tv News Al Jazeera September 17, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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liby libya. yemen's army steps up its fighting against houthi rebels. we're on the front line with kurdish forces in iraq. they they don't have the equipment to defeat isil. and it's being called ming bling. we'll take a look at the new exhibition highlighting the golden age in chinese history. ♪ we begin this news hour with the deepening political and security situation in libya. the united nations says the country is on the brink of a quote protected conflict and civil strife, end quote. how to stop that from happening is the focus in madrid, spain, that's where top diplomats are gathering to discuss the crisis. represents from nato and the european union is also there.
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but it is who is not there that could prove the sticking point. first let's take a look at what is happening on the ground. there you can more clashes. and there has been more fighting in the eastern city of benghazi with nine soldiers reportedly killed there. is this an attempt to put a peace effort together or an attempt to rally for support for one side? >> reporter: well, i think it's the latter. i think it is a message to the opposition government who is not here that the international community stands behind the government. and that is the result of the new parliament that was elected in june. even though there has been an impressive turnout here, also the u.n. special envoy, the arab
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league, there is a big array of players here, but when it comes to solving libyas problems it comes down to the political camps, tribal leaders, and libyans to be sitting down at the same table. the issue also with libya is foreign interference, both sides accuse each other, for example, the -- the legitimately seen in the internationalized government says the government in tripoli, their militias are being armed by sudan. they deny that. and tabrook is being supported by egypt. the government signed an interim deal with egypt allowing egypt to intervene, and this is what the opposition government in tripoli had to say about that. >> translator: the agreement
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draft is a severe violation to the sovereignty of the libyan state. and opens the way for foreign interference. second, the so-called government has no power to conduct any kind of an agreement of that kind. >> it has already been claimed that some countries are sending their plains into action in libya. how much appetite is there for former international intervention? >> well, i can tell you when you speak to libyans, they do not want any foreign intervention whatsoever. they say this is libya's problem, and something that libyans should resolve amongst themselves. so there is a real concern about this foreign interference, but libya is also very attractive to foreign powers.
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it has a porous border, really when it comes to the south, fighters coming across the border, tunisia is concerned about that, egypt concerned about the religious extremists being on its border. and the libyans absolutely don't want anyone to get involved. it's a an issue that really the only way to solve it as good as the intentions may be, the international community can be concerned or interested, but it will only be resolved on the ground between these players, none of which are willing to give up power. and what that translates for ordinary libyans, there is crime, hijackings, gas problems, and the people will tell you it is time their leaders should put
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their power, their own interests to the side and think of their country as one, a and move it forward to get it out of the situation which is incredibly dpers rate at the moment. >> all right. to yemen now where the army has shelled positions north of the capitol. fighting there has killed at least 38 people. violence has been escalating as the go steps up its battle against the shia minority group. >> reporter: there has been intense fighting over the last 24 hours on the outskirts of the capitol. it started when houthi fighters moved into a village about 10 minutes drive from here. then they were repelled by angry residence who were worried that the fighters would just create more instability.
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later in the day an army sent a unit to repel the houthis, but that unit was ambushed. then over the night, the army started shelling houthi positions. so it's a very critical situation. it has been described as the worst escalation since the start of the conflict about five weeks ago. the united nations top envoy is here now starting talks with the houthi leader. we're getting reports from the u.n. that we are likely to sign a landmark deal later in the day, but this isn't the first time a die-level delegation went there to get a deal, only to find the houthi leader changes his mind. in iraq kurdish forces in the north are struggling to hold their front lines against heavily armed fighters of
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islamic state. by some estimates isil has taken control of a third of iraq. sue another day of reports of expanded u.s. air strikes. how is that leaving the fighting on the ground? >> reporter: yes, we're hearing of air strikes. not sure if they were u.s. or iraqi air strikes in the city of tikrit last night. we understand that 23 isil fighters were killed in those air strikes, which is a large number when we're only hearing of handful of fighters killed usually in these air strikes. but it seems there has been some sort of retaliation if it was linked indeed in tikrit, we have reports that the citadel has been blown up by isil fighters in the center of tikrit, we're not sure at the moment as to how large that explosion was and how
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much damage it has done. there was a truck suicide bomb that has blown up on the bridge into the center of ramadi, we understand four were killed and quite a number were injured and many cars are on fire. >> now as each day we also get like a trickle of information or some details about what sort of international support might come to the aid of the anti-isil fighters there. how do group like the peshmerga feel about the support they are getting? >> reporter: firstly, they are very concerned that even though there is so much talk about weapons coming their way, they are not seeing a flood of them so far.
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and they are basically saying we can't hold these tronth lines for much longer. we're seeing a completely different kind of manpower and weaponry on the other side of the front lines, and they need this supply of weapons to come as soon as possible. and they are very grateful the air strikes have softened up positions, but they are saying this is a blunt force when isil fighters disappear into the community you can't use air strikes to kill them then, because you are risking civilian casualties. one of the generals we spent some time with, says quite often when we call in these air strikes it can take over two hours before the actual jets arrive in the air. >> reporter: military hardware heading west. helping kurdish forces shore up their defenses, but this convoy is not enough to hole the line
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for much longer. in a bunker on the front line, we talked to the field commander. the general is worried. this peshmerga position is 10 kilometers from the main border crossing from syria to the road to mosul. but the general says they are battling against a much superior force. >> translator: as an army we need everything from a to z. everything from uniform, small weapons, body armor, weapons, tanks, night vision kits. if we don't have night vision equipment, we can't see where the enemy is or what he's doing. we need the whole package. >> reporter: can you win this battle on the ground without foreign fighters? >> no.
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>> reporter: after the head of the u.s. military revealed on tuesday that he could reck mekd advisors go on command missions. the general is already getting help from an unlikely quarter, the ypg have taken two huge bases already on iraqi soil. >> translator: it's a relief that the ypg took control of these and at isil, because if you control these fort indications you control the whole area. >> reporter: they say at the moment it's really a fight against time. say they as they desperately need these foreign weapons that have been promised to come up. and the air strikes coming from the sky can sometimes take two hours to get here, the target has often disappeared by then. the general explains how the
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delay allows the fighters to disappear into the villages or to put women and children in their vehicles. >> translator: when we started the operation, the u.s. jets responded very quickly, but now there's a huge delay, many times we ask ten times, and many times they don't respond at all. >> reporter: promised manpower, equipment, and expertise cannot come soon enough. we understand that there have been quite a lot of peshmerga casualties, but they don't want to make this public, worrying about morale, but the message is very clear, you have to hurry up backing us up or we can't hold the line much longer.
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the syrian military is continuing to launch attacks on several cities as it battles rebel groups. more than a dozen people were killed in an air strike on a market out damascus. these pictures were uploaded op line and can't be independently verified. the u.n.'s top officials have pledged to help lebanon deal with the rising number of syrian refugees. lebanon is home to more than a million syrians, the largest number of refugees in the region. much more still to come on the al jazeera news hour. eight years after a military takeover, fijians head to the
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polls. india looking east, why a warming of relations with china is going from the political podium to the classroom. plus, coming up in sport the nfl's minnesota vikings reverse their vision on adrian peterson as he faces a charge of child abuse. ♪ u.s. president barack obama says the spread of ebola in west africa could become a threat to global security if not contained. he has announced a $500 million plan for washington to take a greater leadership role in dealing with the virus. >> reporter: president obama has been under increasing pressure to confront the ebola crisis sweeping across west africa, and on tuesday he announced major plans to tackle the outbreak. the president called the outbreak a global health and
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security crisis that could threaten an entire region. >> here is the hard truth in west africa, ebola is now an epidemic of the likes we have not seen before. it is spiralling out of control. it is getting worse. it is spreading faster and exponentially. today thousands of people in west africa are inflicted. that number could rapidly grow to 10s of thoughs. >> reporter: obama is sending 2,000 u.s. troops to the area, and committing $500 million against the effort. but in liberia there are questions about why troops are needed. >> translator: what kind of troops? if it's armed troops, then i will start to question myself whether this virus can be fought by guns, but if it's medical people then it's great.
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>> reporter: ebola's toll here has already been severe, this area has a population of 4 million but only 50 doctors. the u.s. plans to train medical steph and build field hospitals. >> right now the world still has an opportunity to save countless lives, right now the world has a responsibility to act, to step up and do more. the united states of america intends to do more. >> reporter: at a hearing in washington experts are appealing for more cash to pay formedical staff. there is a real sense of emergency to tackle an outbreak that experts say could set africa back a generation. this has been widely welcomed by the international community, but
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the u.n. and others say the global commitment may need to be even greater if this outbreak is to be truly brought under control. katherine is the communication manager for the international federation of red cross societies. she says the u.s. personnel being sent in could make a dent in stopping the spread of the outbreak. >> it's very intense here. it's very busy. i just watched one of our dead body management teams leave to go in and collect the bodies and prepare the burials for the day. there is a constant stream of patients going in, and unfortunately bodies that need burying. it is definitely an epidemic that is not slowing down by any means. we have just opened an ebola
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treatment center. the first we have done here. this is where a number of nurses and doctors fell victim to the ebola virus. so we're hoping that that will help relieve some of the pressure on the government hospital which is no longer accepting admissions because of the stress that it's under. we have to try everything to stop the spread of this virus from expanding any further. so we welcome the ip -- initiative that the u.s. government is putting into place, particularly the focus on educating and training the nurses and doctors. if we can make sure they are following the proper procedures, using their personal protect tiff equipment as they should, then that will make a huge break in stopping this outbreak. it's the last day of
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campaigning before people in scotland vote on whether they want independence from the u.k. if they vote yes it would end the union that has lasted more than 300 years. >> i honestly don't know what is going to happen. it is really exciting, but i think it will be very, very close. >> i think it's impossible to call at noement. i can only hope that those that are on the -- sort of on the side of the camp at the moment choose to go no, because i think it will be carnage if it is a yes vote. >> jonah people must be on the edge of the edge of that seat by now. >> reporter: absolutely, sammy, too close to call is correct. they all know it. the latest polls out at this final stage of the campaign indicate the tiniest of leads
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for the no campaign, but too small of lead to indicate any type of victory, and that is because there is thought to be well over 10% of people who will turn out to vote on thursday who will make up their mine. so an enormous effort by both sides to try to get people to sup pore them. not to change micc -- minds, bu help make up minds who are undecided. three polls out to talk more about, the polls that everybody watches so closely throughout the last week or two. i'm joined by jamie willet. thanks for joining us, jamie. what in reality can these polls really tell us. they are so close, nay indicate a slight no lead, but that doesn't mean a no victory, does it? >> no, one of the things we have seen is a succession of polls that have come out, which reveal
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that it is very much too close to call. there is a high degree of -- as you mentioned about half a million voters at the moment still haven't made their mind up. and if we look at the campaign in the course of the last 12 months or so, we have had a situation where at that statement the no camp had a lead of about 19, 20 percentage points, and as this has gone on, the lead has gradually ebbed away to where the latest polls there is just a couple of percentage points in it. so yes, as you say, very hard to call. >> of the half a million perhaps as you say, is there any science in what you do that helps us predict which way they may go? >> well, the most recent poll
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last monday, we had an entire -- about 18% of people who said they don't know. and we were able to look deeper and say are they slightly inclined to go one aor another. and when we did that, 3, 4% either side, they both canceled each other out. the other thing as well is this campaign, we're looking to see almost a record turnout. on the most recent numbers we had 84% saying they were certain to vote. and if we look at the most recent scottish and local government elections in 20011, we had turnout of around 51%. so we have a huge order of people who were not previously involved in the political process, and that means the whole thing is very, very difficult to call.
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>> the no campaign says those undecided are all theirs, because they are shy people. they don't want to voice their opinion. is there science to back that up? >> if i'm honest, our most recent tns poll that came out last week, it was not something we were seeing hugely. >> reporter: jamie, thanks so much for joining us. and throw it straight back to you now. thanks, jonas. i guess we're just going to have to wait until every last vote was counted on that one. voters in fiji have elected the military leader that had taken power in 2006. election observers say there has
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been no reports of fraud. andrew thomas has the story. >> reporter: fiji's current prime minister left it until almost lunchtime to cast his vote, not that it put off the waiting media pack. the interim prime minister has been fijis biggest character for almost a decade. it was a coup that put him in the lead. fiji was suspended from the commonwealth. but new chinese money helped keep the economy going, and when he finally announced an election date, australia and new zealand restored diplomatic ties. the hope is this election will be free, fair, and mark a return to democracy. joe is 23, so before wednesday he had never voted.
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>> like we can choose who will be running the next government. >> reporter: whoever they were backing, all seemed to appreciate the importance of the moment. >> taking into consideration like for the past years the instability and everything, i think this is a very significant moment, like, we need to make the right choice. >> reporter: was it fair? some candidates were banned from standing. an international team fanned across the country to judge the fairness. if you lose will you expect defeat and will you expect the same of your opponents? >> i'm going to win. >> reporter: if you don't? >> of course we will accept the election results. that's what democratic process is all about. >> reporter: democratic process, though, involves more than an election, democratic institutions like free court and
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free press are important too. frank has ruled fiji since 2006, but he has never been elected. what is happening now isn't so much power as legitimacy. there's been some breaking news coming into us here from reuters saying that libya's prime minister has presented a new cabinet of 16 ministers to the country's parliament for approval, and amongst those names, human rights activist to be the next foreign minister. recap, reports coming in that libya's prime minister has presented a cabinet of 16 new names to the parliament for approval. we'll bring you more as soon as we have it. the mexican army is being
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deployed to baja, to evacuate thousands of tourists. the storm dumped heavy rain and caused flash floods. everton where should they be bracing for impact next? >> oh, odile is now making its way north across california, it is going to push up into the southwest of the u.s. actually, so that will be the next problem area that we see over the next couple of days. you can see the line of cloud coming across the deep south, and i'll move out of the way, and you can see the system swirling away, gradually making its way, now in a general northerly direction. at the moment you can see the sustained winds of 75 kilometers per hour. the winds will continue to weaken, but the heavy rain is set to continue, and we're expecting it to run up into
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arizona, gradually push on through new mexico and head towards texas over the next couple of days. that's the position for the rest of wednesday. more heavy showers and downpours coming through here. and then it will push north of the border as we go through thursday and into friday. so more big downpours to comes at that particular time. some of these areas could see 75 to 150 millimeters of rain. that could have the effect of devastating floods across the southwest of the us. so it certainly is one to watch. certainly giving major cause for concern. the weather will stretch across texas, there could be flooding here, gradually making its away across louisiana, sammy. still to come here on the news hour, how the power struggle in central african republic are fuelling violence and making peace more illusive. plus -- >> i think it incorporated a lot
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♪ you are watching the al jazeera news hour. time to recap the headlines now. reporter say the libyan prime minister has presented to parliament a list of 16 new cabinet ministers for approval. among those names is a human rights activist. all of this happening while diplomats from africa and europe
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are meeting in the spanish capitol to discuss the political instability in the country. the country has two competing governments and rival ma i will shas engaging in daily battles. yemen's army has shelled houthi rebel positions. fighting there has killed at least 38 people. the government is stepping up its battle against the minority group. kurdish forces have told al jazeera they can't succeed if the coalition to defeat isil doesn't put boots on the ground. [ inaudible ] has denied accusations his country is financing isil. he made the comments during a visit to germany. >> translator: qatar will certainly not support terrorists or extroemist organizations.
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there is no support for these groups from qatar in regard to certain organizations which are considered extremists. qatar has never supported extremist groups. what is happening in iraq and syria is extremism. qatar has never supported and will never support terrorist organizations. the top military advise says he will recommending the use of ground troops against isil if the current plan doesn't work. lawmakers in washington are concerned about how far this war will go and when it will end. >> reporter: pentagon officials went to capitol hill to convince congress they have a plan for fighting the group known as isil. nearly 1200 military adviser
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sors are now assisting in fighting the group. >> if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the united states, i of course would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include ground troops. >> reporter: senators accused them of misreading the situation. >> our focus is on isil and that is the threat right now to our country and our interests and the people of the region. >> what you're hearing us express is an isil first strategy. >> i would say fundamental misunderstanding of the entire concept and motivation of the free syrian army. bashar al-assad has killed many more of them than isil has. >> i agree. >> and for us to say we're going to go in, and help, and train,
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and quip these people and only to fight against isil, you're not going to get many recruits to do that, general. >> reporter: they also criticizes the coalition for having no apparent mission. >> i have no idea what our coalition partners are expected to do or even what we want them do. >> reporter: and with midterm elections just two months away, they said americans aren't persuaded this war is worth it. >> our past performance hasn't given our results. as long as assad is able to remain there he is fighting the same people we're asking to train to fight that we're going to spending $500 million to train. >> reporter: whether they will support a mission that could take years or require u.s.
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ground troops is something no one can predict. rosiland jordan, al jazeera, capitol hill. health workers are scrambling to prevent a health crisis after severe flooding. the government has sent doctors some areas to provide medical help. nicole johnston sent this update. >> reporter: this huge tide of flood waters moving south through pakistan is in the southern region. in the next 24 hours it is expected to peter out, so no major disaster for that area. but it's a very different situation here. all of these areas have had hundreds of villages under water, and here the main road,
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the main highway right behind us has been cut. army engineers have come in. they have blown up the road so the flood waters could spread out over agricultural land and villages and try to save the major cities. but millions of people have been affected by the floods. hundreds of thousands of people are homeless, living in tents. some say they have enough food but not enough protection from the sun, and they are calling on the government to do more. >> for more on this, we are joined by the pakistani red crescent. you have just returned from the area. tell us how devastating the scene appears to you. >> thank you, because it is one of the largest floods in
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pakistan, and by end of moon soon weather, which starts from [ inaudible ], this time has played havoc. in penjob it is the worst-hit area. we are almost all affected by floods or rains. so 17 [ inaudible ] and more of them with the rains, so those swollen rivers and extraordinary rains, they have had a big problem, so that's why until today more than 2.7 million people have been effected, and 50,000 houses have been damaged, roughly 3,000 villages damaged, and 400 deaths. so this is a general picture today, but still the havoc is going on, and the final picture
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will be clear in few days as we are monitoring the situation. >> all right. in terms of international help now to deal with the threat of disease, is the country getting sufficient international assistance? >> because initially -- because now the pakistan red crescent with its movement partners, rcrc partners, they have responded, but initially the government of pakistan has responded in rescue. and now we are part of rescue and relief. so right now the red crescent and its partners are providing food, and other medicines, health care to more than 15,000 families in the front areas. >> monsoon is not a surprise.
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why was pakistan to badly hit this year in were there precautions that could have been taken? >> unfortunate this time you have seen that pakistan, bangladesh and nepal have been hit badly. last year to end of september there were more heavy rains reaching 300 mill meters in two days or 1 day, which is quite heavy, and same thing happened with rivers. the rivers were swollen so the issue was so high that even in india, in pakistan cashmere, the rains were so high that it could not be controlled. >> all right. thank you so much. in indian administered
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cashmere, say the government has abandoned them. many are living like this among buried homes. bangladesh's supreme court has down graded the death sentence handed down to the leader of the party. he will instead spending the rest of his life in prison. al jazeera continues to demand the release of its three journalists imprisoned in egypt. they have now been detained for 262 days. they are accused of aiding the out lawed muslim brotherhood, a
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charge they deny. they are appealing their conviction. two commanders have fallen out over money and who controls the country's diamond and gold mines. >> reporter: across the river, not far from u.n. and french forces, we arrive at a base of the rebel group that once nearly overran central african republic. the mainly muslim group is still active in many parts of the country. this town is one of their strong holds. but there are signs seleka is divided. a claim disputed by this man. he says he leads the group here and has this warning for the international community. >> translator: today i can tell you, you want to disarm me and my force, i can leave all of
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these with my men and disappear into the bush, and then what will become of central african republic? >> reporter: close by is the base and fighters of another rifle seleka general. their disagreement is mainly about money, and control of the many gold and diamond mines in the region. in the past month at least 20 rebels have been killed. thousands of people have left their homes because of the fighting. julian lives in this u.n. camp with her six children. >> translator: they went door for door looting and killing. we ran to the cathedral, but they followed us there. there was a massacre. thanks to unicef we are being housed, but it's not enough. >> reporter: this is not just about religion or ethnicity at
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the heart is poverty. around 2.5 million people need outside help just to survive. with a gun you can get food, water, and mineral wealth. that is why seleka rebels have scattered across this part of the country, but now it's leadership is fragmenting, making the chances of a lasting peace agreement difficult. all of the sport is just ahead this news hour. a thousand goals for real madrid in europe, as the holders make a winning start to their defense of their champion's league title. jo will have all of the details. ♪
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♪ welcome back. chinese president is in india on a three-day visit. it's the last leg of his south asia tour. as a symbolic measure he made the home state of indian prime minister his first visit. china is one of india's top trading partners. there is hope that there could be more job opportunities for indians in china. >> reporter: these chinese language students in new delhi are investing in their future. they believe learning mandarin now will pay off later.
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>> in future china, you know, could take over all of the world, so for that it is really important to learn chinese, to earn lots of money. >> reporter: the school has seen a steady stream of students since it opened. the director says one of the objectives is to help bring indian and chinese people closer. >> not only indian people who are learning the language, but also learning the culture. >> reporter: for year's china's main influence on life in india was limited to restaurants like these. but chinese goods have now flooded the market. now both countries are holding talks with the aim of increasing trade even further. this mobile app was launched this summer, created by a chinese business group based in
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india. it is helping to navigate chinese rules and bureaucracy. >> we all want to, you know, to participate in these rules. >> reporter: but not everything is running smoothly between these two asian powers. a border war in 1962 left bitter feelings on both sides, and that dispute continues. but like the politicians, some people are also trying to focus on bringing the two sides together. this woman is chinese and learning hindi at one of new delhi's universities. her hope is to help chinese people better understand indians. something she hopes will lead to a better understanding and
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prosperous road ahead for china and india. all right. let's catch up with all of the sports news now. >> thank you. the minnesota vikings are holding a news conference in the next few hours, following their decision to suspend adrian peterson from all club activities. he is acuted of hitting his 4-year-old son with a free branch. the state governor has also weighed in. in a statement he say: meanwhile the nfl players union
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have appealed ray rice's indefinite suspension from the league. the incident happened in february, rice avoided jail time. he had originally been given just a two-game suspension before the footage was made public. the players union say they are concerned over a lack of fair process. they have asked for roger goodell to be called as an witness. by munish take on their opponent on wednesday. the coach knows a good start against city is vital. >> it is a tough group, and obviously, we start with a points is always better for -- for the next time but i
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think it's not time right now in the first game to think about the points about what is going on in the group. we have to try to just focus on our style, our play, our game. what we have to do to beat them to -- to play as best as possible, and that's what we are going to see. other highlights on wednesday include: real madrid have started their champions league defense in slashing style. they combined to score 3 times in just 5 minutes to put real
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5-0 up. >> translator: the team has reacted well. they have started very well. the first part was very intense. they pressed hard. they were very offensive, hard on the forward line. of course, not all of our problems are solved, but i like the way the team has recontact sod far. >> reporter: mario scored his first goal as they struggled to beat their opponent. his 80-minute strike was canceled out, but the captain scored a 93rd-minute winner from the penalty spot to give the reds a 2-1 win. down to the last four in the afc's champions league. saudi arabia have one foot in the final after a 3-0 win on tuesday. in the other semi, [ inaudible ] played out against australia.
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sergio went closest, and posted a one on one chance. the goalkeeper making several key saves. his side will now have the upper hand, heading into the home leg in sydney. 2020 cricket will be held for the second time in the asian games on saturday. as paul rees reports, their players already have the skills to make the transition to the new game. >> translator: baseball is king in south korea, for but for a new weeks at least there is a new sport in town. cricket is being held at the asian game, and the koreans are putting out a team. most had never played kicket until a year ago. but they are more than handy with a bat and ball. this man hit a 50 in the final warmup match.
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>> translator: i never expected to play cricket because i had never heard of it. but representing my country is a great opportunity. >> reporter: one thing baseball couldn't prepare the team for is bowling spin. fortunately they have had lifelong training in the use of chopsticks. >> i think the chopstick technique incorporates a lot of the spin technique as well, because when you use chopsticks you use every single finger. so you are controlling your finger by using chopsticks. >> reporter: there was food for thought as they prepared for their debut, but still a big victory over the expert players. while the develop is new, they believe baseball could be key to the future. this man has been in the
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coaching setup, and was the fielding coach for pakistan's test site until last year. >> cricket and baseball came from the same parent many many years ago. so it's a evolutionary process that the skills have come back around. and the skills required to be an elite player are very similar to baseball. some of my guys have only really been playing cricket for a year, so if we come up against teams who have been playing for their entire life, it's a big big hill to climb. >> reporter: a meeting with sri lanka could await, and the gloves will be off for their first group match against malaysia. that is all of the sport for you, sammy. >> thanks so much, jo. a new exhibition opening in london is looking at the golden age of chinese history.
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it's the first exhibition of its kind. >> reporter: hear the world ming, and you probably think of this. but the latest exhibition at the british museum is out to prove that the ming dynasty is more than that. all is part of what is being called ming bling. >> it that's golden age, the spanish ambassador in 1420 describes goods from china as being the finist ever made. you can't imagine how glorious this world would have looked in the early 15th century. >> reporter: its founder and his 26 sons ruled in regional courts, some over areas the size of a european country. this was all about being bigger, better, making buildings grander, but also traveling
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further, and so this exhibition aims to show china's relationship with the rest of the world. because china then like now was a global superpower. there were a million soldiers in its army. all of that influenced these rare treasures and after five years of research and negotiation, they are now on show in london. >> it's the wonderful archeology of very recent periods that have produced amazing finds from the tombs of some of these princes. >> reporter: up like what many people think ming isn't a surname, it's the concept of blackness, and this exhibition provides an ill looming look at
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history. stay with us on al jazeera, we have another full bulletin of news just ahead. ♪ >> on the stream, >> a growing group of aging americans can't afford to retire. we explore their life on on the road, living in vehicles with no place to call home. >> the stream, on al jazeera america >> hundreds of days in detention. >> al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. >> thousands calling for their freedom. >> it's a clear violation of their human rights. >> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. >> a firsthand look at the ongoing battle against the isil threat. >> bombs are cracking off in the distance... >> this is a booby trap
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will american ground troops go to iraq to fight i.s.i.l. after all? what military leaders said on capitol hill. thousands of american troops are now headed to west africa to combat the out of control ebola epidemic. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those stories and more ahead. >> americans could be fighting
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