tv News Al Jazeera September 15, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> they're blocking the doors... ground breaking... they killed evan dead... truth seeking... >> they don't wanna see what's really going on >> break though investigative documentary series america's war workers only on al jazeera america in is al jazeera america, life from new york city, tony harris with a look at the top story. former baltimore ravens, ray rice to appeal his suspension from the n.f.l. the u.s. gathering a coalition to fight i.s.i.l., but without addressing the issue of syria. general motors reveals more deaths tied to faulty ignitions in cars, and that number expected to go up.
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new developments on a number of controversies around the n.f.l. the league launched an effort to deal with the issue of domestic violence, former baltimore ravens ray rice is said to file an appeal of his suspension. michael eaves has more. >> rice has until midnight tomorrow to enter his appeal. as of now, he has not done so. the n.f.l. nor the players' association has made an announcement pertaining to the appeal. while the legal waits for it, the commissioner continues to address the evolving domestic violence protocols. >> reporter: one day after banners flew over two stadiums demanding roger goodell's stadium an advise christopher gibson board has been announced. lisa freel, jane randall and rita smith will help to lead and
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shape n.f.l.'s policies relating to domestic violence and sexual assault. freel was the head of the sex crimes unit for a decade. randall is the cofounder of no more, a campaigner against domestic violence and sexual assault, and smith former director of a coalition against domestic violence. freel will be involved in all decisions, the group will oversee the development of the domestic violence sexual assault policy and include training and education for the n.f.l. no punishment for san francisco 49est raymond christopher gibson, who started against the -- ray mcdonald and started, and another. adrian peterson was reinstated
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after the team suspended him. he was indicted after he whipped his 4-year-old son, resulting in welts and scars. a statement read: . >> we are trying to do the right thing. this is a difficult path to navigate recording the judgment of how a parent disciplines his child. >> well, adrian peterson issued a statement apologising for his actions saying "i caused an injury i never intended or thought would happen", now he's been reinstated he'll practice and play in this week's game.
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>> to tie it up, robert muller, the former director of the fbi is attached to an investigation to find out how roger goodell and the n.f.l. handled the ray rice situation. >> an investigation on how the n.f.l. handled it, not internal from the league. >> thank you. no mention of the games. >> a diplomat from across the world agrees i.s.i.l. must be stopped. the hang up how and when met in paris to discuss a strategy, while discussions focus on iraq, they avoided the toughest part of the scenario - syria. nadeem barber has the latest. >> for an iraqi counterpart - an appeal to rescue his nation. >> translation: we continue to
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ask for airborne operations to be carried out. we must not allow i.s. to set up sanctuaries. we must pursue them, cut off finances, and hem them in and stop neighbouring countries joining them. >> this conference was about one thing, fighting the islamic state of iraq and levant or i.s.i.l. hours after the french planes began reconnaissance flights, the foreign minister said a concerted military response was crucial. >> translation: when you face a terrorist group as dangerous as this, a certain number of measures have to be taken, these will vary according to the country. >> from some countries, they hint they take part in airsticks, the u.s. is looking to the -- air strikes, the u.s. is looking for gulf partners for logistical support.
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for iraq, all offers are welcome, even if we don't know the detail. >> translation: the international community stood together. more than 30 countries are on the side of iraq, prepared to support iraq at all levels, they understand what is happening. >> despite the talks of unity, an important question remains unanswered, how to stop i.s.i.l. operating over the boarder in syria. there's little appetite prepared to go over the border. for now the world waits to see who will do what, and whether they can make a difference. >> the white house says getting syrian opposition fighters ready is part of a long-term strategy. mike viqueira is in washington. the u.s. seems confident that troops on the ground in iraq and syria are necessary but if no americans are going to fight,
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who will? >> it's a great question, who, what, when. a lot is unanswered at this hour. we expect answers in the coming days. these questions loom large. ground troops are necessary, says the white house group of staff in television interviews. the question is whose ground troops. the free syrian army - the president spoke to them, training them. a hurdle has to be cleared first, a vote in congress to organise aid to the individuals, rebels within syria, the president spoke disparagingly about the capabilities of the free syrian army, and others. who is in the coalition of the united states. up to 10 member nations from the arab world. they have not been named. when will the expanded sorties start. not only within syria, but within iraq. at the time and plus of our
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choosing, but they are not letting on that it will be any time soon. most of the indications are a few key event will be put on before it starts. and what do we call it. the secretary of state john kerry said we shouldn't call it a war. the white house spokesman said we are at war, secretary of state john kerry says it is a war. all points to sense tisties within the region of arab on arab countries innovating and contributing in some way, shape or form, whether it's reconnaissance, transport, mi military aid to some forces. sense tities on the side -- sense tisties on the side of the united states, a lot of sore feelings from 11 years ago. >> the white house repeated that working with iran is out of the question. >> right. >> correct me if i'm wrong, there seems to be a set of signs to indicate today that the door may be open to some kind of cooperation. >> right. this is about the coalition
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building, a sensitive exercise in diplomacy, that secretary of state john kerry, chuck hagel and others are undertaking now. they'll work with iran, says secretary of state john kerry, but not militarily. no military coordination whatsoever. and the secretary kerry has key testimony where is lot will be answered in the senate or the house. a spokesman, josh ernst described the effort this way. >> a lot of this is de-conflicting, making sure some requests don't go unfilled. this is the situation of general allen, meeting with the press, updating him on the process. that's general john allen, a former marine internal, in charge of i.s.e.f. forces, the
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coalition in afghanistan. chuck hagel, secretary of defense, testifies before congress tomorrow. >> thank you. the u.s. estimates dozens of americans are fighting for i.s.i.l. attorney general eric holder announced plans to stement the flow at a-- stem the flow at a crass roots level. >> the programme brings together a group of people to improve local engagement, to counter violent extremism and build a broad network of community partnerships to keep the nation safe. >> the u.s. and european nations worry foreign fighters will return home after learning how to fight with i.s.i.l. the united kingdom is considering seizing suspects of those suspected of fighting in iraq and syria. a moment of silence for the british aid worker beheaded by i.s.i.l. david haines, the third publicly killed. european oficials say it
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highlights the dangers aid workers face. 450 convoys have been attacked. his death set off anger across the u.k. phil ittner is in london for us. >> yes, you are spot on. the anger felt from the unveiling of it beheading video on the weekend is felt keenly here in the u.k. prime minister david cameron said he will track down whoever is responsible. and, in particular, there's an individual of great interest to british authorities. called jihadi john. this is an individual conducting videos, stepping into an knlish authority this, they are close to having identified him. some believe he has been
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identified. now it's a matter of hunting down and finding him. the numbers of fighters going to the region is of concern to the government in london. >> david haines was a british hero. >> reporter: british prime minister david cameron calls the o apparent beheading of aid worker david haines, the embody. of evil. >> they claim to do this in the name of islam. this is nonsense. islam is a religion of peace. they are not muslims, they are monsters. >> reporter: in a statement, president obama condemned the barbaric murder of haines. the 44-year-old kidnapped. haines worked as a security consultant for an aids group. mike haines said highs brother was enthusiastic about his work. >> my first reaction could be
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one of hate red, but my brother's life was not about hate red, it was about love for all men. >> in london, an emergency meeting of top advisors was called, vowing to fight the islamic state group. >> first we'll work with the iraqi government to ensure it represents all of its people and can tackle this effect. we'll support the kurdish regional government. the united states is taking direct military action. we support that. british tornado and surveillance aircraft have been helping with intelligence gathering and logistics. >> the islamic state group said david haines execution was in retaliation for support of military action against the group in iraq. >> we hope, prayed in our own way. unfortunate lip it was not in our -- unfortunately it was not in our hands, not in the hands of the government, it was in the hands of terrorists. >> reporter: the i.s. group is
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threatening to kill a fourth, alan henning. the family released this photo of a taxi driver, volunteering on a humanitarian aid convoy heading to syria when captured. >> there is a strong desire here in the u.k. to do something about what is happening in the region, not least of which because so many british citizens are over there. it has to be said, there's little appetite for direct intervention on the ground. no boots on the ground forthcoming from the u.k. . >> phil ittner for us in london. appreciate it. afghanistan's two presidential candidates will we start talks. abdullah abdullah and ashraf ghani have been waiting to see who won the june election. all the ballots have been recount. they are looking at individual complaint. british prime minister david
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cameron is urging scottish voters to remain with the u.k., warning a yes vote will be irreversible. >> and it's my duty to be clear about the likely consequences of a yes vote. independence would not be a trial separation, it would be a painful divorce. this is our message to the people of scotland. we want you to stay. head, heart and soul, we want you to stay. >> voters in scotland go to the polls on thursday. as many as 500 migrants in africa are feared dead after their boat sank off the coast of libya. traffickers rammed and sank the boat near malta. the international organization for malta says if the report is accurate, the shipwreck is mass murder and the worst in years. more deaths to a massive
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recall of general motors vehicles. the number is higher than the automake or reported and could rise. bisi onile-ere is here with more on what is revealed and what this means for g.m. >> tony, the dise tails are in a -- details are in a report released by an attorney overseeing the compensation fund. six weeks ago, accepting applications, attorney ken feinberg received 445 claims. he reports that 31 are eligible for compensation, of those 19 are for deaths. that figure is higher than the 13 deaths g.m. initially linked to the faultily ignition switch, leading to the massive recall and congressional hearing. since the fund is accepting claims until december 31st, that number is expected to rise. feinberg did not identify the victims or offer details about the claims, but families who lost loved ones receive 1 million.
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i reached out today to the centre for autosafety, and it called the report disturbing, because the number of death claims is 50% higher than originally revealed by general motors. g.m. released a statement saying: the autojot maker is at the center of several federal investigations and imagine that the compensation fund will cost them anywhere between $500-$600 million. >> that sound you hear is the other shoe dropping. bisi onile-ere, good to see you in new york. coming up, microsoft spending more than $2 million to snatch up the game "minecraft",
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stocks started the new trading week. the dow gained, the s&p losing a point. barely worth mentioning. and the nasdaq above 49 points. definitely word mentioning. >> a judge in a bankruptcy hearing refffed to give -- refused to give a bond guarantee time to reach agreement. other creditors, sim cora guarantee inc struck o deal. the government will hear evidence whether the bankruptcy plan is fair to creditors. $2.5 billion microsoft agreed to pay to buy the swedish company that makes "mine craft."
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the goal to beef up microsoft gaining division. jake ward joins us from san francisco. tell me what mine craft is all about. i understand the kids really love it. >> kids. >> if you know a 10 year-old boy, you probably nose someone that plays mine craft. it's an open sand box gain. you and your friends can return around and do what you like inside of it. it runs contrary to what a lot of us think about. it's very, very retro looking. you basically walk through a landscape of porous and beaches and take things apart. they made out of a pitch lated look. it looks 1980s, contrary to what we think. almost no violence. you cap fight each other. people really like to build. when i say they like to build, they go crazy and spend hours and days. people created whole versions of
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the space shuttle. people created rides through the landscape of mine craft taking a guy two months of 24 hours to g. the kind of obsessive buildings. people liken it to lego. there's something col eegeal, friendly and addictive about the game that has it sweeping the nation. >> what is the value of this. i like the idea of building something, instead of another fighting game. what is the value for microsoft. why are they spending billions on minecraft. >> if you get into the nuts and bolts of why it makes money, the addictive thrill created an incredible market. it's the third best-selling game in history, in terms of individual titles. it's really only behind tetris, and the wee sports franchise, it's a massively successful
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game. it is free to play, and has a 14% conversion rate. 14% that play it, buy it. it's in an industry that sees triple digits. everyone is worried about what happens when the day of the consome, xbox 360 and people play on the phone. what will you do. windows and the phone lagged behind other mobile offerings. so i think microsoft is desperate for a hit and are trying to buy the community. gotcha. jacob ward in san francisco. president obama presented army command sergeant major benny atkins with a medal of honour, describing some of his experiences in the vietnam war, but noted that he committed so many acts of bravery. there was not time to talk about all of them. lisa stark spoke with command sergeant major atkins about some of the experiences he was honoured for. >> we met command sergeant benny
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atkins at a hotel near the pentagon, it's been half a century since the battle in vietnam that he's being honoured for. he says he's honoured. >> this award is for the other 16 americans with me in the battle >> reporter: atkins was a reluctant soldier, drafted at the age of 22 after dropping out of college. >> i didn't know it, if you dropped out of college you went to the top of the draft list. >> reporter: he found the army suited him, and he reenlisted, volunteering for special forces. he was married with children and headed to vietnam. during 1956 during the second of three tours, a large viet cong division attacked his isolated jungle camp. >> this attack was constant, 38 hours >> reporter: it was a fierce fight.
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atkins was blown out of the mortar pit twice and rescued wounded and dead. >> i kept with a great soldier, staff sergeant hall, team 503. he was hit hard, both legs blown off. >> reporter: hall was one of five who died, and so did hast of the 400 south vietnamese in the camp. those that survived escaped into the jungle. >> i was fortunate to have a short-range radio. and the antenna was shot off the radio, i used my body, by standing in water and communicated with an aircraft. >> reporter: the helicopter coming to pick them up was shot down. as night fell, the invite conk closed in. >> we -- viet cong closed in. >> we heard noise and saw eyes around us in the jungle. that night a tiger stalked us
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>> reporter: the enemy could see the tiger. it kept them at bay long enough for a rescue. >> they traded me for 18 body wounds, most of them was mortar and hand grenade shrap unless. >> for his -- shrapnels. >> reporter: for his valor, he received a chest full of rewords. >> we don't do this for medals, we do it for the country and our way of life. >> i'm as proud as i could be. i couldn't be prouder >> reporter: did you think during the period you were not going get back home? >> never. never. >> atkins credits his training for giving him the mental strength he needed. >> i'm proud of my services. i'm 80, and i want to see if i can reenlist.
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you are ready to join up again. >> that's right. >> for now he'll have to settle for a tribute. president obama is expected to outline a plan to increase u.s. involvement in fighting the ebola in africa. he'll visit the disease control and convention. in atlanta - reports suggesting he'll send hospital and medical supplies and training for health workers hillary clinton in the key political state of iowa, she says he's back. is an announcement on a presidential bid next. the controversy and the fallout over this sweat shirt. blood-like splatter reminiscent of a 1970 massacre at kent state university.
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former secretary of state hillary clinton visited iowa on sunday for the first time since her defeat in the 2008 presidential caucuses. she didn't reveal if she would run for president. her supporters are getting ready. libby casey has more from iowa. [ cheering and applause ] [ chants ] >> reporter: all this for a woman who won't say whether she's running for president in 2016. >> well, it is true, i am thinking about it. [ cheering and applause ] >> but for today that is not why i'm here. i'm here for the state. >> reporter: hillary clinton didn't spill the beans about her plans at tom harkin's state fundraiser. >> we want to help get her a leg up. it's not something you want to
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throw together at the last minute. that's why this has been in progress. >> clinton insider tracy is working for a super pack ready for hillary. it turned out hundreds of clinton supporters. >> please do it. >> we'd love to see a woman in the main stage of government for once. >> i believe in her. >> these college students from in middle school when hillary clinton came in a rousing third in the iowa presidential caucus, a defeat called excruciating. >> in '07/'08, hillary clinton was here, but seemed not to grasp the significance of caucuses and one to one face time. the obama people did. >> political science professor says iowa is about retail politics. >> she has to show iowans that
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she is interested in the state, and is a leader and provide a solid rational for her candidacy. >> part of that is making the pilgrimage and grilling steak. >> this looks good. >> reporter: it's a chance for hillary clinton to talk to iowans, an important crowd, the first in the nation to weigh in when it comes to picking a president. to get iowans on board, "ready for hillary" is mobilizing forces with a billboard, bus and addresses. >> we have hit all 99 counties, we had organizers at ept, we are doing everything from tail gating football parades, gay pride parades. >> reporter: there's plenty of interest with 200 media outlets descending for the state fry and
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many eager to hill clinton's message. >> eight years ago we were for obama, we were glad for him to take office, we feel it's time for hillary. >> now all she needs is a candidate. >> let's bring in jennifer jacobs from demoip, a chief political reporter for the drummoyne register. can i start with something straightforward here? >> sure. >> for all of us non-iowans watching the programme, what is this steak fry all about, please? >> in iowa we have a republican and democrat candidate. and harkin has been a law-maker for 40 years and very popular. he's had 37 steak fries over 40 years, and they are major democratic rallies, that have gotten bigger over the years and is a draw for politicos running
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for president. what other opportunity do you have to get up on stage and speak to 10,000 iowan democrats. it's a huge festival, a party atmosphere. there's rock music, food, fear, and people come together and consider themselves a big democratic family, and they sit in arm chairs and watch. >> so, jennifer, how much of a nod did hillary clinton give to this assumed run in 2016? >> well, he hit it strongly. there's no doubt by stepping foot in the state of iowa, that sends a signal that she wants to be considered a top contender for 2016. that is what she is. she's 48 points ahead of any development in iowa. by coming here, she says, and not denying that she wants to run, she's thinking about it.
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that sends a strong message to iowans, as soon as the grandchild is born, and there's a couple more runs, she'll weigh in. >> talk about the relationship iowans have with hillary clinton. do iowans like hillary clinton. tom harkin felt he had to interview. do iowans have an issue with hillary clinton? >> some do. the republicans find her polarizing. the democrats are crazy about her, there's no koulent about that. she -- doubt about that. she was third in the kauk cas, and it was -- caucuses, it was stinging, a nastly loss for her -- nasty loss for her. she took it badly. i don't think it was as much a rejection for her, but people liked president obama. she is popular across the board with independence and democrats
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in iowa, and has a strong following here. like i said, when you ask democrats who they'd like to see run for president, she's at the top of the list. >> did clinton's speech overshadow hillary's speech. david shuster is here, he told me he watched video of president clinton working a rope line, and no one works the rope line like bill clinton, did his speech overshadow hillary's. >> i don't think anyone thinks the speech overshadowed his wife. it was considered by some to be a rambling, meandering speech, touching on topics, mumbling, and people lost track of what his point was. it was a strange speech. although, you know, he kept it together. he had notes, themes that he wanted to stress, and he got his message out, and he definitely
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got an enthusiastic reaction from the crowd, but not nearly as enthuse yastic as the crowd was for his wife. after hillary was done speak, there was a large exodus. people were there to see her, when she was done, even though a former president of the united states was about to get on stage. many got up and left. >> appreciate it. jennifer jacobs, the chief political reporter for the dooum i know register. appreciate it. >> iowa is important politically. not just because of the presidential politics involved, but because of the crucial senate race. today marks 50 days until the midterm elections. david shuster joins us with the power politics. >> top republican strategist sent out an sos urging depocketed donors and groups to step up efforts.
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the latest disclosure shows democratic senate and allies outspent republican joanie ernst. democratic groups reserved $10.8 million in the iowa race, republicans $8.3 million for ads. the latest polls indicate republican ernst is trailing thanks to a barrage of democratic attack adds. >> i talked about social security. >> so with the koch brothers, they spent million, and now they are spending millions trying to elect joanie ernst. she is too stream. >> in kentucky, the battle is between the republican mitch mcconnell, and democrating
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challenger alison grimes. she goes skeet shooting, distances herself from president obama and takes aim at a few gaffs. watch? >> it's not his job to bring jobs to kentucky. i'm not president obama, i disagree with him on guns, coal and the e.p.a. and, mitch, that's not how you hold a gun. i'm alison, i approve the message. >> the issue of domestic violence is popping up as a political issue, thanks to the controversy over the n.f.l. and baltimore ravens running back ray rice. here is senator gillibrand on "face the nation." >> if the n.f.l. doesn't police themselves, we will look more into it. i wouldn't be surprised if we had hearing. for regular women, we should be heard on the issues. >> and a majority of women vote tore democrats, and with that in
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mind republicans are replacing discussions of the n.f.l., and highlighting efforts to curb domestic violence. here is the last challenger, dan sullivan. >> alaska's attorney-general christopher gibson dan sullivan led them to respect initiatives, protecting women from domestic violence. >> alaska has a problem. >> dan sullivan showed leadership in this area. >> to presidential politics, sarah palin leaves open the possibility of running in 2016. she has confirmed reports that members of her family a week ago were involved in a brawl. according to the family a fight outside an anchorage party was instigated by an ex-boyfriend, escalating with guys trailing on her son, and todd palin jumped in. bristol palin joined the brawl
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and threw punches. the palin family denies that sarah palin tried to break up the fight by yelling, "don't you know who i am", someone responded "is this is not a hill billy reality show." >> perhaps the pailins could get a lesson from the folks in netherlands. . >> that's right, hundreds of young dutch men and women turned amsterdam to a blizzard of red goop, pelting each other with overripe tomatoes. it was a political protests against russian sanctions on netherlands produce, including tomatoes, this was an opportunity to have a fight. that is united states politics. >> thank you, david shuster with us. let's get you caught up on other stories. >> the manhunt for the killer of a pennsylvania state trooper is in its fourth day. ryan dixon is a 7-year veteran
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of the police department, killed friday night when he and another trooper were ambushed and shot outside the police station. investigators hope to interview the other trooper, who is conscious and talking after surgery. >> two wildfires in california force hundreds of residents to flee their homes. the fire destroyed or damaged more than 20 structures, scorching 300 acres. it is now 20% contained. further north, a fire 60 miles east of sacramento forced the evacuation of many homes. >> in colorado, at least four students suffered burns inside a high school chemistry lab. a teenager was hurt when an experiment went wrong. officials would only say a teacher was conducting a demonstration, but a student says the teacher was lighting methanol when flames shot towards the back of the ceiling. >> we were chaotic, trying to
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figure out what happened. we saw fire everywhere in the room. we were trying to put it out and help the students. >> the fire did not spread beyond the lab. no word on how the students who were burnt are doing. a sweat shirt maker is apologising for selling a shirt with a blood-like spatter. student connected it to a massacre in may of 1970 when four students were killed by the national guard during vietnam war protests. campus officials say they took great offense to a company using the pain for profit. a spokes woman for urban outfitter says the shirts were removed and destroyed. it's causing all sorts of chatter. >> how does something like that happen? who is involved in decision making >> how could they not know. >> see you later. a deadly brain-eating omeana
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about 12,000 people in a small louisiana town are exposed to a potentially deadly brain-eating omeana in their -- omeba in their top water. officials say it's safe for touring and drinking as long as it does not get into the nostrils. >> reporter: residents of st. john the baptist parish are desperate for answers after a
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broken-eating omeba was found in the water supply. more than 12,000 could be affected. at a community meeting parish leaders tried to calm their fears. >> we apologise for the actions or misactions leading to the emergency. we are committed to making sure the water is safe for now and in the future. >> parish leaders took action when notified of the problem. the water is treated with a 60-day chlorine burn. a process used to make the water safe to drink. >> a community gathering had angry residents not buying. >> we want to get to the bottom of a lot of things. number one, getting the water correct. >> number two, taking care of those accountable for this. >> denise showed off a bottle filled with tap water that ex-parties say is safe for con -- experts say is safe to cop -- consumption.
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>> would you drink this or this. >> boral took her concerns to erin brokovitch. she did not make the meeting, but her investigator was there. >> the omeba enters the body through the nose and makes its way to the brain. last year it was blamed for the death of a 4-year-old. joining me is paige, the communications director with the st. john the baptiste parr irk. good to talk to you, paig. the school board declared a state of emergency, but the parish has not so far. why not. >> that was a concern of ours right away. we did need to look at doing that. when it comes to declaring the
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state of emergency, usually it has to do with purchasing and if we have damages. our water system did not sustain damage, you know. so, therefore, as far as money being spent to repair the damages, we would not meet the threshold to receive reimbursement from the state. >> gotcha. >> so at this time, you know, if we declared a state of emergency, it would give the parish president a special administration or purchasing powers. it would not actually provide reimbursement for spending. it would not meet the threshold. while we are committed to focussing and addressing and drafting the emergency order, declaring a state of emergency, it was not necessary. >> paige, the parish has been ordered to conduct a 60 day chlorine burn. i don't know what that is. what is that? >> the department of health and hospitals ordered that we do a
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60 day chlorine burn. way that is is normally when we treat the water system we treat it with clora mean, a mixture of chlorine and ammonia. a chlorine burn is strictly treating the water system with chlorine. we started the chlorine burn the day - the next morning at 7 o'clock am, on august 28th, and we continued to do a chlorine burn. the order that the department of health and hospital issued to st. john the baptiste parish is the chlorine burn is a 60 day burn where you test 70 sites, it's an additional site sampled. we sample two sites, the point of entry, and the maximum resident time, a location at the end of the line. these are, you know, site - the 70 sites are sites that are identified by the department of health and hospitals.
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we had to go and locating those sites. >> gotcha. >> and some of them happen to be an empty lot. >> okay. >> and so some remediation had to be done. we sent over the sites, back to the hh saying "look, this is what we found at the sites you sent us. is this okay?" . >> rite. >> we are awaiting approval from d hh. once they send that, we'll start the 60 day burn. 70 sites that will be tested, the samples have to come back with a 1.0 chlorine level. the normal dhh requires 0.5. >> so, page, can i ask you a question before i run out of time here. look, officials there are saying it's safe, the water is safe for showering and drinking. as long as it doesn't get into your nostrils. i don't know about you, but when
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i take a shower, i'm pretty sure there's water that end up in my north-east release. how d we feel about this recommendation? >> right. and we do - we do understand we have spoken to d hh and we have received information from c.d.c., and it is - if it goes deep into your naval cavity, it's around your knows, they are saying you should be okay. it's if it goes deep into your nasal cavity, and i don't know if you have been in a pool where it's got un up your knows and there's a burn. into right. >> that's why we are asking residents to proceed with caution. it is safe to cook and to drink. chlorine is what, you know, kills the omeba. we have been treating with chlorine. we have not starred the 60 day
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burn. we have been treating the system since we were notified. >> you are a good spokesperson for the parish, i'll tell you that. the communications director with st. john the baptiste parish, joining us on skype. well done. next, thousands of people calling for a boycott of the n.f.l. in light of the ray rice incident. >> i'm ray suarez, arab nations of the middle east reach agreement with other countries to stand up to the militant threat of i.s.i.l. in iraq and syria. the commitments vary. little military muscle has been pledged. we examine the unprecedented coalition built and managed by the u.s., live at the top of the hour.
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the n.f.l. is taking shots on social media. there are calls for boycott, wow, and for commissioner roxer goodell to be fired. we have been following that. >> protesters are using social media, this visual. this is an ad of a cover girl model, and she is wearing the baltimore raven colours. covergirl is a sponsor of the n.f.l. here is a photoshoped version of the ad that has been circulating through social media. >> ouch. that makes the point. >> an eye punched saying get your game face on.
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and it's been written: "are you ready for protests." yesterday the activist group ultra-violet flew a ban are over the met life stadium, where the giant play and it read "roxer goodell must go." . they feel the n.f.l. sweeps domestic abuse under the rug. they want a leadership change at the n.f.l. >> it's clear that the n.f.l. doesn't take domestic violence clearly, the mishanding of ray rice case by roger goodell is a clear showing that we don't see leadership from the top. >> some fans will boycott the n.f.l. until they cease on plans like:
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. >> the pope challenged catholic tradition, marrying couples living together without being wed. one had a grown child pt the move is a shift in the church under pope francis. >> pope francis has done a lot to soften the image of the catholic church. he's very popular. some say the changes are not radical enough, others say they go too far. >> reporter: by uniting these couples, pope francis broke a taboo, marrying men and women who lived together before marriage. one had a child outside marriage. both sins, according to catholic doctrine. >> the weddings are the latest headlines that the pope made
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challenging tradition and changing the church's image. he criticized the church last year about being obsessed over abortion, birth control and gay marriage. >> that was a shocker for american catholic bishops who obsessed over the issues. i think some of the bishops and clergy are confused. this will limit the impact he has. >> reporter: he's had a lot of influence, a poll from this year finding 8 in 10 view him favourably. 7 in 10 say he represents a major change in direction. most say it's for the better. >> he's trying to reach people where they are at. the church never wants to preclude people from membership. >> the changes began after the pope was elected 18 months ago, with an emphasis on simplicity. she shunned the papal apartments to live in a boarding house for visiting clerics and others.
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>> inside the santa marta i live a normal life. i work, rest, chat with people. >> he visited a brazilian slup and kissed the feet of inmates at an italian juvenile detention center. this shows a change of tone. showing the church is les concerned with sin and sex, and more concerned about compassion. >> he doesn't want to church to be a nagging parent, but someone that embraces people, telling them about god's love. he's rebranding us. >> some catholics say the changes have not gone far enough, that he is moving too slowly in moving with the clerical sexual abuse scandal. others want him to become ordained as priest. >> thank you. if you are on that device a lot - this is for you - a city in china is carraling pedestrians who are distrcted from cellphones to a --
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