say the plan will fail, without sending american troops on the ground. there were also concerns when it comes to training rebels. >> we have to be very care and what type of weapons we give them. >> al jazeera. >> more now on the fight against i.s. the way forward.
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we are seeing a president that is very well known, for being reluctant, now taking a step saying air strikes even into syria, but no boots on the ground here. you see this as a plan that's dis tinned to fail. >> unfortunately, i do. i think it is an open ended commitment, i think he is making three of the same mistakes that president johnson made, almost exactly 50 years ago. he is committing our forces in an open ended type conflict. >> no end game. >> with no end game in site that we can define. hi has gotten a situation where he is doing incremental force employ moments into the country. he is counting on winning the war from the air
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which we did in north vietnam and probably worst of all, he is actually causing a sanctuary because he is not going to send u.s. ground forces in to clear out the cities that the islamic state has -- >> you open up a lot of questions and one of them is what do you do with that. and there a viable partner, the iraqi army, is there a viable partner for establishing the boots on the ground, which would be supported by u.s. air strikes? i don't see one, the iraqi army was destroyed by maliki, whatever we succeeded in building, in the the eight years we were there, was pretty much undermined. the militias who are anti-asaad and syria, are not capable of doing that.
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about whether -- certainly there's welcome at some level some support from the u.s. for the kurdss the turks, it's a unfortunately president obama does uhn't have a lot of credibility because of the syrian debackble a year ago, so lit be hard for him to put together a credible coalition. as i see it. i wish him all the best, i always wish for our country to do well, but i'm not confident at all. one other thought about the approach here, some reporting from the post is that he has authorized now the killing of i.s. leaders which up up till now, has not been allowed, does that represent a significant move forward?
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we have been al the al quaida group for what now, 13 years. i can't remember what it is. they have a lot of experienced leaders that are just chopping at the bit. i don't think killing off the leadership will help. >> reare tired marine colonel, gary anderson, we appreciate your being here with us. >> thank you very much. modern warfare reaches far beyond to the digital battlefield, whereas we have reported here, so called islamic state has proven an aggressive opponent. the united states is leading a charge on that front as well, hoping to draw would be recruits away from the fight. america tonight's digital reporter on the digital warriors.
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videos online magazines, acts and viral #s. the group has demonstrated a mastery of using 20% to spread it's ideologies online, a feat that hasn't gone uno tied by the u.s. government. >> strengthen our defenses, counter it's warped ideology. >> in fact, the online war against i.s. and other extremist groups has been underway for much longer than the military campaign. tasked with countering violence extremism. >> when i started in 2009, the feeling that the state department, and across the executive branch, was it was wrong to dignify with a response. but it didn't make sense for the government to sit on it's hands and allow recruiters to go about online or in the real world, and attempt to
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recruit people to their cause without trying to interfere in that process. in some way. so william helped build the center from the ground up. the center for strategic counter terrorism, has two functioned. one to blunt that recruitment using traditional media, and the second to blunt it online. and it is the online capability that has really grown. >> so have the efforts in english, in an attempt to steer would be western recruits away. a lot of jihadis are trying to recruit others in english. the state department felt like it needed to respond in english as wail. >> today the center's focus is on i.s., with a campaign called think again, turn away. think again turn away is the #using on twit tore carry out it's mission
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to point out the inconsistencies in al quaida, and now the islamic state. they use videos that those that join often never come back. that i.s. grooms children for death, that it raped innocents. and bombs mosques full of muslims it reminds would be fighters of the parents that would return for it's return, and for those that have left the fight, but is the message tainted because it is coming from the american government? it cut uhs both ways. >> certainly the fact that the state department is transparent about who it is invite as lot of anger from people that dislike the united states, but it also invite add lot of attention, by being the u.s. government, the state department get as lot more eyeballs on their message, that would otherwise by the case.
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>> but there are changes, unlice a missile it can be hard to know if it is hitting the target. >> i think it is difficult to keep up. it has a very limited number of staff, with a very limited budget. the islamic state has thousands of volunteers that are working for it. many of them quite young, many of them very conversant, with the various social media platforms. that they are willing to give up their life to fight. al jazeera. the back drop is the one that we can never forget. today, marked the 13th anniversary of america's shared sorrow.
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to honor the nearly 3,000 that died. in new york city, where the twin towers once towered families again, remembered each loved one. my father, i love you, and you will forever be in our heart. >> the remembrance in washington as well. president obama and the first lady joined in the ceremonies at the pent gone. >> it has now been 13 years 13 years since the peace of the american mourning was broken. 13 years since nearly 3,000 beautiful lives were taken from us. in pennsylvania hundreds again gathers at that wind swept field, to honor the 33 passengers and seven crew members of flight 93, who fought the hijackers to the end. flight 93 crashed into the field, and those brave souls were honored
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today with the awarding of congressional gold medals. it's not just memory that marks this day, the death toll of those who came to help, the first spottedders, and their reenforcement continues to rise. more than 70 mys have now died to illnesses related to 9/11, more even than the 60 that days on that day. america tonight on the struggle for those that do survive. police officer, perry delane, nypd. this sounds so familiar, the reading of names but it is not. >> lieutenant linda, olsen. f.d.n.y. >> these are all new names.
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93, police officers firefighters, paramedics many others, what they have in common, beyond their service on 9/11 and beyond, is death from illnesses directly retted to their efforts at ground zero. but today we honor those who we lost because of their illnesses. their names are now ingraved alongside 172 others on this memorial on a park on long island, home to many including glen klein, a new york city police officer who rushed downtown that september morning. mile we were on our way to manhattan, we were monitoring the special operations. and we heard of the mys that were down, screaming stay away from the towers, there's bodies coming out of the windows. >> 14 of the new york
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city mys who died that day, belonged toeclip's elite unit, emergency service. in the months that followed they are assigned to the reare mains of the twin towers known as the pile. how long were you down there working. >> i was down there about eight months. >> klein is now 56 and retired. his lungs are damaged. >> are you convinced that your health problems are a direct result of 9/11. >> no doubt in my mind. 100%. because uh being part of the emergency service we are required to take an osha medical, and up until 9/11, my medical records would show my health was law flawless. absolutely flawless. i didn't have anything wrong with me. until after 9/11. >> everything started to happen all at once. quail still wearing her nypd wind breaking but disability forced her
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into an early retirement. since she was four, carrol dreamed of being a my, on neap, she was one of the very first on the scene after the first plane hit, and inside tower two when it crumbled. i was trapped i had no idea that it was collapsing. i was able to grab with my left arm out, and hold on to the doorframe with one arm. somehow she and a fellow officer scratched their way out, hearing prayers in the dark. >> we kept hearing a voice holly mary mother of god, holly mary mother of god, and it just kept repeating. jesus christ, holly mary mother of god, then we finally got out. >> who was saying that? >> we don't know, i said to ritchie, do -- do you see that person. did you see that person, he says no, i said -- i think it was my father.
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my father had died. and i think it was him. just trying to help me get out. >> they stayed to get others out. she is the one on the left, in this striking photo, of two cops help add dazed woman to safety. but almost immediately, carol began coughing and vomiting. we were trying to get the stuff off of our face, we were trying to breathe. >> in the days after the head of the e.p.a., christene tom whitman assured rescue, world titlers the say was safe to breathe. >> we know of 1500 responders that have died and they died because we were lied to. we we told the air quality was safe. >> in fact, the vaporized building spewed out a toxic cloud of jet fuel, heating oil, metal, glass, and human remains. ten years later spottedders got health benefits named for a new york police detective
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that died of respiratory illness, at first the 4 billion-dollars in benefits did not cover cancer but at least 15 chemical compounds in the smoke, dust, and gas, fond in the rubble are classified as cancer causing. when they started to see the corelation, with these very rare types of cancers they really had no choice. >> so in 2012, president obama signed a new version of the law that covered more than 50 cancers. insurance for first responders such as carrol. i could have left that day, and i didn't. i would have done it all over again, i would not have left. the government has to step forward, and take responsibility to help
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us. >> for carrol that change in the law has new significance. the 49-year-old was perfectly healthy the day before, the explosion left we with knee injuries that required surgery, now she suffers from lung disease, and a digestive disorder just this month, her doctors deliver add double dose of more bad news. >> they just diagnosed me that i have cancer. i have limb gottic cancer and i have leukemia. >> in a spare bedroom carol keeps her personal 9/11 museum. >> a lot of memories here. >> her hat and whistle, this certificate honoring her valor. >> glen klein's reminders are etched into his skin. his squad, the 14 they lost. now he worried the act the federal insurance for responders is said to
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expire in two years, he knows that in time, memories fade. so glen and the others here are pushing to make the lauper independent. >> how concern redirect examination you about your own health, your own future? >> every day for me is a struggle, with that. i have got ton the point now where i don't take anything for granted i wake up in the morning i left up my shade and i throw god a kiss. giving me another day, i have a nine-year-old son, i have two older children, and in't wayto be here for them. i am very scared. >> henry. plow mapp. district of columbia. >> the nails keep coming. >> one day they will outnumber all those who died on 9/11. and cover the empty wall of granite that awaits them. so that even those not yet born on that terrible day, will know of the men and women who served and suffered.
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al jazeera, long island new york. >> ahead on our program, the blade runners final stretch. olympian oscar pistorius escapes a murder conviction in the death of his model girlfriend, but the courtroom drama gears up for another outburst as the judgeships he could still spend significant time behind bars. and after the break, why the kids keep coming. again, you pay me or you die. your children will be part of my group, or ousted or killed. that's another rule. your daughters, will serve me or my group as sexual partners. >> fault lines correspondent on the children at the border, and the threats that force so many families to try against the odds to get their kids to safety in the north.
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the crisis on the border. on the flood of very young migrants. unprecedent numbers of child migrant whose are being detained in border patrol warehouses and refugee shelters too. the numbers are really astonishes. over two years the number of unaccompanied miners rose 142 pest. al jazeera fault lines correspondent goes behind the numbers now to find out why so many children are are leaving central america, for life in the u.s. >> el salvador capitol is where many migrant children have departed for the u.s.
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it is also where those that don't make it are returned. this bus arrived with children -- of not knowing where their children were, what concerns they were in, now they just arrived so there's a lot of emotion here, a mix of sadness and happiness. the sadness is that they didn't make it to the united states, and the happiness is to know they are alive and here. her 15-year-old son was on the bus. he left the country a week ago, and was caught by mexican authorities. >>
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>> her son is interviewed by immigration officials. fingerprinted, and released to the care of his mother. 30 scared it may be a death sentence for their son. it's been a errorred a third of the children deported back this year, have faced death threats from gangs his aunt says the family will have to go into hiding.
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that he was killed by a gang. >> a dna match was finally made. and today, they are here to bury him. the boys mother, lives in the united states. and was trying to bring her son there. the gangs, set the rules. you pay me, or you die that's a rule. your children will be a part of my group, or they will be ousted or killed. that's another rule.
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your daughters will serve me or my group as sexual patners. or they will be ousted or killed that's another rule. so those are the rules. the state doesn't have the capacity to overcome those rules in those communities. two of the gangs formed in los angeles, where many refugees have settled. >> president ragan addressed joint sessions of congress in the 80's saying that since america was the last frontier, that the communists were to come to america and the united states, if the u.s. didn't traline there. and guess what they decided to draw a line in my country. goaf ruled by balance, and a society -- we responded to that ruling with violence.
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it is because we have believe in this kind of environment, and yes, the u.s. helped nurture, and train those elites. that made violence the only argument. >> harsh deportation laws landed many gang members back in el salvador in the 1990's. >> the u.s. has been and is an active part of the problem. and hasn't been rah part of the solution. >> more of the endowment look at now refuge, children at the border. this saturday at 7:00 eastern. when we return, the final stretch, of the blade runner trial. found not guilty, but negligent in the shooting death of his girlfriend, why oscar pistorius may still be headed to prison. also in our next segment, a crisis in ukraine take as new turn, america tonight sheila mcvicker is in cove with the
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as many as 4500 family whose received money after hurricane sandy may have to give all or some of the money back. 8050 homeowners to return $5.8 million. the missouri law uh makers increased the require waiting time for getting an abortion from four to 72 hours. that makes it one of the most stringent waiting periods. critics say it has no exception for rape or insist. because it's waiting period can be longer. the nfl has called on former fbi director to investigate the handling of the former running back ray rice's domestic violence case. this announcement comes as pressure is mounting against nfl commissioner roger gadell. released rice earlier this week.
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the trial of oscar pistorius has gripped thousands around the word, after since months of courtroom battles and break downs, the presiding judge delivered her verdict in part of the case. the olympian was found not guilty of premedicated murder in the death f ohis girlfriend. she was shot and killed last valentines day. there was mixed reactions as groups gathered to protest. there were other means available to him, to deal with what he considered a threat to his life, all he had to do was to pick up his cell phone to call the police. he was able to call security after the
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incident, there is no reason why he couldn't do so before he ventured into the bathroom with the loaded firearm. he could serve a prison sentence of up to 15 years. barry bateman, he is senior reporter with eyewitness news, also co wrote the book behind the door, the oscar and riva story. i understand you were in the courtroom, can you talk about the reaction to at least the first part of the verdict. >> i was sitting behind him, he stewarted shivering and shaking, i don't know if he was contemplating what that meant to him, or he would no longer be able to found guilty on that charge, and we adjourned early, he became quite physically ill, before that, and he was -- his brother and sister they aase cysted so he became
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quite emotional when that became clear. >> the judge, though, it was a bit of a surprise to us watching us from this end, the judge making a decision not to give the rest of her verdict until tomorrow. when an accused is found guilty -- we understand she may have been kind to him, and strategic reasons if we go half way through the day tomorrow, she will find him guilty, probably go towards culpable homicide that will give him an opportunity to reapply for bail, if it is culpable homicide that he is convicted of, it shouldn't be an issue, too difficult, not much of a flight risk, and should be out by the afternoon. >> and so what is the likelihood, the minimum maximum on the sentence. >> well, the judge's discretion would apply here. once the verdict comes we will then break for the argument, and mitigation of the sentence, it could
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be anything from a suspended sentence. but up to a maximum of 15 years. >> certainly a story a lot of people will be watching. thank you so much. >> thank you. a shaky cease firen't cos to hold between russia and ukraine, despite reports of sporadic shootings on both sides. the iron ukrainian story has been the most effected. thousands of the residents have been left without food or clean water. amnesty international says there is evidence that both sides have committed war crimes. the european union is announcing sanctions against russia which would target oil and defense firms but these new measures can be reversed if the cease fire holds. still there continuing shelling in eastern ukraine, and that has jeopardized the current cease fire, four
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servicemen have died 29 have been injured since the start of the cease fire. on friday. russian officials are decry that is move, saying it's only carrying daily necessities like food and water pure fieres. >> america tonight sheila mcvicker joins us with more, give us a picture of things on the ground, as they stand now, is this a crease fair that is meaningful. >> well, it is a cease fire. but people here talk about it more in terms of a lull. there is evidence that president putin has pulled back many of the russian troops that lad joined the russian separatists on the ground. in eastern ukraine. there have been reports of tent collums or tillry pieces going back over the border. but there's still fighting taking place. those pro-russian separate itselfs aren't going anywhere, they are still in place, and they
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are stilln't cooing to hold a number of the towns in eastern ukraine. so they have been pushed back a great deal. by the ukrainian military. >> sheila, let's talk about the future for the eastern part of ukraine, is there an attempt to try to create a more autonomous region? >> the language has been deliberately vague. the ukrainian president has used words that might be interpreted to mean a semiautonomous region, or maybe interpreted to mean some kind of local government independent from other -- it tees a very vague situation. and that's frankly exactly the way ukraine's president wants it. he wants to get to the negotiating table, he wants to use language that won't cause anyone to player up the fighting any more than it it is. and in order to do that, he is using some very very vague language. sheila, in yourn't cooing reporting you are also talking about the broader future, can you tell us
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what that showed you at this point? >> well, the struggle in kiev is not just the focus on the fighting in the east, the struggle on kiev is basically and almost an interim struggle. it is a struggle really to modernize ukraine. and to turn ukraine into a country that the people that we have been talking to, say can look more towards europe. than towards the very autocratic rule of vladimir putin and rush are sha. and more and more, they are seeing there are two different choices there, and the choice that the myden generation, the people that spent months here, fighting for their new revolution, say that what they want are real retomorrows and that they won't stop until they get them. >> america tonight, sheila mcvicker reports to us from kiev, and she will continue her reporting there, we will have more of that on america tonight, thank you very much. >> this' more severe cases where, you know,
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sometimes it can be a trouble to live what others would see as an ordinary life. throughout the week we've been looking at the lives and challenges faced by americans with disabilities. in our series "overcoming disability" we meet a young man fighting to make a life for himself despite daily frustrations. his body is fragile, but frederick brennan is determined
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to make it on his own. >> my name is fredrik brennan, i'm 19. i'm a computer programmer living in new york. i have a bone condition known as brittle bone disease. there's a lot of different severity. i'm in the middle of severity. like, there's more severe cases where, you know, you die, like, and then there's, like, a bit less severe where, you know, you are okay, but you can't do anything for yourself, like you need constant attention because trying to get out of bed will cause you to break a bone. i'm in the middle of severity. i have broken my bones 120 times in my life. >> it's unfortunate because a lot of people in my position can't get out of bed, use the toilet or take a shower. you spend a lot of time doing dangerous things. cooking is not safe for me.
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a pan of boiling water is about as big as i am. i have to be careful not to spill it on myself. i eat the most unhealthy despite. it's bad. i wish i had a maid. when i was a kid there wasn't a lot i could do, kid activities. i had a couple of choices as far as entertainment goes. i could read, watch information or go on the computer. i got my first computer at six, and my next a couple of of years later, just for me. it was an old desktop, and i literally sat at that machine the whole time. at 13 i wrote my first computer programme, and then i moved on to web design and things like that. 10:45 - erin is about to come for a meeting we have to talk about our project. >> i'm erin. i own a small business marketing firm. it does small business for
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online retailers. fredrik is our lead programme are. i was talking about him giving me more hours and time. i offered him an opportunity of moving from atlantic city into his own apartment in new york city, and he jumped at the idea, if i could arrange that, he'd work for me full time. he is dedicated, he's here. i can always find him. he works 12 hours a day, one night all night. >> do you need anything? >> no, i pretty much have everything. behind the keyboard it doesn't matter physically if my body does not work. behind the keyboard, everyone is the same. i work two jobs. i work one job with my boss erin, erin pays for the work. he pays for the rent.
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>> good afternoon. >> i'm fredrik brennan, calling to see when the nurse will be here to help with the intake. >> it's been about a month. i believe i called you guys in january or december. >> as part of my medical coverage i'm entitled to an aid. after taxes i make salaried income. 800 per month. out of that is my expenses. >> we'll give you a call. >> today. >> yes. >> okay, i'll keep my phone on. it's almost five, we'll see. >> thank you. >> no problem. if someone doesn't call back, call back in the morning. >> yes, i will. >> no problem, have a great day. >> you too. >> fat chance of that happening. that's the second time i've been told someone will come today. that's always their same line, someone will call you today, the nurse will call you today or the nurse will call - you know,
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tomorrow, but the nurses have been supposed to call for a month. i'm trying to book a chair for tomorrow. this is fredrik brennan. i don't get a lot of chance to go to manhattan. we are going to run errand and stop by a medical control board. i need to replace what i have. one of these, a magnate, is missing. i have sorry arms. i can't reach down. i can't reach up. i use them all the time. >> now, the super of this building is did something annoying. he put a weight on this door. like i swear they try to make it harder for me. so this door is heavier than before. yes, this is the final bar as far as the building is concerned
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oh [ bleep ]. they're probably out here, son of a bitch. we are three minutes late, we probably missed them. you have to be whatever the weather, whatever is going on, and it's up to you to find the driver's van. there we go. if you miss three trips in a month period they saviour service. i saved income to buy a new wheelchair. this has an electrical problem. sometimes it stops and not go any more. >> i think the bracket causes the screw to be scraped, it's not going through the threading. hopefully this will be donated pretty soon. that's the best you'll get. >> okay.
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thanks for the help. >> sure. >> i needed by wheelchair joystick fixed, it was loose. i needed to replace what i had and use at home. unfortunately, our taxi supposed to take us back, you know, a couple of blocks to get to where accessor-ride, that is running an hour light. i missed access-ride and have been penalized for that because i wasn't at the stop where they would pick me up at the right time. now we are waiting hopefully. this is why i don't usually come out to the city. i have problems when i do. >> i think, you know, in comparison to people, others that work in poverty, most people don't have the luxury of having $20 per day left over. they don't have any money left at the end of the day. i know a lot of people like that
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are in debt. left to choose between the bills they pay. i'm lucky that i do get support from the government, and i have money left over at the end of the month. remarkable man. moving forward - overcoming disability as seen through the determined eyes of friday rick brennan. >> we are joined by an executive director of the maryland disability law center. appreciate you being with us. you heard the story of fredrik. this is reassuring that a person with this level of disability is finding his way, creating his own opportunity, but it is not the full story of life for the disabled. >> that's true. something i like about the piece is it shows fredrik in the community, like anyone else, working, getting around, having a home, and that's really what people with disabilities want. they are not objects of pity. they are not heroes, they are
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simply you and me and happen to have a disability. >> and you talk about the conditions of certain structures, the bureaucratic structure. he says he can make $800 a month. we saw this earlier in the week. we talked about the limitations that in a way keep the disabled poor. >> yes, that's correct. we have a public benefits structure that makes it difficult for people to advance if they are earning money, it's difficult for them to make enough if that survive and not fall off a cliff and lose the support they need to remain productive. it's a catch 22, and we need a better support system for people with disabilities to allow them to advance and aspire to goals. one thing that we are dealing with is the tyranny of low
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expectations, where people with disabilities are expected to be dependent. we are trying to get away interest that and demonstrate that people with disabilities have capabilities like etch else. >> virginia, director of the maryland disability law center. the challenges of young americans ahead. al jazeera america's critically acclaimed series "edge of 18' looks into the lives of young people, including a focus on how college ambitions can be derailed. a preview of our next episode after the break.
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just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now finally from us, we consider how the effort to reach good goals could be so easily side tracks. on al jazeera america, critically acclaimed documentary series edge of 18, oscar winning highlights how hard it is for talented and ambition young poem to stay on course.
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if college is something you really want, why are so carefree about your life. you want to go to college. >> in this neighborhood, not a lot of people went to college, i am supposed toen the child that makes it that gets out of the hood, and does something better. i don't want to end up. as a status. >> what i found surprising is how many adult challenges the kids had to face. we think childhood is an innocent time, these kids are dealing with social issues of our day, and being forced to confront them as adults. her sister hannah got pregnant, my friend emily
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got pregnant, my friend page. >> hello. okay. >> hey. >> he is like 80% of the school pregnant. >> my plans is after kayli comes is to finish high school, and soon like a few months after she is born, go to college. how are you going to cope with being a mom, going to college. >> it will be the sail as going to high school. >> no, i won't. >> yeah it will. >> no i won't. >> i don't know anybody that has a kid and went to college. one valuable thing about this series is that you can see the journey. and sometimes like a good fiction film they take twists and turns and in maurice's case is like that, seems like he is on the road to college, because he is smart and motivated and has good grades and then he takes a downturn. and he begins hanging out
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with his friends and say heyen man, you can get a job as a january terrorism, his mother is going crazy. >> your perception on going to college. >> chicago will make you or break you. >> just because you are pregnant, don't mean your life has ended. for me, my life is just beginning. two rest of the story, you can catch edge of 18 this sunday at nine eastern. that's it for us, this weekend on our program, 200 years ago, the battle of baltimore, at fort mchenry, provided the inspiration for our national anthem. this sunday correspondent brings you the story behind the star spanglinged banner. and remember, if you like to comment on any stories you have seen tonight,
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log on to our website, tonight. and join the conversation with us on twitter, or at our facebook page, good night, we will see you again. 13 years after 9/11 news that the islamic state terrorist group may have tripled in size in three months. the son of a hamas founder who switched sides to spy on the group for a decade joins us with the israeli intelligent agent who risked everything to keep him alive. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those scorize and more straight ahead. .
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