tv News Al Jazeera September 16, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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career. >> the short film begins a week-long run "dawn", on friday. that's all for now, the conversation continues on the website or facebook or google+, at twitter or tweet me. see you next time. hi, this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler in new york. stopping i.s.i.l. - america's top general says the u.s. might put boots on the ground. >> the ebola outbreak, u.s. troops heads to west africa. hotel chain - they want the
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staff tipped. are they paid enough. >> lift off - bringing space station flights back to america. the fight against i.s.i.l. includes more than air strikes. the u.s. combat troops may be needed on the ground. president obama made it clear, there would be no u.s. combat troops. general dempsey and chuck hagel said they'd review future needs on a case-by-case basis, hagel said expanded air strikes would help to push i.s.i.l. out of iraq, and both pointed to a newly formed coalition as a way to engage regional arab countries in that fight. after a day of questioning, it's uncertain whether congress believes the mission should move forward. >> tuesday's hearing was the
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first chance u.s. senator had to question the president obama administration on plans to fight i.s.i.l. >> pentagon officials went to capitol hill, to convince congress they have a plan for a group that calls itself islamic state of iraq and levant or i.s.i.l. 1200 military assessors are assessmenting and advising iraqi troops on fighting the group. and officials say there is a chance u.s. ground troops could be deployed. >> this coalition is the appropriate way forward. i believe that will prove true. if it fails to be true, and there are threats to the united states, i would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of military ground forces. pentagon officials stressed officials are focussed on defeating i.s.i.l. >> our focus is op i.s.i.l., that's the threat, to our county and interests, and the people of
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the region. what you are hear us express is an i.s.i.l. first strategy, a misunderstanding of the entire concept and motivation of the free syrian army. it is bashar al-assad that has killed many for of them than nil christopher gibson has. >> and for us to say that we are going to go in and help and train and equip he is them, and only to fight against i.s.i.l., you are not going to debt many troops to do that. the internationally formed coalition has been criticized for not having a mission. >> i have no idea what our coalition partners are expected to do or what we want them to do, based on your testimony. with midterm elections months away, the u.s. public is not persuaded the war is worth
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it. >> our past performances in that region has not given results. i'm not supporting bashar al-assad. he should be gone. as long as he remains there, he's fighting people that we are going to spend $500 million. makes no sense to me, i can't sell it. >> it's unlikely they'll prevent the obama administration from taking on i.s.i.l. whether they'll support a mission that could take years or require u.s. ground troops is something no one can predict. >> retired army major mike lyons is a senior fellow at the truman project. he's in the studio. >> are u.s. troops on the ground a viable option? >> they may be, to the point where to save american lives, if i.s.i.s. decides to move forward in some of the cities, i believe they'll fight if they have to. >> almost every military expert
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we have on the air suggest you can't do it with air strikes. >> the president has not drawn a distinction between large troop formation, 20,000, versus the 12-00 forces or operators working alongside the iraqi security forces and providing leadership and small unit operations. >> some of those, the suggestion is na those american advisors would be fighting alongside those soldiers. >> right. that's the difference between the support role they played before, pointing the way on a map, leading them down the road, verses pulling the figures. >> martin dempsey said something about blunt and defeated. >> blunt is keeping i.s.i.s. moving forward from where the positions are, so they'll go no forward from there. defeating iraq - that seemed to be the priority, contain and manage them inside of syria. from that presentation, it's
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about iraq, kicking i.s.i.l. out of iraq. >> if you can't get u.s. troops on the ground or other troops on the ground. talk about the possibility that the ricky soldiers and peshmerga are enough. >> they are there. they have security forces and 20,000 or so in the peshmerga side. they give a good idea of the strategy. the peshmerga fight for the south and move to the west, as will the security forces with the air strikes. there are road networks. it will be a straightforward military mission. >> that dealings with iraqs, and not syria. >> there's no strategy for syria. the concept of changing 5,000 of the militants is almost a waste. >> you heard the senator today, senator mccain specifically, and it seems to make perfect sense, that if the syrian free army is against bashar al-assad, why are they going to fight i.s.i.l.? >> they won't.
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the two numbers are 31,000 of i.s.i.l., and 5,000 of free syrian army. if we get them trained, they are no match for what happens inside of syria. what about ground troops from jordan, turkey, saudi arabia. >> it will be an incredible effort, they speak different languages and have different military equipment. if it can be done differently, that would be desired. that's not to say the jordanian army couldn't get involved. >> we have heard from the iraqis, that they don't want some of the countries to be involved in air strikes, why would they want boots on the ground. >> i can't imagine a saudi arabian air strike would inflame the region, if people found it was taking place. so many things have to happen politically to agree the level of commitment. >> how fast is i.s.i.l. growing in syria. >> there'll likely be 10,000 in 30 to 60 days.
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they are growing at a rate faster than we can reinforce them or train anyone to do it, which is why it's important that the iraqi security forces pips them back and -- pins them back and pushes them into syria. >> mark lyons, thank you. >> a mann from upstate new york has been charged in an an alleged support of i.s.i.l. he tried to buy guns, possibly carry out an attack in the u.s. he wanted to find other people to join i.s.i.l. this syria and iraq. and that he was boasting of wanting to kill shi'ite muslims. he was arrested in may. the fbi said they had been watching them. >> the face of i.s.i.l. becoming younger, in addition christopher gibson -- in addition to creating troops in the middle east. here is more.
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>> i.s.i.s. relies on children to fill the ranks. they are preparing the next generation, grooming them to become fighters at a young aim. >> on the battlefields of syria and iraq, it is the faces of children that fills the front lines. in online videos, proud adults show off kids, barely strong enough to lift, much less fire weapons. >> another teaches boys to load mortars. the u.n. says i.s.i.l. uses children, some as young as 12 for the bloody fight. >> i started fighting when i was 13 or 14. activists have interviews with battle-hardened children. >> i was afraid of the first operation. it was new to me. then i was used to it. >> some are forced to fight, used as human shields or suicide bombers. others volunteer. drawn by i.s.i.l.'s propaganda or encouraged by families.
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boys sometimes fight alongside fathers. >> children, mostly boys from the age of 14 are recruited and trained to fight in the ranks of i.s.i.s., along with adults. >> recruiting efforts are not limited to boys. in this video a female fighter was shown. online chat rooms tell girls how to sneak away from their parents and many are married off to fighters. >> young girls are told "you can disobey your parents and leave." >> i.s.i.s. gives child soldiers weapons, and pays them there will 100 a month. some of the schools include military training and target practice, trying to ensure generations are prepared for a long fight. >> they are using kids in propaganda, to, you know, have children testify that everyone
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has to come to the caliphate and defend syria against invaders, and the americans. >> this is part of a trend of radical groups recruiting younger people, and analysts worry about the long-term effect and having so many conditioned to fight. >> thank you. >> president obama says the ebola crisis in west africa is spreading, and to help stop it he is deploying thousands and boosting aid. bisi onile-ere has this story. >> reporter: with the centers of disease control and prevention as a backdrop president obama laid out the next step in addressing the deadly ebola outbreak sweeping west africa. >> faced with the outbreak, the world is looking to us. >> in addition to efforts under way. the president's initiatives focused on liberia, training as many as 500 health care workers in the region a week. the construction of 1 treatment
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interests with a total of 1700 backs, the deployment of 3,000 u.s. military members, and distributing nearly half a million. congress has been asked to add an addition $88 million to boost campaign, increasing aid to the region to more than $700 million over six months. >> this is an epidemic that is not just a threat to regional security, but a threat to global security, if the countries break down, if the economies break down and people panic. that has profound effects on all of us, even if we are not directly contracting the disease. >> so far more than 2400 deaths have been attributed to ebola, and thousands more people have been infected. dr kent brattly who contracted the virus us in liberia,
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testified before lawmakers on tuesday. the married father with children was treated with an experimental drug at an atlanta hospital. >> to control the outbreak and save the lives of thousands of west africans and americans, we need the promised ebola treatment units, a surge in health care workers, u.s. military command and control center and we need itml. >> aid agencies have been critical of international community's slow response to a crisis, that unfolded in marge, and worsened by the day. >> the world health organisation says if rapid action is not taken... >> the situation now we are looking forward, we risk a humanitarian catastrophe if we do not see rapid action to scale up not just the ebola response, but the provision of services and support platform needed to put that in place.
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>> this is the deadliest ebola ever, and it's taking its toll on west africa. >> nearly 5,000 have been infected. spread over guinea, sib christopher gibson, sierra leone, nigeria. the hardest hit country is liberia, more than 2400 cases 1300 died. and this map shows where the largest concentration of confirmed cases are. and the w.h.o. warned if more is not down to stop the outbreaks, the number of cases could double every three weeks. bisi onile-ere reporting. later - jacob ward in san francisco shows us the hazmat suits that protect health care workers from the deadly virus. there are two days to go br scottish voters head to the polls to decide whether or not to breakaway from the u.k.
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polls point to a tight race, and campaigners are trying to swing undecided voters. one of the many issues, whether an independent scotland would be more equitable. >> reporter: scots hip hop artist stanley released "son, i voted yes", a strong capturing the issue at the heart of the referendum. can an independent scotland create a more equal society than the westminster government has delivered. >> scots feel they have an interest in equality, that it's a leading principle, and westminster has not allowed them to pursue it in their social policies as far as they think necessary. >> reporter: the acts of union that merged scotland and england
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into one country more than 300 years ago guarantees sovereignty for internal affairs. a sense of autonomy that erodes under prime minister margaret thachler, whose shake up of the economy shipped away benefits, lowered taxes on the rich and privatized major industries, losing jobs, such as steel, mining and ship-building. >> reporter: a legacy of distrust was left, fuelling scotland to take charge of its own affairs when the current government introduced harsh austerity measures in the wake of the financial crisis. in 2010 the coalition got under david cameron announced the biggest spending cuts, including reductions to social security and the elimination of hundreds of thousands of government jobs.
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host savings that hit women and the poor disproportionately. by 2011, income inequality ha listen faster in the u.k. than any other developed country since the mid 19 '70s. >> austerity and the limits on social programs revealed how deep the divide was getting over what policies ought to be and what scotland could accomplish under the union. >> pensions and national health services have been debated in the run up to the referendum - with the yes and no camps claiming to be superior guardians of the safety net. whichever way scots vote, creating an equal society, a value embedded in the nation's character is likely to remain a hot button issue. >> tropical storm odeal pounding
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the south-west. five states have been issued flash flood warnings. it provides no relief for the wildfires. kevin corriveau is here with the latest. >> we have two major weather systems side by side. first of all, i'll take you to california, we are looking at showers to the south. that's because of the tropical storm. we are dealing with 11 major wildfires, look at the video. why three of them, the king, courtenay and bowles, it's causing californians. 150 homes have been burnt. this is because of ongoing drught that -- drought that plagued california not just this year, but next year. we'll see a little relief in the
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tensions. we'll go into thursday, we'll get a little break, it will not last long. we expect the temperatures to some up. we are seeing the rain across arizona, and this is all because of tropical storm o'deal. here are the warnings in place. here is the storm right now. this is what hate, a category 3 storm. we'll see the system making its way across the golf of california into arizona as a tropical depression, and expect to see massive amounts of rain over the next four days. >> thank you. coming up next - a growing chorus of corporate sponsors who disapprove of the way the n.f.l. is handling the issue of domestic violence. >> and a hotel chain encouraging
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guests to leave tips for the housekeeping staff, raising questions about how the company is paying its employees. >> i had never been bullied, everyone hates me... >> from oscar winning director, alex gibney, a hard hitting look at the real issues facing american teens. the incredible journey continues... on the edge of eighteen only on all jazeera america
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coast in atlanta city. trump plaza is the fourth to go out of service, putting 8,000 out of jobs. the parent company says it may have to close the trump taj mahal cas een jo. a fight in a hotel chain, marriott, asking guests to leave tips for housekeepers, reminding them to put money in envelopes, part of a venture with maria shriva's organisation. does it help or does it help marriott avoid playing workers a liveable wage. >> we talk to an alliance that advocates for immigrant women workers. what do you think about this idea? >> there's two issues. one is that we need to raise
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awareness about the hard-working hotel staff that clean rooms and raise the level of value and respect given to the work. the envelopes are a way of doing that. >> traditionally they have never gotten tips in hotels. >> absolutely. >> they are encouraged but it's not like waitresses at a restaurant. >> exactly. the workers are also quite invisual. many are women, mothers, and are not earning the wages that they serve for the hard work they do. >> do they deserve tips? >> the issue is base wage raises are not enough. hotels have a responsibility to raise wages. it's a both and situation. guests have to show that they recognise the work and value it, and the hotels need to raise the base wage. people cannot survive on base
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wages. >> is this a way out for marriott, to put the envelopes out and not raise the wage. >> i think it's awareness making. it allows the guests to think about... >> i agree, but why haven't they raised the wages too. >> i think it's a got question, i think they should, absolutely. >> the median salary is $19,570. isn't addressing the low wages of many of these workers the long term solution. >> absolutely, i do thing that low wages are pervasive in the economy and throughout the service sector. i advocate for domestic workers that work in the private home. they are working long hours for minimum wage, and not able to survive. the people that we count on to take care of our families can't take care of their own on these
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wages. >> marriott international reported $192 million in profits, 7.3% increase year over year. i mean isn't... >> absolutely. >> why doesn't marriott foot the bill for increasing the wages. >> they should. as should mcdonald's and other corporations that are making huge profits in the service industry. meanwhile, there's the number of low-wage workers growing every year, and two-thirds of minimum wage workers are women. this is absolutely an issue that corporations need to address. >> why do you think the hotel workers, women that clean rooms, have found behind the rest of service workers on a number of areas, especially tips in. >> i think that in general the work of cleaning and care gaving, the behind the scenes work - we call it the work that
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makes all other work possible, is often undervalued and it's work that women do, and i think that that work is some of the most important work in our economy today. it's kind of the backbone of it, and needs to be values as such. that is something that has to change. >> good to have you on the programme. coming up next - n.a.s.a.'s new way of transporting astronauts to the international space station. think taxi service. plus... >> i'm jacob ward in san francisco. the smallest mistake in putting on a suit like this could mean the difference between life and death when fighting ebola. i explain in a moment.
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this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler in new york. coming up, the coalition to fight i.s.i.l., why it's important the arab nations take part militarily. there are growing concerns about new the n.f.l. is tackening domestic violence, including from sponsors and a governor. and taxiing astronauts to the international space station - details an n.a.s.a.'s new plan. . >> president obama is calling the ebola crisis a threat to
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global security and his plan to fight it involves hundreds of health care workers. part of that training is learning how to stay healthy. jacob ward has more. >> in the midst of any outbreak you have to abide by a strict set of rules. it turns out that when health workers don't abide by them, break a small rule, the results can be disastrous. when experts talk about putting on and taking off a suit like the one i'm about to display. they talk about rightualizing the process. the ritual begins with drinking water. if you get dehydrated bad things happen, not the least of which is fainting on the job. you are supposed to down water. i'm in a climate controlled office building, but i'll sweat my brains out. imagine doing this in africa, where you are dealing with high
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temperatures in humidity and dealing with it for hours on end. imagine that i have come from treating an ebola-inflicted patient and have gotten blood and other body material on to me. the seal around the gloves is a crucial thing. so are instructed to use these pull tabs. you have to make sure they are on the outside of your writs, and not the inside, where walking can wear them away and break the seal. i'll get out of the suit and somehow you the critical maecks that can get -- mistake that can get so many aid workers into trouble. they are exhausted. they have seen a lot of blood and they panic and want to get this off. they pull it off - and the fresh air hits their face and their
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first instinct is to wipe their brow, because they are so sweaty. the glove is contaminated, that's where you get contaminated material into mooukous membranes, dripping into the sigh, that's the moment. the thing to consider, is for every person you are wan in the suit, you need a second person to get the first person out of it. the buddy system is essential in creating a ritualized process that will keep me from being infected. john, it's amazing to imagine that in the chaos of this epidemic, a health workers has to hold themselves to these standards. >> jacob ward reporting. >> now to the fight against i.s.i.l. america's top general told a hearing it was possible that u.s. combat troops be sent to fight in.
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the white house - the white house denied that penalty. general dempsey, chuck hagel said right now the plan focused on air strikes in collaboration with iraq's government, tribal leaders and neighbouring countries. >> the iraqi government has to demonstrate that it cares about the sunni tribes, and not fence them off, and it will be a matter of regional partners that have sunni governments providing - most, actually, of the funding and material support. >> we understand 40 countries form the coalition, 10 are arab countries, they are expected to contribute resources and influence the many fighting factions within iraq and syria. dean is a columnist at "the daily beast." good to see you. >> thanks. >> you think it's important that the arab nations participate. how? >> it's vitally important.
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the more visible involvement. the better. i.s.i.s. can choose the enemy. america and the we.. it can be -- west. it can be framed here comes the yes. i.s.i.l. will go in the end. but there'll be another. the way it's framed is it's a christian crusade against the muslim world. it's important that the muslim countries are involved, boots on the ground, face to the opposition - it has to be from the arab countries. >> how likely is that to happen? >> it's a long shot. part of if is this. up until about a month ago, two months ago, polls showed americans not wanting to get involved. it wasn't until the killing of two journalists, it changed them. >> you think there's support in this country from boots on the
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ground. >> is there support. i think there'll be support if it does not get resolved with air strikes. >> do the polls show it's the opposite of that. >> today. >> today. >> military strikes, air strikes, there's great support. >> boots on the ground. >> not yet. at some point... >> who will put boots on the ground. if the united states doesn't want to put boots on the ground, europeans don't... >> who is going to. >> turkey, saudi arabia, really. >> not turkey. saudi arabia is letting us use their bases. >> the iraqis don't want that. they don't want the saudi arabia to be involved in air strikes or other arab countries. how will this work? >> it's the most challenging situation we have been in. i included blacks and white and would love easy answers. i have never seen a situation. syria is so complex. if we put american troops there, they'd be attacked by bashar
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al-assad, al nusra, and al qaeda. the only one fighting is free syrian army. in iraq we have the permission. government, working with the government. hopefully we'll get rid of i.s., they have to empower the sunnis. >> the united states doesn't have the assurance from the iraqi government that the forces will participate. >> it's they'll participate or they'll have no more countries. >> i don't think they'll allow that to happen. >> they allowed i.s.i.l., just to argue the point. to take over a good portion of their country, without throwing down their arms and running aw p away. >> what is the turning point. when will it change. >> if i sing to the minds of the shia generals in the iraqi military and give you an answer. this is not it. this is not it. just today the kurds were helping with air strikes
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liberating towns. parts of kurds - you are going to have the - the shi'ites will work with the sunnis or iraq will fall apart. >> seems the discussion is going on in the united states. it doesn't seem like it's going on in the arab countries. >> i agree with you, and the reason - i'm telling you anecdotally, emailing friends in jordan, syria, unit emirates and others, they say we are desensitized for violence. where you are shocked, we are not. we've seen the fighting in syria for two years. until they see it as a threat, like we do... >> they don't think it's a threat in jordan. experts suggest that i.s.i.l. may we headed to jordan. >> and saudi arabia. >> there's a concern, and that's
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king abdullah rallied us to get involved. next is mecca. they'll move there next. s that's the other reason the muslims need to be involved. i.s.i.s. does not represent muslim. >> when you are trying to sell the american people and they hear what you say about the reluctance of the arab countries to get involved, that makes it more difficult. >> i think it does. the wake up poll, not the boots on the ground. john mccain said today - i don't agree with him - he raised good questions, bashar al-assad will not allow us to be in there. they'll fight bashar al-assad, not i.s.i.s. i have never seen a more complex situation than syria, iraq is easier, if they wake up. >> we'll solve t.
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>> we are getting there. >> i hope you are right. great to see you. thank you. for more on the coverage of i.s.i.l., check out, click on the i.s.i.l. tab at the top of the web page. we have an update on a public health threat in the united states. a brain eating amoeba has been blamed for deaths, jonathan martin has an update. >> reporter: in st. john parish outside new orleans water has forced schools into a state of emergency. >> what we are doing is taped up the water fountains and are providing water dispepsers. and wipes and hand san tiesers. >> reporter: last month samples of the district's water supply revealed the presence of a potentially deadly brain-eating amoe amoeba. state water officials say the water is safe to drink.
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but it could lead to an infection if it cabinets into the naval cavity or brain. >> you look at the water fountain, a child bends the head and water shoots up. >> the water in the community tests and smells different. officials had to double the level of chlorine in the water hoping to eradicate the amoeba. >> louisiana mandated chlorine levels remain that high for 60 days. >> with the emergency order the requirement is to test 70 sites, and they have to be tested once a week in one day. >> no illnesses have been reported. still, sharelle burger is not convinced the water is safe to drinking and will not serve it to her customers. like many, she's asking how this happened. >> neglect. i run a business. i make sure the employees are doing what they need to do. the supervisors are not checking
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on the employees. who is following up on this. louisiana state police are investigating the local water district, because the samples taken in august showed no chlorine in the system. the state required water utilities to maintain a chlorine level of half a milligram per litre, in response to three amoeba-related deaths in louisiana. >> we don't want to make a speculation on how it happened. we want to make sure we get it right. >> weeks of purchasing water is expected to cost of the school district 20,000. the leaders feel it's a small price to pay. jonathan martin. there is a nation-wide manhunt for a pennsylvania res kent authorities -- resident authorities say is armed and dangerous. matthew frayne, 31, is responsible for ambushing two police troopers, killing one
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frayne has mass-murder fantities and is thought to be carrying rivless and ak-47s. >> dark money, money used to pay for a lot of campaigns on the tv. it flooded the system after a 2010 decision in the citizens united case, loosening restrictions on campaign finance moves, and with dark money there's not real transparency after the election has been decided. dark money grew from 5.2 million, well over 300 million in the 2012 presidential election. with control of the u.s. senate at stake in the upcoming midterms, it's surging to greater heights. david shuster has the story. >> reporter: it's shaping up to be the darkest election yet, an analysis by the centre for response ipolitics found a record $50 million in dark money
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has been spent so far this election title. that's more than seven times the amount of the last midterms. total spending to reach a billion by the time the last winner is called in november. >> dark money money used to be a thing. there was a supreme court decision coming down in 2010, since then dark money has become a bigger and bigger portion of the overall political money spending that has been going on from election cycle to election cycle. >> what is dark money. it's the political spending by non-profits that can't be tracked or sourced. the organizations created through the ios and called 501s, four, five or six groups can receive sources of individual contributions. they don't have to report much of the money, and unlike political action committees or
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superpacts, they can be hidden where or from whom they are getting funding. >> cotton would raise the medicare ellagibility aid. >> there's no way to tell if the group is funded by a union, a corporation, or a conglomeration of individuals, whether it's a narrow special interest. >> in the galaxy of dark money, right leaning groups dominated. six nonprofit groups associate with the brothers koch has paid for nearly one out of every 10 ads. g.p.s. - a 501 has aired about half as many. and hatery so the majority. majority leader accounts for
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11,000 tv ads across three battle ground states. under-federal law political spending cannot be the primary activity of a 501. little has been done to enforce that, and campaign finance advocates say unless tougher sanctions are put in place, future cycles will get darker. >> the n.f.l. is no stranger to controversy, it's facing pressure from capitol hill. democratic senator maria cantwell wants congress to take away the tax exempt status because the league has not forced the washington redskins to change its name. >> native americans and leaders called for an end to the racial slur as a team name for decades. a broad coalition before you, religious leaders, prominent
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journalists, they are adding their voices. the senator wants the other team owners in the n.f.l. to take up the issue, and the issue of domestic violence, taking it up are big sponsors. bud wiser, bud light - they say it's disappointed. other major sponsors say that they are watching the n.f.l., and mcdonald's, visa and campbell soup are not happy with the league either. a hotel chaining pulled sponsorship, due to adrian peterson's indict for child abuse. the government of minnesota is calling for spnks. adrian peterson should be suspended until the accusations
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have been resolved by the justice system. >> a sports columnist covered both adrian peterson, and ray rice incidents. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> has the n.f.l. lost its way. >> the n.f.l. lost its way before. this is the first time we see it in a cluster, in a way that is opening our eyes into how much the league thought it could get away with until this point. >> how bad is the damage? >> if you asked me the question. i would say it's temporary and bad. now it seems na now you have sponsors getting into the mix, you can make a case for some damage to the n.f.l. the big problem is in goes beyond roxer goodell. it's about 32 owners that wield so much power they they get away with steroid scandal, concussion, and now domestic
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violence and child abuse. what it will take is not for a son sore like radisson, but a national sponsor to pull out, so you have 30 other owners say that this is hurting our bottom line too. >> the vikings made their own decision, lis recording the impact on the rest of the n.f.l. >> absolutely. everyone lauded the vikings for benching adrian peterson, and they come out saying they are reactivating him, and in the background of the disastrous press conference, the rad son logo was everywhere. you can see how motivated the company was. >> does it matter if the state coles out saying that adrian peterson should be suspended. >> if the politicians were doing their job, we wouldn't have to rely on the n.f.l. to be the
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arbiter of justice. you have to remember every republican representative voted against the suspension of the violence against women, the affordable care act that has provisions for domestic violence, mental health and things like that. i'm wary when it comes to politicians using football as an excuse. one of the problems the n.f.l. has is fairness when it comes to how they are dealing with different players. >> that is - the cluster is recent and close together cases shows us how arbitrary it seems some of these punishments are. when is comes to steroid use or drug abuse, they are collectively bargained. there's minimum and maximum standards. when it comes to domestic violence, it was up to commissioner goodell to decide what was fair, and it seemed what he decided what was fair
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was what was best for the brand. you could make the argument that protecting the shield, the phrase that he loves to use, with controlling the narrative is what has gotten it into this point. >> ray rice punches his then girlfriend, fiance, now his wife, and he gets indefinite suspension. >> first, two games, and after the outrage, the n.f.l. had an opportunity to come out in front. and had to be reactive, instead of proactive, which is not leadership, and said he'll be suspended indefinitely. that will be appealed. ray rice will win the appeal, because it sets a dangerous precedent, the arbitrary nation of the discipline, and it flies in the face of domestic violence punishments. >> adrian peterson is indecide for child abuse charges, and
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they pull him off the field and put him on. >> you can thank the patriots defense for that, the past sunday the vikings looked in disarray. and now there's a conference match-up with the saint. excuse me if i say that football matters more than morality. >> i'm sensing that the country might have had its fill of this. what is the tipping point. they love their football. >> the country loves football. it's not going to go away. the fact of the matter is people are not going to stopwatching, you can watch football and be aware of the issues and all the things that need to be fixed and put continuous pressure on the league and sponsors to take action that is meaningful instead of in the name of public
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relations. >> the tragedy on the race track involving tony stewart will be going to a national security. the nascar drive was struck. a grand jury will decide if sfoourt should face criminal charms. >> n.a.s.a.'s plan for transporting astronauts in the 21st century and how it might hep in the city of michael seaton. -- of seattle.
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first we were dealing with hurricane norbert, and then hurricane odile. next is down towards the south, forming off the coast of mexico, not organised that well yet. some of the forecast models look like this. i want to show you what we expect to happen with this storm. it's a composite of several different forecast models and is
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taking a track dollar to what norbet and ordeal is. as it makes its way close to be a ha, we'll watch carefully. that is the time frame that we expect to see making its way to the north-west. we are dealing with moisture to the south-west. that will make its way. texas panhandle. you'll see the heavy rain showers. it will be trapped, so over the n couple of days towards the weekend we expect to see showers all the way from schick christopher gibson to texas. that is a look at the weather. your news is next.
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2011. it will no lodger need to rely on n.a.s.a. rockets to send astronauts into space. it's a problem that n.a.s.a. will manage, and they'll write big checks. as in there 4.28 billion to boeing, $2.6 billion to spacex, the two companies winning out on the bidding wars to build space crafts taking it to the international space station and bring them back and be renewed and do another job. boeing will continue, firing a cap assume, spacex will fork on draggion v 2. it will fly on the company's fall con rocket. cape table of carrying up to 7 people. boeing further along.
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spacex have been delivering cargo to the international space station for years. charles bolden makes a pint that there'll be plenty of work in pace for both companies. >> ideally several years from now there'll not just be the international space station, but other laboratories single modules and the like. that is the having of a commercial space industry. >> this is more than a deal to build a couple of different version of a space taxi. getting into the mabed space station and building the earth orbit infrastructure that the country will need to get further and deeper into space to explore astronauts. the c.e.o. of spacex echoed the them saying:.
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>> allen schauffler in seattle. now the picture of the day. it's a great one. a homecoming in georgia, where captain jared smith hugged his wife after a 9 month deployment to afghanistan. that's our news for tonight. thanks for watching. i'm john seigenthaler in new york. "america tonight" is coming up next. see you tomorrow. @
12:00 am
>> but what is the administration doing behind the scenes? >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america on "america tonight" - headed to the hot zone. the unparalleled ebola epidemic, and the president's plan to fight the enemy. >> the men and women and children are just sitting, waiting to die much right now. way. >> what he's proposing, and whether it will be enough to stop a killer raging out of
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