tv News Al Jazeera September 14, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, i'm darren jordan in doha with the top stories. britain's prime minister promises to hunt down the islamic state group fighters that murdered an humanitarian aid worker. a u.s. citizens sentenced to six years hard labour in north korea - details later. thousands stranded by a flood in pakistan. we'll have the latest.
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and riding high. we are in columbia - secrets of big successes in cycling. welcome to the programme. britain's prime minister says it will do all it can to bring the killers of a british hostage to justice. a video showing the apparent beheading of aid worker david haines beheaded. if it's genuine he's the third to be beheaded in the past month. he was kidnapped last year. steven sotloff was killed this month, and taken in 2013. another u.s. journalist james foley was killed in august after his kidnapping in 2012. we'll go to erbil in a minute, but first to emma haywood outside the british parliament in london. david cameron called the killing an act of pure evil.
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what else has he been saying. >> yes, condemning in the strongest terms the killing. in a statement he said "we'll do everything in our power to hunt down the murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes - his words echoed by other politicians in the u.k. and other groups, condemning the killing of david haines. the british prime minister david cameron is hosting a meeting, a cobra meeting, an emergency meeting. that got under way an hour ago. we upset david cameron to issue a statement at the end of that. up for discussion, what will britain do to combat i.s. they have promised to arm the peshmerga fighters in the north of iraq. the big question after the killing of david haines is whether this will prompt britain to take a prominent role in trying to combat the islamic state. >> emma haywood there outside the house of parliament,
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westminster. thank you. well, u.s. president obama condemned what he described as a barbaric murder and said: let's cross to john hendren, in erbil, northern iraq. what reason did david hayne's killers give for beheading him? >> the group clearly blames britain for playing a role in the global coalition to take on the islamic state. the executioner in the video, in a clear british accent looks into the camera and says you, this british man, is paying the price, mr cameron, for your promise to arm peshmerga troops in the battle against the islamic state. it's all about the anticipation in the coalition, the came
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reason the united states blamed - as a mart of fact the gentleman calls mr cameron a lap dog for the americans, and warns of a bloody and prolonged war. that war involves peshmerga troops in northern iraq, the kurdish troops that are closing in on the city of mosul. that is their front line right now. and mosul is the largest strong hold of the islamic state in iraq. i spent some time there, and this is what i found. >> reporter: from a strategic mountain above villages held by the islamic state group, kurdish peshmerga troops are poised for a push towards mosul. islamic state fighters no longer fire back. any movement is punished by mortar strikes, like this one in the village of tar jar. in a 3-hour battle, peshmerga troops captured the mountain.
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backed by the air strikes, they bombarded the villages below, the villagers fled before the fighters arrived. >> translation: this is the village, this is the is, armed i.s. they bombarded here, they no longer have the capability. rncht a city of 2 million, 2 hours drive, mosul is the iraqi capital of the islamic state. as mosul goes, so goes the war for iraq. this is the forward most point for the peshmerga in iraq, facing mosul. in the near ground that is the town of barr belle. and beyond it is mosul itself. commanders are waiting on an order to fortify the bastian. the kurdish troops want more
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american air strikes and arms. >> we need weapons, support, outside help because we are poor people. >> the islamic state is a cancer and will take every country, everything. it's better to destroy them as soon as possible. >> they are ready for what could be the decisive battle in the war against the islamic state. or to use the acronym dash. it's a matter of time. before we throw out dash. with motorcyclel in their sites, the islamic state fighters a few hours from the supply line, time is a commodity the peshmerga have in short supply. as you say in the report, time is not on the side. all eyes will be on the meeting
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of 40 nations on monday. >> that's right, the kurdish peshmerga o troops and other iraqi forces are looking for the support of the coalition. they need arms. you herd the peshmerga troops talking about arms. they want heavy arms, and would ideally like to see western fighters alongside of them. but they say they would be satisfied with air support from the united states, and the various other support they can get from the coalition in terms of military help. but they also want diplomatic help, and they would like to have a diverse group enter the town of mosul, rather than the kurdish troops. they'd like iraqi sunnis and shia troops along with them. they are confident to get the helps they promise. john hendren there in northern erbil.
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thank you. australia is the first country to give details of its correcti contribution to the military effort. tony abbott says it will send 600 airmen and special forces. eight fighters, a command aircraft and refuelling plane. they'll be based at the u.s. military facilities in the unit emirates. >> i can advise that we have, within about the last 24 hours, received a specific request from the united states government to contribute forces to possible military action in iraq. i can further advise on friday night i had a conversation with the new prime minister of iraq, who indicated to me that he would very much welcome, on answer military contribution to the restore takes of order and
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security inside irish. iran's parliamentary speaker dismissed an effort to build a coalition. he says any action against the i.s. without u.n. approval is a violation of international law. >>. >> translation: they say the u.s. and allies will form a coalition and attack, regardless of the u.n. security council. this is a big disaster. if you want to attack, why create the united nations then. >> the islamic state group's power is focussed on iraq and syria. there are groups aligning itself with the i.s. several are in the philippines. >> reporter: several armed groups from the philippines pledged allegiance to the islamic state. the commander, blamed for some of the deadliest attacks vowed allegiance in the video clip.
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others have called for an alliance. vowing to condition pursuit of an islamic state. there are reports that about 100 filipinos were recruited for string. something the military denied. the powerful group condemned fighters in syria and iraq, vowing to stop the spread of the islamic state fighters. >> the liberation front says the ideology is vital in stopping the influence of the islamic state. >> it's an ideological standpoint. we condemn barbarianism.
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>> reporter: many believe as long as there's no cross-training between the islamic state, and members of the groups, not much is expected to change in terms of influence and how they operate in the region. if people are marginal illsed and that their grievances are not addressed in the politics in a peaceful way, they could be radicalized. that's why the moral islamic state liberation front says they are the best inoculation against the islamic state. filipino muslims have a history of taking part in conflict in the middle east. still, there is no known evidence of any direct interaction between the islamic state states and armed groups here. though authorities admit they need to be vigilant. one never nose what seeds may be
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plant. especially when grievances in the southern philippines are unaddressed. >> a lot more to come on the newshour. rescuers are searching for survivors after a deadly accident in the philippines. >> sweden's party is set to take part in parliamentary elections. coming up, a race for the 10 million pay day. we have the details a little later. now, an american man has been sentenced to six years hard labour in north korea for committing hostel act. matthew miller was arrested in april for violating a tourist statement. the 24-year-old is believed to have torn up his visa and demanded asylum. he appealed to the government for help to get him released. >> let's talk to alex, joining
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us from soul. six years hard labour seems hard for a man that tore up his visa, asking for asylum. let's read between the lines, what message is north korea trying to send with the harsh sentencing? >> yes, i mean, it's an excellent point you make, you would have thought the man could have been used for positive propaganda purposes, having sought asylum as a u.s. citizen. you can imagine there's several difficult messages at this stage. certainly north korea will be saying to anybody else who is going to come into north korea on one of their tour packages, that you have to stay very much between the lines that they set, otherwise these are the kinds of consequences you can face. that's a message to christian misson ris. we don't know the true motivations, but now we have three prominent detainees in
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north korea, u.s. citizens. washington is a big factor here. >> experts say pyongyang is hoping a high-profile u.s. official will come if plead for their release. is this a game to the north koreans? >> a game of politics, perhaps. i don't think it's the game you'd enjoy in a leisurely fashion. we have seen, of course, in the past, bill clinton, jimmy carter. the joke is the u.s. is running out of the former presidents to send to north korea. george w. bush doesn't seem like a likely candidate. we have seen eric schmidt of google. dennis rodman, and recently there was the arrival of wreslers and journalists from around the world as a couple of weeks ago. north korea is opening up, but who would it take from the u.s. side to really bring about change when it comes to these detainees, two of whom are
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serving hard labour, kenneth bae and matthew miller, a wildcard, and jeffrey fowl, accused of leaving a bible in a nightclub, despite reports of a hotel room still awaiting trial. this is another development in the saga. all three men were given permission to speak to u.s. media when in north korea a couple of weeks ago. >> okay. >> that's an indication that north korea want the message out there. >> let me ask you a final question. is this playing into a domestic audience, will the north koreans gain domestic propaganda value from this? >> you could say so. you could say that this could be dressed up as keeping in control of those who might come into the country as subversive elements, also a message to enemies within the country.
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we know that critonity pose -- christianity poses a great threat, because of the way the various churches operates. i'm talking about the independent churches working there. maybe it's a message to them that this is the harsh punishment you expect if you deviate. this case with matthew miller is a difficult one to read in terms of the message that it sends. as i said, arguably it would have had greater value for the internal audience if they paraded him as a u.s. citizen that wanted to be a north korean. >> thank you for your time. the pakistani military has been using helicopters and boats to rescue people marooned by floodwaters. 280 people have been killed. engineers have been blowing up dykes. the cities they are trying to protect includes jang. >> this is a village on the outskirts of jang city. as you see, for the last
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several days, almost 30 families from 30 homes are seeking refuge on dry land and have been able to bring out some essential supplies. but most of the stock at their home has watched away. the biggest challenge will be how the people sustain themselves through the crisis. some of the farmers have brought out livestock, and bring in some wheat, most of the foot stocks are gone. what you find is the women and children are now sitting waiting for one to help them. they say they will not go back to the villages, there's water standing there. the fact is that the foundations and the houses is week. the people are not able to return any time soon. the most important thing will be
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after the flood swept through the region, there has to be rehabilitation, and reschedule the people back into the villages. a search and rescue operation is under way in the philippines. three are dead and 100 rescued after a ferry sank. >> reporter: exhausted but alive. survivors say they were tossed about in stormy seas in pitch-black darkness for as long as six hours, clinging to life rafts that didn't inflate and praying for rescue. >> before passing vessels plucked them from the waters. the light of day teams are scouring from the team. it was said the captain of the ferry reported steering problems a few hours into the journey, and it was battered by huge
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waves and winds, whipped up by a typhoon. rescuers say the ferry sank on saturday night. >> we are looking into the weather conditions from where it left, its route and destination. we have seen it was a local weather disturbance. >> caught up in the churning seas, many say they have given up hope of surviving the ordeal. a warping that filipinos take cover as the typhoon makes its way across the north-east philippines. >> liberia's president fired 10 officials for not returning to the country during the ebola crisis, including junior ministers. the 10 were given a one-week ultimatum to return. the president says they showed insensitivity and a disregard for authority. 1200 have died in liberia. and sweden - polls open for parliamentary elections and early predictions indicate the center left is about to take
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power. the social democrats are taking lead over the incumbent coalition. higher spending on health care and schools, after eight years of tax cuts. simon mcgregor-wood fired this report. >> reporter: swedish voters going to the polls on sunday. people like this have done well in the last eight years from the tax cuts and privatisation from the center rite government. he is lagging in the polls behind his social democratic left wing rival, a party creating the welfare state and it looks like the swedish voter wants to go back to what he's familiar with. the country was spared the worst excesses of the election. suites are very sensitive about the privatisation of public services, and have been high profile scandals vog private
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companies and care homes for the elderly. it looks like the swedish voter will react. immigration has been a big issue. the sweden democrats, a right wing party is presenting itself as main stream and is suggesting a 90% cut in immigration, and could be the third largest party in parliament, and that could make it difficult for the social democrats and partners to form a stable governing coalition. now for the weather with richard. you have the latest on a typhoon battling the philippines. >> yes, it's a sizeable feature, looking at the satellite, that's the system at the moment. very close the philippines. let's move and take a look at it in more detail. what you see with the systems - it's further towards the north-east. you get an enhanced flow, resulting in the western side
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getting out large rain fall totals over the last 24 hours. and that really will continue as the system continues to track across the north of the philippines. sustained winds, 20 kph. it's equivalent of a category 1. in terms of the rain, it is a major feature. it's going to run across the south china see, running close as you can see. that's hitting close to the region, 0600 on tuesday. in the meantime it's the philippines. the far south maybe not too bad, large and dry conditions. you get a feel for the fact that it's on the west. and we'll see some of the largest rain fall totals, potential for 300mm, and that will be the impact of china. >> thank you. now, like many students around
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the world, children in gaza are returning to school. the summer holiday is marred by violence and destruction. many must overcome the challenges of overcrowded classrooms, and the trauma of war. charles stratford reports. there are 1,300 girls that have returned to this girls school, the u.n.-run girls school in gaza city. and the first day of school since the war end the. i have been talking to the head master and she tells me for the first three weeks or so, because of the war, they'll do a psychological assessment of the girls. there's a feeling that a lot were traumatized. we know one was killed during the war, and a number injured, for the first three weeks or so there'll be a lot of activities involving art, sport and entertainment in a bid to figure out how deeply affected the girls are. the students have come to the classes now. what they are doing is playing
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games. getting to know each other on the first day of school to relax their minds before the classes start properly. there's massive overcrowding in the classroom. bear in mind the 26 u.n. schools are closed and are being used as shelters for people that fled the fighting, whose homes have been destroyed, this school is expecting more students in the coming days. the u.n. says 76 u.n. schools across gaza are damaged during the war. it's worth remembering that the situation here is difficult for gazan students before the war. the u.n. says it has plans on building 100 u.n. schools to accommodate the students. it was difficult by the siege, bit getting the building materials across the border. the war made it more difficult, in trying to get a good
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education, hundreds of thousands of students. >> there were thousands of jews living in yemen, most left for israel in 1950. about 200 remain, but they are facing a tough choice - to stay or leave. we have their story from sanaa, yemeni's capital. >> reporter: this man teaches his relatives hebrew. they are members of yemen's last jews. they say they lived in yemen for more than 2,000 years, but the numbers dwindled over the last decades to a few dozen now. this is the patriarch, the chief rabbi in the northern region of sadder. in 2007 they were evicted from the shia houthis and their villages.
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his wife says they lost their lands and businesses. >> translation: we were very happy in sadder, now we have lost everything. i'm scared to go back there. i want to die in yemen. >> the children go to government schools. they don't feel comfortable revealing their jewishness in public. this rabbi is confident that he is still a place for -- that there's still a place for them to live. >> i want the congregation to live with the muslim community, go to the same school, have a social life. i hate to see yemen religiously divided. the jews will move to the government compound. some have left for israel. some want to stay. he spends time with his relatives farming in the backyard. helping with the days when there
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was flouring farmers. >> there are few families chosing to be concerned about their safety. the political stand off between the government and the minority houthis - a delicate situation that may force yemens to leave a country they have called home for hundreds of years. >> al jazeera continues to demand the release of three journalists in egypt. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have been detained for 260 days. they are accused of aiding the muslim brotherhood, charges seen as politically motivated. they are appealing against the conviction. >> still to come - days to the vote that could break up the u.k. as we foe know it. >> 250 years ago they fought against a union with england.
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worker. australia prime minister has said they'll send 600 military personnel to help in the fight against i.s. australia is the first country to confirm how it will contribute to the military coalition. a u.s. citizens has been sentenced to six years hard labour in north korea. matthew miller was arrested for violating his tourist status. he's believed to have torn up his visa and demanded asylum. >> rebel fighters in syria captured several towns. their gains allowed some civilians to get to the ground. rebel sustained a push to take more territory around deraa. there are 6.5 million internally displaced syrians, 3 million others are in camps outside the borders. 600,000 are in jordan. many are out of camps into illegal structures. we report from the town.
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>> when the jordanian authorities evacuated a number of illegal tented communities, some refugees built homes instead. without obtaining construction licences, or any required permits. the government wants all refugees to live inside official camps, but many say they can't. this man from homs has six children, two of whom were born with brain paralysis. they lived in a tent for months before a jordanian man built them a structure to protect them from extreme weather conditions that they cannot withstand. >> they can't tolerate heat or cold weather. since we moved into the home, it's become better. >> eight people live in the little home. it's better than nothing. the roof is made from tin, and the walls from cement blocks. in the village home to the largest syrian refugee camp,
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more than 13,000 syrians live in cement homes. some pay rent to landowners. others don't pay anything. authorities say there's little they can do to stop the refugees building illegal structures. the land belongs to the jordanian tribes, and the tribes are at times more powerful than the government here. this is one of the most influential jordanian tribes and all the refugees hail from the same tribe in homs. >> the syrians have jordanian relatives, when they fled syria, they sought protection. we don't see the building of illegal homes as a permanent settlement, it's a brother helping a brother. a jordanian widow is building a home for this family. syrian refugees are not allowed to work. there's sympathy for them, especially in the tribal areas.
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>> translation: my living standard will change after i move into a new home. there's a huge difference between living in a tent and having a roof over my head. i'll still be cool. jordanians understand the burden the crisis placed on jordan and its resources. they don't want them to stay forever. they have to return to their country and they are helping them in the meantime. now, scottish voters have four days left to decide whether they would choose in dependence or stay part of the u.k. lawrence, you are in the heartland of the pro independence campaign. yes, beautiful, as you can see outside in vernes. popular with tourists from all over the world.
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300 years ago. this place was full of soldiers, chasing renegade soldiers. the scots wanted to keep the english out, thinking they were taking over scotland through the union, you hear the echos of that now. it's staumply pro independence, this -- staunchly proindependence, this part of scotland. we are looking at the history of union, to see what it can tell us about the debate. >> 16 april 1746 will find the two armies deployed, facing each other here on the moor. >> the tortured relationship between the english and the scots may go back hundreds of years. this is the moor where a good 40 years after the union, there was a terrible battle between the two countries. there was a terrible battle. the english army setting about
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destroying the communities to break the will of the rebels. this was the beginning of the policies. it culminated in clearances, and it was a systematic dismantling of the way of life. the crushing defeat of the forces was the beginning of the end of the nationalist struggle. whatever people say now, it's clear that the union of england and scotland was by no means a marriage of light minds, and the guerilla war, by hyland scots against english rule carried on for half a century. the union was in the interests of the english arist okay rahsy who wanted to protect their culture against a takeover by europe at any cost. >> over the centuries, the people and economies of england and scotland merged. scottish nationalists say it is the english, not they who, have
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betrayed the principles of the union. >> there's a sentiment behind the union. i wouldn't deny it. there's a feeling that the unions are no longer delivering. when they don't deliver, it's seen as an agreement which can be renegotiated, changed or ended. i think the rest of the u.k. see it as a state of things. >> fancy signing this? thank you very much. >> down south in england, many are horrified that so many scots turn their back on the marriage. these campaigners have been travelling around the cities. getting people to sign a petition, imploring the scots not to trist away. is it -- drift away. is it better to be on an island and make decisions for all of you, or is it better to rean mate a line placed on the island by two medieval warlords and people on different sites of the line are a part of the different
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bodies pol tick. >> so whether scots see themselves as scottish or british is a key part of the decision. the old enemy are never far away. after all, the scottish anthem "flower of scotland" remembers those that beat the english army at the battle of ballot burn, and every scot nose the words. of course, you could overstate all of this, and i do thing the scottish nationalists are genuine when they say the enemy is the political elite that they want to shake off from scottish affairs. all this matters to some. and in edinburgh we saw 20,000 people take to the streets, the pro-unionist organization. that, after all, as i said in the report, is what the english soldiers from doing here in the
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18th century. >> in terms of the vote itself, is it too close to call? >> yes, very much so. what we have seen over the last few days is increasingly desperate and dire warnings from the westminster elite, major banks, supermarkets. prices will rise, scotland will plunge into poverty in it goes independence. there has been rebuttal by people that say it doesn't stand up to scrutiny, and the consequence is there's four polls in circulation, three giving no to independence, one giving yes to minor league, and if you flatten it out, it's 50/50. and the consequence is no one can say by this time next week, whether the u.k. will still exist in its current form. >> lawrence lee in inverness. thank you. a bull spearing festival in spain provoked a protest by
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animal rights protesters. they say it is animal abuse. it is due to start on tuesday, and redates the introduction of the bull fight at the end of the 17th century. >> now to the latest in a series called my home, what life is like in a large slum. we have the story from the financial capital, mumbai. >> this is one of the most densely populated places on earth. in a dark, damp corner, this woman and her family work hard to better their lives. >> this one room home doesn't have running water for a reliable supply of electricity but is filled with grit, determination and a stream of homework. >> translation: my husband and i are working hard to make sure our daughter's life is better
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than ours. we are sending them to a private school to they get good education and a good life. >> she supervises the session, upstairs her husband is trying to make ends meet. working as a tailor, he earns 170 a month. >> if my daughters do well, it will be good for us too. if they work hard and study, they grow up. get good jobs and look after us. >> reporter: her daughters are her big investment and her 13-year-old is well aware of the price her parents are paying so she can see a world beyond here. >> they are not eating, we are studying well because of that. i want to do the best. i want to give the best for them. >> people do business, raise families and live their daily lives in exceptionally close quarters and it's a sense of
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closeness, flimsy buildings and a lack of sanitation that makes this area unfit for humans to live in. when this woman is not raising her daughters, she's trying to make the unlivable bearable, as a community worker. people are known for spotting an opportunity in the most unlikely of places. this includes therapy. millions of others call india's financial capital home, they believe if she can make it here, she can make it anywhere. well let's go back to the top story, the killing. british hostage david haines by the islamic state group. let's talk to the president of the islamic society of britain, joining us from cambridge. what are british muslim leaders, like yourself, doing to show that what the i.s. is doing goes against the pillars of the
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muslim faith? >> i think lots of organizations and individuals across the british communities, muslim and otherwise are working together in order to highlight the very un-islamic nature of an organization that calls itself the islamic state. and it's actually, in its actions, closer to an un-islamic state of the lots of organizations and individuals issued statements, created a lot of projects and campaigns, where it came together to show each other and wider society that there is nothing theo logical sound about the actions of the group. >> do you think the behead iption have an impact on young british people, men mostly, who want to go off as jihadists and join the i.s. group. >> i think anybody that feels inspiration or aspiration to join a group like this, and join
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in the committing of acts of murder and pillage can be safe in the knowledge that this is not anything to do with their faith, and if the inspiration comes from their space, that can be disqualified immediately. lots of people who feel that this organization hijacked the name of islam are shocked by the murderous activities of what essentially are thugs. for other people, men or women, to join a group like this from here in britain or anywhere else in the world is something that we do not encourage in the slightest. >> the british security services believe up to 500 britains may have travelled to the region and worry about their return to the u.k. as radicalized young men. what are muslim groups, leaders like yourself, doing to stop the radicalization? >> that's true. there are fears not just by the
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security services, can i add, but by the families of the young individuals, who know nothing about the activities of the young people, until the security services knock on the door. until their sons or daughters leave for the country, and go to, of all places, like civil war, where there's anarchy and places like syria and iraq. the young people, when they arrive there cause nothing but confusion in a chaotic situation. groups like imams online, our organization and the coalition of people who signed a letter to the prime minister today - other organizations include the council of britain took action by making statements and issuing edicts as to the ante or nature of the group. >> do you think there's a growing chorus of rejection by british muslim about the islamic
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state group, and do you think the message of rejection is loud enough? is it getting through? >> that's a really good question. and we never know whether things are loud enough or not, often. there's no litmus test, as it were. lots of muslim organizations are talking about the issue. moveses, umbrella bodies and personalities who are shocked by what is happening. what we need to do is more of that. we need to work together as societies, muslim or otherwise. it makes no difference, because what is happening here affects us all, and puts us all at risk. the chorus of voices needs to increase and be more collaborative. >> thank you for talking to al jazeera. >> thank you. all the sport coming up. sitting on top of the world, can
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welcome back, and time for the sport. >> golf - he's already won two majors this year, and world number one golfer rory mcilroy could become $10 million richer later on sunday. the northern irishman holds a sir of the lead heading into the final round of the tour championship, the last leg of the fed ex kuch. the eagle -- cup. the eagle putt the highlight. rory mcilroy's level at
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9-understand with billy hore shell, keeling in contention with a 1-under round. he had two career wins, but could walk away with a prize purse of 11.4 million with victory. >> obviously, you know, in the middle of the year i'm not sure - he told me i would have a chance to win a championship. and do it while going up against the best player in the game. no matter what happened, it will be an exciting day. helpfully rory and i can put on a show. >> i feel like i had the best year out of anyone on tour. i came with the ultimate goal of trying to cap it off, trying to put an exclamation point on, icing on the cake, whatever you want to call it. it would be poetic justice.
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a boxer nicknamed "money" floyd mayweather extended his unbeaten streak to 47 fights. in a second rematch of an 18-year career, floyd mayweather came out on top with an unanimous point victory. the fight leaving a sour taste after floyd mayweather claimed he was bitten on the hand by his opponent. he retains welterweight crowns and a show down with manny pacquiao could be on the agenda. >> absolutely. we don't know what the future hold, now i want to take a break, and spend time with my children. then see who is next. hopefully manny pacquiao. the americans have a perfect record in the tournament of basketball with a winning margin of 32.5 point.
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more impressive considering the absence of a number of star names. serbia are making their first appearance in the final after barely qualifying. they have been gaining momentum, knocking out co-favourites spain in the last eight, before beating france in the semifinal. >> i think serbia is as good as anyone in the tournament. probably the hottest team and they are playing at a high level. they have stars on their team. i loved him when i saw him in the world championships. magdonovich is a rising star. the big guys are good. they are well coached. and they are strong. >> first of all, we have a lot of respect towards the opponent. i think they are the best team or among the two best
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definitely. we are here to put our mark and to try to play the best game that we can, and why not compete against them and find a way to wib the game. >> manchester united continues a quest when the red devils face queen's park rangers. chelsea are the league pace setters after a 4-2 victory over swan si. the signing of digo costar scored a hat-trick, taking the season to seven goals. >> seven goals in four premier league matches - maybe it's too much. we cannot expect that after eight matches he has 14 goals. it's too much. but the way he is playing and the team is playing - if he keeps scoring a few goals, it gives points. >> costa's former side atletico
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madrid prove they can cope without him, avenging their champion league final with a 2-1 victory in the derby match. a winner in the 76th minute. real madrid three points from the opening three matches. other results in spain saw barcelona maintain a perfect start to the season with a 2-0 victory over athletic. cycling's tour of spain concludes sunday with alberto contador poised for victory. spaniards dominated that race, but columbian cyclists are becoming a global threat. we send our correspondent to the mountains of columbia to try to find the secret to their success. >> reporter: after years in the dowl drums, columbian cyclists are riding high, their return to the top of the world surprised
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many. stringent doping testing has helped riders oh live in the high altitudes. another reason is here in the mountains. the coach has been modelling the new columbian cyclists. >> translation: they improved in three aspects. detecting talent. gathering and selecting data. we changed the mentality of the rider. how to train and eat and make decisions on the road. >> reporter: of all the columbians, half of them were products of the 472 development programme, including overall winner. and their stories are inspiring a new generation of talent. like this man who won a tour, an important race for young riders
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hoping to make the transition to a big european team. >> translation: we have become more confident. we overcame our fears. once we were perceived as mountain climbers, we have proven we can make results, cross winds or races. >> reporter: unlike any other team, they have implemented rigorous testing and have set up a biological passport. columbia is passionate about cycling, it also struggled with banned substances. the founder said this was a reason he created the team. >> in order to be successful around cycling, we have to get rid of doping. we feel we have more support throughout the world.
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as they are more strict with doping, we'll be more successful. >> until now, the 472 team is a ticket out of columbia for young stars. many hope it will offer a clean future and a level playing field back home. of course, there's more on the website. check out it's there for you. that's all your sport. >> thank you. >> now, cuba's vets have a problem. they can't get enough medicine to treat the pets they are supposed to be helping. daniel schweimler explains why, from havana. first thing on monday morning in a state-run clinic in the center of havana, and it's already bustling. cuba trained enough vets to provide animal care and sends many abroad. the problems lie elsewhere. >> translation: you can go and ask the pet owners.
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they'll tell you it's a shame that, they get a great service, we are all professionals, but it can't get better because of the shortage of resources. >> reporter: there are many reasons for the shortages, mostly of medicines. cubans love their pets as much as anyone else. the animals enjoy the same benefit and suffer the same problem as society, overly sensitised and a shortage of resources. cubans blame corruption, bureaucracy for the 50-year long u.s. trade embargo, which they call a blockade. >> translation: there are problems the government has to solve. maybe the vets could be self-employed so they have the opportunity to better practice their profession. that would be great. >> reporter: the cuban authorities have been slowly,
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cautiously open you will a tightly state-run economy. many vets run privately, unregulated without a government licence. that means the animals have no protection. activists are pushing for a law to put that rite. >> not having an animal right law means we don't have the tools with which to work. it's difficult to help on animal when the abuse is not specified by law. >> when there's no protection, home have moved to protect the animals. >> this is a scheme to enough the authorities they are being cared for by residents. these fellows are not labelled and face an uncertainty fate, excluded from a system, stretched to the limit. >> stay with us here on al jazeera. my colleague david foster is up next at the top of the hour with another full bulletin of news
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>> a new episode of the ground breaking series, edge of eighteen >> just because your pregnant don't mean your life's ended. >> intense pressure... >> i don't know if this whole dance thing will work out. >> tough realities... >> we chicago ch-iraq, because we have more killings... >> life changing moments...
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>> shut the camera.... >> from oscar winning director, alex gibney, a hard hitting look at the real issues facing american teens. the incredible journey continues... on the edge of eighteen only on all jazeera america a british aid worker and father of two is beheaded by islamic state group. britain's prime minister promises to hunt done his killers. hello, i'm david foster. you are watching al jazeera. liberia's president sacks 10 government officials for refusing to come back to the country during the ebola crisis. a u.s. citizen is sentenced to six years hard labour in north korea. and still undefeated, floyd mayweather wins again and says he's now
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