tv Tech Know Al Jazeera September 19, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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taking money from gadhafi, and this summer he was taken in for questions on that investigation. he hit back immediately insisting he had never broken the law. now his announcement of return to politics, he has three years to win over the pub and clear his name. >> you can always keep up with the latest on our website, ♪ caltech caltech this is "techknow", a show this is "techknow", a show about innovations that saves about innovations that saves lives. lives. we explore hardware and humanity we explore hardware and humanity in a unique way. in a unique way. this is a show about scientists this is a show about scientists by scientists. by scientists. let's check out the team of let's check out the team of so-called nerves. so-called nerves. lindsay moran, an analyst - new
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lindsay moran, an analyst - new technology can make guns safer. technology can make guns safer. does it work. does it work. we put it to we put it to the "techknow" the "techknow" test. test. kyle hill is a science writer kyle hill is a science writer with a background in with a background in engineering. engineering. tonight - earthquakes. tonight - earthquakes. they are frightening, they are frightening, devastating and can strike devastating and can strike without warning. without warning. you. you. >> this red circle is what we >> this red circle is what we have to have to worry about. worry about. >> announcer: they can. >> announcer: they can. dr shini somara is an engineer dr shini somara is an engineer and i'm phil torres, i'm an and i'm phil torres, i'm an entomologist. entomologist. that's the team, that's the team, let's do some let's do some science. science. [ ♪ music ] [ ♪ music ]
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hey, guys. hey, guys. welcome to "techknow". welcome to "techknow". i'm phil torres, with me kyle i'm phil torres, with me kyle sil, cara santa sil, cara santa maria, and maria, and lindsay moran. lindsay moran. lindsay moran, the only c.i.a. lindsay moran, the only c.i.a. operative - you are the in-house operative - you are the in-house security specialist. security specialist. you got me to look at a smart you got me to look at a smart gun coming with controversy. gun coming with controversy. >> that's right. >> that's right. we talk about the controversy we talk about the controversy later. later. first let's look at the first let's look at the technology. technology. ironically after years of ironically after years of working for the c.i.a. in danger working for the c.i.a. in danger zones, i tried out gamutry zones, i tried out gamutry worth -- gadgetry worth -- gadgetry worthy of worthy of james bond in the sense of a james bond in the sense of a high tech handgun. high tech handgun. let's have a look. let's have a look. >> reporter: when i worked at >> reporter: when i worked at the c.i.a. and had to sometimes the c.i.a. and had to sometimes carry a gun, i worried as a carry a gun, i worried as a woman that i could be woman that i could be overpowered and have my gun overpowered and have my gun taken and used against me. taken and used against me. now, as a mum of two young boys, now, as a mum of two young boys, gun safety is a huge concern in gun safety is a huge concern in
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my household. my household. according to the latest according to the latest statistics, each day statistics, each day approximately five children are approximately five children are killed or injured by guns. killed or injured by guns. the newest smart gun, the the newest smart gun, the ip1 is ip1 is designed to alleviate both of designed to alleviate both of these concerns by personalizing these concerns by personalizing the weapons ability to fire. the weapons ability to fire. this works like a regular this works like a regular firearm, if we didn't tell firearm, if we didn't tell civilians there's civilians there's batteries, batteries, they wouldn't know. they wouldn't know. >> there's a watch. >> there's a watch. if you decide "i'm ready to if you decide "i'm ready to personalise my firearm, i don't personalise my firearm, i don't want the children to activate want the children to activate the the gun", you can sync your gun", you can sync your watch. watch. once you sync the watch to the once you sync the watch to the firearm, it requires a pip code. firearm, it requires a pip code. >> arma tech c.e.o. >> arma tech c.e.o. demonstrates demonstrates how the gun can only be fired how the gun can only be fired for eight hours once the pin for eight hours once the pin code is activated, and as long code is activated, and as long as the watch is within 10 inches as the watch is within 10 inches of the gun. of the gun. >> i want to try out the >> i want to try out the
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personalised version. personalised version. >> great. >> great. >> i have the watch, i'm the >> i have the watch, i'm the only one that can use it, only one that can use it, right? right? >> correct. >> correct. >> reporter: that's because the >> reporter: that's because the gun and watch communicate by gun and watch communicate by radio frequency. radio frequency. an electronic chip in the watch an electronic chip in the watch signals to another chip in the signals to another chip in the gun, telling it to gun, telling it to unlock. unlock. both are operated by regular both are operated by regular household batteries. household batteries. >> my only apprehension is in >> my only apprehension is in the heat of the moment when the heat of the moment when there's an intruder, can i get there's an intruder, can i get the watch on, activate it. the watch on, activate it. i'll think about saving my life. i'll think about saving my life. how will i have the wherewithal how will i have the wherewithal to use the to use the technology. technology. >> >> the most important thing is the most important thing is comfortable. comfortable. >> what if the unauthorised user >> what if the unauthorised user gets the watch and the handgun. gets the watch and the handgun. >> if they feel the watch and >> if they feel the watch and gun. gun. >> what if someone tries to take >> what if someone tries to take the gun. the gun. we have a demonstration with an
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we have a demonstration with an unloaded unloaded ip1. ip1. >> if someone was wroteling >> if someone was wroteling me me trying to take the firearm. trying to take the firearm. as long as i don't let go of the as long as i don't let go of the grip, it knows i'm the grip, it knows i'm the authorised user. authorised user. look what happens as soon as i look what happens as soon as i release the grip and try to fire release the grip and try to fire it. it. it's red. it's red. that could have been you taking that could have been you taking it from me, and it recognises it from me, and it recognises that i'm that person that holds that i'm that person that holds that handgun at the time. that handgun at the time. no longer the authorised use no longer the authorised use are. are. if i take it again, it knows i'm if i take it again, it knows i'm the authorised user. the authorised user. >> if i wrestle a gun from you. >> if i wrestle a gun from you. >> won't fire. >> won't fire. >> okay. >> okay. so you give it back to me. so you give it back to me. i'm the authorised user. i'm the authorised user. >> from fingerprint id to mobile >> from fingerprint id to mobile app, this is app, this is not the only not the only technology technology available. available. in october smart tech announced in october smart tech announced a $1 million grand prize to the a $1 million grand prize to the
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inventor of smart gun inventor of smart gun technology. technology. the ip1 is getting the most the ip1 is getting the most attention. attention. >> >> armatex is looking for a armatex is looking for a retailer. retailer. the range and shops it was the range and shops it was operating out of received so operating out of received so much backlash from the n.r.a. much backlash from the n.r.a. and other activists that they and other activists that they are no longer working together are no longer working together or willing or willing to sell its products. to sell its products. we asked the n.r.a. to speak to we asked the n.r.a. to speak to us about the opposition to the us about the opposition to the ip1 and other smart guns. ip1 and other smart guns. they declined. they declined. david hikingin david hikingin both am, a gun both am, a gun writer and writer and reviewer tracks and reviewer tracks and cit ekes new firearms and cit ekes new firearms and understand why the gun understand why the gun lobby is lobby is against technology. against technology. >> you have to access the gun, >> you have to access the gun, the gun has to work the gun has to work instantaneously. instantaneously. this is an industry that this is an industry that measures success by hundreds of measures success by hundreds of a second. a second. talk to law enforcement. talk to law enforcement. they talk about the response
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they talk about the response time, the split time between time, the split time between shots, how fast can you make one shots, how fast can you make one shot or follow up shots. shot or follow up shots. how accurately can they be made. how accurately can they be made. beyond that beyond that you trust your you trust your firearm to your watch. firearm to your watch. what if someone overpowers you. what if someone overpowers you. >> if this is taken from you and >> if this is taken from you and the person is larger. the person is larger. one thing you can do is we can one thing you can do is we can manually deactivate the handgun. manually deactivate the handgun. if i knew of you and i, and you if i knew of you and i, and you take the gun. take the gun. all i need to do is press the all i need to do is press the deactivate. deactivate. >> that's like a panic button on >> that's like a panic button on the watch. the watch. >> yes. >> yes. firearm. firearm. >> in my mind it's a dubious >> in my mind it's a dubious proposition. proposition. watches go bad. watches go bad. how many batteries do you have how many batteries do you have to change. to change. how reliable is the technology. how reliable is the technology. what days do you have between what days do you have between accessing the system? what accessing the system? what happens if it fails? there's
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happens if it fails? there's something else standing between something else standing between you and pulling the trigger. you and pulling the trigger. >> reporter: despite the >> reporter: despite the opposition from gunrights opposition from gunrights advocates. advocates. belinda says she is not giving belinda says she is not giving up. up. the plans the plans to have a 9mm model to have a 9mm model available later this year. available later this year. >> i hear so many actions. >> i hear so many actions. we want solve all the problems. we want solve all the problems. we'll solve little kids picking we'll solve little kids picking them up. them up. the goal is not to prevent the goal is not to prevent everything, but to make it everything, but to make it harder to use the harder to use the gun against gun against you. you. seems like there me be some seems like there me be some work to be done with the work to be done with the technology, but there's a lot of technology, but there's a lot of work to be done with societies work to be done with societies rehabilitation to it. rehabilitation to it. >> gun rights activists have a >> gun rights activists have a different reaction. different reaction. what is interesting - it's what is interesting - it's ironic. ironic. they are lobbying hard against they are lobbying hard against the technology, and against the the technology, and against the product, when what they are product, when what they are really upset about is really upset about is legislation. legislation. there's a law on the books in there's a law on the books in
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new jersey that say that's once new jersey that say that's once the technology has become the technology has become available the united states, available the united states, within three years every gun within three years every gun sold in new jersey has to be a sold in new jersey has to be a smart gun. smart gun. >> it comes down to the law in >> it comes down to the law in new jersey, and the technology. new jersey, and the technology. about. about. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. california is looking at similar california is looking at similar legislation. legislation. gun rights activists are fearful gun rights activists are fearful of the technology, because they of the technology, because they feel it's a slippery slope. feel it's a slippery slope. once new jersey adopts that, once new jersey adopts that, will they mandate that everyone will they mandate that everyone has smart gun technology. has smart gun technology. most gun rights enthusiasts most gun rights enthusiasts don't want the guns or the added don't want the guns or the added safety measures. safety measures. >> i find it amazing that laws >> i find it amazing that laws are written up on this are written up on this technology alone. technology alone. it doesn't seem very robust. it doesn't seem very robust. >> no technology is foolproof. >> no technology is foolproof. the way i see this is i know the way i see this is i know that there is a greater risk for that there is a greater risk for me having a firearm in my house me having a firearm in my house that one of my children is going that one of my children is going to hurt themselves or each other to hurt themselves or each other or someone else with that
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or someone else with that firearm. firearm. this kind of technology, this this kind of technology, this kind of gun, i feel like would kind of gun, i feel like would appeal to me more. appeal to me more. >> let's say it advances and we >> let's say it advances and we have a gun that recognises your have a gun that recognises your handprint and you can use it. handprint and you can use it. is something like that really is something like that really going to make everyone safer. going to make everyone safer. i'd like to hear from someone i'd like to hear from someone from the u.k. where they don't from the u.k. where they don't have that many guns, if there have that many guns, if there technology. technology. >> it's an interesting point. >> it's an interesting point. being british, guns are used being british, guns are used differently. differently. they are not used as defense they are not used as defense items. items. so the concept of a device so the concept of a device talking to another device is talking to another device is really alien, it adds a layer of really alien, it adds a layer of it slows the process down of it slows the process down of using a gun. using a gun. that's why it seems to be that's why it seems to be opinion. opinion. >> it's an interesting story. >> it's an interesting story. the the innovation seems simple. innovation seems simple.
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what comes is the conversation what comes is the conversation is complex. is complex. what do you have coming up from what do you have coming up from us next? us next? >> i went to an institution in >> i went to an institution in an earthquake hot spot to see if an earthquake hot spot to see if there's technology that gives us there's technology that gives us more lead time. more lead time. >> we'll check it out after the >> we'll check it out after the break. break. we want to hear what you think we want to hear what you think about these sories. about these sories. join the conversation: join the conversation:
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[ ♪ music ] [ ♪ music ] hey, hey, guys, welcome guys, welcome back to back to techknow. techknow. kyle, you have the next story kyle, you have the next story for us. for us. >> we have seen wide scale >> we have seen wide scale destructions that earthquakes destructions that earthquakes cap to to a country like cap to to a country like japan, japan, and they have an and they have an early warning early warning system. system. researches at caltech are trying researches at caltech are trying to give us seconds before a to give us seconds before a similar disaster hits the u.s.
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similar disaster hits the u.s. let's take a let's take a look. look. >> reporter: >> reporter: there are scenes of there are scenes of incredible power and force. incredible power and force. this is what a magnitude 9 this is what a magnitude 9 earthquake can do. earthquake can do. this is what it looks like. this is what it looks like. fear captured in real-time, by fear captured in real-time, by home video cameras, rolling when home video cameras, rolling when the earth shook japan, and the earth shook japan, and shared on youtube for shared on youtube for the world the world to see. to see. march 11th, march 11th, 2011, 9.0, japan. 2011, 9.0, japan. april 18th, april 18th, 2014, 7.2, mexico. 2014, 7.2, mexico. august 23rd, 2011, 5.8 virginia august 23rd, 2011, 5.8 virginia and the and the district of columbia. district of columbia. october 17th, october 17th
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francisco. francisco. >> what happened? >> what happened? >> >> there's a hell of an there's a hell of an earthquake. earthquake. everything. everything. >> earthquakes are still a big >> earthquakes are still a big mystery. mystery. try and understand exactly what try and understand exactly what is happening on the phones while is happening on the phones while these things are sliding these things are sliding is one is one of the first physics mysteries of the first physics mysteries out there. out there. >> there is nothing in nature >> there is nothing in nature like a seismic ept, and no one like a seismic ept, and no one knows that more than dr tom knows that more than dr tom heaton. heaton. he has been studying quakes he has been studying quakes since the 1970s, and america's since the 1970s, and america's seismic center, caltech. seismic center, caltech. >> one of the things people >> one of the things people don't like about earthquakes is don't like about earthquakes is when it starts, you have no idea when it starts, you have no idea how big the shaking will get. how big the shaking will get. if you are in the wrong place, if you are in the wrong place, it can be terrifying. it can be terrifying. if you know it's in a place that if you know it's in a place that is hazardous, you don't know is hazardous, you don't know what is going to happen. what is going to happen. >> reporter: >> reporter: what if you could what if you could slow down the inevitable, een
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slow down the inevitable, een just for a -- even just for a just for a -- even just for a few seconds - long enough to get few seconds - long enough to get out out a warning. a warning. [ siren ] [ siren ] >> reporter: what's going on? >> reporter: what's going on? this is the simulation of a 7.2 this is the simulation of a 7.2 on the san andrayous and the on the san andrayous and the system is tracking where the system is tracking where the earthquake is. earthquake is. showing up on my showing up on my screen or your screen or your screen. screen. >> yaik, yaik, strong shaking. >> yaik, yaik, strong shaking. >> telling you that the p wave >> telling you that the p wave is headed for us. is headed for us. >> reporter: so this red circle >> reporter: so this red circle is what we have to worry is what we have to worry about. about. >> it's the weight that has the >> it's the weight that has the heavy shaking, heading to us. heavy shaking, heading to us. the the closer it closer it gets. gets. >> reporter: it senses the >> reporter: it senses the shake's p or primary waves, the shake's p or primary waves, the yellow circle. yellow circle. they tell scientists that a
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they tell scientists that a quake is coming but don't cause quake is coming but don't cause a shaking. a shaking. the red s follows. the red s follows. they are the damaging causing they are the damaging causing waves. waves. the p waves hit los angeles the p waves hit los angeles 30 seconds before the s waves 30 seconds before the s waves and the shaking starts. that's and the shaking starts. that's how it successfully predicted how it successfully predicted recent quakes to hit los recent quakes to hit los angeles, including one that angeles, including one that struck in march 2014. struck in march 2014. in scenes like this playing in scenes like this playing across tvs and the web, nerves across tvs and the web, nerves were frayed. were frayed. ironically the public never got ironically the public never got an early warning because an early warning because california is a california is a prototype. prototype. >> we're having an earthquake. >> we're having an earthquake. >> >> his reaction went his reaction went viral. viral. by comparison, in is awe mexican by comparison, in is awe mexican tv covered an earthquake in tv covered an earthquake in acapulco acapulco on on april 14, 2014. april 14, 2014. [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: the anchorman comes >> reporter: the anchorman comes
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on 30 seconds before the quake on 30 seconds before the quake strikes giving plenty of time to strikes giving plenty of time to warn of the danger. warn of the danger. you see him you see him react when it hits. react when it hits. [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ] [ siren ] [ siren ] >> reporter: mexico's early >> reporter: mexico's early warning system has been around warning system has been around since the devastating 1985 since the devastating 1985 quake, killing more than 9,000. quake, killing more than 9,000. japan was moved to action as japan was moved to action as well, creating their early well, creating their early warning system after the warning system after the 1995 1995 koby quake killing 5,000. koby quake killing 5,000. when the massive 0..0 quake hit when the massive 0..0 quake hit in in 2011, the early morning 2011, the early morning system was working. system was working. watch as the show is interrupted watch as the show is interrupted and the warning appears on and the warning appears on screen. screen. the host shifts the host shifts gears and gears and informs the audience that a informs the audience that a quake quake is on the way. is on the way. this is japan's government in this is japan's government in action. action. the alert has gone up on tv the alert has gone up on tv screens, but the japanese system screens, but the japanese system
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is not designed to track is not designed to track large large quicks. quicks. when the quake hits, parliament when the quake hits, parliament had little warning, as the raw had little warning, as the raw footage shows. footage shows. japan's system is one of the japan's system is one of the most extensive, with 1,000 most extensive, with 1,000 movement. movement. >> we are headed into the >> we are headed into the pasadena seismic station. pasadena seismic station. in california there are in california there are 500 500 censors in the system. censors in the system. like this one. like this one. >> should we go there. >> should we go there. >> yes, let's go down. >> yes, let's go down. i will follow. i will follow. so this is some of the green so this is some of the green domes that we are looking back domes that we are looking back in the lab. in the lab. >> that's correct. >> that's correct. they are the real back bone of they are the real back bone of the seismic network. the seismic network. and they are sensitive enough to and they are sensitive enough to tell you where the moon is over tell you where the moon is over your head. your head. the pull of the moon. the pull of the moon. >> they provide the data scene >> they provide the data scene turning movements into the
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turning movements into the yellow p waves and red waves we yellow p waves and red waves we see in the lab. see in the lab. >> these are the guts of the >> these are the guts of the early warping system. early warping system. they -- warning system. they -- warning system. they they detect the motion detect the motion that an that an earthquake sends. earthquake sends. that's the first part. that's the first part. these are what gets the these are what gets the information out to the rest of information out to the rest of the system, and let's us know the system, and let's us know when an earthquake is coming when an earthquake is coming ahead of time. ahead of time. >> from the moment the p wave >> from the moment the p wave reading comes across the system reading comes across the system to the time the s or sheer waves to the time the s or sheer waves strike, a lot can happen. strike, a lot can happen. strains could be stopped. strains could be stopped. rock -- trains could be stopped, rock -- trains could be stopped, planes waved off landings, planes waved off landings, elevators sent to the nearest elevators sent to the nearest floor and hospitals could go floor and hospitals could go into emergency mode. into emergency mode. timing is everything. timing is everything. >> so it is very much like >> so it is very much like watching the way a hurricane watching the way a hurricane plays out, but everything plays out, but everything happens quickly. happens quickly. in a hurricane this happens over in a hurricane this happens over a couple of days. a couple of days. in an yaik it happens in
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in an yaik it happens in a a couple of minutes. couple of minutes. >> reporter: that means >> reporter: that means decisions about what decisions about what needs to be needs to be shut down have to be made, but shut down have to be made, but it can save lives. it can save lives. >> having 5 >> having 5 seconds, 10 seconds, seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds warning is 30 seconds warning is lifetime. lifetime. hospital. hospital. >> you may have a >> you may have a patient on the patient on the table. table. there's a chaps someone could there's a chaps someone could be -- chance someone could be in be -- chance someone could be in the middle of a procedure. the middle of a procedure. if we have if we have 5, 10, 30 seconds 5, 10, 30 seconds advance warning, there's a lot advance warning, there's a lot of things we can do. of things we can do. >> reporter: >> reporter: co california has thealifornia has only only early warning system. early warning system. >> when i was a kid the weather >> when i was a kid the weather guys guys guys were not good. guys were not good. over time they got better ways
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over time they got better ways of community that is similar to of community that is similar to the weather business. the weather business. earthquake. earthquake. >> earthquake, very strong >> earthquake, very strong thicking thicking expected in 2 seconds. expected in 2 seconds. [ buzzer ] [ buzzer ] so after seeing the piece, so after seeing the piece, what stands out is a country what stands out is a country like mexico, japan, they have like mexico, japan, they have these early warning systems, yet these early warning systems, yet we don't. we don't. why not? why not? >> they had major, major yaicks >> they had major, major yaicks that killed thousand, and then that killed thousand, and then put put the systems in, we are the systems in, we are fortunate not to have a major fortunate not to have a major disaster, but we want to prevent disaster, but we want to prevent a major disaster. a major disaster. that's why we need technology. that's why we need technology. get out ahead of a disaster, get out ahead of a disaster, rather than have one happen to rather than have one happen to us and then react. us and then react. >> from your segment it seems >> from your segment it seems like the technology that needs like the technology that needs to be installed as a result of to be installed as a result of the system is massive. the system is massive. >> yet to do the long-term cost >> yet to do the long-term cost benefit analysis, what is the benefit analysis, what is the cost of putting these things in, cost of putting these things in,
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versus the benefit of having versus the benefit of having them be shut down and not having them be shut down and not having earthquake. earthquake. >> is an earthquake something >> is an earthquake something that cannot be predicted in that cannot be predicted in advance? or is there anything advance? or is there anything going on enabling us to predict going on enabling us to predict happen. happen. >> there's ground lightening. >> there's ground lightening. when rocks are bent and crushed when rocks are bent and crushed and compressed, they emit a and compressed, they emit a certain kind of electrical certain kind of electrical charge. charge. it's small. it's small. if you can detect that before an if you can detect that before an earthquake, that travels at the earthquake, that travels at the speed of light. speed of light. the s&p waves travel at the the s&p waves travel at the speed of sound. speed of sound. great stuff, i am sure the great stuff, i am sure the people of los angeles will sleep people of los angeles will sleep sounder knowing that people are sounder knowing that people are working on the technology. working on the technology. after the break car to car after the break car to car communication through wi-fi, it communication through wi-fi, it may prevent accidents and become may prevent accidents and become the standards in the standards in the u.s. the u.s. son. son. we check it out after the break.
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>> on tech know, >> on tech know, fire, devastating and fire, devastating and out of control out of control >> what's at stake here? >> what's at stake here? >> there's approximately >> there's approximately 360 homes... 360 homes... >> but now experts say they can >> but now experts say they can predict how a blaze might spread predict how a blaze might spread >> this has been in a fire, >> this has been in a fire, now we gotta get the now we gotta get the data out of it data out of it >> playing with fire... >> playing with fire... >> you guys are working >> you guys are working just to save lives... just to save lives... >> i hope so... >> i hope so... >> tech know >> tech know every saturday go where science every saturday go where science meets humanity meets humanity >> sharks like affection >> sharks like affection >> spot on... >> spot on... >> don't try this at home... >> don't try this at home... >> tech know, >> tech know, only on al jazeera america only on al jazeera america [ ♪ music ] [ ♪ music ] hey, welcome back, i'm phil hey, welcome back, i'm phil torres, and with torres, and with us kyle hill, us kyle hill, dr cara santa maria, and lindsay dr cara santa maria, and lindsay moran. moran. when you think of car to car when you think of car to car communication, you think of
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communication, you think of honking a horn at a driver, honking a horn at a driver, giving them a hand gesture like giving them a hand gesture like a thumbs up. a thumbs up. it got a lot more technological, it got a lot more technological, and wi-fi is being pushed into and wi-fi is being pushed into cars to prevent cars to prevent collisions. collisions. take a take a look. look. >> reporter: the national >> reporter: the national highway traffic safety highway traffic safety administration administration worked with nine worked with nine car manufacturers on vehicle to car manufacturers on vehicle to vehicle communication vehicle communication technology, a crash technology, a crash avoidance avoidance system. system. test cars fully loaded with a test cars fully loaded with a wi-fi mike system called wi-fi mike system called dedicated short range dedicated short range communication shared communication shared g.p.s., g.p.s., speed, gear, acceleration, gear speed, gear, acceleration, gear and braking status, steering and braking status, steering wheel wheel angle in the previous angle in the previous predicted path all in the predicted path all in the evidence to evidence to put the brakes on put the brakes on driver impaired accidents. driver impaired accidents. the system calculates the the system calculates the dangers and warning the driver dangers and warning the driver about a car you can't see that about a car you can't see that is slamming on the brakes aring is slamming on the brakes aring
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or when it's not safe to pass a or when it's not safe to pass a slow car or a car in the blind slow car or a car in the blind spot during the lane change. spot during the lane change. first with an advisory and then first with an advisory and then with a warning. with a warning. >> or when you have the right of >> or when you have the right of way to make a turp, that the way to make a turp, that the other driver is not paying other driver is not paying attention. attention. unlike the driverless cars, unlike the driverless cars, vehicles of v to v don't have vehicles of v to v don't have control. control. so you are in so you are in the driver's seat. the driver's seat. >> what do you guys think. >> what do you guys think. >> when you hear of this >> when you hear of this advanced car technology, you advanced car technology, you think of buying an expensive think of buying an expensive car. car. with this they are thinking with this they are thinking there's additions to put an there's additions to put an pre-existing cars. pre-existing cars. it's cool. it's cool. >> it's important to note this >> it's important to note this is a crash avoidance is a crash avoidance system. system. you are able to drive your car you are able to drive your car and getting warnings in various and getting warnings in various ways. ways. it might be a vibrating seat or it might be a vibrating seat or a flashing light. a flashing light. but you are in control of your but you are in control of your car. car. it's important to make that it's important to make that distinction. distinction. there. there. >> i wonder if it
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>> i wonder if it will add to will add to distractive driving with all distractive driving with all this stuff coming in. this stuff coming in. >> i think it's probably the >> i think it's probably the right sensory overload. right sensory overload. we are focussing on "can i look we are focussing on "can i look at my cell phone without a at my cell phone without a police officer looking at me." police officer looking at me." if these signals come at us, if these signals come at us, that's what we should listen to. that's what we should listen to. >> distracted driving will lead >> distracted driving will lead it a lot of these collisions. it a lot of these collisions. aside from drunk driving and aside from drunk driving and extentuating services. extentuating services. if you had a sensor focussing if you had a sensor focussing you on driving, we forget as we you on driving, we forget as we get beyond the wheel that we are get beyond the wheel that we are driving two tonnes of steel. driving two tonnes of steel. that. that. >> it's like driving the >> it's like driving the two tonnes of steel in a bubble two tonnes of steel in a bubble of safety. of safety. it gives you environmental it gives you environmental awareness of what is on the road awareness of what is on the road ahead. ahead. it sounds like a good thing. it sounds like a good thing. >> great story, i love talking >> great story, i love talking this science and innovation on a this science and innovation on a weekly basis. weekly basis. on techknow. on techknow.
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