tv News Al Jazeera September 19, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> on the stream, >> america's veterans are dying at an alarming rates of accidental overdoses of prescription drugs, given to them by the military. candid conversation on the stream... >> the stream, on al jazeera america >> we have chosen unity over division, a positive change rather than needless separation. >> the results are in, voters in scotland saying no to independence. this morning, the reaction and big changes in store for the united kingdom. >> a new tool and threat, the
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senate gives president obama the power to arm syrian rebels. as isil puts out a new hostage propaganda video, taking aim at americans. >> sierra leone on lockdown, ordered to stay home to stop the spread of wheel as desperately needed aid arrives today. >> odile slamming the southwest, flash floods causing widespread damage and ending the life of a deputy who's patrol car was swept away. >> this morning, the united kingdom remains united after scotland voters vote no to breaking away from the u.k. >> 55% to 45%, those opposed to independence celebrating when the results came in. prime minister david cameron promise would scots who voted yes for the split will have their voices heard. >> in some ways, it pitted the
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older generation against the younger. >> they changed the rules. we have examples yesterday of families going out before school to take photographs of the 16 and 17-year-olds voting. university students very much wanted there to be an independent scotland. we have students watching politics until 3:00 in the morning last night. >> democracy at risk. >> older scots viewed it too risky fair ballly while the young viewed the idea of building their own country. it was rejected that independence was the best choice for scotland. >> supporters go celebrate this morning as scotland votes to remain part of the united kingdom, maintaining the 307-year-old union. >> the people of scotland have spoken and it is a clear result.
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they've kept our country of four nations together, and like millions of other people, i am delighted, as i said during the campaign, it would have broken my heart to see our united kingdom come to an end. >> the people of scotland flocked to the polls in record numbers, turnout in many areas was 80% or 90% to decide the fate of their country's future. on the ballot a simple question, should scotland be an independent country, yes or no. >> let us also remember why it was right to ask the definitive question yes or no, because now the debate has been settled for a generation. >> scotland's first minister and the leader of the independent movement, alex salmon admitted defeat. >> 86% is one of the highest in the democratic world for any election of any referendum in
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history. this has been a triumph for the democratic process and for participation in politics. >> the leader of the no campaign urged scots who voted to break away from the u.k. to instead come together. >> we have chosen unity over division, and positive change rather than needless separation. today is a momentous result for scott land and the united kingdom as a whole. >> a vet against independence keeps the u.k. from losing substantial part of its territory and oil reserves. the u.k. will still look like a man riding a pig. go to google maps and check it out, it's true. it also keeps it from finding a new base for it's dry dent submarines. it's important to understand
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this does not mean there will not be constitutional change in the u.k., because there really will. the scots are getting devo max and will they get it, will the welsh and irish have to have it? is there any point in having welsh mp's and scott mp's. >> this is what happened when democracy does it the right way as opposed to the ukraine and crimea. >> thank you very much. >> meanwhile, the vote is a big blow for those who carried out a passionate campaign for independence from the u.k. we have more on how people are reacting in scotland from edinborough. >> in the end, scotland voted no to unless but the calls for change are louder than ever. the highest turnout ever in the united kingdom and one of the highest turnouts in an event like this in the democratic world. it has engaged people here in scotland who had never
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previously voted in their lifetime. everywhere we went, politics was sexy again. now, what about those people who voted for change. even those people who voted no want that promise made good by the politicians in westminster that change will still happen, there will be more powers for scotland to raise taxes and fix its welfare system. we do have a rough time table up until the 30th of january where we hope to see some progress coming on those measures, but something complicates that process and that's that for the prime minister of britain, he is now dealing with calls from within his own parliament to tackle issues south of the border. i think what this referendum has done is that it set an example of what can be achieved when you shake up the political establishment and get them to take notice. aljazeera, edinborough. >> we'll speak with actor brian cox live from scotland.
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he had been odd voluntary indicating for independence. >> a hostage video from isil features a british journalist. in it, he said isil will soon explain it's motivations and systems to westerners. he was kidnapped in 2012 with james thole. foley was killed by isil. >> the senate yesterday following the house and giving the president authority to arm and equip those syrian rebels. how important is that vote in his plan to fight isil? >> well, really, del, this is critical because for the first time, the president has the support of congress for at least part of his strategy in fighting isil. that comes even as u.s. allies, the coalition allies are stepping up to the plate. this morning, france has announced that it has taken its first air strike against an isil target in iraq. >> after scoring another
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bipartisan win. >> the jointly resolution is passed. >> this time in the senate, president obama will sign a bill that paves the way to arm and train syrian rebels fighting the islamic state of iraq and the levant. >> americans are united in confronting the threat from isil, which has slaughtered so many in cent civilians. >> it had detractors. >> tired of getting caught up fighting wars in the middle east. >> those who supported the bill. >> administration said that u.s. forces will not have a combat role. why does the president insist on continuing to tell the enemy what he won't do? >> the president did manage to win over some of his sharpest critics. >> there is no guarantee of success. there is none. there is a guarantee of failure if we do not even try. >> the senate vote comes after overwhelming passage in the house. thursday, some of its members
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grilled secretary of state john kerry on the president's strategy and the growing international coalition. >> i've just been given a note that says that president hahn announced that he has authorized for france to authorize airstrikes in iraq. >> france will not send ground troops but unlike the u.s. has ruled out strikes in syria. the french joined 600 australian troops who left thursday, part of a coalition of 40 countries, including saudi arabia, which will host rebels trained by the u.s. some back in washington are still skeptical. >> i saw the coalition in iraq and we used to chuckle at each other, seeing these sentries with one person. >> while short on specifics on that coalition, and its role, he left no ambiguity about the task and the time it will take to
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combat isil. >> this effort will not be brief. this effort will not be simple. we are at war with isil. >> the administration trying to set some expectations for the public that this will not be over quickly and will be quite an ordeal, an undertaking. also, i should mention that today in new york, secretary kerry will be there. >> we had heard former military officials criticize the president, saying he's tying the military's hand by saying that there will be no ground troops and earlier this week, we he even heard the current chairman
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of the joint chiefs martin dempsey testifying on capitol hill saying if he feels that there is some u.s. advisers that need to go in on the ground with iraqi troops to help take out isil targets, he would recommend that to the president. it's getting a little quite surey there, the president still insisting there will be no ground troops in iraq. >> the pushback from the other side is that that is why there is a civilian commander-in-chief. thank you very much. >> let's go live to baghdad right now. john, good morning. as we just said, france launched its first air strike on isil in iraq. what more can you tell us about that? >> we're told those strikes were early this morning. those were on a depot in northeastern iraq that was allegedly an isil depot. we're told that was the very first strike from any country earn iraq in the united states,
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so that broadens the coalition. the french president's office said reconnaissance flights began monday. after identifying targets, they made this first strike. they say there will be more strikes in the coming days, but those will be limited to iraq and there will be no french boots on the ground. >> are you getting a sense of how successful the u.s. airstrikes in iraq have been thus far in changing the facts on the ground? >> i can tell you what the troops here on the ground say. the peshmerga troops in northern iraq recently captured area near mosul, kind of a stronghold of isil, and the peshmerga tell me they could not have done that without u.s. airstrikes. there's further south in the area of hidifa with a dam
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threatened by isil. the iraq's tell us the u.s. airstrikes helped them capture that area and continue to help push isil back in that area. on the ground, the troops, the iraq military are happy with the airstrikes and say they have been helpful. the new prime ministerial abadi say they have been effective. everybody agrees so far there will be no need for u.s. boots on the ground. al abadi doesn't want them. the peshmerga said they would like to be fighting side by side with the american troops. >> the prime minister has said that will not happen. live in baghdad, john, thank you. >> in 10 minutes, we'll speak with former u.k. military advisor mike lyons. >> ukraine's president coming to washington, asking for help fighting pressure rebels. he warns the world is on the
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verge of another cold war. >> the war that these young men are fighting today is not only ukrainian war. everybody should understand that. it is europe's and it is americans' war too. it is a war for the free world. >> the white house announced a $53 million aid package for ukraine, including night vision goggles, body armor and that patrol votes. >> a country of 6 million people on lockdown this morning because of ebola. sierra leone had been hard hit by theout break. >> more than 1600 people have been infected. what will this lockdown achieve? >> health officials say that it is necessary to have this curfew in order to control the spread of ebola. teams of workers will go door to door testing people not only for the disease, but trying to educate them about its dangers. this curfew isn't exactly going over well with everyone. >> i want to emphasize out here
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that this is not a lockdown, it is not a shutdown, it is not a root out exercise. >> officials have been trying to ease minds in sierra leone since announcing the curfew. while many understand the need for it, others are frustrated, blaming the government for slowing down aid and supply delivery. the streets of freetown were bustling as everyone prepared for the weekend. >> you need opportunity to go out and do shopping. >> it is better to stay home for three days than to lose thousands of people in a sickle day. >> some critics blasted the curfew, worrying it will be seen as a witch hunt, sending already sick people further into hiding instead of seeking treatment. >> meanwhile, in neighboring guinea abaid workers and journalists were attacked. a mob thought they were bringing in the virus rather than trying to prevent it. eight people were killed. this all comes as the united
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nations called the ebola outbreak a potential threat to international peace. >> none of us experienced in containing outbreaks has ever seen in our life times an emergency on this scale. with this degree of suffering, and with this magnitude of cascading consequences. >> world leaders unanimously adopting a resolution to help stop the spread of ebola. the u.n. secretary general says it's a fight that the world is currently losing. >> the outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen. the number of cases is doubling every three weeks. there will soon be more cases in liberia alone than in the four decade history of the disease. >> that's ban ki-moon calling for a billion dollars in funding and the establishment of an emergency u.n. mission in africa. the world health organization said more than 2600 people have already died from ebola in west
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africa and more than 5300 have gotten sick. >> where do things stand with the u.s. and their relief efforts? >> actually the relief efforts and aid and supplies should arrive today in liberia. the director of the world health organization said everything that is happening right now is happening at a faster rate than we anticipated and unprecedented. >> they cannot waste another hour. thank you so much. >> the respiratory illness spreading across this country has reached southern california. four cases of the virus are reported there, three in san diego and a fourth in ventura county. the children affected range in age from two to 13. since august, there have been more than 150 confirmed cases of enterovirus across 19 states. >> home depot now saying 56 million credit and debit cards affected by that data breach, the 40 million cards compromised at target, a malware
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attack took place. home depot said it has improved the security of customer payment date that and eliminated that malware. >> rescue crews in texas are searching for a deputy that went missing during a flood. he radioed for help not long after crews found her car submerged underwater. there was no sign of the deputy. >> it's rough. we're professionals and we'll get through it and we'll keep searching until we find something. >> we're always holding out hope that she's sitting on a river bank waiting for us to come pick her up. >> crews did suspend the search thursday evening due to the weather. more heavy rain is expected this weekend. >> that rain across texas by the way is what is left of hurricane odile. >> it only takes a couple inches of water to knock you off your feet and a foot or two to move a vehicle. it's less than you might
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imagine. the flooding is serious and overnight, they've been having problems, because you can't see where suspect areas are. this is coming out of lubbock. we had damage around houston yesterday. that was because on the other side of this, we've had a boundary, so not just odile impacting the state of texas, but moisture off the gulf with the stationery front. some clean up on both sides of the state this morning. here's where all that money is now. you can see definitely centered on the western side of the state with the remnant of the tropical system is where the concentration of the moisture has been and we've had the majority of the flash flood watches and warnings this morning. houston, doesn't take much rain. there's not much drainage in the city for this to go anywhere. west texas, the elevation causing problems. we're looking at an additional one to three-inches in some cases, enough to cause more flooding, moving more interior with that moisture through the course of the day today.
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today, somewhat into tomorrow and then we start to get out of this. we're watching another system northward. i'll have more on that coming up. >> the senate approving a big part of president obama's plan to fight isil. >> now the u.s. is poised to start arming syrian rebels. retired lt. colonel michael kay will break down how that process works. >> officials in california making an arrest in connection with the raging wildfire there already burning more than 7,000 acres and it is not under control. >> a driver is lucky to be alive thanks to quick action by police. it is caught on camera as he was dragged from the burning car. >> 11 million people is our big number of the day. >> some worry the world's population is growing too fast.
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>> india will be the most populace country on the planet with 1.6 billion residents. >> president obama is hailing a senate vote authorizing the u.s. to arm and train rebels in syria. that was a key part of his plan to fight isil. >> the president inning no u.s. combat troops will be sent to iraq or syria. some worry it could lead to a long term commitment. retired colonel michael kay is a former advisor to the u.k. ministry of defense. how do we arm a rebel group? >> it's by performy. whatever america can do or the contributing nation, to keep hear hands as clean as possible will be the process. they will use a proxy. if you look at the 1980's, when the u.s. funded the mujahedeen, it wasn't direct funding.
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it went through the pakistan intelligence services, the i.s.i. funding went to them. they were armed and trained within pakistan and then it fed into afghanistan. >> neighboring countries are going to play a big role. this is a question of mine, it's going to take a year to train them up. can the opposition forces remain that long against bashar al assad, let alone isil? >> i know that this training and funding and army has already started. it started some months ago and it's going on in turkey and jordan. they're already ahead of the game. they didn't really wait for the approval from congress, they started it already. we know that there is a dynamic within syria where isil is but the a symptom of a bored problem. it's the assad forces.
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they were fighting a coalition of the free syrian army and isil. that's a lot of different groups with a lot of different motives and loyalties. >> what about the history that the u.s. has with reward to say supplying these particular weapons and why does the u.s. keep, you know, since it back fires and has blow back, why do they keep thinking that the strategy works. >> great question, del, you've got to go back into contemporary history to look at the very severe detrimental effects of policy when it funds rebel militia. >> afghanistan is one of them. >> it is the most recent. another came across to the taliban and runs a party that is hitting u.s.-led coalition forces in afghanistan today. look at libya. we funded the militia against gadhafi. what does libya look like now? jeez go back to the nixon and reagan area, all about containing communism. >> history repeating itself.
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>> over and over and over. >> retired lt. colonel michael kay, we'll to have leave it there. >> tonight, aljazeera america takes you inside the fight against the islamic state of iraq and the levant. that is tonight. >> california authorities say arson is the cause of the biggest wildfire burning now in the north. they have arrested a 37-year-old man, wane allen huntsman, charged with starting the king fire. it's burned 71,000-acres of forest and is threatening that thousands of homes. >> they want rain but say the cooler weather could help with the fight out there. >> nicole mitchell is back with more. >> by cool her, we mean 90's and 100's going into the 80's and 90's. everything helps. this is smoke building into the atmosphere. it looks like a normal cumulus cloud, but of course, this
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causes a lot of respiratory problems. this is something else to be dealt with during the fires is the poor air quality. >> the green is more moisture. there's a system in northern california. odile has brought some to southern california, the middle extremely dry. san francisco at 91 degrees for the course of today. back to you guys. >> >> an urgent manhunt in pennsylvania, police try to track down an accused cop killer. >> he is a survivalist on the run. we'll talk about the challenges they face finding a man with that training. >> a scare onboard a jet blue flight. what had the oxygen masks dropping from the ceiling. >> we have ability to transform lives, transform communities. >> a pro football player saying
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>> you're looking at chicago, the line where apple users are lining up to get the new iphone six. it goes on sale this morning. lines taking place in other major cities across the u.s. and they are celebrating in australia where the phones have already been released. good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. ahead in this half hour, we are just two hours away from the i.p.o. for alibaba. we'll look inside the company to see why its leader there is so popular in china. >> teen mothers falling through the cracks. the education system is leaving them out. >> our next hour takes you to the edge of an active volcano. this explorer was able to walk
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right up and get feed away from the lava flow. >> first a look at our headlines this morning. scotland voters have said no to independence. 55% at least voted against separating from the u.k. voter turnout tops 84%. prime minister david cameron is promising scott landed parliament will get new power to make decisions affecting residents. >> french planes are conducting airstrikes in iraq, the u.s. senate gave the president the authority to arm and train syrian rebels. >> sierra leone on lockdown in an effort to occur the ebola outbreak, going door to door to find patients. >> in guinea, eight aid workers and journalists were killed. they are trying to spread the word about the virus. >> alibaba day abuse on the new york stock exchange, its i.p.o.
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at $60 a share. that will make it the largest initial public offering in history. as huge as this i.p.o. may be, alibaba's impact in china is even bigger. >> alibaba has come a long way very quickly. this neck tie manufacturer is using the on line listing service. it connects small and medium size businesses to domestic and global buyers. >> their customers can buy our product, in like five minutes and everywhere in the world, and they can check our product in one web page. >> hello, i'm jack mark, founder of alibaba group. >> he is barely known outside china. within the country, he's attained almost cult-like status. >> a billionaire with close links to the communist party. analysts say the countries
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strictly controlled internet means he treads carefully. >> he understands that his position, if he moves off too far from what the government wants, he could see things change quickly. >> many call him a visionary, but one with authoritarian tendencies say others. >> i think alibaba is like a typical chinese country and jack mar is like the only boss. >> he's offering investors a slice of the world's fastest growing inner net offers. it tried to float on the hong kong exchange seven years ago, but the shares brought back by the company after losing much of their value. >> ahead of this, he outlined priorities for alibaba. comers come first, employees second and shareholders third, a very different business model
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from the west. the challenge now will be for that vision to succeed once the company is globally owned. >> we'll be sit you go down with the chief investment officer to talk about the new alibaba stock and why investors clamoring to get ahold of it. >> larry ellison is stepping down as c.e.o. of oracle. he has run that company for 35 years. he will stay on the board as chairman and chief technology officer. he is the fifth richest man in the world, worth roughly $50 billion. >> police in gainesville don't know why a man killed his daughter and six grandchildren before he took his own life, calling 911 saying he was considered harming himself and others. spirit killed himself shortly after the deputies arrived. his youngest victim was three months old. >> the busiest terminal is open
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again this morning. it was shut down for more than three hours last night as hundreds of police search for a shooting suspect. he was taken into custody and the terminal reopened he. >> a jet blue plane filled with smoke, passengers had to strap on oxygen mavs. there were engine problems after takeoff from long beach. the plane went back and made an emergency landing. several people needed to be treated for medical problems. >> every year, more than 300,000 teenaged girls get pregnant. it's the main reason they drop out of school. >> we went to the school.
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>> what was it like when you were 13 and found you were pregnant? >> it's not a good feeling. somebody might ask are you pregnant. i thought i was going to have to drop out in middle school. >> she hung on through eighth grade and referred to an academy. detroit's only high school for pregnant and parenting students. it boasted an tannishing 90%
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graduation rate. >> the school was slated to close. >> they told teachers not to teach and renamed them advisers. they were told to find people to shadow in a job that they would like to do. >> sounds like a disaster. >> a disaster. >> the school's enrollment dropped from 300 students to less than 100. in june, the once model school was shut down.
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>> it protects against discrimination with pregnancy. a federal lawsuit has been filed under title nine. >> she earned her g.e.d. and is about to start a new job. >> what needs to be done to help teen mothers graduate? >> just stop looking down on us, because it makes us want to give up. it just makes it easier for us to. >> you think people look down on you? >> yes, of course they have.
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>> she's determined to break the cycle of poverty and said her time there helped her do it. >> aljazeera, detroit. >> detroit plans to open another school to serve pregnant and teen parents this fall. our special series edge of 18 continues with a new episode on sunday. >> chicago bears wide receiver brandon marshall is speaking out in favor of roger goodell. he served a one game suspension in 2008 for personal conduct violations. he was later acquitted on miss dom nor domestic violence charges involving his former girlfriend. he said players today aren't being given a second chance. >> domestic violence is serious, and i saw how it affected my mother, saw how it affected our generation. i think it's a shame.
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>> i do love and respect what we're doing. the nfl has the ability to transform lives. >> marshall sought psychological treatment after diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. he said goodell had tears in their ice when they recently met to discuss how to help players with mental health issues. >> enpennsylvania, eric frein has been on the run after he ambushed two state troopers, killing one. dixon was laid to rest yesterday. frein is still on the run and is a trained survivalist. there is a $100,000 reward for his capture. >> we go to former assistant director for the f.b.i. joining us from boston this morning. thanks for being with us. this guy is a survivalist. that makes these guys so tough
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to find? >> they are very, very difficult to find and very dangerous people. >> they know exactly what they're going to do, how to live off the land, how to camouflage and protect themselves. they have all the advantage. i have to believe that prior to the murder of these two, the one state trooper and the gave injuries to the other, there frein decided what he wanted to do and where to go after he did it. >> they'll now bring in resources and asset to say help find the individual in the woods. >> there's a sense this is like hollywood, the helicopters fly over with the infrared technology. it's really not like that for guys on the ground.
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>> well, it is and it isn't both. the asset that is can bring to bear on the location of mr. frein would be things such as infrared, night vision goggles, things that have nature, but they also have to bring in people who can live off the land similar to the way he does. >> it's difficult and a dangerous way to live. special agent of the f.b.i. in pennsylvania was killed in shade gap, similar set of circumstances, a survivalist known as the mountain man was lying under dried leaves add terry approached, he jumped up and shot and killed him. those are the kinds of things that you have to be very, very careful of in situations such as this. >> you have a community on edge and understandably, a lot of the schools were closed and some parents just don't even want to go out unless it's a necessity to get groceries or water. this guy is also an expert sharpshooter and now he's on the
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f.b.i.'s most wanted list. how does all of this up the anti? >> well, it means a case is open for him in every field offers across the united states. there's a treasure trove of information at the home where he used to live. his father is a retired military person and well familiar with what his son is like, what his abilities are, and maybe where he he would try to go in the woods there in pennsylvania. somebody needs to cooperate in this case. i assume the parents can be a great cooperation. >> ted kaz.
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>> nski hid out for years but got caught. >> the manhunt will go in conjunction with state police and local police in pennsylvania. >> we need to get this person out of the woods into covered as rapidly as possible. as you can recall from the bombing at the olympics in atlanta, the individual that was involved in that bombing lived -- was a survivalist and lived in the woods for a number of years until he was caught trying to get supplies for himself and his stash where he lived in the woods. >> he hid out for seven years.
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bill gavin, thank you for joining us this morning. >> an amazing rescue caught on tape in ohio, police responding to a car fire last week, finding a man unconscious trapped inside. they used a fire extinguisher to break the window and pulled a driver from the car dragging him to safety. the man survived and shook hands thursday with the officers who saved his life. >> a florida couple thankful this morning after losing everything in a weekend fire at their home, but they're alive and say they can thank their wife and their dog. the couple was asleep in naples when the dog woke them. >> i saw flames fight feet high, i yelled at my husband and i said wake up! i said our house is on fire! >> clark couldn't get up, because he had a broken hip. his 68-year-old wife jerry got the strength to pick her us husband up. he said the real heroes r. the
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dogs that alerted them. sadly, the dogs died in that fire. >> outrage at clemson university over a sway some say was prying into their sex lives. the university required staff and faculty to participate in an off line course about safety. students said they were forced to answer questions about sex, right down to specific acts. >> i get that they want information, but it is very personal stuff especially around here in the south. you just don't talk about that. you don't tell anybody. it's your history and that's it. >> university officials say the questionnaire is not a sex survey, saying it's meant to focus on sexual harassment, assault and discrimination. >> let's look at other stories caught up in the global net. the school district giving back its big military equipment to the government. the school wanted an armored vehicle to protect the school and employees follow an active shooter. school officials are giving it
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back, because some people might be a little uncomfortable with this type of equipment. >> that's an mwrap, used in war zones. [ laughter ] >> in japan, a lighter story here, even the oldest dogs wagging their tails. the japan news brings us it is story of a rise in senior dog care centers. the sick and elderly canines there got around the clock care. it can cost between $16,000 to $32,000. by the way, average life for a dog in japan 14 years. >> they become part of the family. you can understand why they do that. >> science projects make you giggle and think. live results of the 24t 24th annual nobel prize parody. it awards prizes to funny and smart. why do people see human faces like jesus.
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you can see some of them are rather distasteful as well. >> scottish voters say no to independence from england. nearly half of the country voted in favor of breaking away. we'll talk about the push for independence to find out what is dividing the homeland. >> the universe is constantly expanding. some monster galaxy's got bigger. we'll have details in this morning's discoveries. >> an eye opening experience, panda triplets see the world for the first time.
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are devouring the smaller ones. >> the smaller galaxies are doing all the work, they are more efficient in creating new stars, larger hardly producing any stars at all, just consuming their smaller neighbors. >> scientists say our own milky way will consume two smaller galaxies in two years but say we are at risk of being consumed by an dram da in about 5 billion
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years. >> >> another big decision made in scotland on thursday. the golf club voting to become women and men. the men only policy existed since the club opened 260 years ago and other clubs are now following suit. we have that story. >> we have a lot of power in world golf outside america and runs where courses and clubs apply to stage here. pressure may be applied to change the policy. i expect a vote on the missing female members. what you won't get is immediately lots of female members joining. there's only 2,400 places and
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that's not that many. what you will get is immediately some high profile fee fail golfers and figures destroyed join, rather like when the former secretary of state condoleezza rice was invited to join in 2012. the irony is that women have been playing on this course for many years and some of them are happy with the clubs their already members and may not want to join. at least the decision to apply is now in their hands. >> one of the first females who may apply and probably be admitted is former secretary of state condoleezza rice was a huge golfer, big fan. >> another tropical storm is threatening mexico's west coast less than a week after a hurricane hit the region. nicole mitchell is keeping on eye on that for us. >> we've dealt with it in portions of central mexico, but really talks about that baja peninsula, that's where we just dealt with odile bringing
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remnants to the united states. grazing, parallelling the coastline, not making a landfall, but bringing heavy downpours, it will continue to track off to the northwest, the landfall was a little bit unusual. the rain adds insult to injury as we still try to get tourists out from the last system. quiet on the atlantic. the east storm in the middle of nowhere, not looking at too many problems here. this day in history, if you go back to the 1500s, the first recorded hurricane to hit pensacola, it's amazing that they had records that far back and it hit some spanish expedition ships back then.
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>> that's old parchment. >> thanks. >> talk show host tavis smile lee has a back to focuses on the last year of martin luther king, jr.'s life. >> i think that the president has a difficult job and i certainly am pulling and praying for him every day, not just to be another garden variety politician, but a states man. he could have been that in ferguson and missed the opportunity in ferguson to be a states man and chose to be another garden variety politician and centerric holder and didn't want to get involved. >> should he have gone? >> he absolutely should have. >> king didn't go to the riots. >> king wasn't the president. king is a prophet, obama is the president. the president of this country, as far as i'm concerned, whether black, white, republican or
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democratic, if there's a major american crisis in a city next to a major city is on fire and the city's been mir tar rides and the city is burning and people rioting on protested, killed and being maced. the president ought to step into that situation. i'm not going to let barack obama off the hook for not going to the situation even like i would not let george bush offer the hook for not going to new orleans. >> gatorade providing derek jeter with a fitting goodbye. ♪ ♪
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>> this is all real. the commercial shows the captain making his way to yankee stadium for one of his last games. he walks the last few blocks where he is greeted by surprise fans who were not expecting him. he hit his first home run of the season in the last home stand of the yankees. it's nice to see a sports guy who played by the rules. a lot of people had respect for him because he carried himself well on and off the field. >> a treasure here in new york city. >> a brand new world for the world's first surviving set of panda triplets. >> the cubs, one female and two males opened their eyes. they normally open their eyes 45 days after birth. they are healthy, doing well and
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their names will be announced next month. that's a big deal in china naming the panda. >> coming up, it is expected to be the largest i.p.o. in history. >> what you need to know about alibaba going public. >> we'll take a look at the nation's organ donor program. >> on the stream, >> america's veterans are dying at an alarming rates of accidental overdoses of prescription drugs, given to them by the military. candid conversation on the stream... >> the stream, on al jazeera america >> hundreds of days in detention. >> al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. >> thousands calling for their freedom. >> it's a clear violation of their human rights. >> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime.
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>> there's approximately 360 homes... >> but now experts say they can predict how a blaze might spread >> this has been in a fire, now we gotta get the data out of it >> playing with fire... >> you guys are working just to save lives... >> i hope so... >> tech know every saturday go where science meets humanity >> sharks like affection >> spot on... >> don't try this at home... >> tech know, only on al jazeera america >> staying with the u.k., voters in scotland making their voices heard, saying no to independence. we have reaction. >> france launching its first airstrikes against isil at u.s. lawmakers give president obama the ok to arm syrian rebels. there's a new threat with
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another hostage video. >> hours away drop the largest public offering in history from alibaba. >> this man boldly going where most of us would choose not to. an up close and hot look at one of the most active volcanos in the world. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. british lead is pledged they'd be better off together and voters in scotland listened, rejecting independence by a decisive margin. >> 55-45 percent did this, sparking celebrations by those who opposed independence. still the yes vote made its voice heard. scotland will get a larger say over its future. we have more from edinborough. >> during a long night at the end of a two year campaign, scotland watched as its future played out on t.v. as the votes were counted, the yes campaign had a few highs,
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winning significantly in scott land's second city glasgow, but there were more lows. more wins north nos before the man hood led the independence campaign accepted defeat. >> it's important to say that our referendum was an agreed and consented process, and scotland has by majority decided not at this stage to become an independent country. i accept that verdict of the people, and i call on all of scotland to follow suit in accepting the democratic verdict of the people of scotland. >> the no campaign had been described as uninspiring, relentlessly negative. in the end, if it played on scotland's fears of the economic risks of independence, it may well have won by doing so. >> the vote is over.
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the scottish people have voted. we have made a decision for progress and change for scotland within the united kingdom. let's get on with it together. >> thursday, voters turned out in their biggest numbers in scottish electoral history to make perhaps the most important decision of their lives. the arguments will rage over why the scots voted as they did, was it fear or did they see sense in the age owed union. they were presented with the possibility of independence, not by the gun, revolution but by the balance box. it was a historic choice in every way. in the end, they looked independence in the eye and said no. make no mistake, the flame of separatism in scotland has not gone out. >> thank you to scotland for 1.6 million votes for scottish independence. >> an enormous number did vote for independence. what they've been promised
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instead are more powers of self determination by politicians, hundreds of miles south. >> in london, at westminster, they will know now that a changed scotland will hold them to account. jonah hull, aljazeera, edinborough. >> let's go to london with barnaby phillips. what's been the reaction from the government there? >> the overwhelming reaction is one of relief. david cameron did not want to go down in history as the man who lost scotland after a 300 year union and who presided over the breakup of the united kingdom. that would a disastrous legacy, but politicians here in westminster know that they can't ignore that vote in scotland. the turnout was extraordinary. more than 1.5 million people voted to leave the united kingdom despite all the uncertainty that that would have
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entailed, glasgow voted to leave the united kingdom. that can't be ignored. a short time ago, david cameron had this to say. >> now it is time for our united kingdom to come together and move forward. a vital part of that will be a balanced settlement, fair to people in scotland, and importantly to everyone in england, wales and northern ireland, as well. >> in other words, what the prime minister is saying there is that westminster political parties have to keep their promises to devolve more fewer scotland but at the same time in this very complicated country that is the united kingdom there has to be a fairer deal for northern ireland, wales and england itself, the biggest part of the united kingdom. if scotland is going to be devolved more powers, what happens to the english, as well. >> there was so much talk about
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what was or could have happened to scotland, very little talk about how the rest of the united kingdom felt about it. how do they feel about it where you are in london? >> it's been a very strange period in british politics, because 93% of the electorate of the united kingdom had no say, of course in the scottish referendum. they only represent 7% of our electorate, yet we knew their decision was going to have profound implications for everyone. i think there is relief, but a recognition that the status quo is gone forever, that the united kingdom if it is to flourish, be held together, needs a fairer deal for all the different component parts. achieving cross party consensus, cross nation consensus is going to be extremely difficult.
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>> thank you very much. >> we're going to be talking with the former leader of scotland about his support for the no side of the referendum. >> france has now launched its first airstrikes against the islamic state of iraq and the levant. the french government took aim at a depot in iraq as isil released a new video featuring a kidnapped british journalist. aljazeera is choosing not to show it. in the clip, he says isil is getting ready to explain its motivations to the west. he was kidnapped in syria in november of 2012. >> president obama is praising thursday's senate vote to provide equipment and train to go syrian rebels. the measure passed with bipartisan support, 78-22. as mike viqueira reports, despite that victory in congress, the president's strategy is still questioned on capitol hill. >> the white house said u.s. military advisers could be on
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the front line in iraq, advising forces but not engaging in combat. >> they are not in a combat role, they're in an advice and assess role. that carries risk, but different from the combat role that americans were engaged in for sometime in iraq. >> top administration officials faced skeptical questions for a third straight day on what countries are contributing to the coalition. >> to win this fight, we have got to find partners, muslim partners in the case of isil, preferably sunni partners to work with the fight. >> officials aren't giving specific details on what neighboring nations are performing what roles. >> this is a complicated dynamic on a good day. there are many factions and factors that are flowing through this. >> on taking the fight to isil on the ground inside syria, the president vowed to deprive isil of sanction waters, but with an
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estimated 25,000 fighters inside syria, it will take up to a year and field the first group of opposition fighters to take them on and even then, they'll only number around 5,000. administration officials concede that won't be enough, but argue it's a good start. >> the goal is not to achieve numerical parity with isil, but enis that your moderate syrian forces superior fighters, trained by units. other goal is to undercut isil's recruitment and enable the syrian opposition to add to the pressure isil is already facing from the iraq security forces and the security forces of kurdistan. we want to force isil into a tree front battle against more capable local forces. >> later the senate voted to give the go ahead for training and arms for the as herian rebels, clearing the hurdle for a key part of the president's plan. >> with their barbaric murder of
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two americans, these terrorists thought they could intimidate us or cause us to shrink from the world. today they're learning the same lesson as petty tie rants that having before. we do not give into fear. when you harm our citizens, threaten the united states, threaten our allies, it doesn't divide us, it unites us. >> lisa stark is in washington this morning. good morning. secretary of state john kerry will be at the u.n. today representing the u.s. what's he want to accomplish? >> kerry's going to the u.n. to chair addster yell debate as it's called at the u.n. security council. it will focus on the fight against isil. he's trying to accomplish a couple of things. first he wants to continue to gel this international coalition that the u.s. is putting together.
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on the other hand, he's also taking this as an opportunity to have international support voiced for the new iraqi government. also, stephanie, this tees up a big week next week at the u.n., a meeting of the general assembly and president obama will become the first president to chair a meeting of the u.n. security council next week where the discussion will be on isil. >> a pretty significant development, a key member of the u.s. led coalition is adding to the air power in iraq. what are we hearing this morning from the french president. >> france this morning became the first coalition partner to launch its own airstrikes in iraq and the french president spoke yesterday and laid out the role his country would play. >> our goal is to contribute to peace and security in iraq by weakening the terrorists. we won't go beyond this. there won't be troops on the
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ground. we will act only in iraq. >> as he said, he will only be in iraq, they will not take action in syria. they did successfully take out that logistical depot in iraq, a depot used by isil. >> the first shipment have u.s. aid to battle ebola is arriving today. it is a plane load of equipment to build a 25 bed hospital. the u.s. is expected to send a dozen more shipments and 3,000 troops to train health care workers on the ground. >> in guinea, eight aid workers and journalists were killed while out talking about ebola. they came under attack by a mob in a rural village. the tackers believed they were spreading the virus. two victims were radio journalists covering the education campaign.
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>> sierra leone is under lockdown. >> alibaba is about to set a stock market record, trading a little over an hour for now. >> it could be the largest i.p.o. in history. we have been tracking it. why do investors want a piece of alibaba? >> it is growing. it's very profitable and growing fast. the chinese company was created 15 years ago by jack, now an iconic tech guru like mark zuckerberg or steve jobs. he could become one of the top 20 richest men in the entire world. >> he is set to make history in the largest i.p.o. his company, alibaba debuting at $68 a share, raising nearly $21 billion. >> alibaba is a tremendously rapid growing company.
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to say its growth is explosive is an understatement. >> he started the company from a small amount. it paid off big time. the company is now an he commerce behe moth. bloomburg puts the net worth at $22 billion, catapulting him into the ranks of bill gates. he got there thanks to alibaba, raking in $240 billion in sales last year, which is more than ebay and amazon combined. >> in the u.s., the same market was split by two dominant cross, in china, one combined the strength of the two. >> investors have been clamoring to get a piece of the chinese market since alibaba hit the road. yahoo is watching the action.
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the california-based company expected to walk away with $9 billion. before alibaba cast its magic over wall street, there were a few other names that cashed in by going public. for example, it was a troubled start for facebook, but mark zuckerberg and his social media site managed to take in $16 billion. then in 2010, auto giant general motors floated on the stock exchange at just over $15 billion. then there was the credit card titan visa in 2008 with an i.p.o. valid at nearly $18 billion. >> alibaba begins trading today under the ticker name ba ba. it is expected to trade as high as $100. it will make some employees happy and very, very rich. >> i know what i'm doing after the show today. thank you very much. >> absolutely. >> coming up at 8:50, we talk
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about alibaba's big trading debut. >> home depot talking about the data breach. a malware attack took place between april and september. it has improved the security of the customer payment data. they have eliminated the malware. >> california authorities say the state's biggest wildfire was set on purpose, arresting 37-year-old wane alan huntsman and charged him with arson. police say the fire burned 71,000 acres of forest and threatens thousands of homes. >> the weather is giving crews a helping hand. good morning, nicole. >> this sanity change in the situation. this is a little bit of a silver lining when we will take anything we can get. obviously a very serious fire situation in california, parts
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of oregon, washington dealing with some of these situations, as well. many elements go into this. one of them, the higher the heat, the more it dries the vegetation. earlier this week, temperatures well above average. those have toned down a little bit. central california, versus 100's and 90's, now more 90's and 80's. it's a little shift, but everything helps. sacramento at 91 degrees today, fresno at 90, as well. still warm, but fewer hundreds in that forecast. you can see they are still dry, a little moisture coming in, but a dry flow. we've still got the excessive and extreme drought, but it's going to be overall a rough day for fires here. >> firefighters say all they can do is wait for winter. >> a major shake up, why larry ellison won't be completely gone from oracle as he steps down as the head of the company.
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>> time now for the videos captured by citizen journalists around the world. at least 22 people are dead following an attack in baghdad involving three car bombs. this video shows moments just after one blast. security officials say mortar rounds were also fired. >> residents in the northern philippines and manila facing flooding because of the remnants of tropical storm mario. they are trying to make their way through the floodwaters in manila. >> for one young man, excitement turns to panic. he does that. drops the device as he opens the box while talk to a reporter. he waited overnight to be one of the first in the world to buy the phone. it does not look like it
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cracked. >> you can see the reporter laughing, by the way. >> united kingdom we can say is still intact today, voters saying no to independence. there were victory parties for those who oppose secession. british lawmakers saying they heard the voices of those who wanted to separate and promise scotland will get a new voice, new autonomy over key decisions. >> jock mcconnell is a member of the house of lords and supported the no side. he joins us now from edinborough in scotland. the vote was decisive but wasn't a landslide. have we seen and heard the last of scottish independence? >> first of all, good morning from edinborough. it's good to talk to you. i suspect for the moment at least, this decision is as decisive as it needs to be. the margin is slightly larger
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than predicted in the final days of campaigning, and i think the margin is large enough to say that for now the question of scottish independence is off the table but political reform on the table. >> i want to play you a bit of what foreign minister david cameron said right after the vote and get your reaction. take a listen. >> just as the people of scotland will have more power over their affairs, so it follows that the people of england, wales and northern ireland must have a bigger say over theirs. the rights of these voters need to be respected, preserved and enhanced. >> in fact, you suggest a constitutional commission to rebuild public confidence in the u.k. government. what concrete steps would you like to see? >> well, i think there's a real disconnect now between the center, the political center, if you like, the establishment in
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the united kingdom based aren't the metropolitan area and london in politics and business where the rest of the country feels disenfranchised from what is going on. that's been seen here in scotland and northern english towns and other parts of the u.k., as well. we need to get a number of states to rein gauge people and reenergize interest and belief in government and politics in the u.k. for one thing, i would do away with the house of lords i'm a member of and replace it with a second chamber that reflects the nations and regions of the country so everybody feels they have a voice. i also think the means and political parties need to reform the way that they operate to give people real choice and decentralize power away drop the center. to make sure that happens, not just here in scotland. >> when one side wins, the other side loses, for the 45% have the
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scots who voted yes, what do you say to them? >> i think and we've seen some signs of authority this morning. i think the leaders of those parties campaigning for a no vote need to reach out to those voters. many have never voted before. most of them are really angry with the system, not necessarily just interested in scottish independence. many of them living in conditions that are unacceptable in the 21st century. the mainstream political parties need to address these people and their issues much more effective than in the past. ate five to 90%, an incredible turnout at this point and politics not really seen anywhere where there's not compulsory voting. that is a challenge to those mainstream parties that they need to reach out to those people voting, who don't normally vote and give them a reason to vote at election time,
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addressing their issues and speaking on their behalf. >> thank you for being with us this morning. >> now with us is a yes scotland supporter, brian cox. he joins us by phone from his home down of dundee, scotland. thanks for your time. what's your reaction? >> my reaction is that, you know, we did, you know, it was disappointedding, but the thing is the triumph of the knight was social democracy. i was just listening to what jack said and he's absolutely right. we do agree on one thing on reform. i would like to take it further. i think we need federalization in these so called united kingdom. the powers at westminster, political powers at westminster are completely out of touch with the grassroots. we witnessed that with cameron's arrival in aberdeen where he didn't speak to a single voter, but a roomful of people, a
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failure to understand the scots. we virtually needed a translator. that's the job of a leader is to understand people. that disconnect has exacerbated over the years. i think we need a federalized britain. we need to get rid of the westminster parliament, not get rid of it, but move it out of london. it is very london centric. it's become tainted as a result of the last -- as a result of this current referendum. >> are you confident that these changes being discussed in london will occur and if they don't, do you think they will be
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further calls for independence? >> the thing is the independent issue will not go away. it's not going to go away. we've seen 45% of the people wanting independence. we've seen 55 of the people saying they don't know, because they've been sort of the scare tactics used to put these people into saying well, better the devil you know and also people's fear, natural fear of change. i'm in a profession where we face change every day of our lives, but it's, you know, for the working man and woman and the you know, you know, it's a much more difficult thing to comprehend, but it was a thing that the no campaign was run in a very patronizing and condescending way not so much by the scots, but the english, the westminster parliament. so what we have is a situation where people feel that they can't trust it. you know, cameron has to make
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all kinds of concessions, which his back vent you haves will not allow. they will do their dammeddest to stop. >> a lot of promises being spoken about today. >> many, many promises being spoken, but it's not really the promises. it's the action that is we require. >> nicole mitchell is back with a look at the weather, including flooding in the southwest. >> a lot of that is remnants from odile.
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it has shifted now. it was arizona, new mexico, now into texas. this is lubbock. we had problems overnight, so more of this is coming in from yesterday and then some of this this morning as the sun comes up, but not easy to drive in. it only takes, you know, they're still doing a rescue mission for someone lost in the storm. you want to be very careful heading into this. you can see the core of the moisture. we are going to see a lot of flash floods, also a boundary on the east side of the state from a frontal boundary and gulf moisture. kind of getting it from both sides in texas. the core into west texas, one to three more inches is going to cause more flooding situations through the day today. they are in a drought, just don't want this much. >> sometimes no rain, sometimes too much. nicole, thanks. >> aljazeera is looking closer at the fight against isil in a special show tonight. >> he spent a month that in country. he'll join us with a look at the hurdles the u.s. faces trying to stop isil.
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>> big changes in the way americans get organ transplants. we are in chicago this morning to tell you why your chance of survival could depend on where you live. >> don't try this at home. a trip to unchartered territory, going to the edge of a volcano, coming up. >> a look at our images of the day, anti independence supporters celebrating victory in scotland's referendum. >> opinion polls before the ballots were cast too close to call. the no campaign pulled through, winning the 55% of the vote to 45% of those who wanted to break away from the u.k.
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chicago. >> ahead, friends and family gather to say goodbye to the pennsylvania state trooper who died in that ambush. we have the latest on the intense manhunt for the gunman. >> alibaba with a nearly $22 billion stock offering this morning. >> voters in scotland decided against separating from the u.k. 55% of voters said no to independence, but british prime minister david cameron said he here's the 45% who voted yes, promising new powers for scottish parliament. >> sierra leone in lockdown. in guinea, workers were killed trying to spread the information about the spread of the virus. >> france launched airstrikes in northern iraq but ruling out strikes in syria. the u.s. senate joined the house in giving president obama the authority to arm and train syrian rebels.
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>> just returning from iraq, josh joins us. thanks for being with us. you spent time with iraqis living through this. what are their biggest concerns? >> it depends where you are. in baghdad, there are normal economic concerns, groceries and that kind of thing. i traveled the front line between kurdistan and the islamic state. the concerns there depend on who you are. if you're peshmerga, your concerns are you don't have the weapons you need to fight the fight. in the refugee camps, many camps that i visited, like the i can't deed keys, they won't and you have the country.
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>> this is tough on women. >> the nature of the threat, the way they treat women if captured, they are selling them off, the rapes, the kidnaps, everything you heard creates an intense psychological fear. the women not captured that end up in the refugee camps, it is a difficult existence. all the duties of the family fall on the woman and these camps, it's 120 degrees, dusty, dirty, not enough water or food. >> we see women and children are the worst affected. you spent time with the peshmerga forces. do they feel that these u.s. airstrikes are making a difference? >> absolutely. absolutely. all the people on the -- >> is it enough -- >> -- front lines. every time you hear discussions about the u.s. you need boots on the ground, there are thousands of boots on the ground, those airstrikes working with those boots on the ground are a huge gain. >> do they want u.s. boots back on the ground. >> it depends who you talk to.
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the front line is a lot of different groups, a messy situation, i would run from one house and there would be mesh mega, another house, iraqi militia that can't want u.s. boots on the ground. it depends who you talk to, but they all want airstrikes for about. >> thank you. tune in to see more of his reporting tonight in our special report, fighting isil tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 p.m. pacific. >> the fight against isil is also on social media. let's talk about that with a professor from the university of omaha. good morning. thanks for being with us. does isil have a coordinated marketing campaign that we're seeing? >> they certainly have a
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coordinated marketing campaign and show quite a bit of media savvy with the diversity of channels that they use as well as the diversity of messages they are send to go foreign fighters and foreign populace there. >> a video game they have gives the player a first person shooter experience, kind of like we would see in a game like grand theft auto. what does that say about their target audience? >> what's interesting about this is they've just released the trailer for it, and, you know, that in itself shows that they understand sort of foreign fighters and western media, because before video games are released, they always have a trailer that's released before to sort of get the hype up, so so far, they've just released this trailer, a modification to the grand theft auto game and that understands they understand their target audience of 20 something-year-old young males
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he who are interested in violent games. >> and perhaps want to shoot people. is there proof that their on line tactics are successful in recruiting? >> well, i mean, you know, there are a lot of reasons why so many foreign fighters are going, but just the numbers alone are staggering. the estimates this week are 12,000 foreign fighters, which has more than doubled the estimates last week. this is just one of their platforms for reaching out to these individuals. >> gina, thank you so much. >> overnight, the manhunt for the accused cop killer eric frein has intensified >> he has been added to the f.b.i.'s top 10 most wanted
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list. authorities are confident frein is still hiding in the pocono mountains, waiting to kill again. according to the arrest affidavit, the gunman fired four shots within 90 seconds, hit two state troopers and narrowly missed a third before he slipped away into the woods. yesterday, they laid to rest the officer, father of two young boys who was killed that in shooting. thousands of law enforcement officers from around the country were at that memorial. of course, this community still really on edge, and police are saying be aware, be alert and people are saying they've got their guns loaded and they are staying inside, they're ready. >> be careful, because this man is armed and extremely dangerous according to authorities. thank you very much. >> still no motive this morning in a mass shooting in florida. police say don spirit killed his daughter and six grand children before taking his own live in
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the gainesville area. >> a medical examiner is going to look at the autopsy report for eric garner who died during a police stop. the doctor is scheduled to look at the autopsy record today. the medical examiner ruled his death of a homicide. >> about 3,000 people die every year because they can't get a liver transplant. health officials are trying to cut that number down, doctors and experts meeting in chicago to go over solutions. we are live this morning. what came out of those meetings? >> these were preliminary discussions that convene transplant doctors to discuss disparities. although 6,000 people are transplanted with liver transplant each other, many severe short ones happen in different parts of the country, which is why health care officials say it's time to
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reevaluate the current system. >> tyler was getting ready to start college when an unexpected illness caused him to drop 35 pounds in two weeks. >> it was really rough. i didn't want to eat, couldn't sleep, no matter when, day or night. >> hello, how are you? tyler. >> his doctors say he's lucky to be alive. >> his liver was barely functioning. he was quite honestly near death. >> the kansas native went on the liver transplant wait list and within 20 days a donor identified and he was in surgery. a debate over the way france plants or allocated could change this. changes are considered to address an inequity in the availability of livers across the country.
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under consideration organ donation to coastal cities. >> the current regions we have now don't optimally allocate and contribute livers in a way so everybody has optimal access for equal access. we are trying to reduce that disparity. >> the country is currently divided into 11 regions. the committee is considering reducing them to eight or even four to better serve the area that have fewer donors. last year, the university of kansas hospital did 114 liver transplants, in the top 10 in the nation by volume. hospital administrators here oppose redistribution plans. >> this doctor is surgical director. he said remapping does little to address the real problem, a seemingly finite number of organ donors. >> you're shuffling things across the board and moving quite honestly, moving the chairs on the titanic.
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>> in the kansas city area, educating high school students early on about the benefits of organ donation have helped increase don nor numbers. >> it's because they have the right information to make that informed decision. >> that has been a problem in places like new york and california. >> over the past eight years, we've really not been able to increase the number of donors. >> the gift of a life saving liver came relatively quickly. >> it gave us hope at a final when we didn't have a lot. we're very, very happy to be here, on this side of the transplant mountain. >> the committee is still a year away from presenting a final proposal they hope will save more lives. for now, the difference between life and death can literally be a matter of which side of the mountain a patient lives on. >> del, as you mentioned, about 3,000 people die waiting for a liver transplant each year. with 16,000 people currently
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waiting for a liver transplant, everyone agrees something has to be done to increase donor levels to reach the supply and demand. >> i had a friend who ran one of those consortiums. she struggled that she was dealing with a business that dealt with life and death situations every day. >> that's right. that's one of the things that's really difficult about this is a lot of people say that these donor levels of finite. all you're doing is moving around who actually gets the liver transplants. there are questions about the viability when you open geographic regions to see how viable those organs would be when they have to travel further away and the midsection, the midwest, you know that travel can be difficult in inclement weather, as well. that's another question that has to be answered. >> aljazeera america will take closer look at who gets a transplant, airing saturday at 8:00 p.m. eastern time,
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5:00 p.m. pacific. >> faster discipline for border patrol agents expected of using excessive force, the agency given the ok to hand down punishment without waiting to hear outside investigations. criminal charges are pending in 14 shootings and 141 allegations of abuse. it has not disciplined any agents in dead leforce investigations in a decade. >> attorney general eric holder rolling out a new federal program designed to reduce racial bias and build trust between police departments and the cities they serve. the federal grant is going to pilot in five cities across the u.s. >> alibaba starting trading on wall street in less than an hour. >> the site is trying to set itself apart going public. we'll talk about why this is just what wall street needs right now. >> we're going deep into an active volcano for a close look at a lake of lava. >> it is time now for our big quote.
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>> we have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live... >> who said there can be no disputes, no reruns? we have heard the settled will of the scottish people? >> that would be our big quote from british prime minister david cameron reacting to the outcome of the scottish independence vote. >> one man versus a volcano. long lines around the world today as folks wait for their chance to get the iphone six,
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with larger screens and more powerful computing. there are more than four million preorders. >> alibaba about to make its wall street debut. the chinese he commerce company going public in a half hour. it is expected to raise more than $22 billion. that would make it one of the largest i.p.o.'s in american history. should i buy? >> absolutely. it is one of the most exciting i.p.o.'s to come around in our generation. >> you on wall street always say that. ma what makes alibaba different from amazon and other companies? >> it has to do with size and scalability and growth of the chinese market. right now, there are 280 million users of alibaba in china.
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there are 1.3 billion people in china, so only half of the people right now are on the internet. it's an on line mal. it's really -- it doesn't actually -- alibaba doesn't have inventory in stock. it takes a police of every transaction. 43 cents of every color of cash flow is profit to alibaba, so it's completely different than other companies, the facebooks, the twitters and much larger than amazon. >> japanese investors tried this and they had to buy back their own stock. what makes it so attract i have to investors this time around? >> it's also a matter of timing. everything in life is about being right in time. in november, 2006, when we first saw alibaba start to go public and we saw an unprecedented
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meltdown of the entire global economic system, so alibaba was part that have process. now it has shown that it has a second life and the ability to be the best and biggest of all on line commerce companies, and is moving into the u.s. that's the key here. >> part of the success story for alibaba is the founder, former english teacher and now this guy that is compared to steve jobs and bill gates. why? >> because he has that innovative entrepreneurial spirit. like steve jobs, he is a revolutionary. he doesn't hesitate to stand up against anything. he stands up all the time against the chinese government. alibaba isn't just a commercial site. it's banking system and he is taking on the entire chinese banging system and processes 10
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times the amount of on line payments than ebay and pay pal. >> investors of oracle have been trying to push out the leader. why is he leaving? >> it has to do with age and moving on with other interests and initiatives. he has been marred by personal issues and his relationships with people that have come to haunt him. jack mau has been able to step up and beyond and there haven't been reputational issues. it's time for the oracle c.-o. to spend time on his yachts and sailing. he moved on a long time ago. >> he's 71 now, right? >> that's right. and it's amazing that he's been able to have all these generational lives in silicon valley. >> thanks for being with us this morning. >> another historic decision
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made in scotland thursday, the golf club at st. andrews voted to allow women to become members. the men-only policy existed since it opened 260 years ago. other clubs in the u.k. have pledged to follow suit. >> scientists are keep ago close eye on volcanos in the philippines and hawaii. all show signs they could be erupting. one man has taken a close look at the fury of mole 10 lava. >> you can't help but look at this video and think now this really is hell on earth. it is a fuming, churning lake of lava. waves of it blowing up the inside of the creator. >> the bottom is one of the most spectacular place in the world.
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>> they repelled into it after getting a quick selfie. to the bottom, it is 1200 feet. that's a drop into fire. they did survive. yes, it is every bit as incredible as it looks. >> how close are you really to it and how high is the temperature at that point? >> the volcano itself is massive, so i'm 1200 feet down inside the crater, which was a two hour repel to get down there. when you see me he at the very edge, i'm probably 50 feet away from the actual churning lava. to get any closer would be suicide. that was the close effort you could possibly get. the heat radiating off of it is like being next to a blast furnace. >> you're thinking what everyone else does when they see this video, this can't be real. it looks like it's straight out
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of a and a half ve. >> that's the thing, it is real. i've seen the video so many times myself and when i look at it, i think it's some type of hollywood special effect, but it is absolutely not. it's 100% real. this what appears to be a waterfall of lava behind me. i guarantee you it's 100% real. if you did not have that protecti clothing on, you could stand at the edge for a few seconds at a time before the heat was so overwhelming you would get serious burns. i was able to get as close as humanly possible for the lake of lava but only for a few minutes at a time. there were times when i was so close to the lens hood on my camera physically melted from the heat of the lava. i don't hold back when it comes to getting a shot. that's what i'm focused on, but i want to do it safely for many
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years. >> it's not everybody's vision of a south pacific holiday, but he wanted to share the thrill of going right to the edge. >> this particular voyage was to really showcase the beauty of this volcano. yes, they're dangerous in dynamic, but if you know what you're doing and i have lots of experience inside volcanos, you can do it in relative safety, show the world this amazing place and it's gone all over the world, millionion of views. i'm glad to see people are able to experience it sort of through my eyes. >> me, too. it contains some of the most active and spectacular volcanos on the planet. >> hopefully where you are, the weather will not be that hot. >> that doesn't mean it will cooperate. we just had earlier this week, the strongest hurricane on record to ever head to baja, california. now we have a tropical storm churning up the same direction,
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fortunately a much weaker system and also going to curve off the shoreline but close enough to bring rain, areas of high surf. there's tourists still trying to get home from the area. it's still causing problems with the cleanup. you don't want to see this more impacting the day tomorrow. >> the united states, also dealing with the remnants of odile, the storm i was talking about that's bringing heavy rain to texas. into the weekend, comfortable air around the great lakes start the first part of the weekend with plentiful sunshine, just showers moving through the midsection of the country now. if you want to start your weekend on a humorous note, today is international talk like a pirate day. my matey's, back to you. >> ok, arggh tomorrow, the search for family taking three siblings from harlem, we talk
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about tracing roots proven to be life changing. >> that's it for us here in new york. >> coming up in two minutes from doha, more on the scotland decision to reject independence. >> have a great morning. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. >> we leave you with these images out of scotland. have a good morning and a good weekend.
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>> on the stream, >> america's veterans are dying at an alarming rates of accidental overdoses of prescription drugs, given to them by the military. candid conversation on the stream... >> the stream, on al jazeera america >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ and thank you for joining us for the al jazeera news hour. i'm david foster, and this is some of what we have coming up in the next 60 minutes. victory for the campaign to keep the u.k. united. >> the people of scotland have spoken a
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