tv Consider This Al Jazeera September 19, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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i would like walk down the halls and people would like whisper and people would like whisper and like stare at me and like and like stare at me and like turn their heads and like laugh. turn their heads and like laugh. i was like ok, i was like ok, well everyone hates me. well everyone hates me. maybe i'll just kill myself. maybe i'll just kill myself. i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. >> a split between the administration and officials on how to attack i.s.i.l. also, the n.f.l. commissioner finally comments on the growing number of abuse cases. has the league done enough to tackle the issue? hi, i'm adam may in for antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". these stories and more straight
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ahead. >> we welcome the announcement by friends, and they are air strikes against i.s.i.l. >> kerry made the case about the coalition. >> there's a role for nearly every country in the world to play. >> scotland voted no. >> it's time for your united kingdom to come together and move forward. >> for scotland the campaign continues and the dream will never die. >> i got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. >> he got it wrong. people wanted answers. >> this week in new york, a long climate cha climate march and then a summit. >> alley boba taking off. >> more valuable than amazon,
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ebay and facebook. >> we begin with support for the american mission against i.s.i.l. france became the first u.s. coalition to launch air strikes, killing dozens of members of i.s.i.l. at a logistics depot in northern iraq. the french president says it destroyed the intended target, he expressed limitations about what his country will contribute in the future. >> translation: our goal is to contribute to peace and security in iraq by weakening the terrorists, we won't go beyond this, there won't be troops on the ground. we'll act only in iraq. secretary of state john kerry went to the security council looking for international support for the fight against i.s.i.l., and the new government in iraq. the president obama administration got approval from congress this week on its
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strategy to fight i.s.i.l. in iraq and syria, but a war of words reached a fever pitch when the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said that he may go back to the commander in chief and request ground troops. the press were blasted over reports of for example between the president and the pentagon. >> all they do is misinterpret the chairman's testimony and quote people who are frequent critics. president, or people who supported the previous iraq conflict. the more accurate headline would be supporters of the bush war in iraq, criticize president obama's strategy. >> josh, are you disappointed that... >> joining us, from the dart myth center, serving as ambassador at large and coordinate or of counterterrorism from 2009 to
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2012, writing on terrorism, u.s. foreign policy and international affairs, good to have you with us. you are the map to answer the questions. do you belief the disconnect between the pentagon and the white house is real? >> not really. this is one of the rituals of washington. when a chairman of the joint chiefs is asked whether he could imagine asking for more forces, ground troops, he has to say yes because he has to say that he's going to do everything in his power to achieve the goal set. at the same time, the white house is clear what it wants this conflict to look like, and how it wants to go at the issue, and it has its line as well. there's room for other politicians and reporters to try to pry open a big gap. in fact, i don't think the gap is there. >> we had heard the president say no ground troops. from the very beginning, that's
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what we hear. we do have voices out there, who served under the president until last year saying you can't make a blanket prohibition. do you think that this is a real issue as far as the ground troops. there may be a bit of disagreement. >> well remember, generals have their eyes focussed on the battlefield. the president has to look at the battlefield and the political battlefield at home as well. so they are looking at things with a different approach, different framing. jim madison is a great american and a good friend. i can understand where he's coming from, but i under that the president needs to push forward his policy. >> are the loud voice, dissenting voices bringing out a voice, or is there a reason for
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dissenting voices from retired commanders? >> i don't think what is fully understand is the extent to which the president's plan aims to motivate local partners to be - to use a metaphor, the pointy edge of the sphere. it's essential that iraq gets its forces in the field, take on the threat, and take ownership of this challenge. this is no longer in the first instance about the united states. this is about an effort to tear apart iraq. the white house understands that, and the entire policy is aimed at not taking ownership of the entire problem because we can't destroy i.s.i.s. by ourselves. it's really aimed at getting the iraqis and the regional partners on the battlefield and into the game. >> on that note you brought up the partnership. france is jumping into the game
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with air strikes. so far we are not hearing people say "yes, we are on board, let's go ahead and join the u.s. forces on attacks on syria, is that a problem? >> it's a challenge. syria will be the big challenge. the president has the right idea. implementation on syria will be particularly difficult because any ground forces that might become available will be from the syrian opposition, and they will not be strong enough, i fear, to fight for some time. we may see air strikes carried out by the united states, which will believe it is acting within international law. some of our european partners will be uncomfortable with that. it's unclear whether the sunni arabs... >> what are the implications? >> the european allies may be uncomfortable. what are the greater implications if the u.s. goes alone? >> i don't think there's a lot of ramifications in that regard.
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i think everyone expects the us to do the heavily lifting, especially in syria. if you go back and look to the conflict in libya, the u.s. flew the overwheling majority of sortees, and the number two position was held by norway. that may give you an idea of how the forces line up here. >> it's important to have a clear sense of what is possible in syria, without a large force on the ground to target the extremists. i think that we are looking at progress, but not, you know, dramatic changes on the ground in syria. i expect we'll go after leadership targets and infrastructure. i think that what we are looking at in the near term is i.s.i.s. moving towards syria. >> let's talk about the threat. there's no question that i.s.i.l. is a threat there to that region. what about a domestic threat to the u.s. you told the "new york times"
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that the public discussion has been a "farce at times", where members of the cabinet and top officers describe the threat in lurid terms that are not justified. on the other hands we hear about the thoughts in australia, arrests in the united states, fear in britain, in addition to the two american journalists that have been beheaded. is there really a domestic threat here, there seems to be the actions that we are seeing are so concerning to americans when you watch this unfold on television. >> there is a long-term threat of i.s.i.s. turning into a serious terrorist organization that could trike the u.s. at home. this is a group overwhelmingly focused on the conflict in iraq. one that is good at insurgency, but has not practices using the tools of terrorism, and the koined of things that we see now are exactly what counterterrorism experts predicted - namely that
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self-starters, home-grown extremists will want to act up and show solidarity with the islamic state or i.s.i.s. that is what we saw in australia, and i think it's the most likely development in the united states. it's worth thinking back over the last 11-12 years, and thinking of the worst terror attack, and it was the shooter. that's the most likely kind of event we'll see here. >> the lone wolf op certain raised there. thank you for your time. >> my pleasure. turning to the historic referendum in scotland. the leader of scotland's campaign for independence, first minister alex salmond said he will step down after the scots voted yes to stay in the u.k. >> for me as leader, my time is nearly over. but for scotland, the campaign continues. and the dream shall never die.
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>> the onus is on the british prime minister david cameron to keep his promise to scotland, including new powers on spending taxes and welfare, after pleading with the scots to keep it as a whole, a relieved david cameron said it will be agreed upon which november, and draft legislation by january. >> we'll ensure the commitments are honoured in full. >> it has sparked a conversation far from the u.k., inspiring discontented citizens around the world that maybe they can demand change. >> for more on what happened and where it goes from here, i'm joined in new york by adam cavett. you are part scott and have been covering this issue for a while. are you surprised by the results? >> i'm surprised by the strength of the vote. i didn't think the no campaign would get the numbers it did, a
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10.6 percentage point win was bigger than expected. >> it looked like the polling said it could go either way. >> it was so tight, i was fearful - the english part of me anyway. there's an idea in england, the shy tory vote, that's a slang term for the conservative party, where people voting are less forthcoming. >> meaning they may not tell the truth in a poll. >> they may not take part. we saw is through the thatcher years and the major years, where polling suggested labor would do better than it did. >> in the u.s. we see that sometimes the liberal, the left vote doesn't always show up. we haven't seen a breakdown, but i wonder if that's possible. >> there's an idea. the yes campaign was reliant on the young vote.
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18-29, 16 or 17-year-olds were on the ballot. >> there's an idea that a poll, 75" of young people voted. and that would have hurt the yes campaign. >> a lot are disappointed at salmond's resignation. does it come as a suppress and take a little power out of the future of the movement? >> i think it does. it's surprising in an assistance that he has been around for so long. he led the scottish national party twice now, 10 years each. he's the one that lead the movement. getting it on the agenda, getting david cameron to put it up for referendum. people feel what is going to happen next. there's a suggestion that his deputy sturgeon will win in november. there's continuity, but people are concerned they have lost their talisman. >> will there be a shift in the left when it comes to the
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politics in the greater u.k. >> that's interesting. i am not sure we will, given that scotland has 4 million voters. the rest of the u.k., i'm not sure what it is. >> the fact that the issues have been talked about, so indepth there. maybe that will empower the rest of the country? >> you would hope so, and perhaps empower the labor party. it's important that scotland stay united. they have a number of scottish mps that they rely on for votes and in the house of commence. it could provoke, and there has been issues of welfare spending, tax, discussed and not - increased taxation has been discussed in a way that it isn't a dirty word. people have a broader understanding of what a welfare society is, and perhaps they can call for it. >> look at the snap poll, and what you found from the results was that the wealthy did not want independence. did they win, did the rich win? >> it looks like it, yes.
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>> what do they benefit? >> the rich win, in the sense that edinburgh voted yes. the four regions, that the yes campaign won, there was four, and they had higher than average rate of employment. it is that suggestion, but, i mean, there's a sense that of the impoverished can be accused of voting for themselves if they have been promised greater welfare. >> is there a comparison to draw here between other movements, such as occupy wall street. you covered that extensively too. are they a populous movement that rises up and tries to take on the elite. >> there's a sense that both are a rebellion against the elite and existing government. and a rehabilitation to the financial pressure in 2008. and a real viscerale sense of the dissatisfaction that people have. the scottish independents
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campaign is slightly different. the scottish national party forms, they had a referendum on self government in 1979. i think it's a perfect storm, that the financial situation and dissatisfaction globally with leaders has given them an extra push. >> a perfect storm brewing out there. many unhappy with the vote. what do they do next. where does this go. >> all they can do, given they are unlikely to be granted a referendum. this is a once in a generation opportunity, they essentially mean they are not going to get a vote. for them it's important to push dachl ron and other leaders, ed miliband and mick with the lib dems, so they honour the promises. it will be important to keep this front and center and remind people what they'll get. >> a lot of folks are not happy
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with the status quo. adam cavett with "the guardian." now for more stories around the world. we begin in sierra leone. 6 million residents are under a lockdown, aimed at slowing the ebola epidemic. 2600 have died, including 562 people in sierra leone. 30,000 aid workers are going house to house with soap. trying to raise awareness of the outbreak. this is an area where many believe the disease does not exist. there's a danger for aid workers. the bodies of eight workers of an education group from dumped in a sewer. their throats were slit. the killers are on the loose. a government delegation has been sent to the area.
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>> alley boba -- ali backa has premiered on the stock exchange. thing of it as an ebay and amazon combined. the company is valued at $231 billion. let's stay in the tech world, friday marking the release of the new iphone 6. thousands of people in 10 countries stood in line for hours, in line, waiting for the right to purchase the latest in smartphone technology. more than 1500 people waited outside of smith avenue apple store, waiting for a chance to buy the new phone. check out what happened in australia. the first customer to get the iphone was showing it off for a tv grew when - crash. >> despite the reputation for
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being graj il, without a case, it seemed -- fragile, without a case. it is intact. not so for this guy adds pride. that has -- guy's pride. that has what's been happening around the world. coming up roger goodell breaks his silence on the n.f.l. abuse cases. has he done enough. what role does a teen's economic background play in their decision when it comes to teenage pregnancy. while you are watching let us know what you think: >> a firsthand look at the >> a firsthand look at the ongoing battle against the isil ongoing battle against the isil threat. >> bombs are cracking off in the threat. >> bombs are cracking off in the distance... distance... >> this is a booby trap >> this is a booby trap in the islamic state in the islamic state >> ...a sniper around the corner >> ...a sniper around the corner here... >> from the front lines, here... >> from the front lines, josh rushing reports, josh rushing reports, on al jazeera america on al jazeera america
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the n.f.l. domestic violence crisis may be getting worse. after 10 cases of silence, league commissioner roger goodell apologised for his lack of leadership. >> i got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. and i'm sorry for that. i got it wrong on a number of levels - from the process that i led to the decision that i reached. but now i will get it right, and do whatever is necessary to accomplish that. well, despite calls that he resign, roger goodell said he would push forward to what he said would be an independent investigation into the ray rice incident and announced behaviour guidelines for n.f.l. players
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and staff. >> i understand when people are critical of your performance, but we have a lot of work to do. that's my focus. for more on roger goodell's handling of the crisis and his future, i'm joined by the founder and president of a public relations and communications firm, and has a lot of experience dealing with professional athletes, representing numerous, including n.f.l. hall of famer curtis martin. how do you think he did on the press conference? >> i think it was insincere, scripted, and showed a defensive versus a strategic roger goodell, who stepped forward and offered a real response to all of the mayhem surrounding the n.f.l. over the last several weeks. >> was it a failure on a scale of one to 10. >> on a scale of one to 10 it was three. at least he took ownership, was
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accountable. he didn't run from anything, he claimed everything, and took full responsibility. the problem is we learned little, even less about what strategies will be implemented by the n.f.l., so it appeared as though it was window dressing. he was satisfying the talent of the consumer and sponsors up in arms. >> maybe he didn't run from the accountability, but the criticism is that he ran from the details. what did we learn from the press conference? >> we didn't learn a whole lot. i am sure it's an ongoing investigation, so there are things that can't be shared. we want to know the details, what led to the decision that he made, and how this could have gone horribly wrong. i think you owe consumers, fans, and your players who you are answerable to. he is the leader and oversees an
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entire organization. he's answerable to the openers, but answerable to the players, and he lacked true leadership today. i think that he stood there because he needed to, not because he was assuming responsibility for everything that took place. >> we'll see how it plays out. what i'm reading and hearing is that it was insincere, that he seemed a little too corporate. they didn't learn anything. do you think there'll be growing calls for his resignation is this. >> i think there'll be growing calls for his resignation, but it will be substantiated if they knew that he hid the evidence. if they never discovered that he hid the evidence, he may be safe in his job, if the owners feel it's one infraction. everyone is entitled to a mistake. it's how he navigates through the process that determines if he'll keep his position. >> let's talk about the
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baltimore ravens at the center of that controversy. amazing video out of baltimore, where thousands of fans stood there and traded in their ray rice jerseys. the team there seemed to be almost putting on a comeback to our team, we'll give you something new, to keep people happy. also there's new evidence and a report according to e.s.p.n. basically saying that atlantic city police told what was on the video in detail. every time we hear a new allegation, seems it will not go away. how armful is that? >> the siting of ipp fractions is worse when you have visual evidence to support it. i'm not surprised that this grew to the enormousous heights that it has grown, because t.m.z. unveils a graphic video.
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prior to the video, it was an ipp fraction. the n.f.l. thought they were reprimanding him for the infraction. once uncovered. the severe damage was shown. i don't think that we should be surprised that once the video was made public, that more severe actions were taken. >> and the chain of command, the video, who saw it. >> that's the question. that's the focus from the former fbi director robert muller. let's talk about the announcements, where it's been said there'll be domestic violence training put in place for players and staff. is that a pr stunt, is it something to protect them legally. is it a combination. >> i think it's a combination. it's natural that they need a level of offense to respond to the growing outcry that there is
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a habitual problem. this is not isolated. it's not an n.f.l. problem. it's a world global problem. domestic violence is a serious issue that is not a singular offense. we see them play a level of offense. they are trying to be proactive, but it appears disingenuous. >> what would you do. what is the missed opportunity? >> this is a learning opportunity, and is an opportunity to educate and be clear about what took place. >> my concern is this is happening. it's a violent culture. the n.f.l., particularly amongst all sports is a violent atmosphere. they take their violence out some place, and oftentimes it is in the home. >> thank you for joining us turning to an issue not as many are talking about, but
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maybe they should be, 300,000 teenagers having babies every year in the u.s. it's an astonishing number, but is a record low. still, the u.s. has a higher rate of kids having kids than anywhere else in the world, the al jazeera series "edge of 18" covers this issue with two girls from different backgrounds. last week viewers met up with kristina mcvay from a low-income area of rural kentucky. parent hood putting strains on her future career plans and relationship with her fiancee. this week viewers meet rachel lemons, from a well-to-do background, she gets pregnant after a one night stand and discusses the possibilities of apportion with her mother, take a look at a clip. >> movie reel: you are upset that i'm ruining my life. i don't think it will happy for
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you to have a baby. you may not be able to handle this. >> obviously having an abortion is on easiest way out. i felt like i was wrong getting pregnant. like i had done something really bad for the family, and i, you know, had ruined my life. to have sex without a condom was a dumb mistake. i don't want to disappoint my mum, you know, which is why i think an abortion would be better. serious issue facing so many teenagers, let's bring in dr john santelli into the conversation, the chair of columbia university population family department, and a paediatrician and adolescent specialist. let's talk about the issue that so many teenagers face, the possibility of having to terminate a pregnancy. what is it like for them to go through with this, and is one type of teenager more likely to
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do that than another? >> it's a tough decision. for a woman to go through the decision, it's more difficult for teenagers that have never faced this or realised the consequences. they are trying to figure out their lives, having to understand it. >> does the financial background impact the choice. >> sure. poor kids are more likely to start sex early, less likely to use contraception and less likely to get an abortion. because they see having a baby as a better choice than what is going on in their current life. whereas a young lady from a weth -- wealthy family, with thoughts of a career - that is
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more prevalent. >> this is interesting, teen pregnancy rates are dropping, but you see a big difference, a decrease in urban areas, but 32% in yurl areas. >> yes. >> why -- rural areas. >> yes. >> why the difference. >> we have seen enormous declines in the teen pregnancy and birth rates. different groups have done better. the youngest kids had the biggest drop, which is great. they are the kids least prepared to have a baby. you see bigger (clips a -- declines among african american youths. and in the last eight years there's decreases in the latino community, his panic young women. the real urban difference - it's interesting, but groups move at moves to services, education. >> for example, in the
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documentary, a student is from kentucky, where education is a possibility, other schools do teach sexed and contraception. do we see a difference between what teens are educated and a pregnancy rate? >> kids that grow up in states with abstinence only as opposed to contraceptive has higher taken pregnancy rates. >> is that what the numbers show? >> absolutely, that's what they show. we know the programs, when you evaluate them one on one don't seem to be effective in helping young people stay abstinent, and do nothing for them in terms of encouraging or helping them use contraception. they don't work well. people believe in them. >> i just got back from detroit last week, where i interviewed a young woman, 19 years old,
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pregnant for the third time. first child at the age of 13. her mother was a young mother. i saw a cycle of teens becoming parents. is this typical if you are born to a teenage mother, are you likely to become one yourself? >> statistically, there's no question. if your mother was a teen mum, you are more likely to become a teen mum. it's part of the culture, but poverty and social disadvantage. and it's a behaviour pattern that maybe was more functional 100 years ago or 1,000 years ago. >> what do we do about this? we are number one in the developing nations. >> we are. >> what do we do about this? >> we can look to the example of how much better the europeans are doing? >> what are they doing that we are not? >> they are more accepting of
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adolescent sexuality and insist that children be responsible, and what they mean is taking care of business if they are sexually active. so, you know, the predominant message american kids get is "you shouldn't have sex" that perhaps you to do nothing if you haven't had sex. europeans are better at delivering services. >> what about education, is there a difference there compared to what we are doing here. the dropout rate - is this a difference. >> what we know, looking at all the nations in the world. access to education, availability of education has a huge impact on health, helping young women delay marriage, initiation of sex, prevent teen pregnancy, h.i.v. and a number. we see this. in this country we see young women doing well in school, with good skills to go to, where the
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teachers, the community encourages them. they are less likely to be a statistic you are worried about. >> dr johnson, thank you for your time here on consider christopher gibson. >> thank you. the new episode of "edge of 18" premieres sunday 9:00pm eastern here on al jazeera america. straight ahead - it is being sold as the largest protest on climate change ever. but what, if anything, will the people's climate march accomplish? also, a surprising number of americans don't have a bank account. we'll take a look at america's finances in our data dive. later on the show, why more people riding bikes could be dangerous.
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>> i'm joie chen, >> i'm joie chen, i'm the host of america tonight, i'm the host of america tonight, we're revolutionary because we're revolutionary because we're going back to doing best we're going back to doing best of storytelling. of storytelling. we have an ouportunity to really we have an ouportunity to really reach out and really talk to reach out and really talk to voices that we haven't voices that we haven't heard before... heard before... i think al jazeera america i think al jazeera america
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is a watershed moment for is a watershed moment for american journalism american journalism >> start with one issue >> start with one issue education... education... gun control... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... job creation... climate change... climate change... tax policy... tax policy... the economy... the economy... iran... iran... healthcare... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the ad guests on all sides of the debate. debate. >> this is a right we >> this is a right we should all have... should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something >> there's something seriously wrong... seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the and a host willing to ask the tough questions tough questions >> how do you explain it >> how do you explain it to yourself? to yourself? and you'll get... and you'll get... the inside story the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america only on al jazeera america the organizers hope, hope, it will be the largest climate change protest in u.s. history, it is scheduled to take place in new york city on sunday. 100,000 people are expected to participate. the march will take place two days before the united
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nations holds a climate change summit with top officials from 120 nation, and that includes president obama. but despite the marches and summits a lot of americans are apathetic when it comes to climate change. a large majority say they think it is happening, but few want to do anything to stop it. for more on americans, climate change and the march, let's bring in rebecca. thanks for joining us. what do you think, do you think they'll get a huge crowd out here for the march? >> they hope so. they estimate having upwards of 100,000 people at the march. >> that's is a lot of people. >> it is. the largest climate march in history, with over 1,000 groups involved. they hope for a high turn out. >> is that what they are doing, a coalition of different groups they are bringing in. looking through the list, this is not just groups typically
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associated with environmental issues like the sierra club, but groups like employment unions, and nwecp. >> yes, that's a big feature of the march. that they are bringing in coalitions and forming new relationships, and bringing in a lot of college students and people that are new to the activism. that is key, that they are trying to broaden climate change so it appeals to groups. >> is that critical. the process. a lot of times when you head to an environment issue, you may head to a rally, you see a lot of the same faces, people to go to similar rallies. when it comes to climate change, is this something that could act vate the populous on. could you get the 24-year-old to put down the cup of starbucks and say, "i'm going to head to a rally for a couple of hours." . >> an interesting feature of the
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march is they don't have a lot of celebrities and leadership speaking to the crowd. and that's a big feature of it, it's about the issue at the end of the day. and they are going to hold a minute of silence for people who have been victims of climate change, and the key is really about getting - facilitating action on the issue, and it's not about the celebrity speakers of the day. you see some of the same environment groups involved. >> i think it's interesting when you look at the polling on this, two-thirds of voters, according to a poll, believe that global warming is happening, but only one in four, according to the poll, say they'd join a campaign to persuade officials to take action on global warming, and that speaks to the heart of the problem, that people say "this is real, it's a problem", but am i going to do anything about it besides sort my garbage and
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recycle. >> that's a problem in act vis in general. how -- act vis in general. how do you get people from caring about it to going to the streets. that's why the mark is unprecedented, bringing in groups, like labour unions, who do a protest. >> they are more versed in how to get the crowd out. maybe it will help. let's talk about the summit, you have done some reporting on it. how critical is the summit. all eyes will be on it. it's an porp deadline. >> this summit is not necessarily about the - you might have heard there are going to be negotiations surrounding a potential global agreement on climate change at the end of 2015. this summit is a sideshow of that. it's more of a rally and to show political support, and to have events like this march that show the public supports this kind of action. so the summit you will be
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seeing, different countries making announcements as to how they are combatting pollution. >> do you think we'll hear surprises? >> that is something we are watching out for. china, india, the u.s. are the key leaders on this. and president obama himself will be there giving a speech. the administration in the week leading up to the summit has had a lot of announcements on how to cut greenhouse gases. members of the president obama's administration are going across america making the case. one thing that people are looking for is a strong piece from the president and actions to back it up. >> i wonder what we'll see as far as action from the big polluters. there are big advances in alternative energy and in the big polluting countries. >> part of the summit, they are
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bringing in financial leaders, companies, and fossil fuel companies into the - not necessarily negotiations, but the summit and that is where you are seeing a lot of announcements on how they are trying to lower greenhouse gases by working towards potentially carbon price or using other kind of schemes to get crean house gases under -- greenhouse gases under control. >> it opens up a whole new can of worms. thank you for your time. >> coming up, bicycles are better for the environment than cars. could they be causing bigger issues. are police doing enough to put the brakes on unlawful bikers. first, the staggering number of americans that don't have enough money to stay afloat if they lost their job. that's in the data dive next. >> this is a booby trap
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>> this is a booby trap in the islamic state in the islamic state >> ...a sniper around the corner >> ...a sniper around the corner here... >> from the front lines, here... >> from the front lines, josh rushing reports, josh rushing reports, on al jazeera america on al jazeera america >> audiences are intelligent >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their and they know that their needs are not being met by needs are not being met by american tv news today. american tv news today. >> entire media culture is >> entire media culture is driven by something that's driven by something that's very very fast... very very fast... >> there has been a lack >> there has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill journalism, and we fill that void... that void... >> there is a huge opportunity >> there is a huge opportunity for al jazeera america to change for al jazeera america to change the way people look at news. the way people look at news. >> we just don't parachute in on >> we just don't parachute in on a story...quickly talk to a a story...quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave... couple of experts and leave... >> one producer may spend >> one producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story... single story... >> at al jazeera, there are >> at al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films... and produce the kind of films... the people that you the people that you don't see anywhere else don't see anywhere else on television. on television. >> we intend to reach out >> we intend to reach out to the people who aren't being to the people who aren't being heard. heard. >>we wanna see the people >>we wanna see the people who are actually effected who are actually effected by the news of the day... by the news of the day... >> it's digging deeper >> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, it's asking that second, that third question, finding that third question, finding that person no one spoken
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>> all right, today's data dive looks at mrn insecurity -- american insecurity over money. half of u.s. households don't have a financial cushionment the corps for enterprising development reported 45% of households in big cities - cities with a population of 200,000 or more - those folks don't have enough assets to cover basic expenses for
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three months, in case they were to lose an income. for a family of four in poverty, it is about 5900 that you should have in the bank somewhere. it's technically called liquid access pore, not enough money in bank accounts and stock, things that could be cashed out, and the inability to weather a storm, like a lay off or a bad accident, health problems, is on the rise in america, despite continued recovery from the recession. it is not specific to a region, 75% of households in newark new jersey don't have a cushionsment neither to 60% of people in florida, ohio, michigan, texas. 8% of households in america don't have a bank account. that can be expensive in the long run. someone without a checking or savings account pays $1,000 a
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year on financial services - including fees at places luke check cashing centers and the pay day lenders. a bleak picture when it comes to money. well, coming up, more and more cities are looking to encourage people to leave the cars at home and jump in the bike lanes. more on bikes - does that mean more dangerous streets? . >> hi, i'm john seigenthaler, after "consider this", our special report "fighting i.s.i.l." the unexpected alliance to fight the armed group. plus, a bipartisan show of support on capitol hill. voting to arm and train syrian rebels, but there are questions. also, refugees on the run from i.s.i.l. - the dangers women face, and a look at who is joining the ranks - the evidence to bring children on board. "fighting i.s.i.l." after "consider this". trip. trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> security in beirut is tight.
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well, if you walk through any busy city, you may have had a run-in with a bicyclist, walkers and bicycles are in conflict over the little strips of pavement that they share, and accidents can be deadly. 59-year-old jill tarlo was left brain dead in new york. thursday, she was struck by jason marshall, bisick lift. witnesses say he yelled for her to get out of the way and he swerved to avoid a group of pedestrians, and that's when he hit tarlo. police say it's not clear who had the rite of way. marshall has not been charged with a crime. josh joins us from boston, an
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attorney that represents cyclists and blogs on rules and regulations for buying riders. i want to start with an explanation. the nypc was at the scene and one officer old the new york "daily news." . do you think that criticism is fair? >> i don't think it's fair or warranted. this is an isolated accident. when we look at the incidents of cyclists on pedestrian crashes, it's an outlier, it's not a common thing. >> i don't know how you see that. we found numbers, and you see who comes out on the short end of the accidents. in 2013, here in new york city, there were 309 crashes between bicyclists and pedestrians, 316 were hurt, one was killed, only
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26 people on bikes were hurt. also you can look at the numbers from 2012, 243 crashes, 244 pedestrians hurt as opposed to 32 bicyclists. don't the numbers show by sick lifts in new york, and across the country -- by sicklists in new york and across the country may need to be more careful where they are going. >> certainly, and pedestrians can be careful. when you look at motor vehicle and cycle crashes, it pales in comparison to the number of cyclists on pedestrian crashes pales in comparison. >> there's no question. car versus bike accidents are horrible and a number of people die in those every year. but we are seeing, it appears, more and more accidents involving pedestry jps. are police holding bike riders accountable to traffic laws?
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>> i think enforcement is a part of it. there needs to be more of that. >> do you know anybody that has a ticket? >> absolutely. people call me all the time i say "did you run the red light?" "i don't." >> knowing we were doing it segment, i watched the bike riders, he went through two red lights, through the third, there was a traffic cop, and he stopped. >> i mean, that's part of the - that's part way there. the other side of the going is texting by drivers, friendships. you know, as a cyclist i see it all the time. you look at the cars, and it seems like more than half of drivers are on their phone doing something. that's a problem. >> there's laws in place, california, maryland, minnesota, where drivers have to keep a certain distance as they pass a
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bicyclist on a road. should bisick lifts -- bicyclists move around pedestrians. >> i think it's a step in the right direction. however, a pedestrian stands to get injured being hit by a bicyclist. it's nowhere another the injuries that you see through a motor vehicle. it's night and day. >> as we get more bicyclists on the road, especially bike share programs that are cropping up, what needs to be done. are the bike laws, the pedestrian laws, are they lacking, are we behind the ball? >> in a great many states, wear, and there are outdated laws in a lot of states. i like to think that massachusetts has some of the best bike laws in the country
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and i'm proud of that. >> what makes their law so good? what do they have that others are missing? >> a full right to the road. bicycles are not limited to travel within the lanes. it can travel anywhere a car can in massachusetts. >> what about a pedestrian, where do they go? >> they are at the top of the food chain. deaferens has to be given to pedestrians, no matter what. if there are grey areas, if someone steps off the kerb into the path of a car - cross walks and laws are robust. >> there is tension out there on the roads right now over who has the rite of way, who will win. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. that's all for now. coming up this weekend don "consider this" - congressman on the white house's fight with democrats. a programming note - the
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latest "talk to al jazeera" premieres this weekend. antonio mora sits with taylor smylie who has written a book on the final year of martin luther king junior's life, saying dr king would have been critical of president obama. "talk to al jazeera" premieres saturday afternoon and runs throughout the weekend. the conversation continues on the website we are on facebook and twitter. tweet me any time. thank you for watching, see you next time. real reporting that brings you real reporting that brings you the world. the world. >> this is a pretty dangerous >> this is a pretty dangerous trip. trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> security in beirut is tight. >> more reporters. >> more reporters. >> they don't have the resources >> they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. to take the fight to al shabaab. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> this is where the typhoon >> this is where the typhoon
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